Claude and Ken

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#19 of Claude gay stories

An unusual story as Claude gets pregnant through anal sex with Ken, a big White Tiger janitor at his Dad's company. But it all ends well

I'm laying on my back in Dr Wallace's Male Birthing Clinic having an ultrasound on my belly done, barely able to believe this is really happening to me. The labs and my urine test have already said I'm with cub. And Ernie's trying to verify it and tell the species and sex of my cub.(He's pretty sure it's a boy though, Male births are almost always male children.) I think from the discussion Ernie and I had that I know who's it is. He quizzed me on my relatively recent sexual behavior and on some things I may have done recently. And I told him I'd been barb fucked for the first time a little over three months ago. And since I've been very sexually active since I was 16, and I'm 23 now, he thinks that's what made me finally ovulate. It's the typical pattern for a fertile Feline of either sex.(I would have developed the parts at puberty. And I have an ovary, a womb and a birth canal leading to my perineum that we just discovered. Ernie says the end of the canal will open to the outside when it's time to bear this cub.)

I know who barbed me. Ken Cranshaw, a Janitor at CMK, my Dad's company. He's a big, pot bellied White Bengal Tiger who I had an affair with. He's a big 'musclegut' type Tiger, 6'8" and 300 pounds with a big pot belly and a big Feline dick. His sleek White with Black stripes fur, and Amber eyes are so sexy and he's a gentle, kind and really nice guy. He's great sex too. I ran into him the first time at a bathroom in the CMK office building and I sucked him off. I later took him to a motel and we spent a weekend fucking our brains out. He ran from me when he found out who I was. But the last fuck on Saturday was the barb fucking that left me this way. I loved it too. I stayed at the motel the rest of the night after he ran off and I was sick as hell the next morning but thought nothing of if. He's hung up on me and won't answer my calls. And he ran off when I tried to talk to him at CMK. (He thinks Dad won't approve of him and I even just fucking.) I think I could really fall for him if he'd just go out with me. I don't care that he's a Janitor. I'm not a snob. Dad's mate was our gardener before they bonded. I'm not adverse to a working class bond mate. And Ken's such a hot one to me. Ruggedly handsome yet not a pretty boy. And his fat belly rubbing against me as we fucked made me so hot. I'm really hot for the 'musclegut' type of guy. I am a Physician and an Internist but I'd bond him if I could.

"Claude, you are pregnant, it's a little White Bengal Tiger boy." the tech says. Breaking my train of thought. I'm not knowing how to react at all. And she turns the volume up and I can hear my cub's heartbeat. I cry. I want this cub very fiercely now. I lay and listen to his heartbeat now determined to have it and raise it. I want this little White Tiger cub more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. He's part me too. Even if Ken won't have anything to do with it, I'll raise it. Dad and Beau will be happy to have a Grandson I think. Once I break the news to them. Edward helped raise me so I know he'll help me raise my Tiger cub.

I can afford to raise it myself. I'm a Doctor. Graduated at a young age, I have the $500 million my Grandpa Kitman left me when he died, and I live with my Dad and his mate and our English retainer who'll help me raise it. Ernie comes in and takes my paw. "Do you need me to call the father?" he asks. He's a big gentle natured Grizzly Bear. "He won't answer my calls and I went to see him and he ran away from me but I didn't know I was pregnant then. "I'll tell him. I'll tell him the whole story. So he thinks your Dad won't approve, does he?" Ernie asks. "Dad will be so happy to have a Grandson, he'll not get upset" I say softly..

"It's probably his, it's a big for its gestational age White Bengal Tiger cub, Claude" Ernie says softly. "He'll need to know" Ernie adds. I nod. "Call if you think he'll talk to you" I say and I give Ernie his name and phone number. "He's 94 days old, Claude" he adds. I do the math in my head and it lines up. He'd of knocked me up that Saturday afternoon when he gave me a royal barbing. I'm a young African Lion and I had no idea that I had those parts or even suspected that I had them. I'm still stunned. I knew it has been happening to bottom Felines a lot lately for reasons no one knows. But as the surprise wears off, I'm thrilled to be a birth father. "Ken's the only Bengal I've fucked in a long time, and the only White Bengal and the only male who's ever barb fucked me, and the time lines up from when we had sex."I say softly. I grab Ernie's paw. "Even if he wants nothing to do with me or his son, I'm going to keep it and raise it, my Dads will help me, but I'm going to have this cub no matter what" I say fiercely. Ernie smiles at me. "You're already looking like a Mother Lion defending it's cub" he says laughing.

