Freedom Fighters (Part 1)

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#4 of Besarta

Here we go again with more tales from Besarta. Only... wait... no snuff scenes?

Yes! It is possible for me to write a story with no snuff in it (Okay, some people get shot, but it's not sexy).

Though this is only Part 1! What will happen in part 2? Stay tuned to find out!Don't worry, this won't be like my Raccoon Rage story where you have to wait for who knows how long for the next chapter. This story was just another long one, so I decided to split it into two parts. The second part should be out in the next day at most.Part 2 is now available

This is a direct sequel to my last story, Rat Hunter. You shouldn't need to read it to get everything that's happening, but it'll help. Featuring Daz and Fran from that story. Enjoy!

Freedom Fighters

Part 1

By XP Author

"For crimes against the government, sedition, conspiracy of rebellion, acts of treason, and theft of goods belonging to civilians, we, the people of the Besarta United Confederation, sentence you rebels and traitors to death!" The crowd erupted into cheers as the hawk in fancy robes read off his list of accusation. There were also shouts from the crowd to get on with killing those dirty rats and traitors. As always, at least half the city seemed to be out to witness the public execution.

Seven individuals were up on the platform for execution, all stripped naked and exposed in the mid-day sun. Six of them were rats, five males, one female. They had been the leaders and organizers of the local den, recently raided and wiped out by the military. The last Fran, a dragoness. Former leader of the Exterminators mercenary squadron. After an encounter with a particular rat some weeks prior, which left her the only survivor, she'd decided to change her priorities and actually help the rodents, instead of hunting them down, an act of treason on Besarta. She had been captured during the raid. Her hands were bound by suppressor bindings, advanced shackles that deactivated her nano-augments, stripping her of the super abilities they granted, and making her just as vulnerable as the rats beside her.

The headsman stepped forward. A tall man, covered head to toe in a black robe. The veiled hood kept his face covered, as well, denying the viewer even seeing what species he was. It all lent to an ominous appearance, as if death itself were standing beside them. In his hand was a massive, two-handed axe, the blade of sharpened metal, heavy enough to take a head in one blow. He stepped to Fran, a gloved hand resting on her shoulder to lead her forward toward the chopping block.

"I thought you were supposed to take my head." The playful voice made her eyes go wide with surprise. "Keep that head of your down." He said calmly as he pushed her to her knees. Her head rested in the groove, feeling little nicks and dents in the wood against her scales. Her nose was assaulted by the scent of old blood, dried and soaked into the block from previous victims. She had to work to keep her thick tail from moving, thumping it against the platform and twitching nervously.

The hawk official grunted at her and shouted again to stir up the crowd. "May the gods punish you for your wickedness!"

The headsman raised the axe high as the din of the crowd grew quieter with anticipation. "Same to you." He said through grit teeth, then pivoted on one foot and swung the axe across instead of down. Before anyone could react, the blade connected and continued right through the neck of the official, sending it tumbling to the platform as blood spurted out of his stump, soaking into those fancy robes. Screams erupted from the crowd.

Before the official's body had even slumped to the ground, the headsman was suddenly gone from where he had been standing, moving with blinding speed to smash the base of his axe' handle into one of the guards' heads. It hit so hard, the face visor shattered, shards of broken plasticized glass embedding into his eyes and sending him flying backwards to the ground, screaming in agony. He was suddenly upon the next guard a moment later, the blade slamming into his chest and sending him crashing to the ground to gurgle and drown in his own blood.

Gunfire burst from rooftops, spraying down, seemingly at the gathered civilians. The panicked crowd was already in the process of fleeing for their lives, and this just doubled their efforts. People shoved each other to the ground, throwing each other out of the way and trampling on those unfortunate enough to fall underfoot. The actual target had been the police standing guard on ground level. A dozen officers were already laying on the ground, either dead or bleeding out. In the panic, few saw that quite a few of the officers had opened fire on each other as well.

On the platform, the rats had ducked down for what little cover they could get as the gunfire started. The headsman rushed to the official's still twitching body and pat him down for a moment before swearing. "To hell with the keys." He moved back to the bound rats, who flinched away from him as he reached out to grab their bindings. With a grunt, he ripped the chains apart with his bare hands alone, breaking their bindings one by one. They looked up at him with a mixture of confusion and gratitude. "Head to the east side train station. There's a group there that will get you all out of here."

