Iggy's Gross Adventure
#33 of Commissions
Iggy's travels bring him to a farm and a horse that needs his help.
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Left abandoned and abused, Covi stayed within the walls of a small and decrepit barn. Having been an entire week since his owner left the pony, Covi himself couldn't find the strength within himself to leave. Over the years under the ownership of the man who couldn't sell him due to the stallion's small stature, fear was instilled within the equine, making him afraid of most things in general. Having been abandoned, freedom was practically granted to him but he refused to take, afraid that there was something else beyond the creaking, splintered walls that could hurt him...
His stomach rumbled heavily but it wasn't enough to give the resolve to leave the barn. Instead, the defeated stallion hung his head low, hoping that the hunger pangs would fade soon.
Meanwhile, a certain black and white boston terrier by the name of Iggy, was waltzing through the farmland. Though the canine had a good life in the city, he got caught up in some trouble that left him laying low from his turf for a while. But 'a while' turned out to be much longer than expected. The lazy mutt soon forgot about his reputation and obligations to run a pack and maintain his territory. Instead the smelly dog spent his time wandering around and when he wasn't doing that he was eating. In fact the small dog was doing a lot of eating lately, whether it was through his own cunning or through the use of his Stand, Iggy filled himself up on anything he could find.
This resulted in the terrier becoming rather heavyset, his body thick all the way throughout. Currently, the fat, smelly dog waddled through the countryside. Between his jaws was the last of the carrots that he stole from a local market back in the town some distance behind him. Ahead of him was a busted up looking barn and the canine figured it was a good enough place to take a nap after a good meal.
He pushed the thin, rotting wood of the barn door with surprising ease. He sniffed at the air, only picking the scents of stagnant air and rotting wood. Shrugging, Iggy waltz right in, figuring the place would have to do. Unbeknownst to him, there was a sleeping pony, slumped against the wall of a stall. Focused on a place to sleep, the terrier didn't even notice the other animal he came to stand right next to. Before he could turn his head, the black and white mammal clenched his teeth as a series of deep rumbles came from his churning guts. Those carrots weren't sitting well within him. He could feel a force barreling through his guts, travelling downwards.
Iggy braced himself and lifted his tail, straining against the pressure against his tailhole. A sigh came from the mutt as a sharp rippling sounded from his backside. Hot, reeking air flew from his backside in a powerful gust. Though it could not be seen, a thick cloud of gas rose from the barn floor.
Nearby, Covi continued to sleep but the scent that hit his nose sucker punched him into consciousness in an instant. Just a whiff of the noxious fumes made him wince and hack but there was something else that came with it. Another whiff of the stench carried the slight hint of carrots that Iggy had just filled himself up. Instead of feeling sick and disgusted, the pony's stomach rumbled and his mouth watered at the idea of even a morsel of the vegetable.
Desperate to find the source of what he thought was food, Covi leaned down, surprised to find a little dog. The dog in question still didn't notice the pony right behind him. Covi was about to ask something but the canine winced again, pressing his head down against the wooden floor of the old barn.
Another pang struck Iggy's guts, this one much stronger than the last. He could feel the large bubble of gas squeezing its way through his intestines, inching closer and closer to his tailhole. Straining against the pressure in his ass, Iggy gave a hard push, parting his hindlegs and lifting his tail just like before. From his ass came a forceful blast of burning, acrid gas. Coming straight from Iggy's ass, the stinking wind had enough force to actually blow the pony's mane back. At the same time, Covi's mouth was open, his leathery lips sailing against the strong flow of pungent gas.
Now, the slight taste of carrots touched Covi's tongue, making his stomach rumble even more than it did before. The watering of his mouth overflowed, making lines of drool drip from the corners of his muzzle. Nearly out of his mind with lust, Covi lowered his head and eased his muzzle towards the stinking dog's flexing pucker. That's where the smell was strongest. With the haze of hunger clouding his mind, Covi touched his tongue to the rim and dragged it upwards.
