
Story by Janus Wolff on SoFurry

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All characters copy write to me, Janus Wolff ~~~~~~~ Understanding Alex groaned around the gag stuffed into his muzzle, thick strands of drool hanging from his mouth and dripping onto the floor beneath him. He was bent over onto all fours. His wrists and ankles strapped to thick D-rings bolted to the concrete floor, and a thick leather harness strapped about his lower body, squeezing off his sheath and balls at the same time that it held his fluffy wolf tail up out of the way. He grunted again as Haley slammed her thighs back into his rump, driving her hard throbbing cock up his sore and abused tailhole, he furry purple balls slapping hard against his. The punk-goth cat panted heavily above him as she fucked him mercilessly, pounding away on his butt like she had been doing for the last hour. Alex never understood how it took her so long when all the others seemed to be done so very fast. After what seemed like an eternity, and which probably was at this point, Haley yowled loudly, driving her sharp, retractable claws deep into his butt as she hilted him, cock twitching violently. Alex yelped in surprise as he felt spurt after spurt of thick cat cum blast his insides, filling his tailhole to the brim with creamy kitty spunk. "Mmm...fuck.." she purred happily, pulling her quickly softening dick from his leaking butt. "Every time I fuck you, it just feels better and better." she giggled and gave him a playful slap on the ass, making him yelp again. She walked around to the front of him and undid his gag, pulling it from his mouth. Alex spluttered and spit a bit, trying to either swallow or get rid of the excess saliva that had built up in his mouth. He looked up to see Haley looking down at him, he semi-hard cock dangling in front of his face. "Do me a favor?" she asked sweetly. Alex sighed and shrugged his shoulders as best he could with his wrists bolted to the floor. "Fine," he said "why not." Haley smiled broadly, lifting her cock up out of the way and giving him a clear path to her nuts. Alex opened his mouth and pressed his face into her groin, taking her furry balls in his muzzle and sucking them gently. Haley groaned in pleasure, letting go of her cock and allowing it to flop down on his face and she grabbed a fist full of his head fur to support herself. "Mmm...dear god..." she sighed happily. "You know, you suck nuts better then any boy I know wolfy," she said. Alex let them drop from his mouth briefly and tilted his head upwards, pressing his nose into her sheath. "Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?" he asked. "Ooo, definitely a compliment. Now get back to sucking bitch boy!" She giggled, tugging on his hair. Alex opened his mouth again and nudged her balls with his nose. He stuck his tongue out and slurped them back up, rolling them around in his mouth. He had to admit, he was starting to like the treatment he was receiving, at least from Haley. Stephanie didn't really do much on her own, Amber, while she fucked him good, and even jerked him off sometimes, liked to humiliate him while she got off and Kelsey was just too much of a bitch to be even kind of enjoyable. Haley, even though she was a bit of a sadist and was into things like whipping boys, chaining them up, and having them call her 'Daddy', at least was polite about it. Well, as polite as a potential rapist could be. When she had had enough of him sucking her balls, she pulled them out of his mouth and slipped her dick in in their place. She sighed softly as her throbbing flesh slide easily over his smooth, wet tongue. She gripped his head and began pumping her hips back and forth in his mouth. Due to his treatment to her nuts, it didn't take long at all before she tensed up and blew her load down his throat. As usual he received no warning. He didn't gag though. He hadn't in a long time now. He had grown used to the sudden surge of hot, salty spunk as it blasted into his waiting muzzle. He had even grown used to the taste at this point. He gulped down as much of the steaming kitty cream as he could and simply let the rest drizzle out of his mouth and onto the floor as he always did. Haley sighed happily and pulled her now soft cock from his mouth. It dropped down and hung between her thighs, completely spent after hours of teasing and fucking. She stretched, leaning back and yawning as she did. Then bent down to undo Alex's harness and straps that held him in place. Once free, the wolf stood up and stretched. He winced as his back snapped. He shook out his sore arms and legs and spit what cum remained in his mouth out onto the concrete floor. Haley giggled. She went over and sat down on her bed and began to pull her black and pink thong back on. "Your cloths are over by the door," She said, nodding her head at him. Alex grabbed them and began to get dressed. The two teens were almost completely clothed when they heard the front door slam on the floor above them. "Shit," Haley swore, pulling her shirt down over her head. "My mom wasn't supposed to get home for another hour!" she grumbled under her breath as she hurriedly pulled on her knee high boots. "Stay down here, and don't make a sound." She ordered Alex as she rushed out her bedroom door. Alex sighed and sat down on her bed to put on the rest of his cloths. He wasn't supposed to be over Haley's house when her parents weren't home. They had this idea that because he was a boy, he would take advantage of Haley, despite the fact that they weren't dating and had been friends since before they could remember. Of course the fact that they weren't dating didn't stop Haley from sticking it up his rear every chance she got, but they didn't really need to think that way. Alex could here Haley and her mother talking upstairs before he heard the front door slam once more and someone walking down the stairs. A moment later Haley came back in through the door rolling her eyes. "Don't worry," she said "she was just dropping off the groceries before she did her other errands. Apparently she had ice cream." "Oh, ok." Alex said, standing up and stretching. Haley gave him a look. "You didn't get any cum on my bed, did you?" she demanded. Alex rolled his eyes. "No, I made sure not to leak." he said mockingly. It was amazing how much he had loosened up about the whole sex slave thing over the last month and a half. Haley grinned. "Good," she said. "I would hate to have to give you a spanking." She and Alex left her room and walked upstairs. The wolf picked up his jacket from the basement railing as they went up. "So you don't need a ride?" Haley asked. Alex shook his head. "Nope," he said. "my car's finally out of the shop today." "Good," Haley said smiling. "so, you still coming over tomorrow? Movie night remember?" "Yeah I'll be there," Alex replied, standing in the door way. "Ok. Now remember, I wont be able to fuck you, there's this cute boy I'm having over and I'm hoping to get him to ask me out." Alex rolled his eyes. "Poor kid," he said teasingly. Haley slapped his ass in response.

