Balto challenge pt.1

Story by Lupine86 on SoFurry

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#3 of Another Balto story

Initially I wanted to make one chapter of it but it turned out to be longer than I planned so I decided to split it up. So far, Jenna and Balto have had a happy life. But I guess it looks like things are going to get complicated a bit and their love will be put to the test. Two of Balto challenge chapters will be focus on Balto another on Jenna. Content for 18+


The next morning as soon as Balto woke up he rushed to Jeena's house.

It was very early when the wolf dog arrived at the red-cream husky house. Balto could bark to mark his presence but then probably would house up instead he decided to and waited like a good dog for his master, waiting for Jenna to show up.

"I would prefer to take her on my boat for a few days but her owners wouldn't agree to that. Jenna is a house pet afterall."

Balto believed his mate was safe in her owner's house but he wanted to be with her anyway. Only way to do that was to stay at Jenna's house.

Balto wasn't quite happy with this idea but Rosy was there so this shouldn't be that bad and after what Balto did for her and for other children they shouldn't have any objection and allow him to stay for a while.

Finally when Jenna went out of the house with Rosy she was surprised her tail started to wagging right off the bat the same as Balto they nuzzled in greeting and Jenna said "oh.. Balto I thought you would come later. For how long have you been here?

"Well.. I saw sunrise but it's ok it's never too long if I am waiting for you Jenna" Balto said smiling and tilting his head on side Jenna gave his snout nuzzle.

"Umm.. Jenna... I was thinking..If..If I could stay for a few days in your house?" Jenna replied "oh you want to stay with me for a few days?.." Balto seid lowering his voice "y..yes" Jenna's tail started wagging rapidly and said with excitement "ooh.. that great idea Balto!! I'm sure my owners will agree.. I'm so happy Balto! Rosy will be too.. she likes you!" Wolf dog replied " yeah I know I like her too"

And there she was.. "Balto!" wolf dog received a sudden hug from

Rosy and wag his tail a few times in response.

As Balto expected he was welcomed at Jenna's house, at the beginning wolf dog wasn't comfortable around the house, always trying to keep Jenna company. But the next day he seemed to be more comfortable and he was more active during Jenna and Rosy play. Trio spent five days in this manner and wolf dog even has started being treated as same as Jenna by her masters. After a few days Balto even started thinking that may be nice to live as a pet but luck of freedom would disturb him and wolf dog couldn't leave Borys and these clumsy bears all alone and yet the scent he had found in the forest back then belonged to Steele, but why was he following him and to whom was the second scent. He had to investigate the matter and see if black-white husky has any intentions on him and Jenna.

In the next morning when he walked through the city with red-cream husky and her owners Balto gave Jenna's farewell nuzzle and said "that were great days with you and Rosy but I miss my boat already.I have to go" Jenna lowered her head with sadness on her face she had hopped Balto will stay with her for good but he has a wolf in him after all and even if she had persuaded him somehow he would always yearn for wildness so Jenna just nodded and said "It's alright but visit me sometimes"

"Ooh.. don't worry dear.. I won't go to the wilderness. I will be just in town's you really think I can hang on for a day without you?".After that Balto nuzzled Jenna and set off towards the outskirts. Balto decided to go to the same place where he sniffed the canines trail in the forest. As the wolf dog was passing by the boat, he was noticed by Boris who called out "Balto! Balto!" so he just stopped and met him

"Hi Borys, how are you doing?"

Balto said panting slightly

"Well I could ask you, I haven't seen you for five days.." Borys chackled "how was with Jenna in her house?

"Was better than I thought but still.. all that pet stuff.. is not for me" Balto said and added "umm.. I got something to do now.. see you later"

Balto went to the place where he sniffed Steele last time but on his way he sniffed another trail of him.. him and female.. female in heat. Balto lowered his head letting his nose to work.

*sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

Balto's bad thoughts started to fade away as he tracked this enticing smell and after a while forgot of Black-white malamute smell was even there.

Balto every now and then paused to increase the sniffing and gave a few licks on it before moving forward. Wolf dog was thinking

"I shouldn't smell this so willingly and licking "

but his thoughts were interrupted as he lost track of both of them and thought flooded through his mind again.

