Writing Your Own Narrative

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Two guys are bored during a power outage and one of them finds a book with rather mysterious powers, making a perfect storm of curiosity and magic that changes their lives forever.

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It had been no surprise to anyone that after the fire that happened to one of the apartment complexes in the area turned out to be an electrical short that the surrounding buildings would be inspected, but it still didn't make it any less infuriating when the power was suddenly shut down to those buildings for little or no reason. Fortunately with it being spring the weather was nice enough that any heating or cooling problems were solved by the opening of a window, but when most of the area is a construction zone and turned parking into a nightmare it meant that very little was going to happen for the weekend. Most of the tenants didn't bother to leave their parking spots in the fear that a piece of equipment or another displaced car would take it, especially since there was no parking on the streets and the nearest spot was a mile away that one had to pay for. For Tom and Heath however this meant that a weekend that would be spent doing stuff on-line or going out on the town turned into a night in with nothing to do.

"How long do you think the power is going to be out this time?" Tom asked as he tossed a ball up in the air and catching it while looking over at his roommate scrolling through his phone

"I'm not an electrician," Heath shot back. "All I know is that if it's going to be more than an hour they better tell us, I just made a week's worth of food and I do not want it to spoil."

"Sounds like a good time as ever to order delivery," Tom suggested, dropping the ball after his last unsuccessful throw and hearing it roll away somewhere before sighing. "You're going to have to do it though while I wallow here in boredom."

"Not my fault you didn't charge your battery," Heath stated while still staring down at the screen. "But yeah, even if they do restore the power I feeling the need for something greasy. You know the rules though, I order it you fetch it."

Tom sighed and nodded, knowing that he didn't have a leg to stand on in this juncture. The reason he didn't have a phone to entertain himself with because last night he had used it while in his bed until he fell asleep, which meant when he woke up he found his battery at nearly ten percent. He hastily went over to plug it in but by the point the first of the outages had occurred and he had long since used the last of his juice during the outage. At this point a walk down to the front entrance was something he actually looked forward to as he gave what food he wanted to his roommate who ordered it and his own to come together.

About thirty minutes later Tom found himself looking out of the front window while waiting for the driver to come up with their order. As he stared at the sky he could see black clouds starting to drift towards their direction, which was yet another restriction to what he could do. He sighed and just shook his head, but as he went back to looking down the street there was something that caught his eye. It was a glint of light reflected on the last rays of the sun and when he focused on it there appeared to be a book lying on the grass just a few feet away from him.

At the same time he saw the black leather book a car with the restaurant name on it turned the corner and started coming down the street towards his direction. Instead of just waiting for the driver to get there he decided to go out to the street and greet him... and while on his way took a small detour to grab the book he had noticed. Since it was going to rain it would only be reasonable to grab it, he thought to himself as he took it and tucked it into his pants, and if there was a name or apartment number he could return it later. Once he had secured it the driver pulled up to the front drive and, after complaining for a few minutes what a nightmare it was to get into the place, gave him the food that they had ordered.

After paying Tom quickly hurried back inside as the first few rain drops from the approaching storm started to hit the pavement, getting through the door just before the heavens opened. There was a loud crack of thunder that reverberated through the building as he went upstairs and made it to his apartment, putting Heath's food on the table before taking his own to the couch where he had made his roost. With the television already on to tell them whether or not the power is back he pulled the book out and hoped that it would be something that alleviated his boredom a bit. Much to his surprise and dismay the pages were all completely blank, a frown forming on his face slightly when he realized he had probably found someone's journal or something.

Just as he was about to toss it to the side he noticed something written on the inner back cover, something that was written in gold flowing letters. "This book is designed for those looking for a change of pace," he read softly to himself. "Write the name of the person you wish to alter while thinking of them, including yourself if you so choose, and the changes either physical or mental you wish to make, and once the ink turns to gold the fun will begin. Be wary though, sometimes what you get is not always what you expect."

Beneath that were the letters B.C., which Tom thought might be the original owner of the book as he scoffed at the instructions. Was this an idea of a gag? He remembered there was some popular show that had a similar concept, perhaps this was just someone fantasizing about it without the whole death aspect that had come with it. What was strange though was the blank pages, someone taking all the time and care to make something like this only to lose it didn't make much sense.

