
Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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For those who don't know, smoko is an old Aussie tradition, the smoking break. Most usually associated with tradies, smoko is a sacred ritual (whether you actually smoke or not) and nobody, but nobody disturbs you on smoko. Even if the building site is on fire.

Here, our builder Damo comes back from a short journey to the shops on smoko break to find something unexpected. With consequences for his apprentice, the colt Jared.

If you want a tongue in cheek musical introduction to the concept of smoko, try this.

Yeah, it really shocked the shit out of me, I don't mind telling ya. The moment I opened that side door on my van and my eyes adjusted to what I was seeing inside.

I was a builder see, and I was proud of my van. I had a custom pain job and all, fucking smick with my logo and number on the side. I had everything decked out inside just as I liked it; a nice wide flat floor so I could load up with whatever supplies I needed, and a set of shelves on the side opposite to the sliding door with all my equipment neatly racked up. It was part of my brand I guess, showed I was nicely organised unlike a lot of fly by nighters in this trade.

So when I slid that side door open, I wasn't exactly prepared to see my apprentice lying nice and casual as you fucking like on the floor of the van with his shorts down around his fetlocks and his dick in his hand watching something on his phone. He was too far gone at first to notice, lost in his own world as he writhed in that almost state next door to a good hard cum.

Eventually he got it. Probably the way I was snorting. I know, not unusual for a bull, but I was fucking puffing out my lungs so hard my nose ring almost flew off, and eventually the young shit noticed. Yeah, he noticed all right.

We locked eyes for a pregnant second before I climbed into the back, crouching low to fit my head in, as the young shit tried to get himself in order. I guess it was kind of hard to do while still lying on the deck with a massive erection that refused to cooperate as he tried to get his shorts up. He was trying to be modest too, one hand attempting to hide his bulging hardon from view, which was endearing but pointless. Fucking horses; even as a nineteen year old somewhere between colt and stallion, he had more than enough. Probably needed a whole sheet of 8 by 4 flooring to hide that thing.

In all the confusion he had left his phone on the floor beside him, and I managed a grim smile seeing what he had been watching. Even more surprises for today; and an unintended benefit for me I guess of the fucking huge phones the youngsters seemed to like these days. I couldn't understand it, in my day we loved the fact a new phone was smaller than the last, and now they just seemed to get bigger. But on this one I had an awesome view of a Yifftube video with one big muscle stud shire stallion plowing the fuck out of some twinky tiger's arse.

Jared seemed to notice finally, and reached for the phone, meaning he had to stop pulling his shorts up. Stupid shit had a problem now, one hand for his phone, one to cover his groin, nothing to pull up his shorts. Suited the fuck out of me though; those were staying down.

Towering over him like I was now, and I at lease had a significant edge on him in bulk, I gave him my most evil look. He froze, cute colty face suddenly frozen in fear and eyes blinking back tears.

"Wanna explain Jar?"

"Uhhh Damo I..."

"When I left you in charge here on smoko I didn't think beating off in my fucking van was what you were supposed to do..."

"Uhhhhh boss ahhhh..."

"Must admit I never picked ya Jar. Never picked it at all..."

Had to admit he was a sexy cunt. He had been doing my head in the last three months.

He was recommended by a mate, and he was good enough I guess. A lazy shit like all apprentices, but he picked things up fast. Kept himself to himself mostly though. Most days when we stopped for smoko, he would take up a seat on his "throne" as I called it, a nice plank of plywood flooring held up by two abandoned milk crates, and eat his fucking tofu and oat whatever shit and drink his Kombucha apple shit and just sit there glued to his fucking phone. Seemed to be welded to the thing, I had to remind him to leave it in his bag when we went back to work.

I couldn't help eyeing him up on the site. He always wore the same fucking clothes. A high vis vest over some kind of battered t-shirt from some crap hipster band. You could see his chest muscles under there, nice and defined, and when his t-shirt pulled up as it tended to when he worked I could see he had a flat belly with nicely bulging abdominals and a wicked treasure trail of black hairs over his soft chestnut coat.

The best part was his shorts though. He always wore fucking tight AFL footy shorts, and they hugged his arse to perfection. He had a big fucking rump, a real fat arsed wombat as my old footy coach used to say. It wasn't an insult either, he loved us fat arsed wombats. A big, muscled arse is an asset, whether you are a forward or a midfielder, the power and bulk of a big muscled arse helped you get to the ball and keep an opponent away.

