Summoning By Trial and Error

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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After her encounter with Famjin, Shikosa entices her dragon companion Karksin to perform a summoning ritual to try and contact the nexus creature known as Athear. While they do manage to get a hold of someone through the arcane magic it's not who they were expecting...

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Shikosa and Karksin made their way down the stone passageway, the torches springing to life as they walked by them. "Are you terribly sure that you want to try and do this?" Karksin asked as he walked next to the latex goo shark. "While you know that I'm all for a summoning ritual I think that attempting to find these nexus creatures that you've heard of might prove to be a bit problematic. From the sound of it they only seem to sow discord and corruption wherever they go."

"Oh, you're just being nervous," Shikosa replied, reaching over and booping the feral dragon with one of her bright red fingers. "The one that I interacted with was very cordial as you would say, and if they are half as powerful as they claim to be then maybe they can help me with what I'm looking for. Either way it's worth a shot I think, and there's nothing we've summoned that we can't handle together."

The dragon just gave her a small smirk as they arrived at a set of banded steel doors with runes etched into them that started to glow upon their approach. With all the time and magical energy that Karksin had put into the chamber he had made sure to protect it, along with the fact that the dragon had a particular detest of trespassers that might come in or out of the portal room. The goo shark watched as he closed his eyes before opening them again with a purple light instead of the usual gold while the runes on his body glowed with a similar hue. He formed a small breath of purple flame that he breathed on the door and when the magic hit the runes they reacted to slide the bands away and grant them passage into the chamber.

Shikosa was always impressed with the level of arcane energy that was in this room when they entered, the door immediately closing shut behind them before the runes reactivated. Everything from the writings scrawled on the stone of this underground chamber to the crystals that grew out of it served a purpose. All of it helped direct the power of the dragon into the intricately carved summoning circle that dominated the middle of the room, which also started to glow upon sensing the power of its master. The goo shark took up her usual position away from the circle itself so not to interfere with the process as Karksin began to pace around the perimeter to make sure all the magical protections are in place.

"So... just so we're clear on what we're about to do here," Karksin said once he had completely finished with his preparations. "You want me to reach out into the ether and try to randomly grab at the strings of one of these creatures so that they'll follow it back here and we can talk to them?"

"Pretty much," Shikosa replied with a slight shrug. "I know it's sort of like throwing a fishing line into a random spot in the ocean and hoping to catch a whale, but with what you analyzed after my last encounter with them I don't think it should be too hard to find them. At least with trying to catch a whale you know it when you see it."

"Well if this whale is anything like the neoprene shark you encountered then we will have a better shot," Karksin said. "And you don't want me to try and summon him, right? Because he would be far easier to summon then trying for one of these other seven brothers."

"Nine actually," Shikosa corrected. "We're looking for one in particular, a goo naga that goes by the name of Athear. I think if anyone can help me with what I want it would be him."

"A name and type certainly help the process," Karksin stated as he put a paw on one of the smaller outer circles, funneling his energies into the summoning circle. "But without actually interacting with any of these nexus creatures I can't say for certain which one is which, so we may end up bringing in a completely different one... or something similar in nature that we hadn't counted on. Just make sure to prepare yourself."

Shikosa nodded and stated that she knew what the drill was as she watched the dragon begin the summoning process. Even though she was eager to see if it worked she knew where Karksin was coming from; this wasn't an exact science and even if you knew who and where you were trying to summon any manner of things could happen from the spell being hijacked to the person resisting the pull back. She had seen things go wrong in a summoning and has even stepped in on multiple occasions to help put things back and get the counter spell up. It was part of the reason that the dragon had come to always make sure she was around when he was doing such things, they had proven to be quite the team when it came to dealing with dangers they brought in from the great beyond.

Just as she began to dwell on the fact the entire reason they were doing such things in the first place was because of her the dragon announced that he had already gotten a tug on the end of his summoning line. That was rather quick, Shikosa thought to herself as she started to watch the magical energies manifesting around the circle as clouds and streams of purple light. The dragon was also glowing in a similar manner to when he had disengaged the locks on the door, his eyes and the runes on him practically blinding as he continued to channel arcane energy into the spell to keep the tunnel between them and their mystery guest open. The shark kept her poise and waited to see eagerly with what was on the other side of the portal being formed.

As she continued to watch the purples of the energy began to streak with blue and red as the clouds coalesced into a disk like shape on the floor, a sure sign that energy was now being shared between the dragon and whoever answered the call. That was a good sign; it meant that whoever was on the other end was willing to come over and was now helping Karksin with keeping the tunnel open. Could it be that the dragon managed to snag their gooey naga in the first attempt? The clouds continued to thicken and a hazy purple, red, and blue fog spread out over the floor as a large, shiny black foot suddenly stepped out from the disk and materialized in the circle.

Definitely not a naga, the shark thought to herself as she saw the draconic feet get followed by a set of sculpted calves and then thighs, and the creature wasn't made of goo either. It wasn't natural either though, the shiny black skin looked more like rubber as the rest of the body soon followed suit. Once more of the summoned dragon's body stood there one thing she was clear on was that this had the aura of a nexus creature... apparently a rubber one as she watched the ripped physique of the male continue to form. When Karksin's magic had finally completed and the clouds exploded outwards both of them lost sight of the fully formed anthro dragon... save for a pair of bright red, glowing eyes that looked out from the middle of the circle.

