The Power of Pain 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#2 of The Power of Pain

Waking up on the altar, Kain makes a deal to survive, and calls forth a goddess. Unfortunately, she's not necessarily a good goddess.

Commissioned by Catsithx

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The Power of Pain

Part 2

For Catsithx

By Draconicon

If it were not for the pain, Kain would have thought that he was dreaming. As it was, he knew that the pain was the truth, and both the ache of his body and the pain in his heart kept him from slipping away from the truth.

They abandoned me...and Cerise...she tried to kill me.

Just thinking that was enough to leave him with teary eyes, the blurriness of tears slowly running down his cheeks. He turned his head, whimpering as the pain in his spine got worse, and he closed his eyes tightly.

How could she...I was there...I helped her...loved her...I thought she loved me...

No, she didn't. She loved Nigel, apparently, the Doberman being the replacement that she had in mind for him. How...why...

"My lady will not be patient with you, mortal. Do you have an interest in her offer, or not?"

The tama's humming grew louder at the question, and he knew that she was losing patience with him. The supernatural beings were dangerous even when they liked you, and this one had no reason to like him. It could have killed him, but something held it back. Something that meant that he was needed, that he had something that she wanted, but she couldn't just take from him.

Not his soul, then, but something else. Something powerful. Something...

The rings...

The whole set of items that he had been preparing to give to Cerise for his proposal were still in his pockets. How Nigel had suggested that he give them and then forget to take them off him, he didn't know, but the Doberman had left him with items of power. Power that would be sufficient for spells beyond the common lot of mortals. Was that what they wanted? Was that what they needed?


"Yes, mortal?"

Kain groaned in pain, closing his eyes tightly and trying to think about what he was doing. He and the others, they had just killed off a whole nest of cultists. They had wiped them off the map, gotten rid of dozens of different worshipers of Bast. Even thinking of making some sort of bargain with the cat goddess was a horrible idea, something that would have gotten him banned, excommunicated from the civilized world. All gods saw her as a monster, as something that needed to be removed.

Yet, she had been the only one to order that he be saved. He had been hurt by a cleric, battered by demon-hunters, and utterly abandoned by those that were supposed to be good. For what? For loving someone? For wanting to be with her?

If that was what was wrong with him in their eyes, how could one be right? Kain groaned, slowly nodding.

"I hear...the deal," he struggled to say.

"Then offer her the magic."

The various pockets strewn across his outfit were stuffed to the brim, and it was an exercise in pain to find all the different bits and pieces that he had secreted away over the months leading up to this day. He had to fumble through them, hissing in pain, occasionally screaming when he had to twist himself about to find the different items. His body didn't want to move, but every time that he made it happen, he reminded himself that this wasn't his fault. He didn't cause this. They did.

Anger was a surprisingly powerful tool, it turned out. Eventually, he was able to drop all the different magical gear on the altar, and he leaned back again, panting for breath. He was in so much pain that he didn't think that there was a word to describe it, and only the humming of the tama kept him from completely passing out.

As the various rings and baubles hit the black stone, he could see them glowing. Their light, their magic, started to spread through the different nooks and crannies in the stone altar, and from there, it spread through the statue of the goddess above him. He could see the white light turn to gold, and it formed like metal apparel across her body. Swirling spirals ran across her chest, barely covering where her nipples would be, and then swirled up and over her neck and head, forming a headpiece that went with it. More light spun down and around her hips, over her legs, running down until it coiled like a snake's tail around her big toe, like a ring at the end of all of it.

As the statue lit up, it revealed something that he hadn't seen off to the side. Squatting at the edge of the altar, a statue that was almost like a gargoyle of a creature, something to watch over everything, was a second figure. It glowed, too, a green light to the golden one of Bast, and while Bast was still forming, it shattered the rock that held it back and stood up.

It was a sergal, he realized, one of the more monstrous species that had nearly died out over the course of the last hundred years. He stared at her, looking at the dark green that covered most of her body, with a light green set of stripes along her tail and a gray-white stretch of fur along her belly and chest, running down along her thighs.

Like the tama, she wasn't dressed, and also like the tama, she didn't seem to be bothered by her own nudity. Instead, she stood there, her hand on her hip as she narrowed her eyes at the supernatural being.

"I hope that you weren't intending on killing him," the sergal said.

"Not yet," the tama admitted. "He might be of use to the mistress."

"Or to me."

"Do you think that it matters? As long as the mistress gets what she wants, your needs are unimportant, Maeve."

Maeve. So, that was the name of the sergal. He stored that away, leaning his head back. The longer that he laid there, the weaker he felt. It must have been the magic slowly fading, leaving him with less and less to keep him from feeling the pain that wanted to kill him.

