The Shadow Part 2

Story by borntoyiff on SoFurry

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[The Shadow Part 1](%5C)

[The Shadow Part 2](%5C)

[The Shadow Part 3](%5C)

[The Shadow Of Christmas](%5C)

[The Shadow the Final Chapter](%5C)

Daniel anxiously awaited Nicole's arrival he couldn't wait. He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, put on some nice clothes, and put on his best cologne, he was ready for her. He heard a knock on the door and walked to the door to open it. As it opened it wasn't who he expected.

"Can I help you, little fur," Daniel asked.

"I'm a Cub Scout and I'm here to sell some raffle tickets for the surprise drawing at the java hut," the cub said with a smile.

"O that's right my boss is doing that," Daniel said. "I'll buy some anyway how much do they cost".

"One dollar each, I need to make $150 to win the new Xbox 360," the cub said.

"You know what here's 150 bucks come buy and we'll play some time," Handing the bills to the Cub Scout.

"Are you serious, thank you so much I'll come over as soon as I get it," the cub said walking away.

"That was cute I didn't know you were so thoughtful, now it's my turn to be thoughtful," a hushed voice said from behind him groping his member.


"Shh, now isn't the time to talk," The voice said. A blindfold was placed over his eyes and he felt his pants tighten as the door was shut and he was lead to his bedroom and pushed onto the bed. He felt his pants being unzipped and tugged off and his boxers removed. Now as a hand squeezed his full-erect cock pre began to ooze out.

"Oh my god that feels so good," Daniel said in an orgasmic murr.

"I thought you'd like that," the voice replied. Removing his blindfold he could see that his pleasure was from Nicole.

"I thought it was you, I didn't know you were so straight forward," Daniel said with a grin.

"Only for you," Nicole said licking his scrotum. Daniel arched his back in pleasure and his head hit his pillow harder than it ever has. "Sit up I want you in me," Nicole said turning around.

"Alright get ready," Daniel said holding his eight inch cock in his hand rubbing it against Nicole's clit. Daniel entered her and Nicole arched her back and pushed back making Daniel's whole member enter her over and over.

"Fuck, it's so big oh my god I'm not going to last much longer," Nicole screamed.

"Oh my god you're so tight I won't either," Daniel said loudly. Almost in unison they both came all over Daniel's bed spread.

"That was nice," Nicole said rolling over and Daniel went behind her spooning with her. This could've been happening all this time and Daniel had been avoiding it. Why could he have been such a fool, she had loved him for so long and he was holding on to petty pride. Noticing that it was 9:30 he curled up to the already sleeping Nicole and fell asleep.

"Daniel wake up, you're going to be late for work you need to get up now," Nicole yelled shaking Daniel awake.

"Oh shit, I should have left five minutes ago thanks babe Daniel said kissing Nicole passionately while picking up his uniform and nametag and running to his bike. "I love you see you soon," Daniel said while pedaling away.

"I love you too, I'll come by later for a cup of coffee," Nicole yelled behind him.

When Daniel arrived at work and put his bike in the backroom he was greeted by his manager.

"Hey, you just made it I was going to have to dock it out of your pay, just kidding," Ashley said with a grin.

"Well my girlfriend just woke me up fifteen minutes ago and I barely got here on time," Daniel said with a sigh.

"Oooo a girlfriend well that's kinky," Ashley said with a snicker.

"Shut up," Daniel said sticking his tongue out. For the next three hours Daniel repeated the same routine, "hi can I take your order," or "here's your change," but now that the gang came to the hut to hang out it was going to be smooth sailing.

"Hey Daniel can I talk to you real quick," Ashley said with a smile.

"Yea, what's up," Daniel said smiling back.

"I know you wanted to buy a car and that you're only $500 short, so here I want you to have a $500 bonus because you riding on a bike everywhere is degrading," Ashley said with a look of satisfaction on her face.

"Thank you... thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me," Daniel said with a tear in his eye as he hugged her.

"You can thank me later, right now you need to hang out with your friends," Ashley said with a wink.

"GUYS, GUESS WHAT," Daniel yelled.

"What," the group yelled.

"Ashley gave me the last five-hundred, I can get the car I can finally get the car," Daniel said almost crying.

"That's great babe you want me to drive you to get one tomorrow," Nicole said with a smile.

"That would be perfect, thanks," Daniel said with a mutual smile.

The door of the shop swung open, "Hey guys remember me?"


Hey guys im thinking about doing the story with parts with different characters, each following the certain character or characters what do you think about that should i do it yay or nay :D


The Shadow Part 3

[The Shadow Part 1](%5C) [The Shadow Part 2](%5C) [The Shadow Part 3](%5C) [The Shadow Of Christmas](%5C) [The Shadow the Final Chapter](%5C) The group was in shock of who they saw, a person that they haven't seen in over five...

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The Shadow Part 1

**The Story of Daniel the Shadow** [The Shadow Part 1](%5C) [The Shadow Part 2](%5C) [The Shadow Part 3](%5C) [The Shadow Of Christmas](%5C) [The Shadow the Final Chapter](%5C) It was a cold winter morning when Daniel was awoken from his...

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