Palomino Del Paradiso

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Hana is having a hard time motivating herself through the grind of university life with her only two close friends, but they stumble on the secret the other university students are taking advantage of. Turns out there is a magical paradise in a time-locked pocket realm right on campus, and a magical artifact housed there allows them a very unique way to let off steam, but things start to get out of hand quickly...

(F tf M horse x100)

Hana had started to feel like she was going crazy, and honestly still wasn't entirely sure she wasn't. It all started with University. Hana and her two friends Sylvia and Marcy were having a hell of a time surviving their brutal class schedules, but at least they had each other to share their troubles with and that made it bearable. Hana and Marcy had known each other since early Highschool and met Sylvia their first day at the University. It seemed baffling to them that others seemed to share equally bad schedules, but seemed so much more chipper. How anyone would keep pace, juggle all those classes and still have any energy at all seemed impossible. They asked others about it, but that is where things started to get weird.

It was not that they had more energy in the first place, or that they were naturally more optimistic. Everyone almost always replied with a rather cryptic answer, or evaded the question entirely. Had they given a half assed answer, Hana would not have thought anything of it, but the fact that they all appeared to be hiding something made her try to pry even more. Everyone seemed in on it, and eventually Sylvia and Marcy seemed to get in on it as well! It was like the entire world had gotten in on some inside joke and Hana was the only one who didn't know anything! Between that and the stress from school weighing her down, Hana was about to blow a fuse. That was when Gracia Dancer approached her. A student of geology, she had happened on a very precious artifact from a bygone age. She met with Hana at night and gave her a quick tour of her find. What Gracia had was known as the Key To Lost Doors- a key carved from a single monolithic bone that supposedly belonged to a dead God. As you can imagine, that explanation alone only made Hana think Gracia was insane- till she gave a demonstration. Using the large ring at the top of the key as a looking-glass you could see things that were not visible otherwise, and interact with them. There was doors placed here and there that were completely intangible to anyone who did not possess the key Gracia held. She opened an unseen door, and without looking through the key, what Hana seen looked like a door-shaped split in reality open up in front of her. Through the crack a different reality waited, and it was on the other side that she learned everyone's shared secret.

Above was the image of a blue sky and scattered clouds, but it rippled as if it were made of water and at its edges it was lanced with a few odd stalactites. They were surrounded with cave walls- they were actually underground. The lighting was unusual here too- it did not seem to have a source, but everything was lit regardless. This meant that nothing gave off a shadow- because the light would need to be coming from a specific direction to cast a shadow, and it had no direction, it was ambient only. Hana stammered a few attempts at coherent questions but found she had too many she wanted to ask all at once. Gracia ignored them, leading her by the hand up an ancient but well preserved ziggurat. At the top of the structure was a gigantic vertebrae the size of a tire off a huge construction vehicle. The outside was etched with thousands of simple reliefs of animals of all sorts- including human. It was here Gracia finally turned to Hana to actually explain anything.

"This place we simply call Nowhere. It is a pocket realm- bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. On the outside it is only the size of a single particle, allowing it to be hidden from anyone but the person who holds the key." Hana tried again to put together questions but Gracia held her hand up to stop her. "I know. I have explained this to many, many women by now, I will try to cover the basics. This thing beside me is the Totem Of Kinship, it was carved from a bone from a God named Harmelodious. This pocket realm was created to house it in secret and I found this place by accident and have been trying to research everything. So, don't expect me to have all the answers. Time does not appear to progress in Nowhere like in the outside world. You can be here as long as you like and return to the real world in the same moment you left it from. That means you will never grow tired or hungry while you are here because your body isn't metabolizing anything."

"So that is how everyone seems to well rested!"

Gracia nodded. "You don't get tired here, but if you were already tired, you can still sleep here. You can sleep, relax, and even study and finish your homework- all while using up zero time in the real world. Originally I did this for a few people to help them out- did not see the harm in it. But, well... I think most of the women on campus are in on it by now. It is not like anyone can blab about this place- no one would believe them."

"I don't believe it and I am standing in it right now." Hana looked around in amazement. "But there is only one key, so doesn't that mean you are super busy taking everyone back and forth?"

Gracia tapped the ring on the end of the key to Hana's shoulder and she flinched at the feeling of a strong spark jumping from it. "There. Whoever possesses the key sets the rules to the lock. You are permitted to enter. Without the key you cannot see the door, but with permission you can still use the door so... just don't forget where it was and you will be fine."

Hana felt like someone was going to jump out and yell 'gotcha' at any moment and reveal the entire thing to be an elaborate prank. Nothing about what had happened made sense to her, but she was here looking right at it, so it had to be true. If magic was real, how does no one know about it? Not to mention if there was a God, how does no one know about it, and how did it die? You would think the corpse of a dead God showing up would probably make the news at some point. Then again, if the entire thing was stored in places like this- no one would have any way of finding out. From beside the totem at the top of the ziggurat Hana had an excellent view of the area. The cave it was inside of was absolutely massive. The structure and some ruins at its base were in a narrow part, which expanded greatly in a circular area. The ruins trailed into a massive field which eventually cut off at the edge of a forest, and then a lake made up the last third, both to the side and centered between the forest and fields. She could see people wandering around- no one in a hurry. Some looked entirely naked, toward the lake side. There was no laws here so walking around in the nude was fine. Gracia noted their hidden nook in Nowhere would not work nearly as good if it were mixed gender, so she had only ever told women about this location. Girls only!

Gracia left Hana to explore on her own, but Hana soon wished she had remained to answer more questions. Hana was a rather average woman, though good looking. Her hair was straight and golden, her eyes a powder blue behind her big round glasses. Her breasts were a pert C. As she wandered around the huge area, she observed many odd things. There was no animals, no fish, birds, bugs, nothing here except humans and plant life. The wind was a gentle breeze at all times and its direction actually depended on where you stood- the wind spiraled out from the middle of the area- Hana managed to find the exact point it originated from and stood in the middle, grinning at the feeling of the cool breeze swirling around her. The temperature was about room temperature everywhere in Nowhere, while the breeze was cooler, and the waters were quite cool in comparison but still great for swimming in. Hana used Nowhere for some time before she noticed the next oddity, and was actually introduced to it by her friend. Hana had to get used to some of the women walking around naked. She did not want to say anything and seem like a prude, and she was there to study in peace mostly so she should be minding her own business anyway. But one day she could not help but openly gawk at one girl who sported an erection! Her body was completely female but rather than a vagina, she had a penis and balls between her legs. But not even just that- they were not human genitals! They were black in contrast to the rest of her peach toned skin- they were the genitals of a horse! The woman acted embarrassed and tried to hide the gigantic erection at first but was already nude and hanging out with others, and the other women giggled and teased and eventually got her to stop trying to cover it up, and just let the rigid ebon meat pillar wobble around like a flag pole on her crotch. Marcy explained to Hana that there was several women like that already in Nowhere. Apparently there is a single stallion somewhere in the woods wandering about. Anyone who comes into contact with its semen gains a horse cock! Hana would have laughed at the story but being inside of Nowhere immediately gave more credibility to absurd stories like that.

"I would be terrified if that happened to me. A horse whose genitals are contagious?! What if someone has sex with a woman who has horse genitals, would it still transfer? Are they even sure its transferred only by semen? Also, who the hell fucked the horse randomly to find that out in the first place!?"

Marcy laughed at the barrage of questions. "Maria was worried at first, but here is the thing- it doesn't apply to the real world."


"As soon as she leaves Nowhere she is fully woman again, the horse junk just vanishes. Then when she steps back into Nowhere it re-appears. So she doesn't really have to deal with any of the consequences, she only has it while in Nowhere."

Hana's eyes widened as she remembered the Totem Of Kinship- all the animals carved around its surface. "Oh, the totem!"

"That old relic up on the ruins? What about it?"

"That is probably what causes the transformation, or enables it anyway. She reverts when she leaves Nowhere because the magic given off by the totem cannot penetrate the lock sealing Nowhere off from the rest of the world."

