Sauna Swap

Story by Dylandy on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions

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Written as a commission.

Adrian is a prideful lion who likes to visit his local gym, everything is perfect there except for one thing. The Janitor, Benny - who has an infamous reputation for stinking up the place and spying on the customers when they use the gym's sauna.

Mysteriously the two men switch bodies, and suddenly Benny is the one in control.

Adrian was everything that a lion wanted to be.

He took no small pride in that fact. His already prodigious chest swelled whenever people used him as a landmark to find each other in the city. He was tall and built. He had a mane of glorious golden locks. He was gifted below the belt too. But it wasn't just genetics that had granted Adrian the body he admired somewhat narcissistically. It wouldn't be enough for him to pose and flex in front of the mirror if he hadn't gone one step beyond.

You could always find Adrian in the gym. Come rain or shine. It was practically his second home. He knew everyone who visited personally, and a lot of the regulars gave him respect for his dedication to the bodybuilding craft. For Adrian, merely being another lion wasn't good enough, not by a long shot. Any old feline could brag about their height or the size of their cock, but did they work for those things? No.

Adrian was a giant, a mass of predatory muscle. His biceps were the size of a normal person's head, he had legs like felled tree trunks, central mass like a stone pillar, and pecs like anvils. Even on his rest days, Adrian was always moving. He knew that it was important to take a day off now and again, but sometimes he couldn't help himself. It had developed into a deeply held fear, whether he admitted to it or not. That somehow, he'd lose all of what he'd built overnight if for a moment of relaxation.

So, he was down at the gym again. The lobby was pristine as always, and filled with other enthusiastic health conscious people like him. "Good morning Sam," he said to the receptionist and manager Samantha. She was a brown furred boar with some impressive biceps herself. She snorted and nodded back, she was always a woman of few words.

Adrian did not give the same warm greeting to the janitor. Adrian saw a flash of pink and brown splotched skin and locked his eyes dead ahead so he didn't have to speak with him. The pig, Benny, always made Adrian feel a tinge of disgust. There was nothing wrong with him, nothing stopping him from using any of the other facilities and improving his own body. If he was merely out of shape, skinny but not athletic, he'd reserve his judgement. Instead he used the privilege of being the gym's janitor to use the sauna whenever he had the chance. But it'd take more than sweating away his body weight to get back into shape.

His hair was always greasy, like he'd poured a vat of fat over his head every morning. He sweated constantly, staining through the thin tank tops that he wore seemingly to show his slovenly appearance to everybody who passed by. If Adrian didn't know any better, he'd swear that the pig enjoyed being like this. That was an alien concept to him, he'd only lived on one side of the fence. Much like how Adrian was a monument to the peak of the physical condition, Benny was the complete opposite. A warning sign. A being that existed solely to make people look down on him.

Adrian slipped into the locker room and quickly changed into his workout gear. When he came back out, Benny had moved further down the corridor, mopping the floor at a pace that could best be described as very slow. The pig snorted at Adrian, "Back again are you?" The fur on the back of Adrian's neck rose as he spoke. The ragged white tank-top he wore could not possibly hope to contain the full volume of his stomach, it rode up and revealed much more skin than Adrian needed to see at any one time.

"I know the concept of hard work is foreign to you," he shot back, "The only reason you work here is because Samantha is doing you a favour." Adrian could help but flex a little to make himself seem bigger. There was something about Benny that put him on edge, even though in terms of power it was a complete mismatch. It was something subtler, more sinister. The way he squealed or laughed, or the way that he always sized people up with his gaze.

Adrian bared his sharp teeth as the musk of Benny's overweight body finally hit him. It was no stereotype to say that he sweat like a pig. A sock that had been submerged in the excretion of another person. It was acidic and musky all in one. He hated it. Of all the scents he'd ever tasted, this was the one he hated the most. "Why don't you take a shower for once? You smell like a dead carcass."

Benny smirked, "What's the point? I'm only going to get messy again."

Adrian shook his head and cornered the janitor, "You should take some pride in yourself for once. I hate seeing people like this."

