Shared Stripes

Story by Axel_The Dork Lion on SoFurry

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#1 of Writing Practice

Okay so I've been gone for quite a while and I do apologize for that, I'll explain more about my absence in a journal. Right now I want to express just how much I enjoyed writing this little fanfic I've had of a certain ship that has always been on my mind in Beastars. It's not popular as the others but I don't care! I got heavily invested into this and honestly, it wasn't supposed to be this way, just a quick fuck and that's about it but I wanted to explore my horizons here. I will say it now for anyone who's reading this; THIS THING IS FUCKING LONG! If that's not your cup of tea, you can read someone else's smut because this is drawn out before getting to the down and dirty. To anyone that enjoys pacing with bits of humor and awkwardness to the mix, please do enjoy. I also wanna put it out there that this is Legosi's belated birthday gift as he had turned 19 three days ago. Also, another note; THERE ARE SPOILERS IN HERE! If you don't care about that, read. For those that do, I suggest avoiding this until you either read the manga or wait to catch up with the anime.

Shared Stripes

It was a quiet night in the city center, very little activity going on as herbivores and carnivores shuffled about to get to where they needed to go under the starry sky.

A truly relaxing atmosphere, at least in Legosi's eyes as he looked out the window of a small diner that wasn't far from where he lived. It was nice, though a tad expensive to his taste.

'At least the owner is welcoming enough.`

The person in mind was a heavyset boar in his mid-thirties, all smiles and greeting every customer that came in with hospitality that could rival any five-star restaurant. No matter the species, they were served.

His eyes fell to the glass of water he had ordered thirty minutes ago, having taken generous sips as he waited for Bill to arrive.

'Demanding me to come here and running late. Typical tiger...'

Earlier in the afternoon Legosi had been sprucing up his apartment and taking the time to relax when he got a text telling him to get dressed and be out by six with specific directions to the diner.

It was so random, he almost decided to not go just to see what the tiger would do but knowing him, he'd show up unannounced and be very annoying.

So here he was, patient and feeling awkward. Sighing softly, he pulled out his phone and started up a game to distract himself.

He didn't have to wait long.

"Legosi!" Bill cried out as he entered the building, eyes darting around.

Raising a hand to grab his attention, the wolf watched him come up to the table and sit, smiling as if nothing was wrong.

"You're late," Legosi said with a slight edge to his voice.

"I know, I know, don't sweat it." Bill chuckled, waving a hand in dismissal. "Had to change out of my uniform and get some late minute stuff done."

"Your--oh yeah, you're a third year now."

"Hell yeah! Still feels weird that I'm the head of drama club, but I'm not gonna complain. Kinda miss fucking some bitches since I settled down."

'Still the same after all this time, yet different too.'

Despite the embarrassing conversation, Legosi felt truly happy for his friend in finding his own path in life. While some --or most in his case-- have told him that only having a part-time job wasn't enough to write home about, it was his choice and he held no regrets.

"Well that's great news to hear but...why am I here again?" Legosi asked with a slight tilt of his head.

Bill's expression changed from happiness to flat as he rolled his eyes. "What, I'm not allowed to hang out with you?"

"No, it's not that, it's just..." the wolf hesitated, choosing his next words carefully, "maybe consider giving me a better heads up next time?"

"Alright," Bill shrugged in response and looked at his laminated menu, flipping it over a few times. "Found anything you want to eat?"

"Three rice balls." He wasn't feeling all that hungry, having eaten a light meal earlier before coming to the place.

"Ooh, again?" The corners of Bill's muzzle curved up into a smug grin. "So you're not a virgin anymore, huh?"

Legosi paused, mouth agape and face flushing from the comment. "S-shut up! What does that have to do with anything?"

The tiger snickered in amusement, enjoying that he struck a nerve. "Hey, don't be ashamed about being an adult."

'Of all the...!'

"Hurry up and order!" Legosi huffed, annoyed by the tiger's antics when it came to the topic of his sex life.

Bill burst into a small fit of laughter, seeming pleased with himself before waving one of the waiters over to their table. "Good evening, I'll have soba noodles with soy sauce, and he'll have three rice balls."

The waiter, a young coyote who looked to be a new employee, took out a notepad and pen, writing everything down. "Alright, your orders will be coming up very soon!" he said cheerfully and bowed his head before walking away.

"So tell me," Bill turned his attention back to the wolf, smug grin returning with a vengeance, "did you two do it yet?"

If there was ever a time to die from embarrassment, it was now as Legosi covered his face, groaning in frustration. He didn't want to talk about this, not today.

Then there's the fact it was this tiger of all people being curious, as was the nature of all cats. He wished Jack was here instead so the fear of spilling his guts out wouldn't be so apparent.

'Maybe...that's it, I'll use deflection!'

"Before we get into that," Legosi cleared his throat and took another sip of water, "how about you tell me all about your girlfriend? You mentioned her once but never went into detail."

Still grinning from ear to ear, Bill gave him a look that said 'Really? That's the best you can do?' before shaking his head. "Okay wolf-boy, I'll tell once you sit up straight."

One ear flicking in response, he did what was requested, not even realizing he was hunched over.

Giving a nod of satisfaction, Bill launched into his story of how he met a girl named Mira, a tigress, in one of his classes, going on about how she looked so beautiful and pleasing to the eyes.

He talked about her stripes, her fur, how her body looked, everything; even going into detail about her personality. It sounded like a love story.

Throughout, the tiger's enthusiasm began to show as he gushed, his tail swishing about in contentment. The look of pure happiness and joy was something to really cherish and find completely endearing.

While this went on, Legosi hung onto every word and made sure to keep eye contact. He didn't even notice the waiter coming to their table until after the coyote spoke.

"Huh, kind of lost track there." Bill said after the two of them thanked the employee and ate their food.

"It happens," Legosi gave him the best reassuring smile he could muster. "I'm glad it all worked out in the end."

Bill nodded, slurping up his noodles before replying with a confident smile. "Same here! Played hard to get, but I knew she liked what she saw."

"Well you are charismatic," Legosi said with a shrug and took a bite of his second rice ball.

'It's really no surprise either.'

"Damn right I am!" The tiger chuckled, his chest swelling with pride for a moment, then going back to his half-eaten meal.

"So how long have you two been together for?"

"Four months."

"Wow, that's...really impressive actually."

An intense glare was cast from Bill for that comment, round ears splayed to either side of his head and tail lashing erratically. "What do you mean by that?"

Legosi held up his hands defensively, waving them back and forth. "Sorry, it's just that considering your track record and all..." he trailed off with an audible gulp.

It had been known to everyone in the drama club --and probably almost all of Cherryton-- that the tiger's infamous reputation of breakups was quite impressive and infuriating at the same time, depending on who was asked.

Either it was bad sex, something off about the woman he chose or simply just being bored after a day or two, Bill had never fully kept a relationship going for long. Many of the students at campus had wondered if he was even capable of committing himself fully to anyone.

He had even made a game out of it at some point, causing most of the girls to distance themselves from him.