None of the rats moved, hesitating to follow the orders of someone who, a moment earlier, looked like he would be their executioner. The female of the group looked up at him. "Who are you?"

The headsman pulled his hood off to reveal the visage of a fellow rat with gray-brown fur around a ruggedly handsome face, a smile full of teeth far too sharp for a typical rat beaming down at them. "One of you. Now go!" They didn't hesitate to follow his order this time, each of them scrambling off of the platform and dashing off to the east side of the town.

Fran had sat back on her haunches at this point, though she stayed low behind what little cover the chopping block provided. Her face lit up when she saw the man's mask removed. "Daz! It is you!" She held her bound hands out behind her back. "Get these things off of me!"

Daz turned his grin upon the lovely dragon to his side. "But of course, my dear. Sorry I forgot my shining armor." He bent down and grabbed her shackles and gave a mighty tug. The snapped taught, but didn't break. He hissed. "Dammit. Sorry, can't pull that trick on dampeners, I guess." Seemed just touching them was enough to disable his nano-augments as well. The effect lasted only as long as he was touching them directly, though. "We'll have to do this the old fashioned way."

Both looked up as they heard the distinct sound of vehicles approaching. Heavy vehicles, which likely carried more heavily armed and armored troops. "Maybe we should make our escape first." Fran suggested.

Daz nodded. He put his fingers to his lips and gave a loud whistle, then waved his hands toward the east. The signal for his allies to evac. Most were already doing just that, but it was best to be sure. "Alright. You're with me." He reached down and put an arm around Fran's middle, hefting her up and into his arms in a fireman hold, one hand under her shoulder, the other under her rear, her tail tucked with her legs and out of the way.

Fran chuckled. "Oh my. Buy a lady a drink before you just go grabbing her ass."

Daz smirked. "I've already done worse than that with you, my dear. But I'll be sure to see about that drink." He made sure he wasn't touching the binders at her arms so that he still had his full suite of abilities, and dashed off, not quite a full, blinding speed, but faster than the troops hustling their way into the city center. By the time the armored cars arrived with their payload of soldiers, all they found was dead police, civilians trampled in the panicked flight of other civilians, and a platform devoid of the intended victims. They also found a dozen discarded police uniforms, each one baring a pin in the shape of a pair of bone white fangs.

* * *

The train hummed along the mag-rail tracks at an even pace, the cars attached swaying only slightly from the wind resistance around them, giving a gentle rocking feel to those inside. Piled into an empty cargo car was the escapees from the would-be execution and their liberators. They had been provided simple robe coverings for clothing, not the most comfortable, but at least they provided modesty. They had been offered coffee and clean water from canteens and thermoses, as well as ration bars for at least some food.

Daz sat down beside Fran, still in the executioner robes. Fran was now in a scratchy set of dark orange robes that covered her shapely figure but clashed with her green scales. The dampening shackles had finally been removed, one of the rats in the group a deft hand with lockpicks. Daz held his hand out to offer a thermos to her. "That drink, as promised." She glanced to the side at him. "Coffee. 'Fraid it's only luke warm, but it's better than whatever dirty water they allowed you at the prison, right?" She couldn't argue with that and accepted, pouring the bitter liquid into her mouth.

There were more than just rats and her in the car. Several canines and felines, and a pair of avians had also joined them, each wearing only the bottom half of their former police uniform the coats all having been discarded, along with their badges, back at the square. Thirteen cops in total, now ex-cops, had joined their cause. Fran looked at Daz again. "Who are all these?"

Daz settled down to sit beside her, his back against the car wall. "The White Fangs. Freedom Fighters."

She stared at him for a moment, then started to giggle. "So you became an alpha after all?"

Daz couldn't help but chuckle. "You know, alpha means you have all the breeding rights in a group." He nudged her shoulder playfully with his elbow.

She quirked an eyeridge at him. "Oh? So you're the main baby daddy?"

He laughed louder at that. "No. The whole alpha thing... it's not really how rats work. Besides, we're not even a proper den of any kind. I'm just their leader."

