Battle Master, Ch 11

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#31 of The Sorrani Chronicles, Formerly "Slave Trade"

It's been a few months since the last update and I wanted to make sure everyone knew that Battle Master was still alive and well-- I'll probably post another few chapters here before the completed manuscript heads off to publishing. Readers over on Patreon are still one chapter ahead, but I'm thinking they'll ultimately get 5 more than the public.

Baedyn and Talvin have a discussion to increase understanding over just what is going on at the inn, and then Talvin hatches a plan to get in good with Lord Desanti and his retinue while still getting what they want. Baedyn gets to meet a new acquaintance.

Battle Master

Chapter 11

Baedyn's brother was a whirlwind of movement, herding him out of the room before shutting the door. Without saying a word, Talvin pushed him past the stoic Stallion and almost bemused-looking Yak and down the hall toward their room, which was a mere two doors down on the left. Baedyn continued to wait for some kind of explanation but the most he got was a sigh from his brother followed by a dejected "Well THAT was unexpected."

Glancing around the room, Baedyn realized that there were two beds and a large, well cushioned armchair. There was an opulent-looking rug on the floor, not quite as nice as what might grace a lord's manner, but still eye-catching. There were thick curtains on the windows and the walls had treated paneling, giving the accommodations an upper-class feel. Still, the entire set up paled in comparison to Lord Desanti's room, which was easily twice the size and appointed with a bed half-again as large as the Wolves' two beds pushed together.

Baedyn took his eyes off his surroundings and instead looked to his brother, who had moved to a nearby table upon which sat a small drink service with three bottles and two glasses. Talvin popped the cork out of one bottle with a belt knife and began drinking from it directly.

Scowling, Baedyn moved to his brother, paws on his hips, and made himself known. "What was that, exactly, and why are you so... 'like-you-are' about it?

Pulling the bottle from his lips, Talvin set it down on the table and let out a low-toned growl. "Damn Stag... he's going to get himself killed."

Baedyn didn't like being ignored. "What's going on, Talvin? You said you'd explain everything. That's OBVIOUSLY not the Lord Desanti you--"

His brother exhaled a deep sigh, eyes going for the bottle again before turning away from it. He ran a paw through the fur atop his head, the other making dismissive gestures in the air. "He's not. That's... someone else. This doesn't affect plans greatly but now I have to revise things. That suicidal Lord certainly isn't making things easy but, then again, he never does..."

Despite the displeasure in Talvin's voice, Baedyn caught the faintest hint of a smirk on his muzzle; his Brother really wasn't making things any clearer. "Okay... well... let's start at the beginning and you can tell me who THAT Lord Desanti is, and why--"

A powerful wave of thought flowed through Baedyn; it was distant, but still obvious, not unlike a loud bellow from down a hallway. The thought was a heralding call in response to a request that the Wolf had not heard; Ian was replying to something Talvin had sent to the Sarvestinian. Neither brother could project their thoughts to one another, but Ian was sensitive enough and they were familiar enough that either could call to him. The Sarvestinian broadcast to them both that the downstairs was empty and that he would join them in a moment.

With that covered, Talvin turned to address him; the younger Wolf's expression had returned to a neutral and his earlier disheveled reaction was completely gone. "Now, once Ian joins us we can plan our next step. This isn't so much a setback on the road as it is a sidestep."

Baedyn folded is arms across his chest. "Is this were you explain what's going on?"

Talvin offered a comforting smile in return and returned to the bottle, pouring the contents into the two glasses rather than drinking straight from it. He turned and held out one to Baedyn. "Of course, Brother. I feel somewhat foolish to have been caught by such surprise. Perhaps I could have used some fate magic to assess my presumption about who we were to meet here but I suppose my optimism and excitement at seeing my most esteemed friend outweighed my usually cautious nature."

His younger brother had never done a very good job of accepting failure, especially when it was due to an action (or lack of action) on his own part. Reaching out, Baedyn took one of the glasses from Talvin and rested his other paw on his sibling's shoulder. "I can't imagine it would be smart to over-use fate magic, Brother... how could it be a good idea to assess every little thing in life? You'd be exhausted daily by the end of breakfast."

Talvin smiled and the two touched glasses together in an informal toast. His brother took a sip and winked. "True... so very true. Still, in the scheme of things I suppose there are far worse fates than encountering Sidney."