Tom put the book aside and focused on his food instead, but after he was done eating the power was still out and the thunderstorm was now raging around them the options of what to do were extremely limited. Though he had no faith in what was actually going to happen he got up and grabbed a pen, then flopped back down on the couch while looking at the blank page. As he stared his mind wondered what to even write; part of him wanted to write in his roommate's name just in case it did happen, but if he did that and used a subtle change then he would have to engage with Heath to figure out if it worked unless he did something drastic. The only option that he had left was to do something to himself, and after a few moments of thought put down something that would be distinct enough to be noticed by him but not by others.

Tom's eyes change to an amber color.

With his normal eyes being a distinct blue the change would definitely be noticeable, he thought to himself as he finished writing the words. After a few seconds of nothing happening he chuckled at the absurdity of the book actually doing what it said and set it back down on the counter. With nothing else to do he started to just throw his ball up in the air again to catch it in order to try and past the time. As the ball sailed up in the air though his vision suddenly blurred a bit, to the point he lost track of the ball until it hit him square on the forehead.

Tom hissed in pain and rubbed the spot on his head where he had gotten hit, then rubbed his eyes to try and get whatever was causing his eyes to not work to stop. After only a few seconds his sight returned to normal, but as he started to feel a lump forming on his head he began to wonder what had caused it. The first option that came to his mind caused him to shake his head, but he found himself needing to check regardless. He could hear his roommate asking if he was alright but he ignored it for the time being and just went to the bathroom mirror.

With the lights off it was a bit hard for him to see, but as he stared at his own face he quickly saw a pair of amber eyes staring back at him that caused him to gasp audibly. There was no way... but as he turned his head several times and even got up close enough to where his nose was practically touching the glass. Even with the proof staring him right in the face though he didn't quite believe it, so he went back out and over to where his roommate was sitting and asked if he noticed anything about his eyes.

"Uh... yeah, actually," Heath said after looking closely. "Did you get colored contacts or something?"

"Yeah, I did," Tom replied as he looked back at the book sitting on the coffee table. "Was just wondering whether it was worth it or not. Thanks."

Heath just nodded and Tom went back to the couch, his mind racing with questions. It appeared the book was real but that others could see his changes being made, unless... he grabbed the book and flipped back to the instructions on the inside back cover to read them again. There were mental changes that could be made too, and that gave Tom an idea. There was a lot of potential fun to be had here but in order to see how far he could go he wanted to see how much of an effect it could have on them and their environment, and when he opened to the page where he had written the first words he saw that the ink had turned from black to gold as well.

It was completely natural for Tom and Heath to be naked in their apartment.

At first Tom was just going to do it for his roommate, but he decided to put himself into the mix for a number of reasons. Not only did he want to see just how much his mind would be altered but if he could affect two people at once, as well as how vague could be in the instructions. As the seconds passed he suddenly got his first answer in the form of a strong compulsion to take off his clothes. Though he remembered making the command in the book it suddenly felt natural to not have anything on while he was in his apartment even though he was a little self-conscious of his body and tried not to ever let his roommate see him.

As he got to his underwear though he froze when he realized that he had forgotten to check on Heath. What if the book only changed him and not his roommate, would Heath freak out on seeing him naked or would he be as well? He had been so wrapped up in his feelings he didn't even know if he heard the other man move, so using the couch to stay between him and Heath he carefully peeked over the edge to see what was happening. To his surprise and relief he saw that there was a pile of clothes next to the man sitting in one of their kitchen chairs while completely nude.

It was the first time Tom really got to see him like that, but with the darkness of the apartment it was hard to get a really good look. At this point he decided to go for broke; if the book worked he should be able to pass by his roommate without anything happening, but if Heath noticed him and said something about it then it was something else. Taking a deep breath he got up and slowly walked over to the fridge. Despite his mind telling him that this was completely natural he could still feel the fear of looking over and seeing his roommate still playing on his phone as if nothing was happening, but when he got to the door and opened it up he suddenly heard Heath call out his name which caused him to freeze in place and hold his breath.

