The Baron's Mansion - Breeding duties

Story by Fid3lio on SoFurry

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#3 of The Baron's Mansion

Eventually, the bunny maid gets some attention from her master. - This is another extreme story about the Baron and his mansion featuring unrealistic impregnation wishes, thoughts, and fantasies. If this is not your cup of tea, please do not read it!

The Baron looked down at his wife's faithful maidservant. She was less than half his size, and although her delicate frame had dwarfed the massive breeding bull, the noble wolf's statue bore the perfect contrast. He was not bigger than the steer, who was out cold, laying on the floor and bubbling while his overstimulated penis still spurted some semen now and then. The farmhand was bred, trained, and used to cum massive amounts and squirt his semen constantly all day long. He could not prevent his body from doing its duty even after his brain shut down all unnecessary functions to cope with the stimulation. However, just as the sex toy that he was, no one paid him any attention anymore after fulfilling his task.

The bunny maid looked up to her mistress's husband. In her eyes, lust and need mixed. She looked as if her ovaries went into a working frenzy, her hips widened for the task waiting for her in less than a month, and her birth channel prepared to accommodate the enormous meat spear that would deliver the virile semen to her womb. This was not the first time the Baron would take her, rape her senseless, and impregnate her. On the contrary. She had been pregnant for the better part of the year, and every litter had been bigger than the last one. As nature went, interspecies breeding was very straightforward. Females could only bear offspring of their own species - which was a shame! She would have loved to bear his strong, healthy wolf pups. She would have loved to swell with a belly of greedy little wolves, squirming and fighting for space and stretching her to her limits and beyond. However, nature had very little sympathy for the reproduction instinct of a loyal servant. And it was probably for the best, she mused. Her mistress was surprisingly tolerant, even supportive of her husband's constant breeding sessions. He was responsible for half of the younger population of the region. In fact, the maid knew that he had impregnated his first female with his first-ever ejaculation because his father had insisted on bringing him up properly and teaching him the responsibilities of a landowner. She regretted that it had not been her. But she had not even been born then. The Baroness, however, could be sure that although he produced bastards like breeding stock, he would always prefer her and the offspring she produced from his huge, heavy, laden testicles. The maid mused that she need not worry, though. The Barron bred every female around with the greatest lust and pleasure while he fornicated with his wife as if their sole purpose was to produce offspring. However, apart from their businesslike breeding sessions, he was very affectionate towards her, made compliments and presents, and followed her wishes to the letter and beyond.

This was all in the background of her thoughts now. The bunny maid looked expectantly at her master, who started to undress. Even if she dared to help him, she would not have been able to reach for his shirt. It came as no surprise that his manservant was a very sleek and tall greyhound who was pounded by his master every now and then. She had watched them several times and found it highly erotic to see the wolf's huge cock pressing against the greyhound's belly from the inside, causing a visible swell while the young dog panted in pleasure on his master's penis. The manservant's testicles, she remembered, were round and hard, dark and hang low between his sleek hindlegs. More than once, he had begged his master to take them, but she was not sure whether this was only based on his fantasies or on a genuine desire to be castrated.

The Baron pulled down his breeches. His massive sheath was dark and covered in soft fur. The tip of his cock poked through and stretched the opening. It was dark red, and even in this state, it looked threatening. She had seen - and felt - what damage it could do pushed intensely and relentlessly into a female or a male. Immediately, she came closer and buried her face at his sheath. Her small wet nose connected with the hot, moist tip, and she could smell his extreme manliness. He reeked of breeding, of impregnation, of reproduction. She started to suckle the tip greedily. The Baron moaned slightly. "What a needy little bunny your maid is!" he growled and tossed his clothes over a chair. The Baroness chuckled.

"She is, isn't she? She is very eager to be bred. I have forbidden it for the past four weeks, and I think it only increased her need." The bunny whimpered quietly and took the emerging shaft deeper into her tiny mouth. "You are merciless, my dear", the Baron stated softly, smiling while putting his massive hand on the bunny's head and forcing his huge cock deeper into her mouth and throat. Her whimpering increased. She was well trained and used to it, but no training in the world would make his cock any smaller. "Oh, I am not!" his wife protested, starting to rub her belly. "She is very eager to please me. And even more so when she is in need to be bred. You know I have special cravings in my current state and need the full attention of my maids." The Baron grunted and shoved his cock deeper. It filled her mouth and her throat, stopping only when the deflated knot pushed against her lips. If he came now, she would not have to swallow his load. He would feed it directly into her stomach.

