Four's Company

Story by Squirrel on SoFurry

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'Field and Adelaide, mouse and bat mates, spend an evening with their rabbit and squirrel friends Kody and Ketchy ... and things get a little frisky.'

"What about these?" Adelaide asked. The pink-furred bat stopped at a rotating display of seed packets, spinning it around.

Field's big, dishy ears perked, and he pushed the rickety shopping cart over to his mate. They were in the garden center at Menard's, a home improvement store. The harvest mouse scanned the options. "Hmm. They're pretty ... "


"The ones on this rack gotta be started in pots and transplanted. Kinda looking for something I can plant directly? Something hardy. Low-maintenance," Field said, voice drifting as he skirted to another display.

He'd picked up a few hobbies during the pandemic, birdwatching and flowers chief among them. The tulips he'd planted last fall were in full bloom, despite a random bout of hail. Nearly three hundred! Pink, red, gold, purple, orange. Full and vibrant, surrounding their cozy, country house.

"No, these won't work," Field mumbled. "No. Nope. Hmm ... " He picked up a packet and read the back. "Gotta fill those bare spots by the drive, but there's a lot of shade there. These require full sun." He returned the packet. "Already have enough 'full suns.' Sunflowers and peonies will go along the road, so ... " Finally looking over to Adelaide, the mouse blinked. "What?"

The bat was smiling at him, showing her fangs. "You're adorable when you're obsessing."

"I'm not obsessing," Field insisted, ears blushing. "I'm just ... getting very preoccupied with details."

Adelaide chittered with mirth.

Self-consciously biting his lower lip, the golden-furred mouse looked back to the seeds. "Oh! Wildflower mixes," the mouse said. He shook a packet and looked at the quantity. "Won't get full coverage with this ... "

"They're only a dollar fifty each," Adelaide said. "Get a handful. Hey, how about these!" Adelaide pointed at a packet of bright pink California poppies. "Watermelon heaven."

"I didn't know they named a flower after you," Field said warmly.

"I like to keep it on the down-low. You know how modest I am."

It was Field's turn to giggle.

"This must be your'flower-sona'," Adelaide said, pointing a row down.

"Goldenrod?" The golden-furred mouse gave her a side-eye. "Wait. Is that supposed to be an innuendo?"

"What? From me? Your mind, mousey," Adelaide teased, not denying it. "Flowers are inherently sensual. Let's not even start on orchids!"

"Some flowers," Field qualified. "I don't think anyone's getting hot and bothered by pansies." He skipped a beat and decided, puffing himself up, "I'm like a daisy. Bright and wholesome!"

"Wholesome mice don't do what you did to me last night," the bat teased.

"Can't poppy seeds be made into drugs? I was clearly under your influence."

Adelaide giggled more and hugged her mate from behind.

Field shyly wriggled.

After choosing several packets, the mouse pushed their cart down the aisle and turned into the next one. Adelaide followed closely, holding to his ropy tail with a big, batty thumb.

When they were done here, they were going to the grocery for their weekly food run. They were having guests over tonight. Kody and Ketchy, their best friends. Adelaide and Ketchy worked together at the small town library while Kody and Field shared a love of sports. The rabbit and squirrel were bringing over pizza. Field and Adelaide were to make a salad and cookies.

"Shame it's been raining all day," Adelaide said.

"At least it's not a downpour." Mild, wet weather made the mouse's spring allergies act up. Also, their backyard was a flood plain.

"Yeah, but you can't play basketball outdoors when it's wet. I mean, you could, but you might slip and break something."

"What are you getting at?" Field asked with a blink.

"Nothing." A purposeful pause. "Only that you might enjoy a round or two with Kody."

"A round, huh?" Adelaide knew that wasn't a term associated with basketball. "Now, that was an innuendo," he insisted.

"You have a crush on him, mousey." The bat shrugged. "He's a hunky dude! No shame in that."

"I didn't say there was," Field replied. The mouse lowered his voice as they passed some other customers. "I'm just not used to ... expressing that part of me."

"What part?"

A hesitation. "The, uh, 'bi' part."

"Your family scared you into the closet," Adelaide insisted with a scowl. She'd feuded with Field's family in the past. They were on better ground today, but the bat still needled them. They were easy to rile up.

