Rexville 21: Halloween Night Part 2

Story by IslanderWave360 on SoFurry

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#27 of Rexville

Chapter 21 of Rexville and Part 2 of Halloween Night. NOTICE or WARNING: there is a MILD NSFW scene ahead.

Chapter 21: Halloween Night Part 2

The six detectives were each given three random cards. The players were given their personal space and looked at their cards. Keanu carefully looked at his cards, he had Mr. Green, the library, and the kitchen. These rooms were out of the question when one player suggested upon who did it, with what, and where. Keanu could disprove with one card at the suggestion when someone before him could not disprove the theory. Keanu was given a little notepad and pen to write down the clues and to find who did it.

Keanu looked at the other players, writing down their given cards as obsolete, but useful to disprove a suggestion.

He now knew that Mr. Green was not the murderer, nor it happened in the library and the kitchen. He did not have fair clue which of the six weapons was used. He had to think outside the box like the times he had played online.

"Alright, first thing first," said Josephine the hostess. "We are now gonna hear our suspects' testimony regarding what happened at the Tudor Mansion. Starting with Miss Scarlett!"

The ferret-girl in red stepped forward, Keanu and others listened to her testimony.

"After dinner, we separated in our ways, I had a long chat with Mr. Green and Prof. Plum in the dining room before I bade them goodnight and going to bed upstairs. A lady needs some beauty sleep, am I right? Later that night, Mrs. White knocked on my door and told me that Mr. Boddy was dead."

"Col. Mustard."

The elephant-man stepped forward for his story. "After dinner, I came for a visit to the living room to relax with Mr. Green and Mr. Boddy, we socialized until Mr. Green pardoned to go the bathroom and I was alone with Mr. Boddy for a while until it was time to go to bed. I saw Miss Scarlett coming upstairs behind me before I bade her goodnight and went to my guest room. When I was preparing for bed, Mrs. White knocked on my door, announcing Mr. Boddy's death."

"Mrs. White."

"After dinner, I was cleaning up the table and taking the plates to the kitchen. I was alone, the invited guests were still mingling in the dining room before they moved to other rooms in the mansion. I never left the kitchen until Prof. Plum ran up to find me and told me that Mr. Boddy was dead. I ran to the other guests' rooms and told them what happened and call the police."

"Mr. Green."

"After dinner, I chatted with Miss Scarlett and Prof. Plum before hanging out with Mr. Boddy and Col. Mustard at the living room. I had to go to the bathroom, so I excused myself and left the two alone in the room. I bumped into Prof. Plum in the corridor, asking where Mr. Boddy was, and told him he was at the living room with Col. Mustard. After finishing my business, I saw Miss Scarlett again walking upstairs alone. I heard Prof. Plum screaming and ran out from the living room and checked to see what happened and found Mr. Boddy dead."

"Mrs. Peacock."

The cat-girl in a blue gown made a fake rich-snobby accent. "Shortly after dinner, I made for the conservatory by myself to see Mr. Boddy's exotic flower collection. Prof. Plum was going to join me later; he had a chat with Mr. Green and Miss Scarlett in the dining room. I had spent the entire time in the conservatory before I was about to turn in for the night until I saw Prof. Plum screaming and calling for help throughout the corridor and ran to the kitchen where Mrs. White was. He was panicking and shouting that Mr. Boddy was dead."

"Prof. Plum."

Prof. Sheehan spoke in a timid manner, "A-after dinner, I was s-socializing with Mr. Green and M-miss Scarlett before I could join Mrs. P-peacock in the Con-conservatory. I decided to get Mr. Boddy, so I could ask him more about the exotic plant he had, and I bumped into Mr. Green in the corridor, and I asked him where he was, and he told me he was in the living room, and I made it there and found him dead there!" He made an exaggerated cry, hands on his face in horror.

Keanu listened, there were indeed some potential candidates who murdered Mr. Boddy. For now, there was no way Prof. Plum did it. He was the one who found the body. If anything, the other players would accuse him first before they would go suspecting on others.

