Chapter One: Vaporeon

Story by Topicoatl on SoFurry

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#1 of At the Water's Edge

Wyatt looked over the water park, a bored expression on his face. Usually, the well tanned, rather fit lifeguard would be eyeing some chicks, but ever since some sexual harassment suit, he tried his best to avert his eyes. It didn't happen all the time, though. He just chalked it up to him being a kid in a candy store.

On top of the gigantic life-guard chair, Wyatt perched, wondering if there would ever be someone in need of rescue. The rules of the place demanded that everyone - not just children - wear life vests. Adults, teenagers, hell, even olympic swimmers wouldn't be allowed in without one. Kinda made his job redundant, when he thought about it like that.

As redundant as his job was, however, Wyatt didn't complain. Firstly, he was able to look at as many pretty ladies as he wanted to. Secondly, he could show his body off - and, as egotistical as it sounded - what a body it was. Thirdly, the Vaporeon he was with... man, was she cute!

Wyatt looked over at the sleeping princess, she looked so fucking cute. Softly snoring away in the sunlight, head resting on her paws, tail tucked under her belly... He couldn't help but reach over and give her a few pets. Her scales were nice and warm, and the touch made her shift, raise her head, and open her big, wonderfully black eyes.

"Vap?" She said in a cute, tired voice.

"Sorry, just wanted to pet you." Wyatt blushed a little as he was looked at with her cute, curious look. It always melted his heart. To Wyatt's delight, Vaporeon leaned into his hand, rubbing on him as he pet.

After a few wonderful pets, Vaporeon yawned, her small, warm, cute mouth stretching wide, and laid back down. Within moments she was back asleep, leaving Wyatt to smile warmly. She was the best part of his job, if he was honest. Sure, the women were definitely candy, and the exposure to his hard work at the gym was nice, even the pay wasn't anything to scoff at, but Vaporeon?

He knew he sounded like a simp, but she was his queen.

Wyatt chuckled, and shook his head. Vaporeon... She was absolutely beautiful in the sun. Shimmering sapphire scales, cute pink beans, the pearly white collar around her throat... it all made his heart throb. If only he could ask her out or something dumb like that. He'd kill to have a Pokemon like Vaporeon.

Soon, the warmth in his chest left him. Vaporeon was cute, but she was a Pokemon. He knew the rules, the social norms, the laws... he couldn't do anything with her, even if he wanted to. Plus, she was owned by Bluestone - the water park. If he were to take her out back, fuck her wildly like he wanted to... well, if anyone ever found out - and they would, he knew that - he'd be sued, or, worse, imprisoned.

It peeved him off to no end, knowing that something so cute was so close to him, but he was unable to do anything about it. A kid in a candy store for sure, he snorted. Best case scenario... well, he could just... Wyatt looked over at the one area he knew didn't have any cameras.

The whole water park was a rock quarry that had flooded. The water was so crystal clear that you could see the weeds and rocks some hundred and fifty feet below. It was probably why everyone had to wear life vests... but there was one area that was staff only. A small shed in the corner of the quarry, and, if you moved some stuff out of the way, there was a hollowed out area of rock in the wall.

If Wyatt could somehow take Vaporeon to the shed, bring her under there, if he knew she was into him, if if if... he sighed. Even if he could do all that, the shed was for maintenance. No reason a life guard would need to go there. And he didn't even know if Vaporeon liked him like that. All he knew was that she was absolutely beautiful, and he frequented Poke-porn sites just for an occasional lewd video of someone with a Vaporeon.

Before the thoughts could form a tent in his swimming trunks, Wyatt looked over, eyeing some pretty lady. Any pretty lady, he didn't care, all he knew was that he needed a distraction from thoughts of rutting Vaporeon. One lady in particular got his attention for a few seconds. She was in a rather nice two piece...

Oh, who was he kidding?

Wyatt knew what he wanted. With a sidewards glance, as if he was scared Vaporeon might realize what he wanted as well, he looked at her again. Beautiful. Thoughts of their life together flashed through his mind; the sex, the mundane day to day, the work, the sex, the sleeping, cuddling... it was intoxicating. It made his head spin with delight just imagining spooning with this Pokemon.

After taking a deep, refreshing sigh, Wyatt looked back over at the water, bored beyond belief, and with a slight stiffness in his trunks. He watched the guests swim in the water for what seemed like hours, jumping off cliffs, zipping down ziplines. It had been fun at first, when he had worked here. Nobody had a problem with him staying for a few hours after the fact, and soon, the water park had all but lost its luster. If it wasn't for Vaporeon...

It was after the overwhelming thoughts of Vaporeon threatened to flood his mind again that he spotted his relief. Another lifeguard, with a Prinplup, was walking towards them. It was his coworker, Vanessa, which meant that his shift was over. Time really had passed quickly, huh?

As she drew near, Wyatt gently shook Vaporeon awake. The cute lil Pokemon sighed and opened her eyes again, looking around. When he pointed out Vanessa, she stretched in a lax, lazy way, and yawned as Wyatt climbed down the lifeguard station. Vaporeon jumped down after him and followed him.

He gave a small smile to her as she walked past him, but, as usual, Vanessa didn't pay him any mind. Whatever. Wyatt didn't like her anyway, his attention was drawn to Vaporeon. Maybe in a perfect world, he would be dating her, instead of having his attention focused on a Pokemon... but...

Look, it was illegal. Sure. Wyatt knew that. People didn't realize Pokemon could protect themselves, they didn't know that they had their own voices. Was it his fault that he loved Vaporeon? Wyatt didn't want to preach to the choir, he just wanted to be with Vaporeon inside of work, and outside of work.

"Hey Vaporeon?" Wyatt stopped, looking over at the quarry's crystal clear water.

"Vap?" She looked up.

"You wanna swim with me a bit? Down to the bottom of the quarry?"

Vaporeon didn't even think about it before smiling and rapidly nodding her head in the affirmative. Wyatt and Vaporeon went to the staff office, which was only a short ways from the lifeguard chair. After clocking out, he grabbed some long flippers from a closet, and the two of them went back outside. He slipped the flippers on as he sat on one of the many wooden walkways that cut through the water.

After, the two of them made their way to the water; because of Wyatt's status as a lifeguard, he was exempt from the safety vest rule, which meant he was one of the few people actually allowed to dive down to the bottom of the quarry without written permission.

Inside of the quarry, the water was nice, warm. Wyatt breathed a few deep, smooth breaths, readying his body for the two to three minute dive. Vaporeon swam circles around him, occasionally brushing against his leg. When he felt ready, Wyatt slipped the mask and tube on, took one more breath, and dove down.

The flippers he wore made short work of the water, but even those were unnecessary. He held onto Vaporeon, and she was able to swim rapidly through the water, using her powerful tail to bring him down to the bottom in a mere fifteen seconds. Wyatt was a trained diver, so he knew how to do everything that would ensure his safety, but the sudden change in temperature always got him.

After a few seconds, Wyatt got acclimated to it, and looked over at Vaporeon, who was giving him an odd look. He waved at her, and turned, beginning to swim in a direction - any direction - when he felt something pull at his leg. Wyatt turned around, expecting to be tangled up in something, but he saw Vaporeon.

Her paw was on his leg, and her big, black eyes were looking at him. He didn't understand it, at first, but the Pokemon quickly swam up a few feet, to his groin, and put her paws around his loose fitting trunks. Before he could even react, they were around his ankles, and Vaporeon was getting an eyeful of his manhood.

Wyatt was by no means well endowed, maybe five and three quarter inches, but he was much more of a grower than he was a shower. That, combined with the cold water, well... it left him laughably small, and with his foreskin tight over his tip, he looked like some newborn.

He pushed away from Vaporeon, or, tried to at least, and grabbed his trunks, but the Pokemon was soon on him again. This time, however, she dove into his groin, his small, flaccid cock getting sucked right into her mouth. Wyatt shuddered, trying not to gasp for breath he didn't have. Vaporeon gave him a few sucks before opening her eyes and looking up at him, and, when she saw him running out of breath, she was quickly spurred into action.

Vaporeon, with an unreal speed for something with a physical form, blasted towards the surface. Wyatt watched as she got to the surface in a mere two seconds, and, just as quickly, swam down to him. She looked at him for a few seconds, eye to eye, before pushing her snout against his mouth. After a second more, Wyatt opened his mouth, and breathed in.

The air was moist, and uncomfortable to breath in, at first, but Vaporeon had a lot to give. Hell, it was what she was trained for, after all. If she could drag fully grown adults out of the water, he assumed he'd be out of a job. As for now, however, this wasn't Vaporeon doing her job. He knew it. She knew it.

After he got a few more breaths from her, Wyatt pulled away, holding her head in his hands. They looked at each other for a long time, and, even though it was just seconds, it felt like hours. She was the first to pull away. Wyatt watched her as she went back down to his cock, which had since shrunk down again, and that warm, slimy feeling soon encased him again.