A pitched yelp came from Iggy. His eyes bulged as he jumped forwards. A growl rose from his chest as he whipped around, finding the one who just touched him in such a place. Despite just turning himself around, the canine grew winded, his body still jiggly slightly. But there was enough strength and aggression within him to summon his Stand.
Covi groaned, crumpling to the ground against the unseen force pressing down on him. He had no strength to resist, and to make matters worse, another striking pang punched him in the stomach. Against the gnawing sting the pony could feel his head getting lighter. All of a sudden the barn seemed to be spinning...
"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing? If you got something to say, say it my-"
The angry dog stopped as he saw the one who clearly did it was in no condition to fight. Still slumped over, Covi was now pressed into the floor, clearly unconscious. Keeping THE FOOL's weight pressed down on the pony, Iggy got a closer look at the other male. Instantly he was met with a deep rumbling. At first though it was some kind of Stand attack but upon closer examination it was clearly just the rumbling of the equine's stomach.
With an annoyed sigh, Iggy used his Stand to haul the unconscious equine from the crumbling barn. He figured the pony needed some fresh air and some food. After dropping Covi into the open farmland, Iggy huffed and sought out something to feed the other mammal with.
Back in the small town he came from, the terrier kept low to the ground, his nose lifted and twitching. Iggy himself had no idea what horses ate and there were none around to ask... Shrugging, the terrier figured some fruit would have to do. The hint of apples hit Iggy's nose as he sniffed again. Since they were the closest thing, Iggy went with those.
He approached the suspended display, looking up at the many round, shiny apples that just lied clustered together. At the current moment, everyone else ignored the small dog, instead focusing on their own shopping and conversations. Taking full advantage, Iggy summoned THE FOOL and used it to quickly nab a few apples.
"Hey! Get out of here!"
The sudden voice came from the apple stand's vendor. Unaware of the stand, the man instead took issue with the hound staring at his wares. It was clear the dog was planning something and he was having none of it.
With a shocked yelp, Iggy lost focus and THE FOOL dropped the apples in its paws. An annoyed grunt came from the man as 5 apples tumbled to the ground. Recalling his task, Iggy summoned THE FOOL again and gathered the fruits. The moment they were secured Iggy took off, running as fast as he could. He could hear the shouts of the man behind him and the sound of quickly approaching footsteps. As proud as he was, Iggy knew there was no way he was gonna outrun the man...
Two things happened in that moment: the first was the sudden mini sandstorm that caused enough commotion to distract the apple vendor. Using the winds stirred by the storm, THE FOOL deployed it's gliders, lifting into the air with Iggy clinging it's already full paws.
Literally, sailing into the countryside, Iggy was soon back on the abandoned farmland. As THE FOOL began to descend, the terrier could easily see that pony, still pitifully lying on the ground. Rolling his eyes as he touched the ground, Iggy dismissed THE FOOL, watching as it faded, dropping the apples onto the grass previously underneath it. Muttering to himself, Iggy pushed the apples towards Covi, hoping that all the effort he went through was worth it.
With the fruits bumping against his muzzle, a series of small sniffs came from Covi. He groaned and started to stir. Slowly, the pony's eyes fluttered open before widening. In an instant, his mouth started to water. Easing forwards, Covi took in the entire fruit, crunching down on it before chewing steadily. Soon after he was chewing on the second, and the third came after.
Iggy watched the pony fill himself up. Despite the annoyance that lingered from the whole ordeal back in the town, there was a slight warmth that came to the canine's being. It was nice to do some good every once in a while. But the slight smile on Iggy's muzzle faded as another pang struck his lower guts. With another grunt and sigh came another deep rumble and cloud of hot, stinking gas. Pushed by the light breeze, the horrid odor was pushed right in Covi's face.
The moment it struck him, the pony gagged a bit but his nostrils still flared against the smell. Despite the burning that came and the feeling of sickness that welled up within him, Covi continued to sniff at the gas, taking in even heavier whiffs than before.
"H-hey! What the hell are you doing?" Iggy asked, completely put off by someone willing huffing his fart. "What kinda freak are you?"
