The Sorceress & the Knight Chapter I

Story by Zygarde22 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Sorceress & The Knight

I live! Yep sorry for the long wait in between stories, I was having a major case of writers block anyway, this was an idea I had a few months ago that I finally managed to get written down after much work. Also after doing a lot of world building on my part. I'll hopefully get the next part out in a resonable time once I finish another story I'm working on.

The sound of a sword clashing with another echoed in the distance, a training field filled with observers and warriors alike watched with great intrigue at the training match in question it was between two well trained knights, Sir Æiriksson, and Lady Elroy, the two had been at one another's throats for the better half of a week, and their master Grand Knight West had had enough of the two's bickering and had ordered the two of them to settle it on the training field. To say it was the talk of the order was an understatement, and bets were being passed around seeing who would win of the two, one of the parties watching with great interest was a kobold sorceress Asra. As the two knights battled she took out a quill and parchment and observed, she was in the hunt for a new traveling companion and she figured one of the two knights would be a good fit for her, she'd watch how they fought and then make her decision. The two knight's blades clashed against shield, sword, and armor alike for an hour until the two, tired and out of breath decided it call it a draw, leaving a lot of betters unhappy (and one squire several sovereigns richer,) Asra had made her decision approaching Sir Æiriksson who was taking a swig of water from a flask he had on his side, looking down he noticed the tiny kobold who was smiling up at him.

"Can I help you ma'am?" Sir Æiriksson asked as he finished his drink, Sir Æiriksson was a tall man, even compared to Asra, he was six feet tall and had shaggy brown fur being one of the few Lupine who lived in the Dragon Crown Empire's borders, and emerald colored eyes, all clad in silver ornate armor.

"Are you Sir Sigfast Æiriksson?" Asra asked, Sir Æiriksson nodded, and she handed him a parchment, "On order of Lady Modhephinth I, Second Empress of the Dragon Crown has ordered me to have a knight accompany me on an important mission for the crown." Asra said proudly, she was a new appointee to the Council of Dragonmages and being sent on an important envoy message was something she took a large amount of pride and satisfaction in. Sir Æiriksson inspected the parchment, it was indeed a royal decree offered to the knight who might accompany Lady Asra of Dest on an envoy mission to the land of Goka.

"I have taken you as my escort good sir knight." Asra said, Sir Æiriksson looked at the kobold and then back at the parchment and didn't know what to think. He was not used to escort missions especially of sorcerers and the like, magic users, the kobold sorceress (he could tell because of the energy she gave off magic users had a sort of...vibe to them, that ebbed and flowed from them,) but it was an official degree from the empress herself, and he had sworn fealty to her word. Seeing no other method, he accepted.

"Fine, I shall keep you safe My Lady." Sir Æiriksson said as he knelt in front of Asra his sword drawn and embedded into the ground, the sign that a knight would fight tooth and nail to protect you, she was quite honored.

"Thank you Sir Æiriksson, we'll leave in two days." Asra said as she left Sir Æiriksson to make his arrangements and tell his master of his departure and get his gear and other items ready. Two days later, rucksack in toe Sir Æiriksson and Lady Asra departed the capital of Dragonstone on horseback, thanks to Asra's small size the two shared the same horse. Departing from the orders stables and into the Eastern road. It would take them about four weeks to reach the nearest port city, and then it'd be a five to eight month trip by sea, weather willing. All in all it was a standard trip that one would take for a diplomatic mission, though Sir Æiriksson was not quite sure why a sorceress was going about doing this, but he wasn't one to raise questions like that.

The ride down the eastern road was uneventful, with the two not saying much to one another, though Sir Æiriksson was not quite used to someone clinging to him like Asra did, he knew the reason she did to make sure she didn't fall off the horse, but he couldn't help but feel like she was just a bit too close. He didn't let this take him out of keeping their steed steady. They were not too far from the first inn and just in time as night was beginning to set in, hitching the horse to the nearby stable Sir Æiriksson rubbed his steed gently and turned to see Asra enter the tavern, leaving the horse he followed after the tiny sorceress, the tavern was as lively as one could imagine, with many patrons eating, drinking and conversing with one another, sitting at a table by herself was Asra, Sir Æiriksson sat down across from her, the kobold was busy writing in a notebook to pay him much mind, soon a waiter came by to ask if they wanted anything to eat or drink. After ordering some ale and an order of mutton the two talked.

"I've never met a kobold sorcereress." Æiriksson said as he drank his ale, Asra was not surprised he hadn't meet someone like her before, kobolds were rare in their part of the world already as was, kobolds were not too fond of the cold weather of the Dragons Crown area, and tended to stay in their homeland of Goka,.

"Not too surprising, my kin tend to want to stay in Goka if they can manage, but we're quite adept at magic." Asra said as she held out a clawed hand and a small ember appeared in her hand, it was quite the display and showed just how much control she had over her magic. He'd seen displays like this from the court wizards and a few clerics.

"Impressive," Æiriksson said. Asra nodded as she downed her ale the "I've always kind of admired magic users, how they're able to weave the ethereal and make it into anything they want." Æiriksson said with admiration, he had when he was younger wanted to be a wizard or a sorcerer, but he didn't have much aptitude with magic, so he became a knight like his mother and her mother before her.

"You flatter me Good knight," Asra said happily, she'd worked hard to get where she was, so much work and study, and she was one of only a few who could have been chosen to be a member of the Council of Dragonmages, something that many of her fellow magi could only dream of doing what she's doing now, pushing her pride aside for a moment she spoke up again, "Still I can't quite fight as well as you do, so I must again thank you for accompanying me on this mission." Asra said, Æiriksson nodded and the two continued to eat in silence. The tavern they were staying in didn't have more than one room available, so seeing no reason to split up, the two paid for the single room available, with Asra getting the bed and Æiriksson sleeping on his bedroll on the floor.

