1 - A blue, cozy night

Story by FluffyLuu on SoFurry

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#1 of Drake & Leo stories

A surprise awaits this story's protagonist, a small Lucario. His dragon roommate has invited two pokémons to take care of him, unbeknownst to him : these two big Lucarios, eager for a pup to play with, quickly turn out to be a bit much for the poor canine...

"What do you mean, a surprise?"

Eternal refused to answer my question as I asked it for the third time, after he had announced that I was in for a surprise tonight. The dragon shook his head with a tiny smirk drawn across his muzzle and I groaned, slouching back down into the couch. She had teased me for a while about something happening tonight which he had organized but had fiercely refused to tell me what it was.

When there was a knock at the door, his quick glance at me before he got up told me that was it : I got up too with a small sigh, fully expecting one of our friends to be here. It wasn't even my birthday, and I was incredibly confused as to who this could be. Eternal had opened the door and welcomed the guest before I could get there and the voice that replied was instantly unfamiliar to me : I froze in my steps, unable to see who it was that had been invited here until I saw two tall Lucarios walking in, looking around until they saw me, and smiled at me. I blinked and looked over at Eternal who had a devious smile, clearly very amused by my reaction.

"Hello there. I'm guessing this is who you talked about?"

"Indeed. Alright, then! I'm leaving you three for the night. Have fun!"

The dragon chuckled to himself and just like that, he was off. Leaving me in front of the two complete strangers : fluffy, handsome Lucarios, who walked over to me to greet me. I almost held out my hand, fully expecting a handshake, but was greeted by a kiss on the forehead by the two of them, which promptly made my entire face burn up in a bright blush.

"Your friend told us we had to take care of his pup for him tonight, since he's going to be away."

"Eternal did... He..."

My brain seemed to be overloaded with information already, short-circuited by the simple mention of the word "pup". He had just called me a pup right there, hadn't he? They giggled and one of them ruffled my hair, petting between my ears, adding to my growing shyness as I started to realize exactly what Eternal had set me up for. Calling two big Lucarios to come here and... do whatever they had planned for me. Yup, that definitely sounded like something she'd want to do to me.

"We have the whole night ahead of us, said the other Lucario, who wasn't petting my head but caressed my cheek instead. My name is Leo, and he's Drake."

Drake nodded and smiled down at me while Leo kept petting my cheek. "G-great to meet you guys," I replied with an uncertain, and very shy voice. I still didn't quite know what to make of all this and was cursing Eternal with all of the strength of my soul, but being in the presence of two handsome Lucarios who were acting so sweet with me, made me shake like a shy little girl. My gaze kept shifting from one to the other as Leo looked back at the clock.

"Let's start with dinner, shall we?"


We had moved into the kitchen and I was sitting on a chair, watching as Drake was preparing some home-made burgers, a nice smell rising from the stove while the steaks seared. He was slightly taller than Leo, who was slightly fluffier than him, and they were both taller than me by at least a head. We had been chatting a little and the both of them were quite kind, although I had, up until that moment, avoided the elephant in the room. The simple fact of their presence was puzzling to me even if it was quite welcome. I absolutely didn't want to overstep my boundaries however, and had remained behaved, not really moving. I must've looked a bit silly, just sitting there, straight as a board, and nervous as hell.

"So... Eternal asked you to come here, for me...?"

"Indeed, Leo replied. She told us we had to take care of her puppy Lucario, and we obliged."

Leo, who was standing behind me, brought his arms around me, putting his hands on my chest and gently petting my torso. I straightened up even more and suddenly got all tensed up. This gentle petting was making my whole body shiver despite my best attempts to remain composed. The Lucario planted a small kiss on my forehead, then trailed the kisses down to my cheek, while his hands caressed at my belly and chest. "Leaving a pup all alone for the night simply wouldn't do, would it? Besides, we've been told someone was in need of some snuggles."

Drake turned his head slightly and smirked as he saw Leo kissing at me, and when he saw my reaction : flustered to all hell, barely able to even utter a word as the Lucario's words sank in, and I realized that Eternal really just wanted me to receive some nice snuggles. Which the pokémon was delivering flawlessly. I simply couldn't resist and let out a sigh, which sounded like a long "luu~" and relaxed my muscles, melting into the chair from the tender care I was receiving, which I had desperately needed for a while. Both of the Lucarios' ears perked up at that sound and they chuckled, Leo giving me a longer kiss, somehow snaking his muzzle under my fluff to kiss my neck this time.

"I have a better idea, suddenly said Drake. Fluffy, would you come here for a second?"


I snapped out of my blissful relaxation, nuzzling a bit at Leo's cheek before getting up and walking over to Drake. My legs already felt like noodles, with no strength left in my body as the events that unfolded all felt like a surreal dream. Once I was close enough to him, the bigger Lucario suddenly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him, burying my face in the fluff of his chest, while the other pressed his body up against mine.

My heart started beating so fast that I thought I would faint, right there and then. I was almost light-headed as the two fluffy and warm pokémons squished me in between them, smothering me in their fuzzy body, which made me let out a long luu moan, while I wrapped my arms around Drake. He was petting my head slowly while Leo caressed his partner's back, the both of them offering me a tight, warm, and incredibly comfortable hug. I closed my eyes, shivering a tiny bit from the overwhelming emotions I was feeling. Losing myself in the plushy sensation of their fur, melting like butter on a pan, while the two of them just kept me there, squeezing nice and tight until I could barely see anything other than yellow fluff.

"Seems like he enjoys this quite a bit. He needed it badly, didn't he?" rhethorically asked Leo to the other Lucario.