She nodded, then turned her gaze to the group of former police. The newly rescued rats naturally were keeping their distance, but even the white fang rats seemed to be wary of the group. "Who are they?"

"Like-minded people. Good people fed up with how rats are treated. Decent people who can't stand seeing innocents be rounded up, shipped off world, or just exterminated like common vermin." She looked back at him, finding him still smiling down at her. "You inspired them, you know."

She was taken aback by that. "Wha? Me?"

He nodded. "Yeah. A non-rodent helping out our kind. Not because you're being paid to, but just because it's the right thing to do." He chuckled at her nonplussed expression. "You don't think a dragoness dashing around a fight taking out soldiers like they were paper dolls escaped notice, did you? You're famous. Infamous, even."

She scoffed at the notion, but he saw her cheeks darken just enough from a blush. She got a thought, but hesitated to ask it. She took a sip from the coffee to fill the awkward pause, but she eventually just had to ask. "I don't... mean to sound ungrateful, but are you sure you can trust them? They're all former cops, right?"

He nodded. "It's a fair point. But if they were going to betray us, don't you think they would have back in the square?"

"How so?"

He held a hand out, as if he was holding something to show. "Well, you heard those APCs coming in as we escaped, right?" She nodded. "Well, if they were going to betray us, those soldiers would have already been waiting for us to make our move. We'd have been gunned down on the spot. They'd have had soldiers and probably a tank or two waiting for us at the station." He thumped his hand against the car wall. "This train would probably have been blasted off the rails just to make sure we didn't have an escape route." He pointed up. "There would be air patrols buzzing around above us right now looking for any more hidden troops."

She nodded. "Yeah... that makes sense."

He smiled, gently brushing some of her loose hair away from her face. "Don't worry. We'll be keeping an eye on them just to be sure. But there's no reason to treat them like outsiders. Each and every one of them just threw away their whole life and committed treason, just to help us." He leaned in closer to her. "Sound familiar?"

She gave him a sidelong look for a prolonged moment, then smirked and sighed in acceptance. "Yeah, okay. I get what you're saying. They're like me." She nudged him in the chest with her elbow and he laughed as he sat back. The pair sat in silence as the train continued onward. As minutes stretched on, Fran realized something. "Where are we going, anyway?"

Daz looked up, apparently having been lost in thought. "Hmm? Oh, right. I never said. Sorry." He clapped his hands together, loud enough that it got the attention of everyone in the car. "So, now that it's pretty clear we don't have anyone actively pursuing us, as evident by how we're not all currently full of bullets..." he paused as he got a little chuckle from a few. "...I think I should say where we're actually headed. There's an old, abandoned fort some distance from here, but these tracks will get us near to it. We'll be heading there and setting up a base for now."

"What kind of abandoned fort?" This was one of the avians asking. A female. Brenda, if Daz remembered correctly.

He also winced at the question. "It's... Fort Greenfoot." Every rat in the group cast their eyes down. The non-rodents just looked confused by the reaction.

Fran spoke, her voice quiet and distant. "It was the site of an extermination a few years ago..." The other non-rodents suddenly understood the reaction from the rats. "456 rats were killed in only 2 hours..."

There was a heavy silence that hung over the air. One of the canines spoke up next, his words hesitant as he didn't want to tread on old wounds, but he had to ask. "If... it's already been raided once, then how is it safe for us to go there?"

Daz responded. "Because they won't think we'll go anywhere near the place ever again." Most of the rats agreed with that sentiment. "It's got bad history, yes. But it won't be a place they'll look for us any time soon."

"And most of those killed there were civilians. The didn't have any trained soldiers of any kind." Daz looked at her and saw her expression was dark, her eyes cased down at her feet, not able to meet the gaze of anyone else.

He looked back at the group. "Right. And we're not just some pushovers anymore. It's been years since any rat didn't know how to fire a gun to defend themselves. We're all trained." He motioned to each group in turn. "Officers, hunters, and rebels. Each one of us knows how to fight if the worst comes." They all seemed to accept this. "It's not ideal, but thing haven't been ideal for rats for over a decade. I'm not going to lie, nothing we do from here on will be easy. We'll get hurt, but we'll push through, right?" This was met with a more roused response, most nodding or raising a fist. "It's going to be a few hours until we get near. Try and get some rest."