"What, you think I can't handle being with someone I like? Think I'm still the same guy?" A low growl rumbled out of Bill as he stared him down, eyes narrowing.

Legosi tried his best to explain. "No, that's not what I--"

"That is what you're fucking saying!" his voice started to rise, making heads turn to their table. "I know what I've done, I'm not an idiot!"

This was bad. He didn't expect the guy to cause such a scene, though in hindsight he should have probably refrained from saying something so insensitive.

The wolf's one ear fell back as he looked around nervously. "Bill, you're disturbing the other customers."

"I don't--" Bill paused when someone loudly cleared their throat, his ears folding as he scanned around to take notice of the disappointed stares aimed at him. "Sorry..." he mumbled.

The atmosphere in the diner went back to normal after some time, everyone chattering among themselves and enjoying their meals.

Awkward silence hung in the air between the two with Bill idly poking at the remaining noodles he had left on his plate and Legosi sipping on water.

It was starting to become uncomfortable. Someone needed to break the ice.

'Up to me, I guess.'

"Are you okay?" Legosi asked a few minutes later, his tone gentle.

"Mm." Bill grunted out in response.

The wolf frowned with a concerned expression crossing his features. "I ask because I've never seen you get so angry when that kind of topic is brought up. You're usually carefree about it."

Bill clenched a hand into a fist, his arm shaking slightly as he seemed to be on the verge of causing another scene. Instead, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. "Can we talk about something else?"

Legosi's shoulders slumped slightly but nodded all the same. He wasn't going to push it any further than he already had.

It took him a while to find some form of subject until deciding to go for what's been going on in his life so far. He went on about his neighbors Sagwan and Seven who kept him pleasant company and how the renovation to the Hidden Condo was a saving grace to all the residents.

Bill listened with seemingly mild interest, one ear flicking now and then, his responses to anything in particular being one or two words. It was as if his mind was elsewhere.

"Did I...ruin the mood?" Legosi inquired, surprising himself at how meek he sounded. His guilt was starting to eat at him.

"What? No!" The tiger exclaimed, eyes wide.

"Really?" Legosi was unsure but once he saw a nod, his tail flicked and a small smile graced his muzzle.

Bill sighed with relief. "Yeah, don't worry, I'm just being dumb." He looked at each of their finished plates and grinned. "You feel like heading out?"

The wolf nodded. "Yeah, I'm good to go."

Bill waved one of the waiters over and paid for their meal, all the while refusing to have Legosi pay for his share, saying that it was his treat and idea to come there in the first place.

Not that he was wrong, but the wolf felt it only fair to contribute, even a little. Still, he left the matter alone after getting a slap on the wrist for pulling out his wallet and being threatened to have his tail pulled if he kept it up.

A warm breeze kicked up as they left the restaurant, ruffling their fur. Summer was coming, and it meant another unbearable heat wave, something the wolf couldn't stand at all.

"Thanks for doing this." Legosi said as they walked back to the train station, the crowd of people becoming less as it neared curfew.

"It's no problem." Bill wrapped an arm around the wolf's neck, beaming proudly. "I wanted to hang out with you."

"As you've mentioned..."

"Yup, now tell me what you and that tiny rabbit have been up to. You two fucked yet?"

'Oh my God!'

"I am not having this conversation with you!" Legosi huffed as he shrugged the tiger's arm off and walked away with quick steps.

"Dude, you're still a virgin? Holy shit you need to get laid!" Bill boomed with laughter, causing some heads to turn as they walked by.

"No I don't! I'm fine with being an innocent and pure young wolf, thank you very much!" Legosi didn't know what he was thinking when said that, but it was too late to take it all back.

"Whoa, hold on now." Bill ran up to the wolf with a Cheshire like grin, matching his pace with minimal effort. "Pure? You got a weird as hell fetish for herbivores. Now the innocent part, I can believe."

One canine ear falling flat on his head, Legosi kept himself silent as he began to brood over the fact of his degeneracy. He truly did love herbivores, and the way he expressed it were both good and bad.

When it came to Louis, there had always been somewhat of a bond between the two, no matter what their differences were on how they viewed things in life as a whole. He was a true friend who earned an awkward wolf's respect and admiration.

'I changed the world. Hmm... I wonder how he's doing nowadays.'

Ever since the red deer became the head of the Horns Conglomerate, there was never a time when he wasn't extremely busy with his duties. Sometimes Legosi would be lucky enough to catch him on a break and chat over the phone until business started to round its head.

He missed him, but it was understandable enough. They walked different roads and chose their own way of living.

"Keep frowning like that, and you'll scare that girl away." Bill said, breaking the wolf from his thoughts and turn to give him a sharp look that did nothing but earn a grin. "Hey I'm just speaking the truth."

"Whatever." Legosi mumbled with a roll of his eyes as he stepped through the terminal and got inside one of the carnivore tram cars before taking a seat.

The tiger joined shortly after just in time, the doors hissing shut and sat down next to him, pulling out his phone.

It was a calm and peaceful ride back to the Hidden Condo, the wolf looking up at the stars, always finding the activity soothing. His tail slightly swished as he thought about the times he went stargazing with Jack and everyone else at 701.

'I'm glad all of them come around every now and again to check up on me.'

A soft sigh escaped and a smile spread across his muzzle before his expression turned to surprise at the gentle touch of fur pressing on his tail. Looking down to his left, he saw a familiar orange and black striped one almost curling around it.

Confused, Legosi glanced over to Bill who was more interested in his phone, not even showing a hint of what was going on. He opened his mouth to say something, then thought better of it. This sort of thing was a common occurrence.

After the ten-minute train ride, the two stretched their limbs before starting the trek to the apartment complex.

"It's weird how this area changed now that the back alley market is gone." Bill mused as he looked around.

"For the better too," Legosi said with a nod and looked over to the tiger. "No one has to worry about crime anymore."

"Tch, only in these parts and the city center." Bill gave a nonchalant shrug. "There's still some dangerous places around."

"... I hate the fact you're right." A hard frown crossed the wolf's features as he stopped in front of the Hidden Condo, admiring the remodeling done to it. No longer did the place look run down, and it had all the basic commodities, such as air conditioning.

All thanks to him donating money he received for capturing Melon.

Bill chuckled and went toward the stairs, climbing them up with the wolf following behind. "It's just how the world is."

"I know...wait," Legosi paused, an expression of bemusement on his face as he regarded the tiger, "isn't it a school night? Shouldn't you be back at campus?"

"Oh don't you fucking start." Bill's snout scrunched up slightly with a frown, continuing up the steps with a roll of his eyes. "I can afford to miss a damn day."

"Education is important, Bill!"

"Yeah yeah, sit on it and spin."

"Ugh, why are you like this?"

"Cause you won't get off my dick."

Arguing with Bill has always been an exhausting task, neither of them knowing when to back down when it came to the tiger being more responsible with himself and abiding by the rules and laws.

Legosi pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh. "Alright, fine. You go ahead and--why are we on the roof?"

Bill turned his head with a flat expression, tail flicking in irritation. "To hold hands and kiss."