"It appears that I've found myself among the curious," a deep, honey-smooth voice said as Shikosa quickly readied herself once more in case this one didn't prove as friendly as the other, which even then had her get trapped in a neoprene shark suit briefly. "I have to say that I've been summoned to far worse spots, this one appears to know exactly what they were doing when it came to their set up. May I ask to whom sent me such a tantalizing message to come here?"

Both Shikosa and Karksin were still having trouble seeing in the thick haze of magical fog that had been created, save for the eyes, and as the goo shark made her way over towards the dragon it was him that responded first. "My name is Karksin Davy," the dragon responded. "I am the one that summoned you here. Now that I have introduced myself, would you care to do the same?"

"Of course," the creature replied with a deep laugh. "My name is Renzyl, and I am here to fulfill your every desire." There was a brief pause as those glowing eyes flitted back and forth between the two, followed by another chuckle. "Though from what I'm gathering it was not me that you wished to come, is it?"

There was a moment of pause as the two, whom could now see one another as the magical energies dissipated, looked at one another. While Shikosa knew that these nexus creatures had some sort of ability to read people and find out what they wanted she hadn't known the extent of it. Somehow Renzyl had gleaned from them that they were looking for someone else, probably even knew who at this point, and that he wasn't the intended target. Just as the go shark was about to confirm what the dragon was saying though the last of the fog completely disappeared and what stood in the middle of Karksin's summoning circle shocked them both slightly.

The rubber dragon stood head and shoulders above Shikosa but was smaller then Karksin's draconic form, his huge draconic feet rubbing against the lines in the floor as his tail flicked about behind him. If it wasn't for the fact that he was moving he might easily be mistaken for some sort of statue; his muscles where almost perfectly proportion to give off the essence of strength without being overdone like most bodybuilders and as their eyes gazed to his head he had a fanged grin while those glowing red eyes continued to stare at him. On first glance someone might also mistake this creature for a demon too, especially with his swept back spiral horns and the otherwise unnatural shiny rubber skin that covered every inch of his being.

"So... it appears that there is some acceptance for my person being here after all," Renzyl said as he looked back at them. "As for my end I appear to be in the presence of an arcane-inclined dragon and a goo shark... if I didn't know any better, I would have assumed that one of my brothers got to you first. That being said I think we have something to work with here if you don't mind my sticking around."

"Actually," Shikosa said as she stepped forward, being mindful to not break the perimeter that was still pulsating with magical energy. "I don't want to sound rude or anything but I was actually looking for the brother you're probably thinking of. His name is Athear and he's a goo creature like me, and there's something that I want to ask him if you don't mind."

"I see..." Renzyl stated, his grin growing even wider before he feigned disappointment. "How rare it is that those in my company are lusting after another instead of myself, whatever shall I do?" The mock resentment was short-lived however and the smile returned on his muzzle as he rubbed his hands together. "Perhaps I could help with your little situation, but in return I'm going to ask a favor of you first since that would only be fair."

The two looked at one another, then back at the rubber dragon. "What kind of favor are we looking at?" Karksin asked, narrowing his eyes at Renzyl. "Shikosa has already informed me what your kind are...apt to do."

"I wouldn't expect anything less," Renzyl stated. "It's why I'm being so candid with you since I can skip the first few steps about explaining what I do and how this is going to work. In any case I could use creatures such as yourselves to help me with a little problem where I need to corrupt a certain town, normally I'd just disguise my minions but they are highly adapted magic users and also know of my kind."

As the rubber dragon continued on it was clear what he wanted them to do. Since Shikosa had already been exposed to the power of nexus creatures before she would be even more receptive to his power while Karksin would be the vessel to carry her transformed body. Since she also knew a thing or two about spreading from creature to creature she could convert others with Renzyl's power. It also wouldn't be the first time that Shikosa had taken over Karksin's body before, the two giving one another a look of arousal that betrayed their concern, though she would be completely hidden inside him until the time was right.

It was also clear that Renzyl had picked up on the lustful feelings that they shared with one another. Even though Shikosa knew that the rubber dragon had this sort of power it was still slightly surprising to see him continue to tempt them so accurately. There was also the fact that the goo shark wanted to know more about the nexus creatures and Athear in particular. Though the dragon continued to be a bit leery about the grinning dragon she eventually told Renzyl that they would take the deal.

The rubber creature gave them a nod and then looked over to Karksin, who sighed slightly and waved his hand to dispel the protection magic that was separating him and them. Once he was able to move freely again Renzyl immediately went over to the goo shark and started to look her over. "Oh yes, there is quite a bit here to work with," he said as she felt his smooth latex hands against her chin. "You have a lot of power here... and though I sense there is a story behind it I think for now we'll just get you ready."

Shikosa watched as Renzyl took a step back and closed his eyes, holding up his palms. Karksin was very interested in this point and the goo shark could see him leaning in to study how the power of the nexus creature worked. The goo shark was very familiar with how they operated and as she saw a rubber snake being formed from each hand she knew there were all manner of possibilities that could happen from this. They continued to extend out until they were a few feet long each and once they had fully formed their heads immediately turned towards Shikosa.