"Shut it," she snapped. "if things get too bad I might pull you into the bathroom to give me head but thats about as far as it goes." "I think i'll live," Alex said sarcastically. Haley stuck her tongue out at him. "don't be an asshole." "Heh, don't worry about it." Alex said "if anyone, I prefer it to be you. Amber would have me dressed in drag and pass me off as one of her cheer team and Kelsey would probably fuck me in front of her parents if given the chance." "Hey, give them a break," Haley chastised. "Amber might be into cross dressing, but she's sweet." Alex nodded reluctantly in agreement. He did like Amber a lot, despite all things. She was his girlfriend after all. "And lay off on Kelsey too," Haley continued. Alex raised an eyebrow. The cat shrugged. "Hey, I'm not saying she's not a bitch, but don't judge her until you know everything. There are things going on that you simply cannot understand." Alex sighed and clicked the remote starter for his car on his keys. "I'll try to keep that in mind while she's crippling me." ~~~~~ Alex pulled into Haley's driveway the next day at around 7:00 to find the other people invited were already there. There was one car he had never seen before, which he assumed belonged to whatever boy Haley was attempting to seduce, in addition to Amber's convertible. Alex groaned inwardly. It wasn't that he minded Amber being there, but the likelihood was if Amber showed up to a get together planned by a member of 'The Society', the other members would be there also. Stephanie didn't really make much of a difference, but Alex hated begin around Kelsey. The wolf took a deep breath, steeled himself, and walked up the front steps to the front door to ring the doorbell. It was just a few seconds before he could hear people talking inside the house, the voices coming closer to the door. A moment later Haley opened the door to greet him. She smiled as she saw him. Behind her Alex could see the other members of the Society and one very nervous looking mouse boy. Alex found it ironic that the boy Haley was literally hunting was actually a mouse. It was somehow fitting. He felt sorry for the boy. "Hey Alex, come on in," Haley said, smiling brightly. Alex smiled back and stepped in past her into the room. As he came in Amber closed the distance between them and wrapped him up in her arms, kissing him roughly on the mouth. "Hey babe," she whispered seductively. Alex kissed her back. "Hey, I thought there wasn't going to be any, you know, since Haley's 'boy' was over." he said. Amber chuckled. "Oh don't worry, nothings gonna happen. I don't think at least." She giggled. Alex waved nervously to Stephanie and Kelsey. Stephanie smiled meekly back and waved just as nervously in response, but Kelsey just snorted and turned her nose up at him. Alex frowned. "Ok, no that everyones here," Haley said cheerfully, walking over to stand shoulder to shoulder with the mouse boy at the edge of the group. "How about we all head down stairs and get a movie ready?" there was a general murmur of agreement and the group headed down to Haley's basement. Alex noted as they went that the normal dungeon he usually experienced while he was chained to her floor on all fours was blocked off with a thick curtain hung from an old shower rod. He wondered vaguely if Haley's parents knew she drilled holes in the concrete floor to install the D-rings and I-bolts. Her family room was surprisingly un-torture chamber like. It had a couch and a rug, a few chairs, and a TV set. The cabinet was stuffed full of DVDs and even older VHS cassettes. Alex had never been in this part of the house. At least not since Haley's family had finished the renovations. Lately he had been confined to her room. Stephanie and Kelsey each took an arm chair, and Alex flopped down onto the long sofa pressed against the wall. As soon as he was settled, Amber climbed into his lap, smirking slightly. She pressed herself to his chest and nipped at his neck playfully. The mouse boy (Haley had introduced him as Derrick) sat down on the other end of the sofa. Haley went