The wolf flinched, not entirely sure if he was joking or being serious. "Uhh..."

Almost as if flipping some sort of switch, the tiger smirked and let out a small bout of laughter. "You should see your face! Fucking priceless!" he walked away, shaking his head before sitting down and patting the area next to him.

'One day I will find something to tease him over.'

With a soft sigh, Legosi came up and sat cross-legged, hands brought over between his legs and clasped together. "Okay so again, why are we here?"

"It's nice up here," Bill shrugged, his eyes focused on the bright moon in the sky.

He couldn't argue with that, it really was relaxing up on the roof. Most times he'd come to it just for a bit of stress relief.

There have even been times on many a numerous occasion where almost all the residents would eat up there and chat. Sometimes he'd get involved for company's sake.

A comfortable silence fell between them, the familiar warm breeze kicking up again to ruffle their fur. There was a slight chill but nothing too much they couldn't bear.

"So what really happened?" The tiger questioned, his gaze never straying. "Between you and Haru I mean."

"Ah..." Legosi's ear fell back and his mood started to tank. "You're still on that."

"Well yeah, gotta keep close tabs on my friends." Bill turned his head slightly to the wolf with a serious expression on his face.

"Well..." he hesitated, his eyes becoming drawn to dull claws on his hands. "We broke up, things didn't work out."

Bill snorted. "Yeah, I know that already captain obvious."

Legosi snapped his head up, tail poofing out with a bewildered expression on his face. "How? Who told you?"

"... you're a dumbass."

"Cut it out and tell me!"

"Alright, was Jack, and even if no one said anything I would have figured it out."

'Am I that obvious?'

Bill rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you're that obvious."

Legosi leaned away slightly. "Are you a mind reader?"


Bill facepalmed. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that. Anyway, don't beat around the bush or tell me to drop it."

Legosi twiddled his thumbs, looking dubious. "Okay, but why?"

The tiger raised a brow, as if offended by the very question. "Because I care, duh."

"But what if I'm..." he trailed off, letting the words hang in the air.

"Uncomfortable?" Bill closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then let it out before opening them again. "If you really were, I wouldn't have kept bringing it up."

The wolf furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?"

"I know you and Jack are super close, as well as with Louis despite how busy he is." The tiger paused, letting that fact sink in before continuing. "So...ya know, you can trust me too."


"Dude, it's not that big of a deal. Breakups are so common it's not even funny."

'With people like you, it is...'

"Well, when you put it that way, I guess it's not so bad for you to know."

Bill smirked, his tail flicking in amusement.

"I'll make it short and to the point."

"Please do."

Legosi sighed and shook his head. "Anyway, you know we've been together for about up to a year almost. It was a week away before Rexmas and everything was going fine. Or at least, I thought it was..."

He looked down at his hands again, bringing one up to inspect the dull, blunt claws with mild interest.

"One day, out of nowhere she just flat out told me she was done with it all. Done with pretending to be in love with a carnivore. I... I still don't understand what went wrong. Taking every precaution, going through so much just to be with her and..."

He brought his hand up to his head, running his fingers through the fur on top of it before covering his face.

There were so many unanswered questions when that breakup happened five months ago that he'll probably never get an answer to as Haru refused to answer his calls or texts. In the end, she ended up blocking him, and he never saw her again after that.


"I just don't get it!" his voice rose, almost shouting as he shook with anger and confusion, the suppressed feelings rushing back into him like a tidal wave, threatening to overwhelm and consume.

"Legosi..." Bill's voice was so soft and tender that it almost sounded as if he were whispering his name.

The wolf shook his head, breathing heavily to get himself under control. He didn't think telling the story all over again would cause his emotions to spiral out like this.

His ear twitched at the sound of a soft sigh and shuffling, then felt a hand gently yet firmly grabbing one of his wrists to pull it away from his face. There was no resistance.

"Bill?" Legosi's one uncovered eye stared at the tiger with confusion, wondering when he got so close. "What are you--"

The tiger didn't say a word, only to reach out and grab both shoulders before pulling the wolf to his chest and wrap his arms around him.

Legosi's body stiffened, his tail doing the same as he was enveloped, the side of his snout pressed up against a powerful and broad chest. His mind started to race, millions of questions popping up at the situation he was currently in.

"Let it out." Bill whispered, a soft rumble vibrating through his chest as he did, one of his hands gently stroking the wolf's back. "It's just us here."

'Why is he...?'

So many emotions and thoughts raged inside Legosi at this moment. He tried to pull away, telling the dumb tiger to let him go but the hold on him didn't budge. A low growl came out as he struggled to break free.

Bill simply held on, still stroking his back with gentle motions, all the while hugging him tighter. "Legosi, I won't judge you."

The wolf kept up the fight. Panting, growling, clawing and whining like the canine he was until finally, his energy was spent. All he could do now was focus on the heartbeat that drummed in the tiger's chest.

"I just... I just...why? What did I do wrong?" His voice cracked, breaking into a pitiful whine as his eyes began to brim wet with tears and fall down his cheeks. He felt the tiger's muzzle land on top of his head and that was all it took for him to break down.

Everything he felt, all the things he struggled to bottle up inside came pouring out in uncontrollable sobbing. An immense wave of relief washed over him, feeling free from the shackles he placed upon himself.

He thought that by hiding his feelings like he usually did would be for the best but over time, he just became more and more depressed. A husk of his former self.

Becoming chained to a self-made prison.

Under the beaming moonlight, they stayed like this, the wolf eventually coming down to mere sniffles and letting out a few shaky breaths.

"Feeling better now?" Bill asked, peering down at him.

Legosi nodded. "Yeah, uhh...thanks for that. Guess I needed it." He laughed nervously, his ear falling back a little.

"No problem." The tiger smiled as he continued to stroke, seemingly unaware of it at this point.



"You're still hugging me."

"Oh," Bill mumbled, sounding crestfallen before widening his eyes as realization slapped him in the face and quickly let go. "Oh! Fuck, sorry."

"It's fine." Legosi's tail slowly wagged. "At least I know I need to work out more."

A soft chuff escaped from the tiger, startling the wolf. "You got a long way to go before you can--what?"

"You chuffed! I've never heard you do that around me." He knew what it meant, though he couldn't figure out why. Was Bill really that happy with his company?

Bill's tail spasmed and the wolf could have sworn he saw him blushing, but he turned away before it could be noticed. "You didn't hear shit. Anyway, what are you gonna do now?"

Legosi tiled his head to one side. "What do you mean?"

The tiger sighed as he turned back around, crossing his arms over his chest. "Are you gonna take a break or try dating again?"

Legosi shrugged. "I don't know... I haven't really thought about it. Haru was the only one I had a crush on and loved."

"Dude, now you're depressing me. You don't wanna try with a carnivore at least?"

"No? Maybe?"

'Why is he even asking me all of this?'

After the initial breakup and taking the time to recover, he had fleeting thoughts about seeking a new partner, but none would probably emotionally connect with him or otherwise. Then there's dealing with his awkwardness despite his slight social ambience.