The night went on as normal, with Asra sleeping pretty soundly, then she heard a light moan in her sleep, then another and this began to wake up the kobold who looked around to find the source and was greeted by a sight she didn't think she'd ever see, sitting in the corner of the room they were sharing on a chair was Æiriksson and was holding his cock in his hand. Her breath hitched lightly as she watched him, she'd never seen a lupine cock in real life, only a few times in some anatomy books, to see one like this was...exciting, in a way. The way he stroked his manhood up and down, how he would moan and growl lightly with each stroke, and just the sight of his cock red and turgid with want was so enthralling she couldn't tear her eyes away. She felt kind of dirty, like a voyeur but she wanted to see him continue and against her better judgment, her own hands found their way past her nightgown and past her panties and into her now dripping wet snatch. Biting her lips as she plunged her fingers in and out with the same kind of fever that Æiriksson was doing with his cock, then she saw him, he was looking at her and he looked at him. And for a moment the world seemed to stand still. It's not every day that one catches their travel companion masturbating, and rather than stop the two continued, staring at each other as they did. Asra wondered if Æiriksson was thinking of the same thing she was, her minds eye was giving her vivid images of the giant wolf fucking her long and hard, she wondered if he were imagining his canine cock plunging in and out of her deep and hard with each stroke of his bestial cock, she imagined with her fingers in her snatch what it would feel like to be taken by the wolf in all his glory. Then with a low moan and a low growl the two came. Breathing heavily the two continued to stare at one another, not sure what to do in the post orgasm clarity that came about. The lust the two were experiencing moments before soon gave way to mutual embarrassment as the two refused to look one another in the eyes and tried their best to go back to bed, with not much success on the parts of the two parties involved.

The next morning, the two managed to get over the embarrassment of what happened the night before, while they were still not sure if they would talk about what happened, if ever. They could still work together and after unhitching his horse from the stables and feeding it some feed, Æiriksson and Asra took off on the road again.

"Do you want to talk about what we did last night?" Asra asked, the first to broach the subject.

"No." Æiriksson answered bluntly, and far too fast for the kobold's liking, she narrowed her eyes at him, though he couldn't see since she was behind him,

"Why not?" Asra asked, she knew she wouldn't get a well worded response from the wolf, but she was going to ask anyway.

"Because." The wolf said, and Asra rolled her eyes at him proving her right. She dropped it, they would talk about it later, hopefully when Æiriksson felt more able to talk about what happened. The horse ride was a pretty calm one, then Æiriksson felt his ears twitch, his acute senses of hearing picking up something moving in the distance, ahead of them on the road they were using, the sounds of snapping branches and twigs. Normally he would tune these out, but they were so constant and present they couldn't be natural. His gut told him: ambush.

"An ambush is waiting ahead of us." Æiriksson said, Asra nodded and indeed waiting ahead of them was a lone man, brigandine armor donning his body, and he was holding a makeshift bardiche in his hands.

"Hale, travelers." The man said as he stopped the two of them, his left hand held above the two, Æiriksson took note of this, trying to see what hand he might be dominant with.

"What is this?" Æiriksson asked, this smelled like bandit shakedown.

"Toll." The man said, conforming Æiriksson's initial guess, he gripped his sword, and took in his surroundings, their were trees all around them, a good place for an archer or two to perch themselves and stay hidden, as well as a good place for more footmen to stay out of sight and let their buddy set up the mark.

"What kind of toll, you don't look like any official toll collectors I've ever seen." Æiriksson said, as he dismounted from the horse, the man tried to not look intimidated by the six foot tall wolf man who was staring him down.

"Well, we're not official." The man said trying to not seem like he was a bandit or a highwayman trying to fleece them out of their Dominions, and he was definitely trying to not seem like he was afraid of Æiriksson.

"I can see that," Æiriksson said, his hand not leaving the hilt of his sword, the other man saw this and gripped his bardiche a bit more tightly, "Listen, leave us be and me and the woman there we'll leave you alive." Æiriksson said, the man narrowed his eyes at him and in the tree line he could see several more brigands come out of the woodwork, in one quick movement, Æiriksson unsheathed his blade and cut the man down before he could even react. Asra seeing this leapt from the horse and shot out a condensed ball of flame towards one of the bandits who rushed towards them, immolating them instantly. One of the bandits got up to Æiriksson and tried to attack him with a morning star, Æiriksson parried the weapon and thrusted his sword into the man's chest before blocking an arrow shot from the treetops. Asra responded to these arrow attacks by sending another ball of flame towards where they came burning the trees and the brigands along with them. Seeing the battle not going their way the remainder of the bandits fled into the woods. Sheathing his blade, Æiriksson checked on Asra and after seeing she was unharmed the two continued their journey.

Soon night fell and after checking to make sure they hadn't been followed, the two set up camp for the night. Asra had set up a fire while Æiriksson had gone to hunt for something to eat, returning an hour later with two slain rabbits which Asra cooked handily. With the night winding down, Asra decided to ask again if Æiriksson was willing to talk about what happened the previous night, and again Æiriksson did not want to talk about it.

"Come on, we can't just ignore what happened!" Asra said annoyed at Æiriksson's constant stonewalling, it was maddening in a way.

"I can, and I will." Æiriksson said as he took a large bite of rabbit and turned away from the kobold trying to ignore her, Asra let out a long annoyed sigh and went back to eating. This would be a long couple of weeks together.