The pig snorted and went back to his work, "Everyone's a critic, ain't they?"

Adrian powered down the hallway and onto the gym floor. His workout thoroughly spoiled by having to deal with Benny again. He couldn't get that damn smell out of his nose. He worked himself to exhaustion with unusual aggression. After an hour he called it a day and return to the locker room. He showered again and sat down on the wooden bench that split the room in two. Samantha had installed a sauna into the back of the building a year ago, and it was one of her key attractions. Adrian used it himself, but Benny was loitering around - knowing his luck the porky pervert would be enjoying the view inside. The thought of seeing him naked was an unappealing one.

Adrian took the chance. He took out his towel and opened the door. Inside, through the steam, all of his worst fears were confirmed. Benny was laying there, legs spread to try and show off as much of his thick cock and musky balls as possible. He leant forward in his seat and winked, "I don't just have a big belly, you know."

"Shut up." Adrian sat on the opposite side from him. The room was already at a sweltering temperature. Benny could handle it better than most thanks to his bare skin, all the better for trying to voyeuristically spy on as many gym users as possible.

Adrian was stubborn. He wasn't going to relinquish his position within the sauna for a reason as petty as that. This was his gym, his routine, his time to relax after another hard day of work - and he wasn't going to let Benny spoil that for him. He crossed his arms, making sure that his towel stayed in place, and leant back against the wooden bench. Out of sight, out of mind, he thought. He exhaled and tried to relax but even knowing that the pig was sizing him up like a piece of meat was raising his blood pressure.

Adrian dozed off, but snapped to attention a few minutes later. Falling asleep in the sauna was a bad idea. He pushed himself away from the bench, but nearly doubled over and fell to the floor in the process. Something was wrong, his whole body felt numb!

Holding onto the wall, he climbed back to his feet. The more he moved the stranger everything felt. What was going on? He was shorter for some reason, and his body wasn't reacting the way he expected it to. He tumbled out of the sauna door and into the locker room with a snort. The cool floor pushing up against his stomach dragged his senses back kicking and screaming to reality. He never had a stomach like this before.

His hands crept down to his stomach. He touched the surface of his body as if it would snap and bite him at any moment. It was hairy! No, that wasn't the strange part - Adrian was always hairy, he was covered with fur. There was skin, bare skin. A yell welled up in his throat, had that stupid pig shaved him as a prank while he was out?!

No. He stopped to reconsider. There was no way, it would have definitely woken him up. He went back to the beginning and tried again. His stomach was fat, really fat. It bulged out over his waistline like a balloon and pulled his centre of gravity in a whole new direction. He stumbled over to the mirror by the door and squealed in shock, looking back at him wasn't himself, but rather the body of Benny!

A pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him back deeper into the locker room. Adrian pushed the assailant away and spun around. He saw himself, or rather, his body. Adrian's face laughed back at him.

That obnoxious snorting, he recognized it. The snivelling pig was wearing his body like a costume. "Do you like your new home, Adrian? I'm very happy with mine!" The newly empowered lion pushed him down onto the floor and stepped on him. It firmly pinned him in place. The situation had been totally flipped upside down. Now Benny was the one holding the cards, through magic or mistake they had swapped places.

"You always made fun of that body, but you know, I wouldn't keep it that way if I didn't like it."

"Why the hell would you be happy like this? I can barely walk!"

He snorted, the effect dulled by his new feline muzzle, "All those stupid people who spend their whole lives worrying about the way they look, or smell, or come off to other people. What a waste of time! I was as happy as a pig in mud." Benny leant closer, so close that Adrian could feel the hot air blowing from his nose, "And just between you and me, being so fat and stinking up the gym? Haha! I was stiff the whole time!"

Adrian nearly gagged, "You really are an asshole!"

"Ruining your day. That was what I looked forward to the most. Seeing your face twitch when my musk snuck into those carefully trimmed nostrils of yours. You should have seen the look on your face!" Benny pressed his nose against Adrian's chest and sucked in as much of the smell as he could. Adrian could see him getting aroused in his old body, as the jockstrap he had stolen from his bag slowly stretched to its limits.

