The Noble and the Beasts Chapter 3: Dirty Rats!

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#3 of Elven Noble

Little realizing that their brothers, Urúvion and Beinion, had already been ganked and gangbanged (and also god-banged) by kobolds and other denizens of the deep places beneath the comfortable elven estate, elfgirls Vanya and Eruanna decide that they'd better get in a bath as soon as possible, before all these silly human princesses crowd into the place and start taking up all the hot water: Heraclitus, longsuffering minotaur major domo, already has his huge hands full getting them all situated! Unfortunately for the girls, there's already an occupant in the baths: a big, mean, ugly, and sexually irresistible rat goblin, who seems to just assume that when two cute elfgirls show up all naked while he's swiping the house's booze, and end up staring at his big, dangly balls for way longer than is polite, they must want something. Lucky for them, he's more than happy to deliver!

Done for Kalenidus.

The Noble and the Beasts

Chapter 3: Dirty Rats!

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Commissioned by Kalenidus

Goodness! Those humans were certainly enthusiastic, weren't they? Two more of their carriages, each of wildly different make, indicating quite different points of origin, were already pulling up when she'd walked by the front entrance, and even the ever-stoic Heraclitus was starting to look a little bit harried. That Vanya even noticed Heraclitus at all, quiet and omnipresent background entity that he normally was, was all the indication she needed to know that the situation was getting out of hand, even hands as big as the black-furred butler's. That meant there had to be, what, at least five different human noble or royal scions, plus attendants, somewhere around the Eaglardian estate now? Probably more, Vanya decided, since the humans were likely to "double up" on their transportation like those first two princesses did, owing to how difficult the roads still were to travel; with all the damage done by war, even with vastly fewer hostiles roaming the wilds, there was at least a century's worth of ruination that nobody had even started on properly fixing yet.

Vanya shook her silver-haired head as she hurried into the changing room of her estate's indoor baths. Personally, she would have liked to use one of the many pools in the pleasantly-shaded gardens on her family's estate, but right then there were humans all over the place, all of them marriage-mad (some for Beinion, others, she didn't doubt for a moment, for her, and still others for anyone from her sisters, her eldest brother or even - heavens and scandal! - her mother), and they might take the sight of a few bare naked elfgirls the wrong way. She only hoped Eruanna caught up with her soon, she mused to herself as she shoved her breeches to the floor, then tossed her shift and pants carelessly onto a nearby bench for Heraclitus or one of the kobold servants to pick up and clean and fold like they always did: with the way these human nobles kept showing up, if her redheaded friend (and, incidentally, the brother of her fiancée) didn't get into the baths really soon, they weren't likely to have much privacy left; with all the speed the humans must have gone through to reach the Eaglardian estate so quickly, they'd be sure to have a lot of travel dust that needed washing off.

Still, even knowing that she probably only had a limited time available to use the baths in privacy, Vanya couldn't help but pause before the full-length mirror on one side of the unisex changing room. Not bad, she quickly decided, but then most elves had that sort of opinion of their bodies - an opinion that was certainly realistic. Even her younger brother, Beinion, with all his insecurities and uncertainties, knew he wasn't bad-looking. Truthfully, Vanya had a body much like her younger brother's, or at least the rough equivalent of what he'd look like if he'd been born a girl, with more curves to the hips and swell to the bosom. That swell wasn't especially great, since Vanya spent a lot of time in the woods of her estate, "roughing it" in true tomboy fashion whenever she could get away from the duties her mother and older brother tried to place upon her, leaving her body toned, trimly-muscled, and even a bit boyish. Quite a contrast to most high elves (including her own mother, Vanya had to admit), with their civilized ways...and awe-inspiring bosoms!

Because she didn't have too much "up top" to complicate matters, Vanya had a pretty easy time finding a towel to fit her, wrapping it around her torso just in case. After all, she was pretty sure that she'd heard something from Heraclitus about her fiancée, Urúvion, and her brother, Beinion, taking some human prince over here to have a bath. While Vanya wouldn't have minded teasing her brother (he blushed too easily for her to resist), and maybe given the redheaded elfboy a bit of a show, a human would have almost certainly gotten some ideas that Vanya didn't want to get started if she could help it. So towel it was, wrapped tightly around her middle (though, of course, she _did_make sure she'd selected a towel that only just barely covered her flawless little derriere, in case she got an opportunity to flash Urúvion on the sly, just for the fun of it) as she brushed past the double layers of curtains, creating an "airlock" of sorts between changing room and bath, and stepped into the bathing chamber.

The first thing Vanya saw upon entering the lightly steam-filled room was a rat's butt.

Had the butt in question belonged to the more ordinary sort of rat, the kind that chewed holes in things and nibbled cheese, Vanya would have simply gone to get her friend Thandiel the wood elf, and had her tell the rat to take itself and all its kind out of the mansion post-haste, and go live somewhere else on the rather expansive Eaglardian estate. Considering how many potential places there were for a plague of rats to live that didn't involve them causing trouble inside houses meant for people, and considering that even elves weren't inclined toward being overly gentle with animals as destructive as rats could be, she had little doubt that they would have accepted the ultimatum.

Unfortunately, Vanya was somewhat at a loss at how to handle the sight of a humanoid rat easily the height of a human, with a body that frankly rippled with muscle! The disgusting, dark grey-furred beastie didn't seem to have even the most marginal sense of modesty, either, its only (frankly very casual) nod to the idea of clothing being a shirt of (ha ha) ratty-looking chainmail, and a crudely-tanned leather hood somewhat akin to the hood traditionally worn by a human executioner, or by the lowest classes of human peasant levees when they couldn't afford any sort of properly armored headgear. Beyond that, the big rat was as naked as any of its four-footed brethren, and unashamedly so, its long, pink rat's tail lashing in the air behind it (no - him) as he rummaged around in the wine cabinet set against the far wall, muttering to himself.

"Don't these elves have any real booze?" complained the manrat in a rough, gravely voice that made Vanya shiver despite herself; he just sounded wicked! Without making the decision consciously, the silver-haired elfling's golden eyes drifted to what lay beneath that tail, then widened, her mouth dropping open in shock: the brute was huge! Each of those hefty orbs in that low-hanging fuzzy pouch had to be at least the size of a chicken's egg, bouncing and jiggling below that tight, firmly-rounded rear every time that nasty pink tail flicked like some self-willed tentacle. "Wine! Wine, wine, and more wine! Don't elves believe in ale? Maybe some lager? Or even...wait...wait!" His tail gave a happy twitch, and Vanya couldn't keep herself from biting her lower lip at the jiggle this sent through the dangling ratsac. "No," the dark grey beastie declared, his tail drooping as he stood, holding up a bottle in each hand. "Brandy. Figures."

"What are you doing here?" Vanya demanded, drawing herself up to her (admittedly rather unimposing) full height as she glared the manrat in the face, pointedly making sure he didn't see her indulge her curiosity for what sort of package might come with such a prominent set of testicles. Not that she was actually curious or anything, of course! After all, he was a disgusting, brutish, degenerate beast, a primal leftover from a far more primitive time that the pixie-ish elf, like all properly-raised elves, knew had long ago passed, and had no place in the modern world. "This is my family's bath chambers, and you are digging about in my family's wine cabinet."

"And pretty disappointed at what I found in there, too," the ugly beast grumbled, walking right past her as though she weren't least for a moment, before his tail caught up with him, and with her, wrapping around Vanya's waist with such a casual air, she almost didn't notice that he was dragging her along behind him until he was sitting down on one of the low benches by the pool, letting his broad, weird-looking rodent's feet dangle in the steaming water (and leaving little ripples of whatever filth he'd been walking in spreading out from them, too!), and she, quite against her will, was given a firm tug that seated her toned but otherwise quite typically elvish bottom - exquisitely smooth save for its clearly-defined dimples, heart-shaped, and a slightly pinkish alabaster in color - right down on one of his thighs. With the way her towel rode up when she sat down, that left her giving a sharp _gasp_as she realized that she could feel the manrat's coarse, bristly fur rasping right against her puffy little elfcunny! And she was all lightly swollen down there only because she'd been getting excited over the chance to tease Urúvion, not because she'd actually gotten any sort of thrill out of checking out the grotesquely oversized package of a beastman!

Pressed up against the nasty rat's side, Vanya couldn't help but notice how incredibly muscular he was. Despite herself, she let her eyes play up and down his rough, scarred-up body, blinking at how many of those scars there were. There was one across the bridge of his nose, where his leather hood didn't quite reach; there were more than a few holes in his ears, including a nice-sized chunk that looked as though it had been bitten out. His chest, what she could see of it where the chain shirt didn't quite cover - it was pretty obviously not fitted for him, and had also obviously been patched together more than once by hands that were less than expert - made it plain to her that there was a pretty big round splotch near his heart where the fur hadn't grown back quite right, possibly the leftover from an arrow or even a spear. The bicep of the arm he draped over her shoulder in an obnoxiously familiar fashion had a clearly visible slice taken out of it, and his belly where the chain shirt rode up showed even more scars of all sizes, punctures and cuts and bites and scratches, all the clear marks of a life lived in the midst of raw brutality. That this beast_was even still alive was all the evidence any female (a girlrat female, of course) needed to prove that he'd beat the odds, and _deserved to squirt his seed in a receptive womb by sheer survivability. That he was built like a brick outhouse, and at least as heavily used, was just that little bit extra.

Despite her previous determination not to "peek," Vanya couldn't really stop herself from doing just that while the big, ugly manrat sank his long, sharp incisors into the cork of one of the brandy bottles, then yanked it out with a loud "pop" of freed pressure. As it turned out, he was bigger than she'd expected, at least to judge from the size of his sheath, and the bit of swollen pink poking out from the escutcheon of short, wiry hairs (almost black, rather than the dark grey of the rest of his body) framing his pubic region, the shaft the same color as his naked ratty tail. Good grief, he looked so thick, she'd have a hard time fitting her hand around it, and Vanya was pretty sure he hadn't hit his full circumference yet!