over to the DVD cabinet and began rifling through it. Kelsey and Stephanie, and even Derrick, all made some suggestions as to what to watch. Alex wasn't really paying attention. He was focusing as hard as he could on not reacting to the gorgeous skunk girl sitting in his lap. Amber made a few casual suggestions as to a movie, but the wolf could tell, most of her attention was focused on grinding her ass into his hardening cock without anyone noticing. Alex clenched his teeth and took a deep breath. "I thought we weren't doing this," he whispered to her. Amber giggled. "Oh shut up," she said. "we promised not to fuck you, but lets be honest here, how often do you get to cum when we have out little playtime? Hm?" Alex sighed. There was no arguing with her, she would do what she wanted anyways. Not that he was really entirely sure what she wanted. Haley finally picked a movie and popped it into the DVD drive. She went and sat down on the couch, nearly in Derrick's lap, though not quite. The mouse still looked quite uncomfortable. The movie started but Alex didn't recognize it. It was some chick flick, as it always was with this group surprisingly. He didn't really focus much on it, as he was spending most of his time trying not to make a sound as Amber butt-humped him. A quick glance around the room told him that the only person actually watching the movie was Stephanie. The shy antelope girl was leaning forward in her chair, her head in her hands and her elbows on her knees, staring at the screen intently. Kelsey was making an effort to watch the movie, but kept shooting dark looks over at Alex and Amber. Alex could tell she knew exactly what was going on. Not that it really mattered much in the end. Derrick was also staring intently at the screen, but Alex could tell he wasn't seeing anything that was actually happening. He was trying to hard to ignored Haley, who was leaning in against him, talking quietly in his ear, and tracing a claw in circles through his short grey-white fur. Alex noticed that everywhere she touched his muscles tensed and the fur stood on end. He couldn't tell if Derrick being so terrified of her turned Haley on, or if she even noticed. Alex gasped softly as Amber shifted her weight and fanned out her skirt so it covered his entire. On the side farthest from Haley and Derrick, Amber reached up under her skirt and slowly began unbuttoning his pants. Alex could see the devilish smirk on her face as she watched the movie a little too intently to really be paying attention to it. He heard Kelsey snort in disgust on the other side of the room. In a matter of seconds Amber had his dick free of his pants, rock hard and throbbing in her hand. Alex took a deep breath, bracing himself, yet she surprised him. He had been expecting a hand-job, as he got on occasion for being a "good girlfriend" as Amber liked to say. But instead Amber lifted herself up very slightly, repositioned his cock under her, and sat back down. Alex clenched his jaw and eyes, and clawed at the couch, whimpering slightly as he felt for the first time his dick slide into Amber's tail hole. He could hear her exhale through her nose slowly, indicating that she had been holding her breath. Kelsey was the only one who noticed. Stephanie was too absorbed in the movie, and Derrick was trying to hard to ignore Haley, who was now resting her head on his shoulder. "Now, if you make one noise," Amber whispered cheerfully to him, "Your gonna be wearing girls cloths for a week, understand?" Alex bit his lip hard and nodded, doing his best to keep silent. Amber smiled. "Thats a good boy," she cooed. She slowly began to gyrate her hips in his lap. He was amazed at how covertly she could move, her skirt barely rippled in his lap. "The wolf clenched his eyes shut and leaned his head back, breathing hard through his nose. He didn't dare open his mouth lest he let out a moan or a whimper. There was a soft ripping noise as his claws tore into the sofa fabric, but nobody noticed. Amber rotated her hips back and forth, side to side, and in slow, wide, circles. Alex's