Adrian tried to push Benny away, but the body-stealer quickly grappled him back into another compromising position. Adrian squealed on accident as his towel was torn away and tossed onto the locker room floor. Benny spread his cheeks with his clawed hands and chuckled again, "You've got a nice hole - if I do say so myself."

"Let go me of you fuck!"

"Now, now, we're just two pals roughhousing in the locker room, there's nothing to be upset about." He punctuated the statement by slapping Adrian hard on the ass, sending a ripple out on impact.

"Fuck off!"

"We have all the time in the world to have a bit of fun with each other, you and me, we're the only ones here."

"How long was I out?!"

"Ah, who knows - a few hours? Past closing time. I got a pretty big shock when I woke up in this precious little body of yours. And then I started thinking about all the fun things I could do in it, the money I could spend, the men I could sleep with, and the best thing of all, getting to have some fun with myself." Benny licked his chops. Adrian couldn't believe that this was happening to him.

"I'm a pretty little piece of meat, aren't I?"

Adrian kicked at his legs, "You're not little! Not in the slightest!"

"Haha! You're right!" His pointed claws gripped Adrian's flabby midsection and jiggled it from side to side, "You're just a fat old piggy." Benny pushed Adrian onto the bench and lorded over him with a malicious smile. He gripped the front of the jockstrap and grunted, "Fuck, I am a sexy swine, and that cock too!"

"What, do you want to fuck yourself too?"

"A cock that nice deserves a ride! Why the hell are you complaining?"

Benny saw himself down on top of Adrian's fatty thighs, ripping away his jockstrap and revealing Adrian's former throbbing kitty cock to the open air. Adrian's new penis was a brutal, thick thing, if only it was attached to a body that looked after itself. The sheer volume of his stomach was enough to disguise its girth and length from above. Benny wrapped his claw around the members and pressed them together. Adrian's cockhole oozed thick, off-yellow pre that made the room smell even worse.

Benny pulled away and slipped his hands under the large fatty breasts that rested on his stomach. His sharp fingers poked and played with Adrian's nipples. Adrian was never one for nipple-play, he didn't see the value in trying to illicit the same feeling that a woman might experience. Benny leaned in and wrapped his lips around one of them, running his coarse tongue through the dusting of hair that surrounded in. He pulled away and caught a trail of sweat that ran down Adrian's torso, consuming it like it was fresh water.

Adrian was spun around, his belly pushed up against the crossed wooden planks that formed the centre bench of the locker room. Benny yanked up his short skinny tail and spread his wobbling ass cheeks with a fervent desire. Being able to see his own asshole from a new perspective excited him to no end. It was a wrinkly and horrible thing, hidden beneath a pair of huge fatty ass-cheeks. A splotch of brown skin surrounded by wire like hair. The smell of sweat was the strongest here by far. Benny didn't hesitate. He dipped his nose deep into the obese valley and inhaled as deeply as possible.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Adrian squealed. Even though Benny was the one steering the ship, the feeling of power he had over him was intoxicating. The man had gone so far as to shove his nose into his ass cheeks.

"There's nothing wrong with me! It's natural to want to play with some prime cut like this!"

Benny switched positions again. He pulled Adrian back up off the bench and slipped in under him so that he was positioned on his lap. He wrapped his arms around Adrian and slipped his hands back under his breasts with a wild smile. His hands were drenched! Humid and sticky, he nearly came on the spot when he saw the steam rising from under the folds as they were exposed to the cooler air outside.

"Oink for me Adrian, Oink!"

Adrian didn't dignify his demands with a response. His hands dipped lower until they reached his pot belly. Benny had done nothing but eat fast food and drink alcohol heavily for years. He was proud of this stomach, and now he had the chance to walk a mile in someone else's shoes and get his hands all over it. He linked his hands and slipped them under the paunch, pulling upwards until Adrian's cock was finally visible from above, barely. The ripples of the pig's body were mesmerising, Benny could have done it all night if he wanted to.

