Drac's Domination 9

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#9 of Drac's Domination

Draconicon decides to put Debby to work with Thimas, learning how to be a good storyteller of her own life. It works better than one might expect.

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Drac's Domination

Part 9

Sponsored by GlynWolf

by Draconicon

Draconicon cooked a meal of balsamic roasted potatoes, roasted chicken, and carrots seasoned with a bit of coriander for dinner. They made for a nice bit of food, but it was clear that Debby wasn't entirely happy with the fact that they were eating without an answer for her problem. Draconicon did his best to keep his head down, his mind off the problem for the moment - after all, the solution was due to arrive shortly - but the petulant silence was getting ever more annoying. He finished his dinner and was just about to get a second plate when Debby sighed. He rubbed his forehead, slowly sitting down at the table again.

"Yes, slave?"

"I just...why can't you tell me what to do?"

"If I get into it again, I'll probably get a bit more aggressive about it than I should. I started losing my temper before, and I don't want to do that again."

"I can take it."

"You were sniffling and whimpering before I got more than a bit of steam going on that one," he corrected, shaking his head. "Trust me, you want a gentler teacher at the moment. Unless you want to wait until tomorrow, and hope that we're both in the mood at that point?"

"...I...I would prefer an answer tonight, honestly."

"Then you want to wait. It won't be long."

And that was that. Debby sighed again, and the naked lioness leaned over the table, fiddling with her food rather than eating it. He would have made it an order for her to eat, but that was something that seemed outside of what she was willing to listen to right then. There were times when a master was supposed to take care of those that served them to that extent, but at the moment, he honestly didn't feel that was the right step. She was lost, and that meant that she needed to find a way forward before she was willing to listen to him on anything but sexual matters again.

That was if she was willing to do that without pheromonal and hypnotic help. She was starting to get better, considering that she had managed to blow two people earlier in the day without getting stopped by her own shyness, but that was nothing compared to what she could have been doing. There was so much to break down, so much to repackage, and it was going to take a much longer time than what she had signed up for.

And I don't have the patience to make this a full-time thing, he admitted, dabbing his spoon through some of the remaining juices on his plate. I need to get the next book done, not raise a slave.

Thankfully, the issue was taken out of his hands as the doorbell rang. The dragon folded his napkin as he got to his feet.

"That will be your tutor. Get the door, slave."

"What, naked?"

"Did I stutter with your instructions?"


"Get the door, slave."

"Yes, Master."

She got to her feet, blushing up a storm but making her way there. It wasn't a proud walk, nor was it one that actually showed off her body to its greatest potential, but it was something, and that was better than nothing. He sighed, rubbing his forehead as he imagined just what the hell he was going to do with her.

Thimas, you better come through on this one...

The door opened down the hall, and he heard the whistle that was the trademark of the older badger. Thimas's voice followed.

"My, my, my, aren't you a lovely one?" the badger said. "My friend has chosen a good one this time. You have a fine body, and certainly a nice smile - well, if you were to choose to wear one. Is something wrong?"

"Would you, um, like to come in?" Debby asked.

"Yes, if you don't mind. Shall I leave my shoes here?"

"Master does prefer a shoeless household."

"That will never change, I'm sure. Thank you, though."

Draconicon smiled to himself at the familiar, melodious tones that the badger had. He could shift from a high tenor down to a Russian bass, but his speaking voice tended to be in the upper ranges. Something rather soothing, too, something that told of an old wind that had traveled across the world and seen everything that there was to see, yet still had that eagerness to travel and see yet more. It was hard to hear Thimas and think of him as anything less than elemental, despite the fact that the elder badger had definitely sunken in on himself since his younger days.

Debby and Thimas entered the kitchen. The naked lioness was blushing, and no wonder, considering that Thimas had his hand on her ass. The badger, of course, was as much a sight as he ever was.