Wyatt gripped the sand and mud underneath him as she sucked him, trying hard not to make his heart race with adrenaline. It was hard not to, however. Looking up, he saw people. Granted, they were small dots, but they could also see him. See Vaporeon on him. S-sucking his cock...

He looked back down as she continued to work on him. By now, he was stiff, and quickly growing in her mouth. Vaporeon wasn't good at this, he could feel her small teeth grate against him, and she had to take small breaks every now and again, but Wyatt didn't mind. She was a god in his mind.

A tightness in his chest made him poke at her, and point up at the surface when she was looking. Vaporeon gave him one last, long suck, and dashed upwards. Again, they embraced lips, but this time, as Wyatt breathed in, he stuck a tongue in her mouth, gently tasting her. She recoiled, at first, but soon stopped resisting. Once he got his fill of both her, and the sweet air she carried, Wyatt separated from her, gave her a small kiss, and pushed her back to his prick.

Eagerly, she embraced him, sucking all the way down and tugging his stiffening cock into her throat. Vaporeon stopped with the breaks, beginning to suck and lick her way down his cock like her life depended on it. Every single time she'd get down to his groin, Vaporeon would bump into him with her snout, making Wyatt grin. She was so adamant on doing this, and, he - for the life of him - had no idea she felt this way.

Then, Vaporeon moved a bit, and Wyatt could see something odd. He'd heard of Pokemon with rather... well, large clits, but Vaporeons... it was at least two or three inches long. And in the middle of her slit. He gently grabbed her leg, pulling her upwards. She left his cock, and looked at him, blushing a bit.

Wyatt reached over and grabbed the odd clit, feeling it in his hand. It was oddly warm and it grew... it fucking grew, inch by inch, until he was in possession of a rather long, seven inch clitorous. This was a ridiculous size for any sex organ, especially on... a... f-female?

Realization suddenly dawned on him, and he felt like the biggest idiot in the world. It wasn't a clit he was holding, it was a big, seven inched, tapered, throbbing, pinkish red cock! Vaporeon was a dude! Wyatt looked back up at the nearly red Vaporeon, and let go of his dick.

He pointed up towards the surface, pulling his trunks up to his waist and tying them in place. The swim back up felt like his mind was exploding from the realization, he felt betrayed, oddly enough. When they got to the top, Wyatt pulled himself up on the deck, happy to be able to breathe again. And that's when he saw Vaporeon's big black eyes looking at him.

Looking either way, he made sure nobody was looking or around. The coast was clear, so he looked back down at Vaporeon, and sighed. Wyatt patted the walkway next to him, and Vaporeon took her... his place next to him.

"You're a male?" Wyatt looked down at him.

"V-Vaporeon?" The two of them glanced down at his slit. Vaporeon urged a few inches out, but Wyatt quickly stopped him.

"Okay, okay! I believe you it's just..." He took a deep breath. "Damn. I thought you were a girl."

"Vap? V-Vaporeon!" He said, seemingly on the verge of tears.

Before Wyatt could say anything, Vaporeon got up and dove back into the water. He knew that, once he was in there, Vaporeon couldn't be caught. He was just too good of a swimmer. Wyatt didn't mean to offend, but, as he looked around for the Pokemon, it dawned on him that the surprise in his voice could be taken as him being angry.

Wyatt sat there for a few minutes, occasionally calling out to Vaporeon, or blowing a whistle that he was trained to come to, but nothing worked. After another half hour, he gave up. He'd be working with Vaporeon tomorrow, so he could talk to... h-him... then.

After taking the flippers off, Wyatt made his way to the office and returned them, grabbing his stuff. He took his bike home, the whole way there, hard as a rock. It might have looked awkward if he hadn't been sitting and wearing such baggy trunks. The way there was filled with thoughts of Vaporeon. Like how stupid and immature he'd been with him...


He was sorry, okay? It was just a lot for Wyatt to wrap his head around. The Pokemon he thought was a female, for the three months he'd been working with her... him... with a grunt, Wyatt picked his bike up, turned it around, and leaned it against the house. After walking to the front door, he adjusted his swim trunks, and walked in.

It was always nice in his moms home. Always a cozy temperature. Before his mom could see him, he yelled at them to say he was home, and went into his room. It was a rather small room, decorated in posters, a messy bed, clothing strewn all over the floor... on his brother's side. Wyatt didn't keep any posters. Always put his clothing in the hamper. And always... always... always made his bed in the morning.

"Get a shirt on, pervert." Came the oh so familiar voice of his brother.

"Gee, sorry I work for a living. You should try it."

"Nah, too busy leeching off mom to be any use to society." Aaron said with a sly grin on his face.

"This room's nasty. Clean it up." Wyatt grabbed a change of clothing and left the room, purposefully leaving the door open.

Despite the fact that his brother was a slob, he'd come to accept it. Once he moved out, he wouldn't have to deal with it, but hell, he was still in high school. That wouldn't be a possibility for at least a few more months. Wyatt paused before he pulled his underwear up.

He looked down at his cock, and almost instantly got stiff remembering the few seconds he'd spent under water with Vaporeon. Sure, it had been quite a shock to find out that she was actually a he, but Wyatt had just wished he'd said something instead of staring at Vaporeon with a dumb look on his face. With a small, pitiful gulp, he took his cock and began to stroke it.

Memories of what happened were what he thought about as he stroked. It felt wrong to, what, with how he left Vaporeon. Wyatt looked into the mirror and into his eyes as he jerked off, but quickly grew ashamed. He rested his head on his reflection and continued to work himself.

To add insult to injury, it didn't last long. Wyatt had no problem getting off usually, and now, the memories of touch and sensation were fresh on his mind, and his prick. Within two, maybe three minutes of beginning, fat, white ropes shot across the bathroom sink, landing in the white basin with a splat.

Wyatt trembled there, holding his thoroughly used, spent manhood in his hand. His cum drained down the sink after he turned the hot water on, and once the evidence of his misdeeds were rinsed away, Wyatt dressed. When he was set to go, he gave one last look at the mirror, and decided that, right then and there, it didn't matter what Vaporeon had.

He'd love the fish dog anyway.

. . .

The next day, when Wyatt went to work, he did the normal routine. He locked his bike up, scanned some old, antiquated punch card, and got his life guard kit. For some reason, his hand hovered when he went to take Vaporeon's Pokeball. The reason being just how shitty he felt about it all, everything from yesterday, well... it was still fresh on his mind. Undoubtedly, it was fresh on Vaporeon's, too.

Wyatt took the Pokeball, but didn't let Vaporeon out. Instead, he left the staff building, and went over to where Beo - his coworker - was. When the twenty year old saw him, he climbed down the lifeguard chair with his Floatzel. Before he could get any further, though, Wyatt stopped him.

"Hey, man, I need to talk to Vaporeon before I start my shift. Is it alright if you stay a few more minutes?" Wyatt asked, nervously fidgeting with the Pokeball. Beo wasn't someone he liked, let alone liked talking to. It seemed that, today, however, the grumpy pants was in a good mood.

"Sure. Just be back quick." He said, with an exasperated sigh.

Wyatt thanked him, and made his way to the maintenance shed. He knew he wasn't supposed to be in here, but one of the workers had told him the code to the lock, and they had the best chairs there so... well, he went in there for breaks. This time, however, it wasn't for his comfort.

When he released Vaporeon, the Pokemon gave a confused look around, and frowned when he saw Wyatt. He sat down on his haunches and glanced up at Wyatt, slapping his tail to the floor every few seconds. Wyatt tried to give his best, "I'm sorry I was such an idiot, but hey, it wasn't my fault that slit of yours looks suspiciously like a pussy!" face, if there was one such. Then he started.

"Hey, Vaporeon. I just wanted to say that I-" Before he could go on, Vaporeon let out a torrent of water from his maw that blasted Wyatt, soaking him instantly. He sputtered, for a few seconds, instinctively holding his hands up as he got a hold of what just happened. "That I totally deserve tha-" Again, another torrent of water. "I'm sorry, okay!?"

"..." Vaporeon looked at him for a few odd seconds, then opened his mouth again. Wyatt put a hand up in front of his face, defensively, but no water came.

He looked down at Vaporeon, and saw that the Pokemon had one leg raised, his pink tip poking from his slit. Vaporeon was looking right at him, big ol black eyes curious at his next move. Wyatt looked at the tip, not hesitating for a second to sit down near Vaporeon.

Vaporeon's tip was, unsurprisingly, wet. Wyatt fondled it between his thumb and index finger, trying to arouse his new companion. He milked the small nub, when it grew, he used more and more fingers until Vaporeon soon outgrew his palm. Once thoroughly hard, Wyatt took the cock in his left hand, and Vaporeon's raised leg in his right, and began to please the Pokemon.

He gave a soft, whining moan as Wyatt began to move his hand up and down Vaporeon's odd, tapered dick. The warmth was odd, almost hot, yet cold, but the weirdest thing about Vaporeon's cock was the taper. It was unlike anything Wyatt had ever touched before, or masturbated. His hand slid down Vaporeon's length, slowly closing in on itself until only the "O" that his index and thumb made when Wyatt made a fist.