The groups seemed at least a little less anxious after his little speech. He rested his head back against the car wall. He hated giving speeches. "You're pretty good at that." He looked at Fran. She had perked up a little more from a few moments prior.

"What?" he asked.

She motioned at the others, who were now actually talking with the former cops more openly, less stand-offish with each other already. "Rallying the troops. Raising morale. A real alpha."

He shook his head. "I told you, that's not a rat thing. And I'm just... saying the truth." He looked at the others. "They're strong people. They just needed a little reminding of it, that's all."

She smirked at him, leaning over to rest her head against his shoulder. "Don't sell yourself short." He put an arm around her shoulder to hold her gently. They remained like this for a long while. "I was there..." her voice was distant again.

He looked down at her. "What?" She had been quiet so long, he thought she had dozed off.

"At... at Fort Greenfoot. I was there..." Her voice trailed off, but he felt her suddenly grip his sleeve tight. "The Ex- team... we were hired to aid in the assault." He sighed softly, just holding her. "I helped kill... so many innocent people..." She was fighting tears, and failing.

He leaned down to nudge his face against the top of her head, feeling her horns brush against his cheek. "That's how you knew the exact number so readily." She nodded. "You're not that person anymore."

She tightened her grip on his sleeve. "I am that person! I did those things!" Her voice cracked as she struggled to keep from fully breaking down. "I can never make up for-"

"No, you can't." She looked up at him, her eyes full of worry. "You can never bring those lives back." She looked like he'd just slapped her, despite that his voice was calm and smooth, almost reassuringly so. "But you can try to make sure it never happens again. You've got the chance to do better." He reached up and brushed his hand against her cheek, his thumb wiping away a tear. "I'm a monster, Fran. You know what I did to your team. You... rightfully should have torn my head off then and there. I can't be the one to give you forgiveness."

"Y-you were... just defending..." she stopped herself, knowing how hollow an excuse that sounded.

"You'll have to forgive yourself. If you can't do that, then you'll have to find a way to live with the terrible things you've done." His voice was still so calm, but there was pain behind his gaze.

She laid her head back against him. "How... do you do it? Continue living with it?"

He took a deep breath and held it. "I... found something to fight for." He brushed her hair out of her face again. "Someone worth being a better person for."

She let out a laugh, despite herself. "The big scary vampire is a big softy inside." She nuzzled against him again, her grip on his sleeve loosening as she finally started to relax. "Like a good alpha should be."

He shook his head as he held her close. "I'm not an alpha."

* * *

The motley group of would-be rebels finally emerged into the clearing. Standing before them was a tall structure of stone, though the forest around was already trying to reclaim it as ivy vines and moss started to creep up the walls. Several of the walls had gaping holes in them, explosions having ripped the rock from its mooring years past in the raid. Debris and rubble littered the ground, and the upper level looked to have collapsed in onto the floor below, leaving large gaps in the ceilings and roof. "It's... a bit of a fixer-uper." Daz said jokingly. No one laughed. He didn't blame them. They all knew, or at least had heard, what state the place was in. It was still something else to see it first hand.

Fran hung back, just staring ahead at evidence of her past transgressions. "I..."

Daz pat her shoulder. "It's okay. Take your time."

Winston, one of the rats that had been rescued, also held back, though for very different reasons. He looked nervously at the building. "There... won't be any... um.. bodies in there, will there?" It was clear a few of the others hadn't thought of that possibility, as they all flinched at the notion.

Fran was the one to speak up, having mostly steadied her nerves. "No. The soldiers were very clear about dragging out as many bodies for a proper head count." She sighed heavily. "Government approved tally marks for confirmed kills... Shiny metal for anyone with over 20."

Beth, one of the white fangs that had been on roof duty during the rescue, gave her an icy glare. "How many shiny metals did you get? Or did they just pay a bigger bonus?" Fran flinched and looked away.

"Beth..." Daz used a calm town to try and sooth the hot headed younger rodent.