The words and the tone struck Covi. He lowered his head and averted his gaze. "S-sorry... It's just... I like it... More than these apples..." As soon as those words left his muzzle, Covi expected to be berated or even struck.
But Iggy just stood there stunned for a moment before he broke out in laughter. "Well then..." There were two apples left and Iggy reached out for them, pulling them close. He lifted himself up and hovered his thick, grimy ass just above the pair of apples. This time the grunts coming from Iggy were louder as he forced the gas to barrel down his intestines.
It finally came and a smile of relief and dirty excitement spread on Iggy's muzzle. A rather wet sounding fart hissed from his ass. It lasted for some time, ensuring the fruits would be soiled in his virile gas. Finally, Iggy chuckled again and lifted his heavy ass from the apples.
"There. Should be plenty 'seasoned' for ya!" Iggy sneered, turning around to see the pony's expression.
Looking up at the cocky hound for a moment before turning his attention to the soiled fruits, Covi slowly leaned forwards. Opening his muzzle, the pony took the first fruit into his mouth. Slowly he chewed on the apple, exposed to conflicting flavors. His taste buds picked up both the light, sweet juices from the fruits and the slightly sour tang of what had to be Iggy's ass. Though he wouldn't say it aloud, the mini stallion not only endured the flavor, he savored it.
Iggy watched the horse scarf down his meal, a rush of satisfaction blitzing through him. Just what kind of horse had he stumbled upon? Even stranger, there was someone who actually liked the smells that blasted from his butt?
The canine was about to question the pony before him, but something else caught his eyes. As Covi lied on his side, still chewing heartily, his sheath stirred, slowly expanding against the arousal that was passively building. Aside from the embarrassment that came from eating the now dirty food, there was also an excitement behind it. As he gulped down the last apple, Covi felt rather dirty. It was a sensation that never struck him before. And as the realization of his actions set in, Covi finally noticed just how hard he was.
Between his legs was a fully erect, thick horse cock that pulsed rhythmically. Despite the horse's small size, his package was more than a little impressive. This wasn't the first horse cock that Iggy laid eyes on but somehow, some way Covi was sporting the longest and thickest yet. And underneath them were a pair of plump, leathery balls. They were fat and looked swollen with seed that was left to only build until they were heavy and looked primed to burst.
"Whoa! Get a load of that. I already had you pegged as a freak, but this is just ridiculous!" Iggy said, stepping around the blushing pony to get a better look at his package. Despite his berating, the smelly hound couldn't stop his mouth from watering or the lust-fueled thoughts that instantly formed and ran rampant within his mind.
In that very moment, the hound made a decision and was eager to make it known. "Today's your lucky day. Cause you're my new bitch!"
Those words struck Covi but he didn't know what to say. He was grateful to the dog for giving him something to eat and there was no denying that he had a strange tolerance for Iggy's foulness. Suddenly there was another burst of stink against his nostrils, ripping the stallion from his thoughts. He focused and looked down to see Iggy's dirty tailhole presented just shy of his lips.
"You can start by tonguing my ass. Hehe... Been a while since it's been cleaned..." Iggy sneered. He used his stand to roll Covi onto his back. The pony made a snort of surprise and was about to ask what happened but the words were muffled as Iggy suddenly jumped on his chest. With a wicked, toothy grin on his muzzle, the terrier turned around and sat his ass against Covi's lips, steadily pressing himself down.
"Well? Get to licking!"
Complying with his new boss' orders, Covi's tongue snaked from his thin, soft lips. Easily it curled and pressed against Iggy's grimey pucker. A shudder went through him from the deep flavor. The layer of ass muck clung to his tongue and spread to more and more of his taste buds. Just like before, Covi's stomach churned but it was overpowered by the strange craving that took hold of the stallion. He couldn't fight the urge to drag his tongue against the dirty hole again, this time putting extra pressure and making his lick much slower.