Hana was not sure if more women started to get their own horse phallus, or she was just noticing them more now that she knew what to look for, but Hana decided to wander into the woods to study for the next few days. it was too distracting outside of the forest. Most of the women hung around the fields since it was closest to the ruins, and lay their books and things down in the soft grass. There was next to no one inside the forest. It was in the woods Hana was also able to deduce the source of light in Nowhere as well. The light in the forest almost had a slight green hue to it. The ambient light was being caused by a type of energy that saturates the air here- when it makes contact with anything physical, including people, it gives off a tiny bit of light as a reaction. So the reason the light did not seem to come from anywhere is because all physical surfaces were giving off a bit of the collective light in equal amounts. Which is why the light in the forest was slightly green- most of the light there was coming from plants. What Hana also found however, was the contagious horse. The stallion wandered the woods, and several times came close to Hana. The stud was not wild, he had no fear of humans, that much was clear. His heavy phallus half-hung out of his sheath like he was trying to flag a mate a few times too, even though there was no other horses. Hana did her best to keep her eyes on her books as she rest her back against a tree, but the horse was so close she could hear its breathing.

*Why is his dick out?! Is he... coming onto me? I can't touch it though or I might get... dicked.* She was blushing at the thought and glanced over again, the stallion did not move. *What is he waiting around here for? Ohhh...*

Hana was so horribly distracted by the horse dongs outside of the forest because she liked horses herself. Like, really liked horses. In her bedroom back home, you cannot even see her walls through all the horse posters and calendars hung on them. She had always dreamed of riding around on horses, but by her teen years she started to like them for different reasons. Now she was sort of nervous to actually be around horses because she started to think perverted thoughts, and this stallion was certainly not helping! Hana eventually sighed in defeat. She could not concentrate on her studies with the stud there. She nervously walked up to it and touched him gingerly. She can interact with horses without anything perverted being involved. People interact with horses regularly and it is perfectly normal, she just has to ignore her kinky thoughts. Hana could smell an earthy musk from the stud now that she was so close- likely aided by half his meaty dick wagging in the open air. There was no smegma on the exposed shaft though- and since it did not have any apparent owners or other horses nearby, that meant his dick had been used fairly recently- in another human, since there was nothing else to mount. The stallion nickered softly when she ran her fingers through his mane- he liked that. She wished she had brought a brush to try and comb it. The stallion was dark brown with glossy black mane and tail. He was very large, and so were his endowments- a work horse breed, built for strength not speed. Hana gently rest her head on the side of his huge barrel-like chest to listen to his heart beat and sighed with a soft smile on her lips.


"NOTHING!" Hana stood up straight off the horse so quick she almost fell backwards down a small slope!

Sylvia skittered up to them, an eyebrow raised. "What are you doing? Are you... using the horse?"

Hana's face was beet red. "N-no! I was just saying hello, you pervert!"

Sylvia grinned nervously. "Oh, because I came to use the horse."


Sylvia started to blush a bit now. Sylvia was quite tall for a woman, and her hair is a platinum blond. Which is why her friends always suggested she dress up as an elf every Halloween. Her breasts were D cups, but since she was bigger overall than Hana, their busts looked the same size in proportion to their bodies. Sylvia's hair had a bit of wave to it, and it was tied in a braid- though was still long enough to reach her collar. Her skin was also quite pale.

"It only applies to Nowhere, I would still be perfectly normal in the real world. Look- don't get it twisted, I don't like horses like... that. But think about it- we can experience what it is like to have a penis! Don't you wonder what that is like? It is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Even if you have no interest in it conceptually, you still have to try it! Just to know what it is like!"

Hana smiled, half rolling her eyes. "Oh, so you are in it for purely academic reasons."

"Right, exactly! I am glad you are here though, honestly. Can you, uh, hold him?"

"What? You want me to stay here while you...?"

"Yea, well, the others say he is super tame but I am still nervous. If he decides to buck his hips in the middle of it, his dick might dislocate my head from my neck. I mean, he is a full grown horse- he could crush me to death with one hoof."

Hana really did not want to stick around for this, but did not want to reveal how uncomfortably aroused she was either, so she continued to gently brush the stallion while Sylvia knelt down under him. His underside got progressively more veiny toward the sheath, and his dick was still flopping out in the open. Sylvia grabbed it very gingery, making sure she did not startle the stallion. She used her other hand to cup the very thick and soft skin of the sheath and squish it a bit in her hand to usher out more of its contents. More and more cock slid out even as she could feel his heart beat inside its veins more aggressively and the shaft start to fatten up and harden. The head got lower and lower, and just barely cleared the ground under him before the shaft was solid enough to start lifting itself up. Sylvia hummed in aroused curiosity as she moved her right hand further back and ran her fingers through the silky soft cleft of scrotal flesh between his massive orbs. His balls hopped slightly in the scrotum, started to churn with activity slowly. Like any muscle, the more a dick is used the more prepared it becomes to be used- so the stud was adjusting to the increased traffic from women looking to get in on the experience. When it was nearly fully erect the cock flicked up and hit his underside hard enough to make a thud sound and held there for a moment. She could see it visibly swelling to maximum erection in only a moment- he was clenching the muscles in its base causing it to vacuum up blood and force it to full strength. It also caused the glans to fatten up and stiffen- as it had remained mostly soft till now.

Hana blushed and narrowed her eyes a bit as she seen Sylvia change the position of her hands- one on the medial ring and one on the head. *Just educational purposes, huh? Has she educated herself on a horse's pleasure points too?*

The throbbing in the fat veins up the shaft became quicker. The cock twitched harder, threatening to rip itself from Sylvia's grip. She undulated her fingers around most of the medial ring- his cock was thicker than her hand could encompass so there was still a fourth of it left bare. Her other hand was cupped over the head, squeezing softly with her fingers hooked around the corona, but it eventually pulsed too wide to get her fingers over the edge. The dome of the head and the soft cleft through it deepened. Precum kept dabbing onto her palm and now it ran down her left arm wetting her sleeve. The glans got wider and wider, doubling and then almost tripling in size as the head became absolutely massive. They flare during climax! Sylvia let got and quickly fell to the left to get her mouth to the head in time- racing the bulge of liquid firing up the urethra along the underside of the dark shaft. The head was far too large to fit in her mouth- heck the flare was easily as big around as her entire head. Sylvia cupped her lips around the edge of the pit that surrounded the projected urethral opening just in time for the flow to blast into her mouth! The thought of swallowing animal spunk was not great, and the taste was a bit bitter, but she swallowed anyway, because Sylvia was not sure if the blessing of horse dick would transfer if she did not. As one would expect from a creature that had balls the size of cantaloupes- he had a good bit of volume; she had to swallow many times over and almost ran out of breath by the time he slowed to a dribble and she let the rest water the plants on the forest floor.

Sylvia quickly wiped her chin to make sure no horse cream got on her clothes as she slipped out from under him. His dick shortened quickly, causing it to look super fat from the blood still lingering in the shaft as it tried to cram back into the sheath. Sylvia was catching her breath still, balancing with one hand on the stallion's side, and she looked at Hana a moment across the horse's back. They were both about to question each other on how long it is supposed to take when Sylvia cut them both off with a long strained groan. She clutched her gut and bent over. Something was growing inside of her. She could feel it run out of space quickly and fold in on itself, then squirm around looking for more space and sliding downward! Hana wanted so bad to look, but the stallion's torso blocked the view and she did not want to seem like a pervert walking around specifically to look at her friend's genitals change. It was already like torture for Hana. Her pussy clenched so tight the labia were going to start to go numb, and her panties thoroughly moist. She wanted so bad to touch herself while watching all this but couldn't- not in front of her friend!Sylvia made lots of odd sounds involuntarily, and her facial expression changed rapidly between arousal and confusion from the strange feelings in her. Then a wet sound could be heard as Sylvia bowed a bit- her legs trembling from the feeling and having a hard time keeping her up. By the time she staggered out to the same side of the horse as Hana- a long large bulge could be seen down her left pant leg! It worked, she had a horse cock! She pulled her pants out and down a bit, cupping her other hand under her new balls and heaving them out over the waist of her pants to hold it down with their weight. Unlike the stallion that gave the genitals to her, her balls were not black. They were neon pink, as well as the sheath and entire shaft. Her genitals were albino! The nuts were about the size of a softball each, and then her new cock once it wobbled itself into a proper erection from the movement of being pulled out, the head was at level with her mouth!

Sylvia was breathing quite heavily, her face red and eyes locked on the twitching shaft. She did not even need to look down to see it, it was already in her field of vision. "Hana... can... would you... help me try it out?"

Hana blushed so hard her ears felt like they were on fire. "What?!" Her voice was almost a squeak.