" but It seem these two stopped her for a while after which she returned to the Town judging by increased rate of female juices around here and back towards the town"

Balto knew which female this smell had belonged to "Saki!" She is black- white young petite husky with azure eyes. Her face is all white except top of her head with a short black line running down her forehead. Basically her whole coat is a bit more white than black soft and beautiful. On the other hand her character is conceited and confident, similar to Steele but at least she is more friendly than him. Balto remembered the first meeting with her well. That was well before he met Jenna. He was still considered by humans and dogs as dangerous and untrustworthy at that time. Despite Balto being an outsider of Nome he was perceived by many females as attractive. He saw that in lustful glances and sometimes heard in their conversations but even then none of them wanted to have something to do with him. Saki acted like other interested females towards him but she was more daring. Black-white husky was the only dog in Nome who decided to approach him not because she was that nice but because she had a crush on him.

Balto sniffed the familiar scent a few times before giving a few licks.

His excitement has been intensifying, revealing his cock tip poking from his sheath. His mind has started drifting away.

He remembered one evening returning from the Town to his boat, noticing a doggy silhouette following him in the distance. Balto stopped just before his boat letting this encounter happen. Black-white husky had approached the bato uncertainly closer and closer till their sight met. Female muttered "Helllo wolfy..Imm.. Saki!"

Balto was amazed that the female was so close to him alone at night. Wolf-dog muttered back "Umm

.. I'm Balto" His ears went flat and he asked with sarcasm "you are not afraid that a big bad wolf would fall upon you?"

Female ears pricked she was hesitating for a few seconds before giving him an answer. Saki came closer, grinned and whispered to Balto's ear " I.. count on that..'' giving him an alluring glance when she took a step forward and gave a few playful swings of tail letting her scent get to exposed snout. Wolf dog ears pricked and his mouth opened. Balto stood walled up, no other female had come so close to him, let alone flirt with him! " Does she really want to mate with me?" But his snout already answered that question; she was in heat" His body responded quickly. Building arousement dimming his mind and causing his member poking from its sheath to his almost full size in one moment.

Balto again felt this sensation except his dick slowly but constantly growed up. His pre cum started dripping on the snow licking livings of her juice he whispered to himself " I wish I could lick her pussy right now " he blushed under his fur as he realized that what he was doing was kind of betrayal even if it wasn't for real and yet what he whispered a while ago does he really mean it? thoughts came back.

While Saki had her way seducing Balto, wolf-dog asked " So you really like me? Are you not afraid of me or something?"

"Bite me or something? Ooh don't be silly handsome. You have piqued my interest since I saw you for the first time." Saki said brushing her fluffy tail under his chin in seductive way"

Balto got ashamed and said "you are nice lady, other female didn't even give me a chance to talk to them"

Saki chuckled and responded looking greedlily at full grown now Balto's ten inch cock " these biches can regret what they miss. And believe me I'm not a lady"

Black-white husky lowered her head in Balto's member level and started sniffing a male scent.

*sniff* *sniff* "ahh.. " *sigh* *lick* *lick* *sniff* ahh.. what a..good..smelling.. tasting.. cooock!

This is exactly what I need"

Balto started licking snow marks more vigorously sniffing in the meantime. His member have started growing to its full size and needed good caring. There was nothing there what wolfdog could use so he lifted his front paw near to his muzzle and licked its bottom part making it moist then placed gently on the lower part of his dick and started moving his paw slowly back and forward. Balto closed his eyes and imagined that was Saki who started pawing him off.

*pant* " Mmm...Saki.." *pant* "your.. paw.. feels so.. goood.." *whine*

Balto felt how black-white husky embraced his dick with her muzzle for two inches and started sucking slowly on his tip member, moving her head insensibly. Wolf dog whined and started panting but after a few her sensatible blows she withdrew her muzzle giving him slow like farewell lick along his rod wolf dog whined a bit louder than before.

Saki chuckled hearing Balto pleasurable sound wolf-dog tried to say something but only what he managed was "S..Saki.." as he again felt a warm muzzle around his dick but instead of sucking how he expected wolf dog felt her agile tongue began to move around rod. Balto's expression of receiving pleasure was visible on his face.

*pant* "ahh.." whine "ahh.." *pant*

Her tongue started to whirled around his sensitive spot a few times before Balto felt as his cock began to plunge deeper into the Saki's mazzle.

Her lips clutched his member tightly and when sliding back his dick goes more deep inside her tight mouth finally touching the back of her throat.

