An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 6.

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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#7 of Assassin's Tale

Lud is introduced to the female sex - and it's dangers. Plus perfecting some of his own disguises

Tribal Lays.. and other informative positionings

Of those who were left in my group was Acton - a tall stately female - tall being at least 11 foot, and Charen being 13 foot. I was definitely a dwarf at 7 feet. Acton was honing her skills to being a seductor - carefully tailoring her walk, movement, voice, and musk's to tempt another. Charen was.. I do not know but I sensed a wrongness with him. The little smiles when another was in pain. His interests in the more powerful poisons - especially if they caused agony. But it Acton of whom I write now.

Being smaller and light of build offered me some.. advantage. I could play a child, a female, or just a very small male. I had carefully watched Acton and in the privacy of my quarters practiced her moves. Males walk around their genitals whilst females do not - I had to work hard at getting rid of the natural male gait. Changing the movements - slight dropping to the hip and adding a sway. Once I had mastered some of these I cinched my robe and pulled up my hood walked to a different part of the academy to I use what I had learnt. The effect was interesting - several males watched this slim female - some even approaching her to strike a conversation or to pat a buttock in hope of a more intimate interaction. But I just gave a girlish giggle and left.

But there were some drastic gaps in my knowledge and only one person I knew could help me.

I stood outside Acton's door and knocked. She opened it - surprised to see me. "Lud.. How can I help you" she asked.

"May I speak with you inside, Acton" I politely and respectfully replied.

She nodded and let me in - moving to a chair to seat herself and crossing her legs. The movements measured, sensual, and alluring. Thank God I preferred males else I'd be lost to her then and there.

"I'd like to show you something - I am practicing my disguises. " and I proceeded to walk as femininely as I could. Now that perked her interest as this was not a fumbling search for sexual relief.

"Good. good.. - but you need to drop your hip a little there. Now sway your shoulder - Do you actually have Balls under there Lud?" she queried.

We discussed a way to pad my thighs to give them more shape and something to add breasts to my disguise. I had to admit that I had never felt a breast - blushing as I did so - so she shed her robe and told me to cup one - feeling the warmth, the weight, the curves of them. She grinned and leant to catch my scent - "Lud. Either you are a eunuch or a male lover.. As I can see the curves of your loin cloth I will guess the second." "I'm sorry - I do prefer males." I admitted - knowing I could trust her. She laughed "No Matter - I prefer both, but I need to perfect a scent - will you help?"

I nodded assent and she went over to her dresser and took a very small bottle. Taking the merest dab, she applied it to her throat. Coming back to me she leant down "Kiss Me?" She commanded.

I did.. I breathed in her scent - suddenly so alluring and.. interesting. And I was getting hard - my maleness swelling inside of my sheath and extruding painfully against the inside of my loin cloth. "What.. What " I stammered, but she held me close forcing me to inhale more of this intoxicating aroma. Before I knew it, she had removed her loin cloth and mine - laying back on her bed with her legs open. Instincts were flooding my brain and I was on top of her, sinking myself in to her liquid heat and thrusting. She wrapped her legs around me, trapping me, but I did not want to leave - only to mindlessly rut and spill my seed. Which I did moments later.

I had - in the nature of my people - tied myself to her and so we were trapped until my maleness softened.

"What was THAT!!" I spluttered.

"Something I was working on - my natural musk and some.. enhancements. I honestly did not think it would affect you like that - maybe only to make you a little hard - but not to initiate full coitus. I thought if I could affect you then the effect on an.."

I sighed "Just say it Acton."

"Male who prefers Females " she tactfully said " Would be more immediate. However I really DO need to dilute it somewhat."

"I hope you were not in season"

"I have herbs for that too - I'm barren.. by choice.. " she murred "Lud - you know that at times you might need to bed a female - to get information."

"Yes.. and I'm dreading that."

"You do prefer males but you have seen that your body can respond to females. I will trade knowledge with you"

I looked up at her - tilting my head "How?"

"I need to perfect my scents.. No.. not in that way - but to find some thing milder to induce males to mate and to talk.. In return - I can teach you how to mate with a female - to pleasure her whilst keeping your wits about you and to get the information you desire."

"Charen might be better for you" I suggested - not really wanting to be this sexually close to a female. "Charen only gets hard when playing with needles and daggers.. Only if the King commands will I mate with him."