He had some heavy horse in him, bit of Shire mixed with Thoroughbred, enough to give him some bulk even at nineteen, and the cutest black feathering at his forearms and his fetlocks. The feathering was all mixed up with his shorts now, getting in the way of his futile attempts at dressing. I always loved a stallion with feathers; the memories brought a smile to my dial. Now I had an extra reason to love that little touch on Jared here.

Jared had a perfect arse I had to admit, two huge balloons of muscle with that soft chestnut fur, and his footy shorts clung to them and you could see them clench and flex as he worked. They barely covered his groin too, so I had a great view of his big thick thighs all day, and seeing him bend over to pick up some timber, his hamstrings flexing, thighs bulging, cute little tail lifted high as if showing off his arse, and his arse muscles twitching meant I spent the days with a permanent hummer.

And it turned out the sexy cunt liked guys after all. Fuck.

Now he was lying there on the floor, motionless, his shorts and briefs still tangled down near his hooves and his long silky black feathers covered in wood dust. Her had dust streaks on his thighs too, and sweat glistening on his coat, and a patch of black curly pubes the same colour as his feathers, mane and tail that always seemed to be poking above the waistband of his fucking shorts and made my imagination run wild.

I didn't have to imagine much today, I got to check him out in detail. Heavy nuts, real heavy, in a silken black scrotum drawn up tight, and that cock. Fucking hell. At least twelve inches, and thick mottled horseflesh with a wide flare and a wicked medial. Lucky shit. I had a nice thick eight with a big plum sized head, cut, but horses had an unfair advantage, and the pulsing flesh of his flare just fascinated me so much I almost went in for a touch. Not yet though.

"So Jar. What the fuck am I going to do with you? Here I am, doing you a fucking favour, and you go and defile my fucking van while I'm out. Cunt."

Normally it was the apprentice's job to go up the shops and get some stuff for smoko break. I sent him off most days to get me a vegie pie and chips and some spring rolls and some smokes. I had to go to the bank today though, so I volunteered. Back in twenty I said. But I forgot my fucking wallet like an arsehole; I had left it in the back of the van that morning. So after walking all the way up the shops I had to turn round and head straight back. Looked like my apprentice counted on me being gone long enough to bust his nut. From what I saw, couple of minutes more and he would have been safe. Poor colt.

"Damo, I'm really sorry..."

"You know how I feel about my van Jar. But worse than that; you were supposed to be looking after things on the site. What if some cunt tried to steal my load of flooring? Or worse...what if the owner came for a look around and found you in here?"

He was almost crying now. I gave him another frown and shook my head.

"You stupid fucking pony Jar. I knew you were a drongo, but you have fucking surprised me mate."

"Please boss, I will do anything! Don't give me the sack, please!"

I think I felt it then. The fucking heat. All over me, inside, right in my shorts. I wasn't as able to show off as this young cunt, I looked like a bit of a fatso in footy shorts these days, so I wore a nice proper pair of blue Stubbies work shorts. They gave more room for my huge nuts too, and I could crack a fat without showing off. I was doing it now. A real big one as I gave the young cunt the once over again and liked what I saw.

Fuck to be eighteen again like Jared, horny, and as sexy as this cunt with a horsedick that size. I would be wrecking arses from Wet on Wellington to Banana Alley and back, and they would be loving it.

Well, maybe time to do some damage to one cocky young horse arse. It had been a while since I had indulged with a young hot thing like Jar. No better time.

"Fuck you Jared. I should shitcan you right now. But I am going to give you a chance, one chance only. But you are going to make it up to me right now."

I could see the relief on his muzzle. Sweat was pouring off his coat and dripping from his forelock. Cunt had a nicely groomed mane, and he had fucking ribbons in it. Reminded me of certain things too.

It was that thought that did it for me.

He was working to pull up his shorts and briefs now and I gave a low moo and stopped him with a look.

"Stop that right now cunt. Your shorts need to stay down for what I have in mind."

He was in a kneeling position, staring at me now, totally lost. I sighed and reached out and very deliberately, very obviously, locked the sliding door and took a seat on the low bench seat. I had left one in, right up against the partition between the cargo compartment and the front seats. Facing the back door, as wide as the van, it would be perfect for what I had in mind.

I gripped the young shit by his high vis vest and manhandled him into place. His eyes were like saucers as I pulled him over my lap, until his belly squirmed on my thighs, I had his ample arse exposed on my right, and his head down on the far side on the seat turned to me with a mix of fear and total shock.

"Ughhhh... Damo?"

"Shut up arsehole. You want this or you want my boot up your arse on the way out?"

I saw him swallow and scrunch up his eyes. He nodded though. I was getting to him at last.