When Renzyl opened his eyes again he smirked and held out his hands to the goo shark, the snakes remaining coiled up around his arms as they waited for her to reciprocate the gesture. Though Karksin gave her a wary glance she just nodded to him reassuringly and stepped forward to grab onto his outstretched hands. As soon as their fingers clasped together the snakes slithered forward and made their way up her arms towards her body. One decided to curl around her breasts and squeeze them with her body as the other slithered briefly around her neck before making its way up towards her muzzle.

With the second snake being closer she could feel the head of it already starting to push past her lips to get inside her maw. When she allowed it to do so it immediately slithered inside and began to slide down her throat. Though Karksin began to move forwards to aid the goo shark she quickly waved them off as she began to feel the power of the nexus creature flowing through her head and neck. The dragon continued to watch her as she began to feel it curling around inside her body, bulging out her throat as it began to radiate pleasure while her red goo started to turn to black.

As the lower half of the snake's body continued to wiggle around in Shikosa's rapidly darkening muzzle her attention was suddenly brought back down towards the second snake that had continued to slither down her stomach. The black rubber snake continued to trail down between her thighs and as it moved across the sensitive flesh it caused her knees to quiver in pleasure. On Renzyl's suggestion she quickly went to lie down on her back, using the dragon's tail to help brace her since she was still dealing with the snake sliding down into her gullet and could be seen in her chest. The second her body got to the floor she let out a muffled moan when the head of the second snake began to push its way into the folds of her pussy.

"So do you care to tell me why this is necessary for your plans?" Karksin said as he looked over at the grinning rubber creature while they watched Shikosa squirming on the floor.

"I have my reasons," Renzyl replied with a grin as they were able to watch the snake wiggling and stimulating the vagina of the goo shark through her translucent skin. "Plus pleasure helps solidify the transformation that I'm giving her, especially since I've decided to go with something a bit more... unusual. You'll see."

The dragon looked back to see that the first snake had completely disappeared in the maw of the shark, which had also caused her muzzle and head to become shiny and black instead of her usual goo. As the rubber snake inside continued to wiggle around inside her though something seemed to shift, something Shikosa felt even above the intense pleasure she was getting from the one that was plowing into her pussy. With the last of the first rubber creature disappearing inside her it had prompted her to shut her mouth save for the occasional moan, but as the body seemed to wrap around her tongue she felt the sudden urge to stick out her tongue. She could also see and feel something bumping against her rubberized face and when she finally did allow the normally gooey appendage to split her lips what came out caused Karksin's eyes to widen and Renzyl to smirk.

Her tongue was no longer a simple appendage, her own eyes watching as the rubber snake cock tongue slithered out into the air. Though it was prehensile in nature the mere act of it rubbing against her lips while it had pushed its way out almost caused her to orgasm right there, her hands moving up from the snake cock that continued to stretch the folds between her legs and moving up to her breasts that had started to become rubberized. It continued to wiggle in the air as though looking around, then as quickly as it had formed the features melted back in on themselves and retracted into the increasingly rubber shark's mouth. When it disappeared completely Shikosa opened her maw again and pressed her fingers inside to find a normal, albeit rubber, tongue in there.

As Renzyl explained how it was easier to keep such things hidden if they started out looking like their normal versions of themselves the shark's attention was once more brought down to her legs. She remembered that the minions of the nexus creatures couldn't be female for some sort of safety reason, and as the black rubber spread up her stomach and down her legs she saw that it would be the same serving the rubber dragon. This wasn't just going to be a case of a regular cock though as the last of the snake disappeared inside her and sealed her pussy completely, leaving her with a smooth groin that bulged slightly from the creature inside of it. She could only imagine what it would be like for this to happen to organic creatures before the bulge in front of her crotch grew bigger, a snake-like head forming from it as her new maleness started to grow from the smooth, shiny rubber surface.

From the corner of her eye Shikosa could see that Karksin was staring very intently at the new appendage she was growing, and looking lower down between his legs it was something that he was interested in more then just an arcade sense. At the moment however the only thing the now rubber shark could do was moan and writhe on the floor as her new cock continued to lengthen from her body, as though the snake that had crawled inside of her was now pushing back out as her breasts began to deflate. Once more she was going to be going all the way to male as her hands clasped around the six inch snake cock that immediately stretched and coiled around her wrist. Just like with her tongue the feel of the shiny, impossibly smooth skin rubbing against the last vestiges of her goo body caused her to nearly orgasm, except as she stroked up and down her newest addition she managed to get there and cause her first male climax.

Soon the bright red of her body was completely replaced with shiny black as more changes were made to her body, her feminine form becoming more masculine before a rubber shark man laid there panting heavily. It wasn't long before her cock melted and reformed into a somewhat normal humanoid version of itself, one of her hands still clasped around it before she finally was able to let go as she continued to get used to herself as himself instead. "I have to say this," Shikosa said with her lower voice as he got to his feet, fully embracing his new masculinity as he played with the now flaccid rubber cock dangling there. "Interacting with you guys is never boring."

"Clearly," Karksin said before glancing back to the rubber dragon. "So, does that mean that it's my turn now?"

"Hmmm?" Renzyl said before he chuckled, causing Karksin and Shikosa to look at one another. "Oh, I think you may have misinterpreted your part of the plan. While you'll certainly be changing too I need you to remain intact for the time being. Now I'm sure given your tastes you're going to be more than fine for the next phase of this plan..."