In his late forties - or perhaps even his early fifties, as the dragon was rather bad with ages - Thimas hadn't quite succumbed to stooping or hunching over, but it was clear that the badger had left himself collapse in around the middle. His later years had given him something of a belly, enough of a chub to make his clothes swell when he wasn't wearing baggy things. Yet, for all that, he still had those broad shoulders that had attracted attention in the past, and it meant that when he walked, he led with them, giving his walk a sense of purpose and almost a strutting feeling behind it. His gut was more an accessory than a defining feature.

Sweeping a rainbow cape behind him, the badger bowed with a grin.

"My friend, my friend, it has been too long since we've seen each other."

"Well, that's what happens when I write stories and you sing them," the dragon said, standing up to give the badger a hug. "Welcome."

"And now, this young thing." The badger turned to Debby. "She's the one that you told me about?"

"Yes, quite. She's been...having some trouble lately."

"I don't have trouble with anything. It's just...everything seems to have trouble with me," Debby muttered.

"That's sometimes the case. The world is a messed-up place, young one, and trust me, I have seen people be battered down for no other reason than they are what they are. But it's a rare thing indeed that the entire world is against you to that point." The badger smiled. "But we'll discuss that in a minute. First, a matter of far more dire importance."

"I saved you a plate," the dragon said.

"Fabulous. I'll be with you as soon as I've eaten."

Passing Thimas a plate of all the same foods that he and Debby had eaten - though of double the portion size - he guided the lioness out of the kitchen. They returned to his bedroom, and he shut the door behind him. Almost instantly, Debby whipped around and started going at him.

"Who the hell is he?" she whispered.

"He is Thimas. And a good friend of mine."

"But...but that cape, and that way of talking, and..."

"He's a bard."

"What - that's just a D&D thing."

"And it's exactly what he is. He is a bard, a story-teller, a gossiper, and a flirt. And more than all that, he is a teller of stories through song and body."

"What does that mean?"

"Okay, let's go backwards a bit..."

"You're obsessed with stories. Not everything is a story, you know. Some things are just...just things."

Draconicon rolled his eyes. Not that she would have known, he supposed, with his eyes being as pure white as they were, and the fact that she was looking down at her feet rather than at him. She really didn't know how to handle herself when she was upset, he was finding out. She just knew that she didn't want to make eye contact, and that she didn't like the idea of someone else being right when she was wrong.

He tilted her head back, making her look him in the eye again. She struggled against that, trying to look somewhere else, but he gripped her jaw just a bit tighter.

"Look. It doesn't have to be your way of looking at the world, but there is a story to be found in almost anything. Whether you're looking at politics, whether you're looking at a song, or a runway walk, or anything else in the world, everyone has a story that they're telling as they live their lives and as they're performing."

"Mmmph. I doubt it."

"Alright. Name a song."


"Alright. What's that about?"

"...It's got a stupid story about some warrior being made to fight again. And that you can't kill him."

"That's the obvious story. What's the rest?"

"What do you mean, what's the rest?"

"This is where the story is. What do you feel when you listen to that song? What do you feel when the beat hits, when the chorus starts, when you start taking the story that the song tells and pulling it into your head?"

"I...I feel..."

"Wanting, right?" Debby nodded. "Wanting, and feeling like you could be that hero, if you were given the chance? Feeling like, when you hear that song, that there's nothing in your way that can't be broken down, that you will get to the end of things, no matter what, because you are exactly what the song says it is.

"That's an obvious one, though. A supermodel walking down the runway will walk differently depending on the story that she wants to tell with a specific garment. She'll walk slower, or faster. She'll throw a little more into the hips, or a little less. Facing the sky, or facing the audience, whether she wants to sell it warm or cold. Everything that you do is telling a story that is being written in here," he said, poking the lioness in the chest. "You are coming up with yours with every second of every day, and it is written large in every action that you take. And if you're not aware of the story, if you're not taking part with it, then it starts writing itself, and that's where you start having problems. Like you were having today."

