Lucky's Present

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A 2018 story I wrote as part of a November challenge. Idea mine.

Lucky's Present

"Ah, man, don't mention it", Lucky said with a handsome grin, clapping a hand on the hyena's shoulder. "Henry's a real sweet kid, so we had a great night".

Morgan found himself blushing at the horse's touch, and the hyena wished he could have more. It should have been illegal for the horse to be not only that attractive, with his black and brown-splotched handsome face, his big strong muscles, and that goddamn bulge in his pants, but _also _so kind and generous at the same time. Fucking ridiculous. How did furs like this exist in the world?

_And _the horse was great with kids! When Morgan was called into work for an emergency this evening, Lucky was the first name that came to mind. They hadn't known each other for much longer than a month, but through their chats he knew the horse had a great deal of volunteering experience with little ones. And in the couple times the horse had visited his house, his little brother Henry had loved the big guy, always begging him to stay longer so they could play games together. Ugh, and that only made him all the more attractive to Morgan, as a barely-adult hyena who'd been thrust into guardianship of his little brother after some nasty abuse issues with his parents.

Honestly, he had a crush on the horse the size of Lucky's muscles, and as he watched the horse pull his hoodie up over that attractive goddamn head of his, and lift his heavy backpack over a shoulder, the hyena wished he had the balls to say, do you wanna maybe hang around a bit longer?

But Lucky was so damn hot.

Too hot.

Out of his league.

Morgan sighed quietly.

"Well, I should get goin", Lucky said through a cheerful smile, bouncing on his hooves.

"Yeah, for sure", Morgan replied right away, smiling warmly. "I don't wanna keep you waiting. You were such a huge help tonight".

"You already said that dude", Lucky chuckled. "Again, anytime. It was a real pleasure".

Morgan smiled, and the warm feeling around his cheeks intensified. He was opening the door to see Lucky out, when the horse paused beside him, and leant down to his ear.

"Henry fell asleep early", the horse said in a deep sexy voice that doubled as his normal voice because he sounded deep and sexy all the goddamn time. "So I made a little something for you and left it on your laptop. Something... NSFW". He stood up and raised an eyebrow, smirking, before adding, "Assuming I've read _us _correctly".

Morgan's words stumbled over themselves as he replied, "Y-yes. Yes! Absolutely!" Then he dipped his head in embarrassment. Yeah, real smooth, idiot.

Lucky laughed and smiled. "Enjoy it, dude. I'll see ya around". And then he left through the door, backpack slung over his shoulder, with his tail swishing behind him.

Morgan almost ran to get back to his bedroom and see what Lucky had left for him, passing by his sleeping little brother's closed bedroom door on the way. He closed the door behind him, and then sat down at his desk under nothing but the light of his laptop screen, his uniform unbuttoned but still hanging on his body, kicking his work shoes off his feet as everything loaded. And then, in the middle of his desktop, he saw a video file, titled simply, "A Present".

The hyena's heart was already racing as he clicked on the video, but then when he saw the image pop up in his player, it almost lurched out of his chest.

Standing in front of the camera and facing it was Lucky. And Lucky was completely naked. Underneath his rows of chunky abs, his massive fleshy splotched snake of a cock was hanging down so low the end of it wasn't even in shot, but that was only because he was so goddamn hung -- there was still a solid foot of cock in view between his thighs. The horse slowly walked backwards until both of his heads came into view, and one of them was dripping precum, and the other was smirking proudly. He raised an elbow above his head, showing a furry armpit, as he dipped his head and coyly said to the camera, "Hey dude... I've seen the way you look at me, so I've got a feeling you'll like this". And then he laughed, "Hopefully I'm not way off the mark".

"Oh... fuck no", Morgan groaned, his eyes fixed to the screen as he unbuckled and unzipped his pants to pull out his already hard rocket. He couldn't believe his luck as he watched the horse briefly step aside to show... Morgan's bed? There was a bundle of pillows and blankets holding a fuzzy brown butt-cheeked sex toy in place on top of the mattress.

Morgan whined weakly in anticipation. To think that Lucky got off in this very same room, fucking a toy on his own bed... mmmmnngh. He rubbed his cock while licking his lips.

When Lucky spun around, the hyena almost fainted. Those big muscle-chunky ass cheeks were glorious, and he wished the horse was here right now so he could bury his muzzle in them so deep that he suffocated. Lucky spread his legs and squatted down, angling his oozing cock head against the entrance to his toy. And then he thrust forward, pushing down on the pillows to steady the hole he was pushing against, his powerful ass muscles bulging through his fur with his tail raised to give the yeen a good show.

"Fuck I wish that was me", Morgan whimpered, his cock throbbing hard while he beat away at it.

The stallion's flared cock head was so thick that he seemed to actually have difficulty getting it into his tight toy. The hyena could see the stud's arm muscles flexing and his cheeks clenching hard as he grinded back and forth against the entrance, slowly working it open, until his body finally jolted forward an inch and he let out a pleasured groan as his cock sunk inside the toy. "Mmm, damn... so fuckin tight. Feels good, dude".

