Overheated: Teach an Eevee

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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A female flareon and an eevee

Lately my Flareon has seemed more powerful! Even her lowest damaging fire attack, ember, the one she first learned after evolving into a Flareon, now seems to one hit K.O. any pokémon! Even water types! And as another one the trainer's pokémon who was fighting hits the ground before my fiery canine, its eyes swirling in circles, it seemed as though my opponent was getting increasingly frustrated.

"How does a fire attack one shot a water type pokémon?!" The female trainer yells angrily.

See, I told you...

A fellow eeveelution lover like me, she calls back her unconscious Vaporeon; its body steaming after being seared by one of my Flareon's lava plume attacks.

"Well... You're all I have left little guy... Do your best!" She says before throwing a pokéball into the battleground area; a blinding red light flashing and then fading to reveal her last pokémon, a small Eevee.

"Vee!" The trainer's pokémon yips in a cute little high pitched voice.

Facing my Flareon, the Eevee lowers its forelegs to the ground as it its rump remains up in the air to wag its tail up high in a playful manner; the little brown fox seeming more interested in playing than fighting. Upon seeing her clueless Eevee's behavior, the girl I was battling against smacks her face with the palm of her hand.

Almost half the size of my Flareon, the little Eevee didn't seem like much of a challenge... So I decide we should go as easy as possible on the small pokémon.

"Uhhh Flareon... Just use a low power ember okay?" I tell her.

Ignoring me, I watch as she instead uses a quick attack to at full speed towards the Eevee, only to stop before it, not actually landing the attack.

'What was she doing?' I think to myself.

Now just inches away from each other, the little Eevee begins to repeatedly pounce at my Flareon's forepaws.

'I guess she decided she wanted to play too?' This match was quickly turning into a scene more common to a daycare center than a pokémon battle...

Turning her body to face me while keeping her head looking back over her shoulder at Eevee, Flareon watches the smaller pokemon intently, never breaking eye contact with it. With her rump facing the brown fox, she goes into the same position that it had been in earlier; her forelegs lowered to the ground with her backside high, tail whipping left and right.

"Flareon! You don't need to use a tail whip! It has no defenses! Just use bite or something and end it!" I shout to her. Seeming to ignore me again, Flareon continues wag her big fluffy tail around; the Eevee cocking its head to the side curiously as it watches the bushy appendage wave back and forth in front of it.

Suddenly, the Eevee starts to pounce back and forth toward the white mass of fur. Playfully attempting to grab onto my Flareon's tail, it looked as though they had invented a fun game for themselves to play, and watch as the other trainer puts her right hand's thumb and index finger her face as she begins rubbing her eyes like she had a headache; probably thinking about what to do with her uncooperative little fox.

Abruptly stopping her tail wagging for the Eevee to play with, the two pokémon seem to stop their playing as my Flareon turns to face her body back towards her opponent. Finally taking my advice and using an attack, Flareon now uses a bite on the scruff of the Eevee's neck; a sharp "vee!" being heard as her sharp fangs sink into the little fox.

With the Eevee's neck fur still in her mouth, I watch on as Flareon slowly moves her body around so that they are standing side by side, before then straddling the smaller pokémon's chest with her forelegs to lay on top of him and pummeling it's butt hard with her crotch.

'Cool! This must be some new attack she learned! My Flareon is the greatest!'

Whatever move my Flareon was using it must be super effective, because I can hear the Eevee let out little: 'vee! vee! vee!' squeaks each time she attacks it with here hindquarters, and judging by the goofy expression on the fox's face, its tongue lolled out of its mouth while it pants heavily, I knew she must be close to finishing it off; the way she used her bite attack and followed up with this new one was quite cool, and I beam with happiness as I think about how amazing and talented my lovely Flareon is as she performs it.

"Yeah, Flareon! Keep it up girl! Finish him!" I cheer her on; the Eevee's trainer, who at some point had went to lie down with her back on the grass area where we were battling to stare blankly at the sky as she waited for the couple to finish playing, now looking over at our two pokémon upon hearing me cheer on my Flareon.

As my fire eevolution continues to hit her Eevee's butt again and again with her crotch, the girl watches on as my pokémon dominates the match.

"Ahhhhh! What the hell is your perverted pokémon doing?!" The female trainer screams as she quickly gets up and run towards our fighting furry companions.

