Jenna and Balto love in the woods

Story by Rollriver on SoFurry

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#2 of Balto and Jenna

A story about Nome's hero, Balto, and his Husky friend, Jenna, and their love story.

This is more a story about Balto and Jenna. And this happened after Balto 3, when Balto, and his son, Kodi and the rest of the sled team have rescued the pilot, Duke and that Balto was allowed to fly on the Dukes plane, and in the spring takes both Balto and Jenna to the woods, and they has a lonely moment for the two couples.

This story contains sex, so do not read if you do not want to.

It's spring on Nome, Balto was out on the late night walk and looks around a bit, he is currently on his way to Jenna, who lives with the girl Rosy. At outside her home, Balto stood waiting for her. Jenna, wearing an orange bandana, stepped out of her human home, meeting her beloved husband.

"Are you out late at night, Balto?" asked Jenna, looking at him, her eyes half closed.

"Well, I could not sleep right now. I'm not a bit tired, Jenna." Balto said. Jenna understands and said.

"Ah! I see. You're here at for a reason?" with Jenna's question, Balto got a little embarrassed. But Jenna gave her husband a cuddle on his cheek and said.

"It's calm, honey. Just say what it is, it's going to work out." in her words, Balto took another breath and said.

"I've always wondered what would have happened. If not for Kodi and the sleigh team saving me and the pilot's lives. I know he's my son, and I have good hearts like I have, Jenna. But think again." Balto's words made Jenna smile a little and said.

"He's your son, Balto. I made him understand that even if he or someone else in the Sled team did not want to lose the postal service, people's lives are even more important than anything else. That's exactly why he and his friends went to the rescue for you and pilot. He follows in the footsteps of you, and has been brought up by your foundations. He has hearts of gold, just like his father. " when Jenna said clearly, Balto felt even easier over her words of truth.

"He also has the resemblance to his mother, but also has a part of the wolf in his blood vessels, Jenna." Balto said. They both looked into each other's eyes and felt a little more and more attractive.

"I'm happy to have you in my life, Jenna. Without you, I would never have been so happy. I love you, Jenna." Balto said. Jenna smiled at him.

"And I'm glad to have you in my life too, Balto. You really are my special to me, and not like the others who were stupid to you for many years. And i love you too, Balto." and in the middle of it she bent towards his nose and then Jenna gave her husband a kiss on the mouth. Balto was a little surprised but gave her a kiss back. But after a moment they withdrew from each other and Balto thought and then said.

"Let's go to a place, where it's just you and me. Shall we? Balto's question made Jenna blush but said.

"Why not. I would like to spend time with you, my hero." with that said, they both left Nome for a while, and they went into the woods for a round.

It found a little stream and a little waterfall, which flows down so lovely and does not roar at all. Some distance away, Balto and Jenna sat on the grass, and they cuddled and kissed together. Jenna kept her narrow front legs around his strong neck, while Balto's front paws rubbed on her spine up and down, and also felt her ass at the good times. Their mouths clasped together and their tongues wrestled and bound, they breathed sexually. After a while, their mouths released, their saliva was drawn a little and then released loose.

"How does it feel, darling?" Jenna asked, as she took a deep breath.

"Well, it's not so bad, my flower." Balto said. They looking on each other again.

"Do you think we should continue, or do you want to go to bed already?" Jenna asked, but Balto shook his head and said.

"I want to continue with you, Jenna. Because you are the most beautiful husky to this day, my beloved mate." when Balto finished, they returned to kissing again. Jenna was laid on her back on the grass, Balto stood above her, they continue kissing. Until they stopped kissing and Jenna smiled at him and said.

"It's been a long time since we've had such a good time, Balto." but Balto's wolf instinct took over the lust of intimate love in his mind, and he smiled at his mate and said.

"And it's not over yet, either, Jenna." and gave her a tongue kiss on her chin, and then on her cheek, making her giggle out. She really likes to be licked by her husband. Until he licked on her neck, where after further down to her lovely fur breasts, then came down to her belly and licked on her nipples that appeared a little. Jenna let out her moaning sounds and leaned her head against the grass and trying to relax by his pinching her nipple. Balto pinched and licked around one of her nipples, to make her feel more pleasure than just relaxing.

"Just like that, Balto! This is so good!" Jenna moaned a little.

But as soon as all her nipples have been pointed right out into the air, he moves down to her vulva, started licking it. Jenna gasped when she felt her husband's tongue be on her pussy. Balto licked around her clit with her tongue, then inside her opening, making her moan a little more of pleasure. Balto kept a little short, until he pulled in his tongue, then put his lip on her pussy and sucked on it.

