The Society

Story by Janus Wolff on SoFurry

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The Society All Characters are copy write to me, Janus Wolff. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Morton Public High School was not small. It was far from it in fact. The place was enormous, a veritable fortress. Common belief was that the building was designed to be a state prison, but at the last minute the Governor decided that the town of Morton needed another school instead. It was just as well. The only other highschool in Morton was a Catholic private school. Parents who didn't want their kids to go there had to send them to neighboring towns.

Alex Parks slung his backpack off his shoulder onto the floor of the hallway as he unlocked his locker, eyes bleary from lack of sleep as he dialed in his combination. Alex was a young wolf, with red-grey fur, almost a rust color really. He was dressed in black jeans and a t-shirt. The jeans were a bit tight but not so tight as to be weird on a guy.

The seventeen year old wolf plopped his backpack into his locker and pulled out his notebooks and textbooks for his first period class. The hall was filled with laughter and talking as students socialized before the class bell rang. Alex jumped as someone banged against the locker next to him. "Hey Wolfy." said the slender grey and orange cat who had thrown herself into the locker. Alex smiled.

"Hey Haley, what's up?" his friend Haley was the same age as him, dressed in a tiny pink skirt hung with chains and black leather, stripped purple and yellow thigh-high socks, combat boots, a a torn up tank that didn't cover her belly, which was pierced. "Not much," she said with a smile. She was peppy and active, much more then her semi-goth look would have you expect. Alex smiled and closed his locker. "Those cloths "dress code approved?" he asked jokingly. Haley snorted and grinned. "As if. I've been talked to twice today already. I don't give a shit. Sides, my dress isn't the biggest rule I've broken." she said smugly, lifting her skirt at the hip, revealing a leather strap across her thigh filled with six inch, narrow throwing knives. Alex chokes in surprise. "What the hells wrong with you?!" he gasped. Haley slapped him on the back of his head.

"Oh shut the fuck up." she said sounding bored. The speakers above them in the hall blared suddenly, making Alex jump. "Damn your jumpy today." Haley laughed. Static snapped across the speaker and then the voice of the principal came over the intercom. "All students please report to the field house for the pep. rally today." the Principal said. A collective groan swept through the hall. "please make your way to to field house in an orderly fashion." the principal continued before shutting off the speaker. "Damn it, I completely forgot about that..." Alex complained, tossing his books back into his locker. Haley snorted.