Unfortunately, it was revealed by the testimonies that it happened in the living room, so everyone had narrowed down the rooms. Keanu's common strategy was to keep showing room cards instead of weapons and suspects as there were twenty-one cards and nine of them were rooms. There would be a lot of guessing coming up as the testimonies had not mentioned any of the six suspecting weapons.

"Thank you, suspects," said Josephine. "And now, our detectives will make suggestions and accusations throughout the journey into solving this mystery and finding out who did it, with what, and where. We're going in the exact order how I called all of you, starting with Minnie making her suggestion, then Valerie, Shawn, Keanu, Gabriela, and Terrence."

The horse-girl in a witch costume took off her silly hat and made her suggestion. "I believe it was Miss Scarlett, in the living room with the rope before she made it back upstairs."

Josephine turned to Valerie. "Valerie, can you disprove her suggestion?"


"Pick one card and show it to her."

Keanu watched Valerie showing one card and the horse-girl wrote it down. He wondered what card did Valeria show. Was it the rope card, or the Miss Scarlett card?

"Alright, Valerie, it's your turn, what is your suggestion or make a declaration arrest?" continued Josephine.

The skunk-girl in a karate costume said, "Prof. Plum... in-in the living room with the... revolver or pistol."

Impossible, nobody had mentioned a loud sound of a gunshot. Keanu marked an X on the revolver. Of course, someone had to accuse the man who found the body first.

"Shawn, can you disprove her suggestion?"

The orange dragon shook his head. He had nothing to contradict it.

"Keanu, can you disprove her suggestion?"

Keanu looked at his cards and shook his head. It seemed she had a solid suggestion.


"I have nothing," said the angel.


The ferret in a green Power Ranger costume stepped forward and showed her a card. Valerie didn't seem pleased and wrote down the disproven clue.

"Shawn, it's your turn to make a suggestion," said Josephine.

The dragon-man with a green diamond over his head thought carefully. "I'm declaring an arrest!"

"Are you sure, Shawn? We just started the game."

"I know who did it! I'm sure!"

"If you do that, and find out that it doesn't match, it's game over for you."

Keanu's heart was beating, there was no way he was willing to declare an arrest already.

Shawn spoke confidently, "It was Mrs. Peacock! She was in the conservatory alone and walked into a secrete passage that led directly to the living room and used a candlestick to kill Mr. Boddy!"

The crowd gasped, someone had connected the dots and played the game plenty of times. Keanu knew he had a point, there was a secret passage in the conservatory that led to the living room across the board game map. It was indeed suspicious that Mrs. Peacock had spent most of the time alone in the conservatory, looking at Mr. Boddy's exotic flower collection.

"Okay, Shawn, you may now proceed to look at the black box where our suspects are guarding it. If your accusation is correct, you win the game, if not, it is game over for you. Will you hand me over your cards?"

Shawn handed over his three cards and made for the black box with the other acting suspects. He opened the box and looked at the three cards...

"Oh, shit, I fucked up!"

"Shawn, what the fuck!?" shouted a snow leopard in the crowd. He was incredulously shocked like the red diamond above his head.

"I thought I've figured it out, Rai!" Shawn embarrassedly said. He really screwed it up.

"Too bad for Shawn. He lost the game!" Josephine said. "To accelerate a little, I'm going to show the three cards that Shawn had possessed." She walked to each current player and wrote it down on their notepads. Keanu was shown and they were very un-relevant. It was the studio card, the billiard card, but the last one at least he somewhat knew was the least suspicious. Mrs. White was off the hook.

"Alright, Keanu, it is your turn to make a suggestion or declare an arrest."

Keanu analyzed his notes. Mr. Green was out; his story was true. Prof. Plum would be his last to suspect but had shown to be likely. His potential suspects would be Miss Scarlett and Col. Mustard. But what if it was indeed Mrs. Peacock but with a different weapon? He looked at the young cat-girl in blue holding the lead pipe made from a cardboard roll. He knew his first suggestion would come out as nothing but a single given clue from another player would help him to find his answers.

