Roadie Chapter 13: Her Parents

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#14 of Roadie

You know the worst part about meeting your significant other's parents? The drama. Tiffany and Felix fly their way down to Arizona, and in the burning heat of the copper state, our leopard learns that his own parent's awkwardness was nothing in comparison to the shark's family.

I originally planned to post this in June, but with how it ended I wanted to have some of the future chapters lined up before I did. I got about one finished, but now that it's shark week and I won't be getting new Tiffany art in time, I figured it was better to post this now. I hope you all enjoy!

She was quiet. Felix felt the tension in the air throughout their trip, watching Tiffany as though there was a force weighing down on her. Attempts to talk were politely deflected, with excuses of headaches that he knew were lies. At first, he let it slide, preferring to lean against her on the plane ride so she could cuddle against him with that muscular frame. The leopard figured she'd talk when she was ready. But as they landed in Arizona, his impatience wore too thin.

"So what are they like?" He asked, arms behind his back as the two casually waited for their bags to ride down along the moving interlocking plates that made up the baggage claim. Tiffany's eyes were hidden behind sunglasses, leaving only her mouth to twitch and frown in the half second he asked. "Judgey."


She nodded, pulling a baseball cap over her ungelled pink mohawk as her hair flopped to one side. "Like...I hate to play up the stereotype of Jewish parents, but they can be kind of in your face. Truth be told, I'm already debating whether I should put on a wool dress to avoid my mother's look."

A wool dress? Felix had only seen his girlfriend in a dress once, back when she first met his parents. A thin black dress that barely contained itself against her muscles yet seemed to strangle her whenever she walked, making her tightrope through every movement. "I can't imagine you in a wool dress," He said with a smile.

"Used to be my main wardrobe during puberty. Itched like crazy, and the heat...well, you'll see what I mean." Felix tried to imagine her in such an outfit. Replacing the tight tee that outlined her abs and her tan shorts with a long and heavy wool dress that hid it all. He couldn't see it, not without the shark ripping it out in sheer frustration.

He looked at his own clothes. The tight girl jeans, the green tight shirt that outlined how thin his frame was compared to most big cats. He shared more of his father's size than his mother, but carried her looks. More than once the leopard had turned his head to find a stranger haphazardly looking away, no doubt lost in the guessing game of his gender. The devil on his shoulder told him to be ashamed, to be embarrassed for how girly he must look before everyone.

His grip in her hand silenced him. But he wasn't the only one keeping it tight. "So, what do you need to talk with them about?"

"A loan." Tiffany sighed and grabbed her and Felix's luggage, both black polyester boxes with pull out handles. "My dad is a high level accountant and my mom is a doctor. So they aren't exactly short on cash. But myself is...well touring is expensive and we need to make a down payment."

"So the band just forced this onto you?" He asked, taking his bag and following her to the rentals. Tiffany had been adamant about not receiving extra help for their trip, but Felix told her he would take care of the actual ride when they got there. And by him, he meant his parents would pay for a rental. "That doesn't seem like them."

"That's 'cause they didn't. I volunteered."

"You what?" Felix kept pace with her, his next words ruined by the scorching wave of heat hit him like a wave as the automatic doors opened. His paw blotted out the rays from his eyes, but did little to stop the hellish temperature pouring down upon him. He wasn't unused to warm weather, especially where he came from, but Arizona wasn't hot. It practically boiled.

"Did we walk into hell?"

"What?" Tiffany stood tall in the blistering heat, unaware of the sudden rise in temperature. "Oh, yeah I guess it takes some getting used to. I'm probably gonna need a shower when we get there."

"How can you live here?" A shark living in a landlocked state was confusing enough, but the burning pavement of Arizona against his shoes had Felix questioning if Tiffany had a mutation or something. "Don't sharks have more water requirements than others?"

"I mean, 'bout as much as dolphins or whales. My parents set up a system in the house that helps keep it humid." Crossing the parking lot, the cool air of the pickup center washed over him with the grace of a mountain breeze. "I guess you'll probably need to carry a towel around a lot. Might have to stop and get you a bathing suit." A small smirk cracked her lips, the first smile that looked genuine since they flew, "Maybe we could get you a special one piece? Something a size too small to see your-"

With his pink face turning red, the leopard coughed and lowered his voice as they entered the line. The chastity cage may have prevented him from getting hard, but it didn't mean he wasn't embarrassed about how much she liked his body in public. "W-why would I need a bathing suit? You guys have a pool?"