"Apparently. Happy, little pup?"

Leo moved back the slightest distance to allow me to reply. Obviously, there was nothing for me to say. I uttered a small sound, akin to a "luu" and sounding a tiny, tiny bit like words, although I was too blissful to focus on making coherent sounds. This was met by a hearty chuckle and more squishing, my face buried in the softest, wooliest feeling fur I had ever had the pleasure of burying my head into. I lost myself in their smell, pushing my nose against Drake's chest and completely accepting this situation I was in. Every second felt like pure bliss, as they caressed my body with their fuzzy hands, rubbing my back, thighs, sides, relaxing me so completely that I thought I was going to fall asleep.

"I trust you can finish the cooking? asked Drake, to which Leo replied with a small nod."

Leo moved away from me and Drake brought both his paws to my rear, grabbing it and lifting me up : I yipped in surprise, jolted back awake from my blissful stupor, while the Lucario carried me, sat down on the chair I was on earlier, with me on his lap. The grab and lift was quite unexpected and had made my heart race, and I hid my face against the Lucario's neck, wrapping my arms around it too, sighing a bit. He started kissing at my forehead slowly while his hand ran through my hair, went down my back and up to my nape, where he pushed me more against his neck, ever so gently, while he brought his muzzle to my ear.

"You're such a good little pup, he whispered. So adorable, and willing. Letting yourself be snuggled by two bigger males. You've been needing this for a while haven't you? You needed bigger males to remind you that you're a small, soft little puppy?"

My entire body started shaking as the Lucario somehow hit all of my weaknesses so suddenly. There was no way Eternal hadn't told them what I liked. I let out a desperate whine, clutching at his body while he kissed at my forehead some more, giggling to himself. His grip on my body had gotten ever slightly firmer, and one of his paws had moved down to the base of my tail. With the other, he gently caressed my hips, and he brought his maw to my ear again, nibbling at it before resuming his little whispers.

"We have so much planned for you. An entire evening of cuddles, of spending quality time with your two Lucario sitters. As soon as we're done eating, what say you we spend a bit of time on the couch?"

I heard Leo step closer, seemingly having finished cooking. He set up the plates, and petted my head gently.

"Aww, come on Drake. No need to fluster him that much already. That's cruel."

"Cruel? Come on, look at him!"

Drake softly grabbed my cheeks and pushed me back to expose my blushy face : being suddenly exposed with no thick fur to hide in, my face turned an even brighter red and I looked at the both of them with lowered ears, hoping to find solace or help in their gaze, but there was none to be had. They were smiling and chuckled when they noticed that I was squirming a bit, flustered to all hell after the little cute whispers Drake had given me. Leo leaned down to kiss my cheek, and for a second, I felt them brush against mine. I couldn't tell if this was an accident or not, but he didn't react any differently and I was left all confused and even more embarassed than I was before.

"Okay, he does seem pretty happy about it. But still! Dinner's ready."

"Alright, hop off my lap. Let's eat."


Dinner had passed in as normal of a fashion as it could when eating with two flirty Lucarios. We had talked about anything and nothing, and I had asked them some cooking tips as they both seemed to be pretty fond of preparing dishes. Throughout the whole dinner I was flustered by Drake's proposition however, already imagining cuddling with them on the couch, once again losing myself inside their soft fur. Thankfully for me, they hadn't forgotten about that and as soon as we were done with dinner, Drake brought me to the living room with him, despite my best attempt to convince them to help Leo with washing the dishes. Leo had insisted it wouldn't take him long and Drake seemed as impatient as me to relax on the couch.

And so he brought me there, holding my paw gently. He lied down on his back and spread out his arms, inviting me onto his body. I chuckled and blushed at the sight of this handsome Lucario offering himself like a plush to snuggle with, but happily obliged, lying down on top of him.

The relaxation this offered was almost unreal. I wrapped my arms around him, my cheek resting on his chest as I let out tons of little luu sounds. Drake wrapped his arms around me and held me there, nice and comfy on top of him. I gave tons of little kisses on his chest, slowly, taking all of my time to enjoy his smell and the feeling of his fur, experiencing every second as if they were the last. The Lucario closed his eyes while I trailed my kisses up from his chest to his neck, then to his cheek... And I suddenly stopped, blushing even more brightly. Drake noticed this sudden stop and opened one eye.

"Something wrong, pup?"

I had a moment of hesitation and bit my lower lip, remaining silent as I gathered the courage to do what I was imagining. Then, in an instant, I stole a kiss right on his lips, a short, and shy one, which made him gasp softly. He hadn't been expecting that and, for an instant, I thought I had ruined this moment and crossed the line. But his subsequent smile and light blush reassured me.

"Are you sure you should be kissing your sitters, little puppy?"

"I... I don't care..."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and once again went for a kiss, locking lips with the bigger Lucario and moaning gently into his maw. My entire body was telling me to stop, that this was too much, that I shouldn't have gone so far, and it took all my resolve not to break the kiss : but knowing how much this was, that this was forbidden and that I was going overboard, somehow made it all the better. Drake wasn't complaining and even brought one of his hands to the back of my head.

I started to pull away to stop the kiss, but the Lucario suddenly pushed my head back against his. I moaned in surprise, my voice all muffled by the passionate making out that he was suddenly giving me. He tilted his head to the side and pressed his lips tightly to mine, tiny kissing noises now coming from our maws as he showed me how truly passionate he wanted this to be, matching my eagerness one for one, if not being even more intense. I couldn't help making tons of little noises while we kissed, moaning, whining, such was my happiness that I had to voice it. Whenever I tried to remain silent, all these little luu sounds would feel as if they were stuck in my throat, like a need to make clear my adoration for this moment. Every passing second of this passionate making out made me melt more and more on top of him. Shaking, panting a bit, so many emotions blurring my thoughts : I was nervous, happy, ashamed, and so fond of the Lucario that was kissing me.

