Pepper VS Temptation - Part 5

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#26 of Persephone and Tritonia

Left with no other option, Pepper drinks down Helja's milk and the transformation is so pleasurable that she struggles to remember the problem she set out to solve. Growing extra breasts and a canine cock has a way of derailing one's plans, after all.

If you want to see my stuff weeks to months early, vote on a monthly story, and support my writing, click here to become a patron.

Pepper VS Temptation - Part 5

~A Persephone and Tritonia Story~

(edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk)

July 20th 2022,

My morning started late due to dreams about growing fur, a tail, and a dick. The last time I'd dreamed about that was when I was in high school after reading way too much werewolf porn. I woke up three separate times with a hand between my legs. Luckily, lazy sleeping hands didn't press quite hard enough to further chafe my muff. I did wake up with my wetness all over my fingers, though.

Resisting the urge to jill myself off, I got out of my bunk and climbed down the ladder. Some high-fiber cereal and frozen blueberries later, I'd eaten a mildly-satisfying breakfast.

Out of habit, I got out my exercise clothes and breathable pair of pink and grey sneakers. It was silly, but I looked forward to wearing tight-fitting workout clothes because the full body hug they gave me was comforting. While I got dressed, my eyes kept darting to my backpack. I didn't know if or when I'd need Helja's milk, which meant it was best to keep it near me. But keeping it near me meant I was one impulse away from guzzling it down.

Trying to leave it behind, I started turning the wheel that opened the door. I looked back at my backpack, feeling a little poke of anxiety. What if something went horribly wrong and I couldn't get back to my backpack to grab the milk?

"God damn it!" I said as I went over to my pack and unzipped it.

The milk vial left a noticeable outline in the funny little front pocket of my exercise shirt, but it was better than leaving it behind and worrying.

Standing outside our quarters after securing the door, I had no idea what to do with myself. Every other morning was when I went for aerobic exercise, and on the mornings I didn't run, I did the more intensive part of my weight training. Peak physical condition felt good enough that the upkeep was worth it. But this morning, with my leg muscles and cunt still sore from Helja's sexual brilliance, I needed a break. I opted for a nice long walk instead.

Looking for an excuse to drink Helja's milk, I soon ended up at the front line of our defense against the problematic crystal. Septimus was right, being human was boring. And being reminded of my werewolf porn days this morning had me extra eager to grow some fur.

Following the wall's circumference and trailing down the corridor were four bright white waist-high cut-off rectangles with red-orange-glowing edges. It looked like the ends of neon-trimmed cyberpunk tantos had been stuck through the wall. These were shield emitters which were part of an NPO I knew very little about and I'd only seen them once before.

Tsubumi and Abrams were watching Gillon intently while he adjusted the angle of an emitter on the floor so it was pointing more toward the crystal matrix. A scissor lift was blocking my view of Alphonse and I could only see the curve of his cute round ass.

As I got closer, Alphonse walked up to Gillon and handed him an Allen wrench. Boom was now right next to Alphonse, carefully surveying the power cables that ran to the emitters.

Gillon's eyes kept darting to look at a crystal branch that was only a half foot from his right arm. It looked like he'd been at this forever and he was muttering British curses under his breath.

Abrams was looking concerned as he put some of the tools away. Boom stopped Alphonse from biting his fingernails by handing him a clamp so he could help Abrams clean up. Then she grabbed some bright orange duct tape and started taping down the cables that ran to the emitters.

It wasn't clear whether Boom knew how fast she was going and there were times when her movements were a blur. Whatever enhancements she'd gotten, they were in full force now.

While I was wondering just how fast she could go, Gillon said, "Abrams, check the power connection one more time. I'm about to light it up."

Abrams opened a panel on the side of the emitter that sat at the split in the hallway and looked at a green readout which had a bunch of different boxes with numbers as well as a couple sine waves that were slowly moving. "Power's good and stable."

Gillon used the Allen wrench in his hand to adjust the angle of the emitter just a bit more and then slapped a glowing yellow button on its side before jumping up and saying, "Final--AHHH!" He yelped as his shirt got snagged by the crystal tendril that had been growing toward him. This left him in an incredibly awkward position in between crouching and standing and he lost his balance.

His uniform sleeve ripped as he fell backwards. When his head passed through the tendrils, he screamed like he was possessed. Boom was there in a split second, grabbing his lower leg as the shield started to power up. When she tried to pull him loose, his clothes stayed snagged on the crystal network and there was a sharp snapping sound. His left foot was now flopping sickeningly to the side.