Trying desperately not to watch as that brutally primitive breeding organ gradually grew erect while the "glug, glug, glug" sound of the manrat guzzling fine elven brandy as though it were cheap ale teased Vanya's pointed ears, Vanya turned her eyes slightly, seeing several more of those omnipresent scars on the big brute's thighs; he probably had more on his butt (hadn't she seen some? It was hard to remember now), but she couldn't see that from where she was sitting. Only a monumental effort of will allowed her to drag her eyes back to the manrat's upper body...and right to the dark "9" branded on one shoulder.

"Your name is Nine?" she asked with a flash of inspiration.

"Hah," sighed the manrat in contentment as he pulled the bottle away from his lips, then shoved it rudely into Vanya's dainty hands. "Actually not bad. You elves make good stuff!" Then he smirked at her, and Vanya could see that the brandy, a refined elven vintage (though reduced in potency just enough to allow its use by human visitors to the bath), had managed to affect the primitive brute a little. "Yeah," he finally answered, visibly collecting his thoughts as he casually reached for Vanya's towel, tugging it off before she even realized what he was doing, then using the thick, fluffy square of cloth to wipe his muzzle before tossing it carelessly aside. "Yeah, I'm Nine. It's 'cause I'm the ninth in my litter, the runt back in the day. Also it's 'cause I usually end up ninth in line when we're gangbanging a prisoner. Well, at least when we did, back before everything stopped being fun, that is.

"Anyway, when you're fighting for humping rights in a whole warren of hundreds, being ninth in line is pretty good! I'm almost certain I've knocked up a few of your warrior elfgirls, or your scouts that weren't nearly as sneaky as they thought they were, since more'n once the rats in front of me wanted mouth, boobs, or butt." He ignored Vanya's squeak of shock and dismay as she belatedly realized that he'd stripped her naked with such casual ease, grinning to himself almost meditatively as he lifted the other bottle of brandy, looking at it thoughtfully, obviously weighing how much of it he could drink without being seriously impaired. "Always liked that about you elves: the sexual equality. Just as likely to have a boy as a girl in any position, even military." Then he glanced at her, his grin wide and wicked, his sharp yellow teeth thrust outward in hideous mirth. "Not that we goblin rats ever minded: far as we were concerned, the only serious difference between the sexes of elf is how many holes we had available to stuff!"

"You're a beast!" exclaimed Vanya, wrinkling her nose cutely as she glared at the savage beastman. "A...a disgusting, smelly rat!"

"Smelly?" Nine blinked, lifting his other arm to give his armpit a sniff, before giving the blushing, silver-haired elfgirl a cocked eyebrow. "Nuh-uh! Disgusting, though," he laughed, and it was one of the most wicked sounds the young elfgirl had ever heard, making her whole body shiver, her thighs squeezing tightly together quite unconsciously as the spreading of his mouth revealed his long, sharp teeth. "Oh yeah! I really love making a mess of sweet little elfies. And you," he leaned in close, pulling her up against his chest as he did so, her hands, still occupied with the empty brandy bottle, rising to press the bottle against his chest, "are a sweet little elfie. Mmm," he let his eyes roam freely up and down Vanya's lithesome body, making her shudder all over, the rake of his eyes like a physical caress, leaving her feeling weak all over, robbing her of the will to even try seriously resisting; deep down, her body knew that this was a male, a personification of primitive masculinity that would do obscene things to her...and she would love every one of them, whether she wanted to or not. "I wonder if you taste and sweet as you smell."

"U-unhand me!" Vanya declared, trying to channel her stately, aristocratic mother; she'd probably have had more luck with her own natural tendency toward being a smart-mouth, because she realized right away that noble demands didn't really seem like they'd have any effect on this two-legged animal. "You have no right to...ooh!"

Ignoring the elfgirl's protests, and the brandy bottle that clinked as it hit the slightly roughened floor (made so as to reduce the danger of slipping, just as elven glass was made so as to greatly reduce its chances of breaking), Nine engulfed her pert, upthrust breasts in both massive hands, his toothy grin widening as the silver-haired elfgirl's protests were suddenly cut off with a sharp gasp, mostly in surprise, but not completely. No, not completely at all.

Licking his lips, Nine looked the girl in his grip over, holding the trembling little cutie steady with one arm behind her back, the hand wrapping all the way around her to squeeze her breast until her puffy pink nipple stood out clearly, while his other hand did the same from the front. They were a tasty-looking strawberry color, light and delicate, and Nine didn't even bother trying to resist the impulse to lean in and start to suck on them, first one, then the other, trading off pretty regularly between those tasty elfteats: it would have been a shame to leave either of them feeling neglected, after all! His efforts, of course, were almost immediately rewarded with the skinny little elfie's whole body tensing up; he could feel her buns clench on his thigh, and felt her moisture already starting to matt down his bristly fur.

While Nine wasn't personally opposed to rape by any means, being born and raised in the old school, all the same, ever since he and his fellow savage races had turned civilized, he and most of his kind had quietly decided not to indulge so much in their old, dark whims like they had back under the reign of Evil. Except with this tasty little elfie's voice all seized up like it was, for instance, frozen in place by the feeling of having a big, ugly manrat gnawing on her lightly fruit-flavored nipples until they ached, she was in no position to do much of anything, let alone tell him to stop. Which suited Nine just fine.

"Sweet 'n perky," growled the ugly manrat, smacking his lips with exaggerated loudness as he grinned up into the poor little silver-haired elfie's face, exulting in the look of dismay he saw there, the expression of someone being tempted far more than she is able to bear, even as he let one hand stroke its way down her smooth, tight tummy, feeling the little bumps of her taut abdominals; he'd ruin those soon enough! "Your skin's as tasty as that of your brother."

"M-my brother!" Vanya gasped out, her voice shaking far more than she liked, knowing it made her desperate weakness in this savage brute's blutches even more obvious than it already was. "You mean Beinion?"

"That his name?" Nine asked casually, even as his hand suddenly cut off any words Vanya might have added, turning them into a loud gasp of shock, which soon turned into a long, drawn-out moan as he began to grind his fingers, and then the heel of his palm, against her soapstone-smooth mound, glancing down to admire the way the delicate little indentation at the base of the "V" of her mons squished and parted to the not-too-rough force of his questing digits. "Yeah, him. Everybody down in guttertown knows about him now." He smirked smugly as he made some truly obscene squelching sounds come from the hot little elf's cunny, only for her loud, frantic cries of rising arousal to drown them out as she began to wriggle in her seat on his thigh. "I made sure to personally choke_him on my cock when he came wandering into our bar like he owned the place. That's nothing compared to what one of the greenskins did to him, though!" Chuckling at the fond memory, his ugly, veiny pink penis coming swiftly to full erection, he curled one finger _just so, arching it into the silver-haired elfie's cunny at the right angle. "And none of that could even hold a candle to what we did to him less than an hour ago: we gave your brother to the Hound, and by the Eternal Warrens, if you think I'm a beast, you can't even imagine how much that demon doggie wrecked your brother's butt!"

Nine probably kept saying things - obscene, disgusting things, surely to do with all the horrors Beinion had endured yesterday in the beastfolk bar (Vanya knew how much that silly brother of hers liked to travel among the lesser races in their shantytown of Am'akhret, almost as though he felt some sort of kinship with them, though she'd never revealed what she knew to their older brother or mother, and had even covered for him more than once). Maybe he was even telling her about what had happened to Urúvion and Prince Tapan (so _that_was the name of the human boy who'd shown up such a short while ago), how poor Urúvion was spit-roasted between the blind, mist-eyed leader of the gnolls and Boss Rat, the two towering powerhouses of muscle slamming together with the redheaded hottie in the middle until he squirted into the mouth of the greedy kobold sucking his cock, before they flipped him over and traded ends. Or how the spoiled rotten human prince had been made a virgin sacrifice to the Goat God. Or about the general orgy that followed, and was almost certainly still going on, a presage to the many similar rituals that all the beastfolk would start to enact all too soon, all the better to spread the power of the Goat God, and ensure the strong passions and _need_that would make possible the new, better world the Goat God envisioned. (Though, in all honesty, if Nine mentioned much about that last bit, it wasn't _very_much: he'd never been the intellectual sort, and peace really didn't appeal to him, though peace-through-sex _did_have its attractions.)

Whatever the scarred-up manrat said, though, really didn't matter much to poor Vanya: when his finger had rasped over her G-spot, little sparks went off behind her eyes, blotting out her vision. Even in her own moments of masturbation, she'd never really thought to explore her own body in quite such detail - one of the disadvantages of bring brought up strictly, she would suppose later, when she was able to think again. Without prior experiences in just how intense such stimulation could be, Vanya had no ability at all to resist the sudden crashing waves that sloshed inside her belly, or the electric storms that jerked her whole body as tight as an elven bowstring. The rush of blood in her pointed ears was so intense, in fact, that she didn't even notice Nine's harsh laugh of delight as he watched her face, letting his dark eyes flick down her sleek, beautiful body every so often, just to memorize every part of this moment for later. Brute he might be, but even he could recognize some sorts of art, and this moment of perfect elven orgasm was, in his eyes, a masterpiece that he would keep frozen in his memory for as long as he lived.

"You're a virgin, aren'tcha?" Vanya slowly realized he'd asked. At another time she would have reacted with fury at such a forward question. Now, she just nodded, unresisting as he got to his feet, lifting her in his arms. "Yeah, thought so: even for an elfgirl, you're awfully tight. Too tight to have had some elfboy's pencil-prick in ya, that's for sure." He grinned again, showing off those sharp incisors, even as Vanya became aware that he was laying her down quite gently on one of the padded massage tables near the bathing pool. "Heh, never had virgin elfpussy before. Not even virgin boy pussy." Vanya was just starting to blink herself back to conscious thought as he lifted her legs, resting her ankles on his shoulders as he started leaning in, eager for the feast to come. "Looks like I'm about to change my name to One! And you're about to change yours to Mommy!"