"Well, even if they didn't, I met you, and I love you, and--" The mouse took a deep breath. "Aren't you happy it worked out that way?"

"Of course!" she assured, wrapping a wing-arm around him. "But that doesn't make you less bi. You need to unbottle yourself."

Field nodded, whiskers twitching.

"Just, y'know, be comfortable with your feelings."

"Is that all?" Field asked dryly.

"Ketchy wants you and Kody to kiss," Adelaide confessed with a smirk.

"I bet she does ... " The squirrel was very flighty. Her imagination always got the best of her.

"Not a bad idea, maybe," Adelaide suggested coyly. "Might release some tension."

Field gave his mate a look. "I don't even want Kody to know about this ... "

"He's a rabbit."


"Rabbits and sex?" Adelaide made a 'psh!' sound. "He won't care. He probably already suspects."

"Ketchy hasn't told him, though?"

"I made her promise not to."

"Squirrels can't keep secrets."

"Mice can, though. All quiet and repressed," the bat said.

"Adelaide ... "

"I thought we were referencing stereotypes?" she accused.

"You just made a comment about rabbits and sex," Field reminded with an eye-roll.

"Oh. Right."

"Look, I'm sorry," Field apologized. "I trust Ketchy. I trust you. I just ... "

"Don't trust yourself?"

"It's not that, exactly," Field mumbled. He shook his head, feeling like it was spinning. He didn't know what it was. Why was this so hard to articulate? Kody flustered him. Maybe ... maybe the rabbit was handsome. Maybe he'd had some dreams about him! So what? Why did it have to be a big deal?

No one's making a big deal of it but you.

Field sighed, knowing he was right.

"Let's head to the checkout," Adelaide suggested. "You can get some candy on the way."

Field's blue eyes widened. "Do they have butterscotch discs?"

Kody looked away from the game and stared at Field. Rather intently, too. Not saying anything.

Field, starting to fidget, looked back at him. "What ... ?"

"Glasses!" he the Himalayan rabbit said, pointing at the mouse. "Those are new."

"Oh," Field replied with a shy smile. "Yeah."

"Hah, I knew it," Kody said, sounding quite pleased with himself.

Field's whiskers twitched. How was Kody just now noticing them? "I, uh, don't gotta wear 'em all the time. Mainly for driving," he explained. "Forgot to take them off after Adelaide and I came back from the store ... "

"Nah, keep 'em on. They're cute." Kody looked back at the TV to see a made basket. They were watching the Pacers game. "That's a foul!"

Field's ears went red. "Yeah ... ?"

"Yeah, he didn't have his body set. They always get away with that in the pros."

"No, not, uh ... I mean, the glasses. What about them is cute?" Field adjusted them so they would sit on his muzzle in the most optimal way.

Kody shrugged his broad shoulders. While he had a base of off-white fur, all the rabbit's tips were a dark, sooty grey. Paws, foot-paws, ear-tips, muzzle-tip, tail. "Ketchy sometimes wears glasses when we roleplay, y'know? When she's being a librarian and I'm returning a late book." He grinned.

"I see." The mouse looked to the TV, whiskers twitching. "So, I guess they remind you of her. That's, uh ... that's sweet!"

"They got that 'smart' thing going on."

"Well, you had more college than I did. I'm not that smart," Field insisted. You didn't need to go to school to work farming or retail, both of which he did.

"Trade school isn't college," Kody insisted. "It's okay to say it. I'm never gonna beat you in Jeopardy."

"Bet you'd rule in Wheel of Fortune," Field said.

Kody chuckled.

Field's mind drifted, imagining the rabbit spinning that wheel ...

Ketchy returned from the doorway, her bushy, cinnamon-sugar tail fluttering.

"Would you quit spying on them?" Adelaide asked, seated at the kitchen table, elongated bat-thumbs scrolling her smartphone. The girls were waiting for the cookies to finish baking. Field had made the dough. They were the mouse's famous white chocolate peanut butter blossoms.

"You need to get in the ring, Addie! He's wilting in there."

"Are you _sure_you're not exaggerating?"

"He's a stammery, blushing mess!"

"Field? That's him fifty percent of the time. At least."

"He needs a wingman," Ketchy insisted. "Er, wingwoman."

"To do what?" Adelaide asked, putting her phone down and looking up.