The added pain of the broken leg didn't even seem to register as Boom said, "FUCK! FUCK FUUUUCCCK!" She ripped him out of his uniform while the shield emitters whirred louder.

Abrams was fiddling with the emitter next to him, but he didn't seem to know how to shut it down.

My chest was so tight, I'd forgotten to breathe.

"Pepper, fire axe!" Alphonse yelled, pointing at the wall behind me.

I spun around to find a fire cabinet. After grabbing the fire axe out of it, I slid it across the floor to Alphonse.

Before he could use it to cut the power cable, the shield started energizing. Just as it did so, Boom pulled Gillon free. When it formed, the shield cut an inch of his hair off.

Gillon was twitching for a good twenty seconds on the floor before he came to rest. Then he was still and wheezing with each breath.

"Someone call Septimus while I try to stabilize him," Abrams said.

"On it!" I said, before going over to the intercom box next to where the fire axe had been. "Septimus, we need you at junction Y1-5 for medical assistance ASAP."

"Roger that, on my way," he said.

Tsubumi and Abrams tended to Gillon while Alphonse and I watched nervously.

"Pepper, down the hall and to the right is an AED. Could you get it?" Abrams asked.

"Yes, on it," I said before running down the fork and avoiding the strange tangle of blue and yellow light that stretched between the emitters. The shield was being transmitted across them to other junctions where they were trying to box the crystal in.

Hanging on the wall was a bright yellow watertight case whose front was printed with instructions for defibrillating someone. I grabbed it and ran back toward Gillon. The clapping of my running shoes against the ceramic composite floor echoed throughout the cylindrical corridors as the hum from the shield emitters rattled my teeth. All the while, my stomach ached from all the stress.

When I made it back with the AED, Boom grabbed it and opened it. Then she lifted up Gillon's undershirt to reveal a mess of surgical scars.

"What the?" Abrams said.

Alphonse held a hand in front of his mouth in surprise and asked, "Did someone remove all his organs and then put them back?"

As Alphonse spoke, Boom stuck the pads for the AED to Gillon's chest. During a hesitant moment where her hand was above the green recessed button to start the machine, Septimus called out, "Stop!"

"Stop?" Abrams looked up.

Boom moved her hand away from the button.

"He has an artificial cardiopulmonary system, you'll kill him," Septimus said.

"He got a pretty good shock already, Sep," Abrams said.

"Move!" Septimus shooed them away before lifting Gillon's left arm and pressing his thumb into Gillon's armpit.

Gillon's breathing stopped while he was caught in the middle of a wheezing breath.

Ten seconds later, Septimus pressed his armpit again and after a couple labored breaths, Gillon's breathing was normal.

"His cardiopulmonary system is rather antiquated, so it sometimes needs a restart," Septimus said.

Gillon was no longer trembling and looked a lot more comfortable.

Everyone started rolling their shoulders, stretching their necks, anything that helped them relax. I started breathing normally again too and unclenched my hands, which I'd balled into fists without noticing.

Septimus grabbed a splint from the first aid kit that Abrams had brought over and then worked to set Gillon's lower left leg. This got Gillon's foot pointing toward the ceiling instead of awkwardly to the side.

The shield whined as two branches of the crystal structure touched it. Bright white spots appeared and the whine got louder as dissonant ripples spread across the shield making it brighter in some areas.

"Is there any way I can help?" I asked.

"Yes, go turn on the MRI machine and open the valve on the LN2 generator so it's ready when we get there." Septimus looked me in the eye as he said the next part. "Then try your crazy idea. We're out of options."

"What? Why didn't you tell us your plan?" Abrams asked.

"I thought it was too stupid. I'll explain later," I said as I ran for the med bay, passing Charlie on the way. I had no idea what my cover story was going to be, but I could worry about that after I fixed the problem.

* * * * *

Getting the MRI to enter its startup sequence was as simple as flipping a switch and turning a knob.

Then I was in the corridor outside the med bay, pacing back and forth while my mind raced. I had to do it, there was no other choice. But what if the changes were obvious and I was caught? Would I just lie more? Blame it on some sort of NPO? How would I even remember the story I came up with?

Cutting through all my doubt were Gillon's shrieks of agony and the creepy, spine tingling sensation of watching the crystal branches grow.

Out of all of them, I was the girl who wanted to become a hybrid. I was the girl who'd first masturbated after seeing a werewolf TF in Doctor Who.