For his efforts, the lifeguard was given a cacophony of moans, each one a more whiny variation of Vaporeon's name. It was a lot more fun than he thought it would have been; for the first sexual encounter with another male, Vaporeon was a good pick. His toes curled in pleasure whenever Wyatt took some initiative. The shudders alone were enough of a reward for his effort.

He knew he was doing a good job when Vaporeon began to hump. It came on quick; the Pokemon gave a moaning cry, and took full advantage of Wyatt's hand. The ramming that he gave Wyatt felt awesome, and sounded even better. So many wet slurps, slaps, and grunts...

Before it went too far, Wyatt pulled his hand away. Vaporeon looked back, seemingly devastated, and called his name a few times. Instead of answering, Wyatt coated his other index finger with Vaporeon's wet pre, and grabbed the Pokemon's tail. He lifted, and got a good look at what he was working with.

About two or three inches from the end of his slit, lied a small, darker blue hole. It wasn't that noticeable, compared to the rest of Vaporeon's skin. Before the pre could dry, Wyatt rubbed it into the small blue pucker, making the Pokemon wince. He doubted anyone had ever done anything like this to him, before.

Wyatt looked over at Vaporeon, the creature nodded, so he prodded the rest of his index finger in, right up to the last knuckle. Vaporeon gave a yowl, but gritted his teeth, and clenched his eyes shut. Once inside, Wyatt felt around for his prostate... surely, Vaporeon would have one, right?

It was a bit difficult to find, mainly because it seemed that Vaporeon had two; two small, inch long ovals, each resting a half inch from each other on the bottom of Vaporeon's hole. Wyatt began to slide his finger in and out, and grabbed Vaporeon's cock with his free hand. It turned out that he didn't have to push or pull, as Vaporeon almost instantly began humping again.

He'd give long, soft cries of pleasure each time, sliding back to his knuckle, pushing his prostate apart, cock giving a small spurt of pre, before pushing forward into Wyatt's hand. A small splat of the leaky fluid would fall to the ground, which was forming a small puddle of Vaporeon's excitement. Wyatt tried his best to manage Vaporeon's excitement, but found it nearly impossible. The Pokemon was in a world of his own, thrusting, humping, needily moaning his name...

Then, it happened.

Vaporeon's entire body shuddered, and he became deathly still. Wyatt wondered what happened for all of a nanosecond before Vaporeon gave a loud, too loud, cry, and exploded. Ropes couldn't describe what flew out of Vaporeon's cock; more like geysers, fountains, blasts, of cum.

Wyatt had to grab Vaporeon's muzzle and hold it tight as he rubbed Vaporeon's prostates. Each geyser of cum that blasted out splashed on the floor, getting everywhere, especially on him. Wyatt grinned, and pulled his hand from Vaporeon's rear, grabbing the spurting cock and rapidly began jerking him off.

The Pokemon gave five more titanic globs of cum, each running down Wyatt's hand, and onto the floor. He panted when he was finished, and fell to his side, unable to stay standing. Vaporeon lay in a big pool of his own cum for quite some time, just panting, occasionally calling his name in a raspy voice as Wyatt looked at him.

"I guess they don't call you water types for nothing..." Wyatt shook the cum from his hand, grinning. "Bet that felt fucking great."

Vaporeon gave a tired, pleased nod, and took one last sigh before struggling to his feet. He drew close to Wyatt, and placed a paw on his groin, looking up at the lifeguard. As much as he wanted to, however, Wyatt knew that he was already late for work, so he shook his head.

"Later. I promise. We'll do all sorts of fun stuff, but for now, we got a bit of work to do, okay?" He grinned when Vaporeon nodded, and got up.

The cum would dry out by the time anyone else came in here, in fact, it was already drying into the boards once Wyatt locked the door behind them. Stepping outside, it was hard not to show off his arousal. Wyatt had, after all, jerked Vaporeon off... and it suddenly dawned on him that it was the first creature, human or Pokemon, that he'd ever gotten off.

Hell, it was the first time he'd done anything with something other than his hand, or some cheap, one use sex toy. As the two of them walked back to the lifeguard chair, Vaporeon occasionally bumped into him, walking a bit too close. It wasn't because he was tired, Wyatt thought, no, it was more like Vaporeon was trying to show his love.

Once there, Beo left without a word, the Floatzel trailing behind without so much as a glance back. Wyatt chuckled to himself as he climbed up, and caught Vaporeon as he leapt upwards. And with that, they sat together.

Time seemed to pass quickly for Wyatt. He and Vaporeon talked for nearly the whole shift, since there wasn't much to do but watch the crowds of people swim or tan on the beach. Even though it was a one-sided conversation, Wyatt had no trouble finding things to talk about with Vaporeon. After a half-hour or so, they'd even developed a short-hand they could use for yes/no questions.

Wyatt talked about a lot of things, from his home life, to his plans after high school. Being born in January had its perks, like being the only 18 year old in his class, after all. He'd be able to do adult things, like this job, while his younger classmates had to do... well, other, lesser jobs. Jobs that didn't have Vaporeon.

It didn't take long for the conversation to drift towards a more sexual nature. Wyatt got into his kinks, the stuff he loved jerking off to, which was, at first, embarrassing to admit. But the more he talked to Vaporeon, the longer he felt set at ease by the Pokemon's kind eyes and nodding head. When Wyatt admitted that he'd had a crush on Vaporeon since the day he started working here, the Pokemon even rubbed up against him, causing him to blush extremely hard.

The topic of sex, and kinks, got Wyatt thinking. He looked around the water park, looked around for guests. There were plenty of people in the water, but they all seemed distracted with all sorts of play or rough-housing to notice him. He looked around the beach, and again, most were either tanning or eating. To his back was wood, and the same thing went for either side of the chair. Plus, it was around ten feet off the ground, so he was out of eye level for everyone...

"H-hey, Vaporeon..." Wyatt looked down, his chest growing light with devient curiosity.

"Vaporeon?" The Pokemon looked up.

"What... what do you say we do something now?" He gulped, and looked around, nervous that someone was gonna look up at him.

"V-Vap??" He was taken aback.

"C-c'mon... look, nobody's around. Nobody could see if I just... reached behind you, right?" Wyatt looked down at Vaporeon and grinned. "Plus, just think how risky it would be..."

"..." Vaporeon went silent for a bit, looking around. As it was now, he was resting on his arms and legs, he seemed to be interested in the concept himself.

After looking around for a bit longer, and making sure that nobody else was looking at them, Vaporeon looked back at Wyatt. He gave a shuddering nod, and slowly moved his lower leg, the one closest to Wyatt, down. Vaporeon leaned on his side, slightly, exposing his slit.

This time, however, Wyatt was surprised to see that the Pokemon's cock almost instantly sprouted from his slit. It was pushed out by some force, and looked like a worm. It wasn't until Wyatt nonchalantly reached over and began squeezing it, that it grew. Vaporeon began to breathe a bit heavier, resting his head on his front paws as Wyatt squeezed his cock to full mast.

"Try not to hump, okay?" Wyatt asked as he looked over at Vaporeon. "It'll be too obvious."

He nodded, and began to pant softly as Wyatt began to stroke his erect cock. He could tell that Vaporeon was holding back, but as long as the horny creature didn't begin humping, they would be safe. The lifeguard chair moved enough as is, Wyatt knew for a fact it would draw attention if Vaporeon humped his hand like he had in the shed.

"Just relax, boy... let me work on you." Wyatt whispered, beginning to squeeze down Vaporeon's cock.

What he did wasn't elegant, or masterful in any sense of the word. Just quick, frantic squeezes down that wonderful, tapered cock. Vaporeon, however, enjoyed it a lot, if how hard he was squeezing his eyes shut, how fast he was panting, was anything to go off of. If anyone even got the slightest bit suspicious, if anyone called for him to come down, they'd be exposed.

The thrill made him harder than what he was doing, as it turned out. Knowing that, if he had to do his job at all, he'd be found out and would be thrown in jail... it made Wyatt's cock throb. He tried to pay no mind to it, however, and went to work on Vaporeon. If only it wouldn't be too obvious, Wyatt would kill to slip a finger inside of that tight, blue pucker again. He couldn't wait till he'd be able to slip something else in.

"Hi! Hello up there!" Wyatt froze. Vaporeon clenched so hard that his cock nearly grew an entire inch. "Hellllllo??"

"Y-Yeah!? Hi!" Wyatt bent downwards, placing both hands on his knees, and, unfortunately, leaving Vaporeon high and dry.

"What time do you close?" It was some stupid park-goer, who apparently couldn't look it up on her phone.

"Sunset!" Wyatt smiled, but he was ghostly-white inside. 'Just go the fuck away, cunt.' He thought...

"Oh, and when is that?" This lady was relentless.

"Wellllll..." Wyatt took his phone out. Six PM. It was summer, so that meant it would be some time around eight. "About two more hours, maybe a bit more."

"Okay! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome! Enjoy your stay!" 'Jerk...'

Wyatt leaned back again, and Vaporeon gave a soft whine.