stomach flipped overtime she clenched her tailhole, sending waves of pleasure shooting through his usually blue-balled groin. Still, Kelsey was the only one who noticed a thing. "Am..Amber..." he hissed almost too softly for her to hear. "Im...gonna...cum..." He dug his claws in hard to the sofa, punching small holes into the cushions as his cock jerked inside his girlfriend's tailhole, spurting pent up wolf spunk from the last two weeks deep into her bowls. Amber smiled, and tilted her head back, her eyes closed in pleasure. When he was done she leaned back against him and whispered. "I said not a sound, now didn't I?" She giggled and his heart jumped. She had, and he had spoke. He sighed in defeat, knowing what the punishment was. He was used to it by now. Amber pulled herself up off his cock, reached in under her skirt and tucked him back away, zipping him up. Then she stood up, and brushed her skirt out. "Im sorry Haley," she said "but I really gotta get going. Cheerleading practice tomorrow morning and I haven't done any of my homework." Haley looked up from her current conquest, the mouse boy looking relieved by the distraction. "Oh, of course!" she said "Im sorry Amb, I completely forgot." Amber smiled and blew her a kiss. "Don't worry hun. Ill see you guys tomorrow okay?" she turned and sauntered out of the room. Alex coughed in surprise when he saw cum dripping down the backs of her thighs. Haley turned back to Derrick and Alex heard her whisper; "So, what was it I was saying..?" Kelsey stood up and walked halfway to the door. As she passed Alex she jerked her head at him, signaling him to follow. The wolf sighed, knowing it would be worse if he didn't, and got up to go with her. As he left he heard Derrick whisper back to Haley; "Um, Haley, er, you DO realize that I'm gay...right?" ~~~~~~~ Kelsey led Alex upstairs and into the family bathroom. She pushed him roughly through the door and stepped in after him, closing and locking it behind her. Alex sighed and turned to look at her. "What is it?" he asked, doing his best to be polite. He yelped in shock as the rabbit girl slapped him backhand across the face. He stood there for a moment, shocked, he face burning from the strike. Without a word Kelsey undid her jeans and dropped them to her ankles. "Just shut the fuck up and suck it, you filthy carnivore bitch." she snarled at him. For most people this would have been a surprise, but Alex had spend enough time around Kelsey to know that rabbits could indeed, snarl. The subservient wolf sighed and knelt down in front of the angry rabbit. He tilted his head back to look at her, opened his muzzle, and waited. Kelsey roughly grabbed hold of his ears and thrust her thick dick into his muzzle, making him choke with the force. Without any sort of foreplay, she began muzzle-fucking him. Alex choked and gagged, and the more his eyes watered, the more Kelsey smiled. Her sour, bitchy, angry glare shifted to be replaced with one of almost vindictive happiness. She fucked him hard and rough, until his thick saliva coated her dick enough that he no longer choked. When he stopped gagging, she started hitting. She gritted her teeth and slapped him with every thrust in, and began muttering. "Fucking filthy carnivore. If you just kept your hands to yourself, I wouldn't have to do this, now would I, huh?" she snarled at him, hitting him again as she fucked his face. Even if Alex could speak through the hard cock in his mouth, he wouldn't dare try to tell her that it was Amber who had been in charge tonight, not him. Kelsey stopped slapping him and grabbed his head fur with both hands. She hilted her cock in his face, balls deep, making him gag again. She then delivered a few short thrusts, each one accompanied by a guttural grunt, then finally she pulled him in so far and so hard that his muzzle was crushed into her soft pubic fur. Her cock jerked violently in his mouth as she came. She pulled out when she was finished, thick rabbit spunk pouring from his mouth. He did his best to swallow it and catch what he didn't. He didn't want to deal