My Slave Family- Chapter 20

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#20 of My Slave Family (Completed)

Chapter Twenty

"The Storm Approaches"


Furry Sith Lord

"May I speak to Mrs. Lagomorpha- R?" Lou asked as he spoke to who he hoped was Dash's mother.

"Speaking," she replied emotionless.

"Ah a pleasure to speak to you in person, My name is Lou Cervus- D, I'm Lyon's father."

"If you're calling to say that my Petey beat up your son then it's all lies. My Petey is a good boy. It was probably that delinquent white lion that's been hounding them." She interrupted and Lou had to force himself to not grind his teeth.

"Excuse me ma'am but that white lion you berated is actually my son! The reason for my call was that my son asked if his friend, Petey, could spend the night at our mansion." Lou said as calmly as he could.

"Mansion?!" she again interrupted and the mention of his wealth had shocked her. Her response was anticipated because he would use that as leverage to get her to agree with his demands. She would whole heartily agree in order to use her son as a pawn into thinking she could get special favors from him. It was a simple enough tactic but he could manipulate his way around it. He wanted to meet the boy to see if their friendship was real or something the rabbit faked to get close to their wealth.

"My son thinks very highly of your boy and I was hoping to get your permission to have him stay the weekend with us. That is if you can see fit to allow him to stay over at our mansion with my white lion son and his white tiger brother." Lou said, throwing the bait out to see if it would take.

"Ah, now I see. You're that rich deer that has two white kids everyone is talking about. I hear you trying to throw your money around as if I'm some sort of gold digger. Well let me set you straight right off the bat that your money doesn't interest me. We may not be rich like you but we have enough to get by.

I care about my son more than anything! The last thing he needs is to be associated with the likes of you and your son filling his head up with how rich you guys are and how great your life is while our poor lives are miserable."

"Hold on, I'm gonna stop you right there. None of what you said is true, well almost. I am throwing around my money because my boy really wants your son to visit him. He had a hard life before he became my son because he was born with rare white fur.

His biological father threw a red collar on his throat then used his claws to cut all the clothes off him and put a leash on the collar so he could drag him to sell to slavers. Would you ever do that to your own son? When we went looking to buy a cub to adopt I myself was ready to cast him and his brother aside because of their rare white fur. My husband refused and made me buy them and I don't regret it because they changed my life in ways I doubt you could ever understand. The day my blood entered him was the greatest day of my life!

He would wake up crying because of the nightmares he had and he'd wake us up telling us he wet the bed and I'd hold him and he'd be shaking in fear in my hooves because he was afraid of what we'd do to him. So if you think he's a spoiled rich cub then it's obvious you know nothing at all. Nothing about what the two of them had to go through because of their fur color. Your son is more spoiled than mine ever were.

My son comes to me today telling me that he actually has a friend and tells me all about how they play together and how happy it makes him. The smile on my son's face is worth more than all the money I have. So he asks if his friend can spend the night with us and I said 'no' he can spend the entire weekend with us because I want to meet the boy that's helping my son to heal.

Then my son gets upset when I ask him to ask you permission because he tells me you hate him like his biological father did. Why do you hate him? Was it something he did? No, it was because he has white fur. You think I'm gonna sit here and have you look down on him!

Let me tell you something, miss, before you begin to berate my boy for being born with white fur then you better be able to tell me about your own son's father who did something like raped him and sold him as a slave before you EVER speak an ill word against mine, got it!!!" Lou tried to remain calm but the more he thought about it the angrier it made him until he could no longer control himself.

"I had no idea he went through all that." She replied softly. Lou wiped tears from his eyes and he could not hide that his cubs were his weakness and if he wasn't on the verge of breaking down he would continue to tell how his husband was taken so that his sons could be exchanged and killed.

"So if you tell me you don't want my son over your house, I'll instruct him not to go over there, ever. However, I will not for any reason forbid my son to play with yours because right now it means too much to him." Lou said, trying to regain his composure.

"I feel you may be right that I've been unfair to him. I'd like to get to know him better so could he be allowed to come over for dinner tonight then they can pack up Petey's stuff and return to your place to spend the weekend?" She asked and Lou smiled as the tears were building up again.

"I would like that and please accept my apology for yelling at you."

"Seems I deserved it. Hopefully we can start over and make things better." She insisted.

