Teaser - Hallowtwin Party

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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Is this a late Christmas story? A very late Halloween story? You decide!

Dirk swaps places and partners with his twin brother Dade, unbeknownst to the lady in question.

But I wonder what's happening to Dade in the other room...?

In one week the full version will be posted, but if you want early access for this story and all future stories, please consider pledging your support at the $1+ level on Patreon! Pledge your support at www.patreon.com/thakur

"You know Mom and Dad'll kill us if they find out," Dirk pointed out to his twin brother.

"If, dear brother. If!" Dade explained, grabbing the bag full of liquor that he'd procured from Billy's older sister Pam. This was going to be the best Halloween party ever for the upperclassmen. Their parents were out of town, dozens of kids were coming over and they had booze. Not just Boar's Lite, either - hard liquor!

The dingos were certainly popular, though that hadn't seemed to help Dirk out much. The slightly, slightly younger brother still hadn't gotten a long-term girlfriend! Dade had to wonder if maybe his brother was gay - not that there was anything wrong with that. If so, Dirk was overcompensating with his costume: Dwayne "The Rott" Johnson, complete with corny muscle suit.

"They get back tomorrow afternoon. You really think we'll be able to clean this all up?"

The dingo adjusted his Santa hat. He always liked ironic Halloween outfits, and had managed to get a t-shirt and shorts with prints that looked like Santa's coat and pants. He poured out two shots, offering one to Dirk. With a clink of the glasses, they drank up, coughing.

"You worry too much," Dade said, wincing at the sharpness of the vodka. "What's the worst that could happen?"

While the boys were welcoming guests and setting up the music, Nila and Nadia were still getting ready. The twin coyotes were going as Santa's reindeer, which ended up being a pretty easy costume. They were already the right fur color, and their canine ears weren't too far off. They just had to figure out what to wear aside from the antler headbands and muted, belled harnesses. At first, Nila had put her foot down about the skimpy one-piece spandex outfit, but Nadia pointed out that it was basically like a bathing suit. The finishing touch was a little colored fur spray to fill in the white spots on their thighs.

The party was hopping when Nila and Nadia finally arrived. How Nadia had managed to convince her to wear a matching costume she'd never know - especially a reindeer costume to a Halloween party. Nila normally refused to participate in stupid holiday traditions.

But her twin, Nadia, had begged her to go. She wasn't used to parties yet, even after a year of dating Dade Dyers, and she needed Nila there as moral support. She couldn't say no to her sister, even though there were two big reasons she didn't want to go.

One was Dade and the other was Dirk.

"Where's Dade?" Nadia yelled, over the loud music and even louder yelling. At least the Dyers' house was set back in the woods, away from other houses. The two-story, six-bedroom, four-bath property made it clear just how upper class the dingo family was, despite being second generation immigrants.

Dirk was at the door, but he looked more than a little drunk already, weaving from side-to-side. He stared at Nadia until he recognized the costume and said, "Nicely done, Rudolph...!"

Neither girl sported a red nose, but Nadia forgave him the mistake. Nila did not however.

When Dade and Nadia first started going out, they thought it would be a great idea to set up Nila and Dirk. So convenient, right? But they hated each other. Nila thought Dirk was an entitled prick, and Dirk thought Nila was a flighty, uppity bitch. They learned pretty quickly that their group worked best as a group of two, or three.

But Nila loved hanging out with the lovebirds. She loved her sister, and she thought Dade was perfect. Too perfect... Nila always had to fight her jealousy that Nadia had asked the muscular dingo out first. She tried not to flirt with her twin sister's boyfriend, but she still got giddy in his presence.

"Nice Doberman costume!" Nadia replied.

"Huh, what? No, man, this is Dwayne "The Rott" Johnson."


Nila could only roll her eyes at the plastic muscle suit. As if he needed it - he was just as jacked as Dade, since their number one pastime was working out in the Gym after school. Wrestlers. At least he hadn't tried to spray paint himself. She'd half-expected Dirk to put on blackfur...

Nadia tried again. "Where's Dade? We need to get a pic for the gram. The school costume contest?"

"Oh, right," Dirk replied. "You know that shit's just a popularity contest, right?"

Nila stewed internally. She'd been thinking the same thing. Way to say the totally obvious, Dirk!

Nadia laughed. "Yeah - that's why we're gonna win!" She hopped a little, the soft sleigh bells jingling slightly in her harness.