"Oh ... I mean, who can say?" was Ketchy's evasive, eye-darting response.

"Ketchy." The squirrel wasn't fooling her. Adelaide cut to the chase. "You want me to start throwing matches? Get a fire going?"

"I mean ... if you want," the squirrel insisted, segueing into an excited state. "You're sorta good at that! Bats are agents of chaos."

"We are, huh?"

"Totally!" Ketchy spun a chair around and straddled it, gesturing with her paws. "So, I'm thinking maybe you loosen Field up a bit, get him relaxed, yeah? Or not 'relaxed' relaxed, but 'hot-and-bothered' relaxed, y'know what I mean? And then maybe I can get Kody's engine going a bit. Which, trust me, won't be hard. And, then, who knows what happens when we get on the highway? Maybe we're low on gas. There's a motel up ahead. We check in, and there's only one bedroom for the four of us ... "

Adelaide quirked a pink brow. "That's an awfully detailed suggestion."

"Look, Kody and I did a lot of roleplaying during quarantine, okay?" the squirrel replied. "Anyway, Field being afraid to be around Kody isn't good for any of us. We have to loosen him up. For his sake! For our sake," the squirrel declared.

Adelaide locked eyes with Ketchy. "When you put it like that ... "

Ketchy's quivered with excitement.

"We gotta have some ground rules, though."

"Agreed!" The squirrel placed both of her paws on the kitchen table, ready to negotiate.

"With one's own mate, anything goes," the bat declared.

"Right," Ketchy agreed with a nod.

"But crossover? Needs a limit. No offense. Just feel like we can only take it so far before it gets ... complicated." The bat, as laid-back as she seemed, was very possessive of Field.

"I think I got ya," the squirrel said. "How about, outside one's mate, it's just 'maws and paws'? No cross-humping."

"Cross-humping?" Adelaide laughed. "Sounds like an Olympic sport."

"Do they have an X-rated Olympics?" Ketchy asked, mostly rhetorically. Wait, did they?! No ... unfortunately. But that was a potential roleplay idea! Kody loved sports. He'd _definitely_get into that one.

"Not to be a stickler, but I don't have paws," Adelaide said.

"Maws and paws and wings," the squirrel amended.

Adelaide tilted her head and decided, "I think we have a deal."

The oven timer dinged.

Cookies were done!

"How's the game?" Ketchy asked. The squirrel entered the room, bringing the cookies with her. They were still warm and chewy, the chocolate in a perfect, melty state.

"Eh, been a blowout so far," Kody said. "NBA is all about stars, and we don't really have any. Never do."

"What important free agent would choose to live in Indiana?"

Kody tilted his head in resigned acknowledgment of that fact and opined, "I'm Pacers do-or-die, don't get me wrong! But I'm already missing college ball ... "

Ketchy set the cookies down and nestled beside Kody on the couch. She reached for a pizza box on the coffee table and explained to the others, "Kody was happy Gonzaga didn't go undefeated." She chomped into a slice of plain cheese. "Cause Indiana's still the last undefeated champ." Chew-chew. "In 1978."

"Seventy-six!" Kody corrected, as if he personally remembered it happening. He reached for a cookie. "Our record will stand forever."

"You were born in 1989."

At the mention of the year, a Taylor Swift song entered Field's head.

"Still feel like I remember it," Kody said, crumbs tumbling off his whiskers. "Mm! These are good."

Adelaide came in from the other side of the couch. "Field's personal recipe."

"It's nothing," the mouse deflected, shaking the song off. "Just your basic peanut butter blossom with some minor changes." He nibbled at a bowl of salad. Baby lettuces, carrot slices, avocado bits, and tortilla strips.

"He's being too modest," Adelaide insisted. "He's going to enter the recipe in the State Fair, aren't you?"

The mouse nodded shyly. "Well, that and a bunch of other things." Applesauce, peach butter, blueberry jam. Maybe a couple of other cookies. He was going all in. "Probably won't win ... "

"You get a blue ribbon from me," Kody declared, polishing off the cookie and reaching for another. The rabbit had already had his share of pizza.

Field's ears got warm.

The final media timeout was called, leading to a TV commercial break.

"Do teams ever come back from fourteen down with three minutes left?" Ketcy asked.