"Aaah! Oh Balto! That's so lovely." Jenna could not even refrain from moaning, but Baltos' eyes look up at Jenna and know that she likes what he does. Until he stopped licking and sucking on her pussy, and feels that his cock has emerged from the sheath. He looks at Jenna who is currently lying to the side and thought of getting up. But Balto put his right front paw on her body and said.

"Lie like that, Jenna. Because now you'll get to look at something completely different of me." Jenna looks up at Balto and his happy face, she now understands what he had in mind, did as he says. She lay down to the side on the grass, Balto's left front paw grabbed her left hind leg and lifted a little more, and then crawled a little closer to her back. He knelt down at the position, and his cock that stands straight out at 10 inches long and waiting for that moment. Balto looked at Jenna first before mounting on her, and Jenna nodded approval to continue. Balto inserted his cock through her outer lips, pushing almost all the way into her womb, causing her to keep her eyes tightly closed by the little pain right now.

"Did I hurt you, my beautiful flower?" Balto asked of worried. But Jenna's eyes opened a little and looked at her husband and she answered.

"There's no danger, Balto. The pain has passed. Please just keep going, my hero." with that said, Balto pulls out his cock at a slightly slow speed, then pushes it in again and repeats in the same process over and over again. Balto holds Jenna's hind legs in the air, while he fucks with his wife. He also licked her hind toes a little, which makes her like it.

"Oh Balto! Your tongue so softly on my feet! Mmmh!" moaned Jenna, and Balto kept her left hind leg in place, while the other right lay on the ground resting. Balto grunted in all of the frustration, and his right front leg was on the ground next to her back, using it as a support, to keep his body up while he had sex with his wife. Jenna lying on her side, she shakes her body, every time he is pushed in and out, and she whines and moans loudly than ever. Although their eyes were closed, so they continue with their most wonderful six moments for each other.

"Oooh! Yes! I like your new style you make for me, Balto!" whined Jenna, and Balto who could not open his eyes, he told her.

"I still have the stamina in me, Jenna!" Balto said. Balto keep going for more fucked with Jenna, and he grunting and gasped so heavy, becourse he knew that she is so tight, but never wanted to interrupt at their sexual desire, and Balto likes to have sex with Jenna, especially during their lonely moments together. Jenna, who continues whining, had to raise her head a little and moaned a little louder, but lay down again, each time her husband moved a little faster. Balto lifted his right paw and laid on her shoulder and rubbed around it and then caressed her neck. Although she wore her bandana around her neck, so likes Jenna to feel Balto's big paw on her neck.

His cock travels nicely in and out, vaginal canal stretched a little more, each time it goes further deeper in. And it can also be heard how it gurgles at her pussy, because her pussy was quite wet after Baltos licking around it.

"Oooh !! God, Balto !! You are so amazing !!" moaned Jenna, having her tongue outside her mouth.

"And you're in it, Jen !! Aaah !!!" grunting Balto, and working on his movement.

They held on for a while, until Balto slowed down, they tried to catch their breath. Baltos eyes looked forward and looked at Jenna and smiled. Jenna opened hers and looked at Balto and asked.

"Why did you stop now, darling?" Balto leaned forward a little to her ear and whispered.

"Maybe you wanted to be on top of me?" and gave her a tongue-kiss lick on her forehead. Jenna smiled and nodded. Jenna lay on her back again, and Balto let her two hind legs be apart, as he stepped forward, standing above her slender body. Although his cock is still inside her pussy, he smiled with more excitement.

"And now it comes, Jenna." Balto said, and wrapped his front legs around her back, then lifted her up. When Jenna was lifted up, she bent her head down, making her bandana slide down her neck and grace down to her chin. But when Balto was lying on his back on the grass quickly, and Jenna was on top of him, her bandana flew off her head, landing on Balto's face by mistake. Jenna giggled over it and took her bandana in her mouth and removed it from Balto and set it aside.

"Would that be so funny?" asked Balto, who was surprised. But Jenna who has her half-closed eyes, she smiled and shook her head and answered.

"No, I don't think so. Come on, baby! Fuck me harder, my loved wolf!" said Jenna in her seductive tone.

They immediately began to move. Jenna put her front paws on Balto's breasts and moaned more, Balto put her big strong front legs against the middle of her waist and kept her front paws in place and helps her get more and more deep. Baltos cock work in and out of her pussy, and Jenna who can not stop whining at their six moments, she kept her eyes closed and said.

