
Story by Blitz the Dragon on SoFurry

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#28 of The Griffon of Paradise: The Full Account

Day 250 or thereabout

Didn't think it was possible for me to get any hornier, but here we are. I'm wet and ready to go pretty much all the time now, and whenever I'm not getting off, I'm running down my legs in anticipation of the next time.

I think I read somewhere once upon a time that it's possible to get addicted to masturbating. But I don't think this is psychological. Whatever it is has me engorged and ready to fuck. I'm jilling off at LEAST ten times a day. A few good orgasms can calm me down for a little bit, but not more than an hour later I'm ready to go again. Least I haven't hurt or chafed myself yet, so my body can take what it's asking for.

Says in the journal I used to watch the seas for a few hours every day for passing ships. I don't do that anymore. It's a waste of time, and I usually can be found touching myself on the beach next to the big sign. If a passing ship hasn't seen me by now, they never will. Probably aren't even looking for me anymore. Their loss!

These days my entire routine revolves around eating, sleeping, hunting, fishing, gathering, repairing my tools, and putting the temple back together. All time between that I'm spending tending to my insatiable sex drive.

Think I'll share a few recurring fantasies here. Dash, if you're still reading after everything I've said up to this point, including all the stuff we're gonna do together on this island, I don't think you'll mind if I bring others in on the fun, hmm?

So, Rainbow Dash isn't the only pony I still remember. That ill-fated visit to Ponyville still sticks out to me, since that's when we had our falling out. Still remember the ponies who - at the time - I blamed for it.

The yellow one with the pink mane and tail. Butterfly, was it? No...wait...


That was her name. I remember her clearly now. Though I regret that I made her cry now. She did nothing wrong. Rather, I should have been grateful to be able to collide with that supple, massive ass of hers. Yes, that pegasus had curves in all the right places. I was so stupid to tell her off and roar at her. Should've worked on getting her number.

Dash, when you get around to visiting me, it'd be especially awesome if you brought Fluttershy with you. We got off on the wrong foot - hoof, whatever - and I think I can make it up to her.

Plus, as cute as she looked backing her gorgeous butt up the street toward me in that dress and turtleneck, I bet she'd look even cuter out of them. Maybe take some of these island flowers to decorate her and nothing else? I can just see how hard she'd be blushing with all those assets on full display for everycreature to see.

You think she squeaks when she cums? I'd love to find out. She doesn't strike me as the kind to like it rough. No problem. I know how to be gentle. Bet I can find all the right places to touch her and make her melt.

Maybe once I've gotten her good and wet she'd like to pick up the pace. I'd especially love to see how my tits compare to hers now. I'll just smoosh my rack right against hers to size them up. Hopefully she doesn't mind getting milk all over her. Hmm, I wouldn't be surprised if she already makes milk herself. Wouldn't that be awesome? Then we could nurse from each other.

Don't think I forgot about Dash's other friend though. The pink one, what was her name. Huh, Pinkie? Can't be, that's way too obvious! Oh well, whatever.

"Pinkie" if that's her name, pissed me off so bad while I was there. I feel like I could handle her now, though. Everything feels more mellow, and I'm not fighting with her over spending time with Dash. She probably meant well.

And she probably is a total maniac in bed too. There's no fucking way that party pony doesn't fuck. I'll even bottom for her if she wants. If she doesn't know how to scissor already, I'd be glad to teach her. For the past couple days I've been rubbing off to visions of her pushing one of my muscular legs back and taking my cunt for a ride with her own, bouncing and giggling and yammering about whatever shit she thinks of. Wouldn't mind pressing boobs with her too like I would for Fluttershy. Though I think hers are smaller for sure. It's more of a contest with the shy one.

I wonder how prolonged time on the island would affect "Pinkie?" (Still pretty sure that's not her name, but it's all that's coming to mind, I'm sorry) When I was in Ponyville, she was a bit on the pudgey side. Suppose that goes with working in a bakery. Probably gets to sample the merchandise.

Would all of that melt away living here and on a diet similar to mine? Would she keep all those delicious curves while growing a bunch of new muscle?

I would love - LOVE - to find out. All day I've been working on this entry. Had a few false starts because I was stroking myself while writing, and I kept smearing the pages. Just can't keep my hands off myself anymore during these entries. But I'm also really tempted to tear this page out and try to set it out to sea, just to see who it gets to.

Nah, I'll keep it with the rest for now. I've got more important things to do, like work on the temple. It'd help to have a few extra pairs of hands, but I don't have time to wait for more creatures to show up.

The ground floor's complete. There's this big beautiful atrium taking shape in the center of it all, and all the walls are covered in all sorts of symbols. I don't know what all of them say yet, but I think it's coming to me in bits and pieces in my dreams.

I can see the people who built this place in those dreams. They worshipped the thing in the dark pyramid in the sky. They served it, and it in turn provided for them. They lived so free and prosperous, and celebrated the perfect bodies they were given.

Where these beautiful people went, I don't know. But I know more than ever I have to finish this temple. I was brought here to do it. To wake it back up. Become like them.

Wait, no, what the fuck am I saying?! I gotta get out of here, and go to Equestria and see Rainbow Dash, right? We're gonna have that orgy with all her friends, and. No, where was I?

Right, keep working on the temple. Invite Dash and her friends over once it's complete. They ditch those stupid pony clothes, get all buff and curvy like me, we all worship the

FUCK, feels like half my brain belongs to somecreature else right now. Everything's so foggy, but I feel so good all the time. I keep thinking I have to go home, but I keep forgetting what home even looks like. I am home.

Okay, I think I'm mentally fried from all the sex talk and masturbating. I came like three times while trying to write the last few paragraphs, and I'm exhausted. Fucksake, it's getting late anyways, so I might go to bed early.

Still gonna keep working on putting the temple together. I just feel like I'm in it for the long haul now, and I can't stop even if I wanted to. It's just...scary what's happening to me. Also a bit scary not knowing what'll happen when I finish the damn thing.

Maybe "scary" isn't the word for it. I just don't know. Alright, ONE more session with the cock-rock, then I'm going to bed.


An Irresistible Desire

Day 200, I guess Every day, I've lost more memories like water dribbling out of a bucket full of holes. Probably doesn't help that I don't write it down before it's gone. It's not like I know which ones are gonna go away next. Besides, I'm just too...

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A Natural Bounty

Day 170, give or take a few. The temples' been taking shape slowly but surely. Yeah, I figured out a while back it's a temple. Been uncovering more and more glyphs and pictures as the walls come together. I think I have most of the walls of the first...

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The Apex Predator

Day 160, I think? I haven't been going back to my cave to keep track of the days. I'd started a separate tally at the ruins, but I ended up skipping a couple of days. Gonna have to guesstimate going forward. Today was the best hunt I've had since...

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