She continued anyway. "I bet they paid a nice juicy bonus if you made sure the children cried as their parents got shot first!" Beth was the youngest of the group, at only 17 years old. When she was 12, she had been a survivor of a den raid, having watched her parents get killed in front of her. She held little love for who she viewed as government lackeys.

Daz grit his teeth, stepping close to the angered young woman. "That's enough, Beth! She's on our side!"

Beth rounded on him. "Yeah, she's on our side FOR NOW! How long before they dangle a big enough pay check out for her to switch sides again?" She pointed at the group of ex-cops. "How long before they do the same!?"

"Beth!" Daz was about to deck the woman. A hand slapped across the younger rodent's face before he could. Daz saw it was the female they'd rescued earlier. He would eventually learn her name was Gertrude, or Gerdy as she preferred.

"Shut up, you petulant CHILD!" She yelled at the stunned young woman. "These people risked their lives right along side you out there! They are branded traitors because they helped us! US! If they're caught with us, they'll be put down just like any rat! So don't you dare belittle them again, got it!" The verbal acid she spat seemed to have sufficiently cowed the younger rat.

Daz sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose for a moment. "Alright. Let's get this all out in the air now. Yes, some of the people in our group used to hunt us down. May have killed some of us." Fran kept her gaze down. Several of the ex-cops did the same. "We've done the same to them! Not a single one of us isn't blameless here. We've all killed people on the other side we were on. Some of us have done worse than just killed them." A few of the white fangs winced, knowing it was true of them as well. "We're all monsters out here in some way. But we're all on the same side now! Got it?" he got some mumbling responses. He repeated himself louder. "I said, did you get that!?"

"Yes, sir!" came the response from the White Fangs... most of them.

"Got it, Beth?" He asked pointedly.

She grit her teeth, but relented. "Got it, SIR" She practically spat the last word at him, then turned to start off toward the fort.

Brenda, the sparrow former cop, stepped forward. "We're with you to the end, sir. We're White Fangs now, sir." The thirteen of them gave a salute to him in practiced unison.

Daz sighed, waving a hand dismissively. "At ease, soldiers... And drop the sir shtick. Unless we're out on a mission or something, just call me Daz." The group gave embarrassed, nervous chuckles, but all nodded. "Alright. Go on, everyone. Start clearing this rubble away and assessing the damage. We're going to need to fix this place up if we don't want it crumbling around us." He glanced at Fran for a moment. "I'll catch up in a minute."

The group all nodded, the ex-cops having to stop themselves from saluting again out of drilled habit, and moved on to the ruins before them. It left Daz alone with Fran, who still hadn't brought her gaze back up. "Hey, don't mine Beth. She's just... she's been through a lot for someone her age. She's a bit hot headed is all."

Fran shook her head. "She's not wrong. We did get a really big paycheck from this one." She closed her eyes. "Didn't have to work for almost two months." She chuckled. "Bik partied so hard when we got back, he was thrown out of half the bars in the city in one night."

Daz winced, stepping closer and raising a hand to put on her shoulder, but hesitated and just put it back down. "Bik was... the big guy?"

She nodded slowly. "Yeah..." Daz had slaughtered Bik in a fight weeks earlier. Gutted him and drained him of blood before stringing him up in the trees on display. He regretted that now. He regretted a lot of what he did to her team now. Killing those hunting him was one thing, but he'd tortured half of her team before hand.

He shook his head. "I'm... sorry..."

He turned to walk away and let her have her moment, only to be stopped as her arms were suddenly around his middle, her body pressed against his back. "I... I don't hate you for what you did to them..."

He closed his eyes, his hand moving to gently rest against hers. "You should..."

"Do you hate me for what I did to your kind?"

He squeezed her hand. "No."

She smiled, pressing her cheek against his shoulder. "You should."

The two of them stood like this, her chin resting on his shoulder. He just started to chuckle to himself. "We're a really fucked up pair, aren't we?"

She nodded. "Yeah. A vampire rat and a super dragon. Monsters, the both of us." The two couldn't help but laugh at themselves. They finally started walking to join the others in the ruins, hand-in-hand.