"I know, I know, but what else was I gonna do? Now, where were we...?"

Wyatt leaned back and grabbed at Vaporeon's cock, beginning to stroke again. Almost instantly, Vaporeon began to breathe heavily, and, from just how hard he felt the Pokemon shaking, Wyatt knew that, unfortunately, he was close. When he asked, Vaporeon nodded, quickly, rapidly. It was a shame, but he knew that, once the park closed, they'd be able to have much more fun together.

"Cum for me, okay boy?" Wyatt leaned down, whispering where he thought Vaporeon would have ears. "Let it all out... but try not to make a sound..."

Vaporeon looked up, whimpering, and gave a soft nod.

Wyatt was a little scared, at first, because he began to hump his hand, but it was only five, maybe six frantic, heavy jabs. Vaporeon placed his paws on his muzzle and moaned into them just as two people walked by, chatting about something, and did, in fact, release.

This time, Wyatt stroked the Pokemon off faster and faster. Vaporeon gave a muffled moan, which came out as a puff of excited air, and a spurt streamed from his throbbing cock. Luckily, the chair was made of wood, so he was able to angle Vaporeon's tapered shaft towards one of the gaps in the seat. Most of the cum was able to fall between it, and splatter on the sand.

Once Vaporeon was finished, he rested his head on his paws, giving a contented, happy sigh. Wyatt grabbed his water bottle and dumped it on the remainder of the sticky, white cum, making sure none dried onto the wood. Hopefully, it didn't look too obvious that he'd just made a Pokemon, an actual Pokemon, cum, in public, in front of a bunch of people.

What he had just done made Wyatt feel ecstatic. Vaporeon got up, and rested his head on Wyatt's thigh, and the boy wasted no time in stroking his head as he went about his actual job of watching for drowning people. Thankfully, because of the life vests, nobody had ever actually drowned in the history of this place.

"Fuck... I'm hard as a rock." Wyatt said, looking down at Vaporeon. His heart melted almost instantly when he saw the Pokemon sleeping.

It made sense. Vaporeon seemed sleepy after the first orgasm, the second one must have completely knocked him out. Wyatt smiled, and leaned back, letting his excitement go flaccid as he pet Vaporeon. This was now twice in one day that he'd helped relieve the Pokemon, and he wasn't sure which time was better. The secret tryst in the maintenance shed, or the dangerous, risky handjob he'd given Vaporeon in the chair... he loved them both too much.

Thoughts raced for the remainder of the shift. There was only an hour or two left after Vaporeon had came, so it wasn't too bad... plus, he was getting cuddled on, so that was an awesome bonus. What would he do to this Pokemon, once he was in Wyatt's clutches? A blowjob, maybe? Vaporeon had never finished at the bottom of the quarry, after all...

Or maybe, Wyatt could fuck him. See what all the fuss with sex was about. Thoughts turned to what it would be like to be fucked by Vaporeon, but he wasn't too sure how he felt about that. Sure, he had just given the Pokemon two handjobs, but getting fucked by him... that was a big step up.


That mythical sex act that everybody and their mother bragged about getting from their high school girlfriend... What if he got Vaporeon to give him one? Well, another one. He had sucked Wyatt's cock before, just not as long as he would have liked. Once he'd found out that Vaporeon had been a male... well...

It was about ten minutes before his shift was over, and Wyatt's heart was pounding with dread as he stroked Vaporeon's head. Even though they had done stuff together, even after all that, he was still nervous to ask. His arousal didn't help either.

"H-hey, Vaporeon?" Wyatt nudged the sleeping Pokemon awake.

"V..." Vaporeon muttered as he looked up. He looked around for a second before locking eyes with Wyatt. He gave a small smile.

"Remember that... thing... you did, at the bottom of the lake yesterday?"

A nod.

"Can you..."

He didn't even have to finish his question before Vaporeon nodded again. Wyatt's heart felt like it would leap out of his chest from how hard it was beating. Vaporeon put a paw on his thigh to calm him down, but that only made it worse. His trunks were stiffening from the nervous anticipation of what they were going to do. Since there was only a few minutes left in his shift, Wyatt knew he had to calm down quickly.

No such luck, however. Wyatt sat his relief, Vanessa, walking towards him, his heart sunk. Luckily, the feeling also acted as a boner killer, and he found that his nervous iron rod soon became soft, sinking back on top of his balls. Taking advantage of this before he got hard again, Wyatt gently nudged Vaporeon off his lap and climbed down the latter.

Like yesterday, Wyatt didn't say anything as he walked... well, ran past Vanessa. Vaporeon caught up with him as he dashed into the office, clocking out and grabbing the flippers, goggles, and tube as quick as he could. He tripped over something, and nearly crashed to the ground, which made the two of them laugh.

"C'mon!" Wyatt laughed as he walked out of the office.

Just as they did yesterday, the two of them made their way over to the wooden platforms that served as a walkway. Wyatt slipped on the flippers, not even bothering to worry about the obvious arousal that was tenting his trunks. He slid into the nice, warm water the second the flippers were on, and dove down into the water.

Wyatt was quick to grab onto Vaporeon, and the two of them quickly swam down to the bottom of the quarry. With a racing heart, he held his breath as best he could as Vaporeon swam around to his groin. No time was wasted, the Pokemon pulled his already loose trunks down, and, just like yesterday, took Wyatt's cock into his soft, warm mouth.

He grunted, shivering hard as Vaporeon quickly went to work on him. How did Vaporeon know how to suck like this, to lick around like this? The Pokemon's small, yet perfect tongue, slid all around his shaft, tickling him and making him shake hard. Every now and then, he'd suck all the way down Wyatt's shaft, sticking his tongue out and licking his balls. That would get a moan from him, no matter how hard he'd try not to.

The only thing that made it somewhat annoying was the constant breaks Vaporeon had to take. It wasn't for his sake, but Wyatt's; one of them couldn't breathe under water. To make up for the lack of pleasure, he'd take his cock in his hand, and slowly begin to stroke it in the time it took for Vaporeon to dash up to the surface, gulp some air, then give it to him by kissing.

Even though breaks needed to be taken, Wyatt felt amazing. Everyone from his high school was right; blowjobs were awesome. The warmth, the pressure he felt around his cock, the sucking... it sent shiver after shiver through his body. He took Vaporeon's head in his trembling, pruny hands, and began to push. Vaporeon let him, figuring Wyatt was close.

Truth be told, he was, and he needed more. More of Vaporeon, more mouth, more sucking and tongue. Each time he speared Vaporeon with his prick, it was like a wave of pleasure, and each time he did, Wyatt needed more and more. Breathing didn't matter. He didn't matter. What mattered was using this Pokemon, this Pokemon he had lusted after for months now.

Wyatt gave a few more rough, harsh thrusts, squeezing Vaporeon's head between his thighs, and grunted as he began to cum. Vaporeon obediently sucked him, nudging Wyatt's sticky white fluid with his tongue as spurt after spurt of pent up boy hit his throat. Wyatt stroked Vaporeon's head as he finished, and gently pushed the Pokemon off, pointing up towards the surface.

For the tenth time or so, Vaporeon raced up to the surface, and Wyatt watched him go. He looked down at his cock, grinning a bit as he stroked the saliva. He was able to pull a tiny ooze of cum out, which drifted in the water. Vaporeon soon came swimming down.

He grabbed the Pokemon, giving him a few kisses on his snout before kissing his lips. Wyatt greedily sucked the oxygen, the tightness in his chest disappearing. After he'd gotten his fill, Vaporeon, pushed his tongue into Wyatt's mouth, and he felt something oddly warm, and sticky run into his mouth. Salty, too...

Wyatt pulled away and spat out... cum! His cum!

He looked at Vaporeon, who was laughing hard, and gave the fish a poke in his ribs. Wyatt grinned and shook his head as he pulled his trunks up, and pointed to the surface again once Vaporeon was done with the giggle-fit. The two then swam up to the top, Wyatt pulled himself up on the wooden pathway as Vaporeon splashed up on it.

After sitting for a few seconds, Wyatt broke out in laughter. It was a heavy, barking laughter that made Vaporeon cock his head to one side. The Pokemon reached out and poked Wyatt with a paw, and he was quickly pulled into a hug. Wyatt didn't know why he was laughing so hard... the whole situation was just batty. He'd gotten his cock sucked by a Vaporeon, a Pokemon!

And he enjoyed it!

"Alright buddy," Wyatt said as Vaporeon struggled away from him. "I think it's time for us to go our separate ways, okay?"

Vaporeon looked up at him with sad eyes, but nodded. Wyatt chuckled, and leaned down, whispering how he'd be here bright and early tomorrow. When he heard that, Vaporeon perked up. Together, just like the other day, the two of them walked to the office.

Wyatt knelt down, Pokeball in hand, and put his free hand on Vaporeon's head. He gave him a few scritches, then reached down, giving him a small kiss on his muzzle. Vaporeon blushed hard, but kissed back. Well, licked back. It got a chuckle out of Wyatt, that was for sure. He pressed the Pokeball to Vaporeon with a wink, and then returned him to the storage area.