Eventually the Lucario slowly broke the kiss and we both opened our eyes, gazing into each other's eyes. Me, panting and shivering, him, smirking and happy.

"Well, well. Someone sure is very eager, aren't they?"

"H-hey! You pushed me into the kiss too..."

"Shhh. What kind of puppy talks back?"

He took on a frown, faking disapproval, which made me lower my ears and whine a bit. Being called a puppy really was my weakness, and there was nothing I could reply to the Lucario's confident reprimand. With a giggle, he pushed me into yet another kiss, silencing my tiny voice and my worries all at once, encouraging me to lose myself in the moment once more.

The kiss was just as passionate as the previous one, if not more. Drake was pushing a bit more against the back of my head, tightly locking lips with me and only letting go so we could gasp for some air, before resuming our intense making out. There was a more raw, eager nature to this kiss, more than the previous, and I started shaking from a different feeling, more than just shyness or happiness. Soon, the Lucario slipped his tongue to meet my lips, and ever so gently pushed them apart, slipping it all inside my maw for me to taste.

This got a hearty moan out of me, which was easily and quickly muffled by him. He started licking at the inside of my maw, my cheeks, my palate, then entwining his tongue with mine. And not for one moment did he let go of my head. I hadn't realized that I was clutching at the fur of his back and slightly tugging at it, so lost in this intense moment that I barely had awareness of my own body anymore. Fully focused on making out with this handsome, irresistible Lucario, I also hadn't realized that a little something was now poking at his belly, and growing more and more difficult to ignore. The sounds we were making grew sloppier and more eager, accompanied by our frantic breathing through our nose, losing our composure more and more.

Then the Lucario slowly broke the kiss, a trail of saliva hanging from our tongues. I blushed brightly, as if this brief pause suddenly brought me back to my senses, realizing how incredibly eager I was being with him... And how incredibly eager he was being with me. This mutual need that was increasing every second between us both made the moment more than enjoyable. But with this little break I also realized the little "problem" I was having, the growing problem that Drake hadn't failed to notice either.

"Puppy seems to be more eager than for just a kiss, I'm guessing."

"I-I'm sorry...! I didn't mean t-to..."

"Shhh. That's perfectly fine. We'll have to take care of these needs too."

My blush increased tenfold when I heard these words and he kissed me yet again, but this time, a sweeter, soothing kiss. I whined, a bit ashamed of this need that he had noticed, but his soothing kiss, his soft lips, slowly relaxed me, making me docile and calm.

As we were kissing, Leo had come back from the kitchen and giggled as he saw me and Drake making out on the couch. I heard his voice coming closer.

"You boys having fun without me I see?" said Leo, which made Drake break the kiss.

"I was indulging the poor little pup. How about you get on your back, so Leo can kiss you too?"

The mere idea of doing so would imply having to expose myself in ways that I was not prepared for. I shook my head no and refused with a tiny voice, hiding my face almost completely against Drake's chest. This must've made quite obvious the reason why I was so shy.

"Come on, you know Leo won't judge you. We're here to help, remember?"

In the meantime, Leo had gotten onto the couch and was kneeling above Drake's legs, caressing my back slowly and giving me encouraging words, too, while I was shaking uncontrollably, shyness and anxiety getting the better of me. "You don't want to kiss me, too? You wouldn't want to make me sad, would you?" the fluffier Lucario said, the sting of guilt being quite an effective motivation. I didn't want to make him feel left out, of course... So I gathered what little courage I had.

"O-okay, but... Don't... Don't look too much, okay?"

I turned around, slowly, my heart fit to burst as I got on my back, and exposing this impossible-to-ignore "problem" that had grown to full size between my legs. I squeezed my thighs together uselessly, as the fleshy member was sticking out like a sore thumb out of the fur. Leo let out a little chuckle as he understood why I had been so shy and rubbed my thighs gently, then my hips and sides, looking straight at this sensitive, pulsating member which I had expressedly asked him not to look at.

"I understand better now... Poor little luu. Do you need us to take care of that, too?"

I hid part of my face with my hands, still quite visibly shaking. All I had the strength to do was gaze into Leo's eyes. Drake, on the other hand, had wrapped his arms around my body and was gently caressing my belly and chest. The combined petting of the two Lucarios helped to soothe me somewhat, and Leo even managed to gently pry my legs open, exposing this problematic member in its full size. My breathing had quickened and every caress given to my thighs or belly made me twitch : as soon as one of their hands got close to my crotch, my entire body would tense up. Soon enough, Leo brought his hand to it, and gently, ever so slowly, wrapped his fingers around it. I whined and squeezed my legs together again, instinctively trying to hide this most vulnerable part of me.

Leo, while still gently holding it in his hand, used his other hand to move my hands away from my face, and brought his muzzle close to mine.

"We'll help you feel better, alright little pup? Just relax and let us do the work."

I nodded, feeling almost a little light-headed from the confusing explosion of emotions I was feeling at this very moment, and welcomed Leo's lips against mine. Kissing the other Lucario felt brand new, and just as amazing as when Drake had kissed me too. I wrapped my arms around him, giving into this deep, slow kiss. But I wasn't afforded the luxury to forget about my need, as the Lucario soon started moving his hand along my length, squeezing his fingers tight and giving long, patient strokes, from tip to base.