Bill turned to him with a frown, apparently upset about something that the wolf couldn't really recognize. "Why not? You won't have to worry about accidentally hurting anyone."

"It's not that, or maybe it is." Legosi scratched his head as he tried to figure out how to put what he thought into words. "I guess having a carnivore for a partner would be the best approach as it has many benefits, considering that yes, I can't harm the other and--"

A hand clamped down on his muzzle, the tiger looking mildly annoyed. "Learn to get to the point faster. But uhh..." he trailed off and bit his lip, a sheepish expression crossing his face as he glanced down.

With his muzzle free, Legosi furrowed his brows. "What's wrong?"

For some time, Bill was quiet, his shoulders slumped and whiskers drooping. Even his tail didn't move an inch. It was almost unnerving to see someone like him look so anxious considering his loud, proud and confident personality.

"Hey," the wolf reached out and touched his shoulder, gently shaking him enough to snap him out of whatever funk he was in. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." the tiger took a deep breath, then let it out, his expression becoming serious. "How about men?"


'Did I hear that right?'

"Other guys."

"Uhh...what are you--"

"Exactly what I mean, dumbass, do you wanna try fucking another man or not?"

His world came to a screeching halt.

Legosi could only stare at the tiger, mouth slightly agape as he tried hard to process all of this information.

Another male? A carnivore? How would that even work?

Bill's muzzle scrunched up as he let out a growl and pushed himself up off the ground, heading towards the roof's door. "You know what, forget it!"

"W-wait!" The wolf cried out, grabbing hold of a hand just in time to stop him.

"Let go, Legosi." The tiger's fur was bristling, feline tail lashing out in anger.

"And leave me here with unanswered questions?" Legosi snapped, letting loose a growl of his own. "I haven't even said anything."

"You didn't have to, the look on your face was more than enough." Bill said, his round ears falling back. "You'd treat me different, hate me even."

"Why would..." Legosi closed his eyes with a heavy sigh, then looked up at the tiger with a piercing gaze. "Sit down."



The tiger's expression turned to shock at the authoritative tone, his eyes flitting between the door and the wolf before finally sitting down, grumbling as he did. "You're lucky I like you enough to have patience."

"Likewise, now look at me, do I seem all that angry to you?" he saw Bill slowly turn his head and give a hesitant nod. "Okay, so what was all that about?"

"... remember Dom from drama club?"

"Yeah? What does he have to do with what happened?"

"Everything. He's currently dating a wolverine."

"You're...kidding, right?"

"I wish I was, but he was going on about how happy the guy made him and everything. I got a little curious and asked him what it was like, and he told me that it was basically normal, and I should experiment if I felt like it."

"With Pina?"

Bill made a face at the mere mention of his name. "Fuck no! Why would you even suggest that?"

Legosi shrugged. "He gave me that vibe when he started teasing me about wanting to eat him."


"Moving on... I went to a love hotel and had sex with a dude. Perky little cheetah, had a nice mouth and tight ass."

"Why am I not surprised you'd talk about that."

"I wouldn't be me if I wasn't. But uhh, to be honest, it took a lot of convincing to get me to that point. After I had my fun, I kept wondering if I was gay or not."

"Sorry to interrupt but how long ago was this?"

"Three weeks ago."

Legosi slowly tilted his head to the side, brows furrowing. "Aren't you with Mira? That's just sleazy and wrong!"

Bill scratched the side of his cheek. "Yeah...about that, we broke up long before I started doing this. Bitch cheated on me, said that she was having the most boring sex ever in her life while I was with her."

'The irony is strong here!'

The wolf slumped his shoulders, an expression of disappointment and slight pity from the news. "That...really sucks, but why didn't you tell me this from the start?"

Bill rolled his eyes. "Dude, your reaction when I asked if you wanted to bang guys, and we were in public."

" used protection didn't you?"

"Duh, I'm not stupid. Anyway, I went and talked to Dom again, and he gave me some pretty good advice. Turns out, there's some gay clubs around if you know where to look or have the connections."

"Okay, but what does all of this have to do with me?"

Bill fell silent again, tail flicking and whiskers twitching as he wriggled his black nose. It almost looked adorable. With a soft sigh, he looked fully into Legosi's eyes, a serious expression on his face once more. "I've been feeling attracted to you."

"Eh?" one of Legosi's ears flicked, his face beginning to flush though he wasn't entirely sure why. "I-I...what? Me?"

The tiger nodded, a small smile beginning to grace his muzzle. "I don't fully know why, but I do. Why do you think I kept wanting to hang around you so much these past few months?"

"B-because I thought you just w-wanted to be close friends." Legosi stammered out, not at all expecting a blunt answer like that. "Why me?"

Bill raised a brow and cupped his chin, contemplating on that single question. "You see and treat me different. Everyone expects something out of me just because I'm a big, burly tiger whose head of the drama club. You're the only one who doesn't."

"What about Els? It's the same with her, isn't it?" Legosi asked, feeling strangely flattered that a guy like him would be interested.

The tiger shook his head. "Yes, and no. Sweet girl to hang with, but we're better off as just friends."

"Oh...well...okay, in what way is this attraction? Is it just physical?" he didn't know why he asked that, let alone having this sort of conversation.

Then again, having been around Dom so much and having discussions about male to male romance whenever the topic was brought up, it shouldn't have been surprising.

Although he did tune himself out whenever the topic of sex was involved.

"At first it was," Bill idly scratched his cheek, face beginning to flush as well, "but the more I was around you, getting to know you a little more, I started to realize I didn't want just that."

"I see..." Legosi twiddled his thumbs, averting his gaze, so as not to look at the tiger as his heartbeat started to pick up speed.

'Why is my body reacting like this?'

He flinched at the touch of a hand petting his left ear, looking up to see Bill with a rather pleasing smile.

The tiger slightly withdrew his hand. "Sorry, does it hurt?"

"No, just surprised me is all." Legosi inclined his head, wordlessly telling him to continue.

Dull black claws sensually touched blue-gray fur and skin, the wolf's ear wiggling from the sensation. It slowly traveled down to the side of his muzzle, petting the edges of cheek fluff before going under the chin to gently scratch.

Legosi practically melted, eyes half lidded and tail wagging happily. "You have no idea how much I missed this..."

Bill snickered after drawing his hand back to his side. "I think I can tell. Was that too fast though?"

The wolf shook his head with a smile. "No, it was--" he paused, his breath getting caught in his throat.

Legosi had never paid attention to the tiger's appearance before as the urge to do so was never in him.

Only with Haru did he ever pay full attention to detail, though there have been a few exceptions to the rule.

Jack was one of them with his golden fur coat that shined in the right angle of light and floppy ears that were soft to touch, his expressive chocolate brown eyes that showed what he was thinking at all times. Just one look and anyone could feel the adorableness rolling off in waves.

That single trait was all Legosi would ever see in the Labrador, and for the other few people he had come across it all came down to being either cute or, in his eyes, an acquired taste.

