My Great Big Brother - Wet Work Dreams

Story by ArcticWolf451 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, meaning if you are under 18 SHOO! NOW. And I know you aren't gonna listen because I did the same thing when I was 16. Sigh, so just make sure you lock the damn door so your parents don't catch you, a'ight? All characters are mine. Also, this story contains Incest in it. For the record, I don't condone it and sure as hell don't recommend it. So listen up kiddies and don't try to bang your sis. Got it? If not, your ass is grass and your dad's foot is a lawn mower. Oh, and any copyrighted names I used belong to their respective owners and I was not paid to use them. Go Steelers! And also Go Gators even though I don't go to that school. =)

Well, I didn't expect to see this when I opened my eyes this morning...or night...twilight...I don't really know. Am I even still on earth? This seems so familiar, and yet it's like nothing I've ever seen before. And how did I get back into my Marine uniform? Wait...I know this place! It's Hill #214! But this can't be happening, can it? I mean look at it. The ground used to be brown and rocky, and now it's all black and soft, like pumice. Actually, I think the ground is made of pumice. It certainly seems that way, since whenever I take a step my feet kick up a bunch of gray dust and leave a thick footprint in the ash. This is weird, really really weird. But not so much as the sky. Looking up, I see a swirling maelstrom of clouds, all varying shades of red. Some are dark, others light, but altogether they give a sense of dread. The stars don't look right either; they're black glowing orbs rather than white specs in the sky. And where's the sun or moon? I don't see anything to tell me what time of day it is. Instead the whole place just seems to bask in this murky red glow that I assume is coming from the clouds.

What's that?! I spin around quickly as I hear the sound of tumbling rocks behind me, as if someone above me knocked them down the sides of the cliffs. Nothing. Just the dead corpses of Taliban insurgent and Marine alike. I walk over to the ruins of the Humvee that I rode up here. Sure enough, the bodies of my former comrades lay strewn about behind it, only...they're nothing but bones. It's as if they've been here for hundreds of years. Shit! I turn again. This time I know I heard something, something like a grunt or a snarl. I still don't see anything, but my ears twitch, and the hair on the back of my neck stands on end. There's something here, I just know it. I look in the back of the Humvee and find an M-16A4 along with a half a dozen loaded magazines. I load the M-16 and then search the bodies of the Marines for any weapons. I manage to find a Berretta M92 pistol and a combat knife on one of them. Whose body exactly I can't say, as there're no name tags on their shirts, and their faces are nothing but a grinning skull.

I decide to take a look around, maybe find what's making me so edgy. This place looks like it's been dead for centuries though, so I doubt I'll find anything. Still, it never hurts to check. I walk over into the ruins of the old Taliban camp. Tents, storage crates, a latrine trench, and the mortar pit. It's all here, only unlike my comrades' bodies; this place looks like it was assembled only moments before. How's that even possible though? I haven't seen anything but skeletons and charred rock up here. And...wait...that's odd. There's a bunch of Taliban corpses lying on the ground near the center of the tents, but these still have flesh on their bones. Blood has pooled beneath them, and by the looks of it they were killed only moments ago. I walk over, M-16 shouldered and trained on them the whole time. I stand over one and give it a gentle kick with my foot. This jackal is definitely dead, but as I roll his body over with my foot I realize it wasn't from bullets. His stomach has been slashed open and his guts hang obscenely out of his wound. What's even more horrifying are some bite marks on his stomach and intestines.

This is just sick. What the hell's going on, is there some sort of sick cannibal up here? I walk over and check another corpse. This one too has bite marks all over it, only his stomach is intact. Instead, a chunk of meat is missing from his shoulder, and his arms have teeth marks all over his biceps and forearms. His left eye is missing too, gouged out by something it seems, as the gelatinous remains of it are still hanging loosely down his face. Ugh, god I'm gonna puke if I keep looking at that. I walk back towards the Humvee, somewhat relieved now. There's nothing here but the dead and...


Okay, I heard that. But...where'd it come from? It sounded like it was all around me, rather than from one single direction. I feel my heart pound heavily in my chest, suddenly I feel very cold as my whole body breaks out in a nervous sweat. This can't be good. I hear it again, louder this time. I look all around, my eyes rapidly scanning for any signs of movement or human shapes. Whatever's out there doesn't want to hide, so it's only a matter of time before I find it. The only question is, will I find it before it has a chance to attack? I take a few steps back, then do a 180 and check behind me. Nothing! My paws start to shake, a sign my body is releasing adrenaline in preparation for a fight or flight. I clench my teeth and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I can't very well shoot straight with my paws shaking like I OD'd on Mountain Dew. I make my way back over towards the slew of dead Taliban, only something's wrong. There's more corpses here than there were a few seconds ago.

Behind me I hear something breathing, or snorting rather. It has a strange ape-like quality to it, too. I've never heard anything like it, which doesn't do much to help ease my nerves. I look over my shoulder, only to be met with empty space again. This is getting annoying. Whatever's out there is just trying to scare me. Well to hell with that, if it won't show its face to me it's not worth fearing. I turn to walk back to the Humvee again, deciding to make one last search for ammo and supplies before I try to walk down the path and see if I can find anyone out here. And...what's that sound?

I look back at the corpses, only...they're standing up! HOLY DUMB FUCK THEY'RE ACTUALLY STANDING UP!!! Their eye's glow with a piercing red glare as they stare at me. Blood dribbles from their maws and down their chins as they sinisterly grin at me. Meanwhile all I can do is just stand and gape in utter terror. There must be at least thirty of them, as all of the corpses start to rise up and look at me. I'd never imagined I'd be fighting zombie terrorists, but I guess there's a first time for everything. One of them groans and starts shambling towards me, limping slightly as he does so. His yellow fangs drip with blood and drool, and his ragged clothes are covered in all manner of blood stains. I shake my head, forcing myself to stop staring at him and raise my M-16, placing the zombie's head in my red dot sight.