Debby looked down, her hands bunched into fists. He knew that she didn't like to be reminded of failures, or times when she was screwing up, but everyone had to know about their mistakes if they were going to do anything about it. If they just kept ignoring what went wrong, then they were just going to keep making the same mistakes, creating the same problems over and over and over again.

He had to help her, or she was going to write herself into a bad story that she couldn't get out of. She had to be aware of where she was going. It didn't have to be in his way of seeing things, didn't have to be through his coded way of seeing his life, but she needed to find something to keep moving towards.

"Look. I'm not going to be able to teach you this properly, not right now and not with as limited time as I have. But Thimas can give you the basics."

"He grabbed my ass as soon as he walked through the door."


"And I thought..."

"You thought what?"

"...I thought your friend would be younger."

"Oh, it's an age thing, then?"

"Well, um...I..."

"Not everyone that a slave sleeps with is close to their age, nor are they particularly hot. That's something that you might have missed in your fantasies, as well. A whore doesn't pick their clients, and a slave can only sometimes pick their masters. After all, under a different contract, I could sell that contract to someone else, and you'd have to have sex with them. Imagine if I found out the sort of man that you hated most of all, and sold you to them?"

The look on Debby's face was at once horrified and utterly shocked. One more thing that she obviously hadn't thought about when translating her fantasies to reality, then; he hoped that they were coming to the end of that particular problem. He rubbed his forehead.

"Look. Thimas is...different. He's a good man, even if he has some perverted parts to him. He cares for people, and if you let him help you, I can promise this much. He will be able to help you unlock a lot of the issues that you're having."


"Would it help to be told that I'm in my 3,000s?"





"Stop answering things with that!"

"Well, I will, when it stops being the answer." He chuckled. "Now, why don't you head back to the kitchen, and then you can see what it's like to learn from someone that's a master at his craft."

"What, being a pervert?"

"No. Telling a story with your body."

Debby didn't know what to think. All she knew was that she felt like she was completely lost. She had started out the day feeling good, feeling almost amazing, as a matter of fact. Going to school with her ass filled with dragon cum had been...weird, but that had been easier than going to school had been for a few days. She still wasn't sure that she was entirely comfortable with a female body, but she did admit that it got a lot more looks than her male body had, and she enjoyed the extra attention that she got from the athletes that would have completely ignored her as Zeke.

Yet, when the mid-day blowjob had only gone half-right, and then when she'd been made to piss out the drug that she'd taken by accident, and then been told that she was still getting it wrong, it was hard for her to feel good about herself. It felt like she was perpetually missing the mark, and she didn't know where the mark kept moving to.

But if she was going to be better, she had to try. That was all she knew at this point.

He said that Thimas can help me, and he hasn't lied to me so far, so...

It just felt so wrong. It felt like she was going to be offering herself up to some old pervert, some ass that had managed to get in good with the dragon and...and who...

She returned to the kitchen, only to find that the badger was washing up not just his own dishes, but hers and the dragon's as well. His cape was draped over his chair, and he hummed an almost perfect rendition of the Flight of the Bumblebees as he worked the dishes clean. She blinked as he hopped back and forth between sink and drying rack until he finally cleared the whole thing away.

"...How did you do that?" she asked, and he finally turned to face her. His face lit up, and his body language...changed.

Suddenly, he went from this stranger that had walked her back to the kitchen with a hand on her ass to a magnanimous elder that bowed at the waist. His arm moved in a fancy flourish, and from his empty hand popped a few colored balls. They circled his fingers, dancing between them as he stood up again.

"Darling, darling, I am far more spry than I appear. Excuse my manners earlier, and accept my deepest of apologies. I am hardly the man that would put his hands on those that would not accept them. Your stare, your walk, your shock: may it be abundantly clear that I can acknowledge my mistakes in reading the room. May my humblest of apologies, my deepest of regrets, be made clear."


"In other words, I'm sorry for touching your rump, and I will not do so again without express permission."

"I...you...were you listening in on us?"

"Listening in? Why would I do that?" the badger asked, his bushy eyebrows all but leaping off his head in a moment of surprise.