If only he could take Vaporeon with him, back home... he was sure he'd be able to have a lot more fun with him... but as it was, company policy and all that. Wyatt begrudgingly walked away from the storage area and went outside. When he took his bike home, Wyatt didn't bother trying to hide his erection. He was too preoccupied with thoughts of Vaporeon to even consider any modicum of modesty.

And, just like yesterday, Wyatt went to his dirty ass bedroom - still no fault of his own -, grabbed his change of clothing, and went into the bathroom without so much as a word to his brother, who always seemed to be on his bed, tapping away at his laptop. Even if he was just a high school junior, he'd degrade his muscles just by being on his bed all day.

He hopped into the shower and turned the water on. The icy blast of cold water shriveled everything that could be shriveled, but as he began to rinse his body off, it got warmer. Getting in like that often woke him up, but now, it didn't have any other effect than to make him cold. And... well, hard.

Wyatt looked down at his cock, which was, annoyingly, popping up for a surprise visit. He touched it, and shuttered... the very lightest of touches was enough to make him shiver, just how good was Vaporeon at giving blowjobs. Especially if he could feel the results of it nearly a half hour later.

Blowjobs... well, he was hard, after all...

With a grunt, Wyatt sat down in the tub and took his cock in hand. Usually, he didn't like shooting a load in the shower, but all he could think about was what had happened under the water, with Vaporeon. It was consuming his young mind, so of course he had to take care of himself.

As he stroked, he thought about what it had been like. The blowjob... how Vaporeon didn't seem to mind deep-throating his cock. How he'd tickle Wyatt's balls when his snout was pressed against the boy's groin. Each time he'd pull downwards on his cock, Wyatt could almost feel Vaporeon's wet mouth diving down his length.

It didn't take long for him to cum. Wyatt knew how to get himself off quickly, and that was on a normal day. Loaded with what had gone on a mere half hour ago, Wyatt was able to shoot within minutes, and it wasn't a few stringy poots of cum. He easily blasted and painted his thigh, five or six legitimately big ropes spewing on him, out of him, then getting washed off by the stream of water.

He sat there, shrinking cock in hand, and thought about what he'd just got off to. It almost got him hard again, but, mind over matter, he got up, and washed the smell of quarry water off of him. As he did so, he couldn't stop picturing Vaporeon's cock. The smell of it. The shape. How he was able to shoot so much... he'd never seen a dick as weird looking as Vaporeon's, let alone been able to make it... well, shoot.

As he thought about it, he focused on something that distrubed him more and more; the taste. It had been a small seed planted in his mind, at first; what did Vaporeon's cum taste like? Wyatt had tasted his own before, out of sheer curiosity; it had tasted nasty, salty...

But Vaporeon was a Pokemon. Was it as salty? Did it taste different? As he scrubbed himself, Wyatt thought about what it would be like to get a taste. Or even a lick! He knew what Vaporeon felt like with his palm, but some things felt different once they were in your mouth.

He imagined it then, for the very first time in his life. A male, on his back, legs spread, held by Wyatt, and he - who thought he was straight up until a day ago -, sucking. And not just a little, either. Wyatt, in this thought, was hammering away with his mouth, diving onto Vaporeon again and again, making the creature moan and squirm. The thought of rubbing his paws as Wyatt took care of Vaporeon, how he'd maybe slip a finger into that tight little asshole of his, just so he could get even more Vaporeon spunk...

Needless to say, he was hard again, and it made him a little mad. Was this his fate? To think of Vaporeon and instantly get a mind-blowingly hard erection? Wyatt, wanting it to go away as fast as possible, grunted as he sat down again, and took his prick back into his hand. This time, however, with his free hand, instead of letting it rest on his thigh, or fondle his balls, drifted up towards his mouth.

It was a surprise when his own fingers touched his lips. Wyatt opened his eyes, and, oddly enough, saw Vaporeon's cock right in front of him. Tapered. Curved, slightly, like a long, stretched "S," and, even better... Throbbing, and slowly leaking its slippery, clear pre.

He wasted no time going down on it, pushing Vaporeon into his mouth. As if Vaporeon really was there, he heard the moaning, pleasured cries of the Pokemon as clear as day. Wyatt continued to stroke hard, but his own pleasure was negligible compared to that of Vaporeon's. All he wanted was to make his coworker feel good, like he had just minutes ago.

The thrusts picked up. Vaporeon was needy, he needed to use Wyatt's mouth. And Wyatt, the apparent cock-slut he was, let him thrust, and pound his throat. In this dream, this fantasy, he didn't have a gag-reflex of any kind, so he was, of course, easily able to deepthroat Vaporeon like the Pokemon had done to him.

Shivering hard, he felt himself ejaculate again, grunting with each pained, awesome spurt that flew out. He felt Vaporeon clench up too, the Pokemon's own cock throbbing hard, about to spew into him. The first taste of the salty, yet pleasant cum, spurted out when there came a harsh knock on the door.

Wyatt jumped, and instantly gagged from his hand nearly down his throat. Someone, whether it was his dad or his annoying little brother, had told him to get out of the shower, and had completely ruined the fantasy. He sat there for a few seconds, angrily looking at his hand.

He hadn't been angry at the blowjob fantasy he'd just had, no, it was more the interruption of the climax. It was then that the realization suddenly crashed down upon him; Wyatt wanted Vaporeon to... well, finish... inside of his mouth. There was a soft, sinking feeling in his chest, one that wouldn't go away.

Wasn't he straight? Had this all been one big mistake? He knew his family's view on gay people, and it wasn't favorable, if his uncle - whom he hadn't spoken to since the news of his coming out had reached his dad - was anything to go off of. But this wasn't just him wanting a human cock in his mouth... this was like, double taboo; he wanted a Pokemon cock in his mouth.

Wyatt wasn't sure on the laws or anything, but as he dried off, he tried to remember what little he had read about it. It was something like, a year in prison and a fifty thousand dollar fine for a single offense, so there was certainly reason not to... well, do what he had done. Three times. Four, if you counted the other day's quick blowjob. As he got dressed, he shelved that idea. Leave it for another day, right now, he was hungry.

. . .

The next day, Wyatt woke up bright and early. He grabbed his lunch from the fridge, already in his trunks, and took... well, it wasn't important what he took for breakfast. Something filling, his mind was already on something else. With wind in his wings, he took off for the quarry an hour before he was supposed to come into work.

Wyatt had made up his mind as he'd eaten dinner with the family. It just so happened that there was a steak, and well... the heat, the salty flavor, the feeling of his mouth being full... He'd grunted in pleasure, and, when he'd gotten weird looks from his family, Wyatt made up some excuse that he was just starving.

Starving for what? Well, it sure wasn't steak, and that was why Wyatt was going to work so early. He tore down the road on his bike; thankfully, the quarry was only a five minute ride, but Wyatt was anticipating this so much that he made it there in half that. It was all that raced inside his mind as he tried to sleep.

Hell, he'd even gotten up and nearly gotten dressed, thinking he could break into the place for some late-night tryst. But that was an idea he quickly got out of his head. There were security cameras there, and, even though he knew they didn't work most of the time, he still didn't want to take that chance. So now, as he locked his bike up by the main office, his anticipation was staggering, and very obvious by the way he walked.

Wyatt opened the office door, and was happy to see that nobody was inside. The building was more of a double-wide trailer, but his boss was usually in one of the rooms. Luck was on his side, though, as he wasn't there. Wyatt quickly scooped up Vaporeon's Pokeball, and calmly walked out of the office.

His heart was pounding as he made his way over to the maintenance shed. Wyatt wasn't dumb enough to go in there every day, this time, he wanted to go to that special under water place... thing. It wasn't like some super secret cave, it was more like a hollowed out area that had been fenced off with thick, wooden boards.

He dove into the cold water, and quickly swam to the area, surfacing on the other side of the wooden boards. Wyatt pulled himself on top of the stone ground, and sighed as he leaned up against the wall. With a trembling hand, he grabbed Vaporeon's Pokeball and released him.

Vaporeon came out with a friendly cry, but Wyatt quickly grabbed his snout to shush him. He looked around, confused as to where they were, but when he saw Wyatt, a happy expression spread across his face. The Pokemon sat down on his haunches as Wyatt let go, and licked the top of one of his paws.

"H-hey, so..." Wyatt looked down. When it came to it, the nervousness actually hit him rather hard. "Remember what you did to m-me, yesterday, under the water?"

Vaporeon nodded, raising a brow.

Well... actions spoke louder than words, right? Wyatt went off this, and took Vaporeon's paws in his hands. He lifted the Pokemon up, and then managed to work him on his back. They both blushed as Wyatt got a glance at the slit he'd mistaken for a pussy a few days ago.

