D'ya have the balls ?

Story by Magixx on SoFurry

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"Come to my house at 6:00. Do not eat. Love ya! Llum'".

You may not remember, but he already sent me THE SAME sms a few weeks ago. I can't see why it should be different. He must've discovered something AGAIN. I'll always wonder where he finds all these things, and the money. I don't complain, though. These evenings are usually rather... you know... enjoyable. So, as excited as I can get with this kind of message, I hurry to his home, although it's only 4:15, but well, none of us works (we agreed on working both in July so that we could spend August together), and I know his parents are currently enjoying holidays in Egypt, So I really don't see why I should wait any longer.

"AH, you've come! I feared you might wait until 6:00. I just couldn't calm myself enough to write a new sms, so I just sent you the one I sent you last time, you know! Come and hurry, you'll love that!" The young Tanuki said it so fast and was so excited that he just looked and sounded like a spring mounted parrot that had had too much helium. And there was that bulge in the towel he wore around the waist. A BIG bulge.

"I'm fine, thanks, glad you asked. What about you?" I sigh, while he takes me to his room, looking as if he had his ass set on fire.

However, I heard something else than his stormy run to his room. A sloshing noise. Come to think of it, he also walked - I mean ran - in a strange way. He moved and sounded as if his belly was filled with water, and tried to hold it in without plug, but his belly was as flat as ever.

Then we come to his room door, trembling with anticipation. He comes in, I follow him. He takes my hand and pulls me toward a table where lay glasses, water, and pills.

"You know I won't take these before you tell me they're safe, AND what they do" I state, raising an eyebrow.

"I can't tell, but I can show ya" he beams.

Then, he removes the towel, freeing his hard cock, and two melons covered in fur that hang - and slosh - below it. That would be the part where I go all cartoony and sky rocket to the moon thanks to a nose bleeding. In fact, I just gaped, and started drooling profusely. After a few seconds, I put together enough self-control to say

"I suppose I'm meant to understand it's no standard saline play?"

"Indeed. Aaaaaand, it's not just decoration if you see what I mean" he says, winking.

"How many pills do I take?" I ask, without further ado.

"I took three of 'em, and I'm still growing, so I daresay that three's a good number."

So I gulp down three pills, eager for them to make their effect. Yet, it comes as quite a shock to see my balls nearly fwoomping from their usual size to the size of a tennis ball each.

"Waouh, they're quite efficient" I state.

"Yep. I took mines 15 minutes ago" Llumrei adds.

"So, d'ya have the balls to ask me to get ready?" I ask.

"Well, I have. D'ya have the guts to take me, Foxie?" he puns back, smiling widely.

So, the next ten minutes are pure agony. Getting the lube, lubing, and teasing non stop, getting the both of us in the right mood. My knot's nearly completely formed, and both our tails wag like crazy. Then, at long last, comes the time. We're both horny as hell, and the time we "lost" teasing each other allowed the pills to make our balls grow to the size of a watermelon each, mines just smaller than his. I nearly throw myself onto the bed, unable to wait any longer, whimpering with need and excitement, while Llumrei comes over, seemingly unable to stop smiling. I lay on my back, legs high in the air, my big balls pulled up on my belly, tail wagging, and lots of stars in my eyes, while he kneels on the bed, slowly approaching his Tanuki dick from my tailhole, trying not to seat on his balloon-balls that lay just behind him, while he uncontrollably moans. As excited as ever, he then starts fingering my hole, his cock just a few inches away, trying to go as slowly as possible in order not to hurt me. After a few seconds (and a few moans from the both of us), he begins pushing his malehood between my asscheeks and against my hole.

Although we both thought the growth had stopped to the size of a watermelon, it seems that going into action triggers a second phase, because our balls started growing again, slowly but noticeably, the weight increasing on my belly, and his tail slowly getting pushed upwards. The long moan he lets out tells me he's noticed too. Then, as if it was a sign, he pushes his cock harder into my hole. My left paw sinks into the bed while my right paw still holds my balls against my tummy, and my tongue lolls out of my mouth, as Llum' at last starts pulling out, slowly, before pushing in again, a little bit stronger and further. All the while, our balls keep growing, rounding, getting a little bit over basketball sized, which forces the Tanuki to lift me up, so that he can free some place for his sloshing balls to grow. He now starts thrusting into me, not yet pushing his dick to the end, but getting closer to it each thrust. He also begins leaking pre, first just a few small spurts, but they quickly grow into a continuous stream, that slowly swells too. The same goes for me, pre starting to flow from my cock onto my belly. Closing my eyes in order to enjoy it even more, I fight the urge to seize my own malehood so that this would last longer.