The tension was very short-lived however as Heath asked him to get a drink, Tom carefully letting out that breath and grabbing another beverage before quickly closing the door. Not only did it mean that his roommate had probably looked at his naked body and not cared but also meant he would get a closer peek. Though he preferred girls more than guys there was a handsomeness to Heath that he got to see up close, the other man had a toned form that came from him working out in his room as he eyed him up. He could also see that he was quite well-endowed, bigger than him for certain as he gave Heath the drink before heading back to the couch.

The second he was there he opened the book again and thought about what to write, tapping the pen to his lip. He still had not experimented with the physical aspects much aside from his eyes, and with his roommate now naked he could experiment more on him and actually see the results. There was also the fact that he realized there was something that the two of them could do together, something that he hadn't done in quite some time. While he didn't want to influence Heath to just have sex with him Tom decided there was no harm in making a few temporary tweaks to see what might happen.

Heath becomes Heather, who has full breasts and a tight pussy between their legs.

It would be quite the change, Tom thought to himself, but once he had a girl as a roommate that was hanging out with him naked he could ask if the new Heather would be interested. All he had to do was wait for the changes to take effect and this time he wasn't going to miss them as he looked over the couch. He knew it wouldn't take long and as he watched the other man play with his phone he could already start to see his chest starting to fill out. Heath let out a moan as one of his hands went to his chest to squeeze the growing boobs, but as soon as he did Tom saw him freeze and look down at his chest in shock.

Oh crap, Tom thought to himself as he looked at the book he had set down on the table, he forgot to have him believe he had always been a girl! As Heath stood up and continued to look down at his ballooning boobs Tom could see that he had also made a second mistake in his simplistic changing. At first it was hard to tell but when Heath raised his leg and put his hand between his legs he could see that a pair of pussy lips were forming there, but his cock was still hanging there as big as ever. Tom realized he had given his roommate tits and a pussy but not called him a girl, and the book decided that meant that he was going to make the new Heather a hermaphrodite.

"Tom!" Heather stated as shi walked back to where hir phone was sitting, causing him to get an eyeful of her generous new breasts as they finished their expansion. "Something's happening to me! If I call the doctor could you give me a ride to the ER?"

"Wait, don't call!" Tom shouted, causing the confused roommate to look at him while hir fingers hovered over the screen. "I... uh... I have something to show you. Just... don't get angry, alright?"

Heather slowly put down the phone and Tom decided to come cleaning, showing hir the passages that he had already written down and the changes he had made. To his surprise a coy grin spread on Heath's face as he looked at the back of it where the instructions are. "So this can change anything about anyone?" shi asked, Tom just nodding as he was still in disbelief of the excited nature of his roommate. "Well then, I think that fair is far and that I can write something about you."

"I guess?" Tom said as he handed the pen to hir. "So you're not mad at all?"

"Are you kidding?" Heather replied as she started to write. "You know how many people would kill to have a chance like we have? Plus I'm not going to lie, watching myself grow these bad boys was almost as fun as feeling my new vagina forming... though you'll see for yourself soon enough."

Tom tilted his head for a brief second before he suddenly felt something happening between his own legs, his already half-hard cock growing completely erect as it felt like something was pushing inside his taint. Heather grinned at him and set the book aside before taking two fingers and sliding them into the folds forming while hir other hand took their two cocks and brought them both together. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced as the digits sank deep into him, feeling his new pussy stretching slightly from the insertion as his nipples suddenly became very sensitive. Once more Heather surprised him by leaning forward and sucking on his growing tit while still rubbing their cocks together.

This was not how he expected the evening to go, but Tom... Tama, hir name was Tama, wasn't complaining as she arched hir back in pleasure. With her clit forming and hir cock starting to stretch even beyond its normal erection it appeared that he was going to be just as well-endowed as the herm toying with hir transforming body. The sensations that came from the changes were almost as good as the touch of the other herm, to the point where he hoped that this wouldn't be the last thing they changed. He found his hips bucking up and down to get both of hir new sexes stimulated while her new boobs were being fondled, which he reciprocated with by grabbing and squeezing the ones hanging from the one on top of him.

"Faster..." Tama moaned as Heather arched back as well. "Keep stroking..."