"Mm. Who knew that I'd get to do this? It's different from just playing with myself."

"Jump off a bridge."


Despite Adrian's objections, his body couldn't fight against the sensation of being manhandled and played with. His brutal new erection stood tall and leaked a steady stream of fluid. "Thank you kindly," Benny chuckled. He opened his maw wide and slipped the swine member into his mouth hungrily. The soft, warm bed of his old tongue was a deeply enjoyable feeling, if only it wasn't attached the Benny at the present moment. Benny lavished his old erection with long, drawn of lashes of his tongue. Adrian gripped the edge of the bench as hard as he could, for what purpose he didn't know; maybe depriving Benny the satisfaction of bringing him to orgasm.

"That's no good buddy, you should just sit back and enjoy it." Benny took it deeper once again, the tightness of his throat enough to bring Adrian to the edge. His throat bulged obscenely as he tried to take more and more into his mouth. Benny was enjoying the muscles on his new body just as much as the fat on his old one. He flexed and grunted, rubbing his own cock with a free hand. He opened his mouth, bridges of spittle and phlegm running from the roof of his mouth.

The sight was enough to push Adrian too far. He pumped his hips and shot several thick steaming ropes of cum into Adrian's mouth, who gladly took it all. Benny grinned and swallowed it down with one big gulp. Benny's pig body was much more sensitive than the one he was used to, everything felt amazing - as much as he hated to admit it.

"You like the smell asshole? That's what everyone has to put up with every time you walk by!"

There were a lot of things that Adrian was loathe to admit. It's commonly said that people enjoyed the smell of their own supply, and Benny was no exception. When you're surrounded on all sides by a certain smell for long enough it stops bothering you. Benny had a thing for making people smell him, but to get the chance to take it in from another person's perspective was driving him crazy. Adrian's body was so hot that he was sweating from every pore. He wasn't in the sauna anymore, but he was steaming like he'd never stepped outside of it.

He dipped his fingers into the sticky mess and reached around to his own hungry hole. He inserted the fingers with a grunt, "A nice ass like this and you didn't even use it."

Adrian was confused, Benny could do anything he wanted with him now - he could be on top, but instead he was only interested in his own body. Adrian gasped as he felt the tight ring of Benny's asshole stretching around the head of his cock. "Easy does it," he grunted, "There we go!"

Benny slammed down, forcing the swine meat deep into his ass. Adrian gasped, he didn't want to admit it but Benny's cock was bigger than his somehow. The situation was beyond the pale. He and Benny had switched places and now the lazy pig was riding himself stupid on his own penis.

"What is wrong with you?"


Benny's hands were invasive. He was deriving a huge amount of pleasure from playing with his own body. He groped and squeezed whatever he could get his paws on, which just so happened to be Adrian's chest and stomach. Adrian's cock was being squeezed incredibly tightly, he never did use his own back entrance when having fun with other people. He didn't know whether to curse himself or thank himself.

Adrian's mind was split in two. In any other situation he'd have lost himself in the hedonism of the act, but he was furious, he couldn't stop thinking about how he was piercing his own body with a monster cock. The bench creaked under the strain as Benny began to pick up the pace. This was the most he'd worked in years, Adrian thought sardonically. He grunted and squealed as Benny tried to milk him for all he was worth.

Their mating was sweaty and intense. Adrian was getting a nose-full of his own sweaty body as Benny pushed him down onto the bench and rode him like a bronco. It was rancid to him now, a foreign smell that used to not bother him in the slightest. Adrian couldn't keep up with Benny in his body, he was out of breath already. All that hard work had gone down the drain, and in a strange way he was enjoying it. Benny's practical worship of every crevice and aspect helped with that.

Adrian swung Benny around so that he was trapped under him on the bench. Now that he was on top Adrian had a whole new perspective. Benny could barely be seen beneath the curve of his rotund, hairy belly. He continued to pump his hips up and down. Benny had the muscular body and arms like pythons, but he had the weight. Adrian ran his own hands across the folds of his front. He was enjoying this, being a fat musky pig like Benny was.