"I'd like that." Lou replied.

"Hellavah job kid, hellavah job." The doberman said as Will answered his phone.

"Now what?" he asked, wondering what the next part of the plan is.

"You gotta sit tight for a few days and give the story time to explode. My people are working to make sure everyone hears about the fox killing your family. My condolences by the way." The doberman mocked.

"Thanks." Will replied, trying to blow off the comment.

"Word is spreading of the GoTreats me being set up to pay for the funeral. I got people building you an outfit with a bulletproof vest when you appear again on television. I want you to look like you're ready for business when you next appear to announce that you're setting up a strike force to try and get revenge on the fox."

"Do I have to get measured?" Will asked nervously because he always hated that.

"Yeah, we'll set something up in a couple of days. You sound upset." The doberman remarked.

"I'm not a fan of being measured, it just feels creepy as they drag that tape measure all over me. They keep talking in code so I'm sure they're laughing about me. Oh, his stomach's fat, or his stripes are ugly, or he has a tiny cock. Either way it creeps me out." Will said and he heard the dog actually start laughing at him.

"Do you have a tiny cock?" he laughed.

"Well, no, but who's to say they're not lying about me even though the ladies have never complained."

"Glad to hear." The doberman mocked and Will was glad the doberman couldn't see him blushing.

"Of course, I wouldn't mind if that pretty skunk, Gele, I think her name is. She can measure me up anytime." Will replied lewdly and added a slight chuckle.

"Well, she's married and has a couple of baby skunks running around. I'm not surprised you fell for her because being my assistant isn't her only job and what she does, she's really good at it." The doberman replied and he then imitated the lewd laugh Will had made.

This didn't surprise him because the deer had warned that they would use such a tactic to get him to lower his guard. The fact he was revealing that she had been a trick really caught his attention because why reveal her unless the dog began to trust him.

"Hello Dash, good to see you again." Lou replied as Lyon led dash inside. Lou smiled at the young Californian rabbit and was again amused that he had white fur but his ears and a patch on his nose was black. Dash wore a small backpack that Lou guessed had a change of clothes and other things he might need for the weekend. Both boys had been overjoyed when she agreed to let Dash stay the weekend.

They first met when he brought Lyon over to Dash's home and he met Lou at the door with his mother. Tyger had wanted to go along but Lou felt that the mother needed to focus on Lyon if she was going to accept him. It was not that he'd cause trouble but he'd be a distraction that Lou did not want. She was willing to accept Lyon and give him a chance but he could not afford to have her attention on Tyger because she'd never get to know the real Lyon.

The dinner went well and Dash's mother asked Lyon many questions about his past. She made a genuine effort to get to know him but Lou sat nearby just to make sure he could protect his son if need be. Of course she did the same with her child.

Lou became dumbfounded to learn that Lyon's parents had named him "The White Disaster" and he could understand why he changed his name to Lyon.

"Hey, that should be our nickname! Together we are the White Disaster!" Dash said and both Lou and Dash's mother had no idea what he was talking about. Lyon was a little hesitant at first but then he warmed up to the idea.

"Hi Mr. Lou, my mom said thank you for inviting me over." Dash said and Lou smiled then pet his head.

"You're very welcome and glad you're here. Lyon, why don't you take him to your room and get his stuff put away."

"OK Father." Lyon replied and led the way with Dash following but he looked every which way and in every direction.

Tyger walked out of his room groggily in only his white briefs. Dash took a look at him and laughed.

"Nice undies bro," Dashed mocked but Tyger was unphased and he flexed slightly before responding.

"It's too hot to pants today," He replied and his voice grumbled then he realized it was Lyon's friend and he blushed slightly.

"Are you still overheating? The AC is repaired." Lou asked and he used his hoof to feel Tyger's forehead.

"It's fine father, it's just too hot to pants.... You know it's a cat thing." Tyger replied.

"Hey, can I too hot to pants today too?" Lyon asked.

"Yeah, me too?" Dash asked. Lou fiddled with his tie

"Alright, since your brother started it." Lou gave one of his looks at Tyger and Lyon and Dash began to undress. "Hey guys, go to your room and strip in there, not out in the hallway." Lou corrected and the boy stopped and obeyed as Lyon led the way to his room.

"Father, I saw the look... am I in trouble?" Tyger asked halfheartedly.