"No one else would ever know. You are the only friend I have at the university, Hana. I don't fully know what having a dick is like if I never put it inside anyone..."

"Nu uh, no way! No how!"

"J-just a suck? Just the tip?"

Hana's heart was hammering at the pace of a hummingbird's wings. Her brain was screaming yes while her head shook no. Her lips pinched tightly together afraid she would blurt out the wrong answer if she tried to use her voice. After several moments of silence though she softened. "Just the tip! And you don't get to cum inside!"

"Thanks Hana."

"Hrrrnnn. This whole situation is insane. Every last bit of it. Your body, this horse, this place, everything!"

Sylvia sat down cross-legged, but as soon as she sat on her own feet it put pressure on her taint and caused the new phallus to thud against her chest! She glanced down a bit surprised that it moved on its own, and thought to herself that she should try giving herself a tit-fuck later. This dick was a whole new thing for her, and she wanted to experiment. Hana sat on her knees, frozen with a red face. Sylvia nudged her dick down, to point it forward toward Hana, examining the base as she did it. Sylvia looked like she had a sheath, but unlike a proper horse the top of the sheath was not fused with her underside. Pointing an actual horse penis at this angle when it was fully erect would be almost impossible and likely hurt the horse, but hers could move around just fine. Hana gently took the end in her hands like she was handling some sort of fragile trinket. She moved her fingers around the bumpy pink corona and pressed on the head with her thumbs, then moved them about a nit, rubbing the very sensitive flesh. Sylvia gasped then squirmed a bit, leaning back and having to use her arms to catch herself from falling over. Her glans swelled up huge into a nearly complete flare from the sensation and now she blushed just as brightly as Hana. Horses are not known for their sexual stamina, and on top of that, this penis was just created- it has never been used for anything before, so the nerves in it have not built up a resistance to anything. Hana held still to let the glans soften a bit again before she slid her hands down the shaft a little bit and kissed the glans, opening her lips more as she pushed her head down. The rubbery head finally popped its way into her mouth, filling half of it just with the glans alone. Her tongue found its way almost immediately into the pit around the urethra, tracing it around and around. Whenever she moved her tongue the glans tightened and swelled a bit, then the moment she stopped they softened a little again but never completely. Sylvia started to breath heavier again, barely having been able to calm her breathing from the initial changes. The shaft started to buck, pulling tight in rapid pulses and her balls hugged tight to her body, creating slack in the bottom of her scrotum. Hana quickly went to pop off the cock before it burst but the corona caught on her teeth! Her eyes went wide as she realized too late that when fully flared, Sylvia's glans were too big to remove! It was trapped in her mouth, she can't pull out! Sylvia also tried to panic pull it out thinking Hana did not know she was about to cum, but only managed to yank Hana's head forward along with it.

The tugging on the glans of course sent Sylvia over the edge even faster than she was already heading there and Hana was forced to swallow the cum because it had no where to go with her mouth plugged. Sylvia had barely stopped cumming when Hana started to feel a strange pleasure tickling down her insides. Oh no, a human can transfer the condition! She felt something growing, squirming to find space in her lower gut, shoving things aside to make way through her upper crotch. Her pussy drooled heavily, causing the moisture to spread through her panties and drip below her skirt onto the ground. Hana fell forward onto all fours, half dragged by the cock still locked into her mouth as Sylvia fell back panting from her orgasmic high. Hana involuntarily started to thrust her hips at the feeling as the thing within grew larger and larger. Her pussy opened up on its own- her inner walls being shoved aside as the huge thing passed through. First the head of a small horse penis emerged from inside of her, then swung forward as two large balls popped out one after another. The scrotal flesh that yanked out with them and shortly after felt like they were yanking on her inner walls, but they actually were what was left of the inner vagina. They did not so much as come out from in her womb- they are made from what is left of it, in growing out of her they erased the organs that used to be there along the way, essentially turning her sexual organs inside out. Hana finally popped off the end of Sylvia's cock, now connected only by a strand of saliva. The shaft quickly arched forward and up into her underside as she continued to hump with a blank, dazed expression on her face. It grew rapidly, not just becoming hard but larger. It was somewhat numb at first in the shaft itself, most of the pleasure bursting outward from the base, but then her labia remnants fused to her scrotum and the rest squeezed together are the front to fuse with her clitoral hood to become a sheath. The clit itself started to fuse to the base of the shaft, and as soon as it started to sink into the shaft she let out several breathless cries, trembling from the sensation. The nerves exploded in length, transferring from her clit into the penis instead! It shoved her skirt out of the way, pinning it against her as the bare cock bounced off her underside repeatedly, each time dabbing a strand of pre at a higher and higher position. Her balls had completely filled her panties and held them far enough off her that her penis was not obstructed by it at all and only had to surpass the skirt over them. When her penis reached her collar it tightened with a tickling pleasure, into a full flare and held for a few moments before the blood pressure quickly vanished and dispersed back into her torso. The penis started to soften again, pulling back into her new sheath.

Sylvia looked at her in silence as this happened but was the first to speak up once it started to go soft. "W-well, you get to experience one as well now at least. I... I tried to pull out Hana."

"It... goes back to normal when we leave Nowhere right? So, it... shouldn't be a problem."

The sheath fattened as the cock retreated into it to sleep. Her panties were entirely occupied by her balls, so Hana's sheath was sort of just out in the open, but the skirt covered it completely. As long as she did not wear pants to Nowhere, no one would be able to notice she had changed. The panties hugging her large balls snugly to her crotch felt good. Hana had to do her best to avert any kinky thoughts- with a horse dick she would not be able to hide arousal. Later when she stepped back out the unseen doorway back into the real world, the horse genitals vanished almost instantly. As soon as the base of it was on the other side of the doorway her panties slapped back into position on her vulva abruptly as the penis and balls vanished into thin air.

The next few days Hana remained in the real world and just forgot about Nowhere. If she never went there, she would not have to worry about the fact she has animal genitals. She could not help but see all the activity around the area now. She never though of it before she knew about Nowhere, figuring everyone was just cutting through the field to get somewhere else- not that their destination was IN the field. She also ran into Gracia again, passing by the doorway on her way to a class. Apparently Gracia did not know of the transformations herself till just recently and had popped in to check on Nowhere and gather as much information on the situation as possible. She drew the same conclusion as Hana initially had. The totem is the cause of the transformation. It was called the Totem Of Kinship because it linked two lifeforms together, sharing forms. The fact that they got the horse off acted as a sort of tribute- if they had sex with the stud and they managed to orgasm before he did, the horse may have turned partially into a human.

Gracia glanced over the notes she took while inside. "Nowhere is a pocket realm so Earth is technically a different world from it, and the artifact isn't strong enough to affect multiple worlds. If I were to bring it through the doorway into this side however, it would affect people on this side. The fact the effects resume when someone returns to Nowhere is a bit odd. The totem obviously cannot think on its own to be able to keep track of who is who, which means the magic has some sort of system in place to mark people as being bonded with that animal. Oh- the stud's name is Midnight Smoke by the way. He belongs to my uncle, I was just keeping him in there to test some things and haven't had the time to get him back home."

"Think there are any side effects that can follow us-er, the people affected?"

"Not on this side of reality, no. The power of the God is actually not really a power at all. It's a reaction. Harmelodious does not belong in this universe, and thanks to conservation of mass, the universe itself is at constant odds with even part of him being here. His presence distorts reality, and that distortion causes these 'magical' effects. The energy created by the relic is caused by reality's aversion to it. So as soon as you exit Nowhere, you exit the range of its effects, and the universe has absolutely no problem with YOU being here, so the energy is just immediately gone, equalized back into the ether. I do wonder about it keeping tally though."


"Well experiencing the same things as an animal would involve more than just its genitals alone, yea? And the magic is able to track the fact that you paid tribute to the animal even after losing track of you in this side of reality. That leads me to believe the effects stack. If they pay tribute again, they may become more equine. It may also have to do with general affection- because I doubt sexual gratification is the only tribute it recognizes. That would also explain why they all got its penis. Assuming they are not big horse fans to begin with, what is the average woman going to find attractive about a horse? So it seems sexual in nature just because that is what their collective minds migrated to."

"People can transfer it too. Er, I mean, I have been told that people with the phallus can give it to others, not just the horse."