With Bill though, as of this moment, he took everything in. His light, orange fur with black stripes that almost covered him from head to toe, the pattern being unique to his species.

In contrast to the primary hue, a cream-colored patch of fur spread from the middle and underside of his muzzle, stretching to his cheeks and the front of his neck, going all the way down to his chest.

And his eyes, while brown like Jack's, they expressed joy, confidence and warmth. It didn't help that the moon highlighted everything to have him seem as if he were glowing.

"Hey, you alright there?" Bill waved a hand in front of the wolf's face, snapping him back into reality. "There we go, you spaced out on me."

"Oh," Legosi's cheeks burned a light shade of red, "sorry it's just that you looked...uh, don't take this the wrong way but beautiful."

The tiger's eyes widened. He chuffed loudly as his face started to flush, a small smile spreading across his muzzle. "First time hearing someone call me something like that."

Legosi averted his gaze, the one ear falling back as his heart started to thump harder in his chest. "I-it's just that the light hit you in the correct angle a-and that umm...uhh..." he fumbled with his words, becoming more and more embarrassed.

Bill chuckled and placed a hand gently on the wolf's shoulder. "It's fine, don't worry about it. But hey, can we continue this in your room? Think we've been out here long enough."

Giving a nod in response, Legosi stood up and dusted himself off, watching the tiger do the same before leading him from the rooftop and down to his unit.

After getting inside and closing the door, the lights were cut on.

"You need to get some posters on your walls or something cause this place always looks sad." Bill commented after sitting down on the bed that sat in a corner of the large-sized space.

"The door's right here if you change your mind." Legosi said with a roll of his eyes, smirking a little as he knew the tiger was teasing.

He liked the way his unit looked though, nothing too much or too little, just right in his eyes.

Next to his bed was a nightstand with a lava lamp --insisted upon by his ex fiancée at the time--, a nice sized television that didn't take up too much space sitting adjacent to where Bill sat and a dresser sitting near the entrance to his left.

It was nice, including the new additions, such as a bathroom and kitchen area. The best part though was having thicker walls and each unit being more spaced out so as not to disturb anyone.

"Killjoy." Bill huffed as he laid back, hands behind his head, staring up at the ceiling as he kicked off his shoes, already making himself comfortable. "So what are you gonna do now that I'm here?"

"I haven't really thought that far..." Legosi mumbled while holding one of his arms, becoming hesitant.

"I figured." A soft sigh was let out as Bill sat up, regarding the wolf with an unreadable expression. "Well, we have three options after I take a shower."

"Which are?"

"One, I can just lay on the spare futon you have, and we can chill. Two, we can cuddle up and watch something, but that's up to you if you want that or not."

"And the third option?" Legosi was putting two and two together, and if he was right then the last decision could only mean one thing.

The tiger smirked with a playful expression on his face and in his eyes as he got up and leisurely padded over, stripping off the black tank top that hugged his muscular torso as he went.

'Oh God...'

Legosi pressed himself against the door after trying to back away, leaving him with nowhere to run as Bill got closer, his ear pinning to his skull and heart thumping hard in his chest. At that moment he felt like prey, an ironic feeling he'd probably laugh at in the near future.

With one arm propped above the wolf's head, the tiger leaned in, muzzle inches away, hot breath ruffling the gray fur. "Last one is if you're really sure about it," he reached out with a free hand to touch his chest and slowly go down, sending a shiver down his spine.

There was no need to ask what that meant or try hard to figure out the implications. Legosi was breathing hard, going weak in the knees from that one sensual touch while his eyes roamed over what he could see.

Defined, powerful looking pecs that held pink nipples on the underside, acting like a beacon to touch and play with. Arms that bulged with muscle, the veins almost seen through the fur and a shredded abdominal that could put any fit athlete to shame.

And the musk, he could smell it from that arm still hanging over his head pressed against the door. Earthy, primal and intoxicating with each inhale, clouding his mind.

"I-I'll t-think about it." It was a struggle to form coherent words, even more so as his belly was rubbed, making his tail wag.

"Take your time, there's no rush. Whatever you pick, I'll be happy."


"Good boy." Bill leaned back and turned towards the dresser, rummaging through it to pull out a shirt and some briefs before making his way to the bathroom on the right side of the room.

Legosi watched him go, his body tensing up slightly as he felt something snaking along one of his legs. Looking down, he caught sight of Bill's tail unfurling, then glanced back up to see him wink and fully disappear, closing the door.

'What was that?'

The wolf ran a hand through his headfur as he kicked off his shoes and went over to his bed to sit down. He tried hard to distract himself from the tent that formed in his pants.

There was a lot to think about, the first being Bill's attraction towards him and apparently liking men.

It was so strange to hear coming from someone who obviously enjoyed women and stripes. Just one look and anyone could tell that the tiger was as straight as an arrow.

And as much as he hated to admit this, if it were Jack to suddenly come out of the closet, he wouldn't have been as shocked considering his personality and soft, feminine appearance.

'I'm sorry, Jack.'

He chuckled to himself before coming back to the main issues at hand. The tiger was surprisingly gentle and patient when it came to him trying to wrap his head around everything, something that was rare when he was still in Cherryton.

It was such a shift in demeanor when compared to how he acted in public.

On top of it, he made sure the wolf was comfortable before touching him in such a way he'd never let any other male have the chance to do, even if it was a private setting.

He paused on that, thinking back to what happened moments before. Why did he allow for Bill to do what he did?

If it were anyone else, the other person wouldn't have made it this far as he would have politely given the implication for them to leave or tell them outright.

'Maybe I'm attracted to him in some way? No, that's way too soon.'

Legosi groaned, becoming confused the more he thought about it. With a sigh and shake of his head, he decided to give his brain a rest and focus on what the two of them could do.

The thought of Bill sleeping on a futon while they slept seemed reasonable but with all they've done up to this point, he felt no reason for them to not sleep in the same bed.

His cheeks burned as he thought of the option of cuddling, wondering what it would feel like to be pressed up against all of that muscle.

'Then there's the last one.'

He knew he was getting aroused as the tent in his pants formed again as images of the naked tiger surfaced in his mind, falling back to when he had seen what the other was packing.

Sometimes communal showers were a blessing.

His ears flicked to the sound of a door opening and Bill stepped out with a towel wrapped around his waist, fur matted to show off all the hidden muscle underneath.

Legosi couldn't tear his eyes away.

Bill smirked, his expression showing just a hint of smugness as he regarded the wolf with a raised brow, crossing his arms over his chest. "I think I know what you want, but the choice is still yours."

"Sex!" Legosi blurted out after glancing back up into the tiger's chocolate brown eyes, then covered his mouth as if he had said a bad word.

"Are you sure about that?" Bill asked with a small chuckle from the sudden outburst. His tail flicked after getting a nod. "Alright then, go ahead and get yourself cleaned up."

"Before I do, there's uhh, some things in the nightstand." The wolf mumbled, his cheeks flaring from the wide grin aimed at him. "J-just... I make sure I'm prepared!"

"I get it, you don't gotta explain."

"I...yeah, okay, I'll see you in a bit."