"They should've tanked for the draft picks if they knew they were going to miss the playoffs," Kody commented.

"I was making a subtle suggestion to change the channel."

"What else is on?" Adelaide asked, looking for the remote.

"There's a stock car race," Field said. He preferred IndyCar, but racing was racing. He just hoped he'd be able to attend the Indy 500 this year! Maybe, if fans were allowed, Kody could go with him? Like, if he wanted to ...

Done with his salad and reaching for a slice of pizza himself, Field nibbled on it in a delicate, mousey way.

"You eat so cute, Field," Ketchy said.

"I do?" Field echoed, nibble-gnawing some more.

"Doesn't he, Kody?" Ketchy elbowed the big rabbit.

"Mm? Oh. Yeah, sure," Kody agreed amiably.

Ketchy continued, "Don't you just want to rub his cheeks or something?"

"While he's eating?" Kody asked. "Pretty sure that'd be rude."

The squirrel sighed. "No! Not when he's--" A deep breath. "Anytime, you know? And don't those glasses do a little something?"

"They help him see better," the rabbit answered.

The squirrel made a face, looking to Adelaide for help.

The bat wrapped Field in her wing-arms and said, "When he's got them on and I kiss him? The lenses get all steamed up."

Field chewed and swallowed, head turning to his mate, an expression that communicated 'what's going on?'

Adelaide just gave him a wink.

"Fogged up? Like in cartoons?" Ketchy echoed, somewhat theatrically. "I'd sure like to see that!"

Adelaide gave her friend a 'tone it down' glance before her muzzle tilted, lips parting and meshing to Field's. The mouse's eyes widened! He dropped the rest of his pizza slice onto a paper plate. It was a simple enough kiss. But her tongue took it to the next level. Bat tongues were long and wily, and she worked hers right into his mouth.

Sure enough, by the time Adelaide's lips smacked apart from his, Field's glasses were a little steamed. He squeaked and used his prehensile tail to take them off, carefully putting them on the coffee table.

Ketchy, practically panting at witnessing this, tugged repeatedly on Kody's shirt.

The rabbit blinked.

"Did you see that?! That seemed like ... like it was pretty hot," Ketchy said, clearing her throat. "Kody's kisses are steamy, too! Aren't they?" she asked him.

"I guess," he replied evenly.

The squirrel decided the best way to spur on her rabbit was to turn it into a competition, so she told Adelaide, "But you guys would probably beat us in a kissing contest."

"Hold on a minute," Kody said, sitting up straighter. His ears stood tall. "They can't win if we haven't gone yet!"

"Well, I wasn't sure you--"

Kody grabbed at Ketchy and pulled her flush to his body, cutting her off mid-sentence with a kiss. His paws slid up and down her back, ending up on her bushy-tailed ass. He squeezed at her, lips pulling apart with saliva still connecting them.

Ketchy seemed a little dazed, tail fluffing about.

Field swallowed, his ears red.

"That looked pretty good," Adelaide admitted. "But ours produced actual steam, remember."

"So did ours! You just couldn't see it," Ketchy said.

"Maybe I'll have to be up close to feel it, then."

"Maybe you'll have to," the squirrel goaded.

Adelaide unwrapped herself from Field and crawled right over him to get to her best friend.

Ketchy eagerly reached for the bat, and they came together, muzzles meeting. Pink to cinnamon-sugar.

Kody and Field exchanged quick, wide-eyed glances and then immediately looked back to the girls.

Ketchy was into it. She moaned through the kiss, body taking on a submissive lean, letting Adelaide lead with her wings and her tongue.

"Whoa," Kody whispered.

When Adelaide pulled away, the bat's plum-purple eyes were half-open. "Yup, she's ... she's steamy, alright. But what about Kody?"

Ketchy didn't wait for Kody's response. She tugged at the rabbit, but instead of kissing him herself or nudging him toward Adelaide, she stood up and pushed him toward Field. "We need an impartial judge," the squirrel told her mate. "Addie needs to rest her tongue. And I'm too addled."

"I tend to do that to people," Adelaide said proudly.

The bat then got on the other side of Field so that he and Kody were now in the center of the couch, side-by-side.

Kody, sitting a head taller than Field, looked down and casually said, "How 'bout it, mouse man?"

Field felt frozen in place, unsure what to say or do.