"You...Master said that you were keen on gossip."

"And I am, to be sure, but that is gained in the open. Gossip is the modern fairy tale, the things that brew and change between people, not what happens when you shut the door. That's honesty, and that's a different kind of tale. No, no, I read - oh, you're getting frustrated with this, aren't you? Oh, well that won't do."

And just like that, the juggling balls disappeared, and the badger's persona seemed to change again. From the fancy, over-generous elder, he changed to someone stern, formal, standing ramrod straight with his head tilted back just enough to appear as if he had stepped out of a fantasy story, a nobleman that was disappointed in his servants. Debby blinked, feeling almost stabbed through the heart with that stare of judgment.

Then it changed again, and again, and again, each time with barely more than a little shift in the badger's posture, each time with a different shift to his voice that was little more than a hair's breadth of change up and down in pitch, and a slight shift in word choice. Every single time he changed, he was almost like a different person.

By the end of a minute of those changes, Debby had to sit down. Her eyes were wide, her head hurt, and she was more confused than ever. The badger chuckled, moving to the table and sitting beside her. He gently patted her back and squeezed her shoulder.

"Too much, young one?"

"What...the hell...did you just do?"

"I decided to play a few different characters."

"But...but which was..."

"Which was me? Dear, all of them. To be someone else, you must know them as well as you know yourself, and to know them that well, you must become them."

"Is that your way of doing that 'telling a story' thing that Master was talking about?"

"Oh, that's a part of it. But there's more to it than just inhabiting different roles, different people. Sometimes, you need to do more than just act a role. Sometimes, you must take hold of the reins and make things happen the way that you want them to happen."

"Here we go..."

"Oh, dear, a doubter? I understand. It's not easy to deal with something like this," he said, giving her a gentle squeeze. "But that's fine. I'll break it down better than he does. He can tell a grand epic, but I know how we have to work."

She wasn't sure that there was an explanation that would work for her with this, but after all the pressure from both her master and the badger, she knew that she wasn't getting out of this without at least trying to understand it. She rubbed the back of her head and tried to get comfortable. Thimas, on the other hand, leaned back, crossing one leg over the other.

"Tell me. When it comes to this little story of yours - the last few days, becoming Drac's slave, being something of a toy for him (and yes, I can smell that) - what exactly was the start of it? Every story starts with a wish. What was yours?"

"It’s...kind of embarrassing, at this point," she admitted. "I had this fantasy of being a sex toy to a magic master, and...well, I guess I annoyed him a little bit too much, because he did it, alright. Not the way that I wanted, though."

"He made it real?"

"Too real."

"Ah, he has a habit of that. Push him too hard, and he'll be as bad as a genie. You get what you want, but not in the way that you wanted it. I understand, dear. That's a hard thing to come back from."

"Well, thanks for the understanding."

"But now you're in this story. More has been written since you made your wish. If you were to tell your story, how would you tell it?"

"What do you mean? I've just...he's kinda training me, but...well, it kinda feels like torture, sometimes, like he's making me go through all of this just to get back at me."

"Is that how you'd tell someone else about this? About you being a victim of torture?" the badger asked.

"What? I wouldn't tell anyone about this."

"But you already are, young one."

"You don't count."

"I'm not counting me."

"Then who do you - oh."

Thimas nodded, and Debby looked down. The badger meant herself. What kind of story was she telling herself? That of a prisoner being stuck somewhere, where every desire was turned into a torment, where the easy way out was shut away, where she could never do anything right.

She leaned forward, rubbing her head with her hands. If one broke it down that much, she guessed that there was something of a story being told, after all. She told it to herself every time that something went wrong, going over the grievances of her stay there, the little things that bothered her, the constant little pushes and proddings that ruined the story that she...that she...

Her eyes widened, and Thimas chuckled.

"Oh, I love that part. The revelation, the moment of understanding. And dear, dear, look at that. You found it before you had to go through the second act tragedy."