Legosi hurried to his dresser and pulled out some underwear before making his way over to the bathroom. Just as he neared the door, Bill smacked his ass, causing him to yelp in surprise.

"Don't take too long."

'That cheeky son of a...'

Rubbing his butt while glaring at the tiger, Legosi closed the door, his claws clacking against the tiled floor as he padded over to a nearby closet and grabbed a towel from the many spares he had stocked up.

He quickly stripped himself of his red shirt and blue shorts before looking himself over in the mirror.

Blue-gray fur covered him everywhere save for the center of his face, traveling all the way down to his inner thighs where a splash of light gray intersected and contrasted. He always felt the way he looked was off.

There was some self-confidence however as he appreciated his athletic build. From his chest, stomach, arms and thighs he was naturally fit, though nowhere near the size of the tiger.

Silver eyes stared back at him in the reflection, a genetic trait he shared from either his mother or father, he couldn't remember. Everyone kept telling him they were pretty to look at.

His ear fell back as he took in his physical appearance. Scratch marks on the right side of his face from Riz, a scar on his abdomen from Melon shooting him, stitches on his right arm from the Shishigumi boss.

The bottom part of his right ear remaining to be seen from Savon's tail bomb blowing up near his face, a tattoo on his left shoulder with the date of July 5th, a notch on his left ear from getting shot at by his second meeting with Melon.

'Then there are the scars on my back...'

He had long since forgiven Bill for what he did, though it didn't seem to appease him whatsoever whenever his back was shown or the very nature of it is brought up in conversation.

Shaking these thoughts aside he noticed that the bath was filled up and seemingly warm too. He smiled and thoroughly made himself clean before stepping inside to soothe his muscles.

Remembering what awaited him when he was done, he went to work, lathering himself up several times before washing it all away.

After five minutes, he dried himself off, debating on putting the underwear on or not considering what he was about to do. He decided to forgo them and stepped out into the room.

"See you kept your promise." Bill said as a low chuff escaped from his nose, feline tail swishing in a relaxed manner.

Legosi didn't answer right away because of what he saw laid on the bed next to the tiger; a dildo of moderate size, a bottle of lube and condoms with a brand exclusively meant for carnivores.

There was even a towel underneath everything. It would be an understatement to say he was ready for this.

Bill himself was naked, displaying all of what he had with no care in the world and looking pleased with himself.

The wolf grabbed his left arm, gingerly rubbing it with gaze averted. Despite what he said earlier, his nerves started to go haywire. "Guess I can't turn back now, can I?"

Bill immediately picked up on the behavior and stood up to gently grab his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to do this if you really don't want to." The tone was soft, gentle, his deep voice making it all the more soothing.

"No, I... I want to, it's just that I'm nervous." He tried not to tuck his tail between his legs. "Sad thing is, is that I didn't do anything with Haru before we broke up. It's embarrassing, huh?"

"Dude..." the tiger wrapped his strong arms around Legosi, pulling him into a warm embrace while rubbing his back and nuzzling the top of his head. "Don't be ashamed of this being your first time, we've all been there. I know I teased you a lot about in the past, but...well...shit, I'm sorry."

Legosi chuckled as he reciprocated the hug, enjoying the warmth radiating from Bill and how firm his chest felt. His left ear flicked a few times from the whiskers brushing it, but he didn't mind. "It's fine, I'm actually kind of glad though."

"Why's that?"

"You'll be my first. I mean, you're being extremely patient with me so far. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it."


"Figured you'd disagree, but what I'm trying to say is...thanks for putting up with me."

"Same goes to you, wolf-boy. Now are you sure you wanna do this?" Bill moved his hands to the wolf's shoulders and leaned back with a concerned expression on his face.

Legosi nodded, looking up at the tiger with determination in his eyes. "Positive." He smiled, his tail wagging slightly. "Oh, did you...want to be on top?"

Bill chuffed. "Hell yeah, I do! Before we start on that..." he turned the wolf around, back facing the bed before gently pushing on his chest.

Putting up no resistance, the wolf backed up until plopping himself on the bed with that strong hand easing him to fully lay back. He let out a shaky breath as it slowly trailed down, brushing against his fur.

A wide grin split the tiger's muzzle as he leaned his face into Legosi's groin, going down to his balls to take a deep intake of air through his nose before letting it out. "Smells good."

Legosi's cheeks blushed for the nth time tonight, looking elsewhere. " do too." His eyes suddenly widened as he felt the tiger's tongue licking over his sac, the warm and wet feeling making his toes curl.

Bill lapped at it, being careful not to get too rough with the barbs on his tongue, loving the way Legosi's balls bounced each time. He rumbled at the soft moans his actions elicited.

"Please keep doing that..." The wolf mumbled, eyes rolling back a little.

The tiger didn't say a word, only focusing on what he was doing, dragging his wet appendage across the sac some more before slowly taking an orb in his mouth and rolling it around.

Legosi bit his bottom lip, shivering and letting out another low moan, his tail wagging like crazy.

"All of this just from your balls being played with? Wait until I get my mouth on that dick." Bill said before enveloping the other hefty, musky orb into his muzzle, purring all the while.

His cock was hard, throbbing, dribbling precum on his creamy stomach that constantly flexed.

With a wet slurp, the tiger moved his muzzle up to the meaty, fat spire, dragging his rough tongue along the base and going all the way to the tip.

Legosi grit his teeth and sucked in a breath of air, the wet and slimy appendage almost being too much for him. He had no idea he was this sensitive!

Bill lapped up the bits of pre, then opened his muzzle wide before going down, taking all the wolf's cock in his mouth.

A gasp rattled out of the wolf, gripping the sheets hard as he tried not to cum right then and there. He took steady, deep breaths and closed his eyes.

Bill leaned all the way up, a wet popping sound as he did, strands of saliva connecting his lips to Legosi's cock. "Moan for me, don't hold back." He rumbled and dived right back in, bobbing his head.

With that bit of encouragement, the wolf let out the loudest moan possible, earning an appreciative growl for doing so, the vibrations making his dick throb harder in the tiger's warm and wet muzzle.

Each time Bill pressed into his groin, the whiskers brushed up and tickled his fur. He tried to watch him go at it, struggling to keep his composure, every glimpse being something to be stored in his memory banks.

He never thought another carnivore, let alone a male, could look so cute, adorable and sexy all at once while doing something so vulgar.

The tiger was lost in his own world as he sucked and slurped, the sound bouncing off the walls.

If anyone were to come by right now, they'd know exactly what was going on.

Legosi humped into the tiger's muzzle, pure instinct driving him as he felt himself getting close. He didn't want to stop, couldn't stop even if he wanted to. "B-Bill, I'm gonna..."

As if waiting for a cue, Bill redoubled his efforts, bobbing his head faster, letting his tongue lick at the base, wrap it around and swirl as much as he could while one of his hands went to massage the wolf's balls.

He couldn't hold it anymore, thrusting his hips one more time before letting loose a howl so loud he was sure all of his neighbors could hear, his dick throbbing and shooting out rope after rope of cum into the tiger's throat.

