Tucked in Cheek

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#109 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Kent FA: WomblesFan Badger pointed out to me that even though my commissions were closed I said that they were open on my profile! Like Rumpelstiltzkin or Mr Mxyzptlk, I was compelled by Fae Law to do a commission. Luckily for me it was a vignette-length commish.

This is a story designed to be a character introduction for his new bulldog character Grenroe, done in the form of Rotund Preyboy Craig from Kent's reward vignettes coming across him.

Contains: Big Round Fatfurs, Vore Markings, Glowy Magic Mawflesh, Sentient Cheekfat, Flustered Badgers, Exposition, Drooly Jowly Mawplay, Invitation to Vore and Tiny Waggy Tailnubs.

I am hoping to full-on open commissions soon, since we're almost all the way moved into the new house.

Craig walked up a small hill in the woods, breathing deeply as he brought his round figure step by step up an incline. The badger stopped to catch his breath, bracing his right hand on the bark of a tree at the top of the slope and paused. He spotted a pair of chocolate brown foot-paws around the curve of the trunk.

Walking the rest of the way around, the badger discovered a profoundly round bulldog, asleep. Most of the big pup's pelt visible to Craig was a light brown, apart from his greyish, floppy ears and those parts that matched his feet. These areas included the rest of his legs and arms, as well as a series of spots along the southern hemisphere of his ball belly, a stripe down the center of his face to his nose, and his plump, sagging jowls. At the underside of the over-grown cheeks, however, was a faint, greenish glow.

Leaning in a bit closer, Craig also noticed that, on the nearest jowl, in the lighter brown fur of the majority of his soft body was a stylized pair of closed eyes, triangular ears, and a dot representing a nose.

Startling the badger, the bulldog yawned, raising his arms up on either side of his head. With the mouth open, Craig could see the green lining his jowls was indicative that all the flesh inside his mouth was a luminous hue, apart from his teeth, of course. The canine opened his eyes, revealing they too were the same green.

Turning his head towards the smaller badger, the bulldog rubbed the sleep from his left eye. "Well, hello there."

Craig found himself staring at the face marking on the plump jowl closest to him. After a moment he realized he was staring and had been addressed, blushing. "Oh, s-sorry for waking-"

"Curious about this, eh?" The bulldog prodded the jowl in question with a finger, smiling amicably.

The badger could only stammer wordlessly, his blush deepening.

"It's alright, I get that question a lot." The massive canine set his paws on top of his ball gut where it rested, covering most of his legs now that he had sat up away from the tree. "No problem."

All Craig could muster was a silent nod.

"See, this here is a big ol' feller who I got stowed in my cheek." The bulldog slurped his chop with his glowing green tongue, causing the jowl to bounce. "Must have had two or three feet on me before I snarf'd him."

The badger took a step back, looking up and down the big pup. The dog had to have stood about six feet tall, already significantly taller than Craig. "How were you able to stuff a guy that big down your throat?"

Chuckling, the ball-bellied pup drummed his fingers across his immense belly. "Oh, I haven't got him 'down' yet." The bulldog prodded his jowl. "Told you, I got him stowed in my cheek."

Craig looked between the gut, a size that the badger could believe was accumulated by the bulldog by eating a guy bigger than himself, his smiling cheeks and the marking on the plump jowl.

"See, I got this neat trick..." The dog leaned a bit towards Craig, conspiratorially. "Know how my mouth glows?" The big canine waited for the badger to mutely nod. "I can make that get real bright, and any critter at any size who gets caught up in that light I can just suck up, because they turn into glow too."

The bulldog shifted his weight again, not leaning anymore. "They stay in one of my cheeks until I decide to gulp 'em down."

After a long moment, Craig managed to gather his thoughts enough to speak. "Are they aware?"

Twisting his hips on the forest floor, the big bulldog turned to face the badger. "As aware as they are when they're on my belly!" He patted over the top of his gut.

Now that the canine had turned his gut, the badger could see three more similarly abstracted faces amidst the mess of larger spots along the underside of the gut, beneath the deep navel. The only difference was that the colors of fur had inverted, due to the 'background' of each part of the bulldog's body.

Craig felt a pull, coaxing him to get closer. He was familiar with it, and knew it wasn't anything the larger male had done to him. At least not directly. The badger swallowed, leaning over a thick root that separated him from the rotund pup. His eyes were focused on that cheek once again.

The bulldog smirked, turning his head slightly to one side. "You can feel if you want. I won't bite."

Blushing deeply, the badger lifted his hands from the root, brought up to his chest gingerly. Then, bracing his hip against the same root, Craig reached out with both hands, gently prodding and rubbing at the plump fold of flesh. He felt around the marking, easing his fingers around in a vague circle with his right hand easing towards the top and its opposite to the bottom.

When the badger's left hand reached the underside of the jowl, the bulldog leaned a bit closer, parting his jaws enough to scoop Craig's fingers into his mouth. Then he closed his lips around 9.5the hand and sucked firmly enough to pull the smaller male off-balance.

Craig gasped in surprise and fascination. He could feel his hand getting balled into a fist within the curve of the opposite jowl. He stared at his wrist, wrapped in the faintly glowing flesh. Despite the bulldog stopping at that point for the moment, the badger made no attempt to retrieve his hand, his facial stripes turned pink from his blushing.

Quite deliberately and slowly, the round dog began to suck again, working the caught forearm in to the elbow in a smooth motion. Craig felt his arm having to bend to remain inside the drooly warmth of the mouth. The bulldog continued without stopping until his lips met the badger's shoulder and the smaller male's snout pressed to the marking on his cheek.

And all throughout this, Craig never took his right hand away from the jowl, nor tried to squirm away.

With a low chuckle, the bulldog opened his mouth and let the arm go completely. "You really are a curious badger..."

Stammering and shaking his left arm as it dripped with viscous dog drool, Craig bashfully nodded. "I... I've been told I'm really attracted to being... uh... eaten." The badger left out just how many times he had been eaten by big guys like this bulldog.

Rolling his weight forward, the big dog got up onto his feet and stood up. His ball gut sagged so strongly it grazed the undergrowth beneath the tree he'd been sleeping beneath. He slapped both his hands onto either side of his gut, squishing it together and tugging up to bounce it. "In that case, why don't you come back to my place and we can have 'dinner', eh? I'm Grenroe."

The badger stared at the faces bouncing upon the belly for a moment longer, before it sunk in just what the bulldog had said. He swallowed nervously. "I... I'm Craig... uh," He stalled for a moment. "And... uhm... Lead on?"

Grenroe grinned brightly and started walking, revealing his brown rear end and nub of a tail to the badger for the first time. The nugget of a rear appendage was merrily swinging back and forth, and he had a swing in his step. "C'mon Craig, 'dinner' is waitin'!"

Blushing up a storm, Craig bit his lower lip, then nodded, starting to follow the much taller dog. He practically had to run to keep up, belying just how fast the bulldog could go even with his gut pressed down against his relatively stubby legs. "I... I'm coming! I don't wanna miss dinner!" He blushed even deeper as he realized what he was saying, but kept following the bigger male's swinging hips, all the way home.