A Fat Night at Freddy's

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#21 of Commissions

A fox wanders through a forest and comes upon something rather unusual.

Anonymous Commission.

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Kai sighed himself as he took another one of his late night strolls through the forest. Something so simple brought the red fox a great deal of peace. He enjoyed the slight breeze blowing through the air and the beams of moonlight that lit his way as he walked. His steps were slow, having no certain place to go in mind, Kai just strolled through the grove of trees, enjoying all the little things that came to him; the shadows cast by the trees, occasional hoots of curious owls, and the rustling of late night animals scurrying away, not expecting to see a fox coming towards them. Of course, Kai meant them no harm and it didn't bother him that they ran from him either. I just meant there was nothing for him to worry about up ahead...

On this day in particular, the fox decided to wander down a different route in the forest than usual. The trees were tall, working together to block out much of the moonlight overhead. Being on the forest floor and surrounded by these tall living structures, Kai depended on his senses of sight and smell to alert him of anything out of the ordinary. But his eyes soon adjusted and he found that aside from the path being much darker than usual. There was an odd sense of calm that followed him upon stepping in the shadow-laden grove. It was as if it was a path that he had been searching for and finally found. That struck Kai as strange, considering he chose to take the path on a random whim. There was nothing that called out to him or compelled him to take the path he did... But that feeling of some kind of fated chance was still lingering within his being. Now, the fox was compelled to keep going, suspecting that perhaps there was something waiting for him that he was meant to find...

It took some time but Kai did eventually make it out of the shadows and into a sparse clearing. But there was something certainly strange that awaited him once he stepped into the light of the moon once again. For a moment the fox thought his eyes were deceiving him but after rubbing them he could indeed see that it was certainly real enough... A Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, just sitting there in the middle of the forest. As Kai grew closer to the building he at first suspected it was an old location, left to wither and decay, but he could see what was clearly lights and the blurred shadows of beings moving inside. One part of the fox was thoroughly confused but a greater part of him was curious. He had heard many a rumor about the famous pizzeria. Some of them claimed it was the greatest place on earth and others claimed that it was a dangerous place in disguise. Daring to step up to the front doors, Kai figured he would find out the truth for himself. After all, he was a tough fox that was versed in martial arts. If there was anything lurking behind the shadows they would have a big surprise in store for them...

He pushed the twin doors open, hearing a small bell chime upon stepping inside. Not a moment later the doors closed on their own. Feeling a tingle run up his spine, Kai dared to test them but they didn't budge... Figuring that he could probably find a key or something, Kai turned around to observe the place. The first thing that struck him as odd was the fact that the place was completely empty. He was sure he could see the shadows of others walking around from outside. The lights were still glowing but he couldn't see or hear anyone else. Daring to explore the place, Kai walked over to the first thing that stood out to him. It was a small stage that was draped in a curtain, the only closed off area in the entire pizzeria. He stepped up to it and took hold of the curtains. With a deep breath he pushed them open and found himself face-to-face with a red fox clad in an eyepatch, brown pants, and a hook adorning one of his hands.

"You must be Foxy," Kai said to the animatronic. Of course it didn't answer back, frozen in place with it's single exposed eye staring right past him. His head was tilted slightly, allowing his bottom jaw to hang open freely. Kai took note of how sharp they looked, same with the hook. He wondered if that was why Foxy was sanctioned off in a place like this. He closed the curtain and looked around some more and took notice of the other animatronics of a much larger stage, standing side by side. The one that stood out to Kai immediately was none other than Freddy Fazbear. His face was on the logo outside as well as the many posters and decorations inside the location as well... The fox approached the showstage and stopped no more than a foot away. Freddy looked over him, but seemed to not notice his presence. Just like Foxy, the robotic bear's eyes were fixed forwards in a half-lidded lazy sort of expression. One of his arms was permanently frozen in an upwards position, holding up a microphone up to his bulky mouth.

"How long has this place been here?" Kai wondered aloud. After taking a good look at Freddy, he was compelled to return to Foxy. He approached the other fox and opened up the curtain. But there was something drastically different about the fox. His appearance changed drastically. Once again, Kai had to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. But sure enough, Foxy was still standing in place but he no longer looked...robotic. He looked like he was an alive fox just like him. The fur that adorned his body looked soft and in his open mouth was a pink tongue. But what struck Kai as the most striking was Foxy's new figure. The once lithe looking animatronic was now full figured, sporting a wide gut. Kai dared to look around the fox and his eyes widened to see two thick mounds that seemed to be barely contained within his straining pants...

