Tails You Win

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A man is nervous about his birthday present but finds out his wife dug deep to find this one. Discovering a high school fetish of his, she decides to bring his love of the serpentine to reality with the power of magic, for a wild night in bed!

(M tf large Snake)

Steven was getting a little nervous as he walked home. He lived in a relatively small, but nice seaside town, he had a loving wife, and he had a stable job- not much for him to worry about usually. His wife's love was what he was worrying about today, though. It was his birthday, and though he insisted he did not want a party, he knew she was plotting something. Steven paused a moment looking at his house and noted the lights were off. He knew Angelus was home! Now he was certain she was plotting something! He sighed. Steven knew he had to go in and face whatever she had for him eventually. Every year birthdays seem like less of a reason to celebrate- more of a reminder that he is getting older. Besides that though, they did not have the money for any gifts and he doesn't much care for big groups so parties are not his thing. Honestly he isn't big on surprises either, uncertainty makes him nervous.

He stepped inside and was immediately hit with the powerful but pleasant smell of lilac. There was tiny pale purple flower petals on the floor in a rough trail leading into the house toward their bedroom. Oh, well that was a gift he did not mind accepting. No party and no purchases required. He followed the flower trail to the bedroom, taking off his shoes at the door, then his tie as he walked, then his socks as he reached the bedroom door and nudged it open. There was Angelus completely naked in bed with the blankets bunched up down at her legs, her top half exposed and propped up on the many pillows. Coiled around an arm and resting across her shoulders however was a snake!

"W-woah, got a new pet?"

Angelus scoot herself a bit higher up on the pillows. "No... I just thought maybe we could try something special in bed."

"Y-you want to have sex with a snake in the bed? That sounds... dangerous in the best case scenario."

Angelus blushed a bit. "No, no. Okay, remember when I was talking about how I experimented a lot when I was younger, and you said you always sort of wanted to try a threesome but never did?"

The snake moved its head further forward, and spoke in a honeyed woman's voice. "Angelus called in a favor and it sounded too fun to refuse."

Steven's eyes went wide, looking between the snake and his wife. "A human?"

Angelus nodded. "In the form of a snake. This is an old friend of mine from my university days- Melanth. See, I was wondering what to get you for a birthday present so I miiiight have been poking around in your old sketchbooks from highschool you had in storage and I found an interesting theme."

"Oh no... you..." His face turned red when he remembered what most of those sketches were. "Wait, you didn't...?"

His eyes went even wider when he seen the size of the movement under the blankets of the bed. Angelus slid her lower half out from under the blankets, and then even more, and then even more. From the hip down she was now serpent! Steven had a fixation on mermaids, naga, and lamia when he was in highschool, most of his sketches were of cute, shy half snake girls! Her tail must have been folded onto itself several times over to even fit on the bed in the first place because it was extremely long- easily five times the length of the rest of her body! The scales were dark grey toward the edges but the body of them were a dark cyan. The scales had a ridge in the middle- these were keeled scales like those of a water snake. The underside of her tail was flesh toned though, and had no scales- it was just extra dense skin. Angelus' genitals was a hybrid of the two as well, being a vertical slit in plush labia like a human, but much larger than a human, and the very bottom of the slit also contained her anus, making it an oddly shaped cloaca. A snake tail operates like a tongue- its mostly muscle and hydraulic pressure, so it is very squishy and soft when relaxed, but tight and solid when flexing. Angelus moved her tail around toward him- he could tell from its movements she was still getting used to using the new limb in place of her legs. Melanth untangled itself from Angelus' shoulders and slithered closer to the end of the bed. Melanth had a large cobra-like hood with a single spike stud piercing on either side- the spike facing the off the back side. Unlike a cobra though their scales were magenta on top and the bands of their underside was pure white. Melanth also wore a black lace choker just below where their hood started, which was roughly the base of their neck- not that you could tell on a snake.

Angelus nudged the bewildered Steven closer several times before placing the end of her tail up between his legs and sliding him down its underside, up toward her own torso. Melanth slithered behind him and nipped the back of his shirt to help pull it off and Angelus grabbed his pants to pull down. She smiled at his erection, telling her she had picked a good gift. Even just sitting on her tail felt amazing, feeling the rippling muscles inside squirming against his taint. Unlike a true snake, she was fully warm blooded so her tail was also quite warm. Melanth however had neutral body temperature- it was whatever the room temperature was because they cannot make their own warmth.