I flinch as I put a three round burst into his skull. The jackal's head bursts into a misty red cloud of blood and bone fragments that seems to hang loosely in the air. I adjust and fire at another one, this time striking it in the chest, causing ribs, lung tissue, and blood to burst forth. They're all standing now, shambling forth with a look of hunger in their eyes. I can't tell if their maws are just hanging open, or if they're all menacingly grinning at me. Then one of them surprises me by picking up his AK-47. Surely he doesn't know how to...CRAP! I dive to the side as he fires a round at me. I roll as he takes aim again and fires a bullet where I had once been laying. I roll again and again, until finally I rest on my back and take aim at him. In my panic I let off three bursts instead of just one, but they do their job and eviscerate the undead fox's torso and arms into stringy pieces of flesh loosely hanging on his blackened bones.

Quickly I get to my feet, then empty the rest of my clip into the crowd of foxes, tigers, and jackals that continue to stumble forth. I drop three of them, while another two I just wound and cause them to pause a second in pain before they continue towards me. I reload my M-16 while jogging back to the ruined Humvee. Turning about, I retake aim and begin unloading burst after burst into the crowd. I don't even bother to aim properly, they're so well clumped together. Chunks of flesh and misty clouds of blood fill the air as I rapidly cycle two more clips through my rifle. My ears start to ring, as each sonic concussion of three 5.56x45mm NATO rounds firing off at 2700 feet per second pounds my ear drums. I pause a second to count how many are left...maybe ten, can't tell. I slap my fourth magazine into the M-16 and begin firing again. However, my gun has gotten so hot the rounds start cooking off inside the firing chamber. Without even having to pull the trigger a trio of three round bursts fires off. Then it stops. I try to pull the trigger but nothing happens. I try again, but still nothing! Looking up I see the crowd of undead Taliban are only twenty feet away and closing. I run around the Humvee, trying to keep it between them and myself. I look down at my M-16 and discover the firing chamber is only halfway open.

The fucking M-16 jammed. Great. I rack back the charging handle to try and clear the jam, but only a few fragments of a shell casing come out. Fuck this, it's no use. I toss the now broken rifle aside and draw my M92 pistol and combat knife. I look to my right just as a desert fox with tan fur and bloody drool leaking from his maw comes stumbling around the back of the Humvee. I raise my M92 and pop a 9mm bullet straight into his skull. The FMJ round punches a clean hole straight through his noggin, sending a vivid spray of grey matter and bits of skull into the air. Strangely, they just seem to hang suspended there, as if there's no gravity to pull them to the ground.

I wheel around to see three more zombies making their way around the Humvee, so I quickly raise my M92 and carefully put a bullet in each of their skulls. Pop, pop, pop. For a minute I think this is too easy, but then I get punched in the back of the head by a jackal with a missing jaw bone. I fall flat on my face, but I manage to keep my wits about me and I roll over three times before coming up on one knee with my M92 raised. Three quick shots to the jackal's chest send the ugly bastard back to sleep. The last six zombies approach me as a group, charging together while altogether moaning and wheezing a blood, drool, and some sort of black fluid all leak from every orifice of their mutilated bodies.

I fire off the last eight rounds in my M92, managing to drop four of the zombies. But now I'm out of ammo, and I realize I neglected to collect any spare magazines for my pistol. Idiot! One of the zombies, a coyote with no right eye and yellow fangs, comes charging at me. I step back, making him stumble forward a little longer before I raise my combat knife and quickly slash across his face. I hit his upper muzzle, slashing out one of his fangs and cutting through his right cheek. A sickening spray of black and red blood flies forth, leaving a few thin blood stains on my shirt. The coyote cries aloud in pain, but that's about it. He doesn't even flinch. I manage to block a punch, and then place my right paw around his throat as he lunges his face toward me for a bite. I answer by jabbing my knife right between his eye sockets. Crunch!

As I pull the knife back a torrent of blood and grey matter spill out of the hole in the coyote's forehead. His body collapses to the ground in a heap. Meanwhile, the last zombie, a huge tiger that stands nearly six inches taller than me, comes charging forth. I raise my knife and lunge forward as he barrels into me, knocking me flat on my back. But it's no matter, for while I shake my head to clear the dizziness, the tiger wheezes and coughs up a load of blood and black drool...right into my face. Oh gawd! I shove his body off of me, desparate to get my paws free so I can wipe my face off. Oh fuck, I'd puke right now if my stomach weren't empty. I spit off to the side as I stand up. I look down expecting the zombie to get back up, but instead he simply lies there motionless. Nudging his corpse with my foot, I realize my knife is buried up to the hilt in his chest, right about where his heart would be. Nice.

I retrieve my knife and take a deep breath of relief. They're all dead, thank God. I walk back to the Humvee to see about retrieving anything of value. Inside I find a large medical kit, and damn is thing fancy. This wasn't made by the Army, but rather by John Killgore Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary company of the Union Aerospace Corporation. Neat, although I always did wonder why the UAC-you know that company that replaced NASA and claims it can privatize space travel-has a drug company working for it. Maybe to pay for their rocket ships or something. Eh, who cares? Right now I need to see if there's anything else of use inside this Humvee. Looking around the back, I find a dead Marine skeleton clutching a rifle. Wait, no it's not a's a shotgun! A Mossberg 500 pump-action shotgun loaded with 12-gauge 00 buckshot to be precise. Two words my friend: Fucking A.

I grab the shotgun along with an ammo box to find several cardboard cartons of shells inside. I'd estimate there's about eighty to a hundred shells in it. I'm not sure I can carry them all, but the dead Marine has a special bandolier with a series of fabric loops running along the shoulders and waistline specifically designed to hold shotgun shells. I take the bandolier and strap it on, and then start loading shells into the loops. It takes a couple of minutes, but soon I've managed to stash fifty shells in my bandolier, and another eight shells into the shotgun's tubular magazine. Looking around for anything else, I notice a M92 lying in the front passenger seat of the Humvee, along with a trio of spare magazines. I put the pistol in my hip holster, and stash the clips in the special pistol magazine pockets on my bandolier. There are a few other weapons lying around, but I'm loaded down with this shotgun already. Besides, there can't be that many more zombies down by Fort McCrery right? Well, that is if the Marines there aren't dead. It's not like I have a choice though; it's the only place around here with any food or water. And so I take a step out of the Humvee, take a breath and enjoy the serenity of the moment. At which point, I get hit in the side of the face by a burning glob of slime.