It had only been a few hours since they had summoned the nexus creature known as Renzyl, and in that time not only had Shikosa been transformed into a male rubber version of themselves with a hidden snake cock for a tongue and maleness but dragon had also hijacked the summoning circle to send them into an entirely different land. At first Karksin scoffed at the idea of Renzyl taking over his glyph but the shiny creature was quick to remind him that he wasn't taking it over, merely borrowing the power it had to send them off. After being told to step into the middle of the circle the feral dragon watched as the shiny black foot stepped onto one of the glyphs and the purple lines changed to red. Though the arcane creature could have stopped the corruption from taking place easily enough that would defeat the purpose of what they were doing and within a matter of minutes they were transported from the summoning chamber to the middle of a field with the spires of a city looming over them.

The remaining time was Karksin finding the road that led past the city gates, his progress being slowed not only by the unknown terrain but also the reason that he was technically traveling alone. "Will you settle down in there?" the dragon growled as he felt the rubber creature sloshing inside of him. "It's taking all my concentration just to find where we're supposed to go."

"At least you get to see where we're going," Shikosa said mentally, most of his body inside of the dragon's gullet while the rest of it was spread throughout him without getting close to the surface.

"Renzyl said that these creatures are able to tell if nexus power is being used somewhat competently," Karksin said once more. "As much as I would love to share the scenery with you I would rather not have to spend the rest of my days in some sort of magic jail because I'm smuggling in a rubber creature they clearly don't want beyond their city gates."

"If you think that's bad trying being the rubber creature they're looking for," Shikosa projected back. "Plus it's not fun riding in you if I can't stimulate you or anything, so you better hurry up and get to where we need to go before these new instincts of mine kick in and I convert you too."

Karksin scoffed at the word new and received a mental elbow for it, but then quickly told his rubbery aquatic passenger to hold on when he spotted something over the horizon. It was a gate with a number of people huddled around it with most of them looking like traders or convoy. This place definitely appeared to be a part of the low technology and high magic type, especially as the dragon used his arcane abilities to spot several different types of runes that were inscribed not only on the gates themselves but also the carts and even on some of the bags that the travelers carried with them. Though there were a number of anthro creatures, in fact most of them appeared to be from what he could tell, there didn't appear to be any dragons... but Karksin was fairly certain that Renzyl wouldn't have concocted this plan if he was just going to get stopped at the gate.

Though Shikosa continued to bug the dragon for updates Karksin quickly shushed her once again as he slid down the hill and found a place on the road he could pop out of and not draw too much attention. Unfortunately it meant that they were at the back of the line and as the sun began to set below the horizon they hoped that they didn't close the gates at night. Renzyl told them that even with the arcane powers Karksin had at his disposal he wouldn't be able to contain the corruption of the nexus forever, and as Shikosa continued to shift and squirm to the point where his stomach bulged slightly he realized just how true that was. Even a few hours might be too long before he revealed the surprised stored within his body, but it appeared luck was on their side as the guards moved quickly to check everyone in.

As they got to Karksin though the demeanor of those at the gate changed, the fox and tiger that were sitting there in their armor narrowing their eyes at him at the same time as he attempted to remain calm and collected. "Haven't seen you around these parts before," the fox asked. "Name and reason for entering Sinnora?"

"Karksin," the dragon replied quickly, trying not to watch the tiger as he was clearly doing some sort of detection magic on him. "Just resting for the night, flew in from Oakridge Bay and was trying to get to Lannis but caught a nasty tailwind."

It appeared the words the nexus creature told Karksin to say were working, the fox writing something down before continuing on. "Have you ever come in contact with any otherworldly creatures such as succubae, incubi, eldritch beings, nexus creatures, or any other creatures claiming to be gods?" Though the dragon hadn't intended on doing so he must have given the guard a look because the fox rolled his eyes. "C'mon man, you know the procedure and we have to ask, now hurry up before you hold up the line anymore."

"Well... no," Karksin stated simply, hoping that some of the magic in the nearby runes weren't able to detect lies. It appeared he was in the clear however when nothing came down and smited him or set him on fire, though the tiger continued to cast magic on him that made him weary. "Since you don't want me holding up the line anymore can I go in now and find a place to sleep?"

"Yeah yeah," the fox said, though he stopped the dragon as he was about to turn and enter. "Whoa, since you are obviously an arcane creature we need you to perform some magic to be analyzed. Nothing fancy, a prestidigitation or two if you could and then you can find all the inns you want."

Though Karksin remained resolute in his actions he secretly started to feel nervous on what he was bout to do. He had no idea just how much having Shikosa sloshing around inside of him corrupted his magical abilities, especially since he was using some of it in order to obfuscate his presence. But he knew that he couldn't refuse at this point and willed the magic from as close to his head as possible. He could feel the draconic energy flowing through him before he breathed out a purple cloud of mystical energy, then quickly brought his power back into him.

For a few seconds the two guards looked at one another, then finally they nodded and allowed the dragon to proceed. It once more took a surprising amount of willpower to keep himself from breathing a sigh of relief, waiting until he got further into the town square before he did so. They had managed to make it through the checkpoint, which meant the only thing left to do was unleash the rubber creature inside the dragon. As the dragon started to make his way towards where he believed the inn to be he saw what was happening in the crowd and it caused him to slow his pace down until it completely stopped, which prompted Shikosa to ask what was going on.