Gracia nodded, glancing at her watch. "Yea, I heard the same thing. That cements the change though. If you get it from someone else with a horse penis, obviously the part you get must be the penis because that is all the other person has to give- you can't link a human to another human because that would make no sense. If its general appreciation though like I theorize, you can get other horse features from someone who only has the genitals- its just that the initial change cannot be anything else. Where it branches from there... who knows. Anyway, I gotta get going. It is reaaally hard to research anything to do with the relics because of them being behind invisible doors and all, so any leads I get I have to chase."

Hana could not stop thinking about it the rest of the day. Had anyone gotten more equine features since she was there last? She liked horses, so naturally she wanted to take advantage of her own now, but she really did not want to get caught with it by anyone else. Hana supposed it was not fair to herself to just avoid it entirely just for the sake of what someone else might think of her. Especially when there were others there openly walking around with horse dongs flopping against their legs at half mast. So that night, Hana returned to Nowhere after her last class. Since the sky there was just an illusion- it always looked like day time in Nowhere. And time never actually passed there so Hana could sleep there and then stay up all night in the real world. Technically no one there had to spend a moment sleeping ever again, they could just sleep in stopped time. Which really made Hana wonder who created this place initially. It appears Gracia found this location herself and then opened it up to everyone else, but what of the people who originally created Nowhere? They could have technically lived eternally here, because it would be impossible to die of old age if time never progresses. How would a place like this be abandoned and forgotten for so long?

Once in Nowhere Hana immediately dashed for the forest, knowing there would be few people there. She did not want to get spotted by anyone else. She brought her study books but had no intention of using them this time- she just brought them as an excuse if anyone spotted her. Hana actually passed Midnight Smoke heading into the forest, but seeing him only made her go even deeper into the forest. Someone might come to visit him, which means she cannot be near him. Toward the far side of the forest the grass got longer between the trees and there was purple and white snapdragons growing here as well. Normally plants like this could not grow in a forest because not enough sun would reach them- but there was no shade in the forest of Nowhere. Hana plopped down on a patch of soft grass and scoot her skirt and panties down to her knees to look at herself. One ball was big enough to fill her hand on its own. The skin was thick but smooth and soft. It was a steep transition- unlike Sylvia's albino genitals, Hana's was black, or at least mostly black. When her shaft started to emerge from her looking at her new bits, she seen its later half was pink. It became mottled at the medial ring and quickly transitioned to solid pink beyond that. Leaned back, the phallus slowly inched its way up. It became bunched up from surface tension then lurched forward a bit before slowly bunching up some more. Her breaths became deeper and more deliberate. Hana was turning herself on with her own body. Once at full mast it was tall enough for her to kiss and nibble the head without even bending over. She placed one hand on her balls, grabbing and kneading the scrotum while shuffling the balls around inside, the other rubbed the shaft up and down, feeling a spike of pleasure when it pushed past the medial ring in either direction. It did not take her long to work herself to an orgasm, but she quickly bent over so the dick was aimed over her shoulder and she came in a high arch through the air onto the forest floor. She did not want to risk drinking her own cum, because it might trigger another transformation. Hana flopped over with a goofy grin on her face. She relaxed in the cool grass looking up at the false sky through the shuffling leaves of the trees above, feeling her dick slowly shrinking back and pulling back into the sheath. Even mostly flaccid it was still quite a weight on her stomach. Hana passed out not long after.

Hana woke up in her bed, quite confused a moment, trying to figure out how she had gotten back home before realizing she never left home in the first place. She had just been dreaming, which in contrast to all of the recent events, actually made sense. It sure was an oddly hot dream though. She looked at all the horse posters all over her walls and felt her pussy moisten, remembering what having a dick was like in her dream. Hana reached under her pajamas and cupped her hot pubic mound or at least she thought she did. It was really puffy and... full? She felt two spheres and realized it was not a slit she had her fingers in but the cleft between two balls! She tossed the covers off in confusion and seen a horse dick, not only becoming erect but growing- FAST. She barely had time to comprehend the wobbling meat pillar before it had grown so large that the relatively flat, broad head hit the roof, pinning her in place between the bed and roof! She tried to reach it but not only was her torso longer and less flexible than it should be, her heart skipped a beat when she looked at her hands only to see two horse hooves!

"W--whut on hehehearth?" Her voice was deep and strained to form words properly, almost sounding like a nickering.

In a surge of pressure her neck expanded so fast her head hit the headboard of her bed and was forced to bend forward from lack of room. She gasped and her chest exploded in size, ripping her pajama top! Her mattress started to cave in quickly as her body weight skyrocketed, and she became so panicked that she woke herself up again. Oh. The part about the magical world was the reality, the part where she woke up was the dream. She was back in the forest of Nowhere. Hana thought on the changes in the dream since they were still vivid in her mind. She was panicked by their suddenness and not understanding what triggered them, but the changes themselves now that she could look on them in hindsight were kind of hot. She started to feel a prickly feeling on the back of her head and scratched it, wondering if she had accidentally slept on something that was irritating her skin, but was also awake enough now to focus enough to hear the dull thudding sound of horse hooves on soft earth. She could feel the tremors in the ground as it approached and she seen not only Midnight Smoke approaching, but Marcy was riding on him!

Marcy had black hair and long bangs. She often mussed her hair up with her hands idly so while it was straight hair, it often looked more wild. She was just as tall as Hana but had DD breasts and a bit of a gut on her, being a plumper woman. Or at least, that was what she is supposed to look like- she doesn't right now. Marcy slid off Midnight Smoke and stood almost as tall as the horse! Her skirt and top barely fit, and her entire midriff was exposed- but rather than a plump round belly, it was a tight six pack! Her breasts looked smaller, but it was just because they were being stretched over her now large pectoral muscles! She looked fricken' ripped.


"Hey~! You are a hard woman to find. I seen you heading for the forest but could not find you, so I hopped on Midnight Smoke to find you. You are really far back here, aren't you afraid of getting lost?"

Hana was about to ask her what happened to her body when the prickling feeling in her own got stronger and she felt movement under her hand! She also felt the same feeling in her tail bone and cried out in confusion. Marcy came over as she asked what was happening, and Marcy told her it was her hair. Her hairline was advancing down in the back, forming a strip down her neck to her upper back! Not only that, but it felt like someone was tugging on her ears and Hana quickly cupped them with her hands only to feel their shape changing! They were becoming longer and leaf shaped while muscles below the surface at their base squirmed, granting her the ability to move and pivot the ears around to face sounds! She had horse ears! Realizing that, she was able to deduce what was happening behind herself and put both hands under the waist of her skirt and got up onto her knees, telling Marcy to look for her. Sure enough, her tail bone was advancing down and hair already started to grow out over it, except for the underside which remained bare, but the skin on it darkened to black. Hana could also feel the changes working around her anus, likely causing it to swell up with extra muscle rings, becoming a puffy black horse anus as well. Unlike her golden hair, the hair on her tail was growing in snow white. Hana told Marcy to yank on it. She hesitated a moment, not wanting to hurt Hana, but did as she was told. Hana braced herself on the ground on all fours and told her to pull harder, so she did. The prickling, slightly cramped feeling of the transformation changed to the feeling of a good stretch, causing her sheath to plump up as the cock within stirred a bit. The hair rapidly kept growing, not stopping till it was two and a half feet long! Hana told her to let go once the growth finished, and flicked her tail from side to side to test her control. It moved involuntarily when something tickled her rear or backside- a reflex to swat away flies and other pests. Hana could control it consciously too though. She now had the cock, balls, mane, tail, anus, and ears of a horse! Gracia was right- the trigger is affection for the animal, it did not require physical contact. Hana's dream triggered it.

Marcy explained her own appearance which only served to confirm this theory as well. She never had sexual contact with the horse, she just changed suddenly one day. Being a plump woman, Marcy was jealous of the equines who were naturally sleek and muscular. She gained their muscle mass.

Hana nodded, brushing some stray hairs back behind her ears to stop them from twitching, trying to flick the hair back on their own. "The delay in your change was probably caused by the level of affection. Sexual contact is a very obvious act of affection that is hard to mistake- so it causes immediate change. It won't cause a transformation immediately normally to prevent idle, stray thoughts from turning someone. Also, all changes are horse so I think the linked animal needs to be in range of the totem for it to work, otherwise I am sure we would have women who can fly like birds and other changes appearing by now, but its still horse related only. There are no animals in Nowhere other than horses, not even bugs."

