A Whole New Party 12

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#15 of A Whole New Party

Kyo'Thar gives in, allowing the dragon to take him as a Claimed, and becomes something different.

Commissioned by Engy

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A Whole New Party

Part 12

For Engy

By Draconicon

It didn't take long to get through the tentacle corridor, though there were times when he was tempted to allow the tentacles to take a little 'fun' with him. The hunger that had awoken in him for attention did not want to die off, nor did the slight heat that remained in his hole after the extensive rimming that he'd gotten from the kobolds. He shook his head as he shut the door behind him, putting the tendrils firmly on the other side. He could feel them slapping against the door like knocking hands, and he rolled his eyes.

"I wanted attention, but that is ridiculous."


"Agreed, Croon."

Putting the rooster back on his shoulder, the orc glanced around the new room. This one was definitely smaller than the others, but rather than being filled with tools of debauchery or monsters that were looking to give him 'attention', this one was...simple. Soft. Quiet.

He looked around, realizing that the lights were dimmer than before, and that there were raised pedestals in a ring around the room, each one topped with something rectangular rather than something circular. Kyo'Thar didn't know what they were meant to be, but he felt drawn to them, feeling some kind of magic coming off them. The orc hesitated for a moment, but feeling that he could handle it, slowly walked toward the nearest one.

It was a book, he realized, one that had Draconic script written over the front. He traced it with his fingers, trying to pull a mental translation for the spidery language.

Fires of...No, not fires. The Illumination of the Mental Dark?

The translation was somewhat inexact, but it was something like that. In other words, it sounded like an educational script. Curious what could have gotten that sort of title, he slowly tilted the cover back, standing to the side just in case -


A spell did fire from the book, hitting the wall with green light. Kyo'Thar nodded. A trap, alright. He turned the book away from him, and then opened it the rest of the way. A lightning bolt, an ice spike, and a fireball all hit the wall in turn, leaving that particular part of the cave rather heated and damaged.

"And here I thought he wanted us caught unharmed," he muttered.

Oh, I do. I just knew that you wouldn't be caught by that.

"Is that posturing, or truth?"

Very much truth. I respect your mind, Kyo'Thar.

"...You don't know me enough to do that."

I know that you are an orc that made it as a wizard. That tells me a lot.


You were smart enough to become a wizard when your people would punish any weaklings that they saw among themselves. You became a wizard when you could have been killed for showing an interest in a book over interest in a sword. You pushed through that, brave enough to go for what you wanted rather than what you were told. And you were smart enough to survive what came next.

He shook his head, pushing his free hand against his temple as he put the book back down. The compliments almost hurt, but he still felt...nice. Nice to have them, nice to hear that someone else understood something like that.

Where was that kind of stuff in the world? Why did he have to find someone that actually saw that sort of thing when he was trying to beat them? That wasn't fair.

The world wasn't fair, though, so that made sense in its own way. He sighed, turning the pages to see what the book had to offer now that the protection spells had been stripped away.

The answer was, surprisingly, a lot. The book wasn't one of magic, but rather of the history of the other worlds. The very first page was the most complete map of the Outer Planes that he had ever seen, showing the interconnected realms of the elements, of the high planes and the lower ones, of the creatures of light, dark, law, and chaos. He saw the realms of the Githyanki, and he saw the realms of the other monsters...

And he saw the realm of the dragons.

Oops. I...probably shouldn't have included that...

Kyo'Thar shook his head. So, the dragon who would be master could make mistakes? Oddly enough, that almost made him feel better about the whole thing. Some perfect master was someone that was too good to be true, someone that made him feel like there was no way that this could be real, that there had to be a lie in there somewhere. Someone that made a mistake, however, made him believe it as more real.

He shook his head, almost compelled to keep reading the book. Yet, at the same time, the mission, the urge to keep going through the corridor to the end of the chain of rooms, called to him. He knew that Viola and Olfel would be counting on him to make it to the end.

Not to be rude, but wouldn't they be counting on you to keep things exactly the way they were, too?

The orc stared at the pages before him, but he wasn't seeing them any longer. He just stared at them, through them, and shook his head.

"They're counting on me."

And for what?

"To get you."

And why do they want me?

"To...keep things the same. You're not wrong."

And are things good, staying the same?

"...Until we spoke, I might have said yes."

And now?

"Now, I'm reminded of all the problems of things staying the same. I'm reminded of what would have happened to me if I stayed the same as the other orcs, and never challenged them."

What would have happened?

"You know."