"Aaah... That's it..." Iggy encouraged, wiggling his hips to drag his filthy ass against Covi's lips. The horse groaned against the soft, wet heat leaving behind a thin, slimy layer on his muzzle. More of that potent ass musk filled his nose, making the stallion shudder. In the back of his mind, Covi knew this was disgusting but he couldn't help himself. Iggy's teasing riled him up just enough to give Covi the confidence to press his tongue directly against the terrier's pucker.
"H-aah! S-shit..." Iggy's eyes went wide and his tongue lolled from his muzzle the second a large, hot tongue forced his rim to stretch thin. The moment it was inside, Covi's tongue flailed against the dirty walls of Iggy's ass. His voice was light but Iggy's ear picked up the moans the licking horse made. It was clear that he was having as much fun as the terrier he was rimming.
Iggy had no complaints. Rather, he clenched his teeth and groaned against his ass being spread wider against the horse tongue that steadily dug deeper. It was much more than he was expecting. Another burst of intense pleasure racked his body, forcing a moan from his own throat. But it was hardly noticed by Covi. He was completely consumed by the dog's tasty ass. More of those moans of pleasure left the slurping horse. Lines of hot drool dripped from the corner of his mouth as his mouth watered even more.
"F-fuck! Come on. Push it in deeper!" Iggy demanded, shoving his ass downwards against Covi's mouth. The pony mumbled something and did as he was told, shoving even more of his large tongue within the canine's ass. His licks were harder, first pressing against Iggy's sensitive anal walls before dragging his textured pink muscle nice and slow.
A series of moans came from the both, stemming from differing sources of pleasure. Iggy was panting heavily against the hard filling of his ass. Without being touched, his pink and tapered cock extended from his sheath. From the repeated pressure against his prostate, spurts of pre were already flowing from the convulsing tip. A light 'pop' came as his knot forced its way from his sheath, pushing an added burst of pleasure through the canine's loins.
Despite his cock now fully exposed and leaking, Iggy found no need to touch it, getting enough stimulation from the hot muscle curling and flexing deep inside of him. Hot spit coated the walls of his ass, setting the heat deep within him. It was all aided by the sporadic presses to his prostate. Each time it was hit, the terrier's breath caught in his throat and his cock pulsed, forcing more to his tip. The substance dripped down onto Covi's broad chest, making the stallion blush against the hot, sticky sensation.
As much as Iggy was enjoying the treatment of his ass, his eyes started to wander a bit. The first thing they landed on was the licking stallion's long, hard cock. Completely untouched, the pulsing thing was wet at the tip, glistening from the thin line of precum oozing from the flexing flare.
Leaning just a bit further, Iggy was able to press his tongue against the thick, oozing tip. A sleazy grin spread on his face from the scent making his nostrils flare. Being left alone in the barn with no one to tend to him, Covi's body was left unwashed as a whole. But his off all the parts of him, the pony's cock radiated a pungent, burning stink. Just a single whiff made Iggy shudder against the sudden lightheadedness. Flicking his tongue across his maw, the terrier smirked and leaned close to the pony's thick, musky cock.
More muffled moans came from Covi, now louder and longer. The licks against his flare were swift and light but it had been so long since he was touched down there. Another lick sent a hard shock down his long shaft. But all the equine could do was endure the pleasure while his tongue continued to explore Iggy's depths. He focused on the task again, licking deep in the mutt's smelly ass. Above, he could hear more of the canine's pleasured growls.
Against the hard licking and filling of his ass, Iggy snarled against another pressing of his prostate. But he powered through it, determined to take on the smelly shaft before him. At the moment, the mutt was getting a feel for the stallion's tool, licking up the continuous trickles of precum flowing from the pulsing tip. He leaned forwards, opening his maw wide, somehow managing to stretch it around the thick cocktip. But doing that pulled Covi's tongue from his ass, reducing the pleasure and leaving more room within his stretched hole.
As if on cue, there came another stirring within Iggy's stomach. Faster than he expected, the pressure blitzed through his guts. He didn't have time to give Covi a warning.