The first motion made my entire body twitch, and the subsequent ones got me squirming a bit, as I tried to remain calm and composed, to absolutely no avail. Pleasure was already building up, increased from being very pent up for a while, and from the constant teasing and cuddling that had taken place that evening. Drake was caressing my body still, helping me relax while kissing at my forehead, embracing me while his partner took care of my needs. I still couldn't really believe that these two wonderful Lucarios were being so attentive and caring for me in all the best ways, and for that reason I thought I wasn't going to last very long.

I made it quite clear in my tiny moans, and Leo increased his pace. He hadn't let go of my lips yet and I gently rubbed his cheek with my shivering paw, tilting my head to the side to press into his mouth some more. I desperately wanted this moment to continue and paced myself, controlling this addictive pleasure that he was giving me so as not to get overwhelmed too fast. Leo and Drake could probably tell from the way I was trying to control my breathing and how tense I was, and Leo broke the kiss to whisper gently into my ear.

"Don't hold it, little luu... Let it all out."

"But I... I want this to continue... I... I love this so much..."

"Then we will keep going, continued Drake. Just listen to your body, don't resist your needs."

I nodded, although ashamed of my low resistance. Leo kept his muzzle close to my ears, whispering sweet, encouraging words into them, while Drake nibbled at them gently. The Lucario's hand was moving faster, and squeezing tighter, a thin layer of transparent liquid coating the twitching member now. My breathing quickened, my body shivered more and more, and I whined at the big Lucario that I couldn't hold it any longer. Soon enough, I gave a small hump to his hand, tears in my eyes from the unbearable pleasure as I finally reached my climax. Leo kissed my cheeks and forehead while he kept at his rapid stroking, increasing his pace even further now that I had completely given up. The thick, gooey liquid shot all over my belly, every throb making me squirm between them.

"Good boy... Let it all out..."

"Y-yes sir..."

I didn't resist the pleasure at all. From tensed up, I eventually just lied back down, panting heavily while I kept shooting, more and more. Leo was allowing me to powerfully orgasm, shot after shot as thick as the next, reaching sometimes up to my chest, and dragged out for a while at the Lucario's expert care. He hadn't let up his stroking until I was done shooting the very last jet of white liquid, and was left a panting, quivering mess under him. Even then, he didn't let go yet, offering me a very, very slow massage, to relax me and offer me some calm after the "storm".

"Quite a load for a puppy... You really needed that, didn't you?"

"Yes sir..."

The slow massage relaxed me to no end, and the kisses all over my face were so soothing that I got very sleepy. The afterglow felt just as amazing as what came before and I felt my heart bursting with affection for these two males that were acting so sweet to me. Leo's soft hand was moving at a slow enough pace that my increased sensitivity wasn't a problem : in fact, he was keeping me aroused and ready, and my length wasn't getting any softer. Soon, he was able to quicken his pace again, although carefully, gauging my reaction by looking into my eyes and kissing at my muzzle. Realizing that I was still ready to keep going, he gave my lips a small kiss.

"Do you want to keep going?"

"Y-yes! I... I want to help you guys, too. You've been so nice to me a-and I... I want to give back."

My answer seemed to please them quite a lot and I heard Drake go "aww", while Leo caressed my cheek gently. "Such a good boy," he said with a soft voice, which made me blush incredibly hard. Drake kissed my forehead while petting my belly gently.

"Could you turn around for me, then? I'm sure Drake could use some of your help."

"You mean... Oh! S...sure!"

It took me a second to realize what he was asking of me, but when I understood, I felt my anxiety come back. I hadn't done this kind of thing much and I was terrified of not being good enough, or of being clumsy... And I was scared of even seeing the Lucario's member. But after the words I had said, there was no going back, although I felt comfortable enough to share my worries with the Lucarios now.

"I just... I hope I'll be good enough."

"I'm happy just being in the company of a cute puppy like you," replied Drake. "I'm sure you'll do great."

I sighed and looked up at Leo, who was looking down at me, with a warm smile and a soothing look in his eyes that made me melt. He finally let go of my length when I started to turn around and kneeled behind me as I got on all fours, now facing Drake... For a second, I didn't even dare look down at his crotch and his spread legs : I moved up slightly, desperate for a kiss, which he happily provided. Petting my cheek, he locked lips with me for a while, as I felt Leo's paws travelling down from my back, to my tail, and even lower, caressing my rear ever so gently.

I'm sure they could feel how nervous I was, how new this all was to me, and how desperate I was to please them. After the amazing evening they had given me, the last thing I wanted to do was to disappoint. Drake pulled away from the kiss and looked into my eyes.

"No need to be so nervous. If you struggle at all, I'll help you, alright?"

"Y-yes sir..."

"Good. Take all the time you need, sweetie."

I heard a slight chuckle coming from Leo as he saw Drake reassuring me, and the effect it had on me, making me wag my tail slightly. I moved down his body slowly after a small sigh, Leo moving along with me to keep kneeling behind me, until I had moved down enough, having trailed tiny kisses all the way from the Lucario's chest to his lower belly. And now, I was face to face with Drake's crotch. I started shaking nervously again, and Drake petted my head, looking like he was genuinely concerned for me, my shivering very noticeable. I kissed at his thighs slowly to stall a bit, giving myself some time to prepare mentally : meanwhile, Leo had brought both paws to my rear, and was giving me a tender massage that was helping me relax quite a lot.