*pant* ahh.. Saki.. *yelp* "I.. I cooming!! " but before that happened black-white husky withdrew her mouth grinning and looking at now disappointment Balto. Wolf dog was panting his tongue lolled out of his mouth his eyes half closed he asked

*pant* *gasp* "why..?" *pant* "why did.. you?" *gasp* "stop?"

Saki didn't answer, still grinning. She turned around and took a few steps before the heated ramp was just in front of his snout. A wonderful female scent hit his nostrils when Saki moved her tails aside revealing her soaked vulva. Her own juices were already mixed with other male liquid. She was breeding for sure he was thinking. Saki turns her head back smirking and giving Balto an enticing glance

"Why did I stop? because.. everything you got in these large wolfy balls I want.. in there" Saki pointed her pussy with her tail tip"

Balto continued his pawing pretending that black-white husky was whom doing it. His dick was almost in its full size and the knot started emerging from Balto's sheath spreading it wide for four inches.

Wolf dog paw sliding and Saki scent were building Balto's excitement more and more, sending shivers through his shaft. Wolf dog paw pads were now more covered with his pre cum than his saliva which helped increased pleasurable paw slidings on his sensitive rod.

*pant* "ahh.." *pant* " your paw is so soft.. I love.. your strokes!" *whine* please.. give me more Saki!!."

Balto quickened his paw slidings, licking what was left from female liquid immersing in thoughts.

"You.. want me.. to mount you?"

He asked her like as if he was an innocent pup which caused her to chuckle. Balto lowered his head and his ears went flat in embarrassment.

For a moment there was an awkward silence which interrupted by Saki

" ooh.. sorry Balto, I should have guessed that you are a virgin"

Balto now felt even more ashamed than before he didn't know if she really meant sorry or just mocked him. Wolf dog even considered getting back on his boat without a word but her smell of heat kept him in place. Balto suddenly heard her voice

"Don't worry big boy I bring that wolf out of you. Now get that snout closer and give me some roleplay" Saki pushed her ramp backwards sticking in the air. Balto saw now millimeters from his snout her dripping vulva.

Balto's shame quickly faded away when he felt fertile Saki's scent hitting directly on his nose.

*sniff* *sniff* sniff*

Balto gave a few sniffs but he was hesitating to give a lick still there was another male semen but his thoughts were interrupted by Saki's demanding voice " Well.. what are you waiting for? "

Balto muttered " There is... there is another male semen. "

"Oh.. don't worry about that wolfy just stick your tongue there and lick it. As soon as you will taste me you forget about it. "

Balto really wanted lick that good smelling nectar but as same as that he would avoid tasting another male.

Balto still hesitatingly smirked and asked Saki " m..maybe lick it off first?"

Balto quickly received an answer from now apparently irritated female

"You won't stop me from having my fun with you! Now stick your tongue there and start licking! "

Balto felt himself a bit humiliated. His thoughts to return on his boat have back but quickly were overwhelmed over Saki scent and his own raising arousal. Eventually the wolfdog gave a few sniffs and fretfully slid his tongue tip over her pussy. Balto has heard how saki moaned " ahhh.."

which made him bolder as he now made some more confident licks along her slit.

*groan* "ooh.." *pant* " ooh.. that right wolfy!.. that is.. more like it.." *whine*

These sounds only made the wolfdog more aroused, increasing his tongue caressing along her slit and petals.

Saki was right. Salty male cum have been masked by her own sweet juices and he didn't mind giving her pussy a good tongue bath moreover he wanted. Balto felt how her pussy instinctively began to widen when his tongue caressed her entrance. Balto for a while changed his focus on her petals giving it some slow firm licks switch between sites.

"Mmm.." *pant* " for a virgin.." *groan* "you are.. not bad at this.." *pant*

Wolf dog just casted a glance at Saki which after redirected his gaze at her pussy without saying anything and continuing his lickings now focused on her slit again making her quiet moans and panting. Balto could taste her inner walls with his tongue tip feeling how they reacted on his caress. A wolf dog could easily move his organ much further than he was, if he wanted to. Balto lowered his tongue licking base of her spade collecting her dripping juices. His tongue after some time started sliding firmly against her spade base lifting it up lifting slightly with every of his licks. Balto made a long slow lick with his tongue along her vulva before forcing its way in black-white husky wet canal for almost halfway.

Saki's eyes went wide, her mouth opened in pleasurable shock letting long


Her ramp arbitrarily bounced up in sudden sensation but was stopped by Balto's paw which held her in place. Balto held his tongue deep for a few seconds inside letting her get used to the new sensation. Wolf dog could fell livings of male cum in there licking out. Saki started to whine but she managed to moan out.