Is ... is this really happening?

Adelaide wrapped her wing-arms around Field, nuzzling the mouse's nape, whispering, "Relax ... "

Uninhibited, Kody leaned in.

Field perceived this as happening in slow motion right up until the moment the rabbit's lips met his. Then--flash!--time sped up again, and the mouse's pulse raced like a hummingbird's.

Adelaide let go of Field and let Kody take hold of him.

The rabbit did so, in a strong, secure hug.

Kissing Kody was different than kissing the bat. Their scents, for one. The feel of the fur on their faces. And where the bat's kisses were twisty and passionate, usually involving some tongue, Kody's kisses stayed on the surface of the mouse's mouth. But they left the mouse no less breathless.

One kiss spawned another.

Field wrapped his arms around rabbit's neck, fingers curling and bunching up his t-shirt. Oh, Kody was built. Those muscles. The mouse could feel them beneath his clothes, beneath his pelt. His thoughts becoming impulsively lusty, he imagined himself touching, kissing the rabbit all over. Not just on the mouth ...

Kody's paws moved underneath Field's own shirt, running up and down his back.

Field arched, giving a squeaky moan, whiskers stiffening to their tips.

Finally, their muzzles parted.

Is it over?



Field panted on Kody's shoulder, wondering if he should say something. _I should, right? I have to._Something profound, maybe? But all that came out was, "You ... you taste like peanut butter."

Kody laughed.

Adelaide smiled. "Is that why you kept kissing him?"

"We'll go with that," Field said, blushing as deeply as he ever had. His ears rosy, pulsing. He felt a little faint.

"So, I guess we win!" Ketchy decreed, practically drooling from what she'd just witnessed. And not just from her mouth, either. She had a paw in her pants, rubbing at her clit. "Mmm. Kody's kiss short-circuited him. Must've ... ah, been pretty steamy."

"All we learned is that you and Field are prone to swooning when Kody and I deliver the goods," Adelaide said.

"You and Kody haven't kissed yet!" the squirrel pointed out.

"That's true," Kody said eagerly.

"And I should probably get the taste of peanut butter out of Field's mouth," Ketchy offered.

Field squeaked as Kody lifted him and essentially passed him to the squirrel like he weighed nothing, the athletic rabbit moving on Adelaide. Field, recovering from the swoon of being handled like that, tried to watch the bat and rabbit kiss out of the corner of his eye, but Ketchy already had her paws on the mouse's cheeks, orienting his head.

There was an air of intensity around Adelaide and Kody's kiss. The bat and rabbit were dominant personalities. Adelaide actively, Kody passively. But, still. Both were trying to lead the other, fighting for purchase, pink and grey muzzles mashing and blurring together.

Ketchy and Field were on the submissive side of the spectrum, although the squirrel was much closer to the centerline than Field was. Their kisses were more tentative, clearly defined. Press, suckle, smack, Press, suckle, smack.

When their lips parted for good, Ketchy giggled girlishly and Field blushed.

"He's such a tender kisser, Addie," the squirrel told her friend.

When Adelaide and Kody untangled beside them, Kody licked his lips and nodded. "Some tongue there."

"Comes in handy, sometimes," the bat said with a wink.

Ketchy, her latent attraction for her best friend getting the best of her, blurted, "I'd like to see it in action."

"In your mouth or between your legs?" Adelaide wondered.

"Oh, heck!" the squirrel huffed.

Kody, already in a lusty state, was close to bursting at this. The bat eating his mate out? He wouldn't mind watching that! "Don't let me ... I mean, us," the rabbit said, motioning at Field, "stop you."

"Don't let us stop you," Adelaide emphasized to the boys.

Ketchy nodded, glancing at Kody's loins. "She's right. You're going to burst through those pants if you get any stiffer. You better take care of that! I'd volunteer, obviously, but I ... I'm gonna be ... mmm." The squirrel swallowed, paw still in her pants, before finishing, "Busy."

Ketchy, with spastic squirrel energy, proceeded to clamber to one side of the couch with Adelaide and shoved her mate toward Field on the other side.

Kody chuckled and put a paw on Field's arm. "We keep getting pushed together, huh?"

"Seems that way," Field squeaked, almost losing his voice. He knew what was about to happen.

It's going to happen, right?