The first thing that shocked me was how big Drake seemed like he was. His sheathe was quite thick and the sack which hung below it was quite hefty. I gently cupped it in the palm of my paw, biting my lip and I brought my muzzle closer to the Lucario's sheathe. He kept petting me to relax me while I started nuzzling his sheathe slowly, taking in his scent and closing my eyes. I was taking this step by step. Before I could move on, I enjoyed feeling the warmth of the Lucario's private parts pressing up against my face. I pressed my lips on the side of his sheathe, and gradually brought them to its tip, kissing all over. The massage on his sack and my soft nuzzling had gotten his tip to poke out. The sigh of pleasure that I heard from him when I started kissing and licking at his tip encouraged me quite a lot, as I discovered his taste.

I wrapped my lips around his sheathe hesitantly, and could easily slide it all inside my maw, which I did. I looked up at him and the Lucario had closed his eyes, a pleasured smile plastered across his face. This made me blush and encouraged me enough that I didn't lose composure when I felt his warm, fleshy member sliding against my tongue, slowly growing bigger, and harder.

Leo, meanwhile, had waited for me to gain more confidence, so as not to overwhelm me too much. But when he saw, and heard my tiny suckles on his partner's sheathe, he took the opportunity to finally move down. I was so focused on Drake, and working my mouth around his thick sheathe that I didn't realize Leo had brought his face to my rear. He gently spread my cheeks and gave a small smooch right onto my tight, pink hole, which twitched at the unexpected sensation. I let out a flustered moan, and swayed my hips instinctively as I realized how much of a vulnerable position this was, open to anything these two big Lucarios wanted to do. However, I felt safe, secure, knowingly and happily giving up control to them. I trusted them to take good care of me, and I was more than willingly pleasuring them now, gaining confidence gradually as I eased into this intimate situation.

Drake's length was growing so big that soon, I had to pull back slightly, after gagging a little when his tip was pushed up against the back of my throat. After hearing this small sound, the Lucario looked down at me with an air of worry, but I smiled at him reassuringly, while half of his length was still nice and snug inside my maw, being suckled on at a slow pace. His taste was filling my mouth entirely now, and I used one hand to caress at his thighs and belly, trying not to shiver too much as I was still quite nervous. Leo was making this all difficult for me. After a bit of kissing and massaging, he hadn't hesitated in using his tongue, licking over my tight hole and letting out a low, deep murr. I would tense up now and then when he pressed his tongue more insistently, teasing me over and over, making me think he was going to slide it in, and always stopping before he did. I couldn't tell if he was just really taking his time, or gauging my reactions, but this controlled pace allowed my nervousness to be replaced by need. I spread my legs a bit more, whining around Drake's length. He giggled as he noticed his partner was eagerly lapping at my tailhole, and how this was making me work more efficiently at his length. I had started to bob up and down on the first half of his length, while holding his base between my soft fingers, and was looking up at him to make sure he was pleased with how I was doing.

"You're doing fantastic, little luu. Are you enjoying this?"

I nodded shyly, my mouth too full for me to actually reply with anything. Not that I was complaining. Quite the contrary, I was getting used to his taste, and more eager to pleasure him. Leo was also getting more confident, as I suddenly felt his tongue slide inside me. This made me whine out louder, and I heard Drake giggle again, mustering a little "aaaand there he goes" when he saw my flustered reaction.

This sensation was new to me. New and strange. Leo's tongue felt warm, so warm, and I was overwhelmed by a range of new emotions that I was not ready for, despite the Lucario's slow pace. I felt his hands gently caressing my rear, hips, thighs, at a soothing rhythm, while he lapped at my insides. I could hear tiny noises coming from him. Only after a few seconds of this did I realize that I had forgotten Drake, who was patiently petting my head, waiting for me to get used to this.

I slowly pulled back and grabbed his length in my paw, blushing heavily. I was trying not to moan, not to make too much noise, but my overwhelmed expression and little pant-whines was all they needed to understand how I was feeling.

"Y-you're pretty big, Drake..."

"Don't worry, take your time."

I nodded, giving the Lucario a shy little look as I kissed at him a bit more, trying to regain my composure. While I was busy kissing at him, gently fondling and squeezing at his wet length, Leo moved away from my rear, and kneeled behind me. Once again, I was sent into uncontrollable shivering as I felt something warm and hard resting on top of my tush, touching the base of my tail.


"Do you want to try? We don't have to. I believe my saliva will be enough as lube."

Drake was scratching gently behind my ears and petting my hair, while I was trying to decide. It was nigh impossible to think straight while trying to pleasure him, and with another horny Lucario behind me. I sure as hell wasn't used to having fun with males in such a manner, although I had often dreamed of it, and now that it was happening, everything felt like it was happening quite fast.

"Yeah... W-we can try. Just go slow, okay?"

"Of course, sweetie."

I looked up at Drake, who still harbored the same warm smile and rubbed my cheek gently. None of them were rushing me, and I had to repeat to myself that everything was fine, as I was so nervous that I could barely think. Even through my nervousness though, there was a constant wave of lust which kept me going. Despite my anxieties, I still wanted this badly.

The first inches of Leo's length felt like too much. I clenched tightly and had to stop myself from moaning as he stretched me out just enough to fit the rest of his length. He took it as slow as he could : sliding inch by inch, small thrust by small thrust, he was giving me plenty of time. My inexperience was clearly showing, and Drake softly grabbed my chin, lifting my head so I looked into his eyes : "Hey, look at me. You're doing great, puppy. Just breathe," he said. I nodded, losing myself into his deep red gaze, his gentleness helping me relax a great deal. I heard Leo grunt a little above me, while his hands kept on slowly running through my fur. Squeezing at my rear, my hips, caressing my back and tail, while he patiently slid himself inside me.

