An Assassins Tale.. Questions.. And Maybe Answers

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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#10 of Assassin's Tale

Lud puts his quill down from his journals - curious as to the folk who might read them - and assents to answer Questions on his life, his city, and the Guild.

I know.. Dear Reader that some of you enjoy my journals.. However there may be questions on your mind.

Please - feel free to put them in the comments and I.. Lud - will attempt to answer them.

Go in Peace

Lud.. Spy Master of the Assassins Guild

An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 8.

Peace... At Last.. Maybe.. I will not say how the peace between the Lupions and Charkans came about - only that the sudden death of their King was a pivotal event. The details were never published - only that the body was in a distressed state - which...

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An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 7.

If was several months after my conversation with Master Tharis that I decided to investigate the tavern that he spoken of. I knew that Tharis did not have the same.. interests as I - however it was a Spy Masters job to know of such places. I...

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An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 6.

Tribal Lays.. and other informative positionings Of those who were left in my group was Acton - a tall stately female - tall being at least 11 foot, and Charen being 13 foot. I was definitely a dwarf at 7 feet. Acton was honing her skills to being a...