"I think I know why Renzyl and the others want this place so badly," Karksin whispered to his passenger as he watched a guy and a girl having sex right in front of a fountain while several naked and nearly naked onlookers watched. While not everyone was in such a lewd state it was clear to the dragon that the boundaries of sexual contact in this area was non-existent as he watched two guys groping each other until a third came in that they turned their lusts onto. "It's like a kid in a candy store... any sort of conversion that relied on desire would spread through this place in a heartbeat."

"Explains the protections that they have at the gates and that are making sure there are no outsiders here," Shikosa responded mentally. "I can also sense your own arousal rising, which is making me itchy to get out of here, so hurry up and find a place before we do this right out in the middle of the street."

Though Karksin wondered if anyone would really notice the dragon knew not to tempt fate and went to the target that Renzyl had picked out for them. It was an arcane university, the perfect place to start if someone wanted to bring down this place from the inside out. As the dragon wandered inside it was quickly clear that the rules outside were also applicable in here as he looked up onto the catwalks to see that the scholars wore nothing underneath their robes. They're never going to know what hit them, Karksin thought to himself as he looked for a private place where he and Shikosa could separate.

Eventually they found an area that appeared to be unused storage, the dragon pushing aside a few dusty tables and putting one up against the door to make sure that no one came in. "Alright Shikosa," he said after doing a quick scan to make sure there was nothing magical there either. "Coast is clear, you can come out now."

"Finally..." the rubber creature said mentally, Karksin nodding. "Of course you know there's one thing that we have to do first."

The dragon raised an eye ridge as he heard the deep voice of the shark chuckling in his skull, but when he tried to ask what he meant by that he found it hard to form words in his maw. As black liquid began to drip from his nostrils he found his mouth opening and something pushing its way out of it, and when it came into his vision he saw that it was a black rubber snake. Unlike when Shikosa was transformed the rubber shark had no intention of quickly having it revert back, in fact as he could feel the thick, shiny substance oozing out from the corners of his mouth his mutated tongue seemed to grow even bigger. Inside the dragon Shikosa could feel Karksin's pleasure spiking as he manipulated the body that he had been stored away in, using all the pent up corruption to spread throughout him all at once in certain areas.

As the body of his snake tongue continued to grow and even wrapped around his own muzzle, the rubber causing waves of pleasure to cascade through his body, Karksin let out a muffled grunt when something similar was happening between his legs. The dragon shifted his body to see that his hefty draconic member starting to wiggle of its own accord and frowned, though with the rubber covering his muzzle it was hard to see as a similar head appeared. He should have realized that the sneaky synthetic shark was planning something, he thought to himself as his own body started to contort of its own accord as his scales rose up from the rubber tentacles sliding around underneath it. Since there was no time frame for them to complete their mission Shikosa was going to show Karksin exactly what it was like to be transformed into one of the thralls of the nexus creature as the dragon felt his head get lowered down towards his nether region.

At this point his snake tongue was just as big as his cock and just as sensitive as the one wiggling between his groin, and when the two rubber creatures met and slithered around one another it nearly caused the dragon to cry out in sheer euphoria. With his bulging appendage filling most of his maw it rendered him effectively gagged and all he could do was grunt and groan as his tongue snake was heading right for the folds of his pussy nestled behind his mutated member. Though Karksin quickly shook his head he suddenly found it nodding again moments later before his own tongue plunged into his folds and nearly rocked him with his first orgasm. With the rubber shark having infiltrated nearly his entire body he found it under Shikosa's control, who shared in his pleasure as his prehensile snake cock aimed for a different opening while his pussy started to become rubberized.

The sound of claws grinding against stone could be heard as his own rubberized cock penetrated his tailhole, stretching it open while his snake tongue did the same to his pussy. With both holes filled it was only through the will of the one that was causing all this too happen that he didn't orgasm right away, the rubber shark man delighting in causing sweet pleasure to the point where the draconic creature was quivering. In the mean time the rubber that had been spreading from his mouth, nostrils, and ears was now doing the same in his tailhole and pussy, and with Shikosa already dealing with his insides it was only his scales and muscles that were really left.

Shikosa continued to pump the two snake cocks into Karksin's holes until he was nearly completely lost to the lust, the fact the dragon was already pent up made it even sweeter when he finally relinquished control. The effect was immediate and explosive, rubber cum spilling out over the scales and rushing to cover any unaffected areas as Shikosa himself began to form out of the chest of the writhing creature. By the time his orgasm was complete the shark had completely reformed, his body rubbing against the equally shiny black form of the rubber dragon as the snakes that had formed his cock and tongue began to retract.

Before they were completely back however Shikosa and Karksin shared a kiss that allowed them to slither around one another for a few seconds. "And you thought we weren't going to have any fun," the shark said with a wink before he looked around. "So this is the place, huh?"

"Indeed," Karksin said as he continued to stare at his own rubbery body, flexing and bending things that wouldn't have been possible before. "Given the propensity of people to engage in carnal affairs it should be rather easy to get Renzyl's corruption going, we just need to get the party started. A few here and there that we can start a slow burn transformation on and it won't be long before there are horny rubber reptiles everywhere."

"If I didn't know any better I would think that you're starting to get into this," Shikosa said with a smirk, causing the dragon to blush furiously before coughing and going over to remove the barricade from the door. Since the rubber shark was far less conspicuous then a large rubber dragon, who had actually grown a bit with his transformation, Shikosa went out first to scout the place. It was because of her that they were here in the first place, she reasoned, and she was far better at infiltration as she skulked around the hallways looking for her first victim.