"Perverted? What? That's an attack! You're obviously just jealous at how easily she's defeating your Eevee..." I explain to her as I also start rushing towards the battling pair.

Both reaching our pokémon, the girl tries to grab on to her Eevee's front sides and pick it up, only to fail and back off as she is met with a growl from my awesome Flareon.

"Tell your horny bitch to get off him!" She yells frantically.

"Flareon come!" I shout.

Finally letting loose her toothy grip of the Eevee's neck, she comes to my side obediently as notice a small puddle on the ground directly below where she had executed her relentless new move; maybe it was a water type attack?!

With cheeks flush red and eyes half closed, the little brown fox pokémon stares groggily at its trainer as she picks it up with both hands under its forelegs; her fingers press to its fluffy white furred chest as she holds its limp form to check for damage.

Now, this Eevee must be rare or something, because it wasn't like any I have ever seen before... It appeared to have some odd shaft thingy sticking up from between its hind legs, a little red pole jumping up and down as the rest of its body dangled motionless in its trainers grasp.

'Perhaps it uses the thing for some special attack?' I think to myself, when suddenly the red stick begins to spray out white liquid all over the female trainer's face and chest, confirming my theory.

"Wa... Watergun!" I exclaim. 'Wait... No...' I think to myself. 'It wouldn't be able to learn that unless it became a Vaporeon... Then again, my fire type Flareon had just used some water type move, so nothing would really surprise me at this point! But its liquid goo stuff was white... Hmm... I know!'

"String shot!" I guess again, pointing my index finger toward the trainer's face, still covered in her own pokémon's attack; the girl just continuing to stare straight at her Eevee after being hit by the pokémon's strange move. Maybe the liquid had some paralyzing qualities to it?

Turning her head towards me and away from her pokémon very, very slowly, the female trainer locks eyes with me; the small fox's mysterious liquid dripping off her nose and chin a bit as she turns. Fully turning her head towards me to look at me dead on now, I can't help but feel a sense of unease wash over me; it seemed as if one of her pokémon had taught her scary face, because what I saw on hers does fill me with fear...

"I'm going... To kill you..." She says slowly in a menacing monotone tone.

"Hey, it's not my fault you can't train your pokémon well enough so that they use their attacks properly..." I reply.

"Kill..." The girl tells me, slowly walking towards me holding her Pokémon in hand.

Grabbing the center of my shirt with her left hand, the surprisingly strong female then starts to lift me up off the ground as my Flareon, immediately sensing that I was in danger, lets loose a flame thrower upon the lower half of the girl's body; causing her pants and most of her panties to seemingly melt away in the fire, forcing her to let go of me and her Eevee as quickly covers her exposed private parts with both hands.

"Let that be a lesson to you! You don't mess with me and Flareon!" I tell her off.

"You perverted jerks! Get me some new pants or I'll have you sued for sexual assault!" The girl threatens me hysterically.

Staring at the distraught female trainer as I try and think about what to do about all this, I watch as her little Eevee trots around to make its way to her behind, before then sticking its nose up close to her uncovered rear and sniffing. Suddenly the girl's body jolts upright as her pokemon stands on its hind legs and presses its forepaws to the back of her thighs; the Eevee's head leaning forward towards her to examine her hiney. The little fox's weight against the back of her legs, along with its unexpected nosing of her rear end, seems to cause the trainer to fall to her knees now as the girl loses her balance and she continues keeping her privates covered with both hands; struggling to keep Flareon and I from seeing them.

"Sss... Stop that Eevee!" She gasps as her pokémon starts to nuzzle up and down between her butt cheeks, before then stops in the center and begins to flick its tongue out; causing the girl to wiggle and shudder as her Eevee continues to lap repeatedly inside her crack. "Eevee! No!" She pleads again as it continues its licking, seeming to ignore its trainer's commands; that was happening a lot lately...

Every slurp placed on the kneeling trainers behind makes her body visibly spasm, each pass of Eevee's wet tongue causing her to slowly lean further forward with until the girl's front half reaches the ground and she uses her hands to keep herself up; it almost looked like she was in the same the position that my Flareon had been in earlier, and her Eevee had been in before that, the same one it used when it wanted to play... Gripping either side of its trainer's lower back, I watch in awe as the little brown fox now doubles his efforts; furiously attacking the inside of her butt cheeks with lick attacks .