The silver-haired elf's golden eyes widened at this, but there was no possible way for her to react in time - certainly not to resist! - as Nine's muzzle zeroed in on her exposed young cunny with unerring accuracy.


What a day! Eruanna had never been the outgoing type, not like her best friend Vanya. Perhaps the reason she'd been drawn to the druidic mysteries from an early age was because of her introversion: animals knew when to give you some personal space, after all, and had a better instinctive understanding of boundaries than a typical "person" ever did. And those human girls certainly seemed not to understand the fire-haired elfgirl's needs for personal space one bit! Pretty much the moment they'd come down from their carriage, with Eruanna a little too close as she'd been heading up the front stairs of the estate to see her friend, Vanya, and they were immediately in her private zone, demanding her attention, and probably being friendly in their way.

Thinking back, Eruanna supposed the two hadn't been that obnoxious, really. She'd just been in a hurry, focused on her goal of personal time with Vanya, and perhaps a little more personal time in the Eaglardian estate's extensive library, with nobody but the kobolds and Heraclitus around, and they were all far too quiet and unobtrusive to bother her in the slightest. Actually the pair - a lovely pale-skinned beauty with the darkest ink black hair Eruanna had ever seen, and the distinctive epicanthic folds of someone from the Eastern countries, and a clay-colored young woman from the Southeast with the distinctive golden bindi on her forehead marking her as one of the nobility from the lands still menaced by the rakshasa - were quite polite, and even a bit obsequious, as though constantly afraid of insulting their elven hosts. Perhaps she should have spent a little more time with the two...but no, now that she thought about it, that would have been unwise: a second carriage had been pulling up just as the three of them (and their silent pair of attendants, who blended so smoothly into the background that Eruanna truly couldn't even remember their faces...or had they been wearing masks?) had reached the top of the front stairs to the mansion, and even if Eruanna could have handled being around those first two (as she suspected she could have, if she'd just given them half a chance), four new people was simply too much to be borne all at once.

That was what Eruanna really loved about Vanya most: she understood Eruanna's introverted ways, and not only did she not judge her friend harshly for them, she actually helped to keep people from pushing the fire-haired elfgirl into social contact levels that made her anxiety spike. A little social "pushing" was fine, healthy in fact, but too much all at, that was what friends were for: to keep you safe.

Of course, there was probably such a thing as too safe, Eruanna mused. Vanya, after all, was well on her way to getting married to her twin brother, Urúvion, which would make the silver-haired girl into Eruanna's sister-in-law. Eruanna, by contrast...well, she wasn't even dating anyone, let alone seriously courting, and her family hadn't seen the need to arrange a marriage, since they weren't nearly as important as House Eaglardian. Besides, her studies into the druidic mysteries, and into books in general, all just seemed to take up so much of her time. The closest she'd ever been to romance were some of the saucy novels Adlanniel, the matron of House Eaglardian (and Vanya's mother, incidentally), was certain nobody knew about, but which Eruanna had discovered years ago...discovered, and read many, many times.

Finally, finally, Eruanna shut the door to the changing room of the Eaglardians' bathroom behind her, and leaned against the solid wood. The large and sumptuously-appointed baths were magically soundproofed, both in the outer changing room where Eruanna now stood, safe from further intrusions, and the inner bathing chambers. Though these inner rooms were separated from the changing room by a pair of curtains, between which was a shower to cleanse off the lighter dust before you entered the baths proper, and yet those curtains had a cunning enchantment that ensured that, once you were past them, you might as well be on another planet. Of course, parting said curtains even slightly negated the magic until they were allowed to drop back into place, but all the same, Eruanna the moment she'd shut the door, she felt her anxiety levels simply float away like a bubble as she basked in the gentle warmth of the changing room.

Casting an almost involuntary look toward the beautiful, full-length silver mirror on the far wall, Eruanna smirked at her reflection as she straightened. As was fairly common for most elven clothing, Eruanna's druidic robes were made to be light and airy. So light and airy, in fact, that they almost looked as though they were held together with gauze and magic in places...which, truthfully, was a fairly accurate description. Honestly, she'd slid into her clothing that morning, just as she always did, and she still wasn't quite sure how the silk "armlets" of her lower arms connected to the bits around her upper torso, or how her leggings quite connected to her panties (for that, honestly, was what they amounted to), or how the light tunic that hung from her shoulders, colored in all the same glowing, rosy shades as the sunset, beautiful without being ostentatious, somehow always formed an hourglass shape that matched the contours of her body no matter how she moved.

"We elves simply use too much magic in everything we do," Eruanna had to conclude as she shrugged her way out of the garment, letting it fall in multicolored, shimmering pieces to the floor. She'd let the various household servants handle the details, knowing the magic that made her clothes so perfect also ensured that they wouldn't be soiled, even by such casual neglect. Hmm, and was that...? "Looks like Vanya's already here," she concluded with a light smirk as she noted the scattering of her best friend's clothing over to one corner of the dressing room. "And I thought I was messy."

Actually, the sight of Vanya's clothes made Eruanna feel a brief pang, and so she scooped up both her and her friend's discarded attire, and dropped them into the nearby laundry bin, shutting the lid properly to keep them from sight. Hardly a real effort, the redheaded elfling realized with a little flush of shame that made her freckles stand out all the more clearly from her slightly ruddy complexion.

The thought of her freckles gave Eruanna a moment of pause for looking at her reflection in the full-length mirror once more. Naked, she had to admit: all she could really see was the human in her blood. She was perhaps only one-eighth human, or maybe even less, hardly more than a drop, and yet compared to the perfect, flawless grace and creamy skin of a proper, "pure" elf, well, she just didn't compare. And her figure! A human girl of similar age would have done almost anything for Eruanna's supple curves, fine, toned bum, flat tummy, and supple legs. But all Eruanna could see right then was her lack of the traditional elven bust (certainly nothing like the magnificent breasts of Vanya's mother, Adlanniel!), hers being a pair of rather more modest, raspberry-tipped handfuls, while her bone structure was a bit thicker, less willowy, and her skin...well, best not to discuss the shame that came from those freckles and perpetually rosy cheeks. Her brother, Urúvion, at least had broader shoulders than were typical for an elf, a fairly attractive feature that somewhat countered his own freckled face. For Eruanna, though, the ideal for elfwomen was much more exacting, and so it was generally considered a good thing that she'd chosen the druid's life rather than that of the courtier: intellectual pursuits suited her far better than the demands of elven high society.

Such mildly depressing thoughts flitting through her mind, Eruanna actually found them rather easy to dispel as she thought of meeting with her friend Vanya. She'd also heard Vanya say something about how their brothers, Beinion and Urúvion, might be taking a bath, and she did so enjoy the company of her lovely brother...and Beinion, too, she supposed. The silver-haired elfboy was certainly attractive, with all the good looks expected of someone who was, for all practical intents and purposes, a male version of his slightly older sister. He was also quiet, and seemed more than a little shy, though with an eldest brother like he had, and two older sisters besides, perhaps this wasn't so surprising. Well, Eruanna mused as she rather carelessly wrapped a shockingly short towel around her torso, perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing to put on a bit of a show for her best friend's brother...and perhaps _her_brother as well.

Naughty thoughts such as these were still only half-formed in Eruanna's mind when the redheaded elf brushed aside the curtain leading to the inner bathing chamber...and her mouth immediately dropped open, her eyes popping wide, at the sight of the biggest, most grotesquely swollen, sperm-bloated balls she'd ever seen! Each of the egg-sized ovular orbs bounced in a dark-furred pouch right below a solidly-muscled and heavily-scarred rat's rump, naked pink tail lashing above in wild eagerness as the uncouth owner of all those bits of anatomy greedily - nay, hungrily! - gnawing on her best friend's pussy!

Frozen in place save for her eyes, clutching the towel around her middle tightly in both hands, feeling as though it were somehow her only defense in this perilous situation, Eruanna could only continue to gape as the ugly manrat pulled his mouth slightly away from where he'd had it mashed up against Vanya's perfectly smooth and heavily flushed elven quim, sucking on it as though he were performing one of the most intimate sorts of kisses (called "dragon kissing" by the humans, actually, since they were sometimes said to have invented the tongueplay involved) on that lower set of lips. As she continued to watch, even as he moved his nibbling muzzle upward, his long white whiskers surely tickling Vanya's inner thighs and upthrust pubis, centering its efforts around her clitoris, Eruanna saw the manrat slip a finger from one hand into Vanya's quivering cunny, and then a second finger, visibly arching his hand in such a way that Eruanna knew he had to be doing something similar to the inside of the silver-haired elfgirl's ladyparts.

"Gonna make you squirt," he got out, his voice deep and harsh and guttural and so, so evil-sounding, it made poor Eruanna's knees tremble, threatening to give out. "Gonna make you scream!"

"Oh!" Eruanna couldn't hold back the soft, high-pitched exclamation, one hand going from the top of her towel to cover her mouth, even as the manrat actually...he was forcing a finger from his other hand into the tense, tiny pucker of her best friend's anus! But surely he hadn't heard her. Surely he couldn't! Not when Vanya immediately began to do just what he'd predicted: she began to scream as she thrashed on the massage table to one side of the entryway, her firmly-defined washboard tummy tensed, the muscles standing out clearly through her alabaster skin, and all over her body as well as she bent like a bow, arching herself upward, off the table's flat surface, hands catching hold of its edges just before she kicked herself right off as her feet jerked and inner thighs spasmed with electric forces more powerful than anything Eruanna had ever seen in the animal kingdom. Animals mated because of instinct. But this...this was an act of debased, carnal lust!

