A Mustelid Needs Money

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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Rent is due once again and with no other option, Duke seeks out an old "friend."


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Travis sighed as he checked his calendar. The day was approaching once again. But he didn't have enough to cover his rent for the month. But he did know someone who could give him the money that he needed...

With another sigh, the ferret grabbed his keys and walked out of his apartment. He told himself that it didn't have to be that big of a deal. It's not like it's the first time he sought out the weasel. But for some reason he still felt awkward about it, like he should choose something else. But there was no time to find something else. He only had five days left and he was $300 dollars short.

Stepping outside and on the sidewalk, Travis strolled down to the end of the block. He looked back and forth for any cars before crossing the street. On the next block, Travis hummed to himself, a calming tune that helped to assure him that he wasn't doing anything particularly wrong. He was going to do what many others did, perform a service in exchange for the money he needed. Instead of making it to the end of this block, Travis stopped and looked back and forth, making sure there were no eyes on him. Without another thought, the ferret ducked in the rather narrow alley.

Grunting, the lithe male squeezed and ducked around the splintered boards and the old mattress that stood in his way. He strained as he climbed over an old, tall crate. He jumped over the other side and huffed as he landed on the other side. Already panting, the ferret continued forwards towards the very last obstacle in his way: a simple chain-link fence. On the other side of the tall fence was a rusty shed with a small sign outside. Straining, Travis slowly climbed up the fence and carefully turned himself around before he climbed back down.

Landing on the other side of the fence, Travis huffed and whimpered at the dull aching in his paws. He stepped towards the shed and knocked against the rusty wall. A few seconds later the door slowly opened, revealing none other than Duke Weaselton. The other mustelid was surprised to see the ferret but he soon smirked and rested his other paw on his hip.

"Well, if it isn't Travis Blackfoot... What brings you to my humble abode?" The brown mammal looked the ferret up and down before he licked his lips.

"I need another 'loan' from you," Travis said, altering his speech. The weasel's ears flicked as he recognized the code. He chuckled and made a motion for the other male to follow him inside. Travis did so and was soon inside the shed. Despite the shabby look on the outside, it was very spacious on the inside. The shed was even furbished with a carpet, a small bed on the corner and a desk near the front. Duke pranced right past the desk and instead marched towards the bed. Travis followed close behind, looking around the place.

"So you need some money?" Weaselton chuckled as he laid down on his bed. "How much are we talking?"

Travis blushed and forced himself to say the amount. "I need three hundred. I'm behind on my rent..."

"Three hundred?" the weasel perked up and gave a toothy smirk to the other male. "That'll require a lot on your part. You sure you're up for that?"

Travis took a deep breath and nodded, much to the other male's excitement. The ferret tapped his paw against the bed and Travis joined him, sitting down on the other side. He gripped his pants and sighed.

"Hey... What's eating you?" Duke asked.

"I... I don't know if I wanna do this..." Travis admitted, gripping the cloth again. "But I need the money now..."

"Hey, hey..." Duke said, placing his paw over the other male's. "Look, Travis. You're a good guy so I'll give you some advice... We all got it rough sometimes and a lot of us have to do things we don't want to just to get by. I mean, look at me!"

"Yeah... Yeah, you're right..." Travis smiled. "Besides it's not like I don't want to do it...with you, I mean... I actually really like you..."

"Hey, if you're trying to get more money out of me, flirting ain't gonna cut it," Travis snickered.

Travis chuckled and instantly relaxed. There was something about the weasel that Travis found charming despite all the shading things he was involved in.

"Just relax and let Duke take control. Besides..." the weasel pushed the other male onto the bed. "I won't make ya do anything you don't want." Travis nodded and smiled, his paws placed on the weasel's chest.

Chuckling, Duke leaned up, leaving the other male on the bed. He slipped off his tank top and tossed it Travis' way. It landed on the other mustelid's face. As he yelped, Travis' nose was filled with the thick scent of sweat. The heady musk made him melt but it only got better when he pulled the tank top off. He was immediately hit with the weasel's shorts. Those had their own reek to them.

"Hehe... Hope you don't mind. Don't have shower around here and I've been kinda busy.."

Travis pulled the shorts of his muzzle as gazed as Duke, lying on the bed in his slightly stained briefs. The weasel sat up and ran his paws through his fur, trailing lower and lower until they rested on his underwear.

"What are you waiting for, Trav?"

The ferret blushed and nodded, gripping the bottom of his own shirt. He tugged at it, pulling it over his head and tossing it on the floor below. Starting to blush, he sunk his claws into his own shorts and pulled them down. Unlike Duke, Travis knew what he was here for and he wore no underwear. The weasel's eyes went wide as the shorts slipped off the end of his legs and fell over the side of the bed. Lying on the bed nude, Travis gave an awkward chuckle.

Licking his teeth, Duke approached the weasel and slipped off his own underwear, pulling them down and letting them fall from his legs. He slunk against Travis and pressed his body close to the other male's. Travis bit his lip and moaned against the soft fur that dragged against his sheath. His nose twitched as he picked up the strong musk that wafted from the unwashed weasel. Not thinking before he acted, the blackfoot pressed his muzzle against the space under Duke's arm. Nestled deep in the pit, the other mustelid took several sniffs. Duke just chuckled against the slight tickle. He was glad to see his friend easing up and not worrying like he always did.