"What - that's it?"

"Hmm, come now. The mentor doesn't tell the protagonist everything. What's it?"

"Just...you're telling me that if I want my story, my wish, that's all there is to it? That I have to tell it that way?"

"Well, not just that, but it's a good start, isn't it? Think of it this way. You're telling yourself that you're the victim, that you're the prisoner of some evil man that wants to keep humiliating you for revenge. That's a story, true, but is it the story that you want to tell? Why not tell yourself the story of being the hard-working student that doesn't get it, but is slowly moving forward? Or the story of a bimbo that has to be taught everything, and can admit that she's stupid, and doesn't mind being that? What about telling yourself the coming of age story that you're going through, that you were a child, and you're learning what the real world is like?"

"...Mostly because none of those stories feel like they make me into a better character..."

"Don't they? Would you really be that interested in bad fanfiction of your life?"

Debby winced at that, but she had to admit that there was a decent point behind it. A painful point, but a decent one. She rubbed the back of her head as she looked down at the table, trying to think it through. For the first time since her master had brought up the idea of telling a story, she was realizing a bit more of the power behind it. It wasn't just in the telling of the story, or the planning it out. It was also in the framing, which could turn a streak of failures into a proper trail of progress. That was what she'd been missing, and...and that was what she was needing, too.

The more that she thought about it, the more she realized how much what she was suffering from was pretty self-inflicted. It was right there in the way that she was trying to tell Thimas what had happened to her. She didn't want to sound like someone that was failing, so she kept turning it to something else, to being a victim, to being someone that was being mistreated. But there were other ways to tell that same story, different ways to look at it, different ways to describe it.

Just because it started with something that didn't put her in the best light didn't mean that it had to stay that way. She could evolve, just like her story did.

How...this can't be that easy...

She stared down at the table, slowly shaking her head in disbelief. The badger patted her back a couple of times.

"It's a simple reshuffling, dear. Tell me, how do you want to be seen?"

"Like the sexy, beautiful person I am. I want to be seen as someone that other people want."

"Well, how do you tell your story, right now, to make it sound like that?"


"Come now, you know your Master well enough by now. What kind of people would he normally take under his heel? What kind of person would he take under his wing and train?"

"...Someone that knows what they're doing."

"Do you think that you do?"

"God, no."

"Then why would he keep you around?"


"Come now, you wouldn't be here without a reason. What's the reason?"


"That could be one reason, but is that the reason for your story?"

"I don't want it to be."

"Then what do you want it to be? It's close, you know. You're very close already. It was right there in your reason. Why would your Master keep you if you didn't know what you were doing?"

"Because...I'm special?"

The badger smiled and nodded. Debby, on the other hand, just stared in disbelief.

As soon as she'd said that, something had shifted in her head, something that up until that point had felt completely locked down. She felt like she had been railroaded forward for so long, but just by flipping that switch, she had managed to change things around. Sure, she had made a lot of mistakes so far, and sure, she didn't know what she was doing, but if the dragon was keeping her around despite that, that meant that there was something else around. Maybe it was something that he didn't know, either, but there had to be something special about her if he was going to keep teaching her, if he was willing to call someone else in to start educating her in this matter.

"Wow...talk about blowing my mind..."

"Well, I am pretty good at that. You don't get many repeat customers if you don't wow them the first time."

"I'm surprised you didn't make a blowjob joke there."

"Oh, I was tempted. But it didn't seem like the right time for it."

"You care about that?"

"My dear, I'm an entertainer, and a bard, at that. Timing is the other half of my business."

"And what's the first half?"

"Substance." Thimas smiled, patting her back before getting to his feet. "Well, that's probably about as much as you need from me, at least for a first session. Your master will probably be the one paying me for this."

"Aren't you...you know..."

"Ah, my dear, I could easily take my fun with you, but I don't think that would be the right thing to do right now. Besides...you aren't ready."

"...Says who?"