"Ahh.. ahh..See.. ahh.. I told you.. I bring that.. ahh.. wolf out of.. Ahhh!" *whine*

Saki did't even finished when wolf dog organ began to move back and forward actually giving her tongue fucking. Sakis moanings increased she spread her legs wider giving him better access. Balto was enjoying doing it, trying to push his tongue more further each time with his slides and saki willingly helping him to do it, thrusting her own hips back. Balto pushed his snout even further aiming to reach her cervix with his wet tongue but actually he reached three quarters and that was all what he could do but that didn't stop him from trying and when he heard Saki' pleading voice " Deeeper.." . doubled his effort his snout pressed firmly against her butt that his nose started to press onto her anus. Balto could feel another female scent as he subconsciously sniffed it. For a moment the wolfdog stopped his tongue sliding and concentrated on a new smell sniffing and pressing his nose against her tailhole.

*gasp* *giggle* "What are you doing silly?...sniffing my butt?

Before Balto responded sniffed her tailhole a few more times" I don't know but you smell good here too in some way." Now Balto lowered his snout to her pussy, gave a few long sniffs, took a deep drag and blew air straight into her slit. " It's.. just your scent.. make me horny and...and make me these things"

Saki chuckled and said " this is how female heat works. It makes males to 'do these things.' .Now I want you to let your primal instincts guide you.

I want you to take what truly belongs to you. I want that wolf that is in you. So get on top and fuck your bitch! "

After saying this Saki spread her hind legs wider, curled her tail aside and moaned awaiting for Balto's reaction.

*pant* *whine* "ahh.." *pant*

Balto whined when he recalled these thoughts, his paw sliding against his rod more vigorously. Balto was licking the last drops of Saki's juices and soon nothing was left. Wolfdog tried to compensate for the lack of female scent, tried to act like she was now under him sniffing his dick. Balto, still sliding his paw over his rod, moaned " Saki.. please.. I need.. wolfdog started to humping slightly his paw pretending that black-husky engulfed his cock.

"Saki I need.. let me fuck your mouth" his own paw started to slid upon his whole shaft till his full grown knot. " yees.. take it Saki..oh good"

Wolf dog hips quickend a bit the same as his paw " "Saki.. open wider. ." oh that's it, good girl.. Saki" Despite how good Balto feels recalling Saki he just realized how many times he called black-white husky name . Wolf dog again felt guilty for imaginary betrayal. Saki's agitating scent still remained in his nostrils but after a little struggle he managed to replace Saki's place for Jenna now. Balto imagined how a red-cream husky was sucking on his member caused him to hump faster.

"Oh.. Jenna your.. mouth.. please suck me deeper" Wolf dog closed his eyes and tried to feel how Jenna was sliding down his shaft how he obliged her to. His paw imitated a red cream husky muzzle on his cock which with time has been sliding

towards his' knot. Balto knew what it was like to be sucking by Jenna, he had no problems with imagining it. Her lips were now pressed against his knot causing him whine

*whine* " ooh.. "'re..doing great.. just.. *pant* "just push a bit..more" *pant*

Balto felt how imaginary Jenna started engulfing his knot till all of it was inside. In fact he felt his entire paw on his shaft and toes on his knot.

*pant* "Jenna..can.. can you turn around..?" Imaginary red-husky did as he told her. *pant* "Jenna.. finally..I" *whine* "I ..will have you.."

Balto started stroking his cock faster. His hips were waiting for humping imaginary red-cream husky. His dick was almost touching her vulva " Jenna love.. mind push your hips back to make me feel good? " Balto's paw was now on his rod squeezing it with his toes in a way as if his tip was in her pussy. " Jenna." *pant* "push yourself on my dick"

Balto's paw has started imitating Jenna's pussy slow move on his member, making him long moan. Balto imagines how he pressing against her hymen praising his mate "good girl stand still.. I go in.. "

Balto imagined how red-cream husky whimpering with a mixture of pain and pleasure when he pushed his cock slowly till break her hymen and went further for seven inches. Balto could only imagine how her pussy might feel like. Of course wolfdog dipped his cock in a red-cream husky earlier and just from that he could say Jenna's pussy was tighter than Saki's. Still Wolf-dog has never experienced such pleasure before as with black-white husky. Balto was struggling with his feelings again; he loved Jenna with all his heart. Normally he wouldn't even have thought of another female. Balto wasn't some kind of savage who can't resist a heated female scent but Saki was his first one and thoughts of how good her pussy was went to his mind involuntarily. Wolf-dog let himself get carried away with this. he won't betray Jenna for real after all, Balto thought. If Saki had been in front of him even in her heat he wouldn't have betrayed her right?