Llum' starts thrusting harder again, seemingly excited further by our now basketball-and-a-half sized balls. I open my eyes again as I fill his right paw wander on my balls, reaching for my cock. I whimper, not knowing if I'd prefer feeling his paw on my maleness or preventing me from coming too soon. He seems to understand my dilemma, and chooses the answer for me. He pushes my paw away, letting my balls fall against his belly. I let him do it because I know he'll always do what is the most pleasurable choice for me, and because I know he knows me better than I. He then thrusts totally in, and throws himself to my muzzle, locking our maws in a passionate kiss, as if to tell me to relax. Smiling through the kiss, I close my eyes again, and lead his paw to my cock, coated in all the pre I've leaked. He very slowly starts stroking me, while straightening up, in order to start thrusting in me again. My paws go for my nipples, while his thrusting slowly turns into a plowing and he starts grunting, a sound that means that he's coming closer to the edge. Just thinking this makes me whimper again, the flow of pre slightly increasing from the tip of my cock. As our balls reach half-a-beachball size each, he suddenly gets up, throwing my legs over his shoulders , holding them here with his left arm, while his right paw still strokes my cock, and he starts plowing roughly his cock into my ass, getting the both of us so close to the edge...

And he knows that perfectly well. Protective as he is, he always wants me to cum first, in order to be sure that I enjoyed, so he tries to trigger my climax by slowly licking my balls and tugging on my knot, which indeed sends me other the edge. As I scream in ecstasy, he heaves my balls up so that I shoot three, four, fives... ten loads on my belly, face and on the bed, while my balls slowly shrink with each load, finally shrinking to the size of a melon each. Seeing me all white and bathing in a pool of cum seems to trigger the Tanuki's climax too. With one, great grunt, he pushes all the way in, and starts unloading into me. I feel each load being fired inside me, quickly filling my bowels, so that my belly quickly develops a small, but growing bulge. The first load is barely noticeable, but the second induces a small curve in my belly, the third makes the curve push towards my torso, while the followings make my belly grow bigger and rounder, each time in a rush, until I reach a pregnant sized belly. Llum' then stops cumming, panting, although it looksto me like he didn't shoot as much cum as I.

My unasked question is quickly answered. The Tanuki smiles wildly as he says:

"Get on all fours".

Giggling in ecstasy, I carefully turn around, which is quite a hard task, since I still have melons sized balls, and a pregnant like belly, but I still manage it. While turning around, I discreetly slip my paw towards his ball in order to get an idea of their size. It comes as a shock to me to realise that they haven't shrunk at all, but rather reached beachball size each. Once I've turned around, he slips his arms under mines, and slowly makes the both of us go on all fours. He then starts nipping on my right ear, eliciting a moan of me. He then lets out in a whisper:

"I lied. I took nine of them". He then starts nipping my neck, just the way I love it

"Oh God" I answer, barely able to speak because of my renewed eagerness.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, he starts thrusting again, each thrust eliciting a whimper from me, since I can't wait anymore to receive what he's got left. Thinking of what is to come, I get hard again, and he soon checks my cock again, and starts stroking it quickly. A picture of my blimped belly comes to my imagination, and it causes me to spurt a glob of pre and clench my sphincters, which makes Llum' grunt. He then grabs my hips, as if he tries to tell me something. The second part of the message comes into a slight swelling of his dick, which I translate into "here it comes, and I don't hold it back this time".

The first jet of cum seems to make my belly double in size, suddenly pushing against my rock hard cock, which sends me over the edge again. The second seems even bigger, as my belly fwoomps to the size of a beachball, knocking my arms out of the way and pushing against my tighs. The third makes my belly so huge that Llum' and I are both lifted from the bed until just our toes reach the bed, while I cum AGAIN, causing my balls to shrink and to start aching. But a grunt of my lover tells me it's not over yet, and indeed, a new load enters my ass, which causes my belly to blimp out, making me cum one last time, as cum starts dripping from my mouth. A sigh of Llumrei lets me know he's now done, and, running a hand on my blimp sized belly, lost in ecstasy, I start blacking out into a peaceful sleep.

The last thing I hear is

"I love you, my foxie balloon."

I love you too

A new kind of Pump

"Come to my house at 6 :00. Do not eat. Love ya ! Llum'" That's the message my boyfriend sent me this afternoon. I can't help wondering what he's planning. He usually writes more elaborated messages, clearer too. It sounds like he was too excited to...

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A BIG night

So here I am, ready at last. I checked and double-checked everything, from my "equipment" to the last room of the house. I'm totally alone and, concerning my "equipment", safe and ready. I've been planning this for over a month now, since I've known my...

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