A double wrap followed by two slow knocks and another double-wrap signaled Ian's arrival; it was a wordless announcement the trio had used for as long as Baedyn could remember and it brought a smile to his muzzle to know that it was still being used. Talvin took a step away from the door, providing ample room for it to open, followed by the entrance of the enormous bundle of furs which covered the Sarvestinian beneath. Baedyn set his glass down and moved to assist his Saglahasan with doffing the large number of coverings. It took some doing but, after a lot of unwrapping, the furs could be tossed aside onto the armchair.

Once Ian was uncovered (and after the lizard had stolen Baedyn's glass of wine), the Wolf returned his attention to his brother. He regarded Talvin inquisitively. "Alright... so now's the time you start explaining. Who is Sidney, exactly, and why does he share a clan name with that Stag friend of yours."

Ian reminded Baedyn casually that Lord Hector Desanti was Talvin's 'dear' friend, and the Wolf was able to decipher that the Sarvestinian was being told to butt out of the discussion by both himself and his brother at the same time. The Sarvestinian returned to mirthfully drinking wine, obviously more than happy to just sit and observe. He did, however, start things off by indicating that Sidney used to be Lord Hector's slave master in charge of the stag's gladiatorial stables.

The statement caught Baedyn by surprise. "You mean gladiators really ARE a thing in Pross? I thought those were just rumors!"

Talvin nodded calmly and thoughtfully. "Yes, Baedyn... Gladiators often fought at the behest of the king. The most elite nobles had small stables of champions they could pit against one another for fame and fortune. Gladiators who performed well could earn their freedom and be drafted into the Prossian army. If they served two years on the northern front they would be able to part ways as free men."

Despite having indicated that he would be a passive observer, Ian let out a displeased rumble along with a mental indication that they were fodder for a war against the Sarvestinians. Baedyn moved over to rest a paw on his Saglahasan's talon then turned back toward his brother. He was just about to ask another question when Ian grabbed him and pulled him closer, taking a seat on the chair atop the furs and resting the Wolf in his lap. Once he'd been relocated, tried to speak his question again, much more successful the second time. "The King has been usurped though, right? So did that put an end to the gladiators?"

Talvin set down his drained glass and poured another helping of wine into it. Rather than drink it himself he held it out to Baedyn. "I could not say, to be honest. While the gladiatorial matches were popular, the entire kingdom is in chaos so I would suppose that the games are, for the moment, at least on hiatus. Still, warrior slaves don't just disappear, so perhaps their masters are finding another use for them... a prospect I like even less considering most of the battles are fought against Lord Hector's forces."

Baedyn nodded in thought for a moment, taking a sip of the wine provided to him by his brother. He realized that Talvin did indeed answer his question about gladiators, but that'd preempted his other one. "And the Fox? Sidney? You said he was a slave master for Lord Desanti?"

Nodding, Talvin went to one of the beds and slowly loosened the cord on his traveling cloak. Folding it carefully, he set it down on the bed and then took off his overcoat as he spoke. "That is a long story in and of itself but, yes. He, along with the others you saw-- Dorias and Maern-- they were all freed by Lord Desanti after the kingdom fell."

Taking another sip from his cup, Baedyn set it on a small table next to the chair where he and Ian were seated. "So you were both slaves freed by Lord Desanti, and, I suppose, considering he's called 'Lord Desanti' now he was made a Lord like you."

Ian gave him a small warning that it was a sensitive subject for Talvin but his brother gave no indication that the topic was tender. A dismissive flick of his tail was the only indication that Talvin had any opinion on the matter and he set his traveling cap down atop his folded overcoat. "Perhaps... though Lord Desanti made me a Lord in my own right rather than providing me his family name."

Talvin had seemed so nonplussed when they encountered the Fox and yet, scarcely ten minutes later he was casually dismissive. Baedyn wasn't sure what possessed him to see if he could get a rise out of his brother. "Or his signet ring?"

The comment certainly got a response. "FUCK THE RING!"

Baedyn couldn't remember the last time he saw his little brother with his hackles up; it really wasn't Talvin's way. Talvin, however, was almost snarling, his tail puffed out as he lashed at the wine bottles on the table beside him with a sweep of his arm, sending one completely off and onto the floor; the fact that it landed on the carpet was perhaps the only reason it didn't shatter. Disengaging from Ian, Baedyn got to his feet and approached with an arm outstretched. "Woah... calm down, Talvin, I--"

His brother quickly turned away, batting at the offered paw. Baedyn noticed that the fur around Talvin's eyes were damp and, as his younger brother leaned against the wall, his steadying breaths were noticeable in the way his shoulders moved in time with them. After several long seconds, Talvin spoke again, his voice clear and controlled. "I am concerned for my friend, Baedyn. Aside from you and Ian, he means more than anything in this world. After all he's done for me, and all the help he has provided, I cannot let anything happen to him. The fact that I had thought I'd come so close only to find out that we found Sidney instead... well... as I said: it changes many things."