FUCK! I hit the ground on my side and desperately try to pat out my face, which is literally burning. The flames die out quickly, but my fur has been seared off, leaving just my lightly charred black and red facial tissue. Where the hell did that...whatever hit me...come from? I sit up and look around, trying to find my attacker. This time, it doesn't take long. Thirty feet to my right stands a familiar figure; humanoid in shape and appearance save for his gray leathery skin, sharp claws and thirteen white beady eyes. Oh my god, how'd one of those get here? Before I can think further the demon shrieks at me and brings his right claw back, as if he was winding up to throw a pitch. And then, magically it seems, a burning fireball begins to materialize in his bare hand. The fire doesn't even seem to affect him, he just glares at me with a sinister grin, baring the dozens of needle thin teeth in his ugly mouth. He pauses a second, letting the fireball finish growing to about the size of a softball, then gives a high pitched screech and hurls the fireball at me.

I dodge to the left, letting the fireball pass me and land on the ground where it quickly goes out. Then I raise my Mossberg 500 and put the demon's chest in my crosshairs. I pause as I enjoy the look of genuine fear come across his face as he realizes I'm not dead, and that he's about to be. Then I pull the trigger, unleashing a thunderous blast that sends a load of buckshot into the demon's chest. The kick from the shotgun is so strong my shoulder actually hurts; although considering this is my first time using a shotgun I guess I'm lucky I didn't let the barrel come up and break my nose. Still, I'd be better off than the demon I just shot, as his ribcage is now inside out and his heart and lungs are mixed together like a blob of hamburger. However, before I can take any satisfaction in my victory, I hear a scratching noise behind me.

Looking over my shoulder towards the cliff edge, I notice a pair of nine eyed demons clawing their way up towards me. I turn to face them, but as I do I notice even more of them crawling up the sides of Hill #214. Holy shit! They're everywhere, and I'm trapped on top of this fucking rock with nowhere to run! My mind races as I picture myself getting surrounded, clawed in the back and knocked to the ground. I recall the bite marks on the zombie corpses, they match the teeth patterns on the very monsters that are crawling towards me now. So, this is how it ends? Devoured alive by hellspawn in the very place where I beat death himself; the irony couldn't be crueler. And...what the hell am I doing? Fuck this, if I'm going down, then I'm dragging these sons a bitches back to hell with me. They call Marines "Devil Dogs" for a reason, and these poor bastards are about to discover why.

I pump my shotgun and begin charging towards the closest pair of demons. I don't even notice I've been screaming my lungs out in pure rage until I raise my Mossberg and send a salvo of buckshot into the ugly mugs of the first two demons I spotted. Stray teeth, tiny white eyeballs and black syrupy blood fly forth as their skulls break apart like a melon dropped out a window. Just then a pair of fireballs flies fast my head, missing me by inches and letting me feel the intense heat come off them as they pass by and land a few feet in front of me. I turn and see a crowd of four demons fifty feet behind me closing fast. I pump the shotgun and let forth another wave of buckshot.

BLAM! The buckshot pelts the pack leader, ripping his gut and torso wide open to expose his brown and red guts. I pump the shotgun again.

BLAM! This time I blow one's left arm off, sending him flying in a backwards 180 spin as he lands on his face and shudders while black blood pumps out of where his arm used to be, quickly making a pool next to him.

BLAM! I was sloppy this time, I just kneecapped him and now he's kneeling before me. BLAM! Problem solved.

The last one surprises me, as he suddenly ducks on his claws and the balls of his feet as I shoot at him. The buckshot passes over him and into the ground harmlessly. Fuck! The next thing I know he pounces, leaping fifteen feet and landing on me, knocking me on my back. He knocks my shotgun away with one claw, and then slashes the other one across my face. My head snaps to the side as he does, and I feel cold air rush into my mouth as a thin piece of my left cheek lands in front of my face. My right paw flies up and I strike him in the face, but that just pisses him off and he grabs my wrist with his left claw and readies his right one to slice my face again. Only he didn't see my left paw going for my knife, and the next thing he feels is my blade sink into his chest once, twice, thrice! I stab the ever loving fuck out of him, cursing and thrashing under his weight as his blood flies out, coating my torso, face, and even my eyes. I blink and shake my head as I realize his blood has an acidic quality to it and it burns like hell, especially the stuff that got in my eyes.

I shove his corpse off of me and wipe my knife off on my pants before putting it back in its sheath. I then retrieve my Mossberg and begin reloading another eight shells into it. I notice every time I breathe in through my mouth I feel a cold rush on the left side of my face. Reaching up, I feel my own teeth...MY OWN TEETH? Holy shit, I barely feel any pain, but a huge slice of my cheek's flesh is gone. Something tells me it's a good thing I can't look in a mirror right now. And...Jesus! I'm hit in the back by another fireball, which seers a nice sized hole in my uniform and fur. I spin around and duck as a volley of nearly thirty fireballs comes raining down towards me! I side step to the left and begin firing at a massive crowd of demons. Some climb over the edges of the mountain, while others suddenly appear as a black fog seems to descend on the mountain, bringing with it bursts of orange lightning. Shortly after the lightning strikes the ashen ground, one of these thirteen eyed fuckers appears in the lightning's wake.

No time to count them, just shoot! I keep telling myself that over and over as I fire shell after shell into the hoard of demons that seem to be spilling forth from the very bowels of Hell itself. The only things I hear are the demons' screams followed by a thunderous boom from my Mossberg, which is in turn followed by the metallic sound of the shotgun's pump and ejected shell casing. I burn through nearly half my shells in two minutes, and yet they just keep coming! Dozens of bodies missing faces, hands, and whole limbs even litter the ground. GAH! I'm hit by a fireball again, this time on my chest. The smell of my own charred furred and sizzled flesh is enough to make me gag, and I spit out a little vomit as I try to catch my breath. I have to keep running nonstop to just stay alive; how long can I keep this up? I guess I'm about to...FUCK!