Marcy chuckled, though her eyes were locked in examination of Hana's changes, idly brushing her fingers through the hair of her tail, which felt very pleasant to Hana. "Doing research for Gracia?"

Hana pout a bit. "Just trying to understand a magic that is drastically affecting my body. I don't know why I am the weird one for wanting to know more. Also, that horse is not Midnight Smoke..."

Marcy looked back at it in confusion and Hana pointed out that it had a white diamond on its nose- Midnight Smoke does not. Marcy had unintentionally discovered a second horse. Marcy explained that several horses had been spotted recently, so she was not that surprised she mistook one for the original. Sylvia thought the other horses smelled the horse bits on the humans and were drawn out from curiosity, but Marcy believes Midnight Smoke just acted as an ambassador, and now that the others knew the humans were friendly they were coming out of the woodwork. Hana already knew that theory did not work, but did not raise the issue, since Marcy did not seem too concerned with learning more anyway. Midnight Smoke cannot have a relation to any other horse here because Gracia already stated he was from her uncle's ranch. He doesn't belong in Nowhere, he is a guest just like the humans. If Gracia brought all the horses here then she would not have named specifically just one horse and not mentioned the others, so either the other horse lived here from someone bringing them here eons ago and just becoming part of the habitat- or they were not actually horse in the first place.

Hana asked Marcy about Sylvia, but she admitted to not having had a good look at her in a while. She knew where Sylvia was, but had not spoken to her recently. That was not surprising, Sylvia and Marcy did not hang out with each other on their own- Hana was the glue that held the three together. Marcy wanted to hop on the horse to ride to Sylvia quickly but Hana insisted they walk. She said she was uncertain riding the horse would not induce changes, but in reality her more immediate concern was riding a horse bareback would return her erection in front of her friend, and she can't have that. Marcy does not know she is packing heat under her skirt yet.

Hana had only seen the people immediately around the ruins before dashing into the forest, so she had not seen the scope of the changes properly, but now that she walked with Marcy along the forests outer edge, she could see just how far the changes spread. The number of women who did not possess a horse cock were dwindling, and considering there was around a hundred women who frequented Nowhere; that was a lot of horse dick. Most were out in the open as well- horse penis was not small, it was not easily hidden away if you did have one. The other issue is most were stubbornly outside of their sheaths because these were all women- so anyone who is hetero, bi, or even bi-curious will now be turned on by their own body! They were all surrounded by an increasing number of massive dongs! Everywhere Hana looked; huge bulges down pant legs, lazy ebon shafts dangling around from under skirts. By the water some of the women used their dicks as a convenient place to hang a towel. Like Marcy, Hana could see some women who did not have a horsecock but did have other equine features, but the vast majority had dicks. There was a row of relaxing women on blankets by the water all nude like they were sun tanning except for a lack of actual sun, and each one was so comfortable they all sported erections- so it was a row of stiff horse meat like a line of flag poles. There was another stallion here as well, it was splashing around in the water with three women around him. This one was lean and had a red-brown pelt, so it could not be mistaken for Midnight Smoke.

Eventually they found their way to Sylvia, who was enjoying a quiet nook on the far side of the lake, where it was surrounded on two sides with forest and the cave wall on a third. The water was relatively shallow here, and there was a few tall, narrow trees that actually grew out of the water on tall roots worn smooth by the constant lapping of water. Because the light source was everywhere, every ripple or wave on the water's surface reflected up a dim pattern that could be seen dancing on the trunks of the nearby trees. When the two approached Sylvia they seen something was amiss. She did not react to their presence even though she must hear them walking up- there are no other humans here. Hana also seen yet another full stallion nearby with a red book bag hanging from its neck.

"Uh... Sylvia?"

Sylvia flinched in surprise and quickly pulled herself out of the hip-deep water and stood on some rocks to face her friends. "Oh thank goodness you guys... came. Hey..."

Sylvia was teetering a bit like she was having a hard time keeping her balance. Most notably however was the fact her cock was sticking straight out off of her in a slight downward arch because of its sheer weight. Her balls were the size of cantaloupe, the sheath was as thick as her thighs, and her dick would be taller than she is if you managed to actually stand it upright! It was easily twice the size it had been before, making it look ridiculously gigantic on her! Hana tried her best to not get aroused by it, trying to lock eyes with Sylvia but it was not working. She tried to use her thighs to squeeze her sheath closed and trap her dick in it, but it was slowly forcing its way out regardless.

"What the actual fuck happened to you?! That thing is almost as big as you are!"

Sylvia smiled, her eyes looking a bit glossy. "T-this horse... he gave me quite... quite the gift. But... oh man. My head is.... so... empty." She was breathing heavily.

Hana immediately looked worried. "Oh no, Sylvia, are you dizzy?"

"Oooh boy am I ever. I feel... drunk as... drunk. But... I haven't drank anything."

Hana looked at Marcy and then scooted quickly over to help Sylvia. "Oh no. I have to get Sylvia off, Marcy..."

Marcy was quietly watching in a bit of a daze so far, and now blushed. "What?"

"Her dick has become so big that her heart cannot handle the increased volume! She feels drunk because of blood loss- if she keeps this erection for too long she might knock herself out or give herself brain damage! This is another stage of transformation- she got a horse phallus the first time but it was sized proportionally to her body, now it isn't. This is the size of Midnight Smoke's dong- its sized up for the actual horse, a human body can't handle it!"

Marcy blushed even brighter as Hana got to Sylvia and grabbed the giant dong. "Well I don't want to watch this!"

"Take that stallion over there and lead him away then, we will try to meet up with you in a bit. Use the book bag hung around its neck to lead it."

Marcy did not waste time scooping up the cooperative stallion and leading it out of the lagoon-like end of the lake front. Hana needed to try to get Sylvia off as quickly as possible. The cock was gigantic though- her hands were like nothing compared to its overall size. Both hands together on either side of the shaft were barely big enough to touch fingertips around it- her hand covered like 1/20th of the shaft at best. Sylvia giggled like a complete goof- likely too out of it to string together enough thought to actually say anything. Hana eased her down onto the powder soft sand of the narrow beach to try and better cover the shaft. As soon as Sylvia went to sit down, Hana noticed it wasn't just the cock that changed. Sylvia no longer had feet! Her shoes and socks were missing and in place of feet were horse hooves! She was already taller than Hana and Marcy, but now with her ankles so high off the ground she was exceptionally tall. Her pants were almost entirely useless- the legs were not long enough to cover more than two thirds of her legs, and her cock and balls was now too large to stuff into the front even if she was fully soft without hurting herself. Hana took out her own shaft which was already lifting her skirt on its own. She undid the buttons on her top and pulled her bra up to let her breasts flop down and then grabbed onto Sylvia's mega shaft and hugged it to her torso. She was using both entire arms, her breasts and torso to try to rub as much of the shaft as possible. The biggest pleasure point was the glans though- and the head of the beast was wobbling a foot over both of their heads! She started to unintentionally prod Sylvia in the gut with her own cock as it hardened, so Hana pulled back a bit, let her own dick twang back into an upright position and then pressed back onto Sylvia's dick- aligning the two shafts. She thrust now with her hip while trying to hold the giant cock steady with her arms as the two penis ground together. Either woman could feel the heart beat of the other through the pulsing of the veins in their cocks against one another. Hana's humping became desperate enough that she shoved Sylvia onto her back, because she was too out of it to steady herself at all. Hana fell forward on her next thrust because of it and their balls collided. Hana's smaller nuts fit rather nicely in the cleft of Sylvia's giant scrotum.

As good as it felt, it was taking too long to get off, she just couldn't cover enough of the behemoth member. Remembering her own list of changes though, Hana put a hand down the back of her skirt and gently touched her puffy equine anus.

*That's right, I have a horse anus. I might be able to take her shaft inside of me. Ooh... please don't crush my internal organs.*

Hana stood up over Sylvia and still had to place a hand on the giant cock to bend it a little bit to sit her butt on top of it. She managed to wiggle back and forth and get the head to pop in, then the shaft went easily enough after. Both women cooed in pleasure.