Breathing hard, the female trainer raises her butt up a bit higher as she lean forward to lay on her arms; assuming the exact same position our pokémon had been in now. Removing its tongue while licking its lips, the little Eevee begins sniffing the air; the curious fox must have smelled her other lower lady hole, now uncovered by her hands and directly at its eye.

"Eevee..." Is all the trainer can manage to say before her pokémon begins licking at the opening of her vagina now; causing her to whip her head back a bit at the sudden invasion of that most secret place.

The little fox lapping and licking its trainer's special place as she writhes and twitches under its tongue's touch, Flareon and I watch their awkward performance in awe as they change positions some; the girl reaching back with both her hands to grip the Eevee's tiny forepaws that were resting on her upper butt to bring them forward more, resting them on her lower back as she moves the top half of Eevee's body forward and it stands up more on his hind legs to press its undersides against her. 'Was she trying to teach it how to do my Flareon's super cool new move?!'

Moving her left arm down in-between her legs now, I watch as this strange female trainer places her left hand in-between the Eevee's own hind legs to grab the base of its tiny red water gun sprayer, while her right hand moves around to the back the little fox's behind to push its rump forward so its crotch is pressed firmly against her butt.

"Eevee... Good boy..." She tells her pokémon, still gasping for breath.

It was kind of hard to see now, but I guess she put that little red stick inside her vagina? And did she say good boy? I guess her Eevee was male? But that red shaft thing... That couldn't be its penis could it? Why would I never have seen them there before on any other male pokémon? I'm pretty sure they reproduce differently than humans do; I mean, they do lay eggs after all.

Continuing to watch the scene before me intently, I see Eevee's forepaws and forelegs shift along his trainer's form as she stops grabbing onto his red stick and both her hands go back to the grassy floor; her pokémon wrapping his legs around her lower waist as he begins to thrust his lower half into the female trainer, seeming to try and mimic what my Flareon had done to him earlier.

I was seriously beginning to wonder just how useful this attack could actually be, because it didn't seem to be doing any damage as this Eevee performs it before me now... The girl it was being used on seems to be moaning in pleasure with each lunge of her pokémon's hindquarters against her... Maybe it was a move to lure the opponent into a false sense of security like charm or sweet kiss?! Whatever the case, it's definitely helpful if the pokémon knows pound... I looked as though her Eevee knew it, and was using it over and over again to enhance the ability. I mean, it LOOKS way more powerful than when my Flareon had been using it at least...

"Veeee!" Her Eevee howls in its tiny voice, finally executing the end part of the intricate maneuver and spraying its white liquid into his trainer's vagina; knowing that he had indeed finished the move as he quickly dismounts his trainer and a puddle of pokémon attack goo spills out onto the ground between them. "Vee! vee! vee!. Vee! vee! vee!" He yips happily while running circles around the girl.

"Eevee... Return..." The female trainer pants as a stream of red light hits her excited pokémon and brings him back into his pokéball.

Maybe that attack the Eevee just used is a kind of move like giga drain? The little fox Pokémon does seem to have stolen all of her energy...

"Listen... I...... You... You can't tell anyone about this..." The girl tells me.

"Yeah okay! The less people that know about that secret attack the better! We'll have an advantage on everyone else that way!" I agree with her.

"Umm yeah... Secret attack... Right... Just don't tell anyone about it, because if it gets out, everyone will start using it." She suggests.

"Right right..." I agree again, noticing she is still practically naked... "Umm, here... You can have my pants. I'll be fine with just my boxers until I get back to my tent I have set up. Sorry about that."

"That's okay... Thanks... Just don't forget to not tell anyone about this..." She tells me, still breathing hard to recover from the training session she just had with her pokémon.

"I know!" I shout in response.

"Well... See yeah..." She says, and then weakly walks away from me after being hit by her Eevee's white energy sapping liquids twice now.

Just goes to show you how little I know about the world of pokémon... They really are amazing! It seems like all pokémon, or Eevee and its evolutions at least, can perform this strange unknown move! I don't know where my Flareon picked it up from, but I should begin training her with it just like that girl was training her Eevee! I want her attack to become at least as powerful as that Eevee's was, so maybe I should try teaching her pound too increases its effectiveness!