Knowing she should slip away, should back out and pretend she hadn't seen anything, all the same, Eruanna stayed right where she was, just a little bit out of the entryway, her body and curly red hair lightly moistened from the pre-bath sprinkling of the shower, the towel clutched tightly around her chest in one hand, her other thrust firmly in her mouth, her teeth fixed in its flesh to keep from making any more sounds. Before her eyes, Vanya collapsed back to the table with a suddenness that was startling to behold, her body bathed in sweat, her bosom heaving as she fought to get her breath back.

"Mmm," the manrat chuckled as he stroked Vanya's belly appraisingly. "Bet you hadda work hard for years to get tummy bumps like these. Too bad I'm about to ruin 'em with one really big tummy bump of my own making!"

All poor Vanya could do in answer to this cruel taunt was groan in defeat, her recent orgasms having taken all the fight out of her, right down even to the desire to consider resisting. Instead, her eyes rolled back into her head as she whispered soft prayers to the angelic host that had proven pivotal in saving the elves from the forces of Evil in the dark times only so recently passed.

"Aw, don't be all sad, little elfie," chortled the dark-furred manrat, giving Vanya's pussy a light pat that made her shudder, before he placed his hands firmly to either side of her sex, and then began to use his thumbs to slowly spread her wide open, giving Eruanna an astonishingly clear view of her best friend's innermost secrets. "After all, it looks like you've got a friend here to join you. And if you're gonna spend the rest of your life as a ratslave, it's better to have somebody you like there with you to share the load." Then he laughed, baring those horrible ratty teeth of his, before he turned around to grin at Eruanna, his eyes freezing her in place, destroying any hope she might have had of mustering up the resolve needed to flee. "Actually, make that loads, about twenty or thirty a day!"

"Eek!" Eruanna squeaked in shock and dismay as the manrat's long pink tail suddenly lashed around her hips, just below the towel's hem, and then slid upward to encircle her waist, making the towel ride up as it went, baring the tiny indentation of her even more tiny cunny, as pure and untouched as that of any elven maiden of story and song. But not for much longer if this...this brute had his way!

That thought finally spurred Eruanna to action, as she grabbed the manrat's astonishingly muscular tail in both hands, forcing the temptation to cringe from her mind at the touch of that oddly scaly, ribbed skin under her fingers. Of course, in moving both her hands to the manrat's tail, Eruanna had to give up her hold on her towel, and she gave another "Eep!" of dismay as it fluttered to the slightly moistened tiles of the bathroom (a state the analytical part of her mind, untouched by emotional upheavals, told her meant that someone had been here before either her or Vanya, and probably less than a few hours ago at that). With her attention distracted between the towel and maintaining her grip and the all-over flush of being so suddenly and absolutely naked in front of this bestial, carnal-minded beast of a male, Eruanna hardly noticed the well-muscled bullythug goblin rat reeling her in, hand-over-hand, until she was wriggling most fetchingly in his clutches!

"No!" she cried out, finally managing to form words in the tumult of emotions assailing her. " let me go this instant, you animal! You can't..."

"Aw shaddup," the manrat told Eruanna almost kindly as he roughly hoisted the naked redhead up onto the table, seating her firm little tushie next to her friend's head. "You ain't for me: I'm gonna save you for the Boss Rat. We used ta keep a dozen or so little elfies as slaves way back in the day, and Boss liked to keep all the girl slaves pregnant and the boy slaves nice an' stretched. Me, I think he'd like to relive some 'a those glory days and knock up an elfie of his own." Then he bared his sharp teeth once again in a vile laugh, even as those big hands of his easily rolled poor Eruanna over, while she was too dazed from these words to really process what was happening, let alone form an effective resistance. "Especially since he's been spending so much time balls deep in an elfboy who looks just like you! I'd bet he'd like to complete the set!"

"Urúvion...?" Eruanna gasped in shock, even as those heavy, irresistible hands so easily positioned her delightfully light elven body on all-fours over her best friend's prone form, in the "head-to-tail" position some of her close combat instructors had demonstrated a few times, though these were vastly more intimate conditions than mere wrestling instruction! "You've taken my brother...?"

"He's your twin, isn't he?" the manrat asked with a leer as he let his big hands maul Vanya's breasts, making the silver-haired elfling squirm at his touch to her delightfully perky nipples, pinching and rolling them between rough-calloused fingers. "That silver-haired cutie, Beinion I guess his sis here said his name was, is pretty obviously her younger brother, going by looks. You, though, you've gotta be twins with that freckle-faced cocksleeve. He made for a great spitroaster when the Boss and the gnollish chief needed somebody to use to seal our truce down below!"

Shock spread all over her face, Eruanna just watched as the scarred-up manrat slipped his arms beneath Vanya's knees, hoisting up her legs, spreading them wide before he stepped forward, his pink cock thrust forward like a lance. It was an ugly thing, Eruanna couldn't help thinking, her whole body shuddering at the realization, all covered in veins, and its tip swollen like a rain-bloated mushroom. And right before her eyes, she saw the manrat mash that fat, precum-leaking tip right up against the very gates of her best friend's cunny, and start to work it up and down with one long-fingered fist.

Hearing Vanya moan under her, Eruanna risked a look, only to see the wide eyes of her silver-haired friend, fixed on the disgustingly massive length of rat sausage just about to plunge into her, looking between Eruanna's legs for her view. Unable to help herself, Eruanna's own eyes followed Vanya's gaze, and they both watched in stunned fascination as that heavy piece of meat started to bend, the bulbous glans visibly wrinkling all the way to its corona as the big manrat grunted with the effort.

"Forgot how _tight_you elfies are!" he chuckled, grinning nastily up at Eruanna before his eyes lit up with sudden inspiration, and he reached up, grabbing the back of her head, before forcing her down, until her mouth was only the span of a fingernail above her best friend's clitty.

"Start licking, cutie," he growled, licking his lips as he said the words. "I might not be gonna use your pussy, but your other mouth is fair game. Way I see, I'm doin' Boss Rat a favor, givin' you some experience suckin' cock and eatin' cunt!"

Opening her mouth, Eruanna looked up at the face of the wicked, brutish beast that had so thoroughly - and so easily! - demolished all her self-preconceptions. Was she going to protest, to rail against him? Was she going to refuse? Truthfully, the curly-haired elfling didn't really know. But then her eyes drifted past the manrat, to the curtained entryway, and even without looking, she somehow knew that Vanya could see what Eruanna saw: the towering black figure of Heraclitus, standing there, watching silently.

Was the Eaglardians' butler there to save them? The thought caused a strange flutter of emotion in Eruanna's belly, and she blinked as she tried to process its meaning. Did she feel...disappointed? Did she actually not want to be rescued from this disgusting, brutish, and utterly uncouth beast of a man that was surely just about to ravish her best friend, Heraclitus' mistress? No! That...that couldn't possibly be true!

And yet...

The big black bull's eyes met Vanya's, and Eruanna knew that some sort of silent communication passed between them. Could it be that Vanya was feeling the same strange, confused emotions that Eruanna was enduring? Whatever the case, Heraclitus stepped back through the bath entryway, and let the silence-enchanted curtain fall back into place, not having made as much noise as a whispered breath in all the time he'd come and gone; certainly not enough to let the manrat know that he'd been observed by the big black bull. Somehow, without needing words, Eruanna knew that the huge male was there for her and for his mistress, and if they needed or just wanted him, he would protect them, or even save them.

Right now, however, they didn't want him.

This realization shook Eruanna right to her core, and just as the charcoal-furred manrat grabbed up her long, crinkly red tresses in one big hand, letting Vanya's ankles rest on his shoulders to keep them out of the way, she gave a loud wail when he tugged on them. Not a wail of pain, as an outside observer might have thought, but of pleasure, as a shock of orgasm hit her with stunning suddenness. So overwhelmed was she, that Eruanna completely forgot to even try to resist as the manrat squeezed her mouth against Vanya's cunny, right above the spot where he was on the verge of penetrating the silver-haired beauty. Eyes going glazed with too much sensory stimulus, Eruanna could only do what the manrat wanted, her tongue flicking out over Vanya's achingly erect clitoris.

Instantly, Vanya screamed, her whole body arching upward, bucking with powerful contractions that Eruanna could feel rippling through the tight-bodied elfgirl's belly. But the scream was almost instantly muffled as Vanya's own mouth met Eruanna's lower lips, plump and juicy with arousal, and promptly started to nibble and then to _suck_on the redheaded elfling's most sensitive parts.

With so much going on, and Vanya's juices fairly gushing out even as Eruanna placed a tentative hand on her best friend's inner thigh, the manrat's immense cock bored its way into the silver-haired hottie's slick sex, spreading her so very wide right before Eruanna's awe-widened eyes, the sight alone enough to make her cum again under the oral attentions of her friend.

"Ooh yeah!" crowed the manrat, throwing back his head in obvious ecstasy as he started to work his hips, his round-muscled rump flexing powerfully as it drove forward and down, his tail making a soft crack in the air as it lashed powerfully, giving his thrusts just that much more force. "That is one tight little elfie!"

In that instant, right when the manrat's cockhead just narrowly avoided bashing against Vanya's cervix, but instead battered over and against a spot that was almost as sensitive as the slightly bumpy region just within her quim, poor Vanya _screamed_again, but this time the scream was almost completely muffled by Eruanna's cunny. With such raw passion translated almost directly into her trembling body from the manrat into her best friend, Eruanna's brain just...broke. She felt as though she were having an out-of-body experience, as though she'd died and was looking down objectively on what was taking place.

Of course, the first thing Eruanna noticed in this new perspective was herself. There she was, crouched on all-fours over Vanya, gaping with an honestly comical expression on her face, one of total shock and disbelief at how good everything felt, and how _powerful_it all was. Her hands were set to either side of the silver-haired beauty's slightly upraised hips, her eyes focused almost straight down, right at the point where that absolutely obscenely massive man-meat was plunged almost to the hilt inside the squirming little elf.