Drake kept my head straight so I looked into him while Leo took care of me. Drake's scent was right there, as his length pulsated softly next to my face, and the combination of this scent and his gaze were keeping me all submissive and docile... Not that I _wasn't_docile before, of course. Suddenly, with a little groan from the Lucario behind me, I felt him bump up against my tush. I let out a questioning "luu" noise, to which Leo replied in between groans of pleasure :

"You took it all! On your first attempt, too... You're doing great."

"I did...?"

My confused look seemed to amuse Drake, who giggled softly. He grabbed his length with one hand, which had somewhat softened after being left unattended to, and kept his other on my chin, as he brought his tip to my lips. "Open wide, sweetie. You deserve a tasty reward," he said in a low voice. His soothing tone and beautiful eyes totally convinced me, making me forget that at that precise moment, I had an entire Lucario's member pushed inside me, which somehow fit with no real trouble or pain. I opened my maw wide and closed it around Drake's length, closing my eyes also, and giving into the moment completely, once again.

I found it surprisingly easy to relax now that Leo was fully inside me, and obediently moved down onto Drake. Easily moving back to the same point where I had given up before, at which moment the Lucario simply petted me, expecting me to stop : but I moved down more and more, quickly deepthroatting him. This was no easy task of course, and I gagged a bit, but the pleasured groans that got out of Drake made me wag my tail happily. The hardest part, once again, was getting it all down : but once my lips were kissing at his knot, his thick length making a nice, visible bulge on my throat, it was easier to just stay there. I felt his paw grip at my head as he laid back, his loud panting signifying that I must've been doing a great job, while my small throat squeezed and moved along every inch that I could swallow.

"Oh my g-god, are you... are you okay? He's just staying there, it feels amazing..."

"Looks like our little pup has quite a talent for oral, doesn't he?"

Leo leaned forward, getting on all fours above me, completely surrounding me with his warm, fuzzy body. I shivered a bit as I felt this plushy embrace. He brought his arm around me, squeezing me tightly, his muzzle closer to my ear.

"I'm going to start moving now, he whispered. Do tell me if it gets too much."

While Leo remained composed, Drake had covered his eyes with his hand and was panting heavily as I worked at his length hungrily. I didn't -couldn't- reply to Leo, but noted his words well, as I kept the Lucario's member in my throat with ease, encouraged by his_very_ visible pleasure. I tilted my head to the side, twisting it very slightly, which made him grit his teeth and inhale sharply, a strong throb noticeable in my throat.

"P-puppy, at this rate... Y-you should take it slow."

"Is he that good?"

"Either that, or I'm way too pent-up... Or both."

Leo took his time to move back slowly, which was easy enough. But the subsequent push was almost as difficult to take as the first one. My whole body tensed up and I had to pull back from Drake's length quickly, to which he reacted with visible relief. Seems like he had been trying to pace himself, and the sudden break I was offering him was what he desperately needed so as not to end our fun too quickly. His whole member was coated with saliva now and I gave it a gentle massage while taking back my breathe.

"G-god, Leo! You're big, too..."

He chuckled, but didn't stop this time, pulling back, and pushing himself back in again. I moved forward a little, letting out a small gasp. I could feel Leo's nuzzling at my neck, kissing gently, too, then trailing kisses up to my nape, and the back of my head. Thrust, after thrust, slow and eager at the same time. He wasn't comitting to something very rough or sudden, instead choosing to take his time easing me into a different rhythm.

Drake, at this point, seemed to have gotten most of his senses back, although he looked a bit dazed, still. It was my turn to be amused at his pleasure now, and I smiled, eagerly taking his length inside my maw again. Just to gauge his reaction, I started to bob up and down at a fast pace on him, which made him grunt and clutch at my head.

"P-puppy! That's... Unff. That's not fair!"

"Hey, he's playing by the rules. Seems to me like you can't control yourself very well," Leo said to back up my teasing.

Drake didn't seem to have anything to reply to that, instead simply laying back with his legs spread, while I moved up and down on his length. At this speed, I couldn't deepthroat him very well, instead needing to slow down my pace so I could accept him down my throat better, getting quite a few pleasured groans out of him. Leo was thrusting inside me at a normal pace, his kisses punctuating every movement of his hips inside me, which was rocking me back and forth slowly, helping me move along Drake's length. Seems that I had gotten used to him quite well after all the time he had given me, and was learning to enjoy this sensation. It was definitely something new, and at this point, I was mostly enjoying this for how intimate and perfect this moment was, more than by actual physical pleasure : but the more the Lucario pushed himself inside me, the more my small Lucario rear was accomodating to him, and the more I started to feel physical enjoyment. I felt like I must have been incredibly tight around him, but he seemed to have no problem moving back and forth : I could hear tiny wet noises coming from behind me, probably because of the leftover saliva from his previous rimming. I couldn't really tell how much pre he was giving me, but I could tell he was enjoying it. He was taking it relatively slow, seemingly in no hurry to orgasm, which made me all sorts of flustered... Feeling like I was under his control, being dominated in the softest, most intimate, sweetest way, was the best thing I could've asked.

My body was in the perfect place, between two beautiful Lucarios who were taking care of me, offering me an amazing situation to be in. I closed my eyes, shivering all over. Now that I was used to these sensations and had gotten past just feeling nervous, everything felt incredible. The warm and soft feeling of Drake's member against my tongue, Leo's sweet embrace, and the warmth I felt whenever he was inside me. And this moment was only going to get better, as I soon realized when the bigger Lucario gently made me pull back.