"I suggest... It was... Miss Scarlett, the living room, and the dagger."

"Gabriela, can you disprove his suggestion?" said Josephine.

The human-girl angel shook her head.


The ferret shook his head.

Josephine turned to Minnie, "How about you, Minnie?"

The horse-girl shook her head, too. "No."

It was coming together, Keanu had someone likely to suspect until Josephine asked Valerie.

The skunk-girl nodded and walked to Keanu and showed him the dagger card and walked back to her place. Mentally, Keanu remembered Valerie showing one card earlier to Minnie after she made the same accusation with Miss Scarlett with the rope... oh, but what if Valerie had the rope card and the Miss Scarlett card? Or maybe she had all three as listed. He knew now it wasn't the dagger that killed Mr. Boddy. He could not keep on suspecting that it was her, there was Col. Mustard and Prof. Plum.

"Okay, it's Gabriela's turn to make her suggestion or declaration arrest."

The human-girl in an angel costume said, "I suggest it was Prof. Plum in the living room with the lead pipe. He's been a nervous wreck this whole time."

Again? Was he really the murderer? His father once told him that when someone found a body out of nowhere, they would panic and fall into shock. It would be very traumatic to see one in person. Keanu would have easily fainted or hyperventilated if he saw a fresh corpse. He shook the thought out of his mind.

"Terrence, can you contradict her suggestion?"

The ferret quietly pulled a card and show it to Gabriela, disproving her suggestion. Was it the lead pipe card or was it indeed Prof. Plum's card that Terrence shown her? Terrence had disproven before to Valerie when she suggested it was Plum with the questionable pistol. Keanu had to suggest his next round.

"Alright, Terrence, it's finally your turn to make a suggestion."

"It was Mr. Green, in the living room, with... the candlestick," suggested Terrence.

Minnie didn't have anything, and Valerie responded the same.

"Keanu, can you disprove his suggestion?"

Keanu nodded and... this was the guy who made that reckless stunt at the library a month ago, he heard that he was suspended and cost him one game match, even though, they had won the last football game. Was he still bitter? He walked up to him and shown him the Mr. Green card without looking at him. He wrote it down on his notepad. The wolf walked back to his spot.

"Minnie, it is your turn to make a suggestion."

"Okay, I'm suggesting it was Col. Mustard with the rope in the living room," said Minnie.

Valerie could not disprove, Keanu shook his head, Gabriela had nothing, but Terrence stepped up again and showed Minnie his card. She wrote it down, did Terrence had the Mustard card or the rope card? He had contradicted a few times when they bring up Plum in the mix, so now he knew it wasn't him. He permanently crossed the professor. He had now narrowed down his likely suspects. It could be Miss Scarlett, Col. Mustard... or maybe Mrs. Peacock.

It was now Valerie's turn. "Mrs. Peacock with the rope in the living room," she said.

Keanu had nothing, neither Gabriela and Terrence again stepped up and showed his card to Valerie. Keanu now knew Terrence didn't have a Mustard card, but the rope card! He crossed the rope on his notepad. Now he wondered who had the candlestick, the lead pipe, and the wrench. Of course, he could not be the only one thinking the same unless it went over their heads.

It was Keanu's turn to make a suggestion. "I suggest Mrs. Peacock, in the living room with the wrench."

Gabriela had nothing and Terrance didn't do anything which proved he had the rope card. However, Minnie stepped forward with a smile and showed him her card. It was the wrench card. That left only the candlestick and the lead pipe. Next round, he must make a final decision.

It was Gabriela's turn. "I suggest it was Mr. Green with the wrench in the living room I think he was lying when he had to go to the bathroom and waited for Mustard to leave so he could kill Boddy all alone."

Keanu knew he didn't do it, even if he did excuse himself to the bathroom. He was too far from the living room to quietly strike. Mustard and Scarlett were his major suspects.

Terrence had nothing to show, but Minnie did. Keanu knew she showed her the wrench card again.