Heather was just about to lean in and kiss Tama when she paused, then backed away slightly. "I'm not frotting us anymore," Heather informed Tana, wiggling the fingers of both hands against her still growing breasts to show where they were. "I thought that you had taken over, honestly." Tama just shook her head and did the same with her fingers to show both hands were on Heather's breasts. For Tama it still felt like something was wrapped around her growing cock, and when they both separated their bodies to look down their eyes both widened in shock.

Heather fell backwards but stayed on the couch as they saw the two-foot long snake that was rooted firmly to Tama's groin, the scaled flesh coiled around Heather's member and shifting up and down in order to continue to stimulate it. "You gave me a snake cock?!" Tama said, pressing her fingers against the scaled flesh only to find that the new appendage was even more sensitive than the old one. "How?!"

"I didn't!" Heather replied, though shi was interrupted when the new cock uncoiled itself from her member and caused her to pant. "Or at least... oh... uh oh..."

At this point the book was closer to Tama and when she opened it she read the passage that Heather had written. "Tom becomes Tama and gets a set of nice tits and a tight pussy, as well as a cock like an anaconda," both of them looked down to see it still wiggling in the air, causing Tama to shiver as it began to slither along Heather's inner thigh. "Well... looks like the book took it literally."

"So the changes don't have to be grounded in reality," Heather said, eyeing up the book and the pen once more. "Do you mind if I try something? I promise that the changes will happen to me and not you."

Tama just nodded and watched Heather start to scribble away in the journal while shi investigated hir own body. It was strange having boobs and it caused hir to shudder in pleasure to play with them while waiting to see what Heather would do. As shi started to play with hir larger nipples however a sudden surge of pleasure caused both hir and hir roommate to let out a loud moan, and they both looked down to see Tama's snake cock pushing its way into Heather's pussy. The phallic nature of the head made it pop in somewhat easily and the sight of seeing and feeling it pushing deeper inside caused both to start to pant, Tama apologizing as half the length sank inside while Heather explained that shi was finished anyway.

With their focus on the intense sensations coming from their impromptu sex it wasn't until white and blue colors began to sprout on Heather's body that they realized her editing had begun. At first Tama thought that it was fur or scales, but the more that it started to spread over hir body did shi realize it was something else. Rubber... the glint that came from the occasional flash of lighting confirmed that Heather's skin was becoming glistening and synthetic as something pushed out from behind where shi was being penetrated, her stretched pussy lips suddenly becoming more elastic as a rubber tail started to grow out. As the shiny material covered hir body like a suit hir groin continued to shift and change, particularly hir cock as it thickened and grew while the head started to form into a familiar snake-like configuration.

"It's no fair if you just get to have one," Heather said with a grin, hir voice becoming slightly distorted as hir face started to push out into a muzzle. Hir eyes closed as hir jaw stretched, new teeth forming from the growing vulpine muzzle while a pair of horns grew out from her increasingly shiny hair that had turned white with blue highlights. "Plus now we can do this."

Tama let out a shocked gasp as the newly prehensile snake cock slid down and pushed into hir pussy, which up until that point had only had fingers in it. Shi nearly fell off the couch as the sensations that came from hir new sex caused hir to quiver while Heather's body also shuddered as a pair of shiny synthetic wings started to grow out from hir back. "Well if you get a snake cock," Tama said, groaning as her new vagina was being stretched by the cock pushing itself deeper inside. "Then I get a rubber body like that, but one I get to design."

Tama reached over and grabbed the journal, flipping it open to see the paragraph of text that had been written to describe the transformation happening to hir roommate. With the snake cock still plunging as deep inside of hir as possible while hir own did the same it was hard to concentrate, but shi managed to get everything shi wanted using Heather's fox-dragon body description as a guide. It took hir a while, especially when the latex fox tail that the other creature had grown brushed against hir breasts, but finally shi had down a form shi thought was interesting. As shi was about to put down the book however Tama had another idea and decided to write down one more sentence that shi was sure would be fun for the both of them.