Actually, I don't. I'm a younger dragon, remember?

"...I forgot." And he had. It was so much like talking to something that was almost godlike in its power that it was easy to forget that this was the young dragon's first time on this plane. He probably didn't even know where everything was, or what it was like, apart from his readings. "I would have died. More than likely, many years ago."

That bad?

"Either out of an accident, murder, or a death wish, yes."

I didn't know. I'm sorry.

"An orc that cannot fight is useless to most of our tribes. Only the wealthiest can afford to have invalids."

And you...

"Were not wealthy."

...I'm sorry.

"Don't say that. Don't ever say that," he growled, slamming the book shut, turning as if the dragon was right there in the room with him. "I made it out. You saw it. You said it! You know what I did!"

You survived.

"I THRIVED!" he shouted at the roof of the chamber. "I learned, and I made myself stronger than any orc wizard, any orc sorcerer or shaman has ever been for the last hundred years. I'm still here!"

There was no answer, not immediately. Kyo'Thar slumped back, the orc breathing hard. Some might have been crying after such an emotional outburst, but not him. He was huffing, puffing, growling in rage.

I changed everything, he thought. I stopped doing what they ordered. I stopped doing what they thought was the right thing, and did what I wanted to do. There was no going back after that.

And that was breaking the status quo. He had made it clear that he was going to be his own man, and now...now he was tempted...he was...

The life that he'd lived up to that point came rushing through his head. There were those that feared him, but that was not always because of the magic. There were those that looked at him in respect, but that was because he was an orc, not because he was a mage. Nobody respected the magic, just feared it sometimes. He was someone that never got the same sort of power, the same sort of awe that the others got. Viola had the power of her body, and the strength of mind; sure, it wasn't as respected as the men that held the same kind of roles, but she was respected for what she was. Same with Olfel, same with Red-Arms.

But for him, he was just an orc, someone that should have been a muscle-bound brute, but instead, he had chosen a different path. Nobody saw that. They just saw the orc, and then wondered why he had a robe, why he carried a staff, why, why, why.

He growled, clenching his hands tighter around his staff.

"I am a wizard...I made myself powerful..."

But you were never known for it. And for that, I'm sorry.


No, but I can give you a boost to make it better.


I know what you are. And I know how smart you are. You figured out who I was before anyone else. You understood the power of the magic that was used on you, and you knew how to handle it better than anyone else. I understand that you have power, that you have a mind that outstrips the others in so many ways.

"...This is true."

I want you as my Claimed, Kyo'Thar. I know that it sounds like slavery, and perhaps on some level, it is. But I can promise you this. If you take that role, if you join me and work for me, you will never be seen as just an orc. You will never be seen as someone that is just a thug. You are more than that, and I will make sure that you always have someone that sees you that way.

It was probably the best offer that he was going to get, he realized. Even his own group used him as a terror tool more often than as a person. They looked at him like some beast, a natural disaster that could be unleashed on those that weren't cooperating. He'd always seen Red-Arms as the natural disaster of the group, the threat that they could put against someone else, but now that he thought about it, Viola used him for that almost as often, just in different, more pointed ways.

The dragon, on the other hand, was offering something more restrictive, but something that also appreciated what he was that much more. He looked down at his staff, and then at the rooster on his shoulder.

"What do you think, Croon?"

The rooster looked at him, and for the first time, was silent. He chuckled.

"It must be my choice, hmm?"


"That's what I thought."

Shaking his head, he sighed, leaning back against the wall. He had always been the independent power, the mage, the wizard that was learned and unafraid, the one that worked to be the best of the best so that no other could exceed him, no other was required to keep him moving forward.

But in this world, with orcs seen the way that they were...he might not have a choice.

You always have a choice. They're just...not always good ones.

"Like you making the choice to gamble your freedom?"

Hey, hey, that was something in the heat of the moment.

"Was it? You almost sounded like you liked the idea," Kyo'Thar said with an uncharacteristic chuckle.

I - look, I'm still figuring out what I like, okay?

"That makes two of us..."

But the dragon was right about one thing. They always did have a choice. They just didn't always have very good options for their choice. He looked down at the ground again, at his staff, and then sighed.

"What will happen to me if I take the deal? Aside from servitude."

I was thinking of some bodily upgrades. Red-Arms - or whatever he decides to call himself - already got his transformation.

"Will I be able to change back?"

Technically, not on your own. I'd be up for discussing different shapes over time, though.