"Right you are, dear", he agreed with a deep rumble and started to thrust into his willing cocksleeve. "But you know how irritating it is for me to ignore the servants' basic requirements", he added, grunting. The bunny moaned muffled and held herself still to be used by her master. Her eyes rolled up in their sockets, and she could feel the lack of oxygen making her brain numb and her cunt and nipples tingle. "Oh, shush!", the Baroness chided her husband. "I know that you take much pleasure from belaying the scullery maids!" The Baron grunted, probably because he did not dare to contradict but surely also because the bunny maid rubbed the underside of his massive cub-maker with her raspy tongue. She could feel his cock throbbing and knew the reason. The scullery maids were petite sheep with small, round teats and ever needy cunts. And they were his daughters. The maid had watched several times when he ravished them, taking one over the basin while the other two worshipped his enormous testicles from which they had come. He liked to suck on their swollen teats and keep them pregnant one after the other, especially during summertime when their wool was kept short, and he could see their stretched belly while thrusting his cock into them. He loved to lick their bloated bodies as if to devour them. Then, he would cum onto their bellies and watch their sisters greedily licking it up. This was a rare sight. The Baron rarely wasted his seed outside an animal. He also loved to see them do the laundry naked so that he could watch their full bodies' movements better. The cook did not approve of this, and neither was she too happy seeing the master in the kitchens, but the Baron's breeding duties determined the Mansion.

"They are very fertile", he eventually dared to make a contribution and started to rub the bunny's bulging throat to stimulate his cock. The Baroness watched him with interest and pinched her erect nipples. "Of course, they do", she answered unsympathetically. "They are sheep! Nothing but silly livestock kept providing service." The Baron thrust harder, his knot pushed against the maid's lips. His pre lubricated her throat. He moaned loudly and uttered: "Exactly, my dear!" He pushed his cock deeper, trying to fill her stomach. The maid proved to be quite flexible, but the lack of oxygen made her struggle. His cock prevented any airflow. The bunny could feel the lightheadedness taking over. She was used as a sex toy. She was a sex toy. Her sole purpose was to provide satisfaction to her master and mistress, bearing offspring and serving them in their daily breeding tasks. Her small tits ached in anticipation, her nipples hard and erect. Her cunt dripped on the floor when she suddenly started to convulse on her masters' fuck pole.

The Baroness kicked out against the bull's shoulder. "Get up and make yourself useful!", she ordered the semi-conscious breeder. He turned slightly to take in the scenery, rolled onto his belly and whimpered on the involuntary stimulation of his still erect cock. "Lick her channel!", the she-wolf ordered. The bull kneeled between the bunny's legs, but she was too small. He looked up to the Baron, who grunted his approval, lifted her up and pushed his snout between her legs. His elongated tongue found its way into her slick channel, impaling her from the other side. The bunny could only wince, hanging on the Baron's cock and the bull's tongue like a spit roast. The wolf thrust into her and her body onto the bull's tongue. Both of them added to his stimulation. He could feel her getting tighter due to the lack of air and the stimulation. She massaged his cock, sucked on it, engulfed it. The Baron was close. "I'll fill her up!" he moaned greedily. His wife thrust her fingers into her well-used hole, rubbing her pregnant belly with the other hand.

"Do it!" she demanded. "Fill her to the brim! Feed her your seed! Erupt inside her stomach before you produce another litter with her! Force her to her limits!" The Baron grunted, excited by his wife's encouragement. His cock swelled, and he started to squirt his virile semen directly into the bunny's belly. She didn't have to bother swallowing; he fed her everything. After nearly a minute, the Baron let go of the maid. His cock slipped out of her throat and mouth, and she sunk to the ground like a used toy. The bull stared at her with glassy eyes, too slow to take in what had happened. Suddenly, the Baron grabbed his hair and thrust his cock into the bull's still open mouth. "Suck it clean!" he ordered. The farmer started to suckle like a calf. "What a fine specimen!" the Baron grunted and looked to his wife. "He is, isn't he?", she agreed smiling. "I am curious how he belays the heifers." The Baron nodded. He knew, but of course, his wife would not visit the stables. Maybe they could arrange for a show breeding during one of their frequent literary evenings? Or maybe they could arrange for something when his brother visited during the season? Now, however, his attention was somewhere else.