Angelus grabbed Steven's erection. "Before we get into things though, I do need to warn you about Melanth."

Melanth groaned. "He doesn't need to worry about me... I am but a tool of pleasure~"

Angelus rolled her eyes. "Remember when we first started going out, ages ago now- how I had to be up front because all my friends were guys?"

"Yea, you were afraid I would get nervous or jealous or somethi- wait." He glanced at Melanth over his shoulder. "Melanth is not female?"

"Nope. Well... yea, no."

"Why is that something you had to think about?"

"Well, because of how snakes breed. There are more eager males than females, so their breeding tends to be aggressive because of high competition- they form a snake ball, which is all of the local males covering the female and forming a literal ball of snakes. To thin the competition though, males are good at subterfuge. A male snake is basically reaaally good at 'tucking', they can impersonate the movements and even pheromonal scents of a female snake, causing other males to break off from the ball and chase what they think is a second female. The fake female then drops the act and runs back to the real female while the others he lured away are still confused."

Melanth nodded, tasting the air around Steven with his tongue. "That is why my voice sounds like this~. I was already a snake, been living like this for most of my life for a while now. Low metabolism helps with the food bills in the summer. I just turn back human for the winter since the cold would kill my energy levels. So, I already had the spells on hand that Angelus would need."

Angelus slid a tome out from under one of the pillows. "And I got one lined up just for you hun!"

The spell was an incantation, so while it did not require any catalyst or runes, it took some time to cast. Incantations were formed through words alone, but because of that, there was a LOT of words, and you could not pause between them for long without causing it to try an activate prematurely. This meant she could not talk to him for a bit, because she was murmuring the spell words. Angelus still had enough concentration to spare to start slithering around him though. One of his strongest desires back in his teen years, looking at all the cute lamia girls- he wanted to be coiled. Allowing an actual snake to coil around him would be exceptionally dangerous, but not his wife. She tangled the extremely thick length of her upper tail around his legs- the tail up this high matched her wide hips in girth. You could see the upper curvature of where her butt used to be, but obviously it was not there anymore, since her anus was in the front now. The scales dipped down low enough in the front that she still had a diamond shaped patch of pubes, but rose quite high in the back- her snake skin did not end till her mid-back. Her smooth scales felt so nice sliding again him and he could feel her heart beat when the tail pressed against him hard enough. Angelus coiled his entire torso loosely, and then cautiously brought the end of her tail to his mouth, pausing a moment to allow him time to object. He did not, so she slid the tip of her tail into his mouth and throat gently, using it like a gag as part of her tail bondage. It was quite a unique sensation for them both. Only part of her body, able to completely wrap up his entire body. She then started to squeeze him- when she felt his breath start to get forced out of his lungs past her tail tip she knew to loosen a little.

Melanth however slithered around his hips only once before he mostly ran out of length. He slowly kissed the head of Steven's penis while inserting the end of his own tail into Steven's butt, expertly heading straight to where his prostate was. His very thin, forked snake tongue was able to fit inside Steven's urethra, tickling the cock from the inside out. Angelus started to squeeze a bit too hard, and Steven was surprised by the hollow pop from his spine. It felt like his body squished out from her grip, but actually it was her incantation taking root and changing him! His vertebrae did not stay apart- a new segment filled the gap right away, and then from its sides two new ribs branched and divided with some connective cartilage to keep them linked. It happened again and again, new vertebrae but also new ribs, so his rib cage extended with it. His sternum however did not change with his rib cage, so the lower ribs were not linked in the center, and the sternum was softening as his body was re-purposing the material to make more ribs, so soon his original ribs would not be linked either. Angelus kept hefting another segment of her massive tail over her husband to coil his added length in her full-body hug. He started to grow out a tail, and Melanth took his tail out of his butt and off his hip to coil the base of Steven's growing tail, tugging it gently as if to encourage the growth. A snake's tail is relatively small portion of its body, though. There is no definition from neck to torso to tail so many believe snakes to be all tail- but they are actually almost all torso, their tail isn't that long at all.