"Yours so big, Balto! I like it! Go on! Oooh!" Jenna rides on Balto all she can, and her hips pat on his hind legs, as Balto pulled up her hind legs, so she can get closer, his front legs work on and push down her back. Every time she comes up, he push her down to the groin, and they repeated each time she rode on him.

"That's right !! Fuck me even more, Balto !! I can never get enough !! Argh !! Aaah !! Aaoohh !!" whined Jenna, and Balto who has his eyes tightly closed, he bared his teeth forward and grunting so much. His knot has shown itself, right now he is trying to force it into her entrance.

"Grr !! You will get it from me soon, Jenna !! Argh !!!" growling Balto loudly and trying desperately to tie his wife.

But until then, plop! his knot finally came through her opening, but Jenna was almost exhausted while riding Balto, causing her to lie down on his chest. breathe a little heavily. But now Balto took over her job and wrapped it around her back, and then rolled them. Now Balto is on top, while Jenna was under him and kept her front paws on his shoulders, with a knot tied inside, Balto increased a little more speed and hurried, but never wanted to hurt his mate. He feels that orgasm is very close soon.

"Jenna !! I'm gonna let go soon !!" Balto shouted out, and Jenna who bounced under him, she whined out to her beloved wolf dog.

"Yes !! Yes !! Let cum come to me, Balto !!!" and finally it exploded and Balto let his biggest load inside Jenna's womb. Jenna feel his cum squirted out of his cock and fills her with full of hybrid cubs, and she feels blessed. Balto was almost exhausted, but was gently laid down on Jenna's breasts and panting a little slowly and calmly. Jenna, who now has her eyes slightly opened, put her front paws on his neck and cuddled a little with him and asked.

"How does it feel, Balto? Is it better now, my strong mate?" Balto who can not get up or open his eyes, he just smiled at her question and said.

"It feels much better, Jenna. My sweet husky." when he said clear, Jenna smiled at her husband and gave him a tongue kiss licking his head, letting him rest on her for a while, until his cock has pulsed clearly and emptied everything. After 20 minutes later, they both came apart, and all of the seeds flowed a little out of Jenna's pussy. But when Balto's cock went back into the mantle, they licked their buttocks clean, then they lay down to rest a bit. Jenna took up her bandana with her mouth, and laid that to hers paws. And she laid her head on it like a pillow and rested, Balto lay next to her and holds her so safe and peaceful.

"This night was so amazing, Balto. Thank you for being there, my beloved wolf." Jenna said.Balto sneezed his mate and said.

"And thank you for being there too. I love you, Jenna." and Jenna who cuddled back to Balto too, she smiled at him and said.

"And I love you too, Balto." and afterwards their eyes were closed, they slept for a while after their experience they made together. Next morning on the afternoon. They two couples sitting down on the hill and look out into the world. One who showed up and visited, it was their son, Kodi.

"Hello, Father and Mother!" Kodi greeted them so politely. Balto and Jenna saw him and greeted him back.

"How are you, Kodi?" Balto asked with his curiosity about his son.

"All time, father! I was just out running a bit! And you yourself?" Balto smiled at his son's question.

"We're just sitting up here, me and your mother, looking around this big area!" said Balto, and Jenna asked her son, Kodi.

"And what do you do yourself, Kodi?" Kodi smiled at his parents and answered.

"Out and train and more running, before it's winter again!" Balto smiled proudly at his son.

"It's good that you're doing it, Kodi! You'll surely be a great sled dog leader for the postal service and for your sled team friends too, my son!" Kodi understands exactly what his father meant and says.

"Thank you dear, father! No, at least I will not disturb you right now, but just continue running for me! Hello with you!" but before he left he stopped and said.

"Yes, Dad! There's one more thing I want to say about you!" and when Balto listened carefully to what Kodi has on his heart.

"You're still the best dad in the world to me!" then he ran further towards the village, Balto smiled big and feels even more proud of his son. Balto probably knows that Kodi loved his parents, and what Jenna said was true. Kodi, and his friends; Kirby, Dusty å Ralph, came and saved both his father, Balto and the pilot, Duke. Both Balto and Jenna leaned their heads against each other and look out to sea, how the sun is slowly setting. Jenna probably knows only one thing: It's better to lose her dignity, than to lose her or someone's life. And Balto and his son, Kodi likes that too.


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