Ghost Hunting

Story by Loko_K_O on SoFurry

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#2 of Quick Fetish Blurbs (series)

Ghost hunting was always such an interesting concept to you, a hobby you thought could at the very least fill time and expand your horizons. Curiosity led you to a seemingly abandoned mansion, and it didn't take long before the ghostly hosts and their handy companions did everything they could to both fill and expand, but perhaps not the way you thought. Though now as round and soft as the spectral orbs that float around you, you can tell through certain lack of mobility that the many groping, squishing hands that watch over you will find a way to keep you company and make you a truly welcomed guest.

Hunger Pills

"Take one per meal," the bottle said. Even after taking a second, you barely felt any hungrier in order to get through your lunch. Carelessly, you popped open the bottle and downed the rest of them. Now, through bulging cheeks and labored breathing,...

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A New Star

Look upon yourself, dear agent of gluttony, for you have found comfort among a new form which encapsulates your desires most naturally. From every pound of warm adipose which now adorns you like a blanket of the most soft cotton the earth below may...

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An A-pear-ent Issue

"Grab a pair of pears?" A wolf of varying blue colors asked aloud. "A dollar for two? What kind of sale is this?" Sven was a pretty open person who embodied the idea of "shoot first, ask questions later" to a T, whether it be his optimism that clashed...

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