It didn't take long before she found one, a male ocelot that was sitting at a table reading a thick tome. As the rubber shark snuck up behind him Shikosa could feel his snake cock beginning to stir, sensing the lust and desire of the male creature in front of him. Renzyl's corruptive instincts were already mingling with his own and though he would have loved to just completely envelop and take over the other creature it wouldn't be as helpful to their mission. Instead he was just going to have to take from the rubber dragon's book of tricks as he swiftly walked forward and slid his hands in the loose sleeves of the robe.

"Hi there," Shikosa said, a grin forming on his synthetic muzzle as his groping of the ocelot's pectorals caused an immediate and aroused action. "Saw you studying and thought that you could use a little break."

"Oh... oh my..." the ocelot said as Shikosa rubbed against his nipples, unaware that he had already started to corrupt the creature with rubber. "We're not supposed to... do this... in the study area. The books... might get sticky..."

"I won't tell anyone if you don't," the rubber shark replied, watching as the front of the ocelot's robes began to tent. "Just relax, I promise that you're going to enjoy this."

It didn't take much for Shikosa to convince the other male to relax and it wasn't long before he was like putty in his hands, continuing to spread the rubber over his chest as the rubber creature's snake cock formed its mouth again and ripped a slit in the fabric of the robe the feline wore. Though Karksin had mentioned that they could do a slow transformation to help the spread of the rubber the shark was far too pent up even after corrupting the dragon to just plant the seed of transformation. This one was going all the way as his prehensile cock slithered its way in and began to slide around the furry crack of the male as his tongue slithered across the ocelot's cheek.

As the ocelot let out a moan it was quickly stifled by the snake tongue plunging into his muzzle, effectively gagging him as Shikosa felt him immediately began to suck on the appendage. This only caused the rubber shark to grin more at how needy the feline was, hearing the chair slide slightly back as he attempted to shove more of the cock spreading open his tailhole into him. By this point the rubber had already spread over the increasingly muscular chest of the male to the point where he could feel pectorals and washboard abs forming. As Shikosa continued to slide his snake cock down the increasingly stretching throat of the other male he could see that the tent had been forming in the robe had grown even longer and started to wiggle of its own accord.

That wasn't the only thing that was changing either as Shikosa could see rubber starting to form over the feline muzzle started to flatten. Unlike the body of the muscular shark man the ocelot was not keeping his species, instead as the snake tongue and cock continued to plunge in and out of the changing male a pair of rubber fangs grew past the spread lips. The moans of pure pleasure from the male was growing louder and reverberating loudly through the rubbery appendage as the ropy tail of the feline began to thicken into something more serpentine in nature. It was lucky that the robe was a bit baggy, Shikosa thought to himself as he could feel the musculature growing while rubber scales replaced fur.

As Shikosa continued to thrust into the rubber snake creature growing in his embrace he heard something that caused him pause, though his cock continued to thrust into the tailhole of the sitting male. The rubber shark could hear two more voices going down the nearby hallway and it caused him to retract both of his appendages. The former ocelot was already fully corrupted, seeing his clawed rubber hand already stroking the growing bulge that had likely become a rubber snake cock itself, so it was time to move on to some new prey. He left the rubber snake man to go off and corrupt others and the predator went off towards the source of the noise.

It didn't take long to find them, the two mages talking about some sort of ritual that they were going to perform or something of that nature. Though Shikosa wanted to just go up and take them both, hearing her appendages hissing even though they had reformed back into their respective shapes, he wasn't sure how a rubber creature going up to the two would go over. While the gate guards were attempting to keep creatures like Renzyl out it didn't mean that those in the city knew of the situation, or perhaps if there were other means for rubber creatures to exist. This was an arcane institution and he did have some of Renzyl's powers...

Meanwhile the two magi continued to talk to one another, oblivious of the creature following them as they made their way to the ritual chamber. "Did you remember the raven's beak?" the female wolf said as she looked through her bag. "I don't think I have mine."

"Don't worry, I got you covered," the wolf looked up to see the lioness holding a black beak in the palm of her hand and grinning. "You don't think I would forget a critical component? That's how you get demons or something like that."

"Perish the thought," a voice said behind them, the two looking back in shock as the naked rubber shark came up behind them and wrapped an arm around both of their shoulders. "Evening ladies, I was looking for you two."

Though there was clearly the initial shock of someone coming up and suddenly introducing themselves it appeared the fact that Shikosa was nude and covered head to toe in rubber wasn't nearly as intrusive as he thought. "Looking for us?" the wolf said, glancing over at her lioness friend. "Why?"

"Well I heard that if I was looking for two fine creatures to get off that I should look for you," Shikosa replied with a grin, once more gambling on just how sexually open this culture was. "Now I know you have a ritual to perform, but before you do so perhaps you would want to join me for a rather satisfying threesome? I'm sure it would just be a short walk back to your room."

The two looked at one another nervously for a few seconds and Shikosa began to wonder if he overplayed his hand, but much to his relief they both nodded. "I think we have enough time to tie one off before we have to perform the ritual," the lioness said as she began to rub her furred hands over his pectorals. "I love the rubber by the way, is this some sort of new spell? If so I would love for you to teach it to me."