"Look on the bright side Wolfy, Amber Singe will be preforming." She teased, laughing as he blushed beneath his fur. "Shut up!" he hissed, embarrassed. Haley laughed and started walking towards the field house "You should just ask her out you know." she teased as they fell into line with the other students on their way to the field house. "she's a cheerleader, she'll be with ANYONE." Alex glared at her. "You don't know that. She's not like that." Haley giggled and shook her head. "Oh poor little Wolfy," she teased. "trust me, I know. Just ask her out." Alex sighed, blushing under his fur. "Fine, ill ask her, after the pep rally today." he finally relented. Haley smiled. "Good, now quick, lets find a seat." ~~~~~ Alex and Haley sat next to each other in the field house bleachers, watching the athletic floor below as they waited for the rest of the students to arrive. A Bunny girl from their grade walked past them. "Haley," she said curtly as she went by, nodding at her. Haley smiled. Alex looked up but the bunny just sneered at him. "Filthy carnivore.." she said, turning her nose up at him and walking away. Alex shook his head. "How come Kelsey hates me for being a carnivore, but she talks to you even though you eat meat too?" he asked, offended. Haley shrugged. "Me and Kelsey know each other beyond "carnivore" and "crazy herbivore nut-job'" she said, grinning. Alex rolled his eyes. A pretty antelope walked up the steps and sat down next to Haley. "Hey Haley, hey Alex," she said, smiling shyly. Alex smiled back. "Hey Stephanie, what's up?" he asked. The Antelope smiled and shrugged. "Not much, just waiting. You know." Alex nodded. Someone down on the athletic floor had picked up a mega phone and turned it on. The feed back blared across the field house, causing the students to cry out in surprise and discomfort. "Sorry sorry," the principal said over the mega phone, chuckling slightly. "Students of Morton High School, may I present the MHS Varsity Cheerleading squad!" a half hearted cheer rose from the assembled students in addition to some clapping as the cheerleading squad ran and flipped out onto the athletic floor. The cheerleaders of MHS wore yellow and black, in honer of their coach, Ms Honey, a bumblebee. The skirts were just as short as Haley's and bright yellow. The shirts were yellow and black with MHS printed in white across the front. Amber was the head cheerleader, a beautiful skunkette with bleached blonde hair pulled into pigtails and tied with purple ribbon. Alex's heart skipped a beat as he saw her. Stephanie sighed, blushing. Stephanie had long had a crush on Amber, something that Alex was quite jealous of. Not that he had any claim on Amber as it was. The cheerleaders went through their routine, jumping and flipping. They ended the routine in a massive pyramid with Amber on top. They shouted out the end of their routine and then collapsed the pyramid in a flash of skirts and thighs. Alex bit his lip and blushed as he saw Amber's panties flash from under her skirt. ~~~~~ At the end of the pep rally Haley, Stephanie and Alex left the field house together. Haley nudged Alex with her elbow and pointed to the exit from the locker rooms where Amber and a few of her cheerleader friends were walking out, talking and laughing and goofing around, waving pom-pons at each other and giggling. "Go get her Wolfy." she chuckled. Alex blushed. Stephanie looked over at Amber, then at Alex, then back to Amber. "Wait," she said, confused. "what are you gonna do?" "Alex here is gonna ask our friend Amber out." Haley said smugly and she pushed Alex gently towards the group of cheerleaders. Stephanie looked hurt. "He's gonna do what..?" she said softy. Alex took a deep breath, tried to steady his racing heart, and walked over to the cheerleaders. "Um...Amber?" he said nervously. The cheerleaders stopped talking and looked at Alex, some in disgust, some in amusement. Amber smiled slightly. "Hey, your Alex right?" she said smiling. "your Haley's friend?" Alex was a bit startled. "Um, yea, I am. Uh, how do you? Oh never I was wondering if..." he stammered, shifting his feet in embarrassment, looking down at the floor. Amber laughed and cocked her head to the side, crossing her arms and swishing her big black and white tail behind her. "Yes?" "Well..i was wondering if maybe.." Alex took a deep breath, blushing hard, and tried to calm himself down. "If maybe you would go out with me?" His breath caught in his throat as he waited for the answer. Amber laughed and her cheerleading friends giggled. "Sure Alex, ill go out with you cutie." she said, still laughing. Alex looked at her in shock, as did the rest of the group of cheerleaders. " will..?" he asked in shock. Amber laughed again. "Of course! Hehe your kinda cute, why not?" she said. Alex couldn't believe it, but took a breath and smiled anyways. "well, um...when do you wanna go out?" he asked, still in shock. Amber smiled. "how about you meet me here, outside the field house tonight at eight. Thats when I get out of cheer practice. I got something in mind." she said, winking. Alex nodded. "Um, yea sure. Ill see you then." he smiled nervously. Amber giggled. "Aw don't be so nervous cutie." she said. "you'll do just fine!" she laughed again, leaned forward and kissed him on the nose. "Ill see you at eight then." ~~~~ "yea I'm on my way there now.." Alex said. He was driving his beat up old station wagon to the school for his date, talking to his friend Haley on the phone as he went. He was nervous and panicky and Haley thought it was hysterical. "you'll do fine Wolfy, don't worry about it." she said. Alex thought she sounded a bit smug. It was a bit weird, but he guessed it made sense, she had told him to ask her out, which turned out to be a success. "Alright," he said as he pulled into the school parking lot. "I'm here. Ill call you back after, let you know how it goes." he said. "Ok, i'll hold ya to that Wolfy. I wanna know all the juicy details." Haley joked laughing. Alex rolled his eye as he killed the engine and climbed out of his car. "Yea yea yea." he said. "you know, this date isn't for your pleasure." Haley laughed. "Oh, we'll see Wolfy." she teased. "go get her." Alex chuckled and hung up his phone. He tucked his paws into his jean pockets. Amber was waiting for him outside the field house, still dressed in her cheer uniform. "Hey," she said, smiling. "the rest of the team just left. Come on in." Alex smiled as he closed the gap between them. "We're gonna have our date here?" he asked, confused. Amber smiled and nodded. Alex shrugged and followed her inside. The inside of the field house was near pitch black, with no lights on and the sun setting outside. Alex walked across the athletic floor with Amber, looking around the deserted field house, feeling slightly paranoid in the dark. "Just a bit farther," Amber giggled. Alex nodded, speeding his step to catch up with the giggling skunk cheerleader. "Where are we going hm?" he asked curiously. Amber giggled again and continued walking towards the back of the field house "Well.. I thought that for our first date we'd do something you had never done before." Alex looked confused. "okay then.." he said, still not entirely understanding. Amber smiled and opened the locker room door at the end of the athletic floor. "I bet you never been inside a girls locker room before... have you now?" she teased. Alex blushed. "um.. no, never..." he said, embarrassed. Amber smirked and hooked a finger into his shirt. "Well come along then cutie. I have a surprise waiting for you.." Alex allowed himself to be pulled into the locker room by the giggling skunkette. The girls locker room was pitched black, with only the outlines of the shiny metal lockers reflecting the light from the field house. A light that was rapidly fading as the door closed. Suddenly the room was pitched black. Amber let go of Alex's shirt and he could hear her walk away into the locker room. "um.. Amber..?" he said nervously, trying to feel his way in the dark. There was no answer. "hello..?" he was beginning to feel very foolish now. Maybe this was all just a set up. Maybe there was no date at all and this was all just to humiliate him in the end. The rust colored wolf blushed again. He continued to try to feel his way though the locker room. Suddenly there was a click behind him, like a key being turned in a lock. The sound made him jump, tripping over what felt like a gym bag. He fell hard on his butt, twisting his tail in the process. "ow.." he groaned. Giggling echoed through the room. "Aww, did little Wolfy hurt himself?" someone asked. It wasn't Amber's voice, it was... The lights flickered on, blinding Alex momentarily. When his vision cleared the dazed young wolf was staring up at his friend Haley, dressed in her classic striped stockings, pink skirt and torn tank top. Next to her stood Stephanie the Antelope, and to his surprise, Kelsey, the Herbavorist bunny. Alex was completely dumb struck. "wh..what are you" he asked dumbly, sitting on the floor in front of them. Haley smirked a winked at him. Kelsey simply glared down at him, her arms crossed and tapping her foot angrily. Stephanie smiled shyly, biting her lip. "They're here because I asked them to be." Amber said from behind him with a chuckle. She walked up behind him a put a paw on his shoulder, swishing her bushy tail about behind her. " do you know all of them..?" Alex asked, shocked and confused and more the a little embarrassed. Amber smiled.