And so Acton became one of the most talented feme-fatales of our generation. And I learned how to give pleasure to a female - able to cause her to cry out in passion and tell me her secrets - but never getting lost in the act.

I had watched the tavern for a week - knowing the names of the serving staff and proprietors. Also I now had the information on where the 'parties' were going to be picked up from and where they were going. A duke had plotted against the King, failed, and was now on the run. I was given the task of finding them.

Going back to my room in the tavern I pulled out my bags - opened the false pocket, and extracted wig, hair colourings, a folded bodice, and some scents. Acton had warned be to be very careful with the scents. After heating some warm water to body temperature, I filled the fake breasts and put the bodice on. Then the padding to plump my thighs, tightened my loin support to prevent discovery of my sheath etc, and finally slid the robe on. Clinching it around my waist I stepped across the room swaying my hips.

Using some hair colouring to tint my fur to match the wig and I was just about ready for the Scent.. One Drop on my neck fur, let the body heat warm it ... No More - as per Acton's instructions.

Stepping down the stairs I looked across the crowds to see my contact drinking with another. I grabbed a tray of drinks and lifted them high - sauntering over to their table. As I passed them I effected a trip and dropped myself in to the lap of my contact.

The burly male was shocked and then happily grinned at his luck - a serving wench.. young.. shapely.. and desirable. I pressed my neck close to him to give him the full effect of my scent and felt a hard mass start to jut under my buttocks.

"Well!!" He exclaimed - reaching up to grab a handful of my ample breast "What do we have Here"

I leaned in and whispered into his ear - dropping my voice to a baritone "Duke Acery. Pier 13, 20 bells tomorrow." Then emitted a most feminine squeal "Sir.. Please - That is NOT for sale" and flounced off leaving a stunned and aroused male.

After all - I DID have a reputation to uphold.

I do appear in an official capacity for the Guild at certain events. Usually the sight of my slight black hooded form - complete with heavy guild medallion is enough to give people pause.. Nothing like reminding people that we are about - though in reality we move unseen when needed.

One such event I was to keep an eye out for Acton as she applied her seductress trade. Her mark was a merchant who we knew as dealing in illegal goods. Unwilling warm blooded illegal goods - and although slavery was not forbidden - it was on the lower morality of 'crime'. The guild had been instructed to deal it a blow. I had arrived first to scope the invited parties - who was there, who was armed etc. Acton arrived a little later after I had sent word that it was safe. Neither of us wanted her to be kidnapped and there only so much damage she could do to a group of armed thugs whilst dressed in tight clothing.

She arrived - dressed spectacularly as usual - her shapely form catching the eyes of every male (and some females too). She graced them with her presence, chatting, smiling, even trailing a casual claw over a neck ruff. Finally after making a circuit of the party, she slinked over to the wine table. I nodded to a particular glass so she would know that it was safe from pre-existing contamination and then sampled from a newly opened bottle that I had likewise viewed being opened. She was safe here.

She turned and spoke to me in a breezy contralto "Good Evening Spy Master...?"

"Spy Master will do just fine my lady. Whom do I have the honor of addressing?" I intoned back - a little severely.

"Lady Issabel Cassandra" she replied and offered her hand. I took it and pressed my muzzle to it - taking note of the rings and their hidden potions within. Somebody was going to have a terrible headache tomorrow morning - and probably a worst evening in the hands of the King's men. I said nothing and released her hand - turning back to the wines.

She then wandered over to her 'mark' and engaged with him. He had watched our little 'play' and so in a hushed voice he whispered "You.. You Know a Spy Master? ". She cooed back to him "Oh.. HIM.. Yes he may be a Spy Master.. But he is also a Male - like any other Male.. Darling "and puffed her scent laden breath into his face. I unfortunately was drinking right then and so trying to keep my mirth in check I left fang marks on the goblet. ACTON!!! Really!!!

An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 7.

If was several months after my conversation with Master Tharis that I decided to investigate the tavern that he spoken of. I knew that Tharis did not have the same.. interests as I - however it was a Spy Masters job to know of such places. I...

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An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 5.

Our Guild been called by the King.. personally.. and asked to deal with a situation. I was tasked with it and per my request I was allowed to find my own solution to the issue. For weeks afterwards the King could not keep for...


An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 4.

I remember my first death.. I was awoken in the middle of the night by a pounding at my door. Throwing a robe on I opened it to see a pair of the King's Guard standing to attention. "Follow Us, Bring your tools" one of them commanded...

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