Said elf, Vanya, had her hands upraised, one gripping Eruanna's inner thigh, the other reached around, resting on the curly-haired redhead's lower back, from which she drew leverage. This, in turn, allowed Vanya to keep her mouth pressed tightly against Eruanna's deeply-flushed cunny, her tongue just barely penetrating the tense virgin passage of the other girl in that instant of clarity that allowed Eruanna a complete view of everything taking place. Now that she was paying attention - truly and completely paying attention, in ways that only one trained in the mystic arts could properly understand - Eruanna could see that Vanya's fingers on Eruanna's lower back were already moving toward the other elf's butt, were grabbing and squeezing and spreading one pert cheek, while her pinkie finger teased against the other girl's anal ring. And...well, it felt kind of good, getting that stimulation to her forbidden hole. Would the rat goblins put their penises in her bottom, Eruanna couldn't help but idly wonder.

What a silly question: those monstrous humanoids would ratrape her in every hole, again and again until her body just gave out, or she started to give birth!

Then Eruanna couldn't put off giving her full attention to the manimal who'd started this outrage against elven maidenhood: the thuggish goblin rat Nine. She knew this was his name instantly when she noticed the brand on his shoulder, and knew the reason for that nickname as though she'd been in the room when he'd explained it to Vanya. There was a look of pure, wicked triumph on his face as he paused, bottomed out inside Vanya's almost impossibly-stretched cunny, working his hips deliberately, relishing every orgasm he inflicted upon both his helpless little victims. As Eruanna observed, the muscles of his masculine rump tensed, as did those of his rigid stomach, the cobblestones beneath his ratty fur clearly visible with every motion where his chain shirt had ridden up to just below his broad chest. Then, as she continued to watch, he began to pull back, Vanya's pink inner walls clinging to the immense thickness that had stretched her so completely, only reluctantly letting that gross, vein-lined, throbbing pink length come glistening out into the open air.

"I'm gonna use your little pussy until it aches!"

Those words! Just the way the burly animal said them made Vanya and Eruanna cry out together, groaning in orgasmic despair as something deep in both their bellies _lurched_in response. Vanya's moans were still muffled, of course, as she kept sucking on her best friend's inner pinkness. Eruanna, though...

"Noisy little elfie," chortled the manrat, giving his cock a slight tug, which pulled him free of Vanya with a soft, slurping pop. "Let's keep that mouth of yours busy!"

Even considering resisting never occurred to Eruanna as Nine seized her hair in one long-fingered fist, the other shafting his glistening length, before he force-fed it between the flawless Cupid's bow of her lips, not stopping until she lifted one hand to press against his belly, whining in protest as he cut off her air passage!

And the taste...

Closing her eyes, Eruanna didn't resist - quite the opposite, as she did her best to put into fact what she'd previously only read in the sort of fiction no proper young lady should ever see, her cheeks hollowing out as she obediently began sucking on the weighty ratcock, feeling its many ropey veins beneath her tongue - as Nine cruelly plugged her mouth, grinning in delight at the redheaded hottie's submission and eagerness to serve. She'd make a fine ratslave, of that he was sure! As for Eruanna, her tastebuds were flooded with a strange and wholly contradictory mix of signals. On the one hand, she could taste the rat's cock, as musky and disgusting as she'd imagined it would be from its appearance...and yet just as addictive, the flavor strangely growing on her with each forced bob of her head and tickle of squirted precum against the back of her throat. On the other hand, she could taste Vanya's own delicious elven sweetness, still glistening on Nine's shaft from the moment he forced it into Eruanna's mouth. No wonder so many of the monstrous races loved to take elfgirls prisoner whenever possible back in the days of the wars, if they all tasted like this!

Eruanna couldn't help but wonder if elven boys tasted at least as good.

"That's enough, firehair," Nine suddenly declared with a soft snort, jerking his bobbing prick back, letting a dollop of precum splatter across the bridge of Eruanna's nose as she blinked up at him, eyes dilated, cheeks flushed, drunk on ratcock and elfcum. "Now," his arms slipped back under Vanya's knees, hoisting them up to either side of Eruanna's shoulders, giving her a perfect view as half the oversized acorn of his glans sank instantly into her visibly clenching quim, "time to make some ratbabies in your friend!"

Vanya's muffled voice could be heard by both Eruanna and Nine as she frantically - but ultimately futilely - kicked her dainty little feet in the air. Was she protesting? Begging for mercy? Telling him to stop? Trying to scream for Heraclitus to come and save her as she had second thoughts? Whatever her words might have been, Nine didn't care, simply lifting his body over the squirming little elfie...and then letting his hips drop with all the finality of the guillotine.


The sound of Nine's massive balls slapping against Vanya's flawlessly smooth, alabaster bottom almost drowned out the muffled wails of both young elfgirls as they each squeezed their mouths against the other's throbbing sex. Eruanna's questing mouth, of course, frequently intersected with the point where poor Vanya's labia were being splayed nice and wide around the rapidfire piston of Nine's rigid, brutally thick shaft. His dark-furred, well-muscled ratty rump started to pump up and down with the timing of a triphammer, and the marble-finished room was soon filled with the sounds of his hips smacking against Vanya's inner thighs, his deep, masculine grunts of exertion and pleasure, and the twinned girlish wails of the two young elves, as Vanya did everything in her power to transfer as much of what she was experiencing on the business end of that nasty ratcock right into her best friend's pussy.

With another deep, snarling grunt, Nine suddenly yanked his cock out of Vanya's clenching depths, and once more seized Eruanna's hair, force-feeding her his bittersweet length, making her taste the very depths of Vanya's ravaged core, stretched and nicely gaped, as she clearly saw when he pulled his penis back from her mouth, leaving her breathless, a smear of his thickening precum staining her tastebuds, telling her how close he was to his own orgasm. For just an instant she was connected by a thread of precum-thickened saliva to the tip of the manrat's bell-end, before once again he plunged it into Vanya's cunny right before Eruanna's wide, watchful eyes, making her squeal loudly, her whole body bucking as he started to hump her with a will.

He was putting his whole effort into it now, his lips curling back from his razor-sharp incisors, the veins and muscles on his neck standing out clearly, while his eyes glinted with what looked to Eruanna like an inner red fire. And his cock! When she first caught sight of it, thrusting in and out in short, brutal bursts of speed from Vanya's wildly spasming sex, she couldn't take her eyes off of that swollen, primitive implement of breeding. Moistened until it glistened with the juices of a freshly-deflowered elven maiden (and Eruanna was just glad that Vanya, like herself, had lost her hymen by accident during their riding training when they were quite young, not an uncommon occurrence for elven girls, for whom an active lifestyle was considered quite normal), it looked much darker than before, even more swollen, the veins standing out like a gooey tangle of tentacles, fed with thick, rich heartblood, the same heartblood that fed those immense testicles, each swollen to the brim with the promise of...things to come.

"Oooh!" wailed Vanya, somehow managing to pull her lips away from Eruanna's cunny as she felt Nine's speed of thrusting pick up, the signal to his imminent eruption. "P-please, I...oh, oh, oh!...I can't...this isn' don't...ah! Ooooh! OOOH! AAAIIIIIEEEEEE!"

This time, Vanya's bucking body actually overturned Eruanna, who tumbled onto her side next to her best friend, her eyes level with the manrat's cock just at the moment he buried_it in Vanya's depths, right up to the hilt. That final, brutal, primal lunge was the moment of orgasm, an orgasm that seemed to transfer directly into Vanya. Nine's powerful body jerked and spasmed, his hips juttering in a series of microshudders, fighting with all his might to keep himself inside Vanya's tightness despite all her squirming and bucking and _clenching.

And oh how Vanya squirmed! There was no way for her to keep still! With Eruanna out of the way, Nine covered Vanya's body with his own, mashing her pert breasts against his bare chest (for his chain shirt had ridden up almost to his shoulders by that point, pinned there by his tight-squeezed armpits). His weight was needed, as was his full might, because Vanya was thrashing as though she'd been struck by lightning, her whole body bucking uncontrollably, her eyes wide and staring, her hands clawing frantically at the manrat's chest and belly, leaving little gouges with her nails as she scrabbled against his coarse, dark grey fur. She was babbling at first, uncontrollably, before Nine's eyes fixed on her face. Eruanna watched the strange emotions playing out on those bestial features, so familiar and yet so alien as he studied Vanya. Then, as much to his surprise as to Eruanna's and even Vanya's (for his next act actually made her freeze in place, realization flooding back into her eyes), Nine pressed his mouth to the silver-haired elfling's, and kissed her, his whiskers trembling with the electric energy of that intimate contact.

That seemed to be the final act that Vanya's body and mind could endure. Even as Nine was pulling his lips away from hers, the taut-tummied youngster's eyes were rolling back into her head with a soft, but not at all unhappy, moan. When Vanya's body went limp beneath him, Nine paused a short while, chest and belly heaving as he fought to regain control of his breathing, holding his gradually-softening cock inside her for just a little bit longer. Then, with a wince as his now very sensitive male flesh was_squeezed_, and then suddenly exposed to the shock of the outside air (which, though as warm as might be expected from a bath, was nothing compared to the inner depths of an elfgirl), he leaned back on his haunches, kneeling on the edge of the large massage table where both Vanya and Eruanna were lying, and looked down to survey the damage he'd done as his penis finished softening, and then slowly making its escape back into his protective sheath, where it would be safe and warm.

Eruanna took a look as well, and bit her lower lip: that big, mean old rat had certainly done a number on her best friend's pussy! Her flawless pale skin was deeply flushed now around her cunny, and while an elf could heal from any injury below an amputation, given enough time, Vanya's sex looked like a gaping wound, she was so stretched out, with what looked like whole gallons of thick, creamy white cum simply dolloping out now that the broad glans of the manrat's cock wasn't there to hold it all in. No...gaped was definitely the right word for it, demolished and ruined and...and made ready for more rats to do the same to her in the all too near future!

Her eyes met those of Nine, and instantly Eruanna knew that she and he were sharing the same thought. She swallowed nervously. He grinned.