"I'm sure I can get you a synthetic form of your own," Shikosa replied with a smile as they began to walk back to their room. "But first let's go and make ourselves more comfortable..."

Shikosa couldn't help but grin even more as it appeared that their need to seed people in order to have them spread the transformation wasn't needed. This group was overzealous at the gates for a reason, he thought to himself, but now that the fox was in the hen house there was nothing guarding the naïve creatures from being corrupted. That was just fine with the rubber shark creature as he was immediately surrounded by the two females the second that they got back to their room. Though the feel of their lips and hands against his muscular latex form was intoxicating he had a different plan for them as he laid down on one of the beds while telling them to strip down.

As Shikosa watched he couldn't help but admire their feminine curves and ample breasts as they got down to their bare fur. Though it was a shame that they would be losing such assets he knew what they would gain would be just as nice as he told them what to do next. The two females looked at his naked body, then at each other before whispering for a few seconds amongst themselves. It turned out they were deciding who would go where, the lioness hopping up at Shikosa's waist while the wolf sat at the shark's head with her pussy directly in front of his face.

"It's been too long since we've done something like this," the lioness said with a seductive purr as she reached back to guide the thick rubber cock into her, only to find it already pressing against her folds and causing her to gasp slightly. "Which living quarters did you say you were from? I definitely want to get your room number."

"Later," Shikosa mumbled, hearing his own voice his slightly as his latex tongue began to stretch once more. "No more talking, just enjoy yourselves..."

Though the lioness had started to get penetrated first it was the wolf that cried out loudly first, her body quivering with pleasure as she felt the tongue push deeply inside of her on the first thrust. The second that the corrupted creature touched the inner walls the rubber had begun to spread, seeping through her vagina and assimilating everything while the same happened to the lioness sliding down onto his cock. Not only was the pleasure from his snake tongue and cock enough to cause Shikosa to almost have his eyes roll back into his head but the act of converting two females at the same time was incredible. The sensations were not lost on the two woman either as they groped and fondled not only his muscular form but each other's bodies as well to cause even more pleasure.

Shikosa could hear the wolf comment on how deep he was getting and it caused a smile to form on his face as his snake cock continued to wiggle around, plunging itself in and out just as good as the cock inside the lioness as rubber began to spread out between her legs. It wasn't just his tongue that was getting bigger, as more of the shiny substance spread inside and out the more her body began to reshape into something more fitting of a minion of master Renzyl. Already the clit of the wolf and the lioness was starting to grow bigger as tendrils of rubber curled around it, the feline citing that she also felt incredibly tight against the rigid member inside of him. At this point Shikosa could have easily stopped, the two creatures irrevocably corrupted and would eventually transform, but as she saw the increasingly rubbery rear becoming firm and muscular while the pussy he was penetrating grew even tighter he decided to have a little more fun with these two.

The wolf didn't even realize what was happening until the panting lioness had noticed something that was growing out from the increasingly shiny groin of the lupine, causing her to look down in shock. Even with the pleasure radiating from the skilled tongue almost impossibly deep inside her the lust wasn't enough to stop her from gasping when she saw her growing clit. Not only that but as it continued to extend it had also had been completely covered in the same shiny black like the shark's body beneath her. Her hips bucked up slightly as the bliss started to migrate from her pussy to the growing cock, though Shikosa was still able to keep his tongue inside her thanks to the flexible appendage as she asked the lioness what was going on.

Much to the wolf's surprise her friend continued to stare at it for a bit before leaning forward and taking the growing appendage into her maw, engulfing it with one smooth motion as the wolf bucked in response. The corruption that came from Shikosa's snake tongue was potent, but it was nothing compared to what was being pumped into the lioness from the cock thrusting into her. Already the snake cock had to shift from her pussy to her tailhole as the former sealed up completely, and though her own member was still just a rubber clit as soon as she started to suck her friend off it began to quickly extend in length. Most of her lower body had also gotten covered in the shiny rubber, assimilating her fur and becoming textured like small scales.

With the three of them locked into the throes of pleasure the wolf didn't question it, instead taking one of her hands and pressing the lioness' rapidly rubberizing head and pushing it so that her new cock would go deeper in. At the same time her grey fur started to turn black before melting and her ample breasts were deflating before her very eyes. "What... magic... is... this..." the wolf managed to say as she saw the latex flesh of her friend flaring out to resemble the hood of a cobra. "It... feels... so... good!"

Her last word ended in a howl which turned into a hiss, her muzzle turning into that of a viper as a snake tongue formed while she climaxed. The lioness had already done so herself, though at the rate the feline's changes were happening they were now clearly a he as Shikosa continued to stretch open their tailhole for a while before finally pulling out. With the deed done and the two amorous rubber snake males focusing more one another he decided it was a good time to head out. He could hear their moaning continue as he walked out of the door, their voices deepening with every second as the shark went out to find his dragon companion and share the good news.

When Shikosa found Karksin once more he couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. It appeared the rubber dragon had found another quadruped dragon and had decided to take advantage of the situation, his large rubber cock sank halfway into the tailhole of the male beneath him. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," he said, watching as Karksin snapped his head to the new voice only to realize it was his friend. "Looks like you're enjoying yourself."

"You could say that," Karksin said with a grunt as he didn't let the eyes of the rubber shark deter him from impaling the creature's hole even further. "I was going to wait for you when this lovely specimen of a creature walked by and before I knew it was I was on top of him with his muzzle on my cock. We've only recently moved to this position."