A very loud growl escaped from the tiger as he stayed put, swallowing it all and trying to milk Legosi for all he was worth.

The wolf whined, his cock more sensitive than ever. "Haa... I don't think there's anymore in me right now, please stop."

Bill pulled away with another wet and lewd popping sound, then heaved his body up and over the wolf, almost pinning him to the mattress. "I could tell," he said, grinning from ear to ear. "How did it feel?"

Legosi smiled up at the looming tiger above him. "Perfect. How did you...never mind, I think I know."

"Hmm?" The tiger raised a brow, an expression of bemusement on his handsome features.

"You learned how to get good at this from that guy, didn't you?" he had to ask because there's no way this was his first time giving head.

"Yeah, and practicing with some popsicles." Bill leaned over to one side and relaxed, rubbing the wolf's belly and chest a little.

Canine instincts immediately took over as the wolf's tail wagged and tongue lolled out, panting softly. He was loving the attention. "Bill..."


"You're enjoying this."

"Yup, cause you are."

" need to be taken care of." His eyes traveled over to where Bill's member had softened.

"Ehh, don't worry about it, this is your night." He leaned down to press his lips against the wolf's forehead and give it a kiss.

Try as he might, Legosi whined like a disappointed pup. "Alright, but can you clarify something for me? What really made you curious about this?"

"Geez, you're like a cat," Bill chuckled and peered up to the ceiling for a moment, contemplating before focusing back to the wolf. "You know Tao and Kibi? They're fucking."

"As in...they're together?"

"Mhmm, so it got me thinking that maybe I'd have better luck with a dude."

"... I suddenly get the feeling I fell into a trap."

Bill's tail shot straight out, poofing as a shocked expression came to his face. "Hey, what the fuck? I'm not as bad as Pina!"

Legosi narrowed his eyes, giving the tiger a scrutinizing gaze. "Covered with sweets to lure me in."

"Fuck you!" the tiger laughed, playfully shoving an arm.

"Well you are...erm...about to do that." Blood rushed to his cheeks, a small smile on his lips.

Bill chuffed, his confident and cocky smirk returning. "I know, just wanted to give my puppy a bit of a break."

"Well thanks for--wait, did you seriously just call me a--" his eyes widened in surprise as lips pressed against his own.

For the second time in his life, he shared a kiss with a male, but this time out of a different circumstance. It felt different too, Bill's tongue flicking out to find his and wrestle with it for dominance.

Legosi moaned into it, his hands reaching out to hold on to the tiger's strong neck.

He could feel the barbs on that rough tongue as it fought for control, sending prickling jolts each time to his own and course through his body. His body was craving for more.

Bill rumbled as dull claws gripped at the fur on his broad and muscular back, hips grinding against the other while his hands groped and squeezed the wolf's pecs.

Legosi's cock stirred back to life, his moans growing louder from the attention to his chest and giving the same treatment back.

"Play with my nipples." Bill growled out after pulling himself away to nibble at the wolf's neck, his tone dominant and arousing.

Ear pinned back, Legosi reached out and pinched one of the tiger's nipples, earning a snarl and hot breath wafting through damp fur around his neck. He knew his buttons were being pushed, and it showed.

Precum oozed and dribbled down his hard length, being coated by Bill's own that kept grinding against his. The stimulation and wetness was an immense pleasurable experience.

The tiger kept nibbling and licking all around the wolf's neck before coming back to give another lust filled kiss, lewd sounds of their smacking lips echoing around the room.

Legosi didn't even try to put up a fight, wanting this big tiger to dominate his mouth in every way possible. He gasped as he felt a hand wrap around his length and the tiger's cock sliding against his.

A deep purr rumbled out of the tiger as he pulled away, bucking his hips with pre gushing out like a fountain. "You like that?" he breathed out.

The wolf could only nod his head wordlessly, his brain being overloaded with pleasure. His eyes roamed around the tiger's body, a smile plastered on his face.

With flexibility that only a feline could master, Bill leaned over and kissed him again with more passion put into it. "You're so cute."

Legosi bit his bottom lip as his face started to flush and turned away. "I..." he started, then let out a gasp as he felt the head of his cock being played with. His body writhed under the tiger.

Bill swiftly grabbed the wolf's wrists and pinned them high above his head. He smirked and kept rubbing the slick head of his cock, enjoying the loud moans and whines.

Legosi's toes curled as the most sensitive part of him was played with, making him mere putty in Bill's hands.

With a smirk, the tiger let go of Legosi's wrists and pulled his hand away from that meaty cock. "Enjoyed yourself?"


"Good, show me that ass."

The wolf pushed himself up and turned around, showing his backside to the tiger, lifting his tail to him.

Bill licked his lips hungrily, staring at the wolf's ass like a piece of meat being served to him. He got himself down on his knees and spread the tight hole before shoving his snout as deep as it could go.

The wolf yelped in surprise, following up with a groan as he felt that expert tongue probing his inner walls, trying to clench around it.

The tiger swirled his tongue around, coating the inside and outside with drool.

Legosi panted softly, pushing himself back and forth as he rested his head on the towel, pushing his rear further in the air. A loud whine escaped when the tongue pulled away, leaving him feeling empty.

"Heh, don't worry you'll get more." Bill said, grabbing the bottle of lube and popping it open, applying some directly into the wolf's gaping hole.

He reflexively clenched before relaxing, the stuff already warming him up. There was no need to wait long as a finger pushed into his anal ring, the first knuckle sliding in with little effort.

Bill raised a brow but didn't comment as he kept going past the second knuckle and third, swirling it around before adding another finger.

Legosi could feel those digits moving back and forth, spreading him open and wiggling. Soft pants ran through him, his tail swishing about.

A wide grin split the tiger's muzzle as he felt around the fleshy hole. His teeth flashed from the wolf's tail hiking up and body stiffening. Chuffing softly, he pressed on the prostate.

Legosi's cock throbbed, precum gushing with each push to that particular spot, his tail wagging like crazy with how turned on he was. He was an unintelligible mess, his mind not being able to form any coherent thought.

Bill leaned in close to the wolf's left ear, teasingly nibbling on the end of it. "Good boy..." he growled dominantly as he pulled his fingers out and wiped them off on the towel before grabbing the dildo and applying lube.

A sharp gasp was pushed out of the wolf's lungs as he felt a familiar toy spreading him open. Inch by slow inch it sank into his hungry hole until it could go no further.

Soft growls rumbled out of Legosi, automatically bucking his hips again, mouth hanging open and tongue lolling out.

The tiger just watched, enjoying the show as he pushed and pulled, his cock throbbing hard in anticipation for what's to come. His cock was slick with his pre, having been turned on by such a sexy wolf.

"Bill..." he huffed, turning over his shoulder to look at the tiger with a pleading look in his silver eyes.

"I know, I know." Bill chuckled as he pulled the dildo out with a wet pop and cleaned it up with the towel. He grabbed the box of condoms, tearing it open to take one out and rip into the package.