While the horse continued to lick at the limited space he had, his tongue was suddenly hit by hot, sour air. Wincing, Covi drew the muscle back, allowing the cloud of gas to race from Iggy's wet ass. Above, Iggy just gave another sigh from the fleeted pressure. While Covi was a bit stunned underneath him, the canine used the chance to stuff even more of the smelly horse cock into his muzzle.
There was only so much a small dog could take and Iggy was aware of that. He could only fit the wide flare and another inch beyond. He took what he could get, swirling his tongue against the wide, leathery flesh. His mouth was pried open, allowing a mix of his own saliva and Covi's thick precum to leak from his chin. Even without his ass being prodded, Iggy continued to moan just from the bitter taste of sweat and piss left to ferment on the unwashed surface. It was just to the dirty mutt's taste, only making him crave more.
All of a sudden, Iggy popped the thickness from his maw, gritting his fangs against another pang within him. Just like before, the gas raced through his bowels, meeting no resistance for the stretched hole. A loud, long hiss came and Covi's muzzle was bombarded with more hot, foul air. It burned into his nostrils and twisted his own guts, making him want to retch.
Iggy ignored the horse's condition, now feeling more riled up than ever. But more than that, he was in the mood for a little torment. He sneered again as he walked backwards on Covi's chest, nearly the pony's sullied muzzle. Covi himself expected to rim the canine again. He opened his mouth and readied his tongue before closing his eyes. But instead of a soft, wet pucker the equine's mouth was stuffed with a pair of furry, musky balls. As soon as they touched his tongue, Iggy gave another sigh and ground his hips, dragging his ballsack against the large, soft tongue.
"How about you give your new master's balls a good cleaning?" Iggy chuckled, swishing his orbs within the equine's mouth. Covi complied and worked his tongue against the sour tasting fur. Despite how small Iggy himself was, the canine sported some rather impressive balls that carried a hefty amount of cum.
"Aah... That's it... Fuck you're tongue is real soft," Iggy purred, another bolt running up his spine. That hot tongue curled and pressed against his sensitive orbs, leaving them in a thick layer of horse spit. It only made them feel warmer, spreading the pleasant sensation throughout Iggy.
While his balls were being cleaned, Iggy took a moment to look at the thick flare he previously polished. His eyes trailed down the length of the shaft, further and further until they fell on something that made Iggy's grow wide. But it was quickly followed by a snarl of jealousy.
The thing that pissed him off were those plump, swollen orbs between Covi's legs. Matching his ginormous cock, the stallion carried a pair of grapefruit-sized balls. Iggy's own balls were his pride but seeing that they were easily dwarfed by Covi sent conflicting feelings within him; he wanted to show the pony up but at the same time the horny mutt wanted to get closer to them...
"Aww, fuck it..." Iggy got up, popping his nuts from Covi's mouth. The pony made a sound of surprise but Iggy ignored it, jumping from his chest onto the soft grass underneath them.
Muttering to himself, the canine padded around Covi's soon coming to stop between his lifted legs. Before him was the large, leathery pouch. It was even bigger up close and smellier too. Iggy didn't even have to take a focused whiff for the mouth watering reek to flow into his nose. Before he knew it, the dirty mutt was already pressing his nose into the pouch, making comically loud huffs and snorts.
Even one of those massive orbs was too much for Iggy to fit into his mouth, so the terrier could only flick his tongue against them, lapping up the tang of fermented sweat and grime. The flavors and smells consumed his senses, only making his cock even harder. He reveled in the horse's balls, wanting to drag his tongue over the entire surface, mark it with his spit and make them shine.
But something in the back of Iggy's mind reminded him of his true goal. Underneath his stomach, the canine's cock was so hard that every pulse sent a pang of pain through his loins. He couldn't hold it back anymore; it was now or never, but it wasn't going to be easy.
With a look of determination on his muzzle, Iggy returned to Covi's upper half before jumping on his chest again. This time, the mutt faced Covi, backing up a little until his stretched pucker pressed against the pony's wide flare. Covi's eyes went wide against the feeling. He was aware of his own size and he was sure there was no way the terrier, no matter how confident he was, could take his length.