"Puppy, do you mind if I kneel?"

"Not at all..."

I bit my lower lip as he did just as he had said. He got up and kneeled in front of my face, grabbing his length and getting it closer to my maw, which I opened obediently, letting him slide the first few inches inside. Leo, meanwhile, had stopped, and was nipping at my neck, his hands rubbing at my chest and belly, while he rolled his hips and grinded softly against my tush, his knot pushed up against my hole, his sack resting heavily against mine. He moved his muzzle up to my ear to nibble on it gently, while Drake tested the waters, pushing himself as deep as he could, careful to see if it was getting too much for me or not : despite a few small gags, I took everything once again. This position was much better, and made it much easier for me.

Leo, meanwhile, had started whispering in my ear. Whispering sweet words, lewd words, encouraging words, as his hands petted at my entire shivering body. I didn't know why, but those whispered sentences were making me incredibly flustered, yet all I could do was to whine with a muffled and quiet voice, as I was in such a vulnerable position. Everything about his demeanor made his gentle dominance that much more obvious, from his sweet voice to the feeling of his larger and heavier sack pulsating against mine while he throbbed inside me, and his warm body around mine.

"Good pup... Look how happy you're making us. Taking such good care of us, accepting everything and doing great. Do you like this sensation? Having two males' rods inside you, warm and hard?"

Drake was petting my head and, along with Leo, started grinding against me. Leo had begun giving short humps, which were pushing me against Drake's knot and making my body sway back and forth lightly. Small tears had appeared in my eyes and I looked up at the Lucario in front of me with a submissive little expression, to which I saw him react by biting his lip, seemingly holding a giggle. There was no displeasure or discomfort in my expression and despite how thick the both of them felt inside me, not for a second did I want them to pull out, or stop.

They eventually moved back while Leo nipped at my ears some more, his fuzzy embrace ensuring that I constantly felt secure and protected against a bigger male's strong body. They adopted a synchronized rhythm, Drake pulling back whenever Leo pushed back in, and vice versa. Over, and over, they got me used to a sensual pace : over, and over, increasing their speed. Small sounds could be heard as I sucked all over Drake's hard member, and Leo's crotch started making little plapping noises while hitting against my rear.

After the softness that had been present in every single touch and caress the entire evening, something new was now growing. The two males started humping with a bit more strength at me, with a raw eagerness that they were hiding less and less. With each groan, each squeeze at my head or body, the Lucarios grew more needy. I rolled my eyes back, accepting it all, melting completely as I was being dominated by them in such a perfect manner. I was enjoying this so much, as they had shown me how much they cared, and I had no problem letting them relieve some of their eagerness on my small Lucario body.

I could feel Drake's soft hands gripping at my head, my ears, my hair, while he shoved himself as deep as he could with every thrust, my lips kissing at his thick knot while my throat was nice and bulged out. Leo was biting at my neck now and humping more eagerly, arching his back and squeezing my body tightly against his, almost a bit protectively, constantly reminding me that despite both of their eagerness, they still cared. A bit of saliva was gathering around my lips and had started oozing down to my chin and neck. I had fully gotten used to these sensations and was loving every second of this.

I hadn't really realized that this was making me a bit dizzy, especially as I had to accommodate a quite large member inside my throat, but even if I did, I wouldn't have asked them to stop. With every second that passed, I could feel them getting closer. Their grip tightening, Leo's bite becoming fiercer on my neck, his body rubbing up against with a desperate and passionate neediness, our bodies' warmth becoming as one. To complete this union, with one harsher thrust, he slid his yet-to-be inflated knot inside me with a small wet noise.

This made me arch my back, and I howled out as best as I could, my voice muffled by Drake's member : the stretch was a lot for me, but the biggest sensation this gave me was pure bliss. I heard Leo's tiny voice in my ear as he apologized for his eagerness, but I wasn't mad at him at all. In fact, I was eagerly pushing back against him, swaying my body back and forth to make it even more obvious that I wanted it.

At this point, I felt Drake pull back gently. His length seemed so big now that it was towering over my head, pulsating, a slight ooze of pre running down his shaft and onto his knot. He started stroking himself after noticing that Leo was biting roughly at my neck, leaving tons of little bite marks all over me. Both of them seemed to be so close.

"D-do you want it in..."


I hadn't realized my voice would sound this way. Drake's ears perked up as I sounded desperate, a bit shakey, and overall completely overwhelmed. He nodded and slipped his tip inside my maw, and just his tip, stroking at the rest at a face pace. Leo, too, was humping at a fast pace, locked inside me. Faster, rougher, the both of them getting closer to their climax with each second.

Drake was the first to orgasm. With a loud grunt, I felt a wave of warmth filling my maw, shooting all over my tongue, painting the inside of my cheeks, Drake's strong taste invading my senses as I swallowed obediently, rope after rope. Leo gave in shortly after, digging his fangs into my neck while the same warmth filled my other hole.

I was trapped between them, offering them relief by giving my body to them, melting under their control. I had never thought this would feel so amazing. The combined sensation of hot semen filling both of my ends made for an incredible combination, and every second that passed felt like both an eternity, and way too short a moment : as pokémons, their orgasm kept on going for a while, Drake giving me so much to swallow that some eventually leaked down onto my neck, despite my best attempts to hold everything in. Leo had no problem keeping everything in thanks to his knot, which had inflated to a decent size, and the warmth of his thick liquid was growing inside me, intensely... I blushed brightly, as I felt like a female pokémon which had just been bred. Their eagerness certainly wasn't helping with these lewd thoughts, and I smiled shyly as I imagined this lewd situation in such a way.