*Hooo-no! I have a prostate! I have a prostate like a boy now!* "Haaaaah~"

Hana only managed to sit down on the top fifth of the shaft before she ran out of room! Her anus was big enough to take the entire thing, but none of the rest of her body was. Her anus was stretched so far out against the inside of her pelvis that her legs started to tingle because the blood flow was being cut off! Hana slid up a bit and then fell back down fully, ramming the cock into herself as much as she could take- every time she slid back down she involuntarily let out a breathy grunt because the air was being shoved out of her lungs. Sylvia just enjoyed the ride, watching Hana's own equine erection bob violently with the motion, flicking strands of pre through the air over her. Sylvia was too drained to thrust herself, especially in this position. The pleasure Hana felt started to burst out further through her than normal and only a few moments later her hips let out a muffled, hollow pop as the bone expanded!

*Oh no... not more horse.* She started to slide down the shaft even further. *Ahh~ this is what a puppet must feel like with someone's arm shoved up inside them!* She was so full of cock she would not be able to even bend her torso now, it was completely skewering her.

More pops at irregular intervals went off as her hips reformed, but Hana did not so much as slow her attempts to slam down on the cock further and further to get Sylvia off and snap her out of it. Hana reached the medial ring- she had half the entire behemoth inside of her now! Her thigh muscles started to swell up gigantic, which also caused her ass to expand greatly, bigger, meatier, rounder. She was still sliding slowly further down the cock, her spine now letting off more solid sounding cracks as her torso started to get a little bit longer as well! It almost completely drown out the higher pitched, smaller and more rapid cracks and clicks of bone coming from Sylvia's rapidly devolving hands! Sylvia herself was barely aware of it- her thoughts were spinning around in her head too fast to form any lasting cohesion. She watched them as they changed, attempting to form thoughts on it. All her fingers compressed as her hands folded in on themselves and the bones started to merge, making it look like she was bunching them up. The hand started to stretch longer as it formed into a single bone, and her fingers all mushed together as the nails united, thickened, and blackened.

"Ah- AAAH~ eeeeeiii!" Hana's moans hit a shrill pitch as she felt the head of Sylvia's mega dick flare fully, jamming the bumpy ridge of the huge corona into the sides of her colon and locking itself in place!

Hana grabbed her balls in panic as a warm pressure surged in them as she was reaching her own climax! She could feel them rapidly growing!

*No! Not me too! Ah, no don't... think about cock. Not the huge throbbing... rock haaaah~rd... fucking massive.... aaaah~*

"Ehehehei~" *Oh god, did I just nicker?!* Her eyes rolled back in her head.

With each throb of her horse dick it got a bit more impossibly hard, a tiny bit bigger still! Sylvia exploded into her and her torso immediately filled with hot pressure as the tidal wave of cum crashed through her, filling every last crevice it could find to be filled. Hana groaned as her lower gut started to push out into a long oval shaped bulge. Her hips and ass were so huge by now that they doubled the width of her upper body, making her an extreme pear shape. Hana grabbed her shaft tightly as if to try and hold back the growth, but it only bucked harder against the pleasure of her touch. It flared fully even as it continued to grow! It bucked hard, wobbling violently as she hit orgasm! Nothing came out though- Sylvia's cock was so huge the cum could not flow past it to get out! Hana had been using the dick to sit on, so when it started to weaken she stumbled back and abruptly bent it over along with her, since the head was still stuck. It was a good thing the sheaths were not fused to their undersides or that would have snapped her dick in half. As Sylvia's dick continued to soften, the head finally started to shrink, dragging back out as its grip loosened. Hana's penis slowed its violent bucks and as the invading dick started to slide out, her own cum flow resumed- though her cock was already spent, so rather than jet out it was a heavy white drool. It was still growing even as it returned to being flaccid, which made it seem like it was bloating up super fat. By the time it was fully sheathed she could tell by comparing ball size with Sylvia that her genitals were now the same size- full well endowed horse size. Which means the next time she gets a hard-on she is going to get drunk on blood loss like Sylvia. Sylvia had a bit of trouble getting up, only now fully realizing she had hooves on all four limbs! She could not hold anything anymore- so if she popped a boner she was incapable of masturbating. The two of them caught their breath for some time, and used the nearby water to splash their crotch clean. Hana had to clean off her butt and a pool of her own cum that collected on top of her scrotum, as well as a trail of goo leading into her sheath since it was still drooling as it packed itself away. She became a bit absentminded as she cleaned it off, reveling in the feeling of the soft squishy skin of the sheath, but her dick stirring within quickly snapped herself out of it again.

They spent some time just resting, and idly talking about whatever popped into their heads. Hana did not know if she was paranoid, but she could swear she heard a horse neighing in the background every so often, making her worry about the state of the many other people who visit Nowhere. After a while Hana suggested they make a beeline for the door and leave Nowhere. They will revert human when they exit back into the real world, so as long as they do not return to Nowhere, they won't have to worry about this condition. After only a few feet though, Hana had to change their course to cut through the forest. Sylvia stumbled several times in a short distance, because she was too unstable on her hooves, the soft sand and odd rock tripped her up and she nearly fell into the lake a few times. In the forest they had the trees to lean up against for balance, but the roots webbing the ground and the closeness of some of the trees also caused their path to become a bit wandering, threatening to make them lost. Sylvia was just behind Hana, and could not stop watching her horse tail swish back and forth. The hair was so smooth and shimmering and healthy looking. Its movements were so elegant and flowing it was almost hypnotic. And Sylvia kept thinking about what it felt like to be inside of that gigantic butt hidden just behind her tail. Even her horse ears occasionally flicking to re-adjust her glasses without having to use her hands was so cute to Sylvia.

Hana paused a moment when she felt Sylvia awkwardly grab her giant ass- thinking she stumbled and needed to get balanced again. Sylvia leaned forward though and Hana's tail flicked up involuntarily when Sylvia kissed her puffy horse anus!

"Ah! What arehehe you doing?"

"When did you become so damn cute Hana? You're... so pretty. I can hardly stand it..."

Hana could feel the movement through the air between her legs as Sylvia's heavy shaft swung lazily in between her legs. It was draining blood from Sylvia again, making her love drunk! The huge neon pink shaft slowly started to arch higher, pressing on the underside of Hana's scrotum. This was insane, but they never had to look back once they leave Nowhere, so maybe this was fine?

*This is no fair... I can't resist this, I want it too much! Why did I have to like horses. Their strong, sleek bodies... defined muscular faces, huge... heavy cocks... shiny fine fur... thick veins.... gotta... stop... ouugh, fuck it~"

As if acting as a guide, Sylvia's dick rose up between her legs, parting Hana's balls to rub up against the sheath till Hana's erection slid out to rub together. Sylvia stood up straighter and nipped one of Hana's ears from behind, tugging on it gently. Hana could feel Sylvia's hot breath on her ear and cooed at the feeling. Hana tried to turn to face Sylvia but stumbled and fell onto her back. Luckily there was bushy soft ferns on the ground here to soften her fall so she did not bust her head against an exposed root. Her feet were clicking and stretching out- they were devolving into hooves! Her hips popped loudly and her legs suddenly jostled into a straight up position without her meaning to! Her hips shifted to full horse- which means she cannot walk on two legs anymore! Sylvia bent over her and went down on all four of her own hooves to kiss Hana. Sylvia was a bit surprised and had to reposition herself a bit higher to follow Hana's lips! Hana's neck cracked and popped as it got longer and larger! Veins pulsed aggressively in it as her mane stretched along with it. As this happened though, the golden color of her hair and mane started to drain away, turning it to snow white to match her tail! Their huge dicks arched into one another, rubbing together in this position. Hana became drunk from blood loss as well now that her dick matched Sylvia's in size.

Sylvia broke off a bit and backed up, turning her rump to face Hana, wanting her to give it a try, and wanting to try the receiving end as well- she had not taken anything since growing a prostate. Hana had trouble squirming around to get onto her hands and feet again because of her locked hips, and was going to point out that Sylvia could not take her size now, but when she took a closer look; she seen Sylvia was in the process of changing that. Her pants were already forced open and down in the front for her junk to fit out, but now it was being slid lower in the back on its own by her butt cheeks increasing in size! Her leg joints clunked into place a few times as her leg bones grew in size, putting her butt higher into the air as well. Hana let out a quiet gasp when she seen the platinum blond hairs start to extend from her exposed tail bone that was also growing out at a slower pace. It flicked wildly from side to side and the skin on it seemed to tense and relax over and over and immediately reminded Hana how her own felt. Still using one hand to stabilize herself on three limbs she used a free hand to grab the hairs of the tail and yank on it. Sylvia leaned the other way, pulling harder. When the tail finished growing in, it was sooner than Hana expected and Sylvia suddenly stopping caused Hana to fall forward as she let go. She had to grab Sylvia's rump to pull herself up and realized the head of her huge dual-color dick was lined up with her anus. It started to puff up like rising dough in response and Hana started to make micro thrusts- causing the outer anus muscle ring to suck on the glans. Like her member, Sylvia's anus and taint and the very bottom of her tail were all vibrant pink. Her tail and her butt both stopped short of where Hana expected- their horse forms did not share the same body type. Sylvia was more lean, a tall, tightly put together race horse- her tail was short and had a straight cut bottom.