So, he would be leaving his greenskin form behind. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, though a small part of him felt a blow to his pride as a result. That said, he wasn't going to be leaving it behind forever, and with the other plusses that he was getting from this deal, that didn't mean that he was giving up all that much. Becoming something stronger, something bigger, something better? Learning from a dragon that had access to the power of the cosmos, taking that power for his own, giving himself that extra bit of focus and -

Well, was there really a downside? Not at this point, he felt.


You want this?

"I think 'want' might be too fine a term. However, I am willing to take the deal."

You are certain?

"As certain as I can be in times like this."

Then let me say it. Thank you, Kyo'Thar, for trusting me.

"Just don't make me regret it."

The orc looked down at his staff, then leaned it against the wall. He settled Croon by it, then walked towards the middle of the room. He imagined that this was where it would all change, and he sighed as he took off his robe, leaving himself naked rather than risk the new clothes being ripped.

"Alright. Hit me."

It will not be a hit.

"I appreciate tha-aaat!"

Kyo'Thar stiffened in place, feeling like a magical current was rising through the floor and into the ceiling, passing through him to connect the two ends of the room. Gasping for breath as it ripped through him with such force, he gritted his teeth, his tusks pushing out past his lips.

It wasn't that the magic was painful, but rather just powerful, something that left him feeling shocked from head to toe, stiff and spasming in places. His muscles were going tight, the natural bulk of an orc slowly fading, shifting, moving away. His arms, though not as thick and powerful as those of an orc warrior, had always been great and girthy, and his legs had been the same. Now, however...

Now, they were becoming something more slender, something that pulled more of his bulk in and down. He felt his ass cheeks starting to ripple, pushing back a little ways, and then out, starting to swell in ways that were less muscular and masculine, but more something that bounced and jiggled as he shifted from foot to foot. He huffed, groaning under his breath.

Trust you to be a pervert about that, he thought.

You like it...right?

...I guess...

He was still slightly embarrassed about that, but he could not deny that he liked the idea of getting a fatter ass, something else to keep gaining the attention of those around him. The orc groaned as he felt the slimming effect running through him, leaving him leaner than any orc should have been, slender in all areas save for his hips.

Yet, the longer that he felt the tingling power of that spell, the more changes rippled across him. He felt them running along his chest, and then down his arms. He stared as his green skin started to turn more earthy, brown and dark brown muddling it, and then puffing out as something else. Scales dotted his arms, spreading in a slow wave, his skin hardening from whatever spell the dragon had cast upon him.

Kyo'Thar tried to figure out what it was, whether it was a polymorph spell or something else, but the tingling, tickling, heated power of the spell was such a distraction that he could not study it. And in its own way, the transformation itself was a distraction, reminding him of what he was becoming, and what he was leaving behind.


He panted through flaring nostrils and gaping mouth as he felt the transformation continue. His fingers started to point, the tips of his nails turning hard as claws started to grow from them. Deep, thick ones, not the delicate things that some creatures had. He watched them turn jet black, the scales rising up his fingers and running over his hands. His fingers themselves were starting to press together, and then -


Don't worry. You'll keep your thumbs.

"I didn't even think of that..."

He stared as two fingers melted into their partners, giving him hands that had two fingers and a thumb, each. The digits were thick, but still somehow delicate in their movements, precise and good at what they did. They just had very long claws, claws that he imagined that he'd have to learn how to trim.

As his arms became these lean, strange things that he barely knew how to use, he felt the same thing going through his shoulders and chest. His upper body felt like it was almost collapsing in on itself, but not in a bad way. Not painfully, not in ugly fashion, but almost like he was shedding what he had - something that didn't quite work for him, nor something that he ever used - for something that fit him better. He felt a little insulted, at first, but then he realized that there was nothing that he was losing that he really needed.

He was still himself. He was just...more himself.

Besides, for all the lean bits that he was getting above the waist, he was still getting thick below. His ass was big, bigger than it had ever been before, and he could feel the scales running over it, securing it and keeping it from sagging from its own weight. Even as he wobbled from leg to leg, he could feel something pressing out at the base of his spine, and he reached back with his new two-fingered had to feel it.

"A tail?"

Yes. Your new shape needs it.


Yes, very good.

"I am the smarter one."

Yes, I need to stop forgetting that.

He would have smiled and chuckled, but all he managed was the smile before the whole thing hit him. He gasped for breath, his eyes rolling back for a moment or three as the tail finally burst through the base of his spine, pushing out. He felt it sliding, growing, sliding, growing, pulling free of his flesh.