"Looks like it's gonna be your turn now, cutie," he said with a wicked chuckle, reaching toward her with one powerful hand, freezing her in place when his fingers entwined in her hair, giving it a dominant, possessive tug that made her moan in desperately aroused despair. "C'mon, help me go and find where I put my rope."


Shuddering as the rope cinched between her legs sawed against her most delicate parts, Eruanna whimpered softly through the gag in her mouth. While the washcloth-cum-gag hadn't been strictly necessary, Nine insisted that it was traditional when presenting a new slave to the boss rat, whoever that might be. So was all the rope he'd lashed around her smooth, naked body, winding coils above and below her breasts, thrusting those modest mounds upward in open invitation, around her wrists, bound behind her, and then down between her legs, the source of the near-constant stimulation that made it so hard for the curly-haired redhead to even walk in a straight line. Juices soaking the rough hemp and running in rivulets down her legs, Eruanna was just grateful that the burly manrat wasn't too rough when he tugged on the other end of that leash-line, or she might end up with some pretty uncomfortable rope burns.

Slung over one of the manrat's broad shoulders, Vanya made a pretty package of her own, her eyes half-closed as she worked through her post-orgasmic daze. Her wrists had been tied behind her back then cinched to her ankles, which were lifted slightly to accommodate the minimal slack she'd been given. Otherwise, she was as bare naked as Eruanna, one of Nine'a long-fingered hands gripping and occasionally squeezing or even spreading her toned buns, showing her off to everyone they encountered down in the depths.

There were a lot of those encounters, much to Eruanna's surprise. Ever interested in new ecospheres, she was astounded to see kobolds and rat goblins and even the occasional gnoll or orc or greenskin goblin wandering around in what turned out to be a pretty extensive tunnel system. She was more-or-less sure they were still under the Eaglardian estate, but where they were beyond that general certainty was beyond her, at least not without the use of magic. Using magic right then, of course, wasn't really an option, not with both her hands tied and her mouth gagged. All the same, Nine must have noticed the interest in the fire-haired elfgirl's eyes on one of the occasions that he glanced back at her to make sure she was traveling all right with bare feet on smooth, moist stone, because he soon began to explain matters.

"It's 'cause of Lord Eaglardian," explained the big, scarred manrat, not seeming to notice or care as they passed a side passage where two surprisingly hefty-looking kobolds, one a sky blue-scaled little beast with a deceptively chubby build that didn't do much to conceal the layers of fat beneath, and a surprisingly friendly-looking face, and the other with a powerful, blocky body, all muscle and hard-edges beneath his green bronze scales, were eagerly giving it doggystyle to a pair of muscular orcish women (and Eruanna was pretty sure she could spot a trickle of blood on each orcgirl's inner thighs, indicating that they'd been virginal until quite recently). "When he got the big guy upstairs, Heraclitus, to join up as a servant, 'Clitus brought his kobold buddies with him, refugees from some dragon Eaglardian offed who'd ended up with the minotaur as their new protector. 'cept kobolds don't really feel comfortable unless they've got a buncha tunnels, so Eaglardian let 'em get to digging, as long as they didn't mess things up topside. Later on, we rat goblins discovered the place was perfect for laying pipes - we're aces with pipework - and Eaglardian convinced the high mucky-mucks that we'd be great for keeping the sewers running fine. Then the other wild races got scooped up by the expanding armies of Light, and kinda started hanging out here, as well as up in our shantytown on the edge of your big city, where nobody would notice us much, and maybe start to thinking about how ugly we are compared to you elfies and humans and such."

"Mmm mm mmm?" asked Eruanna.

"Yeah, the big black bull guy's kinda important around here," Nine responded, apparently not caring if he was actually answering the question Eruanna asked, though she didn't seem to mind either way. "Has been ever since Eaglardian brought him on. I mean, he's kinda immortal, ya know? One of the original minotaurs, cursed by the gods and all that. Except Heraclitus, he's a smart guy, not like most hornheads, always thinking with either the horns up top or the one between their legs, and he keeps the peace down here. He's why we rats get along with the little lizard guys, and we both get along with the gnolls and everybody else that comes down here. I mean, nobody in their right mind messes with a minotaur! Well, except another minotaur, but even they don't go up against each other unless they're serious about it. Sometimes he comes down here, all butlered-up and everything, and breaks a couple heads when some of us get too big for our breeches." The ugly manrat bared his sharp incisors with another of those nasty evil grins that made Eruanna shudder despite herself. "He's only hadda pop me once, and I deserved it, so I don't hold it against him. Good guy, 'Clitus. The kind you can trust at your back in a fight."

"Mmm mmm?" Eruanna asked again, doing her best not to stare as they passed another side passage, this one where three kobold girls had cornered a massive bronze-skinned minotaur (as in literally bronze: his skin appeared to be made out of metal, and it glinted in the light of the lanterns strung along the walls), who seemed surprisingly intimidated despite the obvious size difference, while one of the kobold girls, one with deep red scales that glinted like gemstones, happily handled his hefty brass balls.

"Hey, Ruby!" Nine called over to the red-scaled kobbie girl, who grinned back and then waved, keeping one tiny hand on the heavy bull balls while her sapphire- and emerald-scaled companions stayed close by her, obviously eager to join in (though the green-scaled little cutie did look terribly embarrassed about it, blushing adorably as she bit her lower lip). "How's the Boss? Still playing with his new pets?"

"He's pretty happy, Nine," the red-scaled scalegirl answered with a light giggle. "He's got an elfboy to play with, after all. Boss Rat let us kobolds keep the cute human, though, the one with the soft brown skin. Guess he kind of had to, since the Goat God gave him to us and everything." She gave her green-scaled companion a teasing grin, which just made the other kobold blush even more furiously. "I think Emmy here got knocked up by him, but I guess we won't know for sure for another day or two; she was pretty happy to have a human cock to bounce on, let me tell you."

"Which elfboy?" Nine asked next, giving Vanya's bottom a light pat as she stirred at the question, as did Eruanna. "The silver-haired kid, or the one with the freckles? I got both their sisters right here, and I'd guess they'll wanna catch up on current events."

"Fire-hair's sucking on Boss Rat's dongle down in his throne room," Ruby answered immediately, though her voice turned husky as she leaned in close to her bull-headed target, her nostrils flaring as she scented his masculine musk, light and tinged with the tang of the magic metal coating his body. "Vyrran here," she made the big bronze bull shudder lightly as she gave his balls a friendly double-clawed squeeze, "was on his way to the forest, where the gnolls took the pretty silver boy, so he could help them out. They were going to have a fertility ritual, them and some wolfweres and orcs and whoever else they could get to join in, something wet and sticky from what I understand. Something that's supposed to spread all the stuff that we got started a little while back with the virgin sacrifice of that human hottie."

"Wet 'n sticky, all right!" laughed Nine, giving Eruanna's "leash" another light tug, making her whimper more loudly. "That's gnolls for ya! This one's here to join her brother. The other, she's for, uh, 'general usage,'" he pronounced the words carefully, apparently thinking they were important. "I'm pretty sure I've knocked her up, but that shouldn't be any problem, not with how tight 'n stretchy elfies are. If you wanna, I'm sure she'll still be available later on."

"If I can still walk straight," Ruby answered with a coy smirk, even as she let her cute little clawed hands stroke upward, so that they cupped the huge, uncircumcised length of hard bronze beef, holding it like it was a big, juicy sausage, the swollen head with the seam of its clearly-defined meatus almost as wide around as her whole head even as she visibly drooled in anticipation, smacking her lips in a way Eruanna couldn't help but find comical. "Vyrran says he's in a hurry, but I think he'll be willing to spend a little time with some of his old friends. Won't you, Vyrrie?"

"I told you not to call me that in public," Eruanna heard the bronze-skinned minotaur growl softly, even as Nine led her past the side passage, and further into the depths of the tunnels. This weak protest was met only with more of the high-pitched giggles of the kobbie girls, which echoed after them as they descended into points well beyond Eruanna's imagination, along with, soon after, far more intimate sounds that set the very tips of her ears alight with the fires of imagination.

In the dim light, even Eruanna's elven senses couldn't catch everything. The entire underground seemed to be covered in a strange mist, something that teased at the very edges of her senses, muffling out the little details that would have let her remember the way, and be able to get back out. Still, she heard cries and moans and other sounds of passion and pleasure down seemingly every little nook and cranny and tunnel in that deep, dark place, and though she felt many eyes rake over her as she walked past, somehow the same dampening effect that filled the rest of the tunnels, preserving their privacy from the rest of the world, also served to comfort her, helping her feel separate and secure despite her nudity. The feeling was heady, actually: being seen and lusted after as an object of sexual desire, but unable to be touched.

Suddenly, the tunnel around them, made of smooth, worked stone, opened up into a cavern of natural rock, though many of its rougher edges had been worked down to make more standing room. At the far end of this vast chamber was a crude throne, cut right out of one of the room's supporting columns. And seated on that throne was Boss Rat.

Nine was big, of course, a towering wall of powerful-yet-lithe muscle. Boss Rat, however, was huge. He looked to be part ogre, he was that tall, that covered in rippling, overwhelmingly brutal muscle, a figure of imposing command, his fur ghost pale, his eyes glittering red in a shaft of light filtering down from somewhere high above. In the deeper gloom immediately surrounding that shaft, gloom in which Boss Rat sat in cold judgment, his mien that of a true monarch on his throne, so imposing, so overwhelming in mere presence, Eruanna felt her legs going weak with the desire to kneel, he looked like a creature carved from stone. Except no sculptor ever captured such a look of command as graced the lightly curled lip of Boss Rat. And no sculptor could capture the scene of utter submission that was Urúvion as he knelt by Boss Rat's thick-thewed thigh, doing his level best to suck on the immensity of the ratcock presented before him, both his hands hard at work stroking the two-thirds he simply couldn't manage to deep-throat, no matter how hard he tried.