"Ah, there's a bit of fire, and a lovely bit of fire it is. But..." Thimas shook his head. "Ah, I wish you were, but you are on your way. You'll remember this lesson, yes?"

"I don't think that I'll be able to easily forget it."

"Good girl."

The badger patted her on the head, and it wasn't until that moment, as he swept his cape back around his shoulders and walked by, that she realized that he had a bigger ball bulge than a cock bulge. She blinked, half-sure that she had imagined that in his leather trousers as he walked by, but the moment to double-check was gone. He hummed his way down the hall, slid his shoes back on, and was out the door by the time that she thought to get to her feet.

Still, he had left her a lot to think about. Writing her own story, telling it her way, had opened up a lot of doors. Just saying what she was, how she was doing, wording it the way that she would tell someone else, had finally started opening doors to what she wanted to be. She had never really been able to visualize it properly, and she still couldn't, but it didn't feel as impossible anymore.

It was a new feeling. Good, though.

Draconicon had given Debby and Thimas plenty of space to work things out. Despite his efforts to be involved thus far, he didn't want to invade what was going on between the two of them as they talked things through. There was plenty that might be brought up later, but for the moment, it was better for them to talk without him in the room. Thimas was a good teacher, and Debby needed some time without him around, if only to sort her own head out about the things that she had been going through.

Not that I've been nearly as rough as some of her teachers might have been, he thought, sitting back in his bedroom, his feet kicked up and his arms behind his head. Anyone else would have used that ass and then dumped her, at best. At worst...

At worst, there probably would have been an obituary, either because Deke had found someone that he hadn't been ready for, someone that seduced him down a path that he really wasn't ready for, or because some abuser found some easy meat that wouldn't fight back. Either way, the lion would have been bound for either an early grave or a horrible few years before they finally dug their way out.

That was all true, but he had to admit that this little 'charity case' was more effort than he usually put out, and it wasn't really down to his personal philosophies encouraging it, either. He admitted that he had a bit of a self-narrative as a rescuer, something that he had been trying to cut back on, but that wasn't quite the case here. At the very least, it didn't have that same flavor when it came to Debby. No, there was something different about the lion, something more like the students that he used to have.

Tell me I'm not falling into the trap of being a teacher again...

It wouldn't be the first time that he had gone back to that particular occupation. He had taught people in magic, taught them in storytelling, and, yes, taught them in the arts of mastery and slavery, as well. He had gone through quite a few subjects with that, but he was trying to take a break from being in that business. The only reason that Deke had managed to pull him back in was because of sheer annoyance.

Or at least...

He sighed. There were other things that needed to be considered, and his head was a little too busy to be able to sort through those thoughts right at that point in time. What he needed was a good night of sleep, followed by a bit of meditation to see what the hell he saw in Debby, because there was obviously something. He wouldn't have her here and want to put this much effort into her if there wasn't.

The dragon closed his eyes, only for him to hear the door opening. He didn't bother opening his eyes again, knowing that it was Debby by the footsteps and the cadence of them. He braced himself for the complaints that he expected after that lesson.

Instead, he heard a soft moan before the thump of someone going to their knees. He opened one eye just in time to see her leaning in and pressing her head against his foot. She nuzzled along his sole, then gently kissed his big toe before looking over them at his face.

"I'm sorry for being so much of a pain, Master."

"...Apology accepted," he said, knowing that he wasn't doing a good job of hiding the shock on his face.

"Thimas explained a lot."


"Do you mind if I...you know..."

"If you want to start there and work your way up, go ahead."

"Thank you, Master. I need...I need to not think for a bit."

"You know, I think I need the same exact thing," the dragon said, chuckling. "Have at it."

The End

Summary: Draconicon decides to put Debby to work with Thimas, learning how to be a good storyteller of her own life. It works better than one might expect.

Tags: M/F, Dragon, Badger, Lioness, Groping, Nudity, Master/Slave, Series, Foot Fetish, Embarrassment, Philosophy, Self-Story, No Sex,