The sound of lightning striking to the rear makes me wheel around to come face to face with one thirteen eyed demon. He wildly swings his claws at me, narrowly missing as I duck to the right and swing my shotgun's butt into his side. That knocks him down on his chest, and I follow up by placing one boot on his back, and using the other to smash the back of his skull wide open with my heel. CRUNCH! Uuughhh, that wasn't a good idea. His blood reeks like rotting meat, plus I forgot it really burns like acid and now my right foot has some soaked into its sock. Great.

Woosh! Puff puhpuff puff!

Damn! Another volley of fireballs lands all around me, forcing me to take off again. I reload my shotgun again, trying to keep track of how many shells I have left. However, that soon doesn't become an issue, as I realize I'm down to the last five in my shotgun. Five shells, infinity number of demons. ........I wonder if they have tacos in heaven?

My last five shells bring down five demons respectively, but now my shotgun is just an overpriced club. I run back to the Humvee, hoping to find something, anything with which to fight back against these hellish nightmares that just WON'T FUCKING STOP SCREACHING! It's only after I've run out of ammunition do I realize that all the gunfire was drowning out their god awful shrieks, hisses, and cries. The worst part though is that they've cut me off from the Humvee, and now at least twenty of them surround me. I draw my M92 and start firing off into the crowd, managing to drop three of them with my first clip. I reload it and prepare to resume firing when I trip on something and fall to the ground. I quickly get on my knees and shake my head to clear my vision, and then look to realize that inadvertently I've tripped on a dead Marine, this one with a wolf's facial bones and body build. Even better though, is that he's packing an M-240 LGM and a M-67 Frag grenade belt! Thank you Jesus!!!!

I scramble over to the Marine's corpse and quickly take his grenades and machinegun. I pull the pin on two of the M-67s and just carelessly roll them to the sides as I lay flat and cover my ears. BA-BOOM!

The ground shakes from the concussion of the two grenade blasts. I stand back up and cock the charging handle on the M-240 to load the 1st of 100 rounds of 7.62x51mm NATO rounds into the firing chamber. I look around for a fresh set of targets, but it looks like the grenades did most of the work for me. Dozens of demons lay around me, some still twitching as their black blood leaks out of some hole I put in their bodies at one point or another. Hmm, I see a few more, but it looks like they're retreating. Seriously? They're just gonna cop out like that? Eh, works for me. Now I just need to figure out how to get off this damn...


Please tell me I didn't just hear that. I turn and look behind me, expecting to see another multi-eyed demon. Instead, I'm greeted with a huge bull like creature with a pair of massive horns and yellow eyes. He stands on all fours, his hind legs closely resembling those of a dog, only with a lot more meat on them. He's nearly as tall as I am, and he's crouched down on his hands and feet! His flesh is very pale, with an almost pinkish hue to it, sort of like an albino animal. Then he roars again, his deep throaty growl booming with such force that my vision actually blurs around the edges. He bears his teeth at me; massive yellow fangs with blood stains coating them and his lips. I just stand there, dumbstruck as he glares at me. Before I know what's going on, he charges me and head butts me right in the stomach. Fortunately his horns miss me and I'm only hit by his skull, but it still hurts like hell as I feel the wind get knocked out of me. My M-240 flies off to the side as I lose my grip on it and land hard on my back. I struggle to breathe and get up, but the next thing I feel is sudden and immense pain in my right leg. At first I think it's broken, but then the demon's teeth reach my bone and I realize my leg's now in his blood filled maw!

I scream in panic, no longer finding it hard to breathe as I feel my shin crack under his teeth. Ffffuuuck! I gag in pain as he swings his head to the side, effectively filleting my calf muscle and turning my leg into nothing more than a limp piece of meat. Fresh adrenalin rushes into my blood, and briefly I'm able to block out the pain. I bring my left foot up and kick him straight in the face several times, cursing him and his entire species alike. That just seems to piss him off more though and he swallows more of my leg, bringing his teeth up just past my knee. From this angle I can't kick him anymore, and even worse is that now his fangs are slicing through my thigh like a hot knife through butter. Only my femur bone stops him from completely biting my leg off, but again feel his teeth press into the bone and my mind goes black with pain again.

My whole body quakes. I can't breathe, only gag. Vomit and spit leak out the side of my face as I choke on them and pain alike. I hold my tongue in the back of my mouth to keep from biting it off, my teeth are clenched so tightly. I shakily try to draw my M92, manage to get it out of the holster and place it one foot away from this ugly bastard's head. I fire. Once, twice, three times, four times. But nothing happens. The bullets just seem to bounce off his thick skull. I see a couple of them lodged in his face, but the rest just deflected off. My heart sinks as I realize I'm truly dead now. Well, no point in suffering right? Dejectedly, I place the barrel under my chin, silently asking God to understand why I must take my own life. This is it. I try to breathe one last time to calm myself, but all I can see is just a black endless abyss before me. I start to squeeze the trigger, anticipating death's cold but satisfying escape from the jaws of Hell's minions.


What? Who said that? I blink, trying to stay conscious as I hear a sickening crack come from my leg, and realize that with another shake of his head the demon just dislocated my knee! My heart pounds like a drum, it's beating echoing in my ears as I gasp through my clenched fangs. I'm sure I heard something though, as if someone were talking to my very soul. I close my eyes again and begin to pull the trigger again, when I feel a terrible ache in my chest.

Suddenly I see Katie before me, naked and beaten to a pulp. Blood stains her white fur, and cuts and lacerations cover her body. Her eyes look at me, pleading for me to do something. And then she's gone. I open my eyes and shake my head, trying to get that image out of my brain. But it's no use, I still see her there. Fuck! I grit my teeth and look back down at the demon, who continues to chomp at my leg in his attempt to sever it. To hell with that! Katie needs me, and the last thing I'm gonna do is be some hellspawn motherfucker's lunch. No, I've got a much better idea...