Hana pushed in very slowly, still held back by the part of her conscience that still bothered to be worried about all this. Once the head popped completely in though, the motion on its corona caused her to thrust in from pleasure and the shaft sunk in much easier, causing her to bury it completely in a few thrusts. In thrusting back against Hana, Sylvia caused her own hip joints to shift and click into a quadruped stance. Her arm bones started to grow, causing her joints to lock up to brace against the shifts as her front half raised up to be level with her now fully equine lower half! As Hana grabbed on to pull further forward and plunge in even deeper, her hands started to cramp and curl up on their own.

*Oh no! We have to... get out of here after this. Need... human.*

It did not take long for either of them to cum- Hana came first from it being her first time as a giver, and then the added pressure of all the cum inflating her insides sent Sylvia over the edge again! Hana could not help but smile dumbly at the sound of the meaty pink pillar smacking against Sylvia's underside as it went off. Hana caught her breath while her dick still twitched in Sylvia. She went to pull off, but as soon as she pushed up on Sylvia's back her shoulders rotated suddenly, putting her arms further forward and caused them to lock into that position with a loud snap! She now could not move her arms out to the sides either, and her hands were fully hooves. Before she could make a second attempt, another stallion landed on HER back! It was a shimmering black stallion with long flowing white fetlocks! With a single motion the horny stud thrust into Hana, which caused her own cock to stiffen back to full erection and her own hips to shove forward back fully into Sylvia! Sylvia had to spread her back legs to brace the impact better, which tore her pants in half since they were already hanging on halfway down her legs. The horse on Hana was very muscular, a huge work horse build so there was no way she could shove him off.

"Ah! H-oooly crap." His giant solid black cock shoved air out of her lungs with every thrust. *Stuck. I... I am stuck, can't stop fucking! Why does this have to feel sooooo good, aaah~ my brain is going numb....*

Yet another stallion trot up beside them and knelt down to take Sylvia's half flaccid dick into its mouth and gently suck it back to full erection! That horse had a red book bag around its neck! That was the horse from before!

*B-but that means...?* Hana glanced to the stallion's left hoof and just over its fetlocks was a stainless steel wrist watch. *You're Marcy!* She looked over the other stallion quickly too and believed she knew where she had recognized that book bag from. *Your hooves wore holes through the ends, but you're wearing white human stockings on your back legs. You are Maria, aren't you? You were the first to get a horse cock, so it makes sense you fully turned already.*

Hana looked down and seen Sylvia's neck stretching and growing more muscular, and her hair line slowly start to advance down it into a short, bristly mane! Hana's own rib-cage started to let out hollow echoing pops as it grew tremendously, making her torso barrel shaped! As her entire torso thickened her skirt waist strained and snapped- it had been forced so high on her hip from her fully sized horse butt that it wasn't really serving a purpose anymore anyway. Then the threads of her shirt started to groan. Her breasts seemed to melt away as her growing chest stretched them into obscurity, and her pectoral muscles shifted further forward. Hana was breathing heavily suddenly as her lungs expanded greatly, causing her to feel like she was out of breath- needing to fill the much larger vessels. Finally her torso got just too big for her shirt to possibly handle and exploded open in the front, firing off the metal buttons onto Sylvia below her, causing her to whinny in protest of being smacked by the projectiles. Not long after the front was opened, the seams around the sleeves tore and her equine arms ripped free of the shirt, causing its remains to simply sit on her shoulders uselessly, pinned in place by Marcy.

"F--fuck Ieeehehehe neeheed to... fought thus behehehefore... no humon luft..." Her voice was suddenly very deep and her voice box no longer accustomed to human sounds.

Hana could not help but rock her hips, between the cock in her butt and the butt on her cock- three big stallion rumps stacked on top of one another. Marcy came first, filling Hana from behind. The added pressure from the increasing volume of cum crushed against Hana's prostate, causing her to cum again into Sylvia with low volume herself. Hana's flare dragging on her insides and the soft, dexterous lips around her own dick set Sylvia off then, giving Maria a hot drink. Maria did not cum, but she also never had a full erection- she had been busy getting off on Marcy before this encounter so she was fine without for now. Hana had been so distracted by her own changes she did not realize till Marcy slid off and let her pull out from Sylvia finally that Sylvia had a horse head too now! She looked completely horse! On closer examination though, Hana could see one human trait she still retained was her pupils were still round. Marcy also had round pupils, but Maria did not- hers were horizontal rectangles. The only thing Marcy had to identify her with her former human self was her watch, and the fact she was gaining muscle rapidly when she was still mostly human, so it made sense she turned into a giant work horse. Maria had her book bag and what is left of her tube socks. Sylvia was still wearing her shirt. It had a few small rips and it was horribly stretched but it was still holding on, because she had a leaner form of a race horse. Her hair was still platinum, and her body now had several platinum colored patches on it, with the remainder being white. Hana had fur on now as well but not all the way up. It covered almost all of her rear, but tapered off just behind her shoulders. It seemed to be one of the last changes most got. Hana's hair turned snow white while her horse pelt grew in with the golden coloration her hair used to have, she is a palomino.

*Ooh... too much sex. Feel dizzy. Can't pass out though, we have to get out of here! Hnnngh, my face... no. Keep it together Hana... don't think about... horses.* "Huys, I dunh hink I... eheheheh... I con't h-hold it bock... myehehe hace us...!" Her voice was extremely deep now and did not at all sound like herself.

The cartilage in the bridge of her nose popped and the bridge of her nose widened quickly! She neighed loudly in desperation, knowing her head was the only human she had left to lose. Maybe it was better to walk out of here as a full horse? No one would recognize that it is her till she was out of view on the other side and once again fully human. The only problem she then had is that she will be completely naked when she returns to reality- and in the middle of a field on school campus. Hana let out several grunts and distorted nickering, only vaguely resembling human words. Her nostrils expanded and she snorted several times from the feeling. Her teeth felt an odd pressure and started to grow larger and thicker. Hana was still trying to resist. She had to pivot her ears forward and lower them to allow the arms of her glasses to slide off, because her stretching nose was pulling the glasses away which were still hooked on her ears, hurting them. As the front of her face bloomed outward, her eyes were forced further apart and to the sides of the expanding face. Her eyes went wide as the pressure built up massively and she cried out at the same time as her face exploded in size! Now that the bridge of her expanded nose was almost perfectly level with her forehead, the face expanded very quickly yanking her jaws out! Her now huge tongue flailed around in her mouth trying to get familiar with the very long narrow jaws. The golden fur of her body finished catching up with the changes, and consumed her face. Hana listened to the last few clicks and cracks from inside of her face as they slowed- her nose now a good distance away. She was full horse, except for her eyes.

Hana snorted in frustration and immediately took a few steps toward the front of the forest, looking over her shoulders to the others and motioned with her head to follow. Marcy and Sylvia both nodded and followed, but Maria did not respond. Maria was looking at them but did not show any signs of following yet. Marcy nudged Hana in the side and half-nodded forward, trying to tell her to leave Maria behind.

*I don't want to abandon her, but we really need to get out of here. We can come back once we get things more under control...*

It was difficult navigating the forest with these new bodies- the number of trees they were able to fit between had shrunk considerably, forcing them to take a very winding route to avoid getting stuck. It was almost impossible to trip at least, since they now stood on four legs instead of two. It took Hana a bit to stop staring cross-eyed at her huge face, creating a blind spot directly in front of her because of how long it was. She also paused and reared up a few times thinking something had come close to her face when it did not- she was not used to having feeler hairs on her chin, that could detect objects from further away. When the three finally made it into the fields they did not like what they seen. At least eight other full horses in the immediate area, frolicking with horse cocked women like nothing was wrong. Study books, abandoned smart phones and shredded human clothing scattered here and there all over the place. Hana was going to make a gallop straight across to the ruins and out the door, but looking at the still human women reminded her how disproportionate the full horse dicks looked on human women. It was like a discolored third leg dangling around heavily under them, or swinging and bobbing in front of them, impossible to hide- advertising their arousal to the world. Hana found her dick starting to slide out lazily, which meant she could not gallop because her dick would swing all over the place and the motion would cause it to fully erect. Hana caught Marcy sniffing her backside with a blank look in her eyes and shoved her back with a back hoof on her shoulder to snap her out of it. She slowed her walk a bit more so she was beside Marcy, and Marcy wasn't looking at her rump the whole way getting ideas.