* * *

The work to restore the fort had gone surprisingly quickly. It didn't hurt that two super powered beings were among the crew doing the repairs. Daz and Fran could both lift and move rocks and rubble that would take a whole team or even work equipment to move otherwise. It still took almost two weeks before the fort didn't seem like it was going to crumble in on itself anymore. Large stones had been cut to fit into the gaping holes in the walls. Trees had been felled to make new posts and supports for the interior. They decided to leave the upper most floor the way it was, though the holes in the ceiling were patched up. It keep the appearance of decay and being abandoned, on the off chance that some drone or patrol did a fly over of the area.

It turned out that one of the canines that joined had a hobby of woodworking, and had taken it upon himself to create furniture for the interior. They had tables, chairs, even beds, though they were just wooden frames covered in leather and hides from wild animals caught around the area. They had managed to steal a few portable fusion generators during a food raid, but stealing mattresses was a bit out of the question.

Nearly a month had passed, and the place finally felt like it was somewhere the group could call a home. Everyone even had their own rooms, though if they were to ever recruit more to their cause they'd have to eventually start bunking together. A few had already started doing just that. Surprisingly, Daz wasn't the only rat that seemed to enjoy the company of non-rodents. Winston and Brenda were a well known couple in the group.

Daz made his way up to his room. He'd recently returned from a successful food raid, having acquired some much needed supplies for curing and preserving the meat they gained from the wild game in the forest. Also some vegetables. Always helped to have a few options for food. Even if his bed wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, he was looking forward to laying on it again. It beat sleeping on the metal floor of the train car. He had taken to wearing an all black set of clothing, made from the executioner's robes he'd stolen back in the initial rescue mission. He opened the door to his room and smiled. Fran lay on the bed, sound asleep, a deer hide blanket covering most of her shapely form. He had been looking forward to laying beside her more than anything else, truth be told, even if it was on a metal train car floor.

He closed the door behind him as quietly as he could. He started stripping himself of his clothing, discarding the shirt to the side. He was just slipping out of his trousers when he heard a voice behind him. "I thought you normally had to pay for a show like this." He looked over his shoulder to see Fran, head propped on her hand and watching him with a wry smirk.

He wiggled his butt at her, waving his furless tail about playfully. "That's only for everyone else."

She chuckled. "Oh, so you give shows to everyone?"

He grins. "Maybe. I'm sure doing a nice striptease would keep morale high." He finished stripping himself bare and turned around to face her, not covering himself in any way. "Only you get the full package, though."

Her eyes fell upon that package, her grin growing wider. "Oh, lucky me." She lifted the blanket to invite him to lay beside her, and showing she was just as bare as he was. He always admired the lovely scales on her body. Deep green, a lighter yellow-green running from her chest down her belly to the underside of her thick tail. He climbed into the bed, laying on his back beside her. She rolled a little to drape an arm across his chest, her firm breasts pressed up against him. "How'd it go?"

He shrugged, reaching over to run fingers through her loose, golden blond hair. "Easy hit. Got some supplies for preserving meat, and a few other things. Chuck reached out to some of the local cops, see if he can find any like-minded in the bunch. Might have a lead, but that'll take some time. We set a test message drop. We'll see if they go for it or try to spring some trap on us later."

She nodded, listening to him, but still idly running fingers through the thick fur on his chest. "It'll be good if we can get some more allies." Her tail shifted, thumping against the bed.

He smirked. "It is. We should also see about trying to contact other dens, maybe organize something a little more than our little group here."

She giggled. "Other dens? So we're an official den now?"

He shrugged. "It's easier than saying 'rebel cell' all the time. They'd mark us as a den all the same, even if half of us aren't even rodents. Might as well embrace the term."

She grinned up at him playfully. "So you get to be an official alpha now."

He sighed. "I keep telling you, that's not how rats work."

She still giggled at him. "Rats also live in nests and not dens, but you don't argue that, do you?"

He scoffed. "You think the president fluffy feathers would let us claim nest from his avian clutches? No. Den is fine. And alpha is the primary breeder in those groups..."

She nodded slowly. "Yeah... and a rat and a dragon can't really do that... can we...?"

He blinked, looking at her in surprise. "You'd... want to?"

She gave him a look as if he'd asked a very stupid question. "With you? Of course." She shifted up against him a little, rubbing her thigh against his. "Big, strong man like you as a mate... I could see any hatchling would be healthy and strong."