The scales along it made it feel bumpy against his lower back, but it wasn't bad, just...new and weird. He panted for breath as it kept pushing out, making it easier for him to keep his balance now that he was more bottom-heavy, and he was thankful for that much, at least. Forward, forward, leaning forward was much easier now, and he just embraced that, keeping that new posture as the transformation rippled down his legs.

His thighs thickened, and he groaned as he rolled his hips a bit, moving his legs a bit further apart to make room for the thicker, more muscular thighs. The scales rasped together, but it sounded nice, and it didn't have that friction feel when someone was forced to run with their thighs pressed together. It would make it easier to move quickly, he realized.

As the scales moved further down, making his legs a bit more limber as well as more muscular, he realized that he was going to be quite the quick mage. He would be able to run along, finding different places to cast his spells from in combat. Though at the same time, he imagined he would never be able to completely cover his ass again.

Would you want to? the dragon asked.

Heh, probably not.

It was so...odd, he thought, to be so focused on his own body like this. He had never been that interested in it before, but now? It was almost all he could think about. The only thing that made him feel better than the slut that he felt had been released from his inner self was the reminder that the dragon had genuinely been interested in him for his mind, for the capability that he had for spellcasting, and more than that, for the sheer brilliance that he had maintained from his childhood to this very moment.

I am the smartest. And I will stay the smartest.

He panted softly as he was lifted up on his tiptoes, his feet changing, ripping, growing. His big toe pulled back, becoming something different, more of a giant, curved claw on the side of his foot. He gritted his teeth as he felt it curling, half-expecting it to hurt, but instead, it was just one more way to hold onto his balance. He held tight to that, making sure that he didn't fall over as the shifts continued.

Shifting from one foot to the other while being limited to standing on tiptoes was difficult at first, but as his muscles changed, it felt right. His toes melted and changed, going from five to less, and he trembled forwards and back as he got used to it. Sharp claws that clicked on the stone floor made it clear that he was going to be adjusting to quite a different life with these, but...for some reason, he didn't mind.

Even as his legs changed, his face did, too. His neck had been lengthening for a while, but as he leaned forward again, he felt like something had hooked him just behind the nose. He grunted, pulled forward, his jaw dragging out, too. His sharp tusks changed shape, curling and shrinking into his mouth as his face grew, but it was more than that. He was getting more than just the tusks now, but fangs.

As the sharp points touched his tongue, he paid more and more attention to the stretched feeling of his face. It pushed forward slowly, his tongue and jaw and teeth pulling along to fit it. More teeth grew inside his mouth, and the roof of his mouth felt slitted, different, almost like he was built to pull in as much air as possible as quickly as possible.

The air changed. He tasted the new smells that were around him, almost like a snake might have done, he realized. The whole place smell-tasted of sweat, and it was...odd, off, strange for him. He groaned, trying not to breathe too fast or too hard as a result.

Almost there. Just a little bit more, the dragon said, almost like he was trying to sound reassuring. Kyo'Thar nodded, feeling the sheer bulk of his head, and wondered how long it would take him to get used to that.

The transformation continued, taking away his ears and leaving him with ear-holes. He groaned as he felt the world go quiet, and then come back. The weird feeling only got weirder as he stared straight ahead, trying to keep his head on straight.

And then, the transformation went south again, this time right to his cock and balls. He groaned as he felt the latter churning and the former rising, shaking his head, panting, puffing.


Even his voice was different. Higher, now, a bit barking, almost, like it was not quite human or orc anymore. Then again, neither was he.

"Mmph...is this...is this needed?"

I might be finding that I have a type.

"Big-bottomed and hung?"

And...maybe some big balls.


And yours are nice, but...

"You want them even bigger?"

Poomf! The sudden churn and swell down below answered that question. The once-orc felt his balls drop, falling a good three inches before they started swelling, filling, churning more than ever before. The scales that covered them grew thicker, then were stretched tight, going from green-brown to something almost translucent from just how full they actually were. He stared down at his balls, watching as they fell further and further down his thighs. He started to realize that his bigger hips and tail were going to be counterbalancing that, and he would be running in a bit of a bow-legged fashion to accommodate for them, but they were still rather...big, big and attention grabbing.

You'll be stared at in a good way for those, I promise that much.

"They're...very big..."

And swaying.

They were definitely doing that, he realized, swaying from side to side every time that he shifted his weight. It was an intense feeling, something that he hadn't realized would feel quite so sexy. He started doing it intentionally, and he was half-sure that he heard the dragon moan in the back of his head.