Grunting, both from effort and the slight bit of pain against his rim, Iggy forced himself against the thick cock, steadily pushing until that wide head jammed itself in with a sloppy pop. Moans came from both mammals, one being stretched wider than he ever had before and the other feeling warm flesh enveloping his cock after what felt like ages.
The hound noticed the look on Covi's face and scowled down at him. "What? You think your weak horse cock can break me?"
Iggy continued to push back, further and further. That wide flare was the hardest part and with it inside of him, the terrier had a slightly easier time taking even more of it. Impressively, Iggy made it halfway before he winced against the large bulge protruding from his stomach. That was the limit, but in Iggy's mind it was better than nothing. Gathering resolve, the terrier pressed his paws against Covi's broad chest, dragging himself upwards.
"Mmph... Y-yeah, told ya..." Iggy said, flashing the surprised pony a smirk. "You may be big that won't keep you from being my bitch!"
With all the strength he could muster, Iggy soon developed a rhythm, pushing and pulling himself up and down the massive girth that filled his ass and barreled against deep within his guts. The mutt took complete control, a goofy smile plastered on his face as his ass bounced up and down on the biggest cock he'd ever taken. He was sure his mind and ass would break at any moment.
Every little press and pull sent shocks through his whole body. His legs trembled, threatening to give out underneath him and every press of his prostate instantly rocketed Iggy just an inch from blowing his load. But he didn't give up, instead he tested himself by going even faster, taking the risk of Covi's massive flesh spear steamrolling right over his prostate, over and over without relent.
Somehow, Iggy was able to resist the hard pulses of his cock. His body was teeming with bliss shocks and his untouched length could only shoot ropes of precum full force. The viens decorating his shaft were swollen, thumping in time with the hard pulses, a clear sign of just how much Iggy was holding back.
But the canine wasn't the only one at his limits. The repeated bounces against his shaft gave Covi more pleasure than he ever had in his life. That fact that this was the first time in a while certainly didn't help either. His moans grew louder with each bounce, and his breathing intensified as well.
The feelings overtook his body to the point that he couldn't speak. All that came was a pitched whinny and instinctive bucking of his hips. The pulses of his cock were stronger than they had ever been. Waves of bliss ran rampant throughout Covi as he came hard, finally releasing all that was left to build. It all came out at once, one gush of thick, hot cum after the other. It all barreled into Iggy's guts, sending that sticky heat directly into the pit of his stomach. It was already stretched but the onslaught of horse spunk forced it to balloon and sink against the heavy substance.
No words came from the canine, just a pitched yelp and a sustained hiss. Against the hard pulsing in his ass and the pleasant expanding of his stomach, Iggy was finally pushed over his edge. Jerking madly, Iggy's cock finally spurt ropes of his mutt cum. A blissful goran left the canine as the thick ropes finally soared up his shaft, easing the pressure in his loins. The orgasmic sensation traveled through his body, stronger than anything he had ever left before.
Though his own ends had been met, Covi was still ejecting thick loads, churned out by his convulsing balls. Iggy could only strain against the steady expanding of his stomach. He could have easily just popped Covi's cock from his ass but his pride wouldn't allow that... The top dog doesn't submit to their bitches. That was what fueled Iggy to take the brunt of it all. Even as the pressure grew stronger and hurt a bit, the stubborn mutt just endured the heavy pulses and slosh of more heavy cum being gushed inside of him full force.
Finally, it came to a stop, but not before another rumble struck his guts. But Iggy's ass was already plugged. There was too much of the fluid with Iggy's small body and it was being forced to move. Since spurting from his ass wasn't an option, his body ejected the hot, runny stuff in another direction. It shot up his throat in a burst of speed, faster than what Iggy could prepare for. A hacking cough came, followed by a flow of cum rushing out of his mouth. It splashed down on the chest of Covi, staining his coat in his own spunk.
Iggy quickly collected himself and chuckled, staying right where he was, prepared to go another round. "D-damn, I'm definitely keeping you, bitch."