If there was anything Morgan wanted to do right now, it was make that glorious horse cock feel good.

The horse started thrusting back and forth, pushing his cock deeper into the toy each time, picking up speed and intensity. And the hyena pumped his cock with a similar rhythm, getting faster and faster. As he stared at the gorgeous horse's muscular ass, and his powerful back, and his thick arms, and those low hanging balls that swung back and forth with every thrust, his mind raced with all kinds of filthy feverish fantasies -- from getting fucked by him, to eating the stallion's ass, to making out with his sagging balls like the little slut he desperately wanted to be.

"Ugggh... yeah..." the horse groaned as he fucked. "Feels so fuckin good. So wet from my cock. Almost as good as the real thing".

"God, I'd be the real thing for you, Lucky", Morgan whimpered, slumping back in his chair as he rubbed his cock helplessly, a slave to the video he was watching.

Then Lucky glanced over his shoulder. "You wanna see me _really _fuck, dude?"

"Oh fuck yes".

But the video horse hadn't waited for his answer anyway. Leaning forward on top of the bed and pressing down on the bundle of blankets, he started slamming into his toy hard, with long deep strokes. He pulled his ass back so far between each thrust that his cheeks parted and he showed off his asshole, and then he threw his hips forward so hard each time that his ball sack thudded against the bed frame. "Fuck... yeah..." the stallion grunted. "Fuck yeah!"

"Fffffffuuuucck!" Morgan growled through his teeth, releasing his cock so he didn't blow his load prematurely.

Watching this god of a stallion go to town, slamming into a little hole with his gigantic penis, was a thing of tremendous beauty. He was so fucking sexy and masculine, and Morgan felt like his brain was melting from the hotness as he watched and drooled over the stud, adoring every single bulging muscle on show with his grateful eyes, and desperately wishing he could worship them with his hands and mouth. Fuck, Lucky could command anything of the yeen, and Morgan would sell his soul to service the godlike horse however he wanted.

"Here it comes, bitch", the stallion grunted in his deep voice, suddenly throwing his thrusts into overdrive, slamming his cock deeper into the sex toy than Morgan thought would even be possible. His balls visibly surged upwards in his sack right before he let out a loud, "Guhhhhhhh!" and rammed his cock forward, throwing his head back, every muscle in his body flexing powerfully, spreading his legs wide and raising his tail to show off all the glory of his balls twitching, his cock throbbing, and his asshole pulsing, as he blew his load and groaned with relief.

"Fucking... fuck!" Morgan gasped as his own orgasm exploded through his body and out of his rocket. He'd never seen anything this hot in his life, and his jizzing dick responded appropriately, barely even needing to be touched as it sprayed wildly through the air, splattering his stomach, chest, thighs, and the floor all around him.

The hyena had a huge grin on his face as both he and the horse in the video panted, winding down from their orgasm. One of Lucky's glutes would occasionally twitch as the last of his load spurted through his dick, and Morgan leant forward with his elbows against his desk, watching the beautiful stud's body and sighing with desire. He had no idea the stallion had any interest in him in return, but after this video... man, all the incredible things they might be able to do together were already dancing through his mind.

When Lucky stepped backwards to pull his cock free, cum gushed from the gaping hole onto Morgan's carpet. "Oops!" the horse chuckled. "Hope you don't mind the mess dude".

The hyena made a mental note to go mash his face into the carpet behind his bed the moment this video finished.

The stallion wandered backwards to go pick up the camera and wander back to the bed with it angled towards his face. "That was a heavy fuckin load, heh. Hope you enjoyed the show, dude", he said with a grin. "I certainly did".

"God I fucking loved it", Morgan sighed.

"Not sure we can say the same about him, though", the horse laughed.

Morgan raised an eyebrow.

Lucky angled the camera down towards the bundle of clothes and blankets, and then reached forward and threw them back, revealing his sex toy.

Morgan's breath caught in his throat and he choked as a cold rush of realisation flooded through his body.

Lucky leant down to pull his underwear gag from the mouth of Morgan's little brother, and the young child coughed weakly, looking up at the camera with tear-soaked eyes, trembling in fear and pain, groaning, "Help... me... bro, please..."

Then the horse returned the camera to his face, and through a proud evil grin, chuckled. "Bye, Morgan. Thanks for the present!"

He winked. And then the video ended.

The hyena didn't waste any time zipping up as he sprinted out of his room and threw open his little brother Henry's door. Racing inside, he threw back the bed covers, and... then he fell down beside the bed, clutching his chest in dread and agony as he broke into a hopeless sob.

His brother's bed was empty.

Morgan had shot the best load of his life to the sight of his kid brother getting raped within an inch of his life by a hung horse before being kidnapped for undoubtedly even darker purposes.

He would never know the true depths of pain and horror his brother would suffer, because he never saw Lucky or Henry ever again.

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