Antler to Antler - Part 5

Story by rgii55447 on SoFurry

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#6 of Antler to Antler


Bracken stares at a tree truck. Shifting his hoof through the dirt, he charges. He collides with the trunk, RAMMING it again and again. Wood SPLINTERS, sweat rolls down his face.

Finally, the trunk gives way, and the tree falls, CRASHING into the forest floor. Bracken stares at the empty trunk, BREATHING HEAVILY.


Bracken marches into the clearing, tall and proud. Eyes turn toward him. Fern watches from the distance.

BRACKEN: I am Bracken, and I declare Fern as my doe.


Then CHUCKLING. Bracken turns to see Stag marching up to him. Stag shakes his head.

STAG: I see. Decided to claim my doe for yourself. (Eyes darkening) Back down now. Or prepare to be pulverized.

Bracken stares Stag straight in the eyes.

BRACKEN: Like I said, I declare Fern as my doe.

Stag glares back. Something rekindles in his gaze, long confined.

STAG: A real buck, I see. Okay. I accept your challenge.

Stag CHARGES! He's across the clearing in seconds, antlers locked with Bracken's.

Bracken and Stag stand head to head, eyes alight with fury.

STAG: Fern is mine.


They drive each other back, twisting heads from side to side, throwing each other into the dirt, only to have them recover with renewed effort, neither willing to back down.

Fern watches from the sidelines, guilt filling her expression.

MAPLE (V.O.): Look at them. Filled with so much masculinity. It's like they've lost their minds.

Fern turns her head, struggling to watch.

Bracken, filled with such aggression, rams Stag full force, causing him to stumble. Stag looks down at his hooves, shocked. Before he can recover, Bracken drives at him again, and Stag is thrown off his feet.

Bracken stands over Stag, nostrils FLARING, his EYES FILLED WITH FURY. Fern CRIES out and has to look away.

FERN (V.O.): If you can't fight for me, then maybe I deserve a buck who will.

The voice ECHOS across the clearing.




All the way to Bracken, still standing over Stag.

STAG: Do it. Show everyone you've won. Show everyone you've won your doe.

Bracken goes still.

FERN (V.O.): Nothing more than a prize to be won.


The fury drains from Bracken's face, his expression softens. He pulls his attention away from Stag, and finding Fern in the crowd, meeting her gaze. She bows her head.

Instantly, STAG'S ON HIS FEET. He rams Bracken, driving him into the ground, throwing up dirt. Bracken CRIES OUT.

The dust clears. Bracken looks around dazed, his pelt all shredded. Stag stands over him, Fern watches in horror.

STAG: You shouldn't have hesitated. Now get up. Finish what you started.

Weakly, Bracken positions his hooves under him, raises himself up slowly, stiffly, his joints CRACKLE...

And then he looks at Fern.

FERN (V.O.): All I can do is stand on the sidelines. (Echo, Echo) Nothing more than a prize to be won.


All the energy drains from Bracken, he slumps back down to the ground.

STAG: I said, get up!

Instead, Bracken just lays there, breathing slow, shallow breaths.

BRACKEN (V.O.): It does seem ridiculous that we have to let a competition choose who we love.


STAG: Now!

Stag rams his antlers into Bracken, throwing him tumbling across the clearing.

Stag steps up to him once more.

STAG: Are you a real buck or not? Fight!

YOUNG BRACKEN (V.O.): I'm gonna be the strongest buck ever.


FATHER (V.O.): Son, it's not about being the strongest, it's finding a doe who you love and being able to stand strong for her.


And again--

FERN (V.O.): If you can't fight for me... (echo, echo) then maybe I deserve a buck who will.


Bracken looks at Stag, standing over him, strong and tall.

Bracken puts a hoof under him.

STAG: You're better than this. Now prove it!

And Bracken puts down another hoof...

FERN (V.O.): All I can do is stand on the sidelines. (Echo, Echo) Nothing more than a prize to be won.


And Bracken just falls back to the ground, lowering his head.

Stag EXPLODES IN A FRENZY OF FURY, ramming Bracken again and again. Bracken CRIES out as he is sent rolling once more. Fern cries in horror.

Stag steps up to Bracken.

STAG: You're pathetic. You will never be the strongest buck.

Bracken struggles to look up.

BRACKEN: Maybe I don't want to be.

He finds Fern in the crowd and looks her in the eyes.

BRACKEN : It's you who can fight for her.

Stags eyes ignite with pure rage.

STAG: You will fight me like a real buck, and I will win this fight like the buck I am!

Stag is about to ram Bracken again when Fern leaps in the way.

Stag stops. Fern looks him straight in the eyes.

FERN: Enough.

Stag taken aback, watches as Fern turns to Bracken and helps him to his feet. Bracken staggers a little on uneven legs, and she helps support his weight.

Then Fern looks at Stag.

FERN : I choose Bracken.

The clearing goes still.


STAG: Wha-? You can't do that.

Fern just ignores him and turns to Bracken, still uneasy on his feet.

FERN: Come on Bracken, let's go.

Strengthened by her presence, Fern leads Bracken limping across the clearing. The other deer watch them go in utter befuddlement.

Stag puts a hoof forward, but Fern turns to face him, shielding Bracken with her own body.

FERN : It's over Stag.

And Stag steps back into his place.

As Fern and Bracken reach the treeline, Stag regains one last breath--

STAG: You're a disgrace of a buck Bracken! A weakling and a cheat!

Bracken looks at Fern gratefully, then glances back at Stag.

BRACKEN: I didn't come here to earn your respect.

With a HUFF, Stag turns his back on them, shaking his head.

And with that, Fern and Bracken enter the treeline, disappearing into the forest beyond.


Antler to Antler - Part 4

EXT. DEEP FOREST - DAY/FLASHBACK A young Bracken, and his FATHER walk through the forest. Bracken is skipping around, butting trees. Father walks through the trees elegantly. FATHER: Keep practicing young one. Only by overcoming your competition...

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Hello Kitty Accidentally Kicks a Boy

Hello Kitty was practicing her karate moves in the courtyard during school recess. "Hello Kitty! I got something to show you!" Hello Kitty was so in the zone, she didn't notice someone coming up behind her. Hello Kitty lifted her foot, and kicked...

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Antler to Antler - Part 3

EXT. FOREST - NIGHT Bracken sits by the stream staring into the water. HOOFBEATS. Suddenly, Fern's beside him. FERN: Sorry we got interrupted back there, turns out Stag's quite a buck. Want to walk with me back to the clearing? Bracken takes...

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