Kai was about to question what happened to the other fox but a bout of deep, slow laughter made his heart skip a beat. He turned around and his eyes instantly fell on Freddy. Carefully, the now spooked fox approached the still bear. But like Foxy, Freddy looked very different. He had a pelt of soft brown and caramel fur. His teeth were no longer blocks but now pointed and glistening with saliva. Freddy now sported a figure befitting a bear, having an even bigger gut than Foxy, and that was also accompanied by a large backside, clearly seen thanks to his lack of pants. But what really stuck Kai was the pair of sky blue eyes that were clearly staring at him now. Freddy didn't move an inch but his eyes were piercing right into the foreign fox, seemingly accusing him of being somewhere he wasn't supposed to be...

Kai took some cautious steps back. He was too preoccupied with Freddy to notice the tall, chubby fox pirate behind him. He stood on both his legs with his arm and hook raised, ready to pounce on his new prey. Something told Kai to turn around and when he did he was met with the pirate fox reaching at him, a shrill screech accompanying his perceived attack. The red fox yelled and his body worked on it's own to deliver a swift kick. Foxy reeled back and actually caught the incoming fox.

"Yah har har! Easy there, sailor..." Foxy encouraged. The gaze from his only visible eye was soft as it looked the other fox up and down... He let Kai down and stepped closer to him. "Apologies from the captain for scarin' yee... But ol' Foxy doesn't get to see many other foxes 'round yar..." The fat fox reached up and caressed Kai's face with his only paw. Not only was Kai confused but he was very uncomfortable by Foxy's sudden, unexplained advancements. His eyes darted around for any way he could get out of this place. The front doors were mostly still locked... But then his eyes found the glowing sign of an emergency exit sign, he was sure it was his shining ticket out of the strange place.

Breaking away from the other fox, Kai made a beeline for the alternate exit, sure that he was home free. He glanced back at Foxy but he wasn't there... Kai made a sound of confusion and looked ahead of him... There Foxy was, a toothy smirk on his wide muzzle and a paw on his even wider hip. Kai was going full speed and couldn't properly stop in time. He yelped and came to a stop, running into Foxy's soft, warm belly. He fell to the ground and was a bit dazed from everything that happened...

"Yar har! Nobody be leaving the captain's ship. Ye be a part of the crew, whether ye like or not..." Foxy grunted and took hold of Kai's tail. Rather effortlessly, he dragged his fellow fox across the floor. Kai was still trying to get a hold of himself as he was dragged across the smooth, polished floors. He looked past Foxy to see where he was being taken. From what he could gather, Foxy was heading for a door labeled 'PARTS AND SERVICES.' Something about that struck Kai as a very bad thing. With all the strength he had, the smaller fox wiggled his way out of Foxy's grip and rolled to his feet. With no option left, Kai got into a fighting position, ready to reduce the other fox to nothing more than scrap metal...

He delivered a swift kick to the pirate fox but it was suddenly blocked. Both foxes gasped as the one stepping in was none other than the mascot of the franchise himself, Freddy Fazbear. For a moment Kai thought the tubby bear had come to assist him. But the hungry look Freddy flashed him, combined with the swiping of his broad tongue over his fangs quickly convinced Kai otherwise.

"Ye be in for it now. Now you're dealin' with the captain of the captain!" Foxy sneered, collecting himself and standing beside Freddy. Now Kai had to deal with two massive, heavy animals that looked as if they could crush him in an instant, nevertheless Kai held his ground and prepared to take them on. Freddy and Foxy looked at each other and threw themselves at the smaller fox. Kai managed to dodge Foxy but Freddy managed to catch him, not with a kick or punch, but rather the big bear turned around and bashed Kai in the side with his massive behind. Not only did it knock Kai back a good amount but it left him wide open from confusion. Foxy took advantage, bumping Kai in the back with his wide belly. Kai fell to the ground, his ears filled with the laughter of both Freddy and Foxy.

"Foxy... Why didn't you tell me we have a new friend?" Freddy asked, his deep voice both comforting and threatening.

"Well, if ya ask me. It looks as if he doesn't want to be our new shipmate..." Foxy huffed, glaring at Kai. "He be really difficult."

"He just needs a big hug...that's all," Freddy growled, stomping towards the smaller fox. Kai hardly had anytime to prepare himself as the bear ran at him, and hopped in the air. Kai's eyes went wide and a soundless scream left his mouth as Freddy came crashing down on him. The weight of the mascot worked immediately to pin and force the air out of his lungs. His arms and legs were pinned underneath the pillowy fat, ensuring he wasn't going anywhere...