With everything written Tama put down the book and waited for hir own humanity to be replaced, the rubber fox dragon herm more than happy to take the lead and get on top of hir once again. With their extremely flexible cocks they were still able to penetrate one another easily enough, which only heightened the lusts they felt as their cock shafts rubbed against one another while pushing in deep. As their bodies rubbed together Tama could feel them sliding with less friction as hir body became rubbery as well. There was no way shi wasn't going to take advantage of that, shi thought to herself as red rubber began to spread over hir breasts while being rubbed against by the white latex tits above hir.

"Oooh, now that's fun," Heather said as shi watched Tama's face stretch out while the red rubber covered hir neck, the amber eyes turning blue as hir nose puffed out and turned black. "Wolf dragon?"

"With a bit of fox for fun," Tama replied, groaning both from hir pussy becoming rubber and letting even more of the snake cock slip in and from the blue rubber covering her legs that were becoming more draconic by the second just like Heather's. "Now hurry up and fuck me, I have one more surprise for us."

That was more than enough for Heather to comply, their bodies starting to squeak loudly as Tama's tail grew out from hir stretching spine. That alone was so intensely wonderful it almost caused hir to cum right there, but she wanted to hold off until shi was sure the latex fox-dragon on top of hir would be the same. That wouldn't be much longer though as Heather's thrusts started to become faster and more erratic, pushing in as deep as shi could go while Tama leaned up to allow hir feathery-textured rubber wings to grow out. As a red mane of synthetic fur grew down hir back and hir ears stretched up to the top of hir head both transformed creatures let out a loud gasp as they orgasmed at almost the same time.

The blue-scaled rubber hands of Tama grabbed onto Heather's hips as they both were awash with such an intense climax from both their sexes that they became frozen in place. Hir new blue dragon feet popped and stretched as hir toes fused into three taloned toes while they were wrapped around Heather's waist, both of them starting to pant loudly as they continued to feel waves and ripples of lustful need go through their transformed bodies. As Heather pulled hirself back a bit shi noticed that hir stomach was a bit swollen, smirking and commenting on how their new anatomy was something as shi poked against it. Tama just grinned as shi knew better, and though hir own belly was swollen from the snake cock inside of hir it began to jiggle and swell while growing even larger.

When it was clear that both their bellies were starting to become more gravid Heather completely pulled out hir snake cock and laid on the other side of the couch while watching the rubber swell even more. "What did you write down?" Heather asked, trying to reach over for the book but hir belly getting so big that it was preventing hir from doing so. "Tama, what did you do, and why does it feel so good?"

"Well since you picked a dragon as part of your form I thought that you might be into this," Tama replied, grunting slightly as hir own heavily pregnant belly got to max capacity, feeling the magic of the book taking effect. "Now if you don't you can always write down something different, if you can reach it."

Heather just let out a huff and sat back once more, then both let out a loud moan as their snake cocks slithered about lazily in the air. Though Tama couldn't see her own pussy shi could definitely see the other rubber hybrid, watching as something began to emerge from it. With Heather showing hirself to be a furry interested in a variety of things shi decided to see if they shared something else in common, and from how loudly the fox-dragon was moaning it was clear shi was. Shi didn't have too much time to dwell on it though as hir own pussy lips were being stretched open, feeling the first of many latex eggs to start pushing its way out of her latex snatch.

Neither transformed creature knew how much time had passed by as they delivered egg after egg, each one being more pleasurable than the last until finally their swollen stomachs had returned to their normal configurations. When the last of their clutch was delivered Tama was so pleasurably exhausted that shi collapsed back against the couch and closed hir eyes as shi heard hir roommate continue to deliver. With the lust finally abating from hir body and hir snake cock completely flaccid the exertion of their time dragged hir down into unconsciousness...

When Tama awoke again it was to the sound of the television going on, and for a brief second shi thought that shi had dreamed it. A quick look around quickly dispelled that idea though as she saw nearly two dozen rubber eggs around them, half with blue and red swirls and the other half a white and blue just like the herm rubber fox-dragon next to hir. As they slowly got up they both found that the book they had been writing in was open to their page, and as Tama examined it shi saw there were more words in gold ink at the bottom.

For the world Tama and Heather had always been like that, no one knowing that they were once human.

The two looked at one another and asked if they had written that and when both responded they hadn't the two turned back and saw the book had vanished, leaving the two with their new lives and a few new activities should the power go out again...

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