EAT THIS MOTHERFUCKER! With my last ounce of strength I lunge forward and jab the pistol into his mouth, not caring that it's pressed right against my leg. I then empty every last bullet I have into his throat, grinning with evil bliss as I see black and yellow blood squirt out from his mouth. The demon cries aloud in pain, and then slumps onto its stomach before giving one last death gurgle as it drowns in its own fluids. His jaw slackens, and I find I can pry it open. With that, I slowly pull my leg out, gagging slightly as I see the deep bite marks, as well as the visible bone fractures. But I'm alive, and so long as that's the case I'm not gonna stop. Not so long as I know Katie needs my help. I look around, but see nothing. The demons are all gone it looks like, but I know they'll be back soon. Fuck, my leg's killing me. I remember that medical kit back at the Humvee, and so I begin my long, slow, painful crawl back to it.

It takes me five agonizing minutes to reach it, but I manage to do so. Amazingly the demon didn't cut any major veins, so I've only lost about a pint of blood; no more than if I'd gone to donate some to a blood bank. I crawl up to the back of the Humvee and pull myself up into the trunk bed. There I find the Killgore Pharmaceuticals medical kit. I open it and start looking through for some morphine to take away the pain in my leg. Some antibiotics and bandages would be nice too, but right now I all I want is for the throbbing pain of my mangled bones and flesh to just stop. Come on, where do they hide the morphine? You've got to be kidding me, what kind of cheap ass kit is this? We're not playing paintball out here; we need something a little better than a band aid damn it! And...hello, what's this?

I pull out a medical syringe vacuum wrapped in plastic. The label reads, "Kill STREAK." Kill STREAK? What the heck does that stand for? Looking closely, I realize it stands for Syringe Transferred Regenerative Enzyme Antiseptic Kit. ......I have no idea what that means. Hell, I barely understand any of the words in this thing to begin with. But, I do know antiseptics kill bacteria, and the last thing I need is a case of blood poisoning. I unwrap the syringe and begin to roll up the sleeve on my right arm. God, I really hate needles, but I know I need this shot and so after a few deep breaths I'm able to calm myself and inject the contents of the syringe into my bloodstream. There...that wasn't so bad. Actually, I feel pretty good. After a couple of minutes the pain starts to fade from excruciating to more of a dull itch. And...what the?

My left cheek starts to itch, and as I bring my paw up to my face, I feel flesh there. is that possible? Moments ago my cheek was gone and there was nothing there but my teeth, but now it's like it never even happened. Then I realize my leg doesn't hurt anymore either. Looking down, I gasp in utter awe as I see the vicious gashes and lacerations in my leg seal themselves up and slowly disappear! Even my bones have realigned themselves, as I soon discover I can bend my right knee again. Stepping out of the trunk, I realize every wound I received in the last thirty minutes is gone. Every cut, every bruise, every scrape...gone. I open the kit and find eleven more Kill STREAK syringes. Carefully I load them into my pant's cargo pockets or my bandolier's extra magazine pockets. I gotta feeling these things will come in handy, especially if I'm able to find Katie. God, I just hope I can get to her in time.

My heart sinks as I begin to debate on how I'm going to get out of Afghanistan...but then I slowly start to realize that maybe I'm not in Afghanistan anymore. I pick up my M-240 and sling it over my back, and then pick up an M-4 carbine lying in the trunk. I'm starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel in terms of weaponry and ammunition. I'm not finding anymore clips for the M-4, although I do come across a spare ammo belt for the M-240. I wrap it around my shoulder and over my torso, and then have my M-4 trade places with the M-240. I set out towards the pathway leading to the road off this mountain. However, when I reach the edge, I find the path no longer exists. Below me the cliffs seem to hang over nothing but empty void. I look down and simply see a swirling storm of blood red clouds and fog. So...that means I'm effectively trapped here, cursed to keep fighting for my life until I run out of medicine and bullets.

I sink to my knees and sigh in defeat. I close my eyes, letting a few tears drip down my face, feeling them leave a clean trail over my fur as they wash away all the grit and dust that now coats me. All I can see is Katie lying there in her bed, staring back at me. All I want is to be there with her, to hold her in my arms. To tell her everything will be okay. Instead, all I can do is watch as she lies there in pain. I feel sick, and my chest aches like I just got hit with a steel wrecking ball. If only I could be next to her, to tell her I love her and to say, sis...I'm sorry.

As I look at her, her eyes seem to talk to me, and then I notice a slight smile crease across her lips as I hear her voice. Don't be.

But I couldn't save you!

You did your best.

And my best wasn't good enough.

How so?

Well...look! You're hurt and alone, and I'm not there to help you. I'm stuck here, wherever this is, and I all I can do is sit and watch you die before my eyes.

That isn't true. You could've ended your pain, but you chose to keep fighting.

But what was the point? If I can't save you then what's the point in me living?

There's always a point, you sometimes just need a little push to find it.

I...I don't understand what you mean.

Look behind you.

I open my eyes and turn around just in time to see one of those massive bull demons charging at me. Before I know what's happening the big bastard hit's me square in the chest with his head, sending me flying back. Eyes and teeth clenched tight, I hold my breath and wait for the familiar pain of slamming flat on my back against the cold, hard earth. But it never comes. Opening my eyes I see the floating chunk of rock that I was just on disappear into the clouds...HOLY SHIT! Looking over my shoulder I see nothing below me but an infinite abyss of swirling red clouds and black glowing stars. Needless to say, I'm screaming pretty much this whole time as I plummet towards my certain demise. But I might as well go out with some dignity and ...oh to hell with that; FFFUUUUUUHHHHHHCCCKKKK! OH MY GOD! OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD! HOOLLLLLYYYY SHIIIITTTTT! AND...what the? OH SHIT!

