
Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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"I can't believe you actually talked me into this."

Molly's heart raced in her chest as she walked down the street of her town's local business district. It wasn't a big town, only a population of about twenty-five thousand, but, that was enough. Cars and buses drove past frequently, and people walked by now and again, none of them aware that the tan bunny in the yellow sundress was just a thin piece of fabric and a good up-draft away from being completely naked.

"You're enjoying it, though," Molly's husband smirked. She didn't reply.

Wess walked beside her, a dirty-red fox not more than a couple of inches taller, and two years her senior, occasionally looking his wife over to admire the effects this little outing was having on her. The dress barely reached her thighs and every time a breeze picked up Molly's heart skipped a beat as she felt the hem flutter and potentially give some passerby a nice view. Two small protrusions could also clearly be seen on the front of the dress, precisely indicating the location of her hardened nipples beneath the thin, loose fabric.

The pair had walked from their house all the way into the town's centre, about a half hour's journey, and Wess had had the pleasure of watching his wife's arousal grow proportionally to the number of people around them. He also noticed that she seemed to get more nervous, as well.

_"This is crazy. We're going to get arrested. Or worse."

"It'll be fine. I'll be right there with you."

"No! I can't do it."

"Yes you can. You've always told me how much the idea turns you on."_

Molly's eyes darted from one person to the next. No-one seemed to be paying them any mind. Every now and again the lop-eared bunny bit her lower lip as she thought about her situation, how the back of her dress was tugged over the top of her tail in a vain attempt to cover her rump, which only served to leave the lower half of it exposed. She thought about how the only thing standing between a dozen random people and full frontal nudity was their eye level, a couple of feet away and you wouldn't notice, but from a further distance you could clearly see her cute little cooch just peeking out from under the hem of her dress. If anyone looked her way... really looked. It was terrifying, exhilarating, arousing.

Another gentle gust of wind blew between Molly's legs and she bit her lip again. It teased her sex and made her heart pound in her chest. She could feel her bareness, the lack of underwear concealing her womanhood; it was all but right out in the open. Every step she took her thighs rubbed together, and rubbed against her vagina. Between the exposure, the rubbing, and the cool air kissing between her legs, Molly was almost on the verge of climax.


"What?" Molly stopped and turned to look at her husband. Her heart beat faster. "What's wrong?"

The wolf's expression was calm and plain. "Show me," he said.


"What you have on. Underneath," Wess' lip curled in a devious smile. "Show me."

"But... you know what I have on." Molly's heart raced like a cheetah chasing its prey.

"I know. But, I want to see."

"Here? Now?" A mix of terror and arousal flooded the bunny's body at the thought of raising her dress for every stranger in the vicinity to see her naked body.

"Yes. Here. Now. Show me."

Wess' eyes were filled with hunger and lust. He was enjoying this as much as she was.

The slightest of whimpers escaped Molly as she bit her lip harder and looked around. There weren't any people on this side of the street at the moment, but there were a few people on the opposite side and cars kept driving past. The thought of being caught, of being called out and having the police called on her gripped Molly with fear. But, at the same time, the thought of standing bare in the middle of town, with every random stranger ogling her, thinking lewd thoughts about her, made her groin burn like a billowed furnace.

Swallowing, Molly slowly grasped the bottom-front of her dress and began to lift. Wess hadn't specified just how much to show, but, without even thinking about it, the bunny hoisted her sundress all the way up to her throat, revealing to her husband every inch of her naked body. No subtly or discretion about it, now.

Wess stared at her like a hungry beast, his eyes moving up and down her fit, curvy figure. Molly stared upward as she patiently waited; waited for Wess to tell her he had seen enough, to say she could let the dress fall back down around her body. But, he didn't say anything. Molly kept waiting, her mind racing. How long had it been, ten seconds, twenty, a minute? Then she felt his touch, his fingers gently wrapping around one of her perky, B-cup breasts. Instantly Molly inhaled, deeply. A spark in the powder keg, Wess' touch was the final straw. Gritting her teeth, Molly's foot lifted off the footpath as her round thighs pressed together tightly. Desperately, she fought against every fibre of herself to not moan loudly in euphoric pleasure.

The littlest of whimpers escaped as Molly's orgasm erupted, flooding her body with the highest of highs. Her fingers tightened into fists, still clutching the hem of her dress to her throat, and her eyes shut tightly. Balancing on one leg, Molly lost all sense of her surroundings as a whiteness filled her mind, replacing everything but one, single thought, I'm cumming! I'm standing, naked, in the middle of town, and I'm cumming and everyone can see it.