with the punishment he would get from Haley if he got cum all over her bathroom. Kelsey snorted again. "Disgusting carnivore." she muttered, pulling her pants up and leaving the bathroom. Alex stood up and washed his face off in the sink before following her. He caught up to her at the entrance to the basement, but she was standing still with her cellphone pressed to her ear. Alex pulled back out of sight. He didn't want to interrupt her. He was startled to hear that whoever she was talking to was loud enough for him to hear down the hall and around the corner. "Where the fuck are you?!" whoever it was roared over the phone. "Im at Danielle's house studying," Kelsey said. Alex was surprised at how meek she sounded. "Bull shit!" the person on the other end swore. "Im parked right next to that BITCH Haley's house, I watched Amber drive you guys there! And now she's left and your still hanging out inside?! When did you become such a sneaky little WHORE!?" Alex could see Kelsey's shoulders stiffen. "I am not a whore... and why the hell were you following me?" she demanded, starting to sound angry. "Don't you speak to me that way!" the phone roared. "I am your father!" Kelsey snorted. "STEP-father," she emphasized. "Thats it! I've had enough of this shit from you! Get your ass outside this instant, you worthless little cock-sucking slut!" her father roared. Alex was shocked. He was even more of an asshole then Kelsey was. He slunk back into the bathroom and hide as Kelsey hung up her phone and stormed past him towards the door. Alex hear the door slam behind her and peeked out of the bathroom. He snuck to the windows and looked out after her. Kelsey stormed down the driveway, towards a black Beamer parked on the side of the road. Standing next to the car, with his arms crossed across his chest and glaring angrily at Kelsey, was the biggest Hyena that Alex had ever seen. As Kelsey got closer he began roaring and shouting at her. She said nothing, just bowed her head and walked around to the passenger side of the car and got in. the Hyena climbed in to the drivers side still roaring and swearing at her. Finally he wound up and backhanded her so hard across the face that she tumbled out of the car. He leaned across, grabbed her by the front of her shirt, and hauled her back in. she said nothing, just shut the door behind her and they drove off. Alex stood by the windows, frozen in shock after seeing what had transpired. He heard the clipping noise of hooves coming up the stairs accompanied by stifled laughter. Alex turned to see Stephanie trot up from the basement, snickering. Her face was bright red. "Whets up?" Alex asked, still dazed from what he had witnessed. Stephanie snorted. "That little mouse kid really is gay!" she giggled. "its a good thing Haley enjoys being the man so much!" she giggled again. Alex walked closer to the basement stairs and was just able to make out the sounds of wood banging against concrete, and the little moaning squeaks of Derrick the mouse boy, and the breathless laughing grunts of Haley. Alex sighed. "Poor little mouse. He has no idea what he's got himself into."

Boys will Be Girls

All characters copy write to me, Janus Wolff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boys will be Girls       Alex sat on the bench in the lunch room, frowning down at his food. A light blush of embarrassment peaked out from beneath his fur, making his...

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The Society

The Society All Characters are copy write to me, Janus Wolff. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Morton Public High School was not small. It was far from it in fact. The place was enormous, a veritable fortress. Common...

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Yes Master

  All characters copywrite to me, Janus Wolff ~~~~~~ The temple was cool and dark. A gentle evening breeze rustled through the cherry tree by the window, causing the moon beams to fracture and scatter across the polished bamboo floor. Two...

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