Baedyn remained where he was, giving his brother some space as he asked calmly "You mean, a change in your plans. It sounds as though that's a bad thing."

Talvin stood up straighter, smoothed out his tunic, and ran a paw through his head-fur. Turning back around to face Baedyn, the Wolf's demeanor had returned to impeccably polite with no hint of agitation or anger in it. "Not entirely, no. Truth be told, this makes our task far easier here in Vensii since he's the entire reason we came here before finding out about Hector possibly being in residence."

Baedyn flicked an ear. "I thought we were looking for a battle master."

His brother offered a wily wink. "Indeed we are... and he is sharing our hallway merely a few doors down."

The statement was rather confusing. "The battle master of your plans? Do you mean Dorias, or the Stallion-- Maern?"


That left only one other option and the Fox looked like he weighed no more than Baedyn had before being rescued. Not only that, but Sidney appeared more like a drunkard than any kind of brilliant tactician. "I.... am afraid I don't understand."

Talvin was all smiles, reaching out toward the door. "Come then, Brother-- I'll show you."

Not precisely comprehending what his brother had in mind, Baedyn followed after him, noting back to his Saglahasan that they were going just down the hallway. Ian provided comforting reassurance that he would remain in the room until they returned; although he recognized everyone in the hallway there was no guarantee that another guest wouldn't show up at an unfortunate time.

Baedyn couldn't argue with that and so he provided a brief farewell and then smiled when the Sarvestinian reminded him that they weren't really apart when they were within reach of one another's minds. With that comforting thought, the Wolf followed his brother back to the well-guarded door, which had again been closed. Maern and Dorias were still where they'd been left and, having been talking quietly among themselves, both fell silent as the Wolf brothers returned. It was the Yak who addressed them. "Let me guess: you were looking for Lord 'ector, not Sidneh."

Even as Baedyn took stock of the names being affected by Dorias' accent, Talvin's tail swayed jovially from one side to the other as he let out a polite laugh. "I am left wondering, my dear Dorias, as to whether or not you were aware of that ahead of time and simply wished to watch me squirm."

The old man's stoic expression was banished by a wide grin. "I might have guessed, but what's the harm in letting things play out to be sure?"

Completely banished were the signs of frustration, anger, and confusion that Talvin had showed in private. Laughing again, Baedyn's brother simply offered a helpless shrug. "Well, I hope the experience was to your enjoyment. I can certainly look back at it with appreciation after realizing how the confusion must have looked."

Maern, who had remained silent since the Wolves approached took the opportunity to intercept. "What is it you want with Lord Sidney? I will not let you use him."

Although it may have been imperceptible to anyone else, Baedyn caught sight of the faintest glimmer in Talvin's eye-- one that he still remembered after almost two decades: he was concocting a plan on the fly. A moment later he got to see it put into action. He watched his younger brother offer a deep bow, touching his forehead with two fingers of his gloved paw in the kind of Vensiian formality Talvin recalled seeing from his Coyote jailer on occasion. "Oh, certainly not, most esteemed Warrior. I have, in fact, come to save him."

Dorias took a step forward as if to speak but Maern extended an arm to block the Yak, taking a step himself. "From what? I am keeping him safe."

Talvin flicked an ear, a theatrical expression of surprise crossing his features. "You are? Oh, from all outside threats, of that I have no doubt... but unless I am mistaken, neither of you are protecting him from himself."

The two large men exchanged glances and Dorias shot back a question in Prossian, his accent so evident that Baedyn almost didn't understand when his own name was spoken; the gesture of the big Yak's head was what gave it away. Rather than respond back in the same language, Talvin was attentive enough to maintain his portion in Vensiian for Baedyn's benefit. "As it so happens, I have business with Sidney as well as Lord Hector, and the order is not as important. But, as we can all see, that poor Fox looks to be a bit of a mess, and, though it might sound presumptuous of me, I would wager crown-to-copper that neither of you have been able to do much to dissuade him from 'an gulgan'."