And she loved it.

Wess watched his wife's body twitch as she tried to contain her orgasm, a devilish smirk crossing his lips. His fingers squeezed her breast firmly before sliding downward. Molly had an athletic frame, lithe with just a hint of muscle tone, but not overly thin. She looked stunning in a bikini, but, something like an ballerina dress might've made her look chubby. Slowly, the fox's fingertips crept closer to the bunny's pelvic region. Pressing into her supple flesh, they drew closer and closer, two inches from her slit, one, half an inch, a centimetre, half a centimetre.

Wess' hand was suddenly shoved away as Molly yanked down the front of her dress and glared at him fiercely. Having regained her faculties, the bunny was steamed about this unplanned turn of events and she blamed him. He was to blame, after all; he had touched her and caused this. And she wasn't about to admit that she'd fucking loved every moment of it. Not yet.

Turning on her heel without a word, Molly walked briskly forward and promptly turned into a camping goods store in an attempt to get out of the street and away from anyone that might've seen. As good as it had felt, it was still risky and Molly didn't want to tempt fate.

I'll be paying for that, later, Wess thought to himself as he watched his wife leave him behind. The fox couldn't help but smile to himself, though; as she strode away, Wess noticed that Molly's rump was now completely exposed. When she'd pulled her dress down, the back had hooked over her tail, stopping it from coming down completely, and she hadn't bothered to fix it. Quickly, Wess followed after her.

Inside, the store had a surprisingly large interior. Numerous tents were set up, displaying their various sizes, along with an assortment of seats and grills, and even kayaks and rafts. Everything you could think of that you might need for a stay in the 'Great Outdoors', and even a few you might not have thought of, could be seen, and soon, Molly and Wess were lost in the maze of outdoor displays.

When Wess finally caught up to Molly, she still hadn't fixed the back of her dress, so the mischievous fox decided to continue his fun.

"See anything that interests you?" the fox asked, knowing rather well that camping wasn't a major interest of the bunny's. But, that was OK, it was the answer to his question Wess was fishing for.

"Not really," Molly replied, looking around lazily, with a rather unimpressed expression.

"Well, I do," Wess whispered in her ear. As he spoke, the fox firmly grasped one of Molly's exposed cheeks and squeezed. The lithe lapin stopped in her tracks and breathed deeply, her toes curling in her shoes. Then, after her moment of indulgence, she continued.

What had happened in the street had had an unexpected affect on Molly; her nervousness was gone and she felt bolder, although still cautious. She had realised as she had walked into the store that her dress hadn't fallen down over her tail, and a few minutes earlier, she would've immediately fixed that. But, now, Molly decided to leave it as it was, showing the full, unobstructed view of her soft, round, tan coloured bunny butt. Doing so gave her enjoyment. So, if Wess wanted to feel her up because of it, he could, but she wasn't about to acknowledge her enjoyment of it just yet. He was still in trouble for before.

After spending several minutes wandering around inside the store, avoiding the three other people that seemed genuinely more interested in the camping goods than they were, Wess took Molly's arm and gently tugged her towards the elevated section.

"Come with me. I want to show you something," the fox said.

Molly followed.

With such a spacious interior, the store was able to accommodate a secondary level, little more than a large platform suspended several feet above the main floor, with a set of stairs leading up to it. There were yet more tents and assorted camping goods up there, but few of them were on display like below, so there were lots of large boxes and crates; and being elevated, the area was even more secluded.

"There's just more camping stuff up here," Molly stated, stepping into the city of labelled boxes.

"That's not what I wanted to show you," Wess replied.

Turning around, Molly saw her husband standing in front of her with his shirt lifted up, and out of the waistband of his shorts was poking the unmistakable pale red, pointed tip of his vulpine member.

"Well, now, that is interesting," Molly smiled, her eyes lighting up.

"I admit, I've never been one for the whole exhibitionist thing, but seeing you out there, and how much you enjoyed it, really got me going." Wess pulled on his shirt. "Look, I even have a damp patch from where it's been rubbing against my tip."

Molly stared at her husband's shirt and indeed there was a small,damp patch near the base, accompanied by the feint scent of cum. Immediately, the trouble Wess had been in was erased as Molly felt arousal burn in her body once again.

"How long..." Molly asked, kneeling in front of Wess.

"Since about Sallin Street," Wess admitted. Sallin street was near the edge of the town's CBD, about seven minutes walk from the camp store.

Molly bit her lip thinking about it, her husband's erection peeking up out of his shorts, hidden only by his loose shirt as precum gradually leaked into the fabric, all while they walked down the busy street.

