Facility- Chapter 9

Story by MigeYeFoxe on SoFurry

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#9 of Facility

But then we get to the results and find something that looks very much like an actual cure, which definitely gives the both of us some bit of excitement. From what it looks it reverses the effect of the serum, the results having gone drastically back to something that looks far more human from what I can tell. And so Bob goes and gets a syringe so that we can try out the serum on a living subject but before I can give myself the cure he stops me and with a sigh begins to attempt an explanation. He points at me and then has his hands fall over and then points at himself and then just shrugs and shakes his head. He then pauses and reverses the process, pointing his finger at himself and then having the hands fall down then pointing his finger at me then giving a thumbs up sign.

And having gotten used a bit to his thought process I think I can understand what he's talking about. He can't use the pedestal. I found that out day one. If we use the cure on me and it doesn't work or even kills me then he's out of luck. He can't continue on his own. If instead he takes the cure and it kills him, then I'm able to still proceed and refine the remainder of the cure until I can find something that does work. The 'cure' is certainly far more aggressive than the normal serum is. And if it does work, if it does cure him and return him to normal, then it's a simple enough matter to cure myself too and then both be on our way, once we figure out how to do that, of course. If it is the cure that might also explain why no dry erase board, no need for one once we've finished up.

So sighing I follow his recommendation and we insert the new serum into his body first. At first nothing seems to happen but then a minute he doubles over in pain, clutching at his gut. Half worried that I might have killed him I try to figure out what to do or look to see if we have anything that might help but he quickly gets up and rushes over in the direction of the bathroom. I suppose that the serum might have upset his stomach. But unfortunately he didn't look to be any more human as he ran. I look over the data and try and figure out what went wrong, on if we prepared the final serum wrong, if I might have made a mistake and grabbed the wrong one by accident.

I notice a strange scent in the air, one that brings certain stirrings to mind. Eventually Bob returns a moment later, looking somewhat distressed but otherwise normal, which is both good and bad. Means the serum didn't kill him, but also means it's not an actual cure. Bob's eyes are still heavily dilated and he's breathing in short bursts and only through his mouth, as if he either can't or won't breathe through his nose. But he seems to be releasing a scent that is certainly extremely distracting and even then he keeps looking at my crotch to the extent that he can barely keep his eyes off it. But he strives his hardest to try and steel himself to helping me figure out where we went wrong.

But first things first to try another experiment we need to collect more data and so I go and undress and get onto the pedestal and let it take my readings. Unfortunately I can't seem to concentrate all that much because the scent in the air, a scent that seems to be getting all the more powerful as time goes on and one that's causing me to become a bit aroused, much to the embarrassment of both of us. But it is eventually done and it takes me a while to get my own thoughts in order enough to get my clothes on, though I do a very sloppy job of it. We both move over to the first machine to try and start preparing the experiment, at least the steps we would need to do regardless and the close proximity makes me realize that the scent is coming from Bob.

The serum must have just made whatever that scent become so much more potent. It still has the same scent of Bob, just something that makes my mind fuzzy and my sheath swell.

"Smell good," I whisper into his ear while trying not to dry hump the air. After five minutes of trying to get that first machine to do what it is needed to do to start the experiment Bob finally half screams before tugging me away from the equipment and pulling me to the space in the center of the room where the dry erase board used to be. He then removes his pants and I see one thing that I had not expected. Bob was a girl. I had assumed that no breasts meant guy but I guess that too was an animalistic side. Many animals, after all, didn't really have that big of mammaries until almost giving birth. That would most certainly explain why Bob was being distracted by my own scent all this time. And that means that the serum probably served instead to act as a sort of aphrodisiac and made him start pumping out pheromones like crazy.

And I realize quickly what it is he's trying to do. We're both too distracted by our hormones with each other that there's no way we'll be able to focus enough to get any work done and thus the best course of action is to simply do it and move on. And so I quickly undo my own pants, the two of us practically humping at each other already. And I will say the sex was definitely amazing. Far better than I had ever experienced back in my human body. She was just so tight, so hot and so needy and everything was so sensitive.

But man was she a slave driver. She'd press hard on me and try and milk me for all I'm worth and before I'd even had any time to recover as soon as I finished she'd be up and was all but literally dragging me by my cock and balls towards the equipment as we got everything set up. She wasn't even giving me the time to actually pull out, which was certainly a new experience to say the least. But when we got to the fourth machine we took our time a bit more, using the program's word document to write out our ideas rather than the dry erase board. Much less efficient but it was functional. I can definitely tell she was a brilliant scientist at one point, rivaling even my own skill. But this would only last for so long before the hormones would get to us again and we'd go about screwing each other again.

This is basically what our day revolved around. Her being not only insatiable but demanding. Practically requiring me to fuck her brains out and work on the cure all at the same time and eventually that was just exhausting. Thankfully the 'cure' didn't kill her, but I'm not entirely sure how much progress we managed to actually make. I know we did eventually start an experiment and moved on to the bedroom and all the rest of the tasks but everything just sort of blurred together. Definitely not something that I'd want to repeat any time soon if I am to have any hope of ever returning to my own original form. The whole getting stuck thing was certainly interesting though and was about the only time when either of us were able to think clearly.