It was Terrence's turn to make a move. "I suggest it was Scarlett... with the rope in the living room."

Keanu's ears perked, why Terrence suggested the rope when he had it in his hand and those who crossed the rope looked perplexed. Keanu did not mention rope yet but knew from two previous suggestions made Terrence show the same card to Minnie and Valerie. The only difference was with Miss Scarlett, so...

Minnie didn't have anything to disprove, but Valerie stepped forward and showed her card to Terrence.

Keanu observed, now he knew who did it! He crossed Miss Scarlett on his notepad. This was an interesting strategy, an alternative way to dig deeper when the opposing player was not showing the suspect's cards. They were more likely to show Room Cards and Weapon Cards than suspects. They always saved it to last.

It was possible that Keanu and Terrence might have the same suspect in their minds. But Keanu needs a weapon. Was it the candlestick or the lead pipe?

He must watch what was going to happen next.

It was Minnie's turn and shouted. "Okay, I declare an arrest! It was Mr. Mustard, with the dagger in the living room."

"Very well, Minnie, you may proceed to the black box, if your suggestion doesn't match, you lose the game," said Josephine.

Minnie walked to the black box and opened it and looked. She closed the box and walked away. "Damn it! I lost!" she cried.

Keanu knew it wasn't the dagger, it was either the candle or the pipe. He believed she was so close to the truth.

It was Valerie's turn. "I declare an arrest! It was Mustard with the candlestick in the living room!"

Keanu felt he was standing on the edge; she had the most possible answer right there in his face. What were the chances, fifty-fifty?

"Okay, Valerie, take a look at the black box."

The skunk-girl walked to the box on the table. She opened it and cursed, closing it. "OH MY GOD!" she covered her arms over her head in angsts.

"Looks like two players had lost in a row in this round," said Josephine and turned to Keanu. "Keanu, it's your turn to make a suggestion or make a declaration arrest."

"I'll..." his lips quivered. "I declare an arrest!"

The crowd held tension, gasping slightly. Hunter and his friends watched tentatively at this moment.

Keanu pointed at the elephant-man dressed in yellow safari clothes, no surprise there. "It was you the whole time but the wrong weapon, wasn't it? The moment when Mr. Green left the living room, you were alone with Mr. Boddy, right? You both argued about your Himalayan expedition funds and Mr. Boddy refused your offer and you pulled out the lead pipe and hit him multiple times on his head and jabbed him in the eye! You cleaned up the pipe, got rid of it, and left the room before Prof. Plum could have seen you."

"Oh, wow, that is some serious accusation, Keanu!" said Josephine.

The elephant-man looked like he broke character at Keanu's sudden made-up accusation. He sometimes watched some crime series with his father when he felt like it.

"Okay, you can now look at the black box, Keanu."

Keanu walked forward to the small table with the black box with question marks all over. He opened with anticipation and smiled widely.

He won!

"I won!" Keanu cried, tail wagging like an energetic child.

The six suspects applauded at the young wolf, even the elephant-man, Col. Mustard, before some students dressed as policemen made for the Colonel and brought the plastic handcuffs.

"You are under arrest; you have the right to be silent and a lawyer. Anything you say will be used against you in court," said one student trying to cuff the professor.

The crowd laughed at the cuffed elephant; it was so funny. He had to say the famous line, "I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!"

Josephine gave Halloween gift baskets to all six players equally for participation, but Keanu received the best prize: two tickets to Sunshine Park. This was the best night he ever had.

"Isn't this great?" Keanu said happily to Hunter. "I actually won a competition!"

"You were amazing there!" said Hunter. "You were so focused the whole time you didn't even look at us."

"I assumed it was Peacock with the lead pipe," said Milagros. "I honestly thought you were going to lose, Keanu."

Keanu explained to his friends his perspective on how he figured it out. Of course, in the end, the first two players before him nearly won if they picked the right weapon.