The less pleasant part of the transformation though, was his limbs started to go numb. It was not a sort of tingly numb you would have from a limb falling asleep- the sensations just became more dull as the nerves regressed. His teeth started to shrink away as well except for his canines. His arms and legs became weak and started to look chubbier because the bones regressed before the meat around them. They looked more and more simple- the definition of the joints vanished. Soon his digits were just bubbles of meat on the ends of tube shaped limbs, then the limbs were just short meat tubes with a single small bone floating in the middle, and then nothing more than a bump on his side before vanishing entirely. His body continued to get longer and longer, squirming quite a bit from the sensation of the new muscles and bone needing to set and flex. When most of his teeth had regressed back into his gums and merged into his jaw to seal over the holes they used to occupy, his front top teeth clicked loose for a moment as the base bulged with muscle collected from his gums! As the new muscle relaxed and settled, his teeth bent backward, and then the teeth themselves started to grow longer and sharper. The extremely long fangs of a snake fold back and rest horizontally in the mouth since they would not fit inside otherwise. They only stand up when the snake is ready to bite, a hollow tube runs down their middle to deliver venom like a syringe. Because of the constant pressure of Angelus' embrace it almost felt like his body was being stretched and molded by her. His neck started to get thicker and his face started to get longer as the bones inside clicked. His jaw felt a burst of pressure as it unhinged, and a new segment of bone formed between it and the socket. This gave his jaw a second joint, allowing it to open extremely wide when needed. The bridge of his nose popped and because of his nostrils the sound carried far and loud. Instead of a huge opening divided by cartilage it was two holes framed in the bone of the skull. As his face extended, his jaw clicked apart at the front, making his lower jaw two segments. Technically the lower jaw is always two segments, but on most animals they are fused together at the front.

His skin started to bloat up a bit in a specific pattern, slowly stiffening into scales. Angelus let him go abruptly and giggled at him squirm to regain his balance suddenly! At first it sounded like Steven had knocked something over by accident with his tail, but when he looked back to see what it was he seen the end of his nearly fully grown tail had grown a bit larger than the rest. The scales at the end were bulbous and large, and the coloration was very dark grey. He smiled as he tensed and relaxed the muscles in it rapidly and the scales clacked together in rapid succession, creating a loud hissing sound. He had the tail of a rattler! Unlike a man-made rattle- a rattler's tail doesn't contain anything, the scales themselves clacking together is what makes the sound. He had not shrunk at all, but unlike Angelus he was turning full snake, which caused his body to be so long and large that he was hanging off either side of the bed and only kept in the area of the bed by the others holding him. He was long enough to wrap around the entire room one and a half times over. Angelus lifted herself up and hung the base of her tail over his upper back so she could get up close and personal with his crotch as the part she most anticipated was here. His hips popped and started to split into separate rings and then split in the middle to form into still more ribs. Without legs there was no reason to have a pelvis in the first place, so it was just converting to ribs. It would take him some time to get used to moving around without arms or legs. As soon as the pelvis broke up, his hips lost definition with the rest of him and his testicles fell into his torso, leaving an empty scrotum. His anus started to migrate upward without a solid bone structure to tell it where to be. The entire area seemed to sink inward a moment, forming a cleft across him between two of the banded plates and by the time the muscle around it relaxed and the slit opened up again a bit- it had already fully converted into a male cloaca!

Melanth went to wrap a coil around Steven's cock but Angelus flicked his tail away with her fingers. "Nu uh. This is all mine, you'll get your turn."

Steven groaned as she gripped the base of his dick, and his voice changed a bit almost having the sound of a hissing rattle of its own. His tongue both grew longer and fused inward to becoming increasingly narrow, then caved back in on itself a bit, creating a solid sheath of flesh in his mouth for it to slide in and out of. The last of its stretching growth caused it to branch out at the end, giving him the characteristic forked tongue all snake use to smell with. Steven was confused a moment when what looked like a phantom image appeared in his field of view. The only thing was, he could still see it even when he closed his eyes. He did not know that a select few type of snakes evolved what is known as a pit organ right under their nostrils- allowing them to see infrared thermal radiation. They basically have 'predator vision', they can see heat. Which means it could be complete and total darkness and they can still see you just fine. Because of this, he could see Angelus's touch on his body, because she is the only one here who is still warm blooded. He could also see the rising heat level in his cock as the transformation generated heat from rapid cellular activity. He felt a huge pressure in the very base of his dick, below the visible surface, and seen it as a growing red area in his thermal vision, then it turned orange, then yellow as it moved up into the visible base of his shaft. His dick swelled up massive at the base and it moved up his shaft, making his glans comically tiny in comparison to the rest before the growth got to the end. The pulse of his blood throbbing in the shaft seemed to push gently on either side of it. It started to swell a bit larger again, but this time the growth seemed to happen on either side, causing the cleft of the urethral opening on his glans to deepen unusually. It felt like with each throb it was trying to get wider than the skin encasing it would allow. Angelus put her index finger along the cleft and pressed down. The growth surged as she pressed her finger down further, causing the end of his cock to split! It was a pleasant feeling, like taking a strip of tape off a hairless patch of skin, or finally removing a cast from a limb. Everything split- including the urethra, so there was two full glans! She kept moving her finger down lower, her eyes locked on his as she enjoyed his reaction and his groans of pleasure. The split went down the entire shaft, and finally burst apart when she reached the visible base. The tissue of his cloaca yanked the base of the twin shafts so one was on either side of the opening! His head was a long ways away so Steven had to bend quite a bit to get a good look at himself. A snake's junk is just before its tail, and its tail is only the last fifth of its form, so its cloaca is really far back.