Looking up at her husband with hungry, naughty eyes, Molly opened her mouth and pushed out her tongue. Wess gasped as he felt her lick his length slowly, savouring his taste like a rare delicacy.

"Ooooooh fffff... ngh!" Wess bit his lip, trying to contain his expression of pleasure. The bunny knew how to please her husband, wrapping her lips around his tip and slowly bobbing her head up and down, sucking it like a popsicle. Hooking her fingers into the waistband of Wess' shorts, Molly pulled them down almost to his knees, letting out the full length of his erection and even setting free his furry testicles. She didn't care if anyone saw; they could watch, for all she cared. She kind of hoped they would.

Molly's tongue pressed her husband's red shaft against the roof of her mouth as she slid down its length, her throat clamping around the pointed tip as it pushed past the back of her mouth. The lapin was hornier than ever, now, and eager to taste the salty flavour of her husband's seed. Her knees spread on the floor and one hand found its way between her thighs, her fingers digging into her sex without restraint. Both Molly's ring and middle finger steadily slid in and out of her entrance, pushing as deep as they could and massaging her inner walls. A small patch of dampness soon formed on the thin-carpeted floor just beneath Molly's body, while Wess' precum dribbled down her throat.

As his climax neared, Wess was forced to reach out and grab hold of a nearby box that was standing on its end, steadying himself so that his legs wouldn't buckle. His free hand rested atop Molly's head, his fingers gripping her hair as she bobbed her head up and down.

"F-f-fuck! I'm gunna... ugh!" Wess breathed, trying not to shout.

Hearing her husband's hushed declaration, Molly abandoned her own body and placed both hands on Wess' hips while tilting her head back. She allowed the full length of his shaft to slide into her maw completely, the tip reaching well into her throat as she closed her lips around his knot. Huffing through her nostrils, Molly let Wess hold her head in place, her nose pressed firmly against his pelvis as he bucked greedily. The fox's furry scrotum tightened and his thick cream surged forward, spilling down Molly's throat like a fire hose suddenly turned on full. Obediently and eagerly, Molly swallowed, gulping as each pulse of cum flowed directly down her gullet, the muscles of her throat milking Wess's shaft for more while he ground his body against her face.

When it was over, the pair slowly separated themselves from one another. Wess stepped back, breathing heavily, and Molly gasped deeply before looking up at her husband. She opened her mouth to show him that it was empty. Not even the slightest hint of his seed could be seen within.

"Mmph... That was..." Wess breathed, his chest rising and falling as he leaned against the box to prop himself up.

"You're not done, yet," Molly cut in before Wess could finish.

Standing up, the bunny took her husband's hand and pulled him towards a nearby crate that was laying on its side. With nothing on top, the hard plastic crate was just the right height to sit on comfortably, and Molly wasted no time in doing so, lifting the bottom of her dress as she did.

"Fuck me!" Molly ordered, bluntly. She balanced on the edge of her seat and spread her legs shamelessly, offering herself to Wess like a needy addict begging for her next fix.

Wess couldn't help but be turned on by his wife's blatant exhibitionism and bold, forward attitude. Pausing for a moment, the fox looked Molly up and down, and found himself with renewed vigour which he eagerly put to immediate use.

Molly leaned back as her husband stepped forward (a little awkwardly thanks to the shorts still around his knees) and positioned his canine member against her sex. Much to her irritation, Wess took the opportunity to do something he loved doing very much, tease her. He pushed the tip of his shaft between her folds and slid it up and down, then pushed forward, sliding his length between her folds like a hotdog in a bun.

"Don't!" Molly almost shouted. "Just... just fuck me," she breathed. Molly was heavily worked up, at this point, and in desperate need of release. Any teasing was just torture and would surely result in Wess' sleeping on the couch for the foreseeable future. Content with the reaction he'd received, Wess smirked to himself and obliged to his wife's demands.

Re-positioning himself, the fox pressed his pointed tip against Molly's entrance and slowly slid inside. The heat that enveloped his shaft felt like that of an oven. Almost immediately, Molly's inner walls clamped around the intruding appendage, contracting and relaxing as Wess began to buck. A shuddering whimper escaped Molly as she allowed her head to hang back, her chest pushing out as she propped herself up on her elbows and let Wess do all the work. Euphoria flooded the bunny's mind as she closed her eyes and lost almost all sense of where they were. Only the pleasure remained, her husband's shaft moving in and out of her burning body, driving her closer to another intense orgasm.

And then something clicked in Molly's mind.


They were in public.

They were having sex in a public place, where they could be caught at any moment by some random stranger.