Oh fuck his arse felt fine. I let my hand just linger there as I got him fully in position. Muscled all right, I could feel it through my fingers. Those cheeks sort of twitched, and I saw his tail try to flatten down his arsecrack. He whimpered a little. Fuck, I hadn't done anything yet. Weak as piss.

"Now mate, you are going to lift that cute little tail of yours, and we are done when I say so, ok?"

"Y...yes. Boss. But...ummm..."

I frowned at his uncertain expression, and looked pointedly at his tail. Still in place. Then I let my huge granite hard hand lift up and slammed it into his arse. The spank was magic. I had pulled back slow, cocked my wrist and waited. I made sure I gave it a full follow through. The feel of his cheeks giving way under my hand was so good. After twenty years in the trade my hand was like concrete. I could tell he wasn't expecting it. He writhed about and yelped.

He was looking back at me again, and this time for the first time since he joined me, there was some respect.

"Like that Jar?"

"Fucking hell. Not that!"

"Then lift your fucking tail like I told you, arsehole!"

I let him have a second one then, harder than the first. I cupped the underside of his cheeks, letting all the force land there and saw his eyes go wide and his muzzle wider and heard a terrified nicker echoing inside the van.

He whinnied, and complained, but did it finally, eventually he lay there defeated, quiet as a lamb, just waiting for me to do my worst. Poor shit didn't know what my worst could be; and how much he might like it.

I let him lie there a bit, stroking the back of his head under his mane. The contrast between the short chestnut fur and the thick mop of his mane was intriguing, and I rubbed softly as he moaned and I eyed up his arse, the cheeks still twitching and clenching now hard enough to reveal dimples on this side and when he relaxed, legs spread a bit, I got an eyeful of his crack.

He had a taint like his scrotum, soft black leather, with more of those dark hairs but curly here, and one perfect tight looking donut. Pink, ridged, perfect surrounded by curly hairs as soft as a baby's skin I could see. I knew what I had to do.

His moans deepened as I stroked his cheeks. The heat coming off the young colt could have boiled our tea for smoko. I let my hand roam a bit, down to the backs of his thighs, feeling the power in those thick muscled trunks. Then between.


Cunt was hard. I knew it too, as he had started writhing against me again, and I felt his hardon against my thigh. And fuck it was hard, and huge. I wrapped my hand round the shaft and stroked, long and slow, feeling the heat and the girth and the life and the way his medial felt on my hand. Then I cupped his flare and rubbed. He gasped when I touched there.

He was staring at me now, dumbstruck.

"Guess it would be cruel and unsafe to leave ya on the edge mate. You looked like you were close to shooting when I walked in on you. And I am responsible for occupational health and safety on site."

"Ahhh Damo..."

"Don't tell me you don't want this Jar."

He couldn't. His big brown eyes told me, and they began to roll back a bit as he took on a dreamy look and I went to work on his dick. Fucking young stud. He felt so fucking good.

He didn't last long, spurting into my hand a gallon of spunk as his whole body jerked and writhed against me. I got a gander at his hole again then, clenching as he came, and I knew I couldn't stop there. He collapsed over my lap again after his cum and I stroked his taint with blunt fingers now slick with his milk, teased his date, and then sank into his depths to the knuckle as he screamed but didn't try to stop me.

His nut felt so alive. He had his eyes closed now, head resting on his hands on the bench seat, muzzle open in a long soft sigh. I massaged his nut feeling him clench so hot and tight. So tight. I knew he was cherry. Fuck, how anyone had resisted the temptations of this arse until now I would never know.

His second cum was different, less powerful, but it went on and on in one long gush rather than a series of spurts. His noises were different too. A long gasping gurgling whinny.

I was in a playful mood, and I gave him a few spanks for spunking on the seat this time. He yelped but didn't complain. In fact, he was hard again.

When he finally knelt back on the floor of the van again, staring at my groin, I gave him a good long look and reached for a cig.

"So Jar. Never been fucked before?"

He looked surprised, then sort of hid behind his forelock and batted his long eyelashes and coughed. Fuck, he would want to be careful. I might have to do him on the front lawn at this rate.

"Nah. Not yet. I mean, I fucked a couple of guys in school, but I haven't been...well..."

"Want that to change mate?"

Yeah, I saw the need in his eyes. This one was ready for breaking in.

I wanted to take my time though, and I had a few ideas how to make it memorable.

"Smoko is over Jar, 40 minutes and we have to get back to work. You know the rules. But if you are serious, you can come to my place tonight. I warn ya though, it is going to cost you."