"We do, but it's more so your actual clothes don't get damp. Honestly, I should have told you to pack one."

"Why didn't you?"

"Honestly?" The amazon shrugged. "I wanted an excuse to be late." She spoke with no regret, as if being late didn't matter. He didn't agree, but kept his mouth shut and picked up their keys. While he wanted Tiffany to be more open about her family, like he had with her, it was clear this was all the more difficult for her. His folks, at worst, were embarrassing. His dad looked like he smoked pot every day, while his mother walked around with so called 'big domme energy'. They always meant well, but were smothering at times whenever he felt issues with his feminine form.

But Tiffany? From what he could tell, her parents didn't offer that same support. She barely spoke of them, her face hardening whenever the topic arrived. So much so that he wanted to hug her tight, hoping it would soften her up.

And he'd be lying if he said the thought of posing in swimsuits for her wasn't arousing.


She said Arizona wasn't all desert, but the patches of green Felix saw were too few and too far in between to justify that answer. Beyond the cacti dotting the landscape and the lush green of lawn grass, the state stretched out over the horizon as dry as a bone.

They'd spent several hours out and about. Tiffany took her time admiring how Felix looked in a bodysuit, trying to find one that was reasonably tight and didn't show off his cage. As fun as it would be to outline it, neither of them wanted to bring up that kink to her family. After that and lunch, they arrived at a two story house locked behind a gated community, one that Tiffany kept her head in a slumped demeanor throughout. He made no comment, simply reaching for her hand or bracing her shoulder whenever her nerves took over.

Her home had sand covered walls with a clay tiled roof. Like so many others, a lush green lawn had forced itself against the natural order in the front, thanks to the inbuilt sprinklers. She froze when they parked, taking a heavy breath as she looked at her house. Her knuckles went white against the rubber steering wheel.

"Nice place," Felix said, trying to break the tension. "So it has a spray system? How's that work for furniture?"

"Everything's vinyl." Tiffany adjusted her mohawk in the mirror, "Don't let them intimidate you. They're judgemental, but that only matters if you care about what they think." He knew she was talking to him, but the pink leopard had the nagging feeling she was reassuring herself. He nodded anyway, reaching for and holding the amazon's hand tight. "I'm here for you, Tiff. You know that."

Patches of pink crossed her cheeks with her soft smile. Resting her hand on his face, she leaned in and pressed her lips against his. No tongue, no forceful making out, just a simple reassuring kiss for themselves. "I know. I know."

Bags in hand and doorbell pressed, the two waited in the blistering heat until the brown door opened. Two sharks emerged from the front, with soft faces that turned to frowns all too quickly.

"You're late." The male shark spoke. He stood as tall as Tiffany, minus her mohawk and supported by a thin wiry frame rather than the muscular bulk of his daughter. "I know your plane arrived before noon. Any reason you're here at three? We could have had lunch together."

"Hi dad..." Tiffany rolled her eyes, "Hi mom, great seeing you both." Everyone felt the sarcasm in her voice but she continued, "We needed to get a bathing suit. This one here forgot to pack one." She pulled Felix in close, smiling wide, "Mostly cause I-"

"Ugh, of course you do this," Her father complained, turning around and heading inside, "Your mother and I hope you go find a nice guy, and after all these years you come back with a woman. It's like you're trying to make us meshuggeneh!"

"Dad, Fe-"

Her mother stepped in, "Oh don't mind him, dear, he's just antsy because he skipped golf for this." The shark bowed her head to Felix, "And you are adorable, young lady. Sorry you got dragged into family drama, but we Stern's do love making a fuss." Despite her smile, those amber eyes held a judgment directed at his girlfriend. "I must say, I love your fur. Must take ages to get this pattern down.

Felix smiled, finally feeling some pride in his looks with what would come next. "Actually," He stated as deeply as he could without going overboard, "It's natural." The slow realization that crossed that face beat out his own humiliation. Tiffany cracked a smile and wrapped her arm around him. "Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Felix, my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Her mother repeated. Her father peered out from the doorway, slowly reintegrating himself back into the conversation. The pink leopard was used to the scanning gaze, seeing the wheel turn inside the shark's eyes to make heads or tails of what he saw. Part of him still hated it, but nestling against his girlfriend silenced those thoughts. The other part, however, had a small jolt of joy from their confusion, cracking a soft subtle smile at their surprise.