Opening her eyes, Molly looked around. For a brief moment, the physical pleasure was pushed aside, replaced by only a gentle rocking of her body and subtle pressure in her lower abdomen. The bunny's eyes took in every detail, burning the scene into her memory like a brand searing a logo onto wood. Looking down, Molly saw herself, legs splayed open as wide as she could comfortably manage, her womanhood bare for any and all to see, and Wess, her husband, dutifully burying himself to his fuzzy balls in her body over and over. A surge of excitement welled up inside of the tan lapin, tingling and coursing through her like electricity bouncing around inside a bottle. She felt almost like a child, hyped and insatiably hungry for the experience, aching for it to permeate her very being and never cease.

Amid this second orgasm, movement caught Molly's attention; something to the side. Glancing over, she saw a figure peeking around the corner of a box not more than twenty feet away.

Yes! Molly thought. Oh, god, yes! Watch me!

Sitting up, Molly grabbed her husband by the shirt and ordered in a hushed tone, "Don't stop!"

Laying back, she pulled her dress all the way up to her neck, completely revealing her naked body. The sensation of total exposure, and knowledge that she was being watched by a complete stranger, was nothing short of exhilarating. Closing her eyes, Molly slid her hands up her lithe frame, her fingers pressing into her figure before cupping her breasts, squeezing them purely for the sake of showing off. Her heart pounded in her chest like a beast racing for its life as she reached another climax, her chest rising as her back arched.

That same movement had caught Wess' attention, too. And, had it not been for his wife's insistence, he probably would've stopped. But, Molly was in no mood to be argued with, so Wess dutifully obliged her, continuing to thrust vigorously as they were watched. Glancing over, the fox saw their audience was holding up a smart phone, no doubt filming the whole scene. At first, Wess felt a surge of panic and fear, but then recalled his wife's demand and focused his attention on her. He eyed her curved figure in front of him, her fingers coursing over her body. Her perky breasts jiggled lightly with each motion, and her nipples were hard and erect. Lower down, Wess could feel the intense heat around his shaft as he slid easily in and out of his wife's sex, her walls squeezing his member greedily.

Reaching down, Wess gripped Molly's thighs and lifted her rear up off the crate, eliciting a surprised "Oh!" from her. Now balanced entirely on her elbows, Molly let her head hang back even further, her dress sliding over her chin and eventually her face. As she felt herself pushed about by her husband's bucking, Molly shook and nodded her head, encouraging the dress to slide over her head completely, partly because it was a nuisance covering her face, and partly because she just plain wanted it off right in that moment.

The bunny wanted to be naked, totally and unequivocally, and shamelessly on display. She wanted to pull off her dress and throw it at her audience, to call them over and have them touch her, suck on her breasts, and to have them cum on her chest while Wess filled her depths. As Molly's imagination ran wild, her mind began to go white and her sense of reality slipped away.

When the euphoric high passed, and Molly's senses began working again, she realised she was laying on the crate once more and a feeling of warmth had filled her lower abdomen. Wess was just pulling out of her, his knot resisting for a moment before coming out with a wet "pop" that made him step back or else fall over. The extraction sent a shiver of pleasure through Molly's whole body, making her gasp briefly and bite her lip.

"That was..." Molly breathed.

"Fun," Wess suggested.

"Fucking amazing!"

Wess grinned, feeling just a little prideful at having contributed to his wife's enjoyment.

Molly lay on the crate, catching her breath as Wess dressed himself. When she stood up, the bunny had to let her dress slip off her arms before she could attempt to put it on again. For a brief moment, she stood in the camping store completely naked, and she couldn't help but pause to enjoy that thought. Molly closed her eyes and allowed her mind to focus on the feeling of the open air all around her, and the thought that she was in public, even if it was just a secluded section. After a moment, the bunny smiled to herself and slipped on her sundress.

Downstairs, husband and wife made their way through the maze of assembled tents and display campsites. They tried not to look at any of the five other people that were in the store, and headed straight for the entrance. If anyone had heard them, nobody showed any indication that they had. Then Molly remembered their voyeur and glanced around. Nobody seemed interested in the bunny and fox. Perhaps they were being discreet, or perhaps they'd already left the store.

"Do you think they'll post it online?" Wess whispered to his wife, guessing at her thoughts.

"I... kind of hope so," Molly admitted, feeling a tingle through her body at the thought.

Wess smiled and reached down behind his wife. He lifted the back of her dress up and hooked it over her tail before grasping her exposed rear. Emboldened and a little exhausted, the pair left the store and headed for home.

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