The cunt managed a grin then, still staring at my groin. Stubbies or not, my bulge was kinda obvious now. Mainly because I had leaked so much it looked like I had pissed my pants. And I had a nice, thick cockring, same thickness as my nosering, right through my cockhead. It was pressed to the fabric like it was going to fucking burst out any second. He stared at it, his little pink tongue licking his lips absentmindedly.

"You gonna manage to wait that long boss?"

Ohhh he was still a cocky shit I could see. Nice. It would make tonight so much more memorable if he still needed a bit of breaking. Good dumb colt; they always broke so fucking hotly.

"Yeah Jar. See, I've been waiting a long time already. All this time, with you showing off that sexy fucking rump of yours, I've been waiting for a shot at your tailhole. You are a total fucking cocktease Jar, and your arse is going to pay for that. So if you want, you can come round tonight. But I am going to make your arse suffer for leaving me with blue balls all these months. And I aint going to be gentle."

To his credit that didn't deter him. He was a keeper, this one. So when I got him home, he got his wish.

I stripped off his footy shorts nice and slow, reverently like. This was my kind of worship. I made him kneel on my couch, with his chest on the back bent over, and I got my playthings out of the closet. Been a while; too long. I knew I needed this.

He stared a bit dumbstruck, and the fear was back, but he didn't back off. I saw his left hoof shaking a little, but he still had that sexy fucking grin. Even when I put the bridle on him, and began to swing the riding crop. I let it slam into my hand once, hard enough to hurt, just to show him what he had coming. He managed a gasp round the bit. But his cute tail rode high; he had it well wrapped, with green and gold ribbon around the dock, then a long floating mass of black like a banner. It twitched, as did his arse, in time with his hoof as I took up my place behind him and rested the flap of the crop on his right cheek. He dropped his head, learning respect like a well broken stud should, and waited.

He took his punishment well. Almost as well as the first stud I got to play with. Yeah, that had been something else.

Dave was a Shire, not a cross like Jar but fullbreed. I had known him for ages, as he was dad's best mate from footy, and I had the biggest fucking horn for him from pretty much the time I hit puberty. He provided my first wank fantasies, and I used to cum so hard It was like a firehose dousing the bed when I emptied my swollen calf nuts. Mum just screamed at me to change my own sheets from now on.

Dave had come to our place to watch footy with dad and me when I was eighteen, and stayed the night on our fold out sofa. I came down to steal some beer from the fridge and found him jacking his perfect length of horsecock, right out in the open. He never stopped even as he saw me there looking at him, instead just looking at me with those big sexy brown eyes, eyes like Jars, and winked. I knew a fucking invitation when I saw it.

By the time dad found us I was balls deep in his mate and loving my first taste of a guy's hot arse. Fuck he was a good lay. Dad went ape shit; turned out he was counting on a night deep in Dave's arse himself and didn't like the idea of being beaten to it by his eighteen-year-old calf. I was hooked from that time on. But it cost me a lot with dad, and fuck did we have some barneys about it.

I moved in with Dave eventually. It was Dave who gave me the bridle and riding crop, as he was a fucking typical stud and liked to play the field. I had to use it on him a few times when he strayed; the cunt liked to fuck around a lot.

Seeing that same crop cut into Jar's hot arse really topped off my hummer. He had a rump almost as big as Dave's, two perfect rounded balloons the size of oversized rugby balls. And each time the crop landed it bit in deep and the cheeks jiggled and then twitched as he adjusted to the pain. He yelled but didn't move, even when I landed one last stroke in his crack and bit into his taint. He just collapsed over the back of the sofa, sobbing, his thighs spread wide and his heavy sack rising and falling like a fucking crane on a worksite.

I knelt behind him and ate his arse, my muzzle buried and thick bull tongue going to work. He was all sweat and musk and funk, and when I drilled his hole with my tongue finally he began to swear and buck his hips and beg me to do him. And when I sank into his hot tight depths I took it slow and when I hilted in him with my fat nuts resting on his taint I reached round and felt his cock hard and leaking in my hand.

Oh to be eighteen again.

"Now you cunt, see if you can hold back a little while."

He couldn't, which earned him a fresh dose of the crop. But I didn't want him too battered. I had planned on having him do me to end the evening, lying on his back with his nicely punished horse rump lying on the sheets and me riding that magnificent length of teenage horseflesh. I just didn't want him getting too cocky because he got to dick his boss. So I knew he would need frequent doses of my riding crop to keep him in line after.

I knew our smoko breaks were going to be more entertaining from now on though.

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