The look on Kody's face said 'yes, it is.'

Oh, boy.

Oh, gosh!

Oh, no?

As much pure arousal as was coursing through the other three, that much adrenaline was mixing with Field's. It was a highly potent combination.

Ketchy kicked her pants off and away, and Adelaide's big, bendy thumbs removed the rodent's panties. The squirrel left her shirt and bra on, sprawling back, bending her knees and spreading her legs. Adelaide remained fully clothed.

So did Field.


The rabbit didn't take his pants off. Didn't need to. He just shoved them down to his knees, before unceremoniously moving his underwear halfway down his thighs, leaving his cock to spring upright.

Field gasped.

To say that Kody was erect would've been an understatement.

Definitely bigger than me.

Kody put a paw on the mouse's cheek, a thumb wagging over his whiskers in an attempt to calm him down. "Go on," the rabbit encouraged gently.

Field lowered his head, panting, pausing, panicking.

What do I do first?

Do I lick it ... or kiss it?


Stroke it?

What if I don't make him feel good?

When the rabbit's penis gave a twitch and a bead of pre slowly dribbled down the head, instinct took over, and Field's tongue was lapping at it before he was conscious of the action. The laps led to longer, more thorough licks, which traveled the length of Kody's shaft. Base to tip, tip to base.

One lick led to another which led to the rabbit's dick in his mouth.

Field suckled on it.

He slid his lips in a soft, smooth ring back and forth, up and down.

The taste, the heat! Thickness, hardness! Tongue on smooth flesh!

Kody mewed.

Was that a pleasure noise or a 'no' noise?

Watch your buckteeth!

Field's golden head started bobbing more vigorously, but at an angle. This allowed the shaft to skirt his big incisors and rub against the inside of his cheek.

"Ahh," Kody sighed, paws rubbing at Field's sensitive ears. "Ah!"

Field shivered hotly, lobes tingling, throbbing.

Ketchy chittered on the other side of the couch.

Adelaide's pink, big-eared head was between the squirrel's legs, that versatile tongue swirling over and into the squirrel's sex, teasing her clit before essentially tongue-fucking her.

Ketchy whimpered, bushy tail whipping around and fluffing Field in the head.

Field pushed the tail away.

Adelaide didn't let up.

"Ohmygosh, Addie!" Ketchy finally squealed, hitting her orgasm. "Oh, oh!"

Hearing and seeing Field's mate get his own mate to cum, and feeling Field's muzzle around his cock, Kody was a goner. He slumped back on the couch, big foot-paws stretching on the floor. "Ah, hah ... hahhh!" he cried.

Field thought he was prepared for the release. He'd made Adelaide orgasm thousands of times, right? He knew when someone was about to go. What the mouse didn't anticipate, and should've, being that he was dealing with a male rabbit, was that Kody would be so ... well. Prolific.

Before Field could even swallow once, the rabbit's seed was already overflowing, dribbling out of his mouth and trickling down his chin and whiskers. Field gulped! A hot, hard shiver. There was so much! And the taste!

Another gulp.

How many? Three or four before the rabbit tapered off? He wasn't sure. He was just glad he hadn't choked.

Kody, staring at the ceiling, rubbed a paw between Field's ears when it was over. "Oh ... oh, man ... "

"I ... I think I need a cold drink," Ketchy said, standing up, wobbling. "Holy moly!" She outstretched her arms to balance herself before putting her panties and pants back on. "Addie?"

"Mm? Oh! Yeah. Me, too," Adelaide replied, licking her lips. leaving the couch to follow the squirrel back to the kitchen. "You behave while we're gone, boys," she called back.

Kody pulled his underwear and pants back up. "No promises," he replied lightly.

Field, when he realized he was alone on the couch sitting on the same cushion as Kody, blushed and started to scoot away. He reached for a can of soda beside one of the pizza boxes. It was warm but he took a swig anyway to wash his mouth out.

"You did great," Kody told him, an arm going around his shoulder and pulling him back.

"I did?"

"Man, it felt awesome. Like ... phew!" The rabbit grinned.

Field put the soda down. "You're just saying that ... "

Kody chuckled. "Why are you always being so modest?"

"Shyness, I guess."

"Gotta be more to it than that. I know you had as much fun as me. I could see the look on your face." The rabbit paused and emphasized, "I could feel you."