"I've known Haley, Kelsey and Stephanie for a while. All of us are alike you know. We formed our own little club and everything, being the only four like us at the school. And the rules of the club say that what belongs to one of us belongs to all of us. I know you and Haley have been best friends for years, and because of that I've known you've had a secret crush on me for just as long. It was only a matter of time before she convinced you to ask me out, and now that you have your all mine. Or ours, I should say." she added the last part with a chuckle, insisting a small laugh from the other three girls. Though it was more of an evil cackle from Kelsey. Friends with Haley or not, she still obviously hated Alex for being a wolf. "What do you mean "just like you" and "only four like you"? That doesn't make any sense..." Alex said, confused. He sat up a bit straighter but remained on the floor at the group's feet. "Well," Haley said, smirking "we have kinda an "unofficial" school club.. we call ourselves "The Society." only the four of us are members, but we are willing to add you as a fifth." Kelsey snorted. "Well not REALLY a member.." she scoffed. Stephanie laughed nervously. "According to Amber more of a "probational" member" she explained. Alex blinked. "w..what does that have to do with our date..?" he asked finally. Amber sighed with impatience. "Im tired of this. Simple summary," she said, stepping around in front of the confused wolf so his face was level with her vibrant yellow skirt. "I'll be your girlfriend, and you serve our little club. No if ands or buts. You don't have a choice cutie." she said with a smirk. Alex stared awe struck up at the girl of his dreams, and the three girls arrayed behind her. Amber smirked again. "That service starts today, Wolfy." she said, using Haley's nickname for him. She hooked a paw under the hem of her skirt and pulled it up. Alex's breath caught at what he saw. Amber was wearing a bright yellow thong, one that matched her skirt perfectly. Sticking out the side of the thong was a seven inch, rock hard and throbbing, black dick, complete with a set of golf ball sized nuts. A shiny bead of precum glistened on the tip of her throbbing dick as it waved in the air in front of him. Amber smiled broadly. "As my boyfriend, you are obligated to act not only as mine, but the GROUPS "girlfriend." she said smugly. Haley, Kelsey, and Stephanie chucked as they each pulled up their skirts too, revealing their bobbing cocks as well. Kelsey's was short and fat, bobbing up and down in the air as it pulsed with blood, it was bright pink, going nicely with her snow white fur, and had a bar bell pierced through her large, tight nut sack. Stephanie's was long and thin, and ivory black like Ambers, and Haley's, Alex's best friend, her dick was thick and long, a strange violet purple color too bright to be skin colored. Her nut fur was purple as well and the fur above her cock was pema-dyed with words saying "muzzle here" In an arch across her lower abdomen. Alex swallowed, gulping in fear, his eyes wide as he realized what he had got himself into. He hesitated. "Come on Wolfy, open up and let your new girlfriend have some fun." Haley said giggling. "Your in the girls locker room at a closed school. Your not getting out of her without doing it anyways." Alex bit his lip. He knew she was right. He looked up at Amber. The Cheerleader was looking down at him with a broad smile on her face, her eyes wide with anticipation. The wolf on the floor took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and opened his mouth. Amber let out a little giggle at the sight, unable to hold it in. Alex felt a pair of paws close gently on his long pointed ears and something warm, pulsing and fleshy placed on his tongue. He heard Amber sigh, a long, contented sigh, as she slide her hard cock into his muzzle, the soft underside rubbing gently against his tongue. Alex tried to breath through his nose, tried not to gag. It wasn't anywhere near the back of his throat, but the idea of what he was doing made him want to choke. He listened to Amber above him, sighing softly and moaning as she slowly slide her thick cock along his tongue. "How is it Amb?" Haley chuckled from behind her. Amber let out a breathless little giggle. "Its...wonderful.." she sighed. Alex jumped as he felt one of her paws begin to gently rub his ear. He opened his eyes and looked up at the cheerleader who's cock he was sucking. Amber's eyes were shut and a light pink glow highlighted her whit furred cheeks and muzzle. Alex blushed too and closed his eyes again. Haley laughed. "Aw, poor Wolfy's embarrassed." she chuckled. Kelsey snorted in distaste. "Disgusting carnivore." she muttered softly. "H..hey now.." Amber panted, gripping Alex's ears and beginning to pump her hips into his muzzle, grunting as her thick meaty cock slid back and forth along his tongue. "Lets be nice to my new boyfriend..after all it is the first cock he's ever sucked..." the other girls began laughing and Alex blushed deeper. Amber continued to face fuck the embarrassed wolf sitting on the locker room floor before her for quite some time, grunting and groaning with pleasure , face pink with flush and eyes shut. Her tongue hung from the side of her muzzle, a tiny strand of drool hanging from its tip. She gripped Alex's ears hard now, pumping in and out faster and faster. Alex began to gag now and then, his eyes watering as his new cheerleader girlfriend pumped her cock in and out of his mouth. Just when he thought that she was never going to stop, Amber tensed up, her fur standing on end. Alex could feel her muscles twitching and her cock pulsing on his tongue. Haley giggled and elbowed Kelsey lightly in the side. "Haha, looks like Amber is about to pop." she laughed. Kelsey nodded, grinning and licking her lips as she watched.