He laughed "With both of our nano-strains inherited? It would be a little demon child." He hummed softly to himself. "Would still be worth it..." He gave her a wry look. "And who says we can't actually breed?"

She looked up. "Wha... I mean... canine and feline maybe, but a mammal and reptile? It's too far separated for it to work, right?"

He grinned wider, showing his sharp teeth. "Yeah... there's another thing about the nofera-strain users. When we drink the blood of others, it's used to clean our blood of the degradation."

She nodded. "Yeah... I already know that..."

He continued. "Well, for a brief time while it's doing that, our DNA is mixed with the... uh... donor's."

She sat up, looking down at him. "Wait, you're saying that if you... drank some of my blood, it might make you part dragon for a while?"

He shrugged. "Kind of. I mean, I won't go all scaly or anything, it's not a full mutation, and it only lasts for a few minutes, but... it might work."

She bit her lower lip, her tail thumping against his leg this time. "How... much would you need to drink...?"

His smirk returned as he stared up at her. "You're serious about this, aren't you?" She nodded, and he saw her scales darken a little with a blush. Gods, she was so cute some times. "Not too much. You'll be a bit lightheaded for a day, but nothing lethal... provided I can stop in time..."

She quirked her head. "Stop in... time?"

It was his turn to blush, giving her a similar though about how he could be surprisingly cute in moments like this. "It- uh... well, it's called the vampire strain for a reason. It can be hard to... pull back when you get started... I wouldn't want to go too far and hurt you..."

She leaned down, silencing him with a kiss planted firmly on his lips. She didn't linger, but when she pulled back, she stayed close to his face. "I trust you."

He smiled up at her, reaching up to brush his hands against her cheek. "Okay then." She leaned down to kiss him again, this time pressing more firmly and staying there. She swung one leg over him to straddle his hips and lowered herself down against him. She was unsurprised to find his nine inches already rock hard. She sat down, pressing his cock down and resting her already set slit against the shaft. He moaned into her mouth as he felt those silky lower lips of hers rubbing against him. She rocked her hips, slowly grinding against him, coating his shaft in her juices.

His mouth opened, hers doing the same, their tongues slipping against each other. He still found her taste so exotic and almost addicting. He'd never get tired of it. As their kiss grew more passionate, she started to grind against him harder, his hips pushing up against her to press himself against her folds. She moaned into his mouth this time, her tail thumping on the bed. He swung his tail up to drape over hers in a gentle hold.

She couldn't take more teasing and lifted her hips up, sliding along his shaft. He shifted so his cock rubbed against her clit as she moved, making her pull back from the kiss to take a deep gasp, her body shuddering a little. "Sneaky tease..." She panted down at him.

He grinned. "Says the woman who was grinding against my cock..." Her lips were hovering above his shaft, drooling her arousal onto him now. He reached down to hold her hips. "You sure about-"

"Just shut up and fuck me already, rat!" she playfully growled down at him. He pulled her down hard, her hips smacking against his as his cock slid deep into her. She let out a loud cry as she felt his length filling her. She lifted her hips, only slam them back down against him. He thrust up to meet her, pressing himself deep. She cried out every time, feeling him so deep, it almost felt like he was in her belly. She didn't care if the whole fort knew what they were doing, she couldn't hold her cries back.

He wasn't doing so well at holding back his own groans, either. She was so hot around him, and her inner walls squeezed around his shaft every time he thrust up into her. Her juices drooled around his cock, soaking into the fur at his groin. Every time their hips met, the slap echoed around the room. He slid his hands along her smooth scaled sides, up to her breasts. The scales covering the firm mounds were soft under his touch, so different from mammals. For the briefest of moments, his mind thought back to the old debates about why reptilians even had them. Those thoughts were gone the next time her pussy squeezed around his shaft.

Her moans grew quicker, her breathing becoming short gasps between each cry of pleasure. He felt her squeezing and quivering around him. He squeezed her breasts, forcing more moans from her. Her hips bounced on his faster, her tail trembling in the grip of his own. He thrust up to meet her bouncing with more force. She was trying to hold herself back, and he wasn't having any of that. He reached up to drag her down, his cheek pressed against hers. "Cum for me, love." he whispered against her. It was all it took to send her over the edge. She clamped around his shaft, her legs squeezing at his sides hard enough that it might break a normal person. All while screaming her ecstasy directly into his ear.