Despite being able to keep track of most of the discussion, the last words in Vensiian weren't known to him. The Wolf knew that 'an' meant 'to be' or 'being', and when used in front of a verb such as what 'gulgan' obviously was, but the meaning of that specific word escaped him. The thoughtful expressions it elicited from the two hooved guardsmen however suggested that whatever it was, both of them were taking it to heart. Ultimately the two of them exchanged a silent nod and Dorias stepped forward, large hands clasped in front of himself. "Sidneh climbed into a bottle months ago and hasn't pulled himself out since."

The thought of such a lengthy bender both disgusted and touched Baedyn. While he knew that the kind of pain one could suffer from life (and oh, could he empathize), the thought of so much wasted time cut deeply into the Wolf's sensibilities. How could a freed slave throw away his freedom for the sake of alcohol? Apparently his thoughts showed freely on his face because he noticed Dorias staring right at him. Rather than be reproachful, the Yak actually addressed him plaintively. "We do need help-- we can't reach him."

Beside him, Talvin nodded thoughtfully. "Because neither of you are Sorrani."

Baedyn didn't know how his brother came to such a leap of logic but he was surprised when Dorias nodded affirmatively. "I've read about it, but that doesn't mean that I can do anything. If we let you back in then you have to swear that you will do what you can to help."

Struck dumb not just for the many directional changes in the conversation, Baedyn was also flabbergasted that Dorias knew that Talvin was a Sorran; it was one of the most closely guarded secrets the brothers kept from anyone. The way in which the Yak had phrased his bargaining made it sound as if there was no doubt in his mind that Talvin had fate magic. The surprises, however, weren't done there. Stepping aside, Baedyn's brother motioned to him as he spoke. "Actually, Lord Baedyn will be the one to help."

"I what?"

Dorias' gaze shifted to Baedyn. "You're a Sorran?"

It was a very straight-forward answer, and one Baedyn had never answered affirmatively except when coerced by the Lord of stone. Before he could speak up, however, Talvin had reached out and pulled the glove off of Baedyn's paw. Recoiling as a reflex, Baedyn raised his arms, only to have the Fildoma on his left paw and forearm glow in response to a faint tug of fate's threads by his brother; he shot Talvin a dirty look for the action but it went ignored as the other Wolf gestured, still looking to Dorias. "And, as you can see, he's the perfect candidate for the task."

Dorias' ears went up at that and Baedyn could see the calculations running through the big Yak's head. The response came in Prossian but it started with the name 'Sidneh', so at least Baedyn knew the topic of the conversation. The tone made it sound somewhat dismissive. Talvin's follow-up response in Vensiian was full-on clandestine. "Perhaps, but in his condition I don't suppose he'll have much to say about it."

Maern and Dorias gave one another a glance; the Stallion snorted. "I do not like this. Lord Sidney would not approve."

Dorias sighed, nodding, but as he spoke he shrugged. "I can't force him to and you will not disobey him. We both know he'll drink himself to death if we don't get him to stop. This may be our best option."

Baedyn glanced between the two bruisers and his brother; he was more than a little confused. "Wait. How is this supposed to help anyone?"

Pointing to his still-glowing arm, he held it aloft as if it were an open challenge to the scheming of the men in the hall. Talvin quickly leaned over and spoke quietly in Tenverian "Inn keeper's wife is coming in five... four... three..."

Quickly lowering his arm, Baedyn covered up his Filoma as the sheep woman reached the top of the stairs. She paused at the landing and spoke what sounded like a quick apology in Vensiian, her accent making it all but impossible for Baedyn to understand before about-facing and heading back downstairs to 'give her guests some space'-- at least, that was what the parting phrase sounded like.

Once she was gone Talvin leaned over and spoke to him again in Tenvierian. "Sidney is a Sorran as well and his power awoke within him unexpectedly. He's had no training, and I believe that may be the cause of his... affliction."

Baedyn challenged the assessment; he didn't much care for Dorias speaking in Prossian so he wasn't about to exclude the others by speaking in Tenvierian so he returned things to Vensiian. "You think the fact that he's a Sorran is the reason he's spending all his time drunk? That sounds a little--"

Dorias interrupted him. "That is exactly the problem."

Talvin elaborated. "His Fildoma is over his heart."

The issue suddenly made so much more sense. "He has no proper training, and he's a conduit for spirits? By the gods..."