With shaking hands, I grabbed the milk vial out of my backpack and unscrewed the lid. Then I put it up to my mouth and tipped my head back, draining its contents into my mouth. I could've sworn I'd just poured a fourth of a glass of mango lassi in my mouth. If I'd known it was this tasty, I would've savored it more. Instead, I swallowed it all down and waited for something to happen.

My blood was pumping, my whole body felt twitchy and I latched on to every little itch or twinge of sensation, thinking it was a sign of me changing. But there were no changes, nothing at all. Everything I thought I felt was just my imagination.

As I was wondering whether I should risk a visit to Helja, Septimus and Abrams wheeled Gillon past me into the med bay. Gillon was breathing steadily, but he looked very weak. Charlemagne and Tsubumi were following close behind.

Just as they passed me, I felt prickles across my entire body. When I looked at the backs of my hands, I saw tiny clear hairs. It was hard to even tell they were there at a distance. They were incredibly soft and petting the back of my hand made me giddy with joy. I was already feeling more prickles on my body. Maybe being covered in this fur was what I needed to pass through the crystal latticework.

There was only one way to find out, so I ran back to where Gillon had been. The shield was getting stretched by several pointy branch ends and flickering turbulent ripples were reverberating throughout it. The sound was like a stuck electric motor being hit with power fluctuations. Alphonse was tugging at his tightly curled hair while watching the shield lose the battle with the crystal branches.

"Hey, Alpha, I'm gonna go around to the other side to see how things are over there," I said, trying to ignore a pins and needles sensation as it cascaded down my entire front, across my thighs, and then hit my snatch.

"Sure, if you can check both of the other shield sites, that would be cool," he said. "I've got orders to keep watch here."

More fur was filling in on me and I felt really awkward. Like he'd catch me changing if he looked at me too long. "I'll go check them out right now."

"Perfect. If you see anything smoking or about to blow up, push the yellow button on the side of one of the emitters until the shield shuts off.

"Will do-OOH!" I said as my nipples suddenly got rock hard and that pins and needles sensation spread to my back.

"You okay?" Alphonse asked.

"Yep!" I said before following the angry standing wave of yellow and blue strands of energy that were suspended between the emitters.

The hard part was that the emitters had been arranged in a strange spiral that stretched down the wide tubular corridor. I had to jump over the stream of shield particles, or whatever was going on between the emitters, three times on my way to the second shield site. I didn't want to think about what would happen if I accidentally got my leg in that stream.

Along the way, the bottoms of my hands and feet itched and my tits felt warm. By the time I got to the second shield site, the tiny clear hairs on the backs of my hands had made it all the way up my fingers. I could feel them growing in on my arms, tummy, and hips. It was like getting a very light rug burn. It didn't exactly hurt, but was a bit irritating.

That was, until fur came in on my breasts and between my legs. I had to lean against the wall as I gasped and shuddered.

Something was happening to my pussy lips, something really really good. I reached down with my left hand and cupped my muff. When I moaned so loud it echoed off the walls, I pulled my hand away and forced myself to look at the state of the shield instead.

It looked quite unhappy. The light coming off of it was far weaker where the branches touched it and they were about to make it through. Nothing was on fire or smoking, so I quickly made my way to the third corridor the shield was blocking off.

Four spots on my chest were distracting me by feeling really tender as my shirt rubbed against them. When I went to touch them, my snatch clenched and I arched my back. "GAH!"

Four more nipples!? And now my tailbone was aching. Surely I didn't need these enhancements to walk through the crystal network safely. Oh shit, I'd made a huge mistake. Helja had asked me what enhancements I wanted and I'd told her to do whatever she wished. And she was an unabashed pervert...Yeah, I was gonna have six breasts and maybe a tail.

Since when was my clit this big and sensitive?

"NGH!" My hand dove for my crotch. "No. NO!"

It was now sticking out a half inch from my body. And it was only getting bigger along with my pussy lips. There's no way Helja was gonna give me a cock now. Knowing her, she probably had a rather big clit and was just giving me one as big as hers.

At the third shield site, I smelled smoke. The insulation on the thick power cables going to the emitters was melting and putting an awful caustic scent to the air.

The crystals had grown into the emitters and were pulsing while the diffuse lighting that came out of the ceramic corridor walls flickered. The emitter on the right where the cylindrical wall met the floor had a big translucent yellow button on the side, just like the one Gillon had pressed to start up the shield. Depressing the button, I silently hoped Gillon was okay.

Six seconds later, the shield powered down and I ran over to the intercom. "Alphonse, I had to shut it down. The crystals were doing something strange to the emitters."

"Roger that, good luck with your idea."

"Thanks." I pulled my finger off of the intercom and let loose the moan I'd been hanging onto.