He held her tight, her body trembling and shaking in his grip. Her tail thumped against the bed several times. He grinned as she rode the waves of pleasure, leaving her twitching against him. When she finally started calming, he brought her face to his, kissing her deeply. She pressed back, enjoying his taste as much as he enjoyed hers. He didn't hold the kiss long, leaving her still trying to catch her breath. "Ready for more?" She nodded, only to yelp as he rolled her over onto her back. She found herself staring up at his tooth-filled smile.

She gasped as he thrust deep again, not having slipped free during the roll, but now somehow getting even deeper than before. "Oh... gods, yes I'm ready for more!" He pulled back, only to slam himself forward again, only to hold himself there, feeling her inner walls still quivering around him. "S-stop... teasing... and fu-" the word was cut off as he thrust hard again, her back arching off the bed. "FUCK!" It felt like he was trying to punch through her cervix. He held deep for a long moment, just enough that she squirmed under him. Her hips undulated, pressing up against him, trying to force him to keep going. He relented to her wishes, his pace fast and hard.

Her legs raised and wrapped around his waist, dragging him in closer every time he thrust into her. She cried out each time his tip slammed against her inner most depths. Her pussy drooled her arousal, every entry making a wet sound. His groans of pleasure were music to her ears. "Give... give it to me..." She reached up, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him down. "All of it..." He found his lips pressed up against her neck. He gave her tender throat soft kisses, lapping against those smooth, soft scales. He felt the vibration every time she moaned, felt her heartbeat pounding in her arteries. His cock was twitching and jerking in her.

His voice came in breathy gasps as he drew close. "Are... you... are you sure?"

She nodded quickly. "Y-yes... please..." He leaned in against her neck, giving a little nibble against it, his teeth scraping against her scales. Her moans became desperate whines. She let out a cry as his teeth sank into her neck, her back arching again, pressing herself up against him. She felt her blood oozing from the wounds, draining into him. It should have hurt, but it only made her clench harder. Her heartbeat was so fast, she felt she must be spraying into his mouth as he drank deep of her. His jaw clenched a little more, digging those dangerous teeth deeper, while thrusting himself hard. His fur rippled along his body, a shiver running from his head to his tail and back again.

He finally slammed one final time into her, his head right up against her cervix, and came hard. His seed poured into her in great jets, each throb of his cock sending waves of pleasure to her. She cried out as she felt his warmth filling her, pouring into her. It felt like it filled her whole body. Her legs squeezed around him, clenching almost as hard as her inner walls, locking him in place. The pair trembled and shivered together, muscles quivering in a shared orgasm. He sank his teeth deeper still, only to catch himself at the last minute before he did serious damage to her. He pulled his mouth free quickly, gasping deep. She gasped as well at the sudden removal of his teeth against her. Her neck felt both cold and warm, and wet as she still oozed blood from the wounds.

He stared down at her, but before he could say anything, she dragged him down into a kiss. She tasted her own blood on his lips, on his tongue. It was strangely satisfying. She held him like this for as long as she could. His hands slid up, one holding her head gently, the other pressed to the wounds he left, gently pressing to keep them from leaking too badly. The held kiss lasted only seconds, but felt like hours to them. Eventually, they had to break for air, panting at each other heavily.

She was the first to speak. "Think... it worked...?" It was a stupid question, neither of them would know for a while.

He smiled. "I'd like to think it did..." He leaned down to lap at the marks on her neck. Her own augments had started her rapid healing, the flow slowing to a trickle. By the time he was done lapping her clean, they were closed, leaving faint marks against her scales. His mark upon her, claiming her as his own now and for all time. She swore she felt them there, and loved it. "We'll find out soon enough..."

She laughed softly. "We can try again if it didn't..." There was a thrill in the danger of him draining her like he had. He nodded, laying his head against her shoulder.

The two lay against each other, embracing close, and soon dozed off. Their combined mess leaked from between them, soaking into the bed under them.

* * To Be Continued* *

Freedom Fighters (Part 2)

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