A Toy's Feast

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#112 of Patreon Reward Vignettes


The concluding part of a trilogy of pooltoy-related vore vignettes for Ingersoll!

This time around, Skyler's done with being a display piece at the toy store. This time he's gone to his natural hunting grounds: a swimming pool. And he's bringing some of his park friends along to help him catch all the partiers.

Contains: Implied Vore, Living Pooltoys, Possessive Language, Latex instead of Vinyl, Being a Direct Sequel, Previous Character Cameos, a College Student Pool Party, Null Anal Vore, Oral Vore, Hammerspace Vore, Public Vore, Horn Vore, Perception Filters, Implied Absorption, Teasing Prey and Leaving Nothing Behind

Skyler and all the pooltoys belong to FA: Balloonpup

Non belongs to Skyler, erm, Me.

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

The quiet sound of a pooltoy's rounded paws pomfing along cement filled the air around the semi-public pool. Signs around claimed that only students of the nearby university were allowed in, but it wasn't one for running laps. At least, not with the smaller, cardboard print signs that stated there were only a few hours left until a scheduled college pool party.

Skyler looked up at one of the signs, then casually hopped the eight feet in the air required to get over the fence keeping the pool inaccessible. Hearing no one around, the pooltoy landed lightly and made his way over to the water. He quivered and swelled out a few inches in each direction. "ooh... Mine." He muttered quietly, wagging and pivoting to use one rounded paw to lift the cover from the pool's filter.

The inflated latex collie's painted on muzzle spread open, revealing silvery teeth and a tongue to match. A small lump travelled up his throat, and a nametag with "MANAGER" printed in red above the name tumbled from his mouth into the filter. He casually returned the lid as his lips sealed back together into a smooth snout. Printed eyes closed, and he focused.

When he opened them again, the water ahead of him in the pool was occupied by half a dozen other pooltoys, their painted smiles beaming up at him. There was a brown otter toy, a large deer floatie, a ridable unicorn toy, a dolphin with a lifeguard's cross printed on its side, a shy looking ferret inner tube, and the newest addition: A large alligator toy designed to be lounged on top of.

Skyler gestured with his head wordlessly, and the rest of the toys dispersed along to different parts of the pool. The collie followed, sprawling on top of the water.

As soon as they had each gotten into position, a white-furred rat tapped the ID reader on the gate, coming in. The party's host had arrived, and was unaware of the uninvited guests.


None of the toys made their move until well after the party was in full swing.

"Hey, Non, where'd ya get all the pooltoys? They're good toys." An apricot-colored fox was idly asking the rodent host.

Non adjusted his glasses. "Oh, they were here when I arrived. I figured the pool management brought them."

"Cool cool. I'm gonna take a dip." The fox lightly socked the scrawny host in the shoulder, before taking a lightly jogging run up to the pool and diving in.

The vulpine didn't notice a particular toy was drifting along the water as he moved to surface. Skyler silently lined himself up, forelegs pressing his body up a bit from the pool to get his rear nice and situated.

No one noticed that the fox didn't ever seem to surface after that dive, too busy with their own good times at the pool.

Skyler held in a moan as the last of his first treat sank up beneath his tail, glancing around to the others.

The alligator had a rabbit doe sunbathing on his broad back, her shoulders between his handles. A wren in the water passed between the reptilian pooltoy and the corner of the pool, with no one around out on dry land to witness what happened next. Printed teeth parted and the gator struck smoothly.

The doe on his back was none the wiser, figuring the movement was just the water of the pool rippling.

Over at the diving board, a slender skink was hopping lightly on her toes at the tip, readying to dive in at the deep end.

The unicorn ride-on drifted lazily underneath the diving board after the reptile was too far into the dive to wait for the toy to pass. The magical equine raised its head, grin broad and painted as ever.

Non's eyes widened behind his glasses as the toy on the water's horn just spread out into a hollow funnel and the diving skink vanished as she crossed the open lip. Only a ripple of impact beneath the floating unicorn to show anything had happened at all. The horn sealed up and the unicorn went back to playing dumb.

The rat, however, turned to see if anyone else had seen that happen.

A lion whose mane was well sun-bleached and adorned with puca shells twisted to lean against the side of the pool.

The otter pooltoy's toothy jaws gaped and descended over the surfer dude's head in one smooth motion, the latex mustelid's face staying at the water's surface as it gulped up the rest of the lion.

Non stammered, watching the distorted and refracted view of one of his guests getting dragged out of the water into... nothing. He started towards the lifeguard stand. He'd tell the bull on duty to tell everyone to get out of the water. The rat turned and looked up at the high seat and staggered back from it towards the pool.

Up in the seat was the dolphin, beak open and happily slurping away a pair of hooves and a flicking bovine tail. The cetacean's beak sealed shut into a printed on smile and it winked at the rat.

The slender rodent took one more step back in alarm at that gesture, only to find himself toppling over the curved rim of the pool.

Rather than splashing down, however, he found himself in the warm embrace of a very large rubber pup, silver and blue forelegs holding him in place.

Skyler nuzzled lightly against one of Non's ears. "Why don't you just watch the rest of your guests get claimed by toys, hmm?"

The rat stammered quietly, as the open predation became more and more blatant around him, yet no one seemed to notice until they themselves were on the way into inflated latex bodies. Despite how surreal the situation was, Non found himself blushing deeply, unable to find the words to call out to warn the others... and looking forward to seeing the next guest devoured.


The sun had set. Skyler sighed, stepping off the water's surface with a light pomf on cement. None of the other toys were anywhere to be seen, nor were any guests... though a rodent's tail was slowly sinking up beneath his own. He wiggled his hips with a happy squeak as Non was fully dragged in, before heading to the propped open gate.

As he passed through, his body grew again. He moaned blissfully, knowing that the first of his feast today yielded to the pleasures of the many pooltoys within him, and had joined them as part of him. Skyler kicked the gate with a hindleg, licking his lips idly as the gate swung shut and locked itself behind him.

As his muzzle smoothed over into a painted smirk once again, he wondered... how would he top that meal?

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