Ernie nods and leaves. He'll call Ken for me, as he's had to do this for others before me and he knows he'll be believed.. He's a friend of my German born Mentor. Dr Emil Brunner, who practices with me. My best friend does too. Dr Nate Porter, a young Snow Leopard I went through school with. And he and Emil have bonded and moved in with us. Emil was happy for me when he figured it out. He'd love Nate to be knocked up with his Walrus pup.

I get up and dress, and the tech hands me a copy of the ultrasound scan and my labs and I call Emil and try to explain. He sent me here, he suspected the truth and he was right. I tell him I'm not coming back to our offices and instead am going home.(I'm a Daddy's boy and I need both of my Daddies now)

I go home and go find Beau, Dad's Saber Tooth Tiger mate and I hold him tightly and I cry a while. "Baby, what's wrong?" Beau asks. He's gently stroking my mane. Beau's a big Saber Tooth, a fat pot bellied Redneck of one. He's been with Dad as long as I can recall. He loves me a lot. (I have a lot more shocks coming to me today.)

I cry and I tell Beau everything. He's upset too, more than I would have thought he'd be. He holds me and he takes the phone and calls Dad and tells him to come home right away. And hangs up. Beau holds me and lets me cry it out for a while."Boy, I'm so sorry" Beau says. "Why?" I ask. "We'll wait for Jim to come home, Boy, we should have told you about this years ago" Beau says softly. "Is it about Mom?" I ask. (I never knew anything about my mother at all.) "Claude, I'm your Mom, or your Birth Father more properly" Beau says. "I didn't know either and Jim done knocked me up when we bonded" Beau says. "I had you and then I got pregnant again and lost it and almost died" Beau says sadly. He's weeping now. "We should of told you,Boy, let it be your choice to have kids" Beau says softly. "Why didn't you?" I ask. "You passed puberty and didn't seem to have the parts, so we just hoped you didn't and went on with life." Beau says. "Beau, I know now why I've always loved you so much, it had to be hard not to tell me I was yours" I say softly. Beau cries harder."Your Granddaddy insisted, Jim was kind of famous and he was afraid of the publicity hurting CMK" Beau says."I'm glad to know I'm half yours, Beau" I say gently. Beau kisses me. "I was always afraid you'd hate me for us not telling you" Beau says. "Never, Daddy Beau" I say and he cries harder. "You're proud of being mine" he says holding me tightly to his chest.

"I am, Beau, I've always loved you and now I know why, I'm your own flesh and blood" I say. Dad's here now and he's been listening a bit. "He took it well" Dad says hugging us both.

"Baby, why tell him now?" Dad asks Beau. "Here Dad, maybe this will explain" I say handing him my labs and the ultrasound. Dad looks at me after he's read them. "Claude, I'm sorry, we should have told you" Dad says. "I was surprised, but I'm not sorry, I'm going to have a little White Bengal Tiger cub" I say smiling. Dad grins. "Whose is it, Boy?" he asks. "Ken Cranshaw, we fucked and he barbed me for the first time, and Dr Wallace said that's why I ovulated" I say. Dad looks lost in thought for a moment. He knows mostly all of his employees no matter who they are or how menial their jobs. "Big White Bengal, kind of pot bellied, he works for us as a Janitor" Dad muses. I nod. "He's a Blue Collar male, and he's built like Beau, you are my son" Dad says kissing me. "Beau was my gardener and I fell like a dropped safe for him" Dad says. "Dad, when he found out who I was he ran from me and he's not answered any of my calls and he ran when I went down there to see him" I say softly. "What do you want to do?" Dad says. "I'll keep it and we'll raise it, Dr Wallace was gonna call him and if he wants to be a part of his son's life, I'll let him, but if he doesn't I'll have it and we'll bring it up" I say softly.

Dad smiles. "I'll have a Grandson" he says happy. "We'll have a Grandson" he says kissing Beau. "Ken looks just like you as a Bengal, Claude went for the same kind of guy I did" Dad says kissing Beau harder. Beau smiles. "I'll help my Boy anyway I can, Jim" Beau says. I take his paw. "It helps that you've been through it, Daddy Beau" I say. Beau hugs me and kisses me. "I've always been proud of ya, Claude, I love ya so much" Beau says softly.

Edward calls Dinner and we all go eat. Dad and Beau and I talk about my being pregnant. They want to know how I found out. Emil and Nate haven't come home yet. It's a Friday night and they sometimes like to eat out and go to a movie or something on Fridays. We sit and watch an old movie after dinner. Beau and Dad sit on the couch holding me between them. Ernie calls me and tells me he's talked to Ken and that he's not happy right now. "I'm not sure he believes me" Ernie says somewhat annoyed.

He and Dad talk a bit and he hangs up. (Dad just wanted some info, like my due date and a few other things.)