It was clear from the rubber that was already clinging to the other dragon's maw and the rubber snake tongue that was slithering in the air that the corruption had gotten there first, though the backside wasn't too far behind as part of his tail and most of his hindquarters were covered with the throbbing member between his legs growing longer by the second. "Well the good news is that these people seemed to have shored up all their defenses around the perimeter," Shikosa explained. "As long as we don't run into any guards I think we can call this mission a success."

"That's... good to hear..." Karksin said as he pushed forward, the slightly shiny chest of the other dragon getting pushed into the ground as the bigger male hilted him. "Did you find someone yourself then?"

Just as Shikosa was about to answer they saw a partially transformed hyena walk by, one hand on his head while the other had lifted up the hem of his robe and was stroking his enlarged maleness. "You could say that," the rubber shark said as the male continued to change before their eyes, his confused look turning to one of purpose as the back of his head and neck began to flare out in a manner similar to the cobra he had transformed. "I really hope that Renzyl likes rubber snakes... because I think that's going to be the theme of this adventure..."

As the night wore on strange creatures could be seen leaving the arcane academy, their scales shining unnaturally in the light of the moon as they made their way to various locations in the city. They would disappear into a building, often once with a large group of people, and remain there for a few minutes to an hour. Then more rubber creatures would pour out and move on to other places until finally the streets were flooded with them. Though there was a minor resistance put up by the guards the corruption had grown far too strong and by the time the moon had gotten across the sky there wasn't a person left unconverted.

When the sun rose on the city once more it appeared to be a day like any other day, even down to those that might be out in the street groping, kissing, or going further. Unlike any other day however the creatures that were doing so were all rubberized, with most of them sporting a cock snake or snake tongue instead of their usual appendage. As Karksin and Shikosa walked back to the city gate in order to catch their ride out of there the dragon smirked when he saw the fox and tiger guard on top of one another, both of the rubber males with their snake cocks buried in the tailholes of one another while their tongues were half way down the other's throat. It was a very successful mission, and as they saw the nexus creature appear before them once they were outside of the gate he told them as much.

"I knew that this place would fall given the proper motivations," Renzyl said with a smirk as he looked at the rubber shark and dragon standing before him. "You have my gratitude, this was a tough nut to crack and if it wasn't for your specific talents I'd still be trying to get someone through the gate."

"I can assure you that the pleasure was all ours," Shikosa said with a chuckle before gesturing at himself. "Now I hope you don't mind, but while I enjoyed having something dangling between my legs I would prefer if you brought us back to form."

Renzyl nodded and held out his hand to the two, who shivered in pleasure as the rubber that had been their bodies the entire night reverted back to their original goo and scales. As it did a familiar sight rose up from their chests and once the process was complete two snakes slithered their way back to Renzyl before reforming with his rubber. "Now that you've done your part of the bargain it's only fair that I reciprocate the gesture," the rubber dragon said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Unfortunately I am not the bearer of good news like I had hoped."

"Why, what's wrong?" Shikosa asked, stepping forward. "Will Athear not meet with me?"

"It's not that he won't," Renzyl explained. "It appears that your little slice of the nexus realm is rather entangled, and I dare to say once I send you two back I probably wouldn't be able to find it again myself unless you sent up a signal and I was looking for it. It's probably why none of us have crossed paths before, whether it's something to do with the nexus itself or some sort of artificial blocker I'm afraid that my gooey brother can't just call up a portal to meet with you."

"So... that's it?" Shikosa said with a hint of anger. "I can't meet with him because the route there is too complicated? It's just impossible to summon him?"

"I never said that it was impossible," Renzyl replied quickly. "It's just... it's probably so close to impossible it could borrow a cup of sugar from it. I've told him that you're looking for him and that he should keep an eye out should you try to summon him again, but other then that there's not really much else that any of us can do in order to help facilitate a meeting. I would offer to take you through to my realm but that's going to lose the connection you have to your circle and you will likely never find your way back home again."

"Well that's certainly... disheartening," Karksin said. "Is there any way we can do what we did here, where we can go to a certain spot and then summon Athear from there?"

The rubber dragon thought about it for a second, then shrugged his shoulders. "It is certainly possible to do that too," Renzyl explained. "Had I known that your nexus feeds were so messy I could have attempted to facilitate a meeting right now, but already you've almost lost your connection to the circle twice and had I not been there it would have broken completely, so adding another nexus creature to the mix will completely destabilize everything."

As Karksin and Renzyl continued to talk about the logistics of how to summon a nexus creature Shikosa moved over to another area and tried to think of something herself. The goo shark wasn't one to give up on a task so easily and she really wanted to meet this Athear, even if Renzyl couldn't exactly help them. After a few minutes the two thanked the rubber creature and were teleported back to their summoning circle, the red light dissipating the second their feet were on the stone. Despite the promise made by the nexus creature Karksin flooded the area with his own magic to purge any influence that might have been left behind.

"Sorry that this didn't quite work out for you," the dragon said once he had finished, his eyes ceasing to glow as he walked back to the shark.

To his surprise the goo shark just grinned at him, causing him to tilt his head slightly. "I don't see this as a failure at all," she said. "We got the message to Athear that we're looking for him and we know that they're able to see this circle when it's active, so all we need to do now is continue our summoning trial and error until we get the one we want!"