"He on hormones?" The father finally asked.

"Dad!" Tiffany shouted, "Nathan!" Her mother joined in. Nathan raised his hands in self-defense, "What? You drop a bomb like that and expect bupkis? Cause, no offense to Felix over there, it looks like you're dating a girl, or a teenager whose balls haven't-"

"Nathan!" The mother's shrill tone grated against Felix's drooping ears. Nathan backed away, "Alright, alright. Sheez, didn't expect to get crucified over a simple question." By and Large, Tiffany had been holding her head up by the bridge of her snout, her grey face burning red at the last minute of verbal diarrhea flooding their way. Felix tightly hugged the arm wrapped around him, mentally checking his privilege on the embarrassing parents' chart.

"Well don't stand outside," Her mother insisted, leading them inside, "We don't want you two getting the schvitz now do we?" The atmosphere changed the first step in the door. Humidity struck the pink leopard like a fog, slowly drenching his fur and covering his clothes. Tiffany's mohawk stubbornly refused to fall, but it waxed and waned against the change. "Did you really need to dye your hair?" Sarah, the mother, asked, poking her daughter's rigid hairstyle, "Your bubbe would be so displeased."

"Bubbe wasn't that traditional, mom." Tiffany pushed the finger away, "Besides, I like it."

"And I like chocolate, doesn't mean I have it with every meal."

"Mom you're being...nevermind. We'll talk later, I need to get Felix in his swimsuit before the rest of his clothes get ruined."

"Oh well he can take the-"

"We're going to my room," Tiffany said, dragging her boyfriend along without another word. He didn't complain, half the fun of dating her was being dragged around or carried like a princess, provided the leopard didn't look at how other people stared.

Her bedroom carried the same oceanic wall paint as the rest of the house, but with walls covered in laminated punk band posters, a bookshelf encased in a waterproof cover, and a vinyl mattress against the wall right under a window. Shutting the door behind them, her sigh timed perfectly with the next spritz of water evaporating through the air. Just like an amusement park.

"Goddamn it, not even an hour in and my dad asks that kind of question." She slumped against her mattress in defeat, "This was a mistake."

"Hey," Felix slumped up next to her, "It's ok. I expected worse, honestly."

"Worse? What could be worse? My parents assumed you were-" Felix pressed a finger to her lips, "Shush. I expected worse." And before Tiffany, he'd grown used to it.

Before she could protest, he leaned in and kissed her. There was something powerful about it, initiating the first move. Felix could feel her surprise, her pleasure as her body melted with his own. Breaking away, the leopard noticed her blush growing wider, with a smile creeping across her face. "You know..." She whispered, biting her lip, "I've never actually had a boyfriend in here with me."

"So you're saying I popped a cherry?" He grinned, "How about I pop a few more."

"Since when did you get so forward?" She asked, sharp teeth exposed while scooting up onto the bed. "Since my girlfriend looked like she needed a pickmeup," Felix argued, stepping up and discarding his clothes slowly, treating her to a nice strip show until nothing but his dainty little cage remained. Her bulge strained against the tight denim, so much that he could feel it pulse against his face when pressed against it. Could she feel him through it? The wet of his tongue matting against the fabric hot her breath ragged.

"No fair, you tease." Not that Tiffany rushed to fix it. She always took charge, it was her nature and his nature followed. But there was more to being the sub than just submitting. A good bottom, a good partner, made sure their other half was enjoying themselves.

Between his finger and thumb, he pulled the zipper down and released her cock. Her hearty musk scent filled his nostrils, making the pink pussy salivate over the grey rod. Hot, pulsing, and hard as rock, he struggled to fish her balls out to keep them free. Toying with the head, he breathed in that scent one more time, letting his own cage twitch at the majesty of it.

He couldn't wait to lube up tonight.