"MMMMM!" Eruanna cried out as she saw her brother, and tried to rush forward, only for Nine to give the rope between her legs a well-timed twist, sending her directly to her knees, and then pressing her cheek against the ground, bottom thrust upward as she shuddered, too overwhelmed by her own strangely clashing emotions now unleashed by orgasm to make another move forward.

Just as well that Eruanna didn't continue her heedless forward flight, for Boss Rat was indeed sitting in judgment. Before him, two young mice, the mouseblooded goblin-kin who so often found employment among the elves, often as bookkeepers, clerks, mechanics, and other professions requiring precision, intelligence, and the dexterity of dainty pink hands, were kneeling, their large, dark eyes wide and frightened. Their clothes, the simple rough tunics of lesser clergy, were almost shredded, and looked as though they'd simply fall off completely at any moment.

As Eruanna watched, noting on the periphery of her awareness that Nine had set Vanya down on her knees by her side, the older of the two brothers (for brothers they must be, with the same soft tan fur, the same dark and expressive eyes, even much the same build, besides the slight difference in size from their respective ages) had his hands clasped before him, raised high in supplication, while he was obviously pleading in a heart-rending fashion in his high-pitched, squeaky voice. Eruanna didn't understand his language, but it sounded frankly adorable, and her heart went out to the little fellow, while his younger brother cowered by his side, looking around fearfully at the looming figures of the rat goblins in the shadows around them.

Giving a soft growl, showing just the faintest hint of teeth that gleamed in the residual light that presently engulfed the two murine subjects kneeling before him, Boss Rat made a slight motion of one hand. Instantly, rough ratty paws reached from the darkness all around, while the poor, doomed little mousies both pled desperately for mercy, anguish written on their faces as they were dragged from the light, the last remnants of their clothes giving way before such rough treatment. Naked, the poor delicate-boned boys were positioned just within the range of Eruanna's vision, apple-round bottoms high, while the goblin rats gathered around, chortling wickedly, some among their number holding the naked tails of the mouseboys up, while others poured copious dollops of a glistening oil over those upturned tushies, while the boys continued to struggle ineffectually against the far larger and stronger rats surrounding them, still begging in steadily more despairing tones for mercy they both knew would not be shown.

Despite herself, Eruanna gave a soft shudder, a whimper escaping her throat, as the first brutally thick ratcock forced its way into the older brother, who gave a loud SQUEAK_of violation, which was shortly cut off by yet another cock plugging his mouth. Then it was the younger brother's turn, his voice raised high in frantic, rapidly-hastening words in his squeaking language, which soon finished in a high-pitched wail of ultimate violation as he lifted his head, eyes heavenward. The rats chortled wickedly at this sound, seeming to take delight in it, before one of their number gripped the back of the mouseboy's head, and force-fed his penis between the smaller male's lips with a soft _grunt of pleasure. And yet, despite the cruelty of this act, Eruanna couldn't help but notice that both mouseboys were sporting cute pink erections, which soon were captured and roughly stroked by heavy hands, before greedy mouths from the dark mass surrounding them took over, greedily sucking on smooth virgin mousecock.

Then it was Eruanna's turn to be pushed forward until she was standing in the light, Vanya next to her, both of them wobbling and unsteady on their legs. Nine's large hands caressed their way down Vanya's body as he stood behind the silver-haired beauty, cupping her breasts, lifting them for inspection, then stroking down over her belly, then to her hips, holding her in place as he teasingly sucked on the heavily-panting, sweat-sheened elfling's neck, right at the crook of her shoulder.

"This is the sis of that hot elfkid you gave to the gnolls," Nine explained, giving Vanya a final peck on the cheek, before he gently guided her back to her knees, then turned to Eruanna with an eager grin. "And this," he continued, slipping up behind the red-haired elfgirl, slowly guiding her forward, his hands on her hips, controlling their sway, making her show off all her assets for not just Boss Rat, but her brother as well, who was starting, gape-mouthed, his task of sucking the mighty ruling rat's penis forgotten, "this is the sis of the one kneeling at your feet. They're twins, too, so that'll make 'em a complete set. I, uh," he grinned sheepishly, "might've kinda got the silverhair a little bit pregnant. But Eruanna here's untouched. Well...aside from a couple orgasms, and maybe some fun with her mouth, but that's just doing you a favor, Boss, getting her all prepped for ya!"

"You are wondering why I was so cruel to those two boys."

The voice was soft, but deep, and it carried, shuddering somewhere in the deepest parts of Eruanna's bones. She glanced at Vanya, and saw the same expression on her best friend's face that she knew must be on her own, before her eyes were dragged inexorably back to the steady red gaze of Boss Rat.

All she could do, of course, was nod.

"They were informants," he explained in those same tones. "They had been too long among the smoothskins, too long thinking that the angels were their friends. The angels are not our enemies, perhaps...but only a fool would think they were friends." He made a slight gesture with the first two fingers of his right hand, and yet that simple motion spoke volumes. "They joined the Religion of Law as friars, good little churchmice who made sure the books were balanced, when they weren't hard at work with illumination. Then, when there was a need to find out what we were doing, and if our god of Chaos was awakening once more, they accepted the call to infiltrate our ranks, to observe, and to report what they found." His upper lip curled in the slightest of sneers of ultimate contempt. "But they played the part of spies poorly, and it was hardly an effort to find them out. The little fools didn't even think to change out of their robes. A few questions asked to those who knew them, some light cross-examination, and all that was left to them was simply to throw themselves on my mercy."

His eyes shifted slightly, and Vanya and Eruanna followed his steady, meaning-laden gaze, both elfgirls whimpering softly as the sounds, one right after the other, of high-pitched _squeaks!_as the sweet young mouseboys started to cum, greedy ratty throats slurping down every drop of the sweet virgin cream...though somehow both girls knew it was only to be the first of many, many times.

"You see the results of my mercy," continued Boss Rat. "I have spared their lives, but made examples of them, so that all will know better than to attempt such a thing again...including the two malefactors themselves. We will rehabilitate them over the course of months. Should they endure the process with their minds intact, then we will bring them back into our fold. If not...well," there was the faintest of smirks. "We always have need of eager-to-please comfort workers.

"Speaking of which," Boss Rat motioned to Eruanna, and felt her body dragged forward the moment Nine placed the other end of her rope leash into his hand, even though he hadn't applied the least pressure to the line. "The silver-hair, Vanya...share her as you wish," he told the burly, charcoal-furred manrat, even as Eruanna's legs gave out at last, and she fell to her knees opposite her brother, both of them to either side of Boss Rat's massive, exposed sac, each testicle easily the size of an orange, and the organ above...mind-boggling to even consider how it would fit! "But no permanent damage," Boss Rat continued even as Nine drew back behind Vanya, resting his hands on her shoulders. "She is still of Eaglardian's get, and we all owe her sire much. She must be in sufficient condition for a return to the surface...eventually."

Nine grinned so wickedly this time, Vanya's eyes rolled back into her head with a long moan, and Eruanna shuddered to her core.

"Eventually," he echoed, even as he lifted the supple young elfgirl in his arms. "C'mon, I'll show you all the best rats an elf could hope to meet!"

Then Eruanna didn't have time to watch where her friend was taken. Not when she felt the hand of Boss Rat on her head, tugging off her gag, gripping her hair, turning her to face...oh gods and goddesses of Light...

"It is good that Nine bound your wrists," Boss Rat stated in that same calmly powerful manner he always seemed to have. "Learning to use your mouth alone is good training for a slave. Unlike Vanya, you are not of Eaglardian's line. And so, unlike Vanya, I think we will not be freeing you anytime soon."

Looking past the proud pink organ before her, Eruanna met Urúvion's eyes, both of them sharing a wordless communion. They were doomed, that much the twins knew right away, no words necessary. Escape was impossible, even if either of them had the strength of will to try it, which they didn't. Despite herself, Eruanna's eyes flicked down her brother's handsome body, smooth like that of an elf, but more heavy in bone structure, and hence in potential muscle, than one of the purest blood. Like her, he had the same dusting of freckles, which extended over his neck and shoulders, before fading away around his trim, tight-muscled tummy (he'd always been more athletic than his bookish sister, after all). Then her eyes drifted lower still, and she didn't even try to resist biting her lower lip.

Urúvion's penis was a beautiful thing, a work of living art. An elf's penis was stereotypically long and slender, but the red-haired elfboy's was rather thicker than was typical for his kind. Long, and thick, and very, very erect, beads of precum already starting to spill over at the tip, and slide slowly down the underside.

"The cum of an elven boy is very pleasant on the tongue," Boss Rat commented, his big hands stroking down the backs of the twins, making them arch into his touch like cats, boy and girl moaning alike in equal elven sensitivity. "In days now long past, I used to keep at least three young and healthy elfboys by my throne at all times, in case I grew thirsty." The lightest smirk played across his muzzle. "Far better than any wine. Almost as fine as an elfgirl's cum, but they were much harder to catch. Now," and both twins cried out as one as his massive hands closed on their trim, toned little bottoms, squeezing them roughly, "get to work, my slaves."

Without thinking, Eruanna bent forward, pressing her mouth against the rigid, swollen mushroom-head of Boss Rat's cock, shuddering all over as she realized with certainty that this very shaft would be the implement that deflowered her...and possibly even got her pregnant! Just as fast, Urúvion got to work wrapping his mouth around the base of the mighty pillar of flesh, both siblings turning their heads to fit more of it in their eager mouths. Boss Rat's fingers teased Eruanna's sopping wet cunny, and occasionally higher, prodding the forbidden passage just above. Opposite her, Urúvion moaned around his mouthful of hard ratcock as Boss Rat fondled his perfectly smooth sac, rolling each sensitive testicle with a strange mixture of gentle roughness that left the boy utterly without the strength to do anything but serve. And when he squeezed a finger into the elfboy's bottom, poor Urúvion couldn't hold back his cry as he spurted a jet of precum right across his sister's thighs.