"I forgot... You like me dirty, don't you? Hehe. Have as much as you want..." Duke offered, raising his arm.

Travis did just that, wrapping his arms around Duke's and pressing his nose against the slightly damp pit fur. He murred in comfort and lust, nuzzling his face against the sweaty cleft. Smearing the grizzly scent across his nose and lips, Travis made more pleasured whimpers. His nostrils flared as he took in more deep, heavy snuffs. The smell slightly burned his nose and brought about the urge to sneeze but the horned-up ferret willed himself to keep sniffing.

Duke was feeling a bit naughty so he removed his pit from the ferret's grasp. He chuckled and slithered his body to the end of the bed, running his long body against Travis'. His chest and stomach dragged against the ferret's muzzle. He finally stopped as he gripped the edge of the bed. A small pleasured sigh came from him, soft tingles from dragging his sheath and balls across his "business partner's" lips.

Travis closed his eyes and gripped the weasel's hips. The damp sheath and the plump pair of balls were pressed against his nose, giving him full reign of the stink of days without wash. It made his eyelids flutter and his mouth water. With his tongue, he pressed against the furry orbs, before opening his maw and letting them slip inside. Closing his mouth around the pouch, Travis made a pleasured sound and dragged his tongue against the furry orbs. Long slow licks ruffled the once smooth fur and the tang of sweat clung to his taste buds.

Duke's expression melted into the pleasure from the intense warmth and the soft licks against his balls. "Mmm... Yeah... I've missed ya, Trav..." He rested his head on the soft bed and let himself get lost in the comfortable feeling. Another small sigh came about as Travis' tongue swirled around the entire pouch, teasing every inch it could touch. That was enough to make Duke dig his claws into the bed as his cock grew from his sheath. The pink length was seen by Travis and he wrapped a paw around it, flicking his thumb against the tip.

"Whoa... Ooagh! You're really into it today, aren't you?" Duke chuckled, now feeling his own lust build. He lifted his hips and grunted as pointed teeth scraped against the sopping wet nuts. He chuckled and shifted himself, fishing his cock from the ferret's grip and towards his muzzle. Smiling as well, Travis opened his mouth as welcomed the cock that pressed against his tongue.

But his eyes went wide as the tip was jabbed against his throat. Duke bit his lip and grunted as he bounced his lower half up and down, grinding his length against the soft, hot tongue. He purred from the sharp tingles and immediately went into humping the other male's mouth. They were quick and shallow, aiming for as much of that wonderful feeling as he could get.

Travis flicked his tongue in time with the quick thrusts, using the noises coming from Duke as a cue to let him know what the weasel really liked. The slower presses against his thrusting cock got the deeper moan so Travis kept that up. Narrowing his eyes and reaching down to fiddle with his own cock, the blackfoot enjoyed himself as well. The shed was soon filled with the sound of the two males breathing heavily. Duke especially was moaning out as he continued to jam himself against the hot, wet mouth. It didn't take much more for his climax to approach him. Rather than trying to prolong his pleasure, Duke welcomed the chance to drain his balls down his favorite loan recipient's throat. A few more humps was all it took; his maw stretched wide as a blissful moan rang out. Duke pressed himself deep inside the warm mouth; his cock pulsed and jetted ropes of seed down his friend's throat. Travis swallowed the load down easily and murred from the sanctification that gave him.

Chuckling, Duke lifted his cock out of the other male's mouth. "Already starting strong, huh?"

"Hey, that was all you," Travis teased back. He licked his lips, lapping up any spunk he may have missed. "So, what's next?"

Duke thought for a moment and smirked. "Actually, I wanna try something different."

Travis tiled his head at those words. Duke slunk back the way he came, flopping down on his back. Travis sat up and watched as the other mustelid laid back and lifted his legs in the air, holding them with his paws.

"I think you've earned enough reward points for a little prize of your own," Duke smirked.

Travis couldn't help but snicker at the joke but he still gazed at Duke, the idea growing more and more appealing. The little shake of the weasel's hips was enough to convince him to go for it. Usually, he was the one on the receiving end. The ferret was the one seeking a loan after all. That meant Duke was in a really good mood...

The ferret approached his species-wise cousin. Duke chuckled and flicked his tail against the other male's face. Travis chuckled as well and playfully lunged at the weasel. He gripped the pair of soft, smooth-furred cheeks. He caught his prey and now it was time to dig in...

Another deep moan came from Duke that soft warm tongue that could do no wrong was delivering a series of soft, hot licks to his asshole. With his paws, Travis rubbed the mounds, already getting into the supple pleasures of such simple licking. The ferret closed his eyes and allowed his senses to take over. The scent that filled his nose was the strong bouquet of musk, sweat, and grungy butt: the ferret's mortal weakness. Duke encouraged his actions, swiveling his legs to lock around the licking ferret's head.