Kai groaned as he slowly awoke. For a moment he thought he was back at home, lying on his bed, recovering from the strangest of dreams. But a bout of laughter brought his awareness back to him. He looked around to see that he was in a room that was lined with shelves. On those shelves were boxes labeled things such as 'EYES,' 'JOINTS,' and 'MUSIC BOXES.' And underneath them were rows and rows of masks. The heads were eyeless and some of them sported mouths that hung wide open, working thoroughly to spook Kai and tell him that he needed to get out of there. But upon trying to move he found that he was tied down to the small metal table used for quick repairs.

At the end of the table stood Freddy and Foxy, laughing at their tied up friend.

"I expected more cunning from a fellow fox," Foxy tutted, shaking his head.

Freddy just smirked, flashing his fangs at the tied up mammal. "He's a pretty small thing, hardly a meal, huh?"

"Aye," Foxy mused, rubbing his chin with his hook. "But perhaps the lad's got another use."

"Hmmm," Freddy chuckled, stepped closer to the table. "Maybe he does..."

Kai was already wondering what they were alluding to but that thought was pushed out of his mind by the pure shock of seeing Foxy huff and climb on the metal table. It creaked and groaned under his weight but held firm. The pirate chuckled deviously as he removed his pants and rolled over to crawl closer to their victim. Kai's eyes went wide as he got a good look at the swollen sheath that bounced between the other fox's thick legs. He attempted to struggle but his arms were held down by the strong cables that the staff used to hoist up and repair the heavy bots. As soon as Kai released that it sunk in that he was going nowhere.

His vision was soon filled with two red, thick mounds of fur-covered flesh. They raised into the air and swished a bit before they came down and nearly smothered him. Foxy made sure to sit his full weight down on the other fox, making a comforted sigh as he did so. "Aaahh... Ye make a fine seat for the captain's hindquarters..." He ground his backside, ensuring Kai was buried deep between them.

"I might let ye go if ye be kind enough to swab me poop deck!" Foxy giggled childishly after finishing that sentence.

Freddy just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Jeez, Foxy. If you wanna be rimmed, just say so..."

There was a bit of relief that went through Kai upon hearing that. He was sure that Foxy was gonna smother him. But there was the risk of that if he didn't do as the bigger fox commanded... Telling himself to just go through with it, Kai closed his eyes and opened his muzzle. He could hear Foxy sigh and feel a deep tremble run through all the fat as his tongue made contact with the fat, pink doughnut. The taste that met his tongue was surprisingly pleasant and before he knew it, Kai's tongue was soon flicking against the ring of flesh at a steady pace.

"Aaauughh... Now ye be getting' it..." Foxy purred as the wet licks sent waves of tingly warm up his body. His tongue flicked from his muzzle as he rode out the pleasure striking his body.

As much as Foxy got on Freddy's nerves, the bear had to admit that it did look pretty fun. From his own sheath came his fat length, quickly it became hard and throbbed for attention. Freddy looked at his friend having fun and decided that he might as well break their new friend in... He approached Kai, more specifically his lower half, and rather than doing anything with his loins outright, Freddy followed his programming to ensure that guests were having fun as well. With his large, soft paw that bear reached for Kai's semi hard. He took hold of the red shaft with just his index finger and his thumb, dragging them up and down at the same time.

Against the spit slathered rim, Kai moaned, feeling his own length being touched and teased. Against his own pleasure, Kai continued to lick. Above, Foxy took hold of his leaking cock and pushed his wide ass even further down on the other fox's muzzle. The force was enough for Kai to accidentally jam his tongue inside of the pirate's tight hole. A deep purr felt the fat fox and he slowly pumped his own length with his paw, enjoying the slow lingering pleasure that both stimulates were giving him.

On the other side, Freddy was having fun coaxing Kai's cock to it's full mast. He took the time to play with it. He took his fingers off of it and dragged his balled fist against the underside, making sure his soft fur stimulated the red surface. From the small trembles and kicks and the bound legs made, Freddy could tell that he and his new friend were indeed having a good time. But the bear was only getting started. With no better term, the bear wanted to be absolutely sure Kai was ready for Freddy.

Underneath the red ass cheeks, Kai allowed himself to enjoy what he was doing. The flavor of Foxy's ass combined with the light musk that filled his nose made his mouth water. The ring was close enough for him to do more than simply lick. Drawing his tongue back into his muzzle, Kai pressed his lips against the sloppy hole, gently planted steady kisses on the wet, pink flesh. This worked to drive Foxy crazy. A line of drool flicked from his tongue and another deep purr rumbled from his wide chest. A thick line of precum came from his tip, a sign of all the effort Kai was putting in on him. He stroked himself, using the thick substance as a makeshift lube that only added to his pleasure.