Field's cheeks burned.

"You got a crush on me?" Kody asked directly.

Field nodded and sighed. "Yeah." His whiskers twitched. "I have for a while ... "


"I'm sorry," the mouse said.


"I should've told you earlier." Field lowered his head, "I was afraid."

"Of what?"

"I dunno ... "

The rabbit didn't push him. Just assured, "You'll always be my friend, mousey. I'm bi, too. Lots of people are. No big! You're a sweet dude. Pretty good kisser, too."

Field smiled and looked into the other male's eyes.

"Hold up a sec." The rabbit reached for some napkins beside the pizza boxes and did his best to clean up the mouse's face. "Heh. You got some of me sticking to you."

"Oh. Yeah, I ... yeah," was all Field could say. When Kody had gotten him tidied up (as best he could), the mouse found the courage to ask, "Can I hug you?"

"Not if I hug you first," the bigger rabbit replied, drawing the mouse against his chest.

Field closed his eyes and reveled in Kody's strength, his warmth, his laidback, masculine presence. The mouse didn't think this experience had instantly undone his hang-ups. But it was a start, right?

"Aw!" Ketchy went as the girls returned to the room.

Field let go of Kody and sat up straight.

"Were we interrupting something?" Adelaide asked teasingly.

"Just buds being buds," Kody said simply.

After Kody and Ketchy had left, Adelaide turned on the shower. Steam quickly began to fill the bathroom.

Field peeked his head into view. "Can I join you?"

"I was hoping you would," the bat replied warmly, already naked. Her hot-pink fur a magnet for anyone's eyes.

Field, drinking in the feminine lines of his mate's figure, undressed in the hall before entering the bathroom. He left the door wide open, following Adelaide into the tub. They stood under the shower head and she whisked the curtain shut.

"How you feeling?" the bat asked, wing-arms surrounding her mouse. They took turns standing beneath the streaming water.


"After all that? You got more than one word in you, mousey."

Field placed his furless paws on her hips and admitted, "I mean ... in the moment, I was sure as soon as I kissed him? Something big would happen. The world would shift. Earthquakes. Meteors."

"Angels singing?"

"That, too." Field nodded. "But it didn't. And then when I--" He considered how to phrase it, and went with, "went down on him ... I was, like, 'no, that was just a test, this is the big part, the defining moment.' Existence was going to shatter, and I'd see through the mirror. Or the fourth wall. Or whatever separates us from the secrets of the universe."

Adelaide listened supportively.

"But now that I've calmed down, I think I feel mostly the same as before ... "


"Might be a few weights lifted off my subconscious, but ... " He trailed off, not knowing what he wanted to say.

"There's only one thing that matters: did you like it?"

Field nodded quietly.

"And Kody liked it?"

"He was all about it," the mouse assured.

"You build things up in your head," Adelaide said softly, "until they tower over you and you get stuck in their shadows. Those towers don't move." The bat leaned her forehead to his. "But you can."

"Only because you help me see," he countered, voice soft and tender.

"You saying I'm like your glasses?"

"You do straddle my face, sometimes," the mouse pointed out.

The bat giggled.

Field smiled. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Adelaide said, tilting her muzzle.

Field did the same, and they kissed as steam from the shower swirled around them. The kiss wasn't showy or flashy. They weren't trying to impress anyone. But the emotion behind it made it better than anything they'd felt all day long.

Their lips smacked apart.

"Let anyone try to beat that," she whispered against his cheek.


A pink wingtip sensually traced down the mouse's chest. "You know ... we got both of them off, and the two of us kept our pants on?"

"I noticed that."

"Sorta unfair."

"You think they owe us one?"

"Maybe." Adelaide smirked. "In the meantime, here we are, both pent up ... naked, in the shower together. How can we possibly take care of this most urgent problem?"

"Mm." Field caressed her wet, colorful pelt, cupping her breasts. "I have an idea."

"Hope you're not going to keep it to yourself."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

In fact, he gave it to her repeatedly, getting her legs off the floor and around his hips so he could hump her against the wall. And he didn't stop until they were both in the grips of mutual bliss, his squeaks and her echo-bursts bouncing around the bathroom and back to them.

Field could admit that four was company, but two?

Two was perfection.