The gold light continued to grow, and the spat between the tama and Maeve continued to roar in his ears. The words were hardly recognizable anymore, little more than roars and noises that came from two other people. They were barely even that as the blood started to replace them with thud-thud sounds in his ears. His own heart drowned out everything as it beat so loud, so hard.

I'm dying, he thought, and knew that it was true.

As he closed his eyes, he imagined himself slipping away into the depths of whatever afterlife would claim him. Maybe he had done well enough to earn something gentle and kind, somewhere. Maybe he would avoid the hells and pits. Maybe, just maybe, he would see someone that would treat him better.

He took what he assumed would be his last breath, only for a different warmth, a less fiery one, a deific warmth, to surround him from below. He breathed again, and again, each touch something that little bit better, a little less pained by his broken ribs.


Kain slowly opened his eyes again, feeling both of them moving properly. The healing light around him made it difficult to see anything, but he knew the sensation of being healed by a god's power. Cerise had done it more than once, and while she had been the servant of no god, she had been able to channel their power. This was gentle, soft, warm, perfect power, something that didn't have the crackling edge that the arcane did.

As he narrowed his eyes, he saw the black face of the cat goddess. She had detached from the wall, forming a body of her own out of her own power. She stood there at the edge of the altar, her hands outstretched, and the golden light poured from them like fire. It did not hurt him, but rather healed him.

In short order, all of his injuries had been knitted together, and he was able to sit without help from anyone. He groaned as he dragged himself upright, turning to face the goddess. She kept her eyes closed as she pulled her hands back, and the tama and the sergal joined her, standing on either side.

"You have come with a great boon for me," Bast said, her voice deep and echoing through the chamber. It was nonetheless feminine, with an underlying purr to it. "And you have given me life once again, mortal. In return, I give this to you, and offer yet more."

"...Is that a wish for me, then?" he asked.

"If you choose to make it."


"Because I have need of you, mortal, and I will see that you fulfill this need, either through payment, or through force."

"I still think that we should just leave him a little doll of a cat," the tama said. "It's better that way."

"Will you stop scaring him?" Maeve said, crossing her arms under her breasts. "He's barely alive as it is. It's not like you're going to make it better by giving him a heart attack."

"He might as well know his situation," the tama said, shrugging.

"Rainbow Lux is right, Maeve," Bast interrupted. "The mortal is needed, but he may fulfill that need in many manners."

Kain stared between the three females. His eyes flicked between one naked woman to another before coming back to Bast and settling on her. She was barely dressed, her body bare save for the swirls of light that formed itself like metal over her most intimate bits, and spiraled like coiled snakes around the rest of her. She stood taller than either of them, a female standing at nearly nine feet in height, though he imagined that was at least partially the result of how she had been summoned.

She loomed over him nonetheless, and her eyes glowed as she opened them, looking him in the eye. He felt the pressure of godhood behind them, pressing down on his mind.

"Your sacrifice links us, mortal," the goddess said. "So long as you live, so might I be summoned to the mortal plane. By your sacrifice, no other god knows that I am here. By your presence, no other deity may follow me. And by my power, no other may stand against me. I am here, in the flesh, and my power is unmatched. So long as you live, so long as you do I."

As the information penetrated his pain-soaked brain, Kain's eyes widened at the implications. The gods were distanced from the world for a reason, as their power was far more than the mortal would could handle if it ever met a sufficiently powerful force in return. Two gods, physically present, would break continents apart. That was why their conflicts were always carried out through proxies.

Bast had been among the gods the last time that she had tried to do something in the world, and had lost. This time, she was physically present. The rest of the gods would have to reach through time, space, through the dimensions between their world and this one, and that would mean that she could do what they could not. She could play with the world, with the people on it, with her full power, while they could only push weakly against her.

She had, essentially, returned to the world to claim it. She could conquer the world, and there were very few who could stop her.

Kain gasped for breath, feeling his heart about to burst through his chest. Bast must have noticed, because she rested a black-furred hand over his heart. Her fingers glowed gold again, and his heart slowed down.

"Be at peace, my sacrifice. You are safe. Not merely because of what you gave me, but because I need you. You will live."

"But...but you..."

"The world will change. I am the goddess of cats, and they have been pushed down, down further than I would allow."

"But...the rest of the world..."

"I will do as I will. What that is, I don't yet know, but we will see what I decide when the end comes."

"My goddess, you're terrifying him," the sergal said, stepping forward. "Please, allow me."