"Now I want you to let your primal instincts guide you. I want you to take what truly belongs to you. I want that wolf that is in you. So get on top and fuck your bitch! "

These words made him feel waves of heat all over his body. Balto heard his natural instincts speaking "Breed a bitch!" It was less than a moment when he found himself on Saki, wrapping his big wolf paws around her slim waist making a few short thrusts before his cock found Saki's entrance. Black-white husky shuddered and yelped when Balto member was six inches inside of Saki with his first thrust. Balto did not want to be too harsh for her, he knew his rough pushdecided to wait a moment for black-white husky to get used to his cock, but not even a few seconds passed when he heard the Saki's voice

*pant* *pant* " Mmm.. what a great wolfish cock.." *pant* "give me more!"

Wolf-dog still didn't want to be too rough for her so started humping her slowly. Saki started whining quietly evenly with slow wolf-dog strokes. Soon Balto felt the female had sticking her ramp slightly upwards giving him a better angle, her tail swinging to the side as far as it could. Balto could fuck her mercilessly now if he wanted to, but despite his wolf nature, he was protective, he had to be sure that he would't hurt her. Balto only slightly increased the push and saki's groans increased somewhat with them. Balto was humping a sexy bitch under him, letting his own pleasurable sounds. Wolfdog closed his eyes and began to concentrate on the pleasant sensation he was receiving. Balto stopped his humpings, his ears pricked and his eyes widened when he heard a moaning a moment ago Saki saying. *pant* "Please.. stop that wolfy! "

Balto started thinking whether he didn't do her harm but when he heard more of what she had to say, he was stunned.

*pant* " Don't.. act like you are a kind.. *pant* " I know you want to fuck me hard... Dominate your bitch..." Breed and fill her with a batch of wolf pups... This is how nature made you... So please.. " *groan* " Just do it! "

Balto couldn't believe what he had just heard. Saki was the only dog who chose to approach him, who was kind to him in any way and who decided to give herself to him and yet, just like the rest of the dogs, perceived him only as a wild animal?

Balto started thinking " Maybe she is right? Maybe I'm fooling myself? Maybe.. I'm really a.. Savage?! If that is so I will give her what she came here for! " Wolf dog grabbed her neck skin with his canines and made a long sharp move with his hips slowing down for a moment as he met the momentary resistance of her not quite stretched yet canal then shoving eight inches of his cock into her pussy so that his full grown knot slammed on her pussy with "plop" sound spreading her pussy for three inches. Saki Raised her head up letting out a long squeal which was interrupted by another, this time a stronger wolf-dog push making her laud yelp.

Balto couldn't believe how good black-white husk was. Wolf-dog had never experienced such kind of pleasure before but even with that somewhere in his mind he was feeling sad. For the whole town he was just a wild mutt even for female under him he was thinking.

"At least I can have a good fuck, since "this is how nature made me, unkind "

Balto held his bitch tight even if she wanted to back out of wolf-dog wouldn't have let her. Saki was his bitch now till he would fill her womb with his seed. But nothing like this happened black-white husky is where she was not even trying to struggle to stop him despite her whimpering and waiting dutifully.

Balto has repeated his hips motion every time opening her pussy entrance for three inches causing her whimpering. Saki let her head down, her jaw was wide open. She was panting with each wolf-dog thrust whimpering every time when Balto tried to press his pre-erecting cock deeper in her needy pussy. Saki's whimpering has been replaced by moans now. In the midst of receiving sensation Saki let out

*groan* "" *pant* "you are so.. rough" *groan*

Balto released her neck, bringed his muzzle next to her ear and said in derisive tone " You like that bitch don't you? Being fucked wildly?" With the last sentence the wolf dog pulled back his hips and pushed in forcefully inserting almost half of his knot inside her.