"When Terrence suggested Scarlett and the rope, I knew he had the rope card, he did it so he could get Valerie's card out. That meant it wasn't Scarlett who did it and I already had others crossed, except for Peacock. It had to be Col. Mustard because he was the closest to Mr. Boddy."

"You really are sharp, Keanu, I'll give it to that," said Xavier, impressed.

"Hey, guys," said Broderick, "have you seen Sol?"

Hunter looked around the group, the leopard was nowhere to be seen. "I think he's with the maned wolf guy. Over there."

Hunter and Broderick turned to the leopard, chatting merrily with the maned wolf.

The reindeer turned back at them concernedly. "Ugh, I hope he doesn't go back to his dorm with him tonight. I mean, what if we won the best Halloween costume."

"That will be for later, Broderick," said Xavier. "Ah, Milagros, have you seen Sergio?"

Milagros said, "I saw him earlier with someone else, but he went out somewhere during the contest."

"Hmm, I guess he's out there with his other prank," he shrugged. "I'll check on him later when he finishes."

"Hey, I want to check out that haunted house outside," said Keanu.

"Hey, I was gonna say that!" Xerxes said.

"It's actually a maze, they really nailed it from what I heard," said Milagros.

"But what about the costume contest?" asked Broderick.

"They're taking a break, we have plenty of time," said Hunter. "I'll ask Sol if he wants to come."

Hunter walked to Ermac and Sub-Zero casually conversing outside of their combat realms. It was kind of funny to see it that way. The two had their mask lowered and Hunter could see their faces.

Hunter patted the leopard's shoulder. "Sol, wanna go to the haunted maze with us?"

He drank a can of soda. "Uh, sure, maybe later..."

"You can bring your new friend with us."

"I'll pass, pal, too many jump scares are bad for my sanity," said Topher. "Besides, I feel safe and sound with this handsome warrior." He winked to Sol with a smirk.

Hunter felt like he got the message. "Sure, I'll see you later at the costume contest. Think you guys will win?"

"After showing our combat skills, I'm sure we will," said Sol.

Hunter left the pair alone. Sol turned back to Topher who was now licking a lollypop in the most obscene manner he had ever seen. He could let lick his balls anytime.

"You're a terrible flirt, aren't you?" said Sol coolly.

The maned wolf looked the other way upward with a guilty smile, hands behind his head and flexing his arm muscles, his biceps danced like a palpitating heartbeat. He was asking the very thing he wanted to do tonight. He blushed. "Yeah..."

When Sol started to know more about Topher, he switched his composure mode on, keeping himself cooled, reserved, and collected when Topher acted like an enthusiastic fanboy getting to know his idol. Topher had shown from a mile away he was interested.

Sol said, "I may be up for it, but I don't have any protection with me, and--"

"Oh, it's okay, a quickie will be fine by me, and I want to do it in our costumes, you know?" He leaned in closer with one hand on his shoulder and whispered, "I know a place where can fool around~."

Sol continued his unfinished sentence, "But the contest's result will start soon, can't you wait?"

"But that's what makes it more exciting, right? I like to fight against the clock, that's what a quickie is, right?"

"Pfft, yeah, the thrill of running out of time."

"Come on," Topher patted his left shoulder and smiled, "it'll be fun."

He thought about it a little more, but what harm could it get? It was just a thrilling quickie before the results would start. He smiled and nodded, but his smile was that of his usual promiscuous side.

And so, Sol and Topher went out from the tent and walked a little further until they stopped into a pile of bushes and palm trees that created a nice little hideout for lovebirds making out during the day and night. Sol had been there before, so he knew what Topher had in mind.

Topher excitingly dragged the leopard by his arm, and both sank into the bushes. His chuckles were so infectious that Sol could not stop grinning.

There was that thrilling feeling when Sol had a vague short period of time before the contest would start at any moment and had to act fast. Topher was right, this was exciting.

He pushed the maned wolf against the palm tree, claiming him as his own. He stared at him like prey and guided his hands behind the V-shaped, vest-like red shirt, his black undershirt was made of spandex that compressed the defined muscles of his torso. He could feel every curve and shape of his baseball athletic build. His pectorals and abdominals felt ridiculously smooth by the fabric of the shirt and felt as if he were a sturdy memory foam pillow due to his fur under the fabric.

