An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 7.

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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#8 of Assassin's Tale

Lud finally visits the Taven he had been told about - and meets a friend who he can trust.

If was several months after my conversation with Master Tharis that I decided to investigate the tavern that he spoken of. I knew that Tharis did not have the same.. interests as I - however it was a Spy Masters job to know of such places.

I ventured behind the stall in the market and found a dimly lit building. Upon entry I found it larger and much better lit inside. Almost cheerful with serving staff of both sexes (and species as well) moving between the tables set in the middle. Along the walls however were small booths with a privacy curtain. A sign next to the bar advertised 'lodgings' for 3 silvers.

Making my way to the bar I sat - a bartender - a big grinning Lupion greeted me and asked what I desired. Taking a quip I replied 'Is the order for my gullet - or my loins.' He roared with laughter at that and clapped a hand on my shoulder - "Gullet.. we don't sell services here however if you want to mingle with the clientele you may find an understanding warm body, or two"

So - taking my mead I did just.. Mingle.

Sitting at a table I felt as if a burden had been lifted from my shoulders. I had been in the academy far far too long and missed the general good natured rowdiness of common folk. I vowed then and there that I would never let myself drift too far from them or their needs - these were my people.. and the people of the King - and regardless of Warriors, Dukes, and Lords - my service was to them also.

It was also gratifying to see other races here Chrakans, Hrsse, even rodent like Rtyers (these being excellent seamen and a valuable trading contact) - all smiling, or just contemplating their drink - but most important to me was that they were alive. Warm blood pulsed through their veins, Minds full of tales to tell, and good company to keep.

Sadly it also made me realize that I - through my secrets - would forever have to stand apart from them .. but if they could tolerate my company then I was a happy person.

Looking around I saw a Chrakan male.. alone.. at a table. He was small for one of their folk and so feeling a common connection as in being a runt - I made my way over to him and asked if I could join him.

We chatted about incidentals - the weather, news and gossip, the quality of the mead (which was quite fine and potent) As we grew more comfortable he slid his flexible tail around my ankle he suggested that maybe we could have a more.. closer discussion.. in one of the rooms upstairs.

I will digress here dear reader - Lupions are born with tails - and there are some of us in more rural area's that keep them. However, in our more rigid and militarized society such wagging traitors of emotion could be a bad thing. So, all who were born in to a military household had it removed at birth. I have heard rumors that some Humans even do the same things to their genitals - but I have never seen this.

I paid the 3 silvers and we went up to a small room with a large bed with clean sheets. Almost as soon as we were inside his hands were on my robe trying to remove it.. quickly I followed by removing his, and then he sunk to his knees eagerly nuzzling my loin cloth and freeing my sheath.

Warm breath tussled the fine fur there exciting me to swell and then extend from my sheath. Then he licked me.

I will digress here again - I had only experiences male Lupions.. or rather just two in my life by that time. I had extensive knowledge of Charkans but only of dead bodies, lifeless limp limbs, and cold organs. To feel one so alive next to me - warm, moving, Living - was such a joy. Regardless of my profession I am a very social male.

As he licked me I felt the roughness of his tongue on my sensitive flesh and then he engulfed me - pressing my rigid member against his palette. He swallowed and bobbed taking me deeper - I cried out in pleasure asking him to slow down but it was too quick and I spurted my seed on to his tongue.. He looked up and smiled "Has it been a while?"

"Ohh" I panted "Far far too long. I'd only recently heard of this place.."

From there I did the same for him. His loin cloth rather than being a heavy fabric was carefully tooled leather. Beautifully crafted- not just decoratively - but functionally as well. Softer and pliable where needed - and firmer to support and protect should an errant knee find one's balls. I asked him and he bashfully confessed that he was a leather craftsman by trade.

Releasing his fastenings I was greeted by his own rampant maleness. It.. was.. beautiful. Reddish in color, throbbing with his heartbeat, the internal bone - like my own - giving it rigidity, and the curious small spiney nodules gracing around its tip. I breathed in its scent - heady, musky, and so very virally Male. All of this I had known from a scientific and academic viewpoint but now I can truly learn.

I licked - flicking a tongue along a set of nodules, then to a next. His squeals were most endearing and he staggered back to sit on the bed. Not to be deprived of my prize I followed and set my muzzle to work between his shaking thighs. I do not know how long I knelt there - pleasuring this wonderfully exotic maleness - and listening to his pants and cries - finally his hands found my ears and held my head as he thrust a couple of times. I knew what was going to happen - I welcomed it - and then Yes - his seed fell against my tongue. More acrid than a Lupions, thicker too as my own seed is very watery in texture. Sated he fell back on to the bed and pulled me with him. His muzzle sought mine as we kissed passionately - his hands roaming over my wiry frame as I did the same for him.