Legosi's tail swished as he waited, never taking his eyes away from the tiger as he slipped the condom on, appearing to be a perfect fit for him.

"Heh, I like that you're eager, but I'm gonna go slow cause taking dick for the first time is a bitch." The tiger mumbled, applying a generous amount of lube before lining himself up, holding his hips. "You ready?"

"... you're sweet, Bill." A small smile spread across the wolf's muzzle, having caught him off guard with what he said. "I'm ready when you are."

With nothing more said, Bill slowly pushed, the tip slipping inside and going past the anal ring. He hissed, round ears falling back as he struggled to stay still.

Legosi sucked in a breath and grit his teeth, dull claws scraping against the sheets and balling them up. Pain coursed through him, his body tensing. "Fuck, you weren't kidding..."

"Told you."

"Give me a moment please, you're...bigger than my toy."

The tiger let out a soft chuff, puffing out his chest with pride from the compliment. He gave those round cheeks a reassuring squeeze. "Just try to relax."

'Easier said than done!'

He bit back his snarky comment and focused on taking deep breaths, trying to relax his sphincter muscles. It wasn't easy, but eventually the pain subsided enough for him to give the go ahead.

Bill sank deeper into him, the wolf's tight hole swallowing inch after every inch until he bottomed out. A low moan reverberated through his very being, leaning down to wrap his arms around him. "You feel so good."

Legosi panted, his entire body hot from having all the tiger's cock inside him and the added body heat. He could feel it throbbing, each pulse matching with Bill's heartbeat. He wasn't sure, but he felt connected, there was no other way to explain it.

"How do you feel?" Bill asked, kissing the upper part of the wolf's back.

"Full and warm." Legosi huffed, chuckling softly as he grabbed one of Bill's hands and interlaced his fingers with the other, holding it to his chest. "You?"

"Better than I imagined." The tiger kissed his back again, then leaned further to gently bite the back of his neck, eliciting a moan.

"I want to stay like this, but..." the wolf ground his hips, moving from side to side before pushing himself up then back down, earning a growl in response, "I can't help myself right now."

Giving Legosi's neck a lick, Bill leaned back up and slowly bucked his hips, getting into a rhythm. He watched his cock disappear into that tight and warm hole each time he plunged back in, fighting his instincts to fuck him silly right off the bat.

Soft moans and whines echoed through the room, Legosi pushing himself back to meet each thrust into his ass. Had he known sex like this felt good, he would have gone about it ages ago.

"Legosi..." the tiger rumbled as his hands gripped the wolf's hips tighter, his thrusting picking up speed.

"Go ahead, don't hold back." Legosi breathed out, repeating the words that were said to him earlier. Grabbing his pillow, he rested his head down on it, preparing himself.

Bill slowly pulled back, leaving just the tip inside before slamming back down, his balls making a loud slap as it met the wolf's ass. He repeated the process, going harder each time.

Legosi moaned, becoming higher pitch as the tiger kept going, seeing stars as he started to get brutally fucked. He felt that big cock sliding in and out, sending wave after wave of pleasure.

The tiger snarled, becoming lost in the heat of the moment as he drilled into him, slapping an ass cheek and watching the bubble butt jiggle.

Sweat began to pour down the wolf's fur, panting loudly with his tongue lolled out of his muzzle. His cock throbbed with each thrust, being jostled around from the intensity of it all.

Bill suddenly pulled out all the way, confusing Legosi enough to turn around and whine desperately. "Turn around." He commanded in a husky growl, snout scrunched up in a temporary snarl.

Legosi turned himself over on his back, whimpering from the dominance in the tiger's tone and how he looked at the moment. It didn't help that his musk was overpowering and overwhelming.

Bill lifted the wolf's legs up, placing them on his broad shoulders as he lined himself up, aiming before pushing back in with a growl, hips already a blur.

"Fuck..." the wolf grunted, his hands reaching out to touch the tiger's chest, watching the sweat roll down his fur, muscles tensing and flexing.

"I'm getting close." Bill rumbled with a shaky breath, pounding the wolf's tight hole harder and harder, his tail lashing erratically.

Legosi reached towards the tiger's shoulders to pull him down, wrapping his legs around the lower part of his back. "K-keep going..."

Dull claws scratched at the sheets, tearing into them as Bill kept pumping, his snarls growing louder in volume until finally letting out an almost ear deafening roar and biting into the wolf's exposed neck.

A gasp and whimper escaped Legosi as he felt that thick cock throb and pulse, almost wishing the potent seed was being spilled into him. His body shivered from the growls rumbling through the tiger as he held him like this.

Carnivores never exposed their necks to another unless they were surrendering or in special circumstances such as this.

Bill soon let up, leaning back to peer down at the wolf with a goofy grin, panting hard. "That was...fucking amazing." He chuckled, the sound filling the air with joy.

Legosi smiled, chuckling softly. "Yeah, it was. Ah...umm...did I do good?"

"Did you--" Bill erupted in laughter, making the wolf's ear flip back in embarrassment. "I should be asking that!"

"I think with how my body reacted and how I sounded should tell you." A huff of amusement escaped him, then a soft moan as he felt the tiger's cock slip out, feeling strangely empty.

Bill kissed the top of the wolf's head and hopped off the bed to pull the condom off and properly dispose of it, cutting off the lights as well before coming back to wrap his arms around him. "You were like a bitch in heat. And yeah, you did good."

Legosi nuzzled into the tiger's chest, feeling his tail being wrapped. He smiled as he inhaled his scent. "Thanks, but what now? I don't really know if I..." he trailed off, frowning.

"Just enjoy the moment."

"I guess...but are you sure you want to miss school? I mean, I don't want to get you in trouble."

"I'll be fine, you're worth the risk."

Legosi's face flushed from the comment. "O-oh...umm..."

Bill chuckled, giving the wolf a reassuring squeeze and snuggled him closer. "Seriously, don't worry. And I know you don't feel anything for me yet, but if you do...wanna go on a date?"

Legosi peered up at chocolate brown eyes that stared into his silver, the corners of his muzzle pulling into a soft smile. "Sure."

The tiger beamed. "Sweet!"

Shaking his head, the wolf relaxed himself, feeling sleep calling him. "Goodnight, kitten."

Bill chuffed. "Pet names already, huh? Alright, good night puppy."

Legosi chuckled, closing his eyes in the arms of someone he might consider spending the rest of his time with.

For now he enjoyed the closeness.

Mage ch 11

Gathering Intel "Umm thank you, but you don't have to do all of this, ma'am." Damien said as his cheeks and the tufts of his ears burned from Isabella tending to him. He had thought that after doing this over the weekend she would stop but it...

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Mage ch 10

Discussions & Decisions "So you really don't remember any of that?" Justin asked, a brow raised in curiosity. Xun's mouth was slightly agape as he stared at his little brother in disbelief at what he had just heard. Out of everything that has...

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All Work & Play

All Work & Play It was another peaceful day at school for Justin as he sat through his last class period, no longer feeling any effects of the taint that was very close to killing him. However, despite being thoroughly cleansed, his hormones were...

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