"Ah shit, I'm gonna' cum all over you." Adrian thrusted into Benny's greedy hole one last time, his cock twitched before letting loose with thick ropes of swine cum, Benny came all over Adrian's fat belly, mixing in with the sweat and loose hair. He continued to orgasm for several seconds until he was completely dry. Adrian hated to say it, but he had reached his own orgasm in the process. He pumped his hips and unloaded the last dregs into his ass with a final grunt of pleasure.

Benny sat up and pulled away from the exhausted Adrian. He scooped up some of the seed on his finger and slipped it into his mouth. "Ugh. That's some strong swill." Benny turned around and stretched out, giving Adrian a full view of his cum filled hole. It leaked out and down his leg like a river. Adrian couldn't move, he'd been completely worn out by the experience. He tried to catch his breath but it just wouldn't come back to him. Benny laughed and laughed before breaking out into a coughing fit.

"Shit. I need a drink." Benny walked to the door and grabbed Adrian's bag that had been left there. Adrian realized that he'd gotten into his locker using the key. He reached out, but was unable to move. He shouldered the bag and turned back to face Adrian once again.

Adrian reached out with a flabby arm, "Wait! Get back here!"

"Catch you later, stud. Let's do this again sometime." Benny practically skipped out of the back door. All of the responsibilities and issues now heading his way were of no concern to him. He was going to live it up in Adrian's body while he could, it wasn't like he could stop him now. Adrian could pick up the pieces of his old life for now, he could handle it.

Adrian pounded the bench with a fist in frustration. He should have known that he'd run off like that when he had the chance, but what could he do about it? He must have been privy to the way that they switched. Adrian had no idea how to fix things. After five minutes he finally found the strength to swing himself back up into a sitting position. He clutched his jiggling stomach with a fatty pair of hands and sighed.

He'd lost himself for a second back there. He'd started thinking like Benny, letting go of everything he worried about and just letting himself be a fat loser. Adrian stared at himself in the mirror. It was fun, whether he wanted to admit it or not. Being a big stinking hog with a big belly and huge cock was a momentary curiosity.

In a twisted sense he did enjoy his new body, but that enjoyment only went as far as when he tried to stand up. Adrian very quickly realized that his new body was not going to work, not at all. Work, even just getting from place to place - he couldn't deal with a body like this for long.

He only had one word to say, "Fuck!"

An entire year had passed, although to Adrian it felt like an eternity. It would have been bad enough on its own if he had merely lost his original body, but the piggy bastard had stolen his identity with it. Nobody would believe him; no amount of pleading would convince people of what they saw with their own eyes. He was in Benny's body, he was Benny.

Adrian had showered off, cleaned his asshole, punched the wall until his knuckles bled, and then figured out where Benny was living. He eventually found out that he was renting a crappy apartment on the outside of town. It was a complete dump, as musky and poorly maintained as the man who inhabited it. The fridge was full of old fast food packaging. Benny hadn't prepared a meal in a long time.

Adrian wasn't going to let that piece of pork get away with screwing up his life. He had everything he needed. Adrian knew that hard work and extra effort could turn things around. It was almost a blessing that Benny didn't have any close family to contact him, that was one thing they both had in common. But it also meant that Adrian could do what he wanted without arousing any suspicion.

Benny had made himself sparse - perhaps knowing that Adrian was raring to roast him over an open fire. He had the body, but not the balls. The loss of one of the gym's regulars had aroused no small amount of questions. Even more were asked when Benny, the lazy, fat, sweaty janitor who only lived to peep on people in the sauna, started to use his free membership to work out.

Adrian couldn't fight gravity. Years of active neglect by Benny had left his body in a terrible state, the things he found so easy before were impossible now. He'd taken his abilities for granted for so long. He started to question his own thoughts about the people around him, maybe he was the strange one, always having to get one over on everyone else. He gritted his teeth and worked harder than he ever had before.