"What was the crystal doing that was strange?" Charlie asked.

"It was growing into the emitters and messing with the power somehow," I said. "The lights were flickering."

"What?" Charlie asked.

"Come to shield site three and have a look. I gotta do something, sorry," I said.

"What are you doing?" Charlie asked.

I didn't reply because I had no idea what to say and I didn't want to risk moaning over the intercom.

Those four extra breasts were pressing against my shirt and I couldn't breathe without rubbing six sensitive nipples against my workout outfit. Meanwhile, my goddamn clit had pitched an inch-long tent.

Cupping my hand over my cooch, I humped my clit into the crease between my fingers. It felt so incredible that I quickly soaked the crotch of my leggings with girl juice. During the couple minutes I lost to touching myself I saw twenty of the crystal branches growing and forking. Even though my clit was another half inch longer and more sensitive than ever, the fear about what would happen if I didn't act got me to pull my hands away.

I needed to get out of my clothes. Not only would they get caught in the crystal, they were making all my changes more erotic and hard to ignore.

My shoes and socks were the first things I discarded. As I pulled my top off, I gasped at how hard my nipples were. As I pulled my panties and leggings off, my breath caught in my throat.

There it was, my clit, all two inches of it. The tip was pointy, already looking canine. Even though my lower four breasts were much smaller than the upper ones, they felt good in my hands. My snatch was very puffy and surrounded by a short coat of fur. Every bit of fur on me was clear, impressively smooth, and felt glorious when pet.

Fighting the urge to play with myself more, I walked toward the crystal mesh. Experimentally, I touched it with a finger. It warmed slightly and became the texture of honey without the stickiness. As I pressed my finger into it, it flowed over itself, retracting to let my finger pass through. It was still contacting my skin and I felt an electrical buzz, but it wasn't painful.So, I put my whole arm in and got more of the buzzing sensation. As I started walking through the crystal formation, everything was fine until my nipples touched some of the tendrils.

I nearly came on the spot. Helja had made it so the pain was just mild irritation, but when a crystal was touching a sensitive place, it felt too good.

Gasping and groaning, I slowly pushed my way through the crystal strands. When one hit my clit, I yelped in bliss and then looked down to see my clit prick was now over two inches long.

About a hundred feet in, I was hit with enough pleasure that I broke. I wrapped one hand around my three-inch clit cock and buried the other in my snatch. I came instantly, falling to the ground and leaking fem juice everywhere.

Only a minute later, I was stroking myself again. I couldn't get over how it felt when the head of my prick slipped past the depressions between my fingers. It was like a tongue getting flicked across my clit. The more I stimulated myself, the more blood rushed down there and the longer my clit got.

I felt it advance past three and a half inches, and then four. But after that, the pleasure centered on the front of my pussy, just under my growing shaft. A hot squeezing sensation in my abdomen built and built while I was on my back, immobilized by ecstasy. My pussy twitched inside as something moved, pressing down harder and harder until the swelling just under my prick throbbed so much I screamed.

That scream became a screech when my balls popped into their sac. It was like someone putting a vibrator directly on my clit, like someone shoving their whole cock inside me at once. I beat my feet against the floor, writhed, and came from that new dick so hard I couldn't even remember where I was.

My prick pulsed in my hands, but nothing came out. Instead, a new clit came in behind my balls, extending that orgasm until I lost track of everything.

It took me a good couple minutes to remember what I'd been doing and a couple more to haul myself off the floor and continue toward the origin of the crystal network. My balls were small, but feeling them sway with every step was making me giddy. They belonged there.

I didn't dare look at the still growing canine cock between my legs. The stimulation from the crystal branches was distracting me enough already and I needed to get to the source of the crystal ASAP.


Read the next chapter on my Patreon!

Or get the entire "Persephone and Tritonia Ebook" which contains this story and tons more.

This story art above went up on my Patreon eight months ago.

If you want to see my stuff weeks to months early, vote on a monthly story, and support my writing, click here to become a patron.

Pepper VS Temptation - Part 6

Pepper VS Temptation - Part 6 ~A Persephone and Tritonia Story~ (edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk) The crystal lattice was terrifyingly beautiful. The half-centimeter-wide branches stretched out the visual spectrum into rainbows that...

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Pepper VS Temptation - Part 4

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Pepper VS Temptation - Part 3

Pepper VS Temptation - Part 3 ~A Persephone and Tritonia Story~ (edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk) The Helja I saw before me was not the Helja I remembered. The first thing that clued me into the fact that something was different was her...

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