*Yelp* *pant* "Uugh.. Yes! *pant*. "Yes.. fuck me you wild beast! Fack your bitch! " *groan*

Balto wanted to show her how right she was calling him a "wild beast". Wolfdog gripped her hips even tighter, his head rested on Saki's shoulder as Balto made a few forceful humps, making black-white husky moan. Finally with last trust Saki's pussy accommodates the whole of Balto's dick pressed against and opens her cervix. Wolfdog groaned loudly but could hear Saki's long yelp as his knot stretched her wide causing her to whimper. Balto howled and gritted his teeth while he started to shoot his load directly into Saki's womb filling her with streams of cum. Balto could hear how the female moaned his name and pushed her ramp against him trying to accommodate more of his dick.

*moan* "oh.. Balto.. what a shame I didn't give that heat to you but this stud Stelle"

Balto didn't know much about heat no more than may end up with puppies if he mate female during that time. However Balto didn't mind giving her puppies while still filling her womb. Soon Balto' knot started to shrink and he was able to pull out causing both canines to yelp. Balto sat down and was looking at leaking out cum from her vulva "I surely breeded her good" Balto though then he noticed Saki's gaze his ears went flat head down and tail wrapped around his paws. Wolfdog quickly remembered Saki's words.

"You wild beast" " Don't act like you" "are kind." " This is how nature made you "

"So are you happy now.. that wild beast fucked you?" Balto said with sadness there wasn't any reaction from her at first but then saki put her muzzle under his and lifted Balto's head giving his snout a lick and saying " don't be so hard on yourself

wolfy. Do you think I would let you do fuck me if you were really wilde...

Saki smirked and winked at Balto.. "Until next time.." Saki said and headed towards town Balto cheered up and wagged his tail.

Wolf-dog pawing increased sliding tightly and quickly thanks to his pre-cum Balto eyes were closed and his mouth opened letting loud moans completely forget someone could hear him. Top of his dick was pressed against his furry belly by his moving paw giving him that additional mock pussy experience.

Balto moved his hips a few times before he howled "Saki!" imaging black-white husky under him. His throbbing cock began to shooting his cum in the snow and on to his belly. Balto was so focused on sensation that he didn't even notice how loud he was and how much mess he was making. Sticky liquid trail on snow has started to enlarge the same as on his belly.

*pant* "oh.. Saki" *pant*

Finally when Balto's squirting started to diminish the thought of thinking about another female than Jenna and calling her name out of laud caused his dick to gush a few more huge loads before his excitement started to abate. Balto opened his eyes and saw a trace of sperm on his front left paw. Slightly surprised wolf dog turned his head to see how his gray belly was half white.

Balto started to sniff his musky scent which was everywhere in the snow and on his fur. His thoughts about imaginary betrayal Jenna came back makes him feel guilty. But fortunately that was only imaginary, nobody needed to know about that, especially not Jenna. "She can't see me in this state. I need to clean that all before I come back to Nome" Wolfdog thought and tried to thoroughly clean his fur and then what was left in the snow. When wolf dog was about to finish cleaning his mess suddenly has heard a voice "Balto!" He jumped up by surprise letting "aaah" and hit his head on a nearby branch. Falling down, he almost lay down on the ground, then sat down with his forepaw on his head and stroked it, trying to ease the pain. He knew the voice, but it wasn't Jenna or any other dog that could smell his musky scent. Wolf-dog opened his eyes it was Luk and Muk balto asked

"Ouch.. why are you sneaking behind me?!" Muk chickled " that was kinda fun Luk chuckled added "yeah..but we are surprise you didn't notice as"

Balto looked down and after a short silence responded " what are you guys doing here anyway?" Muk said "we could ask you the same" Balto responded timidly " well I.. I just went ..for a walk. How about you?" Luk said "we are going to slide off" Wolf dog got up and responded " I think I'll be back already, have fun" Luk responded " Don't worry we will " Muk "alright see you later"

Wolfdog heads back toward Town. He almost forgot why he came here for but for now Balto didn't bother that much. When Balto arrived at Jenna's house he could't notice any presence. He started to bark counting Jenna will appear in the windows but nothing happened. Wolfdog did town research but still couldn't find a red-ream husky.

"Probably Jenna and her owner went somewhere" he thought and returned to his boat.

The next morning Balto,was sleeping covered with his blanket, heard footsteps. Lazily opened his eye noticed who it was. Wolf-dog perked up at the sight of Jenna and started wagging his tail, red-cream husky did the same.