Felix's rough tongue started at the base, tasting her gathered sweat pooled down as he dragged himself up the shaft. "Fuck..." She moaned, muscular hands digging into the bed whilst his softer touch massaged her rod. Lapping the pre from her tip, he closed his eyes and took in the surging cock behind his lips. "Fuck..." She cried again, clasping one hand against his scalp as he went down. A modicum of control that only edged Felix further, having him rub his own cage like a clit. His cock so desperate to be free and hard, pumping underneath his girlfriend's majesty.

He liked it like that, begging for arousal. It forced him to focus on other things, like the tightness of his nipples or how light his stomach felt. That and Felix didn't mind if Tiffany was the dick in their relationship. There was a certain pride to be had in knowing her arousal was his doing after all.

"Close, Close." Her fingers squeezed. Felix had reached her base by then, having long removed his gag reflex thanks to her. His eyes looked up, seeing the amazonian shark bashfully looking down. Just a little more and she-

The hinges of her door squeaked, "Tiffany, does your boyfriend have any-'' Felix froze, Tiffany's balls against his chin. His girlfriend's face went white, freezing in a flash at the sudden intrusion. "Mom!" She shouted, throwing her head pillow across the room, "Fucking knock!"

With a resounding panicked slam behind them, Felix pulled off. His face carried a deeper shade of pink as he looked up at the rosy cheeked shark above. Tiffany slumped backward, hiding her face as she curled into a ball and no doubt wished to die then and there. "Why can't this house have fucking locks?" She muttered, shivering.

Not knowing what to say, Felix scooted up on the bed with her, resting his body and nesting his head against her own. "It's ok," He whispered, "We'll deal with this together." He spoke for her, but the leopard knew neither of them could face the parents directly after that. Not much to say when you're cock with your mouth wrapped around the dick of your host's daughter.

"This was a mistake." She uncurled to grab him, hugging her boyfriend like a stuffed animal, "I should have found another way. There's no guarantee this is even gonna work."

"You could always ask mine."

"Sweetie, you're at a community college."

"That's because my dad works there."

She shook her head, "It wouldn't feel right asking them. Like, I fuck their son, should I really be asking for money? Plus it's too much to ask when I'm not married or engaged." Ignoring how those last few words made him stomach leap, the pink leopard blinked and focused on an earlier point. "How much money do you need exactly?"

"You don't want to know," She said, hugging him tight. He did, but Tiffany's eyes made it clear to stop the conversation there. So they relaxed, cuddling up against each other until dinner was called and Felix had to dress in the bodysuit. "I feel ridiculous in this," He said, twisting around to show off his curves. Thankfully there was enough space in the crotch to not outline his cage, but it didn't make moving in it any less frustrating.

Tiffany chuckled, "It's ok, we all do."

The more Felix saw Tiff's parents, the more he noticed the similarities. Her father was tall and lanky, matching her size but avoiding his girlfriend's bulk. Her mother sat shorter of them, with long white hair dolled into a bun. Despite the atmosphere, they dressed normally, with Nathan in a collared shirt and khakis with an odd shine to them, and Sarah covering her body in a long tan dress. Of the two, Sarah had the most difficulty looking Felix in the eyes, carrying a blush as she likely played back the incident over and over.

"He's late," Nathan grunted as he peered at his watch. Could it have been a Rolex? Felix wasn't sure, he didn't really know the specifics of a Rolex beyond fancy watch. Tiffany smirked, "Is the prodigal son being a disappointment?" She asked, not so subtly carrying an edge in her tone.

"The office is likely holding him up, dear," Sarah commented, returning from the kitchen with a steaming bowl of white clam chowder, "You know he's a hard worker."

"Office? He still lives nearby?" The punk shark's teeth gleamed in her grin, "I'd figured he'd have moved out of state by now. Or was his job handed to him by connections?"

"Oh don't you start about connections, missy," Nathan said, pointing a bony finger across the table, "Especially not with your line of work. No doubt you've had plenty of under table-"


"No, mom." Tiffany tensed her muscles, "Let him finish. I'd love to hear what dear old dad thinks of my career choice."

"Oh so now you want my advice?"

"No, I want your opinion. Your advice can..." Tiffany held her tongue and took a deep breath, "No, it's not worth it."