Kain was on the verge of running. His anger had been dwarfed by his fear, and it was threatening to take control and leave him at its mercy. As the sergal leaned forward, he determined that he would run as soon as she was done doing whatever it was she would do.

And then, she kissed him.

His eyes widened as her lips pressed to his, the gentle touch of a tongue against his lips offering him an invitation. Without thinking, he took it. The soft taste of another's lips and mouth was something that he had almost forgotten in the often-chaste relationship that he shared with Cerise. Their pleasures had been few and far between of late, and this...

This was gentler, kinder, more wanted.

He moaned softly as he was held, gently leaned forward. By the time that the kiss ended, he was lightheaded for an entirely different reason. Maeve smiled at him, stroking a clawed finger along his cheek.

"You remind me of someone that I once knew, mortal."


"Nothing. But you are sweet."

"Must you do this?" the tama asked.

"No, but I shall," Maeve said, turning to look over her shoulder. "He must live, and so I will see to it that he has a decent life."

"I could merely take his soul rather than his life," the tama said, uncrossing her legs and then crossing them again as she faced the other way, her shaft throbbing upwards still. "He would live forever, then, merely without will."

"...It is, admittedly, a tempting thought," Bast said.

"Not for me," Kain muttered.

The three females turned to him at once, and he started to shrink away. Yet, at the same time, he knew that there was no running. This was not a situation that he could flee from, not some guards that might be outrun or outthought. This was a goddess and her servants, and they were all more powerful than any foe from his past. He sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"I don't want to die, but I don't want to be treated like...that. I want to live. I want there to be a reason...A reason to be here."

"A reason?" Bast asked, cocking her head to the side. "What do you want, then, mortal? Besides the attention of Maeve, I suppose?"

"What? Of - I didn't - I mean -"

"I will see to his satisfaction in all physical matters, oh goddess," the sergal said. "And if I ever fail, then perhaps Lux might take the chance to steal his soul...but I will fight her. I warn you both now. I will fight."

The steeliness of the sergal's words, not to mention the way that she glared across the way at the other woman, made it clear that she would follow through on that threat. It was so strange, so new to him, that he barely believed that it was happening.

Yet, it was. The gentle grip of Maeve's hand on his own was enough to prove that he was still here. He was not dreaming that there was someone that was willing to come to his defense, or someone that wanted him that much.

Bast watched, and then slowly sighed.

"I will allow him to keep his soul for now. If he is willing to be yours, then I will allow it. But he will stay here. Safe. Well away from anyone that might try and remove him and thus remove me. Is that understood, Kain?"

"I...I understand."

"Good. Now." She smiled. "Tell me. Does the world remember me?"

He nodded slowly.

"How well?"

"Well...enough. They remember the attempt at conquest that you made before. They remember that you have been cast out of the godly pantheon. Your worshipers are hunted everywhere that they go, killed when they're found and your temples burned, your altars razed."

"..." Bast shook her head slowly. "Well...that is progression, I suppose. I knew that my fellow gods had spread the word that I was to be distrusted, but I suppose I hoped for more than mortals were capable of. Judgment. You have always lacked judgment."


That single word rippled through him, touching on the pain in his heart that had yet to be healed. The memory of his old friends stirred in his mind, spreading through it, reminding him of all that they had done together. But more than that, he remembered what they had done to him, and how easy it had been for them to leave him behind.

They had judged him., perhaps it was his turn to judge them.


The goddess lifted her head, cocking it to the side. He breathed deep, sitting up a bit more.

"I know what I want."

"Oh? And what might that be?"


"...Vengeance. Truly, something that fits us." The black cat chuckled. "And what might you wish vengeance on?"

"The ones that sent me here. The ones that left me for dead."

"Allow me to see."

The black cat reached out, her eyes glowing again as she touched his forehead. He felt her reaching in, being part of him, and for a moment, everything around him glowed gold with the presence of the goddess in his head. Kain could have screamed then - and in some ways, he desperately wanted to - but he held himself together, allowing her to go through his mind, to touch on the different memories.

He relived them as she experienced them, going through months of his life all in an instant. By the end of it, Kain was crying again, held in the arms of the sergal, and the goddess was nodding.

"I see. They were most cruel."

"Yes...they were," he whispered.

"To have someone so devoted, and then cast aside. This is why we are cats, and not dogs. Our affections should not be taken for granted."

"I want them...hurt," he whispered. "I want them gone. Nigel...Bellatrix...Tatsuo..."

"And the woman herself?" Bast asked.


His tongue tumbled over itself trying to find the words for what he wanted. He knew that there was something there, something that he could take for himself again, but there was still some hope that he might see Cerise and explain. Some part of him still loved her, despite all sense and sensibility.