"Jenna! I have been looking for you yesterday but I couldn't find you"

Jenna nazzled wolf dog saying

"Good to see you, I was at the vet yesterday" worried wolf-dog asked "you were at the vet? Is there anything wrong?" Jenna tried to calm him down and replied " it's alright. I felt bad yesterday but it is fine now" wolf-dog nuzzled Jenna and the canines were lying down together. They smiled at each other when Borys came in and said "oh... may .. maybe I come back later." Then Jenna said " It's ok Borys. We don't mind if you stay". After some time all the animals heard a familiar voice. These were Luke and Muk " Hi guys" canines and goose reciprocated greeting. Borys asked bears " what are you up to? Luk responded "we went sliding off from dawnhill and saw Balto on the way in the forest" Jenna was looking mysteriously at a abashed wolfdog "I just went for a walk" smirked Balto responded " Jenna frowned eyebrows and asked suspiciously "for a walk? Looking for Steele? Balto stuttered " l..look Jenna I..I just " but Jenna interrupted him saying

*sigh* "please Balto live this. Stelle has nothing to look in Nome not after what he has done" wolf-dog replied " ok Jenna I do" . Canines spent the rest of the day on a boat with goose and bears playing around and having fun and in the evening went home for the night like the good pet she was.

The next morning Jenna came to Balto's boat to wake him up "Balto! wake up sleepyhead, someone wants to see you" Balto stood up yawning and said "sleepyhead?..I must remind you who had always waiting for you at your doorstep"

Jenna replied" oh.. never mind just lets go". Canines ran toward town.

On the way Balto asked "where are we so hurry? Jenna replied " You will see, this is a surprise" Wolf dog nodded. Finally they arrived at Jenna's house and someone was waiting for them holding something in hand. The was Rosy wolfdog greeted her warmly, feeling her hands caressing his head, ears, and neck.

Angle of the eye he saw how Jenna was happy wagging her tail at the sight of them.

Balto could recognize what items Rosy held. It was harness with two dog cleats, Rosy started to set one of them on Balto who would gladly help her. Rosy Said "Jenna is Happy to welcome you in her sled team." The second one Rosy founded for an overjoyed and frisky Jenna. When the harness was tied to canines and sleigh Jenna said to Balto smiling."You are ready my dear to be a lead dog again" Balto smiled back at Jenna and he started leading the red-cream husky behind him. They spent few hours driving around the town and outskirts. When they have been resting Jenna spoted a female whom was watching them every time when they drove passed her. Jenna said to Balto

"Look at her, she's been watching us all the time since we're here." Wolfdog replied " oh.. really?" Acting like as if he hadn't noticed her but actually he did earlier and Balto knew who it was. Jenna looking up at her said " I think I know who it is. It's a former Steele's mate "Saki." Jenna walked over black'white husky Balto followed her quickly trying to dissuade her from that idea but Jenna was too close now. Balto's ears went flat when he thought " Great. now Jenna will know about me and Saki" red-cream husky said in a patronizing tone " Hi I just noticed how you were looking at us." Saki put her paw on her chest " Oh sorry for that..I didn't want to be mean. But when I saw this cute wolf frolic around town with his girlfriend and her little girl, I couldn't resist looking."

Jenna replied annoyed "he is wolf-dog not a wolf and why are you calling him cute? Do you have a thing for him?" Balto didn't even try to interrupt this discussion knowing that would be pointless . Saki said provocatively. " Have a thing for him? Hmm..Well I could say that" black-white husky winked at Balto.

Jenna said firmly "Keep your paws off out him" Saki responded "But you know I already had my paws on him."

Jenna's ears pricked and looked at Balto with an open jaw. " Balto, what is she saying?" wolf dog ashamed responded "Weeell Jenna this is actually true, we were mating before I met you." Red husky was looking at Balto stunned and turned her head to Saki when she said "yeah that is true. Balto is..veeery special mate. You are so lucky to have him for yourself." Red-cream husky suddenly walked over to harness and a wolf-dog followed her. They set off towards Jenna's house but without enthusiasm Balto saw how sad Jenna was all the way through trying to say something. He knew how important it was for Jenna to be with him for the first time but he didn't tell her. Finally, he managed to speak to red-cream husky" look Jenna I did not tell you that I already had someone because I knew how important our first time is to you."

Jenna responded with sadness " that is ok Balto. You didn't betray me afterall, I shouldn't be Jealous." Wolf-dog gave Jenna's muzzle a lick but red-cream husky smiled forcefully. When canines arrived at Rosy house they said goodbye the way they always did but it was obvious that Jenna was down.