The door bell rings and Edward goes to answer it. He takes my paw for a minute as he crosses the living room. "It will all be well, Claude, I'll get my cousin Gerry to come be your nanny" he says. "Ken will want his son and you too once he knows it's really happening" he whispers in my ear. He goes and answers the door. It's a very angry Ken. "What is this shit, Claude?" he snarls at me. Dad's smiling. I hand Ken the ultrasound. "You're gonna be a Daddy soon, Ken" I snort. And he looks at it and his face changes. "Mr Kitman, is it really true, is Claude gonna really have my Cub?" Ken asks. "I am" I say. "Ken, you barbed him when you two fucked and he ovulated, so yes it is your kitten" Dad says firmly. "Am I fired?" he asks. "No, you're a good Tiger and I'm happy Claude's gonna give me a Grandcub" Dad says grinning.

"It is mine, it's really true, he looks just like me" he says quietly. "I know, you're the only one who's barb fucked me" I say softly. Ken pulls me to the side. "Boy, Dr Wallace called me and told me and I thought you were just trying to get me to come see you again." Ken says. "Ken, I wanted to keep seeing you, but this is for real," I say. I put his paw on my belly. "This is your son in my belly, Ken" I say softly. He gently strokes my belly and our son kicks at his Daddy's touch. He grins. "You gonna keep it?" he asks almost panicky. "I am, and if you want to be a part of his life, I'll be happy to let you, but since I heard his little heartbeat I'll fight anything to keep my little Tiger cub" I say fiercely. Ken looks happy. "Dr Wallace told me how it happened, you must have been just as shocked as I was" Ken says smiling."I was, and then I heard his little heart beating and it was all made real to me, you and I made a little life together" I say. Ken hugs me. "It wasn't intentional as I didn't know it was even possible, but I wanted it more than anything I've ever wanted before, Ken" I say softly. Ken hugs me to him tighter. "I want it too, Claude, it's mine and yours" he says tearing up.

Dad comes up to me. Ken looks sad."You ain't gonna want your Grandson fathered by a janitor who works for you" Ken says sadly. "Ken, you've got a good work record, and my boy's just like me, I bonded my gardener, my Beau, who bore my son like Claude will bear yours."Dad says softly. Beau hugs Ken. He sees the resemblance between him and Beau. Ken looks at Beau and how him and Dad are accepting of him being the father of their Grandson and he smiles.

"Boy, I will marry you if we can't bond" Ken says. "I want my boy as badly as you seem to, and I want to raise him with the one who bore him." Ken says softly. "Ken, I was falling for you but you ran off when you found out who I was, I didn't stop seeing you because I wanted to" I say. "I hoped we might bond if we kept dating" I say grabbing his paw. "I figured your Daddy wouldn't approve" Ken says. Dad smiles. "The fact that you're willing to marry my boy if you don't bond tells me you're a good Tiger" Dad says. "And Claude loves you, it's kind of obvious how much he does" Dad says. "He's been fierce about having and keeping your son, Ken" Dad says grinning.

"Claude, I swear I'll be good to you, and I'll be a good Daddy to our boy and I'll hope you might want to give me a few more boys" he says softly. "Ken, I know you will, you stopped being angry and went to being thrilled as soon as I proved it was true" I say. "Claude, Dr Wallace did a blood test"Ken says. "He's gonna call and tell me when it's done, it'll prove that's my cub" Ken says softly. "But it looks just like me" he says proudly. (He does, he's a stocky and broad little cub already)

"Dad, Beau, I need to take Ken off and talk a bit" I say softly. Dad and Beau hug and walk off. I take Ken's paw and lead him to my bedroom. He looks a bit surprised. "Aren't we going to try to bond?" I ask. He grins. And he pulls off his clothes. "I'll still marry you if we don't, Boy" he says firmly. "I want my son to have my name and to have two loving parents" he says firmly. I strip and he's petting my slightly distended belly. He's rock hard and dripping now. "Are you sure you want this fat, older Tiger?" He asks. "I've wanted you since we spent the weekend fucking, I don't know why we didn't bond, I sure tried like Hell to" I say. "I suspected who you were and I was a bit afraid of you, Boy, I thought you were just playing with the fat, big dicked Tiger Janitor and not serious about me." Ken says. "You're what 23?" he asks. "I am" I say. "Boy, I'm 28, am I too old and fat for you?" he asks. "No, you're perfect for me Ken" I say quietly. "You love your Birth Daddy and he's just like me" Ken says softly. "I just found out he's my birth Daddy, but I've always loved him" I say softly. "Your Daddies approve of me, I can hardly believe it" Ken says sounding awed.