"That stupid carnivore is going to try to pull away," she said. "lets say we give Amber a hand and make sure she gets through her whole load." Haley and Stephanie giggled again and the three females went over to the couple, crouched down, and held Alex in place. The wolf struggled slightly, but Amber gripped his head harder while Haley and Stephanie grabbed hold of his arms to hold him steady and Kelsey, loth to touch him, simply place a foot on his shoulder blades and pushed forward so that he was forced to deep throat Amber's thick skunk cock, gagging violently as the cheerleader panted and moaned in pleasure.

Alex thrashed and struggled against the girls, desperately trying to break free before it was too late, they simply held tighter though, keeping him in his place.

"Don't worry," Haley whispered in his ear. "Amber has the sweetest, thickest cum around. Hehe you couldn't do any better, trust me." somehow this didn't make him feel any better, but it was too late now. The skunkette, cried out in pleasure and pulled his muzzle in flush with her crotch as she unleashed her pent up skunk cream into his waiting muzzle and throat. Alex gagged violently, chocking on her hot, bitter spunk. It was as thick as paste and had a bland, musky flavor. He tried his best but he simply could not keep up with the flow and it began to build up in his muzzle, filling his cheeks and coating his tongue, making him gag more. The girls laughed as Amber panted and whined in the afterglow of her orgasm. Finally they released his head, and Alex toppled back to the cold locker room floor, spluttering and gasping for air.

"see?" Haley giggled. "It wasn't so bad." Kelsey snorted, looking down at Alex in disgust.

"That was...amazing" Amber said, breathless. She smiled down at Alex, cum dribbling from her softening cock. "So? How was it?" he opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a river of thick skunk spunk, bubbling down over the sides of his muzzle. Amber chuckled and patted his head. "Aw, your so cuute!" she said, laughing. "well guess what? As a probational member of "The Society" it is your duty to service any and all of us, when ever we command you to, in any way we tell you too." She smiled smugly. "We can give you a break today though." she said after some thought. "But starting tomorrow, your OUR cock bitch. Get it?" the females all laughed and Alex could only nod, embarrassed and humiliated. It seemed the price of a new girlfriend around here was to be the girl. He was going to have a lot to get used to, and not a lot of time to do it. Looking up at the four girls standing over him, their cocks hanging limply from they're crotches, he knew he had no choice.

Yes Master

  All characters copywrite to me, Janus Wolff ~~~~~~ The temple was cool and dark. A gentle evening breeze rustled through the cherry tree by the window, causing the moon beams to fracture and scatter across the polished bamboo floor. Two...

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The Last Chapter

    All characters copy-write to me, Janus Wolff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Silver clad warriors bobbed everywhere in the surf below the pirate ship. Rin watched in amazement as cub after cub was lowered from the ship's hold and deck...

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Final Assault

  Jason and the ESLA assault the pirate ship   All characters copywrite to me, Janus Wolff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   The Sting Rays brought Jason and the other ESLA Phin troopers swiftly to the outskirts of the Phindom. Along the was,...

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