Below me the clouds start to thin out and suddenly I fall out of them into a clear red sky...towards a murky red ocean! I clench my teeth and fold my arms to my chest while thrusting my legs downward so I fall feet first into the sea. I take one last breath and then...SPLASH!

6:39 A.M. EST - Kyle's Room

Kyle's eyes flew open as he gasped aloud and rolled out of bed and onto the floor with a loud thud. Shaking his head, he looked around his room to find everything was where it should be. No demons, no red sky, no zombies. His room was still nearly pitch black, save for a little light coming through his window shades from the street lamps outside. He heaved a long, relieved sigh as his heart began to beat slower and return to its normal rate of pounding. It was just a dream...a nightmare.

Bringing his left paw up to his face, he tried to wipe the sweat from his brow, only for his forehead to feel even wetter. Standing up, he slowly stumbled into his bathroom and flicked on the lights. Looking in the mirror, he nearly wanted to scream, for his forehead was covered in blood. He blinked several times, wanting to make sure of what he was seeing. How the hell...?

The answer came a few seconds later when Kyle rested his left paw on the counter, only to feel a sharp stinging sensation across his palm. Looking at his paw, he discovered a long, slender cut running across his hand. He walked back over to his bed and found that in his sleep he had reached under his pillows, grabbed his knife and unsheathed it by accident. Kyle realized he must have grabbed the blade while he was dreaming. He sighed in relief and returned to the bathroom to rinse off his paw and wrap a gauze bandage around it.

As he tended to his wounds, Kyle's mind kept flashing back to that image of Katie lying there on her bed, wounded and helpless. Every time he pictured her looking at him he clenched his teeth and let a tear drop from his eyes. He looked at himself in the mirror, his expression bearing pure anger and frustration. Looking down at his paw, he paused a few seconds to stare at the thin trail of fresh blood leaking from the wound. For some reason he enjoyed the pain; he felt like he deserved it for his failure. Closing his eyes, he began meditate on the situation.

It was just a dream dude, calm down. Katie's fine, she's not hurt. You haven't failed her, and you will not fail her.

He paused to look at his hand again, smiling slightly as he did before looking back to himself in the mirror.

I will not fail, because as of this moment I take an oath in my own blood that I will do all that it is within my ability to keep her safe. No matter the cost to myself, whether it be my body, life, or soul, I will always stand between her and catastrophe. And should I knowingly shirk my responsibility, my life is forfeit, for I will have betrayed the needs of the one whom I love most in this world.

Katie awoke to the sounds of feet thumping down the hallway stairs, which struck her as something rather odd considering it was 6:45 in the morning. Groggily she rubbed her eyes, yawned, and slipped out of her room and into the kitchen. There she found Kyle standing over the kitchen sink wrapping a foot long piece of white gauze around his left paw. A pang of concern resonated in her chest, as she wondered what happened to her brother's paw. Quietly she walked over to a barstool at the kitchen's island counter and sat down to watch Kyle.

"What happened to your paw?" she asked.

Kyle jumped at this, as he thought he was alone. He turned his head to look over towards her and gave a weak smile. "Oh, I...uhh...I accidently cut myself with my knife while cleaning the blade. No biggie." He returned to dressing his wound, but as he did so he noticed Katie hadn't gotten up to leave. He turned his head back to her and asked, "So what are you doing up this early anyway?"

"I heard you come down," she replied with a yawning smile, although she still bore a look of concern in her eyes. "Are you okay though?"

"Yeah I'm fine, this cut's not very deep and..."

"No," she interrupted him, "I mean besides the cut. You're all pale and sweaty like you got spooked by a ghost or something."

You have no idea, he thought. Kyle sighed as he finished taping the bandage in place and then turned to face his sister. "Well, there is one thing."

"Oh yeah?" Katie asked, slightly eager that Kyle was being open for once.

"I think we should stop sleeping together." He flinched as he saw a familiar look of fear and dread come across Katie's face.

"What? Y-you don't mean we're not..."

"No! We're still mates, I don't want to change that! But...look I've been thinking a lot lately and, frankly your dad has a point. I've been a complete, selfish jerk this whole time."

"That's not true!" Katie rebutted, "You've always been there for me and have never once done something to hurt me...intentionally that is."

"Yeah but think about it; we've been pretty lucky that I haven't gotten you pregnant this whole time. And if I did, think about what would happen. Your life would be ruined, and I'd probably go to prison for ten years. And by the time I got out, everyone in our family, all our friends, and even complete strangers would know about our relationship. You'd have to raise our pup on your own without me to be there with you, not to mention put up with all taunts and mockery from the kids at school."

Katie just looked down at the counter and sighed. "'re right. Plus our child probably wouldn't even recognize you as his father since you'll have been in...wait why would you be in prison in the first place?"

"Paternity test, remember? You're under age, which means it's mandatory. And the first people they always check are immediate family in case they have a possible rape case on their hands. Even though our love is consensual, the law says you're too young to be able to make that choice."

"Well that's just stupid," Katie said rather disgusted. "Why should they punish you when you haven't done anything wrong?"

"That's life sis, it doesn't always make sense, and it's sure as heck not fair. But what's really not fair is you being cheated out of the best years of your life because you have to raise my pup by yourself. I promised myself I'd always be here to protect you, and so I'm going to protect you from myself, so to speak."

Katie smiled and nodded in understanding as she looked up at him. "So, when can we mate again?"

"Well the legal age in Georgia is sixteen, but you'll still be in high school soooo, how about the night of your graduation?" Kyle suggested.

"I have to wait till my highschool graduation before I can sleep with you again?" she asked rather annoyed.

"Hey it won't be pleasant for me either, but this way John won't be able to do anything about us, and when we can be together I'm sure we'll more than make up for lost time," Kyle said with a hinting grin. "One other thing though," he said changing to a more serious expression, "Can you forgive me for being a selfish jerk and not thinking of you earlier?"

"Kyle, you've always thought of me. You don't need to apologize for that," Katie happily replied. "But, if it will make you feel better, then yes I forgive you."