"Messy boy," chuckled Boss Rat, his hands shifting back to the heads of his slaves, pulling them slightly away from his pendulous manhood...before he pressed Urúvion down, aiming his face straight toward Eruanna's parted legs. "Clean her up."

With only a moment's hesitation, looking up into Eruanna's eyes (and seeing her acquiescence there), Urúvion obeyed.

"OOOOOH!" Eruanna wailed almost immediately as Urúvion didn't stop at her thighs, and she would certainly have fallen onto her back if Boss Rat's immense hand hadn't been there to support her as she bucked and bent backwards like a taut elven bow. "U- Urúvion!"

"Good boy," Boss Rat praised the young elf, caressing Urúvion's dimpled bottom as the boy thrust it upward, all the better to work his mouth against his sister's quim. "That is right: get your sister nice and wet for me. Show her how much you love her, and make her first penetration that much better." Then he chuckled softly as a thought struck him, and he glanced at Eruanna's deeply-flushed face. "If you both serve me well enough, perhaps I'll even let your second baby be your brother's."

That was simply too much! Looking down into Urúvion's eager eyes, Eruanna couldn't hold back her scream as she began to jerk uncontrollably, hips bucking up into her brother's face, spattering his mouth and cheeks with her juices.

Dazed, feeling Urúvion being pulled back by Boss Rat's mighty hand, Eruanna cast her eyes around, taking in the room. There were those poor little mouseboys, now lying on their sides, the rats laughingly egging them on as they each were sucking on the other's penis. Of course the rat goblins couldn't wait for long with such a show going on before them, and soon each mouseboy was squealing around his mouthful of boycock as a rat stuffed them from the side, grunting like animals as they began to eagerly shaft the helpless little cuties.

And there was Vanya, her alabaster body almost glowing in one of the many little shafts of light that spilled down from above, highlighting her flawless skin and toned, tightly-muscled yet delightfully girlish body. She'd been freed of her bonds, and Eruanna's eyes widened as she saw that her best friend was seated on an absolutely immense ratcock. Was it Nine's? She couldn't see the face of the cock's owner, but whoever it was, he was vigorously bucking his hips, bouncing the supple elfgirl up and down, making her pert breasts jiggle with each thrust as he sodomized her with a will.

Other dark, furry shapes could just barely be seen in the shadows around Vanya, and from those shadows thrust two cocks, one in each of her hands. Far from being reluctant, the silver-haired elfgirl seemed to have entered a state of ultimate sexual abandon, too many orgasms having robbed her of all that remained of her inhibitions as she greedily alternated sucking first on one cock while stroking the other, tilting the "free" penis down to drizzle her breasts with precum.

Then Eruanna's perspective was preempted as the mighty Boss Rat pushed her down, her eyes wide as she was set on all-fours before the great stone throne, her brother's beautiful penis right before her eyes. Memories of what she'd just seen her best friend doing still sizzling in her memory, Eruanna didn't hesitate another moment, leaning in close as she nibbled on Urúvion's balls, letting the underside of his shaft rest on one hand, while she used the other to further cup his sac, all the better to let her taste it. She looked up at him, eyes showing all her eagerness to please her beloved twin, inhibitions just as forgotten as Vanya's had been. Urúvion's own eyes grew wide at the sight of his sister kissing her way up one side and down the other of his smooth, pale-skinned shaft, and he moaned, too turned-on for words to properly express.

Naturally, such a position as Eruanna's had its price to be paid, in this case forcing her to rest her weight somewhat on her elbows, tilting her rump upward, baring everything to the slight chill of the cave, the shaft of light from above gleaming on her pearl-pink buns and tightly-clasped, deeply-flushed, heavily-moistened little cunny.

How could any virile male resist? Certainly not Boss Rat!

With a dynamic movement that utterly belied his substantial size, the equal of even the tallest gnoll or wolfwere or orc, the ghost-pale manrat slid to his knees behind Eruanna, his powerful hands closing on her upturned, heart-shaped bottom, squeezing her flawless flesh, admiring how his long, naked fingers indented the delicate skin of the elfling in his power. His thumbs found her cunny, its lips sealed together with moisture, and slowly pried them apart, making Eruanna's head suddenly jerk back as she gave a sweet cry.

Chuckling, Boss Rat moved one hand to seize Eruanna's lovely, curly red hair, pulling her head back a little more...before he pressed her forward, her open Cupid's bow mouth readily, almost unconsciously, engulfing her brother's beautiful penis, turning her cry into a wild moan of need. For a moment she squeezed her eyes tight shut, just savoring the flavor of Urúvion's precum on her tongue...and then they snapped open wide as she felt Boss Rat rubbing the great head of his penis against the far-too-small slit of her delicate quim, one hand holding the base of his cock, the other on her bottom, holding her in place.

Oh please,_Eruanna silently begged, though she wasn't sure what she would have begged for had she been asked. _Oh please!

Then Eruanna's whole body just seized up, all her muscles taut beneath her skin, the dimples at the base of her spin standing out clearly as Boss Rat transferred both his hands to her buns, gripping them firmly, but not brutally so, baring his sharp teeth as he slowly-but-steadily fed his thick, brutal length of breeding meat into her innermost depths. Finally, with a soft grunt, he looked down admiringly as his hips went flush with Eruanna's slightly-depressed hiney.

"I'd forgotten how much you elfgirls can stretch!"

The words made Eruanna's ears burn right up to their tips, and she looked up at Urúvion, as though she was trying to beg him to do something to save her from such vile slander. But then Boss Rat started to move his hips, forward and back, slow at first, but rapidly building up speed, and poor Eruanna couldn't hold back her muffled wail as her whole body was similarly shifted, forward-and-back, back-then-forward, her eyes growing heavy-lidded as she made a tight seal with her lips, feeling herself growing tipsy on her first taste of elfcock. On her brother's cock, no less, and rather than being repulsed by the idea, as she knew society dictated she ought to be, she was only turned on by it all the more.

Mmm...and Boss Rat had said that her second child might be Urúvion's, hadn't he...?

But...but wait! That meant that her first was going to be from...!


"Yes!" snarled Boss Rat triumphantly as Eruanna's juices squirted out, splattering the fur of his belly and balls. "Cum for me, my elfslave! Cum until your mind goes blank, and your body submits to me forever!"

Frantically, hearing the smack-smack-smack of furry hips against upturned elftushie, knowing that she must make a lewd sight indeed for her brother, with her perfectly rounded buns bouncing with each slap of flesh-on-flesh, her breasts jiggling forward and back, Eruanna looked up into her brother's eyes. She'd been seeking redemption, perhaps, but what she saw was her own reflection, showing her just what she'd already known: she was sluttily thrusting back into Boss Rat, not just acting the part of his cum-dumpster, but taking an active - nay eager! - part in her own degradation!

"R-Rew," Urúvion got out, gritting his teeth as he used his old pet name for her. "Rew, I can't hold back any longer..."

Without hesitation, Eruanna grabbed her own brother's firm buns, squeezing them, _mauling_them beneath her fingers, kneading them like potter's clay as she took him to the roots, not caring how she almost gagged on every thrust. She wanted him...wanted him to...

"Cumming," grunted Boss Rat, and Eruanna felt herself as the eye of the storm, pulling back just enough to taste her brother's cum as it splashed across her tongue, his expression, tense and yet adorable, something she would savor in her memories forever. And as for Boss Rat: he _flooded_her! Though her mind was calm in that moment, her body was spasming uncontrollably, inner muscles milking his mighty shaft, coaxing out his cum, inner contractions pulling his seed up into her innermost depths, to the point of waiting that was at the center of every female. In her mind's eye, Eruanna saw a churning storm of thrashing tails and thrusting tadpole heads. Then one of them thrust ahead of the rest, her inner self yielding to this strongest half-self, and felt more than saw the flash of light at her special self joining with his.

"Not done with you yet, slave," came a growled voice, and Eruanna looked up, blinking. Boss Rat was sitting on his throne again, one hand on her head, fingers just starting to grip her curly red hair. How long had she been out? It couldn't have been for long, since her brother was still sitting on the ground, panting hard, his face flushed, his penis dripping at half-mast.

"Turn around," Boss Rat commanded, and Eruanna couldn't do anything but obey, not with his hands on her hips, lifting her up, turning her so easily, as though she weighed nothing at all to him. And she might as well have weighed so little, to a being as powerful as the manrat leader, with her only a light-as-air elfling.

"Now," he purred in her ear, pulling her back against his lap, letting her feel his swiftly-returned erection squeeze and rub between her buns. "Have a seat!"

Eruanna didn't even try to resist as Boss Rat's massive hands slipped beneath her legs, just above the knees, lifting her up...then lowering her down. Despite herself, she wailed as she felt the bulbous glans of his penis smear her dainty elven bunghole with her juices and his, wailed louder still when she felt herself starting to streeeetch...and then outright screamed as her little rosette finally gave way, and she sank slowly down until her heart-shaped, downthrust bottom was resting on his swollen, orange-sized balls.

"Join me," Boss Rat said, indicating Urúvion with a slight nod of his head, his long, apparently prehensile tail flicking up, curling against Eruanna's quim like a serpent's tongue. "Go on: it will feel better for all three of us, feeling each of us moving together."

For just a moment, Urúvion hesitated. Then his eyes met those of his sister...and he rose to his feet, his renewed erection thrust out before him.

Letting her arms wrap around her brother, and then her legs, feeling herself squeezed between warm flesh and warmer fur (and Boss Rat's fur was surprisingly soft, well-groomed, not like the coarse sewer rat fur of Nine and most of the other goblin rats) as her brother's cock found its mark, and slid smoothly into her quivering depths, Eruanna just closed her eyes, and basked in the sensations overwhelming her senses in delicious waves.

Perhaps she'd been dragged to Hell, since everyone said that was beneath the Earth. Even so, if this was what some called Hell, to her it was the sweetest Heaven.

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Working Title: Bullfight

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Angel Devoured

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