What definitely surprises me is that when I wake up the next day my transformation hadn't really progressed as far as it had the previous two days. So clearly some part of the serum was working, but if that kind of activity is what it takes to actually delay things I think it's better to avoid this issue as much as possible. Apparently we had even gone to bed together as I wake up still buried deep within her. Sheepishly I pull out, waking her up in the process.

The enticing scent is still there but not as strong as it had been the previous day. We start the day as normal though it takes her a good long while to actually go to breakfast. When she does I realize the delay is that she had immediately gone to take a shower first and in doing so covered her body in a very strong scent. An almost overpowering scent that makes my nose cringe but does do a good enough job of also covering up that enticing scent. As I watch her she looks extremely embarrassed by what had transpired and if anything even more distracted than normal, though I guess that's too be expected. Having her big secret get out would only add to the fact that I probably still reek of sex. As I sniff myself I decide I should follow suit and go to take a shower myself.

The shower is definitely a welcome relief as it helps remove any remainder of that scent from my fur. But even then I have to try really hard to not just take advantage of myself while in the shower. Eventually and with enough will power I'm able to get through the shower unscathed and get into the drying alcove thing, figuring that'd work wonders for killing any mood I might have. Once done I head over to the lab and see Bob already looking over all of the data. Or at least trying to. She keeps fidgeting, meaning that the serum is still having some sort of effect on her, even if I can no longer smell that scent over her perfume.

I look over the data and find that much of our experiments were mainly just minor variations of the formula that ended up causing that fiasco yesterday anyway. And one of them even was the exact same thing. She pulls out this vial and seems to be quite insistent on me using it. I'm not sure an aphrodisiac is the best course of action at the moment and I try to refuse. But she gets more and more insistent and even tries at one point to inject me without even my permission, forcing me to snatch the syringe from her and slam it to the ground, shattering it and ending the matter completely. I yell at her though I don't remember what. She looks about ready to cry at my outburst and after a few seconds, runs off.

Grumbling to me I lean over and do my best to clean the floor. After all I still need to use this lab and I don't have any protective footwear to protect me from broken glass. And if I did step on it's quite possible I'll end up putting some of that serum into my body anyway, defeating the act of throwing it away. I use some of the papers from the various equipment to fashion a sort of makeshift dustpan and broom and get at least the glass off the floor, or at least as much of it as I'm able. I then go about getting new readings to start a new experiment.

I've shrunk quite a bit since coming here, almost four foot eight at this point. Even if I was human again I'd still be noticeable for simply how short I've become. My guess on what went wrong and what Bob didn't understand is that the serum acts on the assumption of a system in stasis. That the cure didn't actually counteract the original serum but ended up accelerating it. If I go back to Bob's original experiment plan and get rid of the existing serum, then the cure should work. With the original serum still in our bodies instead what the result would be would be driving the original serum into overdrive and accentuating the features. I imagine other aspects were probably also heightened for her, which made things all the more difficult.

I don't see Bob at all during the setup to the experiment but I'm not too surprised. I did sort of yell at her unnecessarily when her emotions were probably still way out of whack due to the original serum. But once done I decide I should apologize and explain the situation. That that serum was the cure, I just have to stop the original serum first like she was trying to do at the start and then take the cure. I find her in the rec room trying to run on the treadmill. Well the run part she is managing to do, it's just more than a little awkwardly in its execution. Mainly in that she'll run for a few steps with her legs almost crossing over each other before discomfort forces her to run with a much wider stance than normal. Guess trying unsuccessfully to suppress the effects that the serum is still plaguing her body with.

It's still really weird to think of Bob as a girl, and more than a few times I have to catch myself from returning to an earlier stance, of calling Bob a male in my mind. But my gaze sort of lingers on her hips and what I know is on the other side of those hips. With the exertion I can start to pick up traces of that alluring scent starting to penetrate whatever's left of the perfume, but it isn't too much of a concern at the moment. I cough slightly to try and get her attention and after a few times doing so she does finally start to slow down and stop before turning around to face me. I can definitely tell she's been crying recently and her expression is such that it makes me want to just run over and embrace her and tell her everything will be okay.

"Look," I start, moving a bit further into the rec room to not seem too distant. "I know what you were trying to do. It's just I can't take that one yet. That serum does work, it just needs an extra step beforehand. You were right in the beginning to try and remove the old serum first and then once that's done then I can take your reversal serum. If I had taken it now then it would have only made matters all the worse. That cure is far too volatile to let it run amok in a body that's already still in flux. Once I get the process halted, it should be a simple enough matter to then get it reversed. I just wanted to let you know that I'm not angry at you."

Facility- Chapter 10

Her response is not entirely what I'd expect. She just stares at me for a good long moment, adjusts her pants a bit to be a bit more comfortable, nods then turns around and gets back up on the treadmill. Sighing at not getting a more positive response...

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