"Thanks sis," Kyle said with a comforted smile as he walked over and pulled Katie into a hug. "I love you," he gently whispered as he held her close.

"Love you too big guy, love you too," Katie whispered back with a warm smile.

As the siblings embraced, neither one noticed that the door down the hallway leading to their parent's bedroom was slightly cracked open. It then quietly shut, as John held the door's knob in place so he could control how quickly the latch snapped back into place. He smiled to himself as he slowly crawled back into bed with Eliza and pulled the bed sheets back over him.

"John, what're you doing," Eliza asked, a little annoyed at having been roused from her sleep a few minutes earlier."

"Nothing dear," he replied, "But I think I can begin shamelessly calling Kyle my son again."

June 14th - 11:55 P.M. - Katie's Room

While it had only been twelve days since Kyle and Katie had agreed to forgo yiff in their relationship until she graduated high school, to the two siblings it felt like a whole year had passed by. The days seemed dull and pointless now, as they would both get up, go jogging, and then come back horny out of their minds only to go upstairs to shower off and return to the kitchen for breakfast. Kyle spent most of his time either playing Xbox, reading, or napping; basically how he used to behave before he and Katie were mates.

Even when they hung out together, there was still the underlying sexual tension, as they both knew they wanted to tear each other's clothes off and yiff wherever they were standing. While they would still kiss once in a while, they found that making out only exacerbated their desires and soon they were to the point where even a handshake would get them bothered and hot. Katie started to feel like she was growing detached from Kyle, as he spent most of his time in his room now. Even though he'd periodically come hang out with her in her room to listen to music or talk, a part of him always seemed to be aloof. For Kyle, that part was his imagination as he pictured what he'd like to be doing wither her, but couldn't.

As time passed however, it became clear that Katie was suffering more than Kyle. For you see, whenever Kyle began feeling yiffy, he did what any wolf his age would do and pawed off-which was part of the reason why he stayed in his room so often. However, unlike many pups her age Katie had not yet discovered how to paw. Sure, she'd heard of it, and she'd tried it once before, but halfway through her first attempt she became overridden with embarrassment and guilt at what she was doing. Even though it felt terrific, a part of her kept telling her it was wrong, and so she stopped and pretended it never happened. But another part of her knew she liked what she had done, and now that part was starting to resurface.

As with anything you try to give up, it's hard at first because your body still craves whatever you're trying to quit, like with cigarettes or alcohol. Now, Katie was nowhere near what you'd call a sex addict-although the same couldn't quite be said for her brother-but that didn't mean she didn't periodically get overcome with desire. And tonight, twelve days after her pact with Kyle, she was certainly feeling yiffy. She knew it couldn't be helped; since she was due to enter her heat cycle again sometime this week, and she had a feeling that she was in the opening stages of it. While heat suppressant drugs were available by prescription, Katie couldn't take them on account of her having an allergy to many of the ingredients. This meant that basically whenever she entered heat, she was doomed to forty-eight hours of yiffy torture while an unquenchable fire burned between her legs.

And so tonight, like many nights before, Katie sat with her legs hugged tightly to her chest as she tried to ignore the tingling desire that was slowly building within her. She knew sleep wouldn't come for many, many hours. She'd suffered nights like this before, cursed to simply sit and brood on how to trick herself into forgetting about her aching love tunnel long enough to fall asleep and just have a wet dream that would leave her feeling dirty but slightly sated the next morning. But tonight was different. All she could think about was Kyle, and what he must be doing right now. She then remembered he was just down the hall from her, although this was easy to forget considering the last time she had felt like this he had been deployed in Afghanistan.

Her memory drifted back farther, acting as a sort of memory DVD player as she recalled other times with Kyle, like the first day he came home from Afghanistan, or the day they had been caught. Katie's memory went back further, reminiscing that first night where she and Kyle became mates, or even before then when she caught Kyle pawing in his bedroom. The more she thought about it though, the more she felt cold and alone, not to mention frustrated as the unnerving lust that seemed to be growing in the base of her heart made her whole chest ache. She hadn't felt like this since that first night where she sneaked into Kyle's room late at night and he showed her what kind of orgasmic wonders can be achieved by the cunning use of one's tongue.

And...why not see if history can repeat itself? Katie smiled to herself as she eagerly stepped out of bed and quietly crept into the hall, making sure the coast was clear as she stealthily skulked her way down to Kyle's door. Carefully she tested the door. Unlocked. She smiled as she slowly opened it and poked her head in; wanting to make sure Kyle wasn't in the middle of anything before she entered. He wasn't, as he was merely lying in bed on his right side facing Katie, although since he was sound asleep he didn't notice her. Katie silently walked over to him, admiring her sleeping mate and wishing it was her in his arms instead of his top sheet. She lightly brushed a paw across his arm as she leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on his nose.

Kyle murred at her touch and lightly shifted in his sleep, which briefly startled Katie until she realized he wasn't waking up. Instead he simply rolled over on his back and lay there splayed before her. Quickly Katie brought her paw to her muzzle, as she noticed a distinctive bulge in Kyle's boxers. Trying her hardest not to snicker, Katie admired her brother's nocturnal bed buddy. Aww, I wonder what he's dreaming about.

Unknown to Katie, Kyle wasn't dreaming about anything. He was deep in the confines of REM sleep, causing his skeletal muscle structure to relax thus triggering hyper vasodilatation in his body's capillaries, resulting in his present hard on. What? I know things. And, hey I just broke the fourth wall, something that I haven't done since chapter four. Nice.

Anyway, Katie couldn't take her eyes off her brother's member. Her body was full of hormonal need, and the key to opening the flood gates of that need was two feet in front of her, separated by only a thin layer of cotton fabric. Still, she knew that if she yiffed him now there'd be a good chance she'd wind up pregnant...but that didn't mean she couldn't do other things with him. Katie surprised herself when she caught her paws gently undoing the fly to Kyle's boxers, allowing his red stiffness to poke free into the cool night air. I really shouldn't be doing this, Katie chided herself, But he looks so cute when he's asleep. Besides, I'm sure he wouldn't mind...heck he probably won't even wake up. And so with that Katie carefully slid on the bed, moving with exaggerated slowness so the shifting bedsprings wouldn't rouse Kyle from his slumber.