Sol pressed his muzzle against him, and Topher responded back. The kiss was nothing but still had the magic of thrill and lust. Sol held him close to his lips as one hand was cupping his crotch, playfully squeezing his bulge, and teasing him with his fingertips.

Sol received a moan from the maned wolf by the incredible teasing from his hand. Topher wrapped his arms around his shoulders and leaped his legs from the ground to straddle his waist and reconnected his lips with Sol's. Sol kept the red wolf against the palm tree as they were making out.

It was getting warmer and their compressing black pants that were covered with protective pads on their legs as part of the design of their costumes were getting tighter by their arousing members rubbing closer against each other.

Sol felt Topher's hands trailing down through his back and made for his buttocks and caressed the base of his tail. This guy knew what he was doing. He gently groped them and steadily increased his grip stronger on each squeeze.

It felt good to be massaged down there. The pair pressed closer their hips together and grinded on each other, meeting a familiar rubbing sensation on their nether regions. Their kiss deepened and the moans and muffles went heavier.

The intense make-out session stopped, Sol and Topher separated as both took an air brake.

It felt like they were about to climax by running out of breath when their muffled moans rose into a crescendo.

"Wow, you're an awesome kisser!" heaved Topher, looking at him directly in the eye and ignoring the two black figures emerging from behind. "I thought I was going to nut!"

The music from the party was pretty loud that nearly obstructed Sol's ability to hear, he didn't notice the rustling sound of the bushes. The mysterious pair stealthily walked behind the leopard.

"Yeah, and now I'm gonna give you a nice treat for not nutting." Sol stood back and pulled down his black pants and the blue loincloth that hung between his legs, showing his package in front of Topher.

Topher smiled. "Wow, you sure are packing big, but... I'm going to go with _trick_tonight."


"Yeah, you know... trick... or TREAT!" Topher tackled him; the pair fell onto the earthy grass. With all the strength Topher had, he straddled him and kept both arms locked in place on the ground.

Sol struggled and yelled, "Hey, what are you--HMMPPHHH!!!" above him he saw a black spaceman suit and one black-hooded figure. The former immediately put a rolled sock in his mouth, shutting him off. He muffled and struggled.

"Hurry!" shouted Topher.

The black-hooded figure leaned closer with a black sack, he covered it over his head, tying it around the neck. Sol struggled in the pitch black of the sack and shook free one arm and fought his way out, but all he could reach was shredding someone's clothes. He tried again, giving the same result, earning a guttural grunt.

"Fuck!" he heard whoever it was but tried not to scream in pain. He might have dug deeper with his claws.

"Come on, help me!" said Topher. "Use the tape!"

Someone held his legs while Topher was locking his arms in place. He tried to shake off all of the strength he had but was outnumbered by three people. His legs were wrapped around in duct tape through ankles, knees, and thighs. His arms were forcibly placed above his head and wrapped on his wrists like handcuffs.

All accomplished, they quietly carried him to the unknown destination.

Sol was in deep trouble... and his pants were still down.

Rexville 22: Halloween Night Part 3

Chapter 22: Halloween Night Part 3 The party moved on throughout the night. Keanu, Hunter, and others visited the haunted maze outside the tent. It was made from cardboard, but the decorations were terrifyingly impeccable. They saw torture chambers,...

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Rexville 20: Halloween Night Part 1

Chapter 20: Halloween Night Part 1 At the Starlight Plaza on Sunday evening, Keanu the wolf put on his Halloween costume. He groomed his fur as his costume naturally demanded a more formal look to match with his outfit. The costume did not include a...

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Rexville 19: Preparation

Chapter 19: Preparation Hunter left the dormitory building, sulking about his ordeal from Sol's prank. The next thing he realized while walking through the campus was the smell of Robin's odor mixed into his musk. He picked his deodorant can and...

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