Nervously, he ran a few fingers along it. It was wet, and rather squishy, warm, as well. With a curious spread, he gazed at whatever lay between the soft slit; just the tip of a stiffening cock, and some pink skin. Wyatt stuck a finger in, plunging it into Vaporeon's warm slit, and made an "O" around it. Vaporeon let out a soft moan, and wiggled as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

It might be fun to stick his dick inside of, Wyatt realized. But that wasn't gonna happen now. Tomorrow, maybe, but right now, he needed a taste. He took a deep, shuddering sigh, the nerves really getting to him. Vaporeon's cock was, at this point, a few inches erect, and he was nervous.

"Vaporeon?" He heard.

Wyatt looked up to see Vaporeon looking at him, a questioning gaze on his face. Was Vaporeon thinking Wyatt had gotten cold feet? Was he doing this just to impress him? Was it just some quid-pro-quo for the thing they'd done yesterday? Wyatt smiled, and reassuringly rubbed Vaporeon's thigh.

He grabbed both legs, right below Vaporeon's paws, and sunk down. The cock, his first cock he'd ever suck, was a mere inch away from his lips. Heat was radiating off of it, the smell was musky, like that of the quarry water, but incredibly more intense. Touch... well... hot. A bit more leathery and textured than he expected, akin to an extremely fine sandpaper. When he grabbed it, just with a few fingers, Vaporeon gave a gaspy grunt, and smacked his tail on the stone ground.


It was now or never. Wyatt got a firm grip around the base of Vaporeon's tapered, textured cock, and brought it to his lips. He rubbed the tip around for a while, occasionally moving it away and flicking his tongue around the taste on his lips. More quarry water... that being said, it wasn't as repulsive as he believed it would be.

His curiosity got the better of him, Wyatt slowly took in an inch of Vaporeon's trembling cock. Why was he so shaky? Putting it out of his mind, Wyatt tried to calm his own heart as he softly began to lick around the tip, keeping it in his mouth. He curiously worked another inch in, and found that it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Vaporeon liked it too, going off the mewling whimpers that echoed on the walls.

'Well, this is a blowjob... I'm giving a blowjob...' He thought, unsure of just how that thought made him feel.

On one hand, it disgusted him. After all, he'd considered himself straight just a few days ago. But now... now he was on his belly, between the legs of a male Vaporeon, whose cock was in his mouth. That thought made him throb...

Another inch made him feel even better. Vaporeon's cock fit well in his mouth, almost too well. One inch, two inches, three inches, it didn't bother him much, and he didn't mind whirling his tongue around the salty, musky shaft, sucking as hard as he felt comfortable. He wondered if this was all there was to giving a blowjob, but then he remembered all the videos he'd watched of this act, and remembered Vaporeon giving him one yesterday.

Slowly, at first, to grow accustomed to the motion of it all, Wyatt began to bob his head up and down Vaporeon's cock. This elicited a moan louder than Wyatt had ever heard from Vaporeon, it completely broke his concentration, and made him chuckle.

"I know it feels good, Vaporeon," Wyatt said, taking the cock from his mouth and giving it a few loving strokes. "but try and keep it down, okay?"

Vaporeon looked up at him and nodded, lying his head back on the stone floor. Wyatt wondered how long he'd last as he went back to bobbing up and down, sucking, and licking all at once. He enjoyed making Vaporeon feel like this, but his jaw was starting to hurt, and the amount of salty saliva he swallowed was immense.

Then, Wyatt remembered something from yesterday. Vaporeon hadn't lasted long when he'd stuck a finger up his ass, and massaged his prostates. With a grin, Wyatt began to suck hard, gathering up a mouthful of saliva. He sucked upwards, off Vaporeon's cock - which made the Pokemon shiver - and went to his tight little hole.

He nervously let the saliva leak from his mouth as he prodded a circle around Vaporeon's pink circle, rubbing the slippery lubricant in and around him. Once the tight, pink asshole was thoroughly covered, and he'd slipped a finger in, Wyatt went back to the blowjob. He looked at the taper, and, to his surprise, saw it shooting small wads of precum every second, it seemed. Not much, but easily enough to make Wyatt wonder just how much of what he'd spat into Vaporeon's ass was his saliva, and what was pre.

As he began to suck again, this time, with no hand around the base of Vaporeon's cock, Wyatt started to push his finger downwards, edging towards those lil things that would make the Pokemon scream in delight.

As he fingered Vaporeon, feeling the tight ring of muscle clench hard around his finger, Wyatt decided to glide down more cock. The further he went, the more his mouth was spread open by the expanding girth of Vaporeon's length. He went as far as he could, only stopping when he felt as if he was about to gag.

Vaporeon started to pant as he worked on him, both with finger, and mouth. Wyatt found his twin prostates easily, and began to fuck them, just as he had yesterday, except for, instead of jerking Vaporeon off, he was sucking him. And enjoying it, too. It was much more hands-on than a handjob, much more intense, and Vaporeon - judging by the cries and groans of utter bliss - seemed to be loving it.

Suddenly, Vaporeon locked Wyatt's head in his thighs, and he felt paws on his head, pushing him downwards. Wyatt stammered something, gagging horrendously the next second, but, apparently, that was all Vaporeon needed. The pressure instantly let up, allowing him to surface from the throat swabbing he'd just gotten for some air, and almost instantly got a blast of cum in the face.

It surprised Wyatt so much that he almost fell backwards. He didn't realize what was going on until the second rope of cum flew into the air, hitting the ceiling with its force. Lost in the dazed state of his erection, Wyatt flung his mouth upon Vaporeon's cock, and reached his hand around the shaft in an instant. This he had seen in a lot of pornos as well; he wanted to milk Vaporeon. Wyatt began to squeeze his hand up and down, mouth getting drenched in milky cum as he did so. It leaked from his lips and pattered onto Vaporeon's soft, white belly, but he was able to swallow most of it.

The first mouthful went down like a shot of strong liquor; hard, burny, and, unlike alcohol, delicious. It was a little salty, sure, but Wyatt couldn't help but drink his fill from Vaporeon before moving away. He jerked the rest of the cum out of Vaporeon's internal balls, splashing the floor with his cum.

Wyatt sat back on his rear, panting, and wiped the sweat from his brow, before moving down to the cum on his lips and chin. Vaporeon panted just as hard as his cock twitched, occasionally. Moving his hand down, Wyatt grabbed onto himself, beginning to stroke softly as he gazed upon the scene. Even though he'd been sucking Vaporeon off, he'd been rock hard the whole time, and unable to relieve the pressure.

Jerking off then and there, Wyatt would have been satisfied. Giving a blowjob had awoken some horny inner demon, and he felt as if one or two strokes might make him blast. But as he touched himself, Vaporeon looked up, and mewed his name softly. When Wyatt looked up, he saw the Pokemon spreading his lower legs open, gently slapping his tail on the floor.

"Mm?" He grunted, looking at that... small, tight butt.

A slap of the tail again...

Well... why not? He decided, then and there, to give his virginity to Vaporeon. Wyatt got on his knees, wincing slightly from the uncomfortable stone floor, and shuffled towards Vaporeon's ass. He reached down, feeling the hole with a thumb... it was warm, hot, even, and slippery... unnaturally slippery.

Wyatt chalked it up to something to do with Vaporeon being a water type, and gently guided a finger in. Just to get more of a feel. He pushed in and out, making Vaporeon grunt, and moan softly, until he felt like an idiot for waiting a minute longer. With a trembling heart, Wyatt angled his cock downwards, and slowly guided it to Vaporeon's asshole, pushing into that tight, warm ring of muscle.

Being a virgin like he was, Wyatt had no idea what sex was like. He imagined it to be... well, like... warmth, and pressure. Something akin to humping your hand when you had some lube on it. It was... actually much different. Vaporeon's ass felt amazing. There was nothing he'd be able to compare it to, with the first, penetrating thrust. Not toy, nor hand, nor food... Vaporeon made everything else seem like child's play.

Wyatt plunged his full five and a half inch cock inside of Vaporeon, and held it there. His tip felt like it was getting a massage. His shaft was being squeezed hard by Vaporeon's walls. Even his balls, which were resting on Vaporeon's tail, felt amazing. It was hard to breathe, let alone begin to thrust.

Beads of sweat ran down his forehead and pattered onto the ground. Why'd it have to be so hot, so humid today? It was embarrassing. Vaporeon didn't seem to mind, however, and urged him on by moving his hips back and forth mere inches at a time. Wyatt gritted his teeth, and nodded to himself, trying to gather his mental faculties at what he was about to do.

With the first, glorious pull, and thunderous push in, Wyatt became a man. The realization send pop-rocks and tingles all throughout his body, and he couldn't help but take another thrust, and another, and another! It was wonderful! Each time he smacked his balls against Vaporeon's tail, a deep, rumbling groan came from the both of them. Most of the time, however, they just moaned long, pleasured moans of relief as Wyatt continued to fuck.

Besides the awesome sensation, the one that filled his groin with glee, Wyatt also felt something stiff pressing against his belly. From how he was rutting Vaporeon, he couldn't see much, since he was a foot or two above the Pokemon, but he knew that, from the shape of it, the pressure of it, Vaporeon was so excited at being fucked, that he was getting excited! It filled Wyatt with joy!