Melanth chuckled. "Looks like you brought enough dick to share with the class."

The last thing connecting the twin cocks was a strand of pre as they continued to throb a tiny bit larger with every beat of his heart! Tiny little goosebumps appeared around the corona, but as the dicks continued to grow they spread beyond just the corona. The cocks grew much more toward the end than their bases, so the glans started to lose definition with the shaft, and eventually the corona was stretched out of existence entirely. The bumps grew into little nubs, and then started to stretch into little barbs! The blood pressure super-focusing on them to stretch them out caused them to almost feel mildly itchy, but Angelus was already on it- she gently pet her hands down either one, bending the barbs downward as they started to grow with a downward hook on their own. In his thermal vision the barbs were glowing pale yellow from the concentrated changes. Steven started to groan louder, a little distressed at how drastic these changes were as the end of his twin cocks started to feel the divided growth again- pushing them out to either side instead of just an overall growth! A slight cleft started to form on the end of either one, once again making it took like his two shafts were trying to split into four, but they never did. They formed two domes on either end, but won't actually split. The barbs were starting to look like hooked spikes now, getting absolutely massive. An inch and a half in diameter and several inches long- each curved spike was almost the size his human dick used to be! Of course, they were still made entirely of pressurized flesh so it wasn't like you were going to be impaled on one. It looked like she cast a hyper incantation on him at this point but compared to his body size, this was actually a normal hemipene. They became almost cone shaped from the extreme growth toward the ends while the very base remained the same girth. The base of the shaft looked pale, while the flesh became increasingly dark toward the ends where it was almost bruise purple at the very tips- the barbs however were all almost white which made them stand out even more! They gave new meaning to the term getting hooked up.

Angelus plucked at the long spike-like barbs like someone plucks guitar strings. "That's it big boy~ even longer, even bigger!

They were already fully formed but still engorging even bigger so Melanth suggested they make their move, before the cocks became hazardously large. The barbs were all hooked downward so they folded over harmlessly when going in- they grabbed onto the walls of a cloaca if anything tried to remove the penis however- another trait gained from their high competition mating. Once they manage to get inside a female, they make sure they cannot be removed again till its done. Melanth teasingly coiled around the bulging cock, tickling between the barbs before he shoved down on its end as hard as he could and had to wiggle a bit before he managed to pop it inside! It was so huge compared to him there was a very obvious, huge bulge in his gut where it was inside of him! That is why a snake's many ribs are not joined in the middle- so the ribs can bend apart and allow gigantic objects inside of it, from either end. With Melanth on one cock, Angelus grabbed her husband and ground her hip again the other till she managed to pop it into her as well. She was a lamia in form so she could not flex like a proper snake to take in obscenely huge objects, but she was also considerably larger than Melanth. The three of them braided their tails together to brace one another as Steven thrust up and the other two thrust down, shoving a few more barbs into them with each pass. The ends of his cocks were still trying to get wider, inflating like balloons- though they did not grow any longer. It looked like a giant round pink cactus was shoved into them! They engorged so massively that neither could even move it in or out anymore, they were completely locked in place, just grinding against the massive twins! They knew he was close when Steven started to involuntary shake his rattle. The barbs pushed outward a bit harder- though were still unable to stand out in those confined spaces, and he finally came from both barrels!

The sensation of having two huge cocks cumming in two people at once was so good and so powerful that Steven passed out almost immediately after. The feeling of being pinned under so much of Angelus' tail length certainly helped him sleep. Steven went to sleep thinking this was the most memorable birthday he has had yet, and he was as happy as ever to have married Angelus. But, he really needed to hide his other sketchbooks before she found out what was in those ones.

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