The goddess shook her head. Turning around, she crossed her arms, looking back at the empty stone wall from which she'd sprung.

"I will see to them, and I will give you time to think on it. Lux."

"Yes, mistress?"

"You will search the world. Find them. I will gather the forces that remain loyal to us."

"Yes, mistress. I suppose I will have to destroy them all?"

"You may keep one of the women. For now, I will see to it that the world becomes what it must be. Obviously, something has gone very, very wrong."

And with that, Bast and Lux disappeared, leaving him alone with Maeve. All things considered, he had to admit that it was hardly the disaster that it could have been.

The sergal turned to him, gently taking his hand and helping him the rest of the way to his feet. He stumbled for a moment. Even with all the injuries healed, there was still something in him that didn't quite believe that he was alive. He imagined that would last for a while before he was back to normal.

"Will you come with me?" she asked.

"I...yes. I think that would be good."

"I will make you happy." She smiled, leaning in to kiss him. "I promise."

They traveled across an underground lake, then through several tunnels before they reached their destination. It was a chamber much like a bedroom, though the walls were carved and pitted with age. A bed of sorts, something made of cloth rags that were ancient until Maeve touched them and freshened them, waited in the corner, and she gently tugged him down onto it with her.

Kain didn't know what to think. He had been left alone with a species that most people would consider a monster, but she had been the only one that had been willing to stand up for him. Even though Bast had been willing to allow him the favor of revenge, even though Lux was the one that was assigned to carry it out, he felt like he only had one person that could actually stand with him. That wanted to, for that matter.

As he was laid back, the sergal reached for his pants. That finally stirred him from his confused half-trance, and he grabbed for her hands.

"I...I don't know if I want that."

Maeve cocked her head to the side. He shook his head, slowly pushing her hands further down from his crotch.

"I...I still..."

"You love her?" He nodded. "The one that did this to you?" He nodded again. "Why?"

"I...I don't know."

"Did she do that much for you?"

The answer was 'no.' He had been the one doing everything, from making her feel safe to finding what she wanted in the world, things that would make the tasks she was asked to perform easier. Kain lowered his eyes.

"You were hers, but was she ever yours?"

"...I don't know."

"Then let me show you what it means to belong to someone."

"What - wait, what - I said -"

She didn't have to pull his pants down. With a gesture, she made them disappear, and in that moment, she reminded him that she was no mere mortal. She had powers, just as the tama had, and she would use them if he pushed her too far.

Instead of hurting him, she lowered her mouth to his cock. He had nothing that would stop her, and despite everything, there was some part of him that was utterly fascinated with a woman that did not have to be asked to do something. She just reached down, pulled his cock in her mouth, and sucked.


The black cat gasped as he felt her working him up and down, slowly pulling his shaft deeper into her throat, dragging his member down and into her neck. There was no need for her to bob up and down; instead, she just sucked, swallowed, and rubbed his balls.


The bottomless cat shivered as he felt her working her tongue along the bottom of his cock, gently swallowing every little droplet of pre-cum that he produced. She never stopped, never gasped, never gagged. There was never that slight shudder of perceived distaste, or that need for him to reach around and do something for her. As a matter of fact, she wiggled her hips from side to side every time that he reached out to try and give her some pleasure, too. She made it clear that this was all for him.


She slowly pushed her tongue out past her muzzle, dragging it down along his balls. The slow suction of her swallows pulled his pre-cum out, and her tongue kept his balls churning, making them firm and wet and - oh, gods, they felt so full.

Kain started sliding his hips forward and back despite himself, submitting to the pleasure of her mouth. It felt wrong, even after what Cerise had done to him, to be doing this. It felt like cheating, felt like he was being unfaithful to the one that he had wanted to marry. He looked down at the sergal, trying to imagine Cerise down there, instead.

Yet, he found that he couldn't. Every time that he tried to think of the hybrid woman down there, every time that he tried to imagine her red-furred face, her black whiskers, her many tails, all he could see was the woman that would have refused to do this unless he was the one on the bottom, unless he was licking at her pussy at the same time. She never would have allowed him to go at her like this, never would have lowered herself. Either through shyness or arrogance, she would have needed him to start it.

Maeve, on the other hand, wasn't letting him go without an orgasm. He could feel the way that she gripped his thighs that she wasn't letting him loose until he fed her something. Kain groaned, closing his eyes, his fingers digging into the bed.


Her tongue flicked his balls up, and her throat closed around his cock as she continued the slow, gentle, yet surprisingly fierce milking. He was thrusting, now, forcing his cock forward, thrusting it down her throat. She didn't stop him, didn't complain. If anything, she moaned, encouraging him to take her.