As his balls hung lower, his shaft started rising, pushing forward, getting bigger, stiffer. It didn't reach something quite so huge for its size, but it was still several inches longer, several fractions of an inch thicker. He felt well-endowed, indeed, though he still felt most of his attention as down to his backside.

As the tingles of the transformation finally started to fade, he looked down at himself. He didn't immediately recognize the species, but it was something that looked lean - save for the hips - and built for running.

Raptor. A thick raptor, the dragon said in his head.

"I don't know this animal."

It's from another plane, somewhere where they didn't die.

"There are places like that?"

Many. We dragons know of all kinds of secrets.

"I can't wait to learn."

I look forward to seeing what you do with all that information. So...how does it feel to be Claimed?

He had to admit, it didn't feel that different yet. He felt...odd, like there was a connection to something in the distance, like he was aware of something that he didn't see. He turned his head in that direction, and the feeling got stronger.

"Is that you?"

Probably; your, uh, friend didn't quite have the attention to notice or talk much about this.

"What did he become, anyway?"

...A gecko...

"A GECKO?!" Kyo'Thar slapped his forehead in utter shock. "And I thought that I was getting something weird."

Hey, it fits him.

"Red-Arms? Really?"

He's different now. You'll see.

"I guess I will...And I guess I should get moving, too."

Yes, probably. I should focus on Olfel and Viola now; are you alright to move on without help?

"Is this place gonna try and stop me now?"


"Then I should be fine. Thank you...Master."

He swore that he felt the dragon smiling at the other end of their little connection, then the voice went quiet. Kyo'Thar shook his head, still hardly believing what had happened. He gestured for his robe, then thought better of it. No way that he would fit in that properly anymore. Instead, he held his hand out for his staff, catching it as it flew towards him.

"Come, Croon."

A chittering sound rather than a ca-caw filled the room, and he slowly turned. Standing in the middle of a pile of shed feathers was a little blue creature that was not entirely dissimilar from himself. It stood on long, limber legs, and it did a happy little steppy-dance as it looked at him.

"Croon?" he asked, blinking.

Oh, right, sorry. He was changed, too. I guess there was already a strong bond between the two of you.

"What is he?"

Um, I think the name was Compsognathus or something like that.


Sorry, should have checked that, but busy now, hope it works.

And just like that, the voice disappeared again. He stared down at his little companion, hardly believing what he was seeing, but at the same time, he knew that it had to be Croon. The little creature was too happy to see him, and just as expressive as the rooster had been to be literally anything else. He shook his head slowly, but smiled regardless. The way that the little guy kept tapping his legs, dancing happily, was rather amusing, and rather heart-warming at the same time.

"Alright. Come, Croon."

He lowered his tail, and the little reptile ran for it, charging right up the long limb, up Kyo'Thar's back, and then up and onto his shoulder. The feeling of the little claws should have hurt a little, but the scales that he had now rather than skin kept him from feeling it. He shook his head in amusement, standing up as soon as the little scaly guy had reached his shoulders. Offering a finger for pets, he chuckled as Croon started nibbling on his claw.

"Well, it seems that you have a new body, too. Do you like it?"


"That's a new sound. But I take it that means yes."


"I doubt you will annoy Olfel so much anymore, but I suppose that's a fair enough trade-off. You can bite him, now."

As Croon clicked his teeth obligingly, the former orc smiled to himself. It was a strange new life, but he imagined that it would be good for the both of them. However, if he was going to be of use to his new master, he needed to keep moving. It was time to run.

And oh, gods above, he could run.

Audron felt...good. Not amazing, but good. He had already Claimed two members of the party, though that could be reversed if the others got through and won. Still, it meant that there was no way for them to turn him into a total slave at the end of this. Hireling was the most that they would be able to get.

So no doing evil deeds, at least, he thought. Still...

Viola was going to be a hard nut to crack. She was still fighting hard, pushing herself more than the others, and obviously frantic. Olfel, on the other hand, seemed to be open to a deal. The dwarf seemed to be the sort that always wanted to get a good deal for himself and those around him.

Let's see if he's open to something now...

Olfel's path was deliberately beset with difficulties that a dwarf and a bard would have a hard time getting around. It was time to see what a little leverage might get the dwarf to accept...

The End

Summary: Kyo'Thar gives in, allowing the dragon to take him as a Claimed, and becomes something different.

Tags: M/solo, cock growth, ball growth, fantasy, orc, dragon, dinosaur, raptor, transformation, series, magic, master/slave, master/servant,