He was doing so well at this that a creature he'd just brought to an awesome orgasm was already hard again! It made him thrust twice as hard, resulting in more and more pressure building against his belly. It would have been perfect, if his knees weren't aching from the stone ground.

With a grunt, Wyatt unwillingly pulled himself from Vaporeon's wonderful ass. He sat down on his butt, smacking the stone audibly with his cheeks, and rubbed his knees.

"Sorry Vaporeon... just... hurts, a lot."

But the Pokemon was already on him, backing his rear up. Wyatt was sitting against the wall, and had his legs spread by Vaporeon's tail. When he saw what the Pokemon was doing, Wyatt eagerly grabbed onto his haunches, and pulled him closer. He lined his throbbing cock up with Vaporeon's ass again, and pulled him onto it.

Wyatt groaned, much louder than he would have wanted to, as his cock was swallowed yet again. This time, Vaporeon did a lot of the work himself, bobbing up and down on him, tail curling around Wyatt's leg. Passion drove him to dig his fingers into Vaporeon's haunches, pulling him down more and more, as hard as he could. Vaporeon moaned, loudly, but didn't resist.

He needed Vaporeon. Wyatt was relying on this wonderful ass he had to bring him to one of the best orgasms of his life, and he had no doubt it would. Vaporeon was trying hard to make him feel good, and Wyatt wasn't oblivious to this. With each pull forward, it sent him closer and closer to an edge that made his thighs tremble, his heart race, his mind shatter.

"I-I'm close... Vaporeon..." Wyatt said between pants. "I'm so fucking close..."

Vaporeon looked back and smiled, continuing to ride him as hard as he could. Wyatt bit his lip and clenched his eyes tightly shut, holding Vaporeon's body against his. He gave a few more quick, rough jabs, pushing himself inside Vaporeon more and more. And then, it happened.

His mind felt like an ocean, coming in and out of pleasure waves as he felt the cum bulge down the length of his shaft. Vaporeon tried to move, but Wyatt held him with an iron grip, trembling and gasping hard. Any movement made him way too overstimulated, and threatened to ruin the orgasm. He held Vaporeon, and shot as much as he could in.

After a half minute of panting, and holding his cock inside of Vaporeon, Wyatt eventually let go. At first, Vaporeon grinded against his groin, but, after a playful push, slowly pulled off of Wyatt. Slowly. Squeezing the boy for all he was worth with his ass. Wyatt stammered Vaporeon's name a couple of times, watching as his flaccid length was pulled, stretched, as Vaporeon slowly got off of him.

Vaporeon held his tip in for so long that Wyatt reached out and yanked it out himself, letting it fall to his large ball sack - large from the heat, of course. After that, Vaporeon gave his groin a few curious licks, which Wyatt let him do. Once Vaporeon was seemingly satisfied, he crawled upwards, and gave Wyatt a few licks on his mouth. Wyatt leaned over and kissed him, blushing hard.

Together, the two of them sat for some time. Wyatt didn't exactly know the time, but he'd come to work an hour earlier for well... some fun... and knew that what they'd done couldn't have possibly taken over an hour to do. So he sat, his cock twitching every few seconds as he and Vaporeon made out with each other. Work could wait for a while.

They kissed for a while; Wyatt couldn't keep his hands off of Vaporeon, and readily felt him up. He groped the Pokemon's soft slit, plump thighs, strong tail, even slipping a finger into his rear before pulling it out. The point of this wasn't to get him hard again; Wyatt just wanted to show Vaporeon how he really felt about him.

When he finally felt like it was time to go, he pulled away from Vaporeon, and looked at his big, black eye. Wyatt chuckled, and smiled warmly, pulling him in for one last kiss. He slowly slid his legs into the water, and looked over at Vaporeon, who joined him, ready to plunge into its warm depths.

"I really like you, y'know that?" He asked, feeling his face turning red.

Vaporeon nodded, a gleeful look on his face. He leaned over and licked Wyatt on the cheek, causing him to sputter, grin, and push the Pokemon into the water. Wyatt joined Vaporeon a moment later, and pushed off the rocky wall, grabbing onto Vaporeon, who quickly swam them to the shore. It was incredible how fast Vaporeon could swim, even with someone like Wyatt holding onto him.

They got to shore a few moments later, Wyatt let go and rose from the water, breathing in the already warm air as he walked out. It was around noon when he walked over to the lifeguard chair, watching as Beo jumped from it, a somewhat disgruntled look on his face.

"You're late."

"I know. Just wanted to go for a swim, lost track of time."

"Whatever. Don't do it again."

Wyatt nodded, and gave Beo the middle finger once the older man walked past him. He didn't constantly have to be an ass, even if his coworkers were a few minutes late. If he became the boss... Well, Wyatt hoped he wouldn't become the boss. Wyatt joined Vaporeon, who was already sitting on top of the lifeguard chair, looking over the water park with a staunch expression shadowed on his face.

He grinned, and pulled Vaporeon close to him; Vaporeon rested his head and paws on Wyatt's legs, letting out a content sigh as the two looked at the water park. Neither of them really had much to say to one another. Not that they'd be able to hold a long conversation anyway, since Vaporeon didn't speak English.

So, like the past few days, they sat there. Wyatt knew he wanted to do something with Vaporeon once work was over, and, whatever it was, he knew he wanted Vaporeon to be... well, pent up. Even thinking about the blowjob he'd given the Pokemon under the maintenance shed got him hard as a rock, but Wyatt ignored his arousal.

He grew harder still when he thought of what had taken place after the blowjob. How he'd lost his virginity to Vaporeon, how wonderful it had been... how much his body still trembled from the mere memory. The thought of penetration entered his mind, how awesome those first few thrusts felt, and how the pleasure only got more and more intense as it went on.

Eventually, Wyatt wondered if he'd ever had anything up his butt. He thought about it for a long time, and remembered one instance. It was a rather cold winter day, and he'd been in the shower for a long time. After he'd finished playing with himself, as he usually did whenever was in the shower, a creeping thought came into his mind.

Shove a finger up your butt.

Wyatt had all but shrugged, and reached around, hooking his index finger, carefully pressing it into his own tight ring. It burned quite bad, and he remembered just standing there, wincing every few seconds as fire spread around him. Needless to say, it had been the first, and last, time he'd done anything like that.

But everything was different now. He was a lot older, he'd grown more, and thought that he'd easily be able to take a finger, maybe even two. And, well, even if he didn't think of himself as gay, he had just sucked, and fucked, a male Vaporeon... why not see if he really was?

This could be the thing they did after work today. Why not? Vaporeon seemed a little pent up, from how often he went down to give his slit a long, hard lick. Wyatt wanted to know what getting something... up there... was like... And it's not like going back home and taking care of himself was an entertaining concept.

He checked his phone; only a half hour remained.

"Hey, Vaporeon..." Wyatt said, unable to withhold his grin.

Vaporeon looked back at him, cocking his head to one side. It was what the Pokemon always did whenever Wyatt called for him.

"Wanna mate with me?"

Vaporeon was visibly aroused by what he'd said, judging from the inches that rocketed out of his slit. Wyatt chuckled, but told him to calm down, that they had a bit until it was time to go, but it was no use. Vaporeon remained excited for the next half hour, occasionally trying to paw at Wyatt's trunks, but the boy slapped him away with a chuckle each time.

When Vanessa was all but a shadow on the horizon, as irresponsible as it was, Wyatt jumped from the lifeguard station and was joined by Vaporeon as they ran. He was running to the office, where he'd clock out, and then, to a secluded place. It was one of the few times he was thankful for a lesser endowed member; if he was big, it might be awkward running with half of an erection like he was now.

But where to go?

It would be annoying to do something under water again, unless he brought a scuba tank. He didn't want Vaporeon to keep swimming back up to the surface to get air, he didn't want the pauses that ensued. After he clocked out, it suddenly dawned on Wyatt.

His dad was taking his brother for the weekend, and, because of work, Wyatt was staying home. Best of all, his mom had decided to go out for the weekend to Kanto, or Hoenn, or somewhere far off...

He had the entire weekend to himself.

"Holy shit." Wyatt said aloud, upon the realization.

"Vaporeon?" He said, again, Vaporeon's head cocked to the side.

"I... y-you wanna come over? My house? Nobody's there for the whole weekend, and I'm sure the boss wouldn't have a problem with you sleeping over..."

Vaporeon didn't need any further prodding, or any at all, really. He eagerly pressed his head against the Pokeball, which surprised Wyatt. Vaporeon never seemed to really like it that much, but it was company policy to keep him in there overnight. With his heart racing; from both the theft of company property, and the weekend that was coming to fruition.

He hurriedly left the office, grabbing his bike and going, before being pulled back. In his haste, Wyatt had forgotten to unlock the damn thing. After the combination was hurriedly put in, he grunted, pulled the bike off the rack, and shot off down the road to his house. The five minute trip felt more like a minute long jaunt as he rocketed towards the house.