As we had paid for the night there was no hurry to leave. He told me his name was Tygar, that his family had come to our city generations ago, and how his kin were now dead he owned their shop. I told him my name was Lud and that I was a Help at the academy. After we had recovered he asked if I could mount him - himself very much enjoying the feel of a Lupion knot.. From my training with Acton the seductress - I knew better how to play - teasing him, moving in certain ways - all to the effect that he had stuffed a pillow into his mouth so not to scream in ecstasy and disturb our neighbors, plus shuddered through several more climaxes. It was then I concentrated on my own needs and moaned - biting his shoulder as I filled his insides with my fluids.

We both fell asleep - sated - exhausted - and sore. With Acton it was just an exercise, with Tygar it was a passion. We awoke entwined in our arms, breathing in the stench of the night activities - a pleasant heady aroma of Musk, Sweat, Seed, and other fluids. Oh if I could bottle this Acton would find a Good use for it. "I have to go " Tygar said "I have the shop to open." "Likewise I have to go - I have students to feed and activities to organize."

He blushed and looked to the ground "Will.. Will I see you again?" he asked. Smiling I replied "Next End of Week day I am free, for the night.. and maybe more"

Tygar and I spent many nights together at the taven, never meeting outside. At that time he did not know my true calling but in time he did - and he accepted me as the same friend and lover that he had come to know.

It was after a year that I was designing my own kit to take with me. Bags with fake pockets, a loin cloth with many hidden compartments. And in all my measuring and calculating one name kept surfacing. Tygar - and his intricate leatherwork. From what I could see he had the skills to make what I wanted BUT would he still see me as the male.. the lover.. he had come to know afterwards. There was only one way to do this so I dressed in my black official robe and paid his establishment a visit.

I had never been there before, but I knew the address. A small shop in a shabby part of the town. His name was not known and by fact that he was a Charkan people tended not to deal with him.

I entered with my hood up and listened as the small bell above the door rang. I breathed in the rich scent of worked leather and oils, and all to soon my friend appeared. He went white - nobody likes a visit from a Spy Master.

"Sir.. SIR.. How can I assist you. I am but a poor leatherworker - my family has been here for years and"

I cut him off and pulled back my hood "Tygar - please calm yourself my friend, you are not in any danger or trouble.."

"Lud.. is that.. but you said. No.. no.." he stammered.

Quickly I went to him and put a hand on his shoulder "Come.. Please sit and I will explain."

It took a while but I was able to convince him that I was the same Lud he had passionately embraced night after night. And that my visit was to request his talents as a leather worker. He listen to my needs - made some expert suggestions, and asked if I wanted to share evening meal with him.

All I will say if that after the meal we had a repeat performance of what we so greatly enjoyed at the tavern. Even now I sit comfortably - my privates embraced by his work and a constant remind of our friendship.

In turn I showed his workings to the other Masters and now he is a respectable merchant of leather and hides - owning a shop in a wealthy part of town. However he has always been alone.

Several years had passed when I returned to main guild house and needed some minor repairs to my things. I found his store easily - seeing several medallions stating that he was supplier of leathercrafts to various guilds. Upon entry I breathed in the familiar scents.. and new ones. A young Lupion male of 17 or so came over to me. Without fear he politely asked "Greetings Spy Master - how can I assist you?"

"Is Tygar here? " I replied.

"Master Tygar is busy out the back. Please examine our wares whilst I get him for you."

A few moments later a slightly portly Charkan came out and stopped "Lud.. LUD.. Is it - Yes it is you!! " and he raced over to embrace me - patting my back. "It's been too long my friend - I had worried about you" he said - tears in his eyes (Yes - Charkans cry too). He and his apprentice - Jackei assisted me and, invited me to stay for evening meal. During which Tygar told me how he had found Jakei starving on a street corner several years back - and took pity on him. Taking him in, teaching him the trades, and now he was now a fine young male I watched as Jakei blushed at this and secretly his hand went to Tygar's.. I did not stay the night though it was offered - but I am glad that Tygar's fortunes had changed both in trade.. and in the heart.

An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 8.

Peace... At Last.. Maybe.. I will not say how the peace between the Lupions and Charkans came about - only that the sudden death of their King was a pivotal event. The details were never published - only that the body was in a distressed state - which...

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An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 6.

Tribal Lays.. and other informative positionings Of those who were left in my group was Acton - a tall stately female - tall being at least 11 foot, and Charen being 13 foot. I was definitely a dwarf at 7 feet. Acton was honing her skills to being a...


An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 5.

Our Guild been called by the King.. personally.. and asked to deal with a situation. I was tasked with it and per my request I was allowed to find my own solution to the issue. For weeks afterwards the King could not keep for...