When they got to the overgrown stone block pathway to the ruins a group of dicked women stopped them. They grabbed Sylvia as she passed causing the other two to stop, not wanting to leave her behind. The women were flirty and giggling, wasting no time reaching for the dangling cocks below the three horses. Hana was so ready to protest, but hesitated and then froze up almost immediately when one woman started sucking the head of her dick. When the woman herself got an erection it was so large the head rubbed on Hana's belly, making it slick with pre. These women had full sized horse dongs- so they were love drunk from blood loss. What made Hana initially hesitate though was trying to listen to what they were saying. She understood what they meant, and the general concept of what they were saying but had a hard time directly understanding the actual words the women used. Were they so drunk they were speaking gibberish?

*Ooho~ one... one last one for the road... huh? Yea... one more. Almost... at door. Hana be human soon again...*

The sound of ripping clothes snapped her out of her revelry. She seen another full horse mounted on a half woman bent over a boulder around twenty feet away, she was whinnying as her body grew rapidly turning the rest of the way horse! But the sound of ripping was much closer. Looking back she seen the woman who was working Sylvia over was growing horse legs, hooves and butt and her pants had just exploded off! Hana nickered in pleasure, her mind whiting out for a moment as she came, painting the woman under her. The woman then fell back onto her backside as her spine cracked and extended, making both her torso and neck longer, and her rib cage expanded to become more barrel shaped, though still a ways off from a proper horse. Two worked Marcy over, the one under her who got blasted in the face with cum now had hooves for hands and feet, and quickly squirmed onto all fours presenting her ass to Marcy, trying to get her to mount. Her limbs were still mostly human sized, so her dick was longer than they were- prodding the ground under her. The other woman had been giving Marcy a rim job during the whole thing and backed off a bit to get her breath, her body going rigid a moment from the feeling as an increasingly long tail swished behind her, squirming out from under her disheveled clothing. Marcy snapped out of her pleasure daze now momentarily though and dodged their touch, trotting up to Hana to leave and Sylvia quickly squirmed out of their reach to follow as well. The women complained, asking for more, almost entirely ignorant of their recent changes and Hana again tried listening closely. She understood the message they were trying to convey but did not understand the words.

*No... bad. This bad. Changes not just physical. Hana cannot... understand human talk. Hana still getting more horse!*

That was why so many other feral horse still roamed here instead of leaving, and also why Maria never followed them. Their minds had devolved so far into a horses that they were no longer smart enough to realize there was a problem! Hana dashed up the sloped stone path into the base of the ziggurat. The inside was a single giant chamber housing the doorway back to reality. Hana snort in a horse-sigh from relief as she trotted up to the doorway. Things had gotten out of hand SO fast. Or at least what seemed like so fast. She supposed time did not progress in Nowhere, so there was actually no way of telling how long it took for things to devolve into utter chaos. There was open doorways on several levels of the ziggurat that let in light, and the upper doors just lead to balcony pathways lined with plants, that dangled long leafy vines down into the ground floor. A beauty she could not afford to stop and admire. Hana did not have hands so she needed to use her mouth to open the door, then used a hoof to kick it fully open and stepped forward only for her head to collide with the inside! Hana backed up a bit then nudged the inside of the door to find it was a solid surface! It was like someone had painted the image of an open door on a solid wall! She could not pass through the door back into reality! Sylvia tried, and then Marcy, but none could pass through.

*No... door won't let horse. Mightnight Smoke horse, Gracia not want to leave on own. Gracia make door not work on horse...*

Once they became over half horse, the door considered them horse rather than human, and Gracia modified the lock to not allow horses to freely pass through, otherwise there would be a risk of Midnight Smoke wandering back out when she was not around and getting lost. Letting out a frustrated whinny Marcy turned on her rear hooves and landed on Sylvia's back, nudging her from behind with her once again erect cock! She could not escape, so assuming she was doomed now there was no reason to hold back anymore. Hana wanted to tell her to hold on, but did not have words anymore to speak with. Her own dick started to flop around heavily under her from the sight of them fucking again. She seen Marcy's pupils starting to stretch horizontally. Hana looked sadly at the door again, remembering the life she is being held captive from. Her eyes narrowed though as her memories did not seem right. When did she transform into a horse? She was recalling the last classes she attended that she was never going to be able to see the fruit from her efforts in- but she was a horse during those classes? Why did no one think it was weird there was a horse there? She couldn't have been a stallion then, could she? She tried remembering further back but random memories here and there were of her being a horse, in situations where it did not even make sense to be a horse! Oh no, the transformation was starting to corrupt her memories! She was having a hard time remembering what being fully human was like, the furthest human she could recall still had a horse dick between her legs! Hana was forgetting that she had been a human before.

Hana felt dizzy as the transformation dug even deeper into her mind, making it hard to think. Time had no meaning here, and she could no longer speak, or understand human words, could no longer remember being a human in the first place, so the next while became an absolute blur of cock after cock. Standing over other stallions and grinding his shaft into theirs, plowing other horses from behind or getting plowed- or both at the same time. Getting fucked while other horses right against him were getting fucked, or sucked. Life was a never ending orgy. Eventually fucking human women became a bit of a competition because the population of people who were still even semi human was quickly dwindling. With every touch, every pleasure charged feeling their bodies swelled, grew, tightened. Their feminine pheromones turned to masculine musk. Soft tender skin gave way to tight muscles and smooth hide. Their clothing strained and tore open, revealing more of what they were becoming while discarding what they had been. Around a hundred women populating Nowhere had become one hundred stallions. There was so many, and so continuously horny that they were always pressed up against each other, rolling over on another in a giant writhing mass of horse, massive dicks and flared heads, ropes of cum flying through the air like party streamers and confetti. Hana recognized Gracia briefly, and went to mount the pretty little woman as the only human left but as several other stallions found out- Gracia was off limits. She was shrouded in a magic barrier that kept everyone off of her while she wandered Nowhere doing an assessment on the situation.

Because time did not pass in Nowhere, Gracia was able to tell something was wrong when women started vanishing from reality. When someone goes into Nowhere they also exit Nowhere in the same moment in reality, making it look like they had never left at all. If someone enters it and then does not immediately come out, that means they NEVER leave Nowhere. It was impossible to tell how long it took Gracia to figure out how to fix things, because in the real world it took no time at all. In reality Gracia walked to the middle of the field and then suddenly a hundred other women- most almost entirely nude- scattered away from her, making a mad dash for their dorms! Gracia tried removing Midnight Smoke at first to end the effects since he was what they linked with in the first place, but only a few women were linked to him by the totem. Most women were linked to other women who had horse features at the time, and the totem regarded all of them as horses now, so removing one did nothing, even for those who were originally linked to him.

Once they were totally horse though, the horse and human nodes on the totem became inactive, indicating that another pair can be made. Gracia linked them to herself. She made use of her human hands and small figure to get to places the large beasts could not, and to eat apples freely without sharing. Horses are not very smart, it did not take much to make them jealous of her human features which caused the two nodes to glow again on the totem, but this time the link was reversed. Horses started to transform to have features of a human woman. Once they changed enough to remember who they were supposed to be, and be terribly embarrassed by what they were doing, the transformation started to shuffle along on its own, speeding up as it went. One started to change two, who started to change four, who changed eight. When fifty turned one hundred Gracia was done. With Midnight Smoke removed and all the women restored to human, there was no animal in Nowhere other than human, preventing the totem from activating again.

Almost none of the women returned no Nowhere. Some did, but most avoided the place, too embarrassed at what they had become to return there and remember it. Of course, Gracia took plenty of photos of the orgy while it was going on for... research purposes that Hana borrowed some copies of. Hana was glad to be back to normal in reality again, but she would never forget the pleasure she had being a palomino of paradise.

Tails You Win

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