When he finally got home, Wyatt didn't bother putting the bike up against the side of the house, didn't bother locking it up. He pretty much jumped off of it and ran inside the house at full speed. After locking the door behind him, Wyatt called out, inquiring if anyone was home. His heart pounded for a few seconds, the beat was the only thing that called back to him.

Wyatt was normally a quiet person, but when he didn't hear anyone call back, he let out a loud, gleeful shudder. It took all of five seconds for him to grab Vaporeon's Pokeball, let him out, say hello to him, and pull his trunks down right in front of the Pokemon, right in his living room.

Vaporeon's face grew red, and his cock grew quickly from his slit as he looked at Wyatt. The boy told him to stay still, and got on his hands and knees, shuffling towards Vaporeon's rear. He grabbed one of his hind legs and lifted it up, licking his lips at the sight before him.

It was the cock he'd sucked so wonderfully earlier this morning, hard, and throbbing, waiting just for him. Wyatt laid down on his back and put his head under Vaporeon's twitching length. Once he was in position, it took all of a second to push upwards, the taper spreading his mouth open.

The Pokemon gave a loud call of his name as Wyatt got his cock nice and wet, and immediately began to hump the warm mouth that was clamped around him. Wyatt took as much as he could, holding the base of Vaporeon's thick shaft to control the wild humps. Every so often, the tip would slip out of his mouth, and he'd be shot in the face by a rope of clear, dribbly pre.

After his mouth was all nice and slobbery, Wyatt pushed Vaporeon off of him, and flipped on his front. Vaporeon strode around to his rear as Wyatt pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. He was thankful for the nice, plush carpet instead of the cold, hard stone. He shivered as Vaporeon mounted him, putting his paws on either side of his waist.

The Pokemon's cock occasionally twitched as he slowly humped, rubbing it along Wyatt's balls and rapidly growing length. Vaporeon gave a languid sigh as he made the motions, resting on Wyatt's back. It was nice. Both his body and his rod felt warm against his skin.

"You ready?" Vaporeon seemed to ask him, giving his lover moments to prepare for what was about to happen.

Wyatt reached around to Vaporeon's cock, and rubbed it against his tight asshole. At first, Vaporeon humped, but Wyatt grunted, squeezing his hole tightly shut. He told Vaporeon to calm down, and, once the Pokemon obeyed, Wyatt began rubbing again. The pre that spurt from Vaporeon's tip easily coated his rear, but, even with the large amounts of it... well, Wyatt was scared.

"Just... don't fuck me, okay? I wanna ride you myself. Don't... Don't wanna hurt myself or anything. Okay?" Wyatt looked back, worried, but was suddenly bit on his shoulder.

Instantly, white hot, searing pain was jabbed into his ass, but left just as quickly. It left a burning sensation in the split second that it was gone, in a second, Vaporeon shoved his entire length into him again. Thankfully, Wyatt was alone, so he could scream as loud as he wanted to, and man, did he scream.

The pain was unlike anything he'd ever felt before, deep, horrible, yet bearable. He'd been tempted to throw Vaporeon off of him, but, the more he held on for dear life, the more pleasurable it became. Sensation never left him; when Vaporeon pulled out, the tiny tip of his taper stayed inside, only to expand more and more as it was roughly pushed in.

Wyatt was pushed down by the Pokemon, the maw tightened to an almost uncomfortable degree on his shoulder. Vaporeon stood on his legs as he roughly fucked him, the wet plap, plap, plap, of thighs meeting ass were somehow louder than the moaning that came from Wyatt's throat. Each harsh push inside of his now broken in ass made Wyatt harder and harder, somehow. With his legs spread apart, he eagerly took his growing member into his hand and began to stroke.

The feeling of being treated like a female... of being fucked hard by a Pokemon, of being on his hands and knees while a cock spread him wide... it made Wyatt harder than he'd ever been before. He wasn't sure what he liked the most about it. The pressure rammed into him? The pleasure of his hole being spread open? Vaporeon's need, so obvious and carnal?

Whatever it was, Wyatt was left in a sea of pleasure as he was fucked. He himself was leaking precum rather hard, or was it Vaporeon's own, leaking from his ass, dribbling down his taint, balls, and onto his cock? Wyatt was glad, if that was the case. Vaporeon's pre made for excellent lube, and within seconds, he'd worked up a wet slick that was easy to run his hand back and forth with.

The only thing that he disliked was just how hard Vaporeon was biting. Thankfully, his teeth weren't sharp, and weren't meant for tearing into the skin of prey, just the soft flesh of fish. Still, it would have been nice for him not to bite so hard. The pain in his ass was subsiding, but it had still hurt.

With a grunt, Vaporeon held himself still for a few seconds, breathing heavily through his nose. His cock twitched twice every second, pulsing hard inside of him. Wyatt wondered if this was it, if he was finished, and clenched around the rod inside of him. He stroked off as fast as he could, wanting to get his own orgasm to pop off before Vaporeon could unleash his own torrent of cum.

He was close, too. Wyatt was maybe a few seconds from the precipice of an orgasm when Vaporeon bit down, harder than ever before, and began to really fuck him. What had come before could be considered soft and gentle compared to the reaming he got now. Vaporeon, biting as hard as he could, smashed into Wyatt with his full weight.

The first few times, Wyatt was almost thrown off balance, and had to use both of his hands to remain upright. Vaporeon's cock jabbed deep inside of him; Wyatt realized that, however much he'd been thrusting inside of him, hadn't been his complete length. Vaporeon had at least three more inches, all thicker than anything that had come before; Wyatt was being bred.

He grabbed onto the carpet, clenching hard as his ass was spread wide, wider than he ever thought possible. The Pokemon let up, not biting as hard, and gave a few more rough pushes in, and that's when the impossible happened.

Wyatt had been leaking hard, precum had been running along the length of his cock, dripping at his uncut tip, pulsing hard. After that last rough shove, he felt his entire body tense up, and suddenly release. Pleasure overwhelmed him, and he collapsed, unable to hold himself up anymore as he shot his load all over the carpet and his belly. No hands. No mouths or butts or paws. Just Vaporeon's taper in his ass.

Vaporeon followed him down there, sitting on his hind legs as he pushed himself forward. The clenching must have made his ass tighter than anything Vaporeon had ever fucked. With a final loud, harsh groan, Vaporeon bit down, hard, on Wyatt's shoulder, and shoved his entire length into his ass. He gave a few final, small, pathetic thrusts, and Wyatt could immediately feel it.

It was a warm sensation, unlike anything that he'd ever experienced before. Vaporeon's length pulsed, from base to tip, like a wave pool, as it pumped more and more cum into Wyatt. The two of them moaned, grunted, panted, breathed as heavy as they'd ever breathed before as they both experienced bliss untold.

Wyatt finished first, this he knew. As he laid there, on the floor, he still felt the waves and waves of cum fill his ass. How much he could take, Wyatt didn't know, but, thankfully, Vaporeon stopped biting his shoulder as he filled him up. The two of them laid there, together, while Vaporeon continued to cum. At one point, Wyatt looked back at Vaporeon, who was looking back at him, a blank expression on his face as he came.

When it got too painful to have Vaporeon's hard cock inside of him, Wyatt gently rolled on his back. As he did so, Vaporeon fell on his back as well, humping the air. Every few humps, a rather impressive rope of cum would blast out of his cock, flying up into the air and arcing down, hitting either his face, fins, belly or paws. Wyatt watched for a minute, but Vaporeon hardly slowed down.

With a devious grin, he reached down, beginning to stroke Vaporeon off, milking him for all he was worth. The Pokemon cried out in pleasure, and took to humping Wyatt's clenched hand, but after a few humps, stopped. Wyatt let go, wiping his slimy hand on the ruined carpet. He'd have to clean that up eventually, but for now, he wanted to cuddle with the sticky Vaporeon.

He pulled the Pokemon close, thinking back on the past few days with utter glee. From the time he'd been surprised under water to now, it seemed as if the memories he'd made with Vaporeon were immense. Wyatt hugged Vaporeon who, apparently, was already dozing off. With a chuckle, he gave one last look at the drippy Vaporeon cock. Just... absolutely amazing.

. . .

To be continued

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That's right. I'm gonna go about writing an actual story now. This is Chapter One. I'll update it as often as I can. If you wanna read more stuff, or follow along with the progress of my newest works, or just to hang out with a fun community of like-minded Pokemon fuckers, join my discord!


Chapter Two: Cameron

He pulled the Pokemon close, thinking back on the past few days with utter glee. From the time he'd been surprised under water to now, it seemed as if the memories he'd made with Vaporeon were immense. Wyatt hugged Vaporeon who, apparently, was already...

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Absol x Luxray

Male Pokemon x Male Pokemon Absol always thought his cock was a bit too long. Every time he'd get aroused, not only would he become light headed, he'd even become self-conscious. It was odd since, usually, Pokemon with longer endowments have...

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Liepard x Vulpix

Male Pokemon x Female Pokemon Liepard sat on the perch in his trainer's house, bathing in the sunlight when a nagging feeling welled inside of his chest. Being a Pokemon, it was a feeling he felt rather often when mating season rolled around;...

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