"Are you sure you're alright? You don't sound good." Lou asked concerned and he knelt as he began to touch and examine Tyger. Tyger just stood there looking sleepy and he wobbled a couple of times.

"I just want to lay down but when I do I need to be covered because it doesn't feel right not to be covered and then I overheat more and feel worse." Tyger said groggily and immediately Lou called for the maid.

"Yes sir," she replied as she sauntered up wondering what the commotion was about. Y

"I think something is wrong with Tyger." Lou said his voice on the edge of panic.

"Let me see," she said and used the back of her wing to feel his forehead. "Oh honey, you have a fever." She replied.

"How could you tell? It felt warm but normal to me?" Lou asked with bewilderment and he felt a pang of regret that he could not tell sooner. He suddenly wanted to break down and cry because of his failure at being a father. Here his son was suffering and he had no idea what to say or do.

"Hey, Tyger, can Dash and I play your Play Fur 4?" Lyon asked as he walked over only in his underwear. He wore a black pair of briefs that really stood out on him while Tyger just had a regular white pair and it blended into his white fur except for the grey waistband.

"As long as you don't scratch up my disks." Tyger replied weakly and Lyon stared at him.

"I think your brother has a summer cold, no big deal guys he just needs rest." The maid replied. Lou scooped up Tyger into his arms and held him and Tyger began to loudly pant with his tongue sticking out but it was curled slightly.

"Lyon go play with Dash everything is fine." Lou said but he was immediately cut off as a loud voice was announced throughout the mansion.

"Communications Offline, Going towards Yellow Alert." The voice announced and in a strong female manner. Both the maid and Lou groaned while Lyon looked confused.

Lou loved to watch the television series Furry Trek about species as they travel on a star ship through outer space. There were several different series that were created within that universe but Lou's favorite was Furry Trek The Next Generation. In the series the star ship had a computer that talked to the crew and told them of problems it was experiencing. Lou managed to incorporate copies of the voice into his own network of alarms around the mansion.

"What's going on?" Lyon asked, startled by the voice and Dash suddenly appeared next to them.

"Is that Furry Trek? Cool, I love that show." Dash announced.

"You just became my best friend Dash, but right now I need you both to come with me to safety." Lou said and he led the way while the maid called after them.

"I'll check with security and see if they know what's going on." The maid replied as she hurried off. Lou was busy leading the way to a secret passage he had constructed in case he needed to escape. There were always concerns about cubnapping among the wealthy so he had a special system put in place to warn him of danger.

The communications being offline meant that someone had cut the phone lines to prevent them from calling for help. Lou had been wondering if the C.I.Z.A. was actually going to attack and it seems they had chosen another day in order to catch them off guard in case Will was a double agent. They told him the attack would be on Friday but today was Saturday.

The only problem was that Tyger was sick and that was going to make things difficult if they had to go into hiding for a few days. The panic room he built was several miles away underground and the only way to get there was a secret passage from the mansion.

"Security Breach in sector 7. Commencing Red Alert status." the alarm said and the attack had officially begun. Lou ran with the kids to the secret panel and escaped through it then it sealed and locked behind him. They quickly followed the path trying to make their way toward the panic room. He felt bad about leaving the servants behind but there was no way to save everyone.

"Father, what's going on?" Lyon whined as he used one of his free hooves to hold the cub's paw as Tyger still clung to his chest.

"Uninvited guards trying to break into the mansion. Don't worry we're safe, they can't find us but we have to hurry." Lou replied.

"Cool, is everyday like this?" Dash asked Lyon as they held hands following Lou.

"No but my father thinks of everything." Lyon said and although Lou was enjoying the praise he needed to keep them moving. He was pretty sure the agents couldn't find access to their escape route but he didn't want to take that chance.

"So where are they?" The agent yelled at the maid. She stood patiently in the living room with the other servants they had rounded up, as well as the security staff. Even the maid had limited knowledge of the deer's plans in case they were rounded up for interrogation. He suspected that this might be a possibility and he was correct.

"The master told us nothing and he fled with his kids at the first sign of trouble." The maid replied, trying to remain calm although her voice held some hostility. The lead agent had to resist the urge to slap her but so far everyone interviewed had almost the same reply. A couple of servants mentioned rumors of an escape route but no one knew if one really existed.