"Don't you wanna find out if I approve of you?" I tease him. He rolls on top of me and pushes his fat, tapered and barbed Feline dick up me and deep kisses me. I faint as his lips press against mine and that fat dick pops up me. Ken's grinning as I wake up. "Claude, you did want me, I shouldn't have run from you, we could have been happy all this time" Ken says slow fucking me. He stops and looks at me for a minute.

"Are you safe for me to fuck?" he asks. "I am, he's tightly attached to my womb by now, and I want to feel those barbs when I won't risk getting knocked up" I tease him. "Claude, I can't barb fuck you unless we want to have kids?"he asks. "Ernie says after he's born and I wean him, I can go on the pill, so we'll only have kids when we want to" I say putting my arms around his big neck. "But if you barb me when I'm not on the pill I'll ovulate like I did that first time" I say. He's slow fucking me still. "You told me no one had done you that way before, but you dropped an egg when I barbed you?" he asks. "I did, I spent the next morning throwing up but I didn't know what that meant" I say. I explain to him the symptoms and how Emil figured it out and sent me to Ernie.

He lays into me fucking me hard and fast. Ken knows he's got to cum in me to lock us together now. And a Big Cat pair bonding is very tight. Especially since I'm carrying his cub, we'll bond really tightly and permanently. He cums roaring fiercely. "You're mine now, and fat with my cub" Ken purrs. "I'd of taken you, Ken, even if I wasn't carrying your son" I say weeping. He kisses me gently. "I can't believe it hardly, but you ain't lied to me at all" he says nuzzling me. He rolls off of me and pulls me to put my head on his barrel chest. "You're not sorry I knocked you up are you, Boy?" he asks. "No, Ken, I'm happy, I was surprised as Hell when Ernie told me but as soon as I saw him on that screen and heard his little heart beat I wanted him so badly" I tell Ken. "Did you want him that much because he was mine?" Ken asks. I nod, I can't speak right now. I'm weeping as well. "You loved me already?" He asks, surprised. "I didn't know I was pregnant but I prayed you'd come see me somehow" I say through my tears. "You really wanted me, this fat, poor Tiger to be yours?" he asks. I nod. "Claude, I'll be so good to you, I won't make you regret taking me as your mate and having my cubs" Ken says weeping now himself.

"You said you hoped I'd have more cubs for you?"I ask. "I want a big family, of course, I don't make much money but still" Ken says. "I have money and you're entitled to half as my mate and the father of my cubs" I say softly. "I don't want your money, Claude, I want you and the little Lions or Tigers you'll give me" he says softly. (I know Dad will talk to him, Dad won't want him working as a Janitor but really I don't care.) "How many do you want, Ken?" I ask trying to change the subject. "I'm not sure, five or six if it doesn't put you in danger, but I'm just now getting used to the idea that I'm gonna really have them" he says. He rubs my belly tenderly. He looks so happy now.

"Claude, I'll move in tomorrow, but I do love you, I was just scared I was falling for you and that your Dad would keep us apart" Ken says blushing a bit. "You obviously love me, even not knowing how I'd react you wanted to bear my son" he says softly. And we curl up and talk. Just trying to get to know each other better. He can't keep his paws off my belly and he's stroking it frequently. And he seems so happy. "Ken, I have loved you even before I knew I had your son in me, and I'm so glad we're together and expecting" I say. He pulls me tighter to him. "Claude, I'm a horny Tiger, I haven't gotten laid since, well you" Ken says softly. "Fuck me then, I'm your wife now, fuck me til you can't anymore, barb me if you want "I say softly. "I love my big White Bengal husband" I say stroking his big Feline dick. We proceed to make love until Edward calls dinner. "I want to keep on fucking, but I'm starved, Claude" Ken says softly."I am too, I'm nourishing our son too" I say. He grins and kisses me hard. He pulls out and we get up and dress.

(I'll end up having 6 of Ken's sons. 2 White Bengal Tigers, 2 Lions, and 2 Saber Tooths. After that I get pregnant with another White Tiger cub and bleed out and lose it at 6 months and get spayed.)

Claude and Earl Part 2

Anyway I'm sitting in my office writing up some policies Janice and I agreed on. And my cell rings. Sacramento State Athletic Department is what shows on the Caller ID. I answer out of curiosity. I have no idea what they'd want me for. (This call is...

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Claude and Earl Part 1

Before I get into telling y'all about how I got my Daddy Sheep. I suppose I need to tell y'all a bit about me and my family. I am now Dr Claude Marcus Kitman II. I say now because in a few short years I'll be Dr Claude Micheals when my Earl and I bond...

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Claude and the Skunk

I am not a normal male Lion. I'm told I am an attractive one. But no one has seen me naked except my Doctors since I was a tiny cub. That is because I was raised to be ashamed of what I am, and keep it a secret. What is this dark secret I have kept all...

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