Dirk laughed. "I guess you're right. Yo, I'll go see where he's at, Nadia. Go ahead and like, you know, dance or whatever."

The dingo walked away on unsteady feet, resisting the urge to hit himself on the head. He was always tongue-tied around his brother's girlfriend, and it only got worse with four or five shots of liquor in him. It didn't help anything that Nadia looked absolutely hot in that deer outfit. He'd had a crush on Nadia ever since Dade and she got together, but of course, what could he do at that point? Nila wasn't the same at all - the acerbic yote was mean, especially to him. If only Nila were the same cute, bubbly, beauty as her twin, then both Dade and Dirk could have been happy.

Dirk found his brother upstairs. It was straight out of Bad Santa, because the dumb dingo was almost passed out drunk on the bed, right at the beginning of the party! He knew breaking out the hard stuff was going to be a mistake. Even Nadia couldn't win the instagram competition with a drunk ass Santa barely able to keep his eyes open.

"You're a piece of work, Dade," he said, and set his jaw. He started removing the few pieces of his own costume, easily using his wrestling skills to disrobe his dear brother, who grumbled and tried to bat him away. He put up more of a fight than Dirk expected.

"Stahp id..."

Dirk said, "You promised Nadia a picture - and now I gotta do it, you doofus."

"Nnngh," groaned Dade, as the t-shirt was pulled over his head. "O-okay."

Dirk just rolled his eyes, pulling on Santa's goat beard. Not bad, he thought, looking in the mirror. Nadia might be able to tell it was him, but no one would be able to tell from a low-res Instagram picture. He left his brother in the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Dade was always the more popular brother, so he'd have to turn up the smiles to entertain the party guests downstairs.

Or so he thought, as he only took three steps down the hall before Nadia appeared at the top of the steps. "N-nadia?" he gasped.

She paused, looking Dirk up and down and giggling. She hopped forward and put her hands on his chest, feeling his muscles through the flimsy, red-and-white t-shirt, her sleigh bells jingling. "Not bad," she grinned, the shorter coyote looking up into Dirk's eyes, unaware that this was the twin brother who'd had a crush on her for over a year.

He didn't know what came over him, but the feeling was all over Nadia's face too. Before he knew what was happening, he tilted his head, approaching her cute little "reindeer" muzzle, and she, unaware, opened her mouth. Like that, they were kissing, and Dirk was freaking out. Fuck, fuck, fuck! he thought. She's going to find out I'm Dirk... Dade's gonna kill me!

But he kept kissing her, even as she wrapped her arms around him and pushed him back against the nearest bedroom door. I've gotta stop this! he realized, fumbling for the bedroom doorknob. His hand turned the knob and suddenly he was pushed backwards into the room, Nadia kicking the door closed as the amorous coyote returned to kissing him. "Nadia..." he said, trying to add the word 'wait'. But instead he turned her around and plopped with her onto the bed, her soft body plopping down beneath him, her bells jingling. "God, you're beautiful," was all he could stammer.

She stared up at him in awe. "The party..."

"It can wait," he replied, his hands roaming over her shoulders. She shuddered.

"Oh God, Dade..." she whined, completely, blissfully unaware that she was wrapping her paws around the twin brother whose jokes she'd laughed at dozens of times, but never thought of (at least as far as Dirk knew) in a sexual way. "W-we shouldn't..."

"Why not?" Dirk replied, though he knew very well why they shouldn't. He didn't care anymore. He had the girl of his dreams beneath him, and she was whining for him. Well, for Dade, but what did it matter? Maybe he'd regret it after he sobered up. Or maybe Dade and Nadia would never be the wiser! Dade was drunk as shit, and it's not like Nadia would think too hard about a drunken romp at a party.

Nadia whined as his hands roamed lower, across the spandex reindeer swim suit. It hadn't been designed for canines, he realized as he reached between her legs with an inquisitive paw. The stretchy cloth was snug and stretched around her very obvious spade, barely hidden when she was standing by a strap of harness. Now, though, the bells were chiming just a few inches above her quivering spade, and his palm rubbed her bouncing mound.

"Ohhh!" Nadia shivered, spreading her legs and flattening her ears. The cloth was so tight against her vulva that it offered basically no distance for his touch, but was stretched so tight that every motion tugged and pulled the fabric against every inch of her mound.