The agent ordered the mansion searched but so far nothing had been found and even when they tried using special goggles that allowed them to look through walls, the entire mansion had lead inside the walls to block the goggles effectiveness. Four three man teams had been assembled and sent to search out the entire mansion.

"Any progress?" The lead agent asked over the radio.

"Negative." came the responses from the smaller groups they had broken into. The servants and security had been gathered together into Lou's office. The main force kept them huddled on the floor as the agents pointed their guns at them to remind them not to try anything.

"Damn it," The lead agent, who was a German Shepherd dressed in tactical gear yelled and he slammed his fist on the desk. The force was strong enough that the computer fell off the desk and the female computer voice made another announcement.

"Area secure. Returning to Status Green." The voice replied and suddenly a secret panel slid open revealing a locked door. The underside of the computer that now sat on the floor had a key taped to it.

"Well it looks like you found your secret passage they used to escape." The stork maid replied after she tsked. The lead agent called the teams back and once they arrived he sent them into the passage.

When the last agent went through the door it closed behind them and locked with a loud click.

"May I have your attention," Lou's voice was being broadcast on the upturned computer on the floor. The lead agent flipped it back upright and set it on the desk to watch a prerecorded message.

"If you were smart enough to not enter that passage then you need to know that everyone that entered into it is now trapped and my prisoners. If you are thinking of blowing the entrance with explosives I would suggest otherwise. Part of my trap is that that passage is very fragile and if you try and blow any part of it the explosives hidden within will ignite killing your trapped henchmen." Lou's voice remained steady, emotionless and the lead agent knew the sound of a psychopath when he heard it.

His head felt foggy for a second and he looked around and saw their hostages were all rapidly chewing on something. Looked like gum but when had they gotten a hold of it? The stork must have passed it out when she was trying to calm them as they were led into this office.

The other armed agents began to lower their weapons as they appeared to become groggy. A couple shook their heads and wobbled as they were on the verge of falling asleep.

"If my calculations are correct, then when you assembled this strike force you probably figured I was just a regular old billionaire and easily taken down. You probably didn't have anyone come in with respirators thinking I might gas you. That's what's filling the room as we speak, knockout gas but the antidote my servants have been eating will counteract the effects. So don't worry about them. I just don't want anyone hurt so please just lower your weapons and get ready for a brief nap." Lou said then the video showed him raising a chess piece that had a horse's head.

"Knight takes bishop." Lou said and the agents began to collapse as they passed out while the Lou in the video just smiled.

"Wow!!! Best weekend ever!" Dash said excitedly as he turned to look at Lou. Lou smiled weakly and tried to hide his annoyance over the small rabbit. Lou was sitting at a desk that had numerous monitors showing specially hidden cameras that only he knew about. Dash took it upon himself to stand on the chair and lean in looking at the monitors.

Dash's feet were in between Lou's legs and he was uncomfortable that if the rabbit moved then his privates might get squashed. Lou finally worked up the courage and used his hooves to pick up the rabbit and move him to the floor by putting his hooves under the arms of the rabbit, holding his body, and then placing him so that his feet touched the floor.

Lyon was busy looking after his brother, who was lying on the floor and Lyon kept a wet towel on his forehead. Tyger was sleeping soundly but this safe house was not the best place to keep a sick cub for long.

"Security, round the agents after you get the masks I have hidden in the closet in that office. That gun only lasts for a few minutes so get the masks on quickly then round up the intruders and bring them to the warehouse I've set up. Follow the security procedure I've set in place." Lou spoke into a microphone set up on the desk and his office relayed the message as Security began to follow the procedure he set up.

Lou took his personal cell phone out of his pocket and reattached the battery and once the phone was on and received a signal it was time to rub the noses of C.I.Z.A. in their own shit. He dialed Jon's cell phone knowing that it would go to voicemail but was sure it was still being monitored.

"Hi, I just wanted to let you know that your agents failed and are in my costudy. Release my husband and give up this frivolous attempt to take my boys. I'm not the easy mark you expect and I have other plans in place in case you try something else. Oh, and while you're at it, the yellow puppy dog you've been stringing along, make sure he gets released to us too." Lou hung up the phone and took out the battery to keep his location private. He knew phones keep broadcasting locations even if turned off.

The doberman was really gonna be upset once he found out his team was captured and if Lou was correct, and he usually was, the fun was just beginning.

To Be Continued....