Travis's eyes went wide but he instantly relaxed upon hearing the devious chuckle from the usually shifty weasel. Picking up where he left off, Travis pressed his claws against the soft cheeks, a bit of pain that the weasel welcomed. A hiss came from as the blunt clawtips dug into his asscheeks, but more so it came from the tongue that was now shoving itself directly against the hole.

"Ooh, fuck... Trav... A little m-more..." Duke fought for more words but the stretching left him speechless. Deep breaths were heard as Travis' tongue sunk deeper and deeper. With a small pop and a pleasured murr from the ferret, his tongue was deep inside his loaner's ass. The sharp flavor that met him made the blackfoot melt. Huffing as he licked, Travis savored the musky ass, swirling his tongue in wide circles.

Feeling himself being stretched, Duke balled his paws and grunted. This time, Travis was the one to chuckle, hearing the moans that were caused by him. He licked even harder, scraping his tongue against the soft walls. His spit was left being against the smooth flesh but the ferret's tongue collected the thick flavors of the ferret. Purring in his own pleasure, Travis pressed even more of his tongue inside, flicking the muscle back and forth. Duke bit his lip and huffed through his nose.

"Ugh... Were you always this good?" Duke groaned, curling his toes.

Travis just shrugged and pulled his tongue from the now sloppy asshole. "You tell me..." The ferret had a sultry look on his face as he slid between Duke's legs, pressing his own body against the other mustelid's. Duke was the one blushing but brushed it off with a chuckle of his own. But that blush persisted as he could feel the ferret's cocktip pressing against his stretched ass.

"Mmm... I like this side of you... Let's see what it's made of!" Duke bared his fangs and locked his legs around Travis's lower half. He pulled the ferret in close, working to shove the other male's cock inside his own ass. A deep sigh came from him, his ass was stretched around the length, bringing him a mix of pain and pleasure that he loved. On the other side, Travis growled from the quick bliss that shot through his body. It was a sound that he never made before. But rather dwell on it, Travis let his pleasure take over his body.

His hips started with slow strokes back and forth. Blissful sighs came from the both of them. Easing into his position, Duke reached up and wrapped his arms around the slightly larger male. Travis blushed, feeling the weasel's arms and legs clinging to him. Nonetheless, the pleasure that rocked back and forth within him urged the ferret to keep going. He did just that, pumping himself in and out, making small grunts and growls all the while. Not only was it a pleasure for Duke but it was thrilling to see a forceful side from the usually timid ferret.

"I didn't know I was that good," Duke chuckled. "Come on. Stop holding back! Give me all you got!"

"A-are you sure?" Travis asked, tilting his head.

"Enough talking!" Duke snapped with a smirk on his muzzle. "Now, just fuck me!"

Travis nodded and gave another growl, shoving himself deep. He picked up the pace and added more force to his thrusts. The small bed lurched back and forth, bumping against the wall from the strong motions. The voices of the two mustelids could have been heard by anyone who managed to get close to the structure. Duke's voice was especially loud from the hard fucking Travis was now giving him.

The males allowed themselves to get wild in each other's embrace. Duke pressed and dragged his claws against the ferret's back. Not to be outdone, Travis leaned even closer to the other male and clamped his jaws around the weasel's shoulder. Duke hissed and let out a pitched whimper, writhing from the blissful pleasure and the stinging pain of the sharp teeth. If Duke wasn't already at his limits, Travis reached with a paw and gripped at the weasel's cock.

In time with his own thrusting, Travis jerked the smooth shaft. His soft paws were quick to glide up and down; Duke could do nothing more than arch his back and cry out from the three different kinds of pleasure all fighting to be the main thing he felt. The pounding and stretching of his ass, bite prickling teeth against his shoulder, and the quick stroking of his cock.

"S-shit... Trav... I'm... Aaaaughh!" Duke's body pulsed and burned with the overwhelming pleasure. It was no wonder that he reached his climax soon after. Spurts of seed poured from his cocktip, glazing his friend's paw. Travis purred from the feelings that were going through his own body. The weasel's orgasm brought a series of clenches that struck the ferret. Now with every thrust he was battling against the strong walls that attempted to lock him in place. But he powered through the rhythmic clenching as drove himself home, thrusting as hard and fast as he could.

Travis groaned and bit harder on Duke's shoulder as he reached his own peak. His entire body trembled and his cock throbbed hard from the strongest orgasm that the ferret ever felt. Rivets of seed painted the weasel's insides, the warmth easing the lingering pain deep within him. Against him, Travis drooled around the shoulder and slowly pulled himself out, his eyes fluttering from the extra pleasure. He removed his mouth from the weasel's now red shoulder.

"Yeah..." Duke panted. "I think you earned that 300... Plus a little extra."

Completely forgetting about the money Travis pressed his muzzle against Duke's, surprising the other male. His breath caught in his throat but Duke still closed his eyes and returned the kiss, feeling that warmth and bliss return to him. At that moment things like money and due rent didn't matter. Both Duke and Travis only wanted to be next to each other for as long as they could...

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