"It ain't worth it? Do you have any plan after this label dumps ya when being a dite no longer makes you unique in the music world, do you-" The doorbell rang. "Oi, finally he arrives," Nathan grumbled, getting up and leaving his wife, Tiffany, and Felix at the table. Tiffany's breath grew ragged, fingers clenching the table cloth tight. The leopard took her hand, and squeezed, trying his best to calm her down.

"You know he worries," Sarah spoke up. "We all do. We just want what's-"

Tiffany's growl shut her up, "Don't." Felix didn't want to hear the excuse either, or he'd be liable to snap.

"Look, I'm sorry I'm late. The office had a last minute meeting." Echoed a new voice. Felix turned, finding a young and athletic shark man with short well trimmed white hair and a tailored suit following closely behind Nathan. "You know I can't say no to meetings, dad."

"You got enough clout to push it till Monday, son. Family comes first."

"Or the illusion of it." Tiffany crossed her arms at the new arrival, "Hi Isaac." Isaac smiled and nodded to his sister. "Love the look by the way. Seriously, rocking that 80's punk look. And is that your girl-"

"Boyfriend," Felix corrected, standing up and extending his arm, "The name's Felix, Felix Rose. It's nice to meet you." If there was confusion across Isaac's face, it made way for joy as he took the leopard's hand, something Felix wasn't entirely used to. "Well met good sir. I hope you're treating my sister well."

"We treat each other well." Granted, he felt like she did more of the treating, if that was even a word in this context, than he did. "Well, that's good to hear. Is she the top or bottom?"

Tiffany, who by this point was drinking enough water to drown a cub, spat out in shock. "The fuck?!" Her parents agreed, sharing looks of shock at the brazen question. Felix, for the first time in his life, wanted to slap someone rather than recoil in humiliation.

"Kidding." Isaac shielded himself, "Kidding. Can no one take a joke?"

"If that's your humor then I pity your interns."

"Oh lighten up sis." The brother took his seat next to her, "You act like that kind of humor is wrong. It works in the right crowds."

"Well this isn't one of them, dick."

"Hey, we both have one. Course you got some extra weight in the-"

Sarah slammed her fist down, forcing the glasses and plates to shake and stir for a few precious seconds. "I will not have any more arguments at this table." She spoke with a calm cadence, mirroring the eye of a storm. "We're going to sit down and eat my mother's chowder recipe like a good family. Is that clear?"

They made their consensus in silence. Tiffany simply stared into her bowl of chowder with Felix doing the same. For all the awkward and embarrassing moments with his own parents, he'd never felt this sort of tension in the air. The humidity didn't help, making his suit feel all the tighter.

"So, Felix," Isaac peered over with a sly grin, "Where'd you meet my sister?"

His spine went rigid. A quick glance at Tiffany showed him the same stiffness. Their first meeting wasn't the most...respectful topic of discussion. Well, not all of it. "We met at a gym," He answered, "I was trying to bench a lot of weight on my own."

"Gym safety 101, never lift alone." Tiffany smiled at the memory, "I was doing my stretches when I noticed this cutie struggling. Improper form, too much weight, and no real control in his reps."

"I first thought she was a trainer with how she explained everything. It made sense, since if I got injured the gym would be held liable."

"You lift often?" Her brother asked. Felix shook his head, "No, I haven't really gone back to the gym that often since. I do join her sometimes when her workout friend can't make it, but I mostly just stretch and do cardio." Ever since his night on the pole, he'd been taking flexibility courses. Not to go stripping full time, once in front of a crowd was enough. But Tiffany liked it, and her smile was a drug.

"Why not? A little extra bulk could really help you out. If it's a problem with protein I got a good shake that will-"

"No, it's not about muscle." Not anymore, not since Tiffany. The shark across from him blinked as if Felix spoke in a foreign language. "Besides, I can't really build muscle. I tried plenty before I met her. Just couldn't seem to gain any bulk."

"Dude, you sure? I mean, I can respect if you're into abs on your partners, but I can't imagine most gay guys enjoy twinks that-Fuck!" He keeled over under his seat, holding his shine and looking over to the pink mohawked rockstar. "Did you just kick me?"

"Would you prefer the truth, or a gaslight?" She pulled Felix's seat closer, "It's his body, let him make the choices. It's not like he's hurting himself."

"You only say that because he's your type," Isaac grunted, rubbing his leg to soothe the pain, "Your weird and rare type. Like, remember Tommy in highschool?"