Freddy meanwhile was using both of his large paws, rubbing each independently against the now leaking cock. It flexed against his palms and coated them in the sticky substance. The big bear just chuckled and increased the speed of his rubbing, chuckling as Kai's legs kicked once again. He removed the two of them and lowered his head until it was pressed against the shaft. His nostrils flared as he sniffed at it, finding the smell rather pleasant. Deep rumbles rose from Freddy's chest as he rubbed his soft, squishy cheek against the leaking length. The soft fur and the rumbling worked together to send a feathery, tingly sensation down Kai's cock.

Kai could only moan around the wide rim. His muzzle was dripping with a mix of his spit and Foxy's ass sweat. Still keeping his lips pressed against the pink doughnut, Kai once again pressed his tongue inside. This time he shoved the flat, pink thing deep inside of the clenching tunnel. It snaked and flicked, pressing itself against the sensitive walls. Now, Foxy's moans were loud and lingering. The pirate bit his lip and let go of his cock. Rather, he leaned back, allowing even more access to his depths. A pleasure look stayed on his face as he was eaten out from deep within.

Freddy noticed all of this and figured that it was time for him to actually have some fun as well. He removed his precum slathered cheek from the flexing cock and instead used his tongue to scoop the hard thing into his muzzle. Another deep rumble came from the brown bear. The salty flavor on his tongue was very pleasant and only made him hungry for more of the thick fluid. In order to get that, the bear wrapped his lips around the length and curled his tongue around the base. It was flat and tongue, blessing him with the ability to snake it up and down with having to bob his own head. Rather, the bear slipped his curled tongue down and back up the throbbing thing. All the while thick lines of drool leaked from his lips and down the sheath, quickly slathering the balls underneath in a layer of his saliva.

While he licked and drooled on the other fox, Freddy closed his eyes and heaved through his nose as he took hold of his heavily leaking cock. And gave it a few firm tugs, collecting as much of his own precum on his paw as he could. It wasn't a hard thing to do for him. The heavy bear's cock ever flowed the clear, thick stuff regardless if it was touched or not, another talent he was blessed with. Gathering that precum on his paw only added to his own pleasure as the thick, sticky stuff coated his length and brought added pleasure to the activity. For a moment the bear ran the risk of losing himself in his own pleasure but he forced himself to do what he planned. He growled and opened his maw, allowing his tongue to easily unravel from the spit-coated cock.

"We're moving on to the best part, Foxy..." Freddy said. Upon hearing those words Foxy perked up and beamed.

"Aye aye, captain!" Foxy snickered. He heaved himself up and leaned forwards. Kai was surprised and a little disappointed as his tongue was snatched from the warm tunnel. But that feeling of disappointment soon disappeared when he got a full view of the thick, red cock that leaked fluids on his lips.

At the same time Freddy took all the precum that had slathered his paw and brought it above the table. With his other paw he used his claws to easily slice through the cables that kept Kai's legs bound. With just one large, strong paw he held both legs together and held them up. With his wet paw, he pointed and pressed a single, thick finger against Kai's winking tailhole. Now Kai's moan could be heard clearly as Freddy dug his finger inside of the tunnel, working quickly to stretch the smaller fox out. But Foxy took advantage of those moans and dropped his own lower half, jamming his dripping cock into Kai's maw. Not to be outdone, Freddy twisted his finger, ensuring the precum lubed the hole up. He popped his finger out and climbed on the table as well. Somehow, the table held firm under the bear's weight as well. Now holding each of Kai's legs in each of his paws, Freddy pressed his leaking cock against the soft ring. Once he made his mark, the bear pressed his cock inside and he didn't stop until he was fully hilted inside. Doing so sent powerful shudders down his body and deep growls from his chest.

On the other side, Foxy was already sighing and moaning deep from the soft, wet maw that slurped up his cock. His fat thighs bounced up and down, pumping that hard shaft against the flat tongue. Foxy purred against the bliss that radiated through his being. Kai on the other hand gagged slightly but still pressed his tongue against the invading length, drinking down the precum that spurt directly to the back of his throat. His cheeks bulged every time Foxy thrust downwards. His vision was skewed thanks to the fat pair of balls that bumped against his muzzle in time with each thrust. The smaller fox was forced to howl against the thick cock as Freddy shoved his cock deep inside of him. He could hear the bear growl in pleasure as he sunk more and more of his fat inches deep inside of him. The pleasure only grew greater once the bear increased his grip on the fox's legs and actually started to thrust inside. The thrusts themselves were hard and deep, just the way the big bear liked them. They were countered by Foxy's quick, but light thrusts. Each pump of the fat cock forced a yell out of Kai but they were hardly heard around the pistoning cock of the pirate using his mouth for his own pleasure.