"Do you mind if I finish my business, my dear?", he asked pushing the bull away. "I do want to focus on you in due time." He picked up the lightweight bunny maid. Cum dripped from her lips, but her happy smile told everyone that she was a happy dead bunny if she was dead. Regardless, the Baron impaled her on his cock in one hard thrust. His cock made a visible dense against her slightly bulged belly. The maid moaned, showing that she was very lively indeed! "Yes!", she started to brabble, relieved. "Breed me, master! I needed your cock in me! Fertilize my eggs! They are waiting for your aggressive sperm! Force me to swell with your children!" The Baron grunted and huffed, starting to fuck her in earnest. The tip of his cock pushed against her cervix, but with brute force, he managed to pray it open and enter her baby room. "I will fill you to the brim!" he moaned. "You will bear my children!" She moaned louder, rubbing her belly. "Yes! Please! I am your broodmare!" The wolf pushed deeper into her. His cock entered her womb, and the tip slid against one side, teasing her fallopian tubes to release their eggs. The bunny maid moaned louder. "I can feel you inside me!" she screamed. "You're so deep!" "I will go even deeper!", he groaned. "I will push my knot into you to breed you properly!" The bunny struggled in agonizing pleasure. She could feel the huge cock thrusting into her womb like a jackhammer. He stretched her to her limits and into a breeding frenzy. As was typical for her species, her ovaries went into overdrive, eager to release as many eggs as possible. The Baron grabbed her perky tits and rubbed her nipples as though he wanted to milk her. "You'll soon have dozens of little bunnies suckling on them!" he growled and thrust harder into her. "If you survive my knot, that is!" She gasped. The giant fleshy bulb pressed against her folds. She tried desperately to further spread her legs to accommodate the intruder, but she was not built for that.

Interspecies breeding was frowned upon within the upper class, especially in the city, although it was common enough that a gentleman impregnated a maid. What was forbidden, however, was especially attractive. There were breeding houses in the city where rich men could impregnate females for a nice sum. The Baron did not need that, however. In the countryside, everything was different, and he would not dream of paying for what he regarded as his duty.

"It's nearly in!" the maid wailed. "Impale me on your huge, fertile pup-maker, master! I need it!" The wolf grunted and pressed her on his cock as hard as he could. With a loud pop! his knot eventually slit into her and made her belly bulge. Immediately, the bunny started to rub her belly frantically. "Give it to me!" she moaned greedily. "Give it to me! Give me your sperm! Rape my eggs! Impregnate me! Make me huge! I need to swell with your offspring! Put as many inside me as possible. More! Let me swell to my limits and beyond! I want to die carrying your offspring! I want to be used until I breathe my last breath. Let me die on your cock and use my body to your satisfaction afterwards!" What a greedy little broodmare! He wondered where this new kink came from. Probably from his wife, who had a rather absolute approach on matters of lust when it came to the servants.

This and the stimulation of his knot were enough to make the wolf groan loudly and eventually swell that last little bit before he came buckets inside the tiny cottontail. The hole in the tip flared, and vast amounts of semen gushed into her opened womb, stretching it even more. His testicles drew up and danced to push out the sperm through the fat cords and enable him to cum more and harder. He groaned loudly. "I'll fill you up!", he moaned squeezing her a bit like a toy. "You'll have my offspring! I'll fuck you into labour in four weeks!" The bunny hissed, her own orgasm hitting hard. Her womb contracted, trying to coax as much semen out of her breeder as possible. She could feel her eggs being released. How many that might be, she would soon know. But the excitement was too much, and the greedy little bunny lost conscientiousness while still cumming and being filled.

The Baroness watched the two with curious satisfaction, pinching her nipples and her clit. "I would not like for you to damage my maids", she purred eventually. "You might make sure that there are plenty to replace them, but a good maid requires training." The huge wolf straightened, the bunny still stuck on his cock. "I am sorry, dear", he said out of breath. "I will savour my composure next time, I promise." She sighed and rubbed her belly but then looked a bit startled. "Oh, dear! I think it might be time. Will you be so good as to ring for the midwife?" The Baron turned and pulled the bell. The movement made him groan a bit; he had still not ceased to cum. But this situation possibly demanded of him to end the entertainment with the maid then and there.

"Make me pregnant again!"

Astonished, I turned my head. The small white sheep stood there, her eyes as lusty as ever, when she grabbed my huge testicles in my trousers. But something had changed. Her small perk tits were significantly bigger, and two brown and white lambs...

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Inside of me right now! - Part I

"I need your big, hard cock deep inside of me right now!", she said and looked at me with pleading eyes. I nodded gravely and let her drag me with her. I did not know the girl. I've never met her before. But, come to that, I didn't meet her now. She...

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The Baron's Mansion - Satisfying the Mistress

It was a dark and uncosy evening. The rain splattered harshly against the mansion's windows, and the gaslamps supplying light provided a gloomy atmosphere. The corridors were empty at this time of the evening. The staff hat retreated to the servants...

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