The Yak nodded. "Aye. And I can't teach him now to control his powers so he's being victimized by his past."

Baedyn was by no means a master of scholastic pursuits but all Sorrani knew about the Heart Fildoma. "But why? I thought the only spirits connected to a Sorran with a Fildoma on their chest were from those who the Sorran were touching upon their death."

Dorias quickly clarified "At the moment of death, or within a few seconds, aye. But the problem remains: Sidneh has seen his fair share of death and now he drinks himself into a stupor so he can spend his time in his dreams with-- well... so he doesn't have to face the waking world."

The way the Yak redirected his statement wasn't lost to Baedyn, but neither was the implication. "My Fildoma is the Thief-- I can take Lord Desanti's Fildoma and that means all of the spirits he's attracted will come with it. Wouldn't that--?"

Nodding, Dorias' expression softened significantly and an almost pained expression creased his muzzle and brought an almost gentleness to his eyes. "Aye... it'll likely anger him, and pain him, and cause him to feel betrayed."

Baedyn turned to his brother. "I don't like it... I'm not sure I--"

Talvin regarded him confidently but before he could speak the Yak interjected "The fact that you don't like it is actually a comfort."

Both Wolves glanced to Dorias but Baedyn was the one who questioned the comment first. "A comfort? Why?"

Dorias' demeanor had changed dramatically over the course of a few seconds and he reached forward, resting a heavy hand on the Wolf's shoulder. "I believe that Sidney needs someone like you, Baedyn Vune."

The statement caught the Wolf off-guard. "Like.... me? Why?"

The Yak nodded. "Sympathy means being able to feel bad for someone, and that is a good trait to have, but Empathy is being able to feel bad WITH someone, and that is priceless. I don't think any of us here save perhaps for Lord Bane likes this plan, and your hesitance suggests that you have a kind heart. I believe myself to be a good judge of character, and despite the company you keep, I trust you."

The final statement was spoken with a faint smile and a head-tilt toward Talvin; Baedyn's brother just smirked at the comment and stepped forward. "Very well then... it sounds as though we've reached an accord."

Maern stepped around Dorias and positioned himself right in front of Talvin. "If HE is the one to do this then you will stay here with us."

For a moment Baedyn was sure that his brother was going to pull whatever strange social wrangling he'd used the first time to get past the Stallion but Talvin relented. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give the two of them a little time together to get to know one another. I can always provide my salutations to Sidney once he's up and about."

Both Dorias and Maern stepped aside for Baedyn as he approached the door; the Stallion even pushed it open slowly for him. Glancing back to his younger brother, Baedyn asked in Tenvierian "And you're sure Sidney is the battle master you're looking for?"

Talvin waved him onward, replying also in Tenvierian. "The Fox? No... one of the spirits within him."

Everything was finally starting to come together in Baedyn's mind as the puzzle took shape. Drawing into the darkened room, the Wolf counted off the pieces with each step. Left foot: they came to the inn thinking that Lord Hector Desanti was there but they encountered Sidney Desanti instead. Right foot: the Battle Master they needed was a spirit trapped in a drunken Sorran without knowledge of how to use his powers. Left foot: Baedyn had the ability to take another Sorran's Fildoma in exchange for his own, and that would mean the Battle Master would transfer to him. Right foot: Sidney's guardians were worried about his health, which was the only reason why they were allowing him to do such a thing.

Ian's thoughts cut into his own, suggesting that perhaps Dorias liking him also had something to do with it. Baedyn let out a soft growl. "Shut up. You're not helping."

"I said nothing."

The casual comment caught Baedyn by surprise, enough so that the Wolf actually jumped, barely suppressing a puppy-like yelp. Turning to the direction from which he heard the words, he was surprised to see that he was not alone in the room; seated in a large armchair in the corner was a Bull. Dorias had been large, and Maern had been huge, but the man staring him down looked decidedly massive and put them both to shame. The Bull then stood and his height was only accentuated-- his horns very nearly scraped the ceiling.

Correction, Baedyn realized: the tips actually disappeared INTO the ceiling. In that second the Wolf realized that he was facing down a spirit. Before Baedyn could say anything the Bull continued. "You are not Talvin, that much I know.... but you can see me without touching Sidney that means you're a Sorran. So who are you and why are you here?"

Considering the Bull's size, bearing, and obvious warrior-like physique, he had a feeling that he'd located Talvin's Battle Master.