The fat that Benny had cultivated over years of bad eating and a lack of exercise was burnt away and turned into muscle. He was too far gone, and didn't have the genetics to match Adrian's real body, but he tried. By the end of his training regimen he had forged a body that nobody would want to mess with. Adrian's body was toned, tall, bulging like a sculpted statue. Benny's was the body of a total hardass, thick, stocky, still kind of fat but definitely muscular underneath. He wouldn't look out of place at a strongman contest.

The lethargy that had defined his first experience was no more. Adrian brimmed with confidence and explosive energy when he woke up first thing in the morning. He trimmed his body hair, showered and dressed well for another trip to the gym. The boss didn't have any complaints because the complaints had dried up. No more incidents in the sauna, no more complaints about crude comments or him not doing his job. Benny was a new man, if only she knew the truth.

Adrian had started to enjoy aspects of his new body. Benny had awakened a new taste for casual sex within him. Adrian could often be found in bars around the city picking up other men who enjoy a man with some meat on his bones. Pushing people around, being on top, giving orders - all of them became part of his regular routine. Lots of men loved his stink and girth. Benny didn't know what he was doing - there was a veritable buffet of hungry studs looking for a piggy like him.

It still came as a shock when Samantha said that she wanted him to be the new manager. She was going big and opening another gym on the other side of the city, and wanted someone she could trust to look after it. Adrian accepted the offer without hesitation. A bigger paycheck and some more responsibilities would not go amiss.

He didn't need to be in that day but Adrian wanted to hit the weights. The clean and pristine glass doors slid open and he waltzed into the lobby. The crowd that had gathered in the lobby tipped him off. Something was up. He walked up to the crowd and pushed his way to the front, "What's with all the damn fuss?" He broke through the line blocking his way and snorted involuntarily.

"Hey Benny, an old friend just showed up," one of the onlookers explained.

He was standing right there. Benny, still inhabiting his old body. He turned to face the new arrival and his eyes widened. Adrian had to restrain himself, because the only question on his mind was "What the hell did you do to my body, you fat fuck?"

The Greek statue, the temple that Adrian has spent years chiselling to literal perfection - ruined in a year! Benny had done the impossible. The toned muscle had been replaced with a thick layer of fat, just fat. His face was sagging under the weight of the extra tissue. His mane was greasy and poorly kept.

Next to him was a tall stallion whose pants were bulging obscenely. He wrapped an arm around Benny's shoulder and chatted happily with some of the other gym goers. He was ignorant to the truth, that was for certain. Did he know that Benny was a body snatching bastard? The distress on his face went un-noticed. How did Benny land a stud like that, Adrian wondered.

Benny couldn't look away. Just for a moment Adrian saw it, fear. He tensed his arms, the muscles become evident from a distance. His eyes trailed down to his partly exposed chest, a small trail of sweat already running down between his pecs. The lion's eyes widened again, and he licked his lips hungrily. Adrian scowled, if he could last through the whooping he was about to give him, maybe he and his new boytoy could give him some payback for their last meeting. Instead he winked back, Benny was as unremorseful as the day they switched.

The chubby lion whispered something to his boyfriend. He pulled away and approached Adrian with a cocky smile. "Hey, are you the manager around here these days?" Adrian could only scowl at the poor act he was putting on. The lion slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled out a piece of white paper, handing it to Adrian. "Give that a read. See you later."

Benny and his stallion were gone before he could object. He had half a mind to toss the note straight into the trash and never think about it again. The other side won. He slipped behind the counter and unfolded it, revealing a handwritten note. "Nice to see you again 'Benny.' How about you meet me and my pony in the sauna tonight? Leave the door unlocked."

Unbelievable, Adrian thought. Steal a man's life and then proposition him for a threesome after leaving him in the dirt for a year. Adrian grabbed the front of his pants and used his other hand to grab Benny by the collar, he hefted the semi-flaccid bulge with a malicious snort, "You're going to be squealing like a pig."

"I hope so."

Adrian let go and Benny scarpered away to his boyfriend. He threw the note into the trash can and sat down on the receptionist's chair. Adrian grumbled to himself and slipped a hand into the drawer in front of him, withdrawing a rusty brass key.

As for swapping back, who was to say?

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