Just a few inches apart from each other, both Foxy and Freddy smiled at each other as they took their own forms of pleasure for themselves.

"I bet he's tight, ain't he?" Foxy snickered.

"Tighter than a suit-stuffing..." Freddy chuckled at his own dark joke and bared his fangs as the soft, smooth walls clenched down on him, making each thrust deliver all the more pleasure. A line of drool ran down his muzzle as he bashed his hips against the bottoming fox's asscheeks, making sharp claps ring out and echo against the small room's walls. The bear bored down on the fox, making himself even closer to Foxy. The pirate chuckled and flicked his long tongue against the bear's nose, making a small honk sound ring out. Freddy's eyes went wide and he narrowed his eyes.

"Why you-"

The bear's would-be threat was cut off by Foxy's tongue shoving itself in his mouth and pressing his lips against the bear's. Freddy rolled his eyes and eased into the kiss, grunting in the fox's mouth as he continued thrusting. Foxy did the same soon the service room was filled with the sounds of three moaning males and the subtle slaps of their hips crashing into ass and lips. Foxy humped even harder, bashing his pointed tip against the back of his fellow fox's throat. Kai's eyes watered as he fought against his gag reflex as the tip was daring to slip down his gullet with each new pump. The precum that flowed from the pirate's tip worked to lube up the tight esophagus and with a deep thrust, Foxy forced Kai to swallow down his length. He completely ignored the gags and slight strains that came from the smaller fox and instead focused on the blinding heat and squeezing on his shaft. It was enough to make him drool around his kiss.

Freddy was no better: his thrusts only increased in pace as more and more precum spurt from his ever flexing tip. It got a point that Kai was sure the bear was already cumming inside of him. The clear fluid had collected and was sloshed around from Freddy's reckless bucking. His ass was already filled to the brim from each thrust but Freddy was far from finished. He ground his hips, pressing until his fat tip breached the deepest part of the slim fox's ass. Upon reaching the soft flesh, Freddy's eyes fluttered and he drooled around the kiss as well. But the two of them broke away, leaving a thick line of spit between the two of them as they could feel their respective climaxes creeping up on them.

"I think he be a keeper, Freddy," Foxy huffed before he winced against another spike of pleasure.

"Y-you might be right for once..." Freddy growled. "I think he might be the new addition we've been looking for..."

"Then there be only one more thing to do..." Foxy sneered.

"Try not to drown him..." Freddy chuckled, lowering his gaze to focus on slamming himself as deep and hard as he could. It didn't take much to bring that overwhelming pleasure to him. Gritting his fangs and digging his claws into Kai's skin, Freddy snarled as he slammed himself deep inside of the bottoming fox for the final time. Simultaneously, Foxy slammed himself as hard and as fast as he could, making a myriad of wet slaps and forcing a series of grunts and gags out of the other fox. With strings of drool running down his chin, Foxy howled and wedged his knot last Kai's lips and teeth, ensuring it wasn't going anywhere.

Both big males shuddered and gave burly grunts as they blasted their seed inside of Kai. He was forced to take heavy gulps against the frequent strings of cum that painted his tongue and shot to the back of his throat, threatening to choke him if he didn't swallow fast enough. Foxy panted heavily and ground his knotted cock even deeper, milking as much pleasure out of his climax as he could. As he did so, the pirate kept his eye on Freddy. The bear's face screwed up and he nearly bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. Heavy hisses left him as he came hard within the other fox, his cock swelled and spasmed as strings of his bear cum finally spurt inside of the tight tunnel. He rocked his hips slightly, working to milk as much of his own seed out of his clenching balls as he could. Kai was overtaken by the warmth that spread throughout him, the pressure deep in his ass, and the slight swelling of his belly from being filled from both ends. The sensation was so overwhelming that Kai didn't notice his own climax. Without even being touched or stimulated his cock bounced and spurt heavy loads of seed against his own belly. It all came to an end when all three males were a sweating, panting mess against each other. Kai could hardly keep his eyes open and just like before, he soon fell unconscious...

Within the location things went on quite normally with a slight exemption. There was a new animatronic that joined Foxy in Pirate's Cove. The bigger fox simply called him his first mate. And First Mate was what he became known as. During the day Foxy and his First Mate performed together, entertaining those who found the establishment and came across them. But then when the sun fell and the clock struck twelve, First Mate was giving his own form of entertainment to his captain, Foxy and his boss, Freddy...