The next morning Balto went to Jenna's house in the hope that she would be in a better choir today, but although he waited a long time outside her house, he did not see her. Then he saw Rosy, he greeted her as usual, but Jenna was't with her. The girl went somewhere, so he decided to wait patiently, he even started barking but there was no sign of Jenny. Balto saw Rossy returning to the house. He tried to go inside with her but to his surprise he was banished by Rosy's father. Balto didn't know what to think about it, he didn't see Jenna, and her father who had always been willing to let him into his house, now threw him out. Eventually he returned to his boat, thinking of Jenna and what might have happened.

On the second He resumed his attempts to see Jenna, but after waiting long, there was still no sign of Jenny's presence. Balto began barking like this and howled for so long that he finally saw the silhouette in the window " yes it's Jenna" he thought. The red-cream husky stared at him from the window without expression and then disappeared after a while. The door from the house opened. Balto had already started to wag his tail when he saw Rosy's father who tried to drive him away and after a while chewing him a piece of meat but the wolf-dog just sniffed and sneered at I was looking at the man puzzlingly thinking "why don't they let me see jenna? And that's after I saved Rosy?" The man patted him. Balto was staring at him with a begging gaze but the man just went back inside leaving Balto outside. Again he was returning to the boat without seeing Jenna. Balto was sad and his head was downed. Balto getting on the boat and staring at the ground he did't even notice Boris near which he passed. It was only when the goose spoke to him that he was drawn to it.

"Hey Balto what's up? " Balto why are you so nailed down? Wolf-dog laid down and covered with his blanket said begrudgingly " Jenna's owners don't want to see me around her for some reason, I don't know what is going on" Borys worried said " May..maybe you should speak with dogs in Nome. Maybe they know something" Balto sighed and said "I'll do it tomorrow." Goose tried to comfort Balto and after a long conversation with gose wolf-dog went to sleep. The next morning the wolf heard someone who was entering the boat. It was Doc "what are you doing here? " St. and Bernard / Sheltie responded "Balto musher needs your help he stuck somewhere with the dogs team on the way in Nome" Balto sprang to his feet "I need to bring them back , but first I need you ask something

" Do you know what's going on with Jenna?" Doc answered reluctantly

"Mmm.. I think Kaltag may know what happening" Balto wanted to find yellow-malamute but again he went to Jenna's house, this time with little hope of seeing his beloved, but to his surprise the red-cream husky was coming back from there with her owner on a leash. Balto wagged his tail and tried to run up to her but before he could do it Jenna was already at the door. Balto exclaimed, "Jenna", but the red-husky only stopped for a moment and looked at him with sadness before she entered the house obediently.

Balto couldn't hold anymore he must know what was happening. He went to the boiler room hoping there would be a Kaltag there but on the way he met Sylvie "Sylvie! Good to see you. I need to ask you something" Balto said witch after Sylvie responded "what is that balto?" Wolfdog said "Do you know what is going on with Jenna, her owners won't let me get close to her?" Sylvie confusedly responded "umm.. Balto I just heard rumors...Jenna is in.. heat and.. and..her owners want to pair her with.. Kaltag" wolf-dog was in shock after what he had heard. His eyes went wide open, same as his jaw. Balto Heard stories about bitches who were forced to mate with other dogs by their owner but never thought it would happen to Jenna.

"I need to find Kaltag" Sylvie tried to say something but Balto was gone.

Balto needs to hurry up. There was a dog sled team which needed his help but he had to find Kaltah first. After a short search, he found a yellow-malamute in an old shed. As always, Niki and Star were with him. Balto ran up to Kaltag without a second thought, grinning fangs and shouting "Kaltag! Is that true?! You will mate with Jenna? My Jenna?!"

Niki and Star were stunned yellow-malamute's ears went flat, he closed his eyes, turned his head and shouted " This is the scariest, vilest, most treacherous thing you can do to a friend. I don't want to do this at all.

Kaltag opened one of his eye to see Balto's reaction wolf-dog placed his paw on yellow-malamute shoulder Kaltag flinched "My musher and Rosy father the are the one who want to do this" yellow-malamute said Balto responded calmly " I know Kaltag I just wanted to know your answer. I have to go now to find a lost dog-sled team but before I leave you have to promise me you won't touch Jenna" Kaltag nodded and said " You have my word Balto" After that, Balto without saying anything set off in the direction from which the sled dog team should have already come.

Saki is my character rest are Universal Studio