No. She was encouraging him to take what was his.

The idea left him shocked and gasping, and he moaned as he felt his cock throb all the harder. The idea of having someone under him, so willingly under him, was something that he had never dared even to fantasize about. It was something forbidden, something that he wouldn't be allowed, because it just wasn't the way that the world worked. Slavers, owners, they were people that individuals like him hunted down. It was what he had stood against with Cerise and the others.

They stood against you, didn't they?

Growling, he thrust forward again. Maeve gripped his hips, pulling him close, and he lost himself to the movement, thrusting away, fucking her face as if it was just made for his cock rather than part of another's body. Kindness, gentleness, that was fading away from him, the fierceness of a wild cat called forward. In, out, in, out, his thrusts pushing him forward. He needed this now. He needed to have someone that wouldn't leave him. He needed what Maeve had to offer.

She gave it to him, let him do whatever he wanted. The feeling of her lips around his cock, the way that she sucked, the way that she swallowed, only pushed him harder. For a time, he forgot himself, thinking only of the soft warmth of her throat and the way that her tongue guided him forward again and again.

Some time later (so long that he was almost ready to collapse) he made his final thrust. He moaned as he buried his cock down her throat, feeling it squeezing down around him, and he shivered, his toes curling as he blew his load down her throat. She held him close, keeping the whole thing going down her neck, and he flopped to the side as soon as she allowed him the freedom to collapse.


"That was what you get when someone gives themselves to you," she said, the sergal sliding closer to him. She gently rolled him over, kissing his cock once more. "That, and far more, besides."

"She never did."

"Then she never gave herself to you."

The statement should have hurt more, but the more that he thought about it, the more right that it felt. She had always held back. Not much, not the way that Maeve was trying to push, but enough to make it clear that she didn't want to take the first step. She was always his responsibility, her pleasure and his left to him to fulfill.

This was something different. This was something better.

She stroked him a couple of times before moving to straddle his hips. Her hands stroked along his sides until she found his hands, and she guided them to her hips, slowly resting them against her rump. He blushed a bit, but not as much as when she slid back against his cock, almost sliding him into her right then and there.

"More?" he asked.

"Why not?"

"I...I've never gone..."

"She finishes after one, and you don't push for more?"

"I never thought..."

"Well, we are going to have more than one."

He was still wrapping his head around that concept when she grabbed hold of his cock and pointed it upwards. The feeling of her heat between her legs was so foreign to him that he didn't entirely know what was going to happen until it happened. The squelch, the wetness, the heat around his cock, almost left him cumming right then and there.


Curling his fingers against the bed again, he stared up at the ceiling, his eyes as wide as a cat's eyes could go. His mind was going everywhere, trying to find something else to think about besides the feeling of his cock being buried balls-deep inside of the female on top of him. He didn't hate it; he loved it, in fact, and he just wanted it to last longer.

As she settled herself, moving from side to side, he could feel her wetness running down his cock. It was getting thicker and harder to ignore, the sheer pleasure of just being inside of her almost pulling him over the edge. Kain moaned, biting his lip as she leaned over him again. As she kissed his forehead and chuckled, he groaned softly to himself.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I think you need some time to forget her."

"I can't."

"You will, eventually."

"Why? Why should I?"

"Because she shouldn't get to keep hurting you. That's not fair. Not to you, and not to anyone else."

He thought of her, and he closed his eyes tightly. He didn't want to think of her straddling him like this, and indeed, he couldn't. She never had, and he was pretty sure that she never would. It was too far outside of what she had been, too much for the shy Cerise, and too much to ask of the one that had been with Nigel.

She'd never take it far enough. She would have made me do everything, to keep reaching forward, to grab for everything for both of us.

"I'm going to show you what someone like you deserves, Kain," Maeve whispered. "I'm going to let you see just how different something real is."


"Because you remind me of someone I lost...someone I never got to have. And I want to. Because you deserve it."

He didn't know what to say to that. All he knew was that he felt good, and as Maeve started slowly sliding along his cock, he felt even better. His eyes closed, and all he could do was focus on the feeling of her tight, slippery hole working along his shaft, even as Maeve whispered questions to him about the people in his group. He answered without thinking, only focusing on the pleasure, and the fact that someone wanted him to be so happy.

The End

Summary: Waking up on the altar, Kain makes a deal to survive, and calls forth a goddess. Unfortunately, she's not necessarily a good goddess.

Tags: M/F, sergal, cat, tama, nudity, herm, horse cock, floating, magic, goddess, series, oral, blowjob, vaginal, guidance, gentle, loving, cum, orgasm,