Katie licked her lips in anticipation as she looked down at her brother's wolfhood. She was hit with his familiarly strong but pleasant scent, it's salt-almost garlicky-aroma making her whole body shudder in lust. Under normal circumstances she probably would have cringed slightly, but being in heat changed everything. Her brother's musky scent combined with her body's own desires only seemed to throw fuel on the burning lust that made everything from her pussy to her heart ache with need. She could feel her maw salivate with hunger, her tongue eagerly awaiting the first taste of her brother's warm sticky seed. And so with continued discipline and temperance, she carefully wrapped a paw around Kyle's shaft and guided him into her maw.

She paused as Kyle moaned aloud in his sleep, his body shifting slightly as a wide smile crept over his face and he lightly gripped the bed sheets. Katie grinned inwardly as she realized she probably just triggered a wet dream in Kyle's subconscious. She knew he was probably as pent up as she was, if not more being a guy and all. And so with tactile grace, Katie slid her brother's cock up to the hilt in her maw. She'd done this enough now to know how to open her throat, allowing her to deep throat him with ease, as well as make him squirm as she gave him a long, seductive lick along the underside of his shaft as she pulled off him.

"Oooohhhh sis, yeaaahh......" Kyle moaned, making Katie freeze in place as a rush of fear washed over her.

Meekly, she pulled off him and looked up at his face. His eyes were still closed, and his face bore only a sleepy smile. "Kyle?" Katie whispered to him, testing to see if he was truly asleep. No reaction. "Kyle???" she whispered again, a little louder this time. This time he twitched a bit, but nothing else.

Satisfied that he was still fast asleep and simply enjoying a dream, Katie brought her maw back down on Kyle's wolfhood and began sucking him off again. She loved how wrong this felt, to be secretly giving her brother head in the middle of the night, and yet how right it felt at the same time because he was her mate. Katie began to bob her head a little bit faster, periodically looking up to Kyle's face to enjoy his now strained facial expressions. She could tell he was holding back, probably because he didn't understand why he suddenly felt the urge to cum. Katie chuckled to herself, deciding she'd play with Kyle a little bit before making him blow. First she gave him a gentle love bite, which made him jump in his sleep and thrust his hips up into her maw. Katie gagged slightly as she unexpectedly deep throated him again, but she quickly recovered and was soon back to running her tongue along Kyle's pulsing rod.

Soon he was leaking thin watery drops of pre-cum, which Katie eagerly licked up. The salty sweet taste made her feel giddy on the inside, and so she pulled her maw off of Kyle enough to be able to wrap her right paw around his shaft to she could give him several firm squeezes. This not only brought forth a small torrent of pre, but it also made Kyle roll his head back as he groaned in his sleep, teeth gritted for reasons unknown as he felt his orgasm quickly approach. Katie noticed Kyle's paws were now tightly gripping his sheets, and his chest was lightly heaving as he panted for breath. Carefully, Katie laid her left paw on top of Kyle's right one, giving him a gentle squeeze. To her surprise, Kyle unclenched his paw and turned it palm up so that he could grasp her paw as well, and then gave her an affectionate squeeze of his own.

Katie smiled and began to deep throat Kyle again, enjoying his moans, murrs, and gasps each time she did so. She knew he was on the very edge of climax, and it was only a matter of time before he broke down and released his load. He gripped her paw harder, and he kept his teeth clenched as he gasped through them. Katie quickened her pace, letting her tongue run wild across the underside of Kyle's member as she murred in pleasure herself, knowing the sensations of doing so would drive her brother mad with lust. A few seconds later she then felt him tense up, and she knew it was time.

Kyle cringed as his wolfhood began to jerk with almost painful intensity, sending thick, hot murky ropes of wolfspunk into Katie's maw. Katie sighed in delight as the first two splashed against the roof of her mouth and tongue. The taste was stronger than she remembered; musky, somewhat salty, and oh so bitter. But bitter in an oh so enjoyable way, as the taste reminded her of fresh black coffee-strong, somewhat pungent, but quite delicious all the same. And so as she savored the flavor of her brother's seed, Kyle continued to fire off four more salvos of yiff sauce, with Katie licking up every last drop. Throughout his entire climax, Katie never once pulled her muzzle off of Kyle, her lips and tongue never ceasing as she smeared hot and sticky goodness back over him, making his flesh nice and slick. Once he had finally expended his load, Katie set about cleaning Kyle's wolfhood off, making sure to take her time and lick up every ounce of his spunk.

Satisfied that her job was done, Katie carefully crept off the bed and stood back on the floor. With a depressed sigh she looked over her still sleeping brother, his face now simply bearing a broad smile as his breathing returned to normal and he continued sleeping soundly, as if nothing had ever happened. Well, that was fun, she thought. Still, she was just as horny as when she'd started, if not hornier. She figured the best thing to do was just head back to her room and try counting to infinity again. Katie turned to leave, but as she stepped away she was suddenly stopped by a strong tug on her tail. A bolt of ice cold fear surged through her heart as she froze in place and heard a gruff, "Hmm, going somewhere are we?"

My Great Big Brother- Fun in the Park: Part 2

Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, meaning if you are under 18 SHOO! NOW. And I know you aren't gonna listen because I did the same thing when I was 16. Sigh, so just make sure you lock the damn door so your parents don't catch you,...

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My Great Big Brother- Fun in the Park: Part 1

Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, meaning if you are under 18 SHOO! NOW. And I know you aren't gonna listen because I did the same thing when I was 16. Sigh, so just make sure you lock the damn door so your parents don't catch you,...

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My Great Big Brother- "DON'T. TOUCH. MY STEREO."

Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, meaning if you are under 18 SHOO! NOW. And I know you aren't gonna listen because I did the same thing when I was 16. Sigh, so just make sure you lock the damn door so your parents don't catch you,...

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