Drake's orgasm eventually ended, and so did Leo's. The former slowly pulled off, his length coated in saliva and pulsating gently in front of me, giving me quite the lewd view. My erratic breathing joined theirs, as we both recovered from the intense moment. No matter how soft and careful they were, they remained pokémons, and Lucarios at that, beasts of urges, and they had masterfully controlled their needs so as to make this moment still pleasurable for me, as well as a bit kinky.

"Good puppy..." said Drake after a small sigh of relief. "You like this a biiiit too much, don't you think?"

I giggled and blushed as he teased me by rubbing and prodding his tip at my lips, making me move my head to the side, whining playfully. Leo giggled as well when he saw the naughty little show we were putting on right in front of him, although he wasn't moving much, recovering after such an intense orgasm. I could feel myself filled to the brim with the luu's seed... Evidently, he had been quite pent-up. Drake kept on teasing me by pushing his tip in my mouth again, and I happily welcomed it in again, giving the big Lucario more suckles to satisfy him while he petted at my head.

"I think I might need to lay down a bit, sighed Leo. This took a lot out of me."

"You don't say? You were pretty rough on him back th... Wait, did you knot him?"

Leo remained silent for a second and I could only guess his face was plastered with a small blush of shame.

"Leo! C'mon, you could've hurt him... But, huh, I think he loves it," added Drake by petting my head, while I whined and luud happily, taking more of his warm length in my mouth to suck on it like a delicious lollipop. "But not every male can take a knot, you know?"

"W-well, I didn't exactly control myself. You know how it is. Plus, I apologized..."

Drake let out a small sigh, shaking his head in disapproval at his partner. This all sounded in good fun though, and I made sure to keep him pleasured and happy by deepthroatting him once again, although way more softly, and playfully. Keeping his rod inside my throat and giving it eager suckles. I hadn't realized it up until now, but I enjoyed his taste a lot, and didn't mind keeping him in my mouth for longer.

"I know you- unff, want more of this, little luu, but you heard him."

With a little whine, I let Drake pull off of me once again. I didn't really have time to be disappointed at all however : as soon as I was free, Leo squeezed at my body, easily lifted me off of my hands, and flipped us both on our backs.

I accidentally let out a small squeak of surprise as I flopped on top of the fuzzy Lucario, lazily and without really being able to control my fall. I lifted my muzzle, meeting Leo's gaze, who smiled at me and gave a small kiss on my snout. Following that, I turned my eyes to Drake and spread out my arms, luuing at him. I wanted cuddles from both of them and my apparent eagerness made them chuckle, as the larger Lucario got on top of me, carefully lying down on me and trapping me once again between their bodies.

My happy little sounds were muffled by the Lucario's fur once again, just like it had been while we snuggled in the kitchen... With the slight difference that one of them was now knotted to me, and all three of us were basking in the afterglow of an amazing session.

Leo's arms were wrapped around me in a soft embrace and I felt Drake move down slightly, followed by small kisses on my forehead. His low, deep voice echoed in my ears as he whispered ever so gently.

"That's a good girl... You made your Lucarios so happy. Look at you now, you look so peaceful and satisfied after pleasuring us both."

The tall Lucario got up just enough so we could look at each other and he brought his hand to my cheek, slowly caressing it. A bright blush was plastered across my face as he was expertly flustering me. I stuck my tongue out in a small blep and lowered my ears, which earned me enthusiastic pets. Leo's hands wandered from my belly to my hips and thighs, and back to my belly, in long, gentle strokes. After giving me a small kiss on the lips, Drake slid his muzzle against my neck and started biting and kissing at it, murring lowly. I closed my eyes, feeling the weight of exhaustion slowly press down against my head, slowly pushing me to sleep. Leo noticed this and he brought his muzzle to my ears too.

"That's it, you can fall asleep now. Your belly full of my pups, snuggled and cozy against our fur. We'll cuddle you while you sleep... You're safe with us, puppy."

I let out a small happy sound. This was all I could muster. I can't say I had had a lot of experience having to pleasure two males at the same time, and the emotional and physical toll it had taken on me was making it difficult to stay awake.

And while my neck was being nipped at gently, soft words whispered into my ears and my whole body petted and caressed, I was carried off to sleep.

"Thank you very much for coming! Seems you've managed wonderfully."

Eternal waved the two Lucarios goodbye as they stood at the door. I was stood next to him, both blushing and a little sad to see them go.

"Please come back!" I asked a little hesitantly. "I would love to see you both again."

"We will, don't worry," Drake reassured me while petting me between the ears. "Wouldn't want our little puppy to feel too lonely."

I giggled and blushed at the comment, which made Eternal smirk. I could already tell he was going to tease the hell out of me for this. The two Lucarios left, and he closed the door, before turning to me with the worst, most smug grin I had ever seen.

"So, "puppy", how was it?"

"Oh my god, shush."

2 - On our best behavior

It was around 3PM when I took the bus to one of my favorite hangout places, excitedly hopping on and greeting the driver before walking down the length of the bus, all the way to the back. There weren't too many people at this time of the day, and I...

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Fire and Bite Marks

Dropped off at the pokédog park by my best friend, with nothing but a collar on, and completely alone... How had I ever agreed to this? Stranded among all these canine pokémons, some small, some huge, feeling bare and exposed, I chose not to - that is...

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