"Tommy has nothing to do with it." Her blush didn't add any faith. "Oh no?" Isaac chuckled, "That thin frame and round ass didn't do it for ya? Or was it how he walked? I certainly remember you burying yourself into a wall whenever he passed by. Course him being gay probably wasn't a factor in your fantasies."

"Get bent, Isaac." Her hand clutched his tighter. Felix wanted to say more, to tell Isaac that their relationship wasn't just about who was whose type. After all, Tiffany was the first person to really help him feel normal. But Isaac spoke up too quickly.

"All I'm saying is that it's obvious who wears the pants in your relationship. I know mom and dad wanted you to date a guy, but they meant a guy, not a-"

"Isaac!" Sarah shouted again. Felix figured this woman had to have lost her voice plenty of times in this family, "Some things should be kept to yourself."

"No, say them in the open," Tiffany stood up, hands on the table gripping at the cloth, "Because you all are terrible at keeping things to yourselves. You always have been."

"Oh, we're terrible?" Nathan stood up, pointing to his amazon of a daughter, "You've not even been here for half a day and you haven't told us why you're visiting. And don't give me that bull about 'oh I wanna see my folks' because you never call."

"I never call because it leads to judgment. If it's not my gender, it's my fucking career."

"What career?!" His hands shot up, "You're a drummer in a band. That's not a career, that's a hobby, a commitment. You put in way more than you'll ever get out. Your mother and I can get you a career, put you on a real path."

"Oh yeah, I'd love to be the boss's kid and get set up with dates for guys that have lucrative careers and can 'ignore' my cock. It worked super well in highschool when I didn't have a prom date."

"Why are you here?" Nathan asked, slumping back down into his chair, "Why are you here? To guilt me and your mother? To show off your boyfriend?" Felix found himself sinking into his chair at the remark, but said nothing. Family drama wasn't worth it.

Tiffany opened her mouth but said nothing, shutting it and sagging into her own chair. Inhaling deeply, she exhaled and said, "My band is going on tour, but there are funds we need that our contract doesn't provide. I just need a loan, and I hoped, perhaps too much, that I could get monetary support from you all." She rested her finger and thumb against each other, barely touching, "I know it's cliche. I know it doesn't sound convincing. But we're this close succeeding at a pipe dream. And I wanted to go in knowing that maybe, just this once, I had your support."

Every word came forced from her throat as if trapped in a vice and struggling to breathe. Felix reached under the table and took hold of her hand. She squeezed tight, her palms sweater enough that he'd slip out if she didn't. The rest of her family stared quietly, stunned at the display. He wanted to judge them, but even the leopard had to admit Tiffany's argument was weak.

"How much do you need?" Nathan said, his tone missing the disgruntled rage from earlier. Tiffany bit her lip, enough to draw blood before answering. "We need a new van that can handle cross country and seventy thousand for crew expenses. I rounded it up to one hundred and twenty thousand."

Felix's throat swelled, his eyes growing wide at the number presented. Her family shared the same reaction, all but her father who stared forward undeterred as if she had said nothing at all.

His mask cracked, twisting his lips into an uncharacteristically wide grin with chompers that put the Tiffany's to shame. "You need to stop this mishegas."

Tiffany hugged herself, shrinking into her seat without looking at Felix. He wanted to hug her, but the number still shook him. No one said another word, eating dinner in silence until the plates were empty and ready to be cleaned. He offered to help, but Sarah turned him down. From the look on her face, he gathered she preferred to do it alone.

His girlfriend had enough, heading over to her room without another word. Her father cracked jokes about her request, leaving Felix to excuse himself after her else he'd snap.

Roadie Chapter 14: Her Parents Part 2

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." He knew she meant well, but an apology carried so far. Felix knew it was a family thing, that much she told him. But over 80,000 should have been something to talk about. Especially since it was eating at her for the...

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Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 5

She probably should have called ahead. Amethyst bit her lip while waiting on the front porch of her mother's house. It used to be her house as well, and there always would be a place for her if she and Helga had enough issues that forced her to move...

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Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 4

Blowing the head off a demon had some cathartic feeling to it. Originally Amethyst popped in the game because she wanted something violent, something she could push all her frustration into and imagine each and every enemy as someone she wanted to hit,...

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