Furries University Chapter 27: Life's A Drag.

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#33 of Furries University

Chapter 27: Life's a drag (November 32nd 2019 A.D. - Monday 5:30 AM)

Kitsune awoke, giving a long drawn out yawn, his hair a mess, and a sheet clinging to his body. His nipples erect from the cold, he quickly drew the covers up himself and held them close. His mood was still down, though he did not show it as much, though Shon still held suspicion to the fox. Kitsune sighed in the still very dark room. Kitsune went to leave the bed, but the moment his bare legs touched the air, his fur stood up, he quickly retreated back into the covers, feeling his rump pressing against Shon's belly. He blushed as Shon's paw rubbed against his back.

Looking back Kitsune noticed the folf still asleep, his ears twitching as he dreamed and smacked his lips together. Kitsune did not try and think on his lover while Shon was near but somehow his thoughts dropped to the one he wanted beside him in the bed. Kitsune quickly jumped from the covers, his sheath bare in the cold, it tightening at the feeling, he quickly moved to his bag and pulled out one of Ozwot's shirts. It was large, but it would do for covering him. He placed it on, the shirt held to the his left shoulder but swung down the right. He moved into the living room closing the door behind him silently. Dragging himself onto the couch and sitting.

He yawned and looked at the clock, it read five forty five, and Kitsune gave a shake of his head, his tail giving a swish. He leaned over his shoulder hit a lamp and it wobbled, knocking down a metallic object to the ground with a thud. Kitsune quickly balanced the lamp with his paws and looked over the arm of the couch, his tail raised high, his enticing cheeks in air. He found himself staring at a pocket knife, he grabbed for it and pulled it up to him and looked at it for a moment. He popped the blade out, it was jagged, an artistic looking piece of metal with a black handle. The blade had no words or writing as Kitsune expected on a blade.

He then stared at the blade and put a paw to the collar around his neck, rubbing it softly.

"It would be so easy to end it..." he whispered to himself, and then gave a jump as the bedroom door closed Shon standing there shaking his head, as he heard the words from the fox's mouth.

"Don't even say that" Shon gave a grunt moving towards Kitsune "Hand me the knife Kit". Kitsune held out the knife now his hair covering his eyes, as Shon took it from him.

"I'm not saying..."

"I don't care what you are saying! Don't say it" Shon gave a demand, Kitsune's ears drooped.

"I would never..."

"But you thought about it...even if just for a moment" Shon shook his head, sitting beside Kitsune.


"He is coming back" Shon gave another grunt and grabbed Kitsune's shoulder pointing the fox so that he looked into his eyes, anger running through.

"how do you know!?" Kitsune questioned tears beginning to well up.

"Don't you question me Kit! Okay...you were doing fine...I thought you were through this..."

"I just...it doesn't feel like...he will come for me"

"He will!" Shon exclaimed "I know he will...why wouldn't he". Kitsune began to sniff as tears rand down his cheeks, the fox pulled himself back, but Shon grabbed the back of his head and placed a paw at his cheek.

"Stop it!"

"I want him back!" Kitsune shrieked as he began to cry. Shon paused for a moment and looked into Kitsune's eyes as the fox whipped his tears. Shon gave a breath closing his eyes, he drew Kitsune near and presses his lips to the fox's. Kitsune's eyes opened wide at first, and closed slowly, as he felt the warmth of Shon's lips against his. The folf put his arms around Kitsune pulling him close and rubbing his back softly. They parted lips and Kitsune looked away, guilt now coursing through him, the fox wanted the kiss, he liked the kiss.

"I'm sorry Kitsune...but it seems that the words are not enough for you...I love you, and care for you...and so does Ozwot...That is how I know he will come back for you...because I know I would" Shon placed his paw on Kitsune's cheek and rubbed softly. The fox blushed at the sentiment and Shon smiled.

"Do you understand now?" He asked. Kitsune nodded slowly and wiped his eyes once more. The folf began to blush himself and shook his head standing.

"I'm sorry if I've made you feel awkward...I should have put clothes on...I didn't mean to...I would never want to steal you from your mate" Shon shook his head "But I love you and I don't like seeing you cry, or even THINK of taking that life of yours". Shon took his knife and threw it into the trash can and shook his head.

"We don't need blades in here....we need flowers" he smiled to Kitsune.

"...." The fox paused opening his mouth to speak but freezing for the guilt he may have for his next words "...I-I love you...too". Shon stopped and his ears perked.

"Good" he said not turning around "Then....you won't take that love from me by taking your life away". Shon walked into the room, and Kitsune leaned back on the couch placing a paw to his chest, his heart racing.

"Please forgive me my love..." he whispered moving his paw up to the pendant hanging from the collar "...I shared a kiss...but I still love you".

*** (an hour and fifteen minutes later)

The sun came ablaze over the campus, giving the feeling of spring, other than the freezing cold in the air, that nipped at the body no matter the covering. Kitsune yawned once more walking out of the room, his hair wet and out of his eyes now, licking his lips. He stood, wearing a tight two tone shirt, with white torso, and black sleeves. Tight light blue jeans around his legs, he patted his own rump softly and gave a breathe as he held his back pack close. Shon followed him through the door, a black long sleeved shirt over his body and thick black jeans on, he smiled as he saw Kitsune walk, at his normal pace once more, no more droned swish of the tail as he step.

Suddenly Shon's ears perked noticing something as Kitsune's tail swung upwards as he neared the door. Shon fulfilling his curiosity walked directly behind Kitsune and put a finger down the back of Kitsune's pants. Kitsune gave a slight yelp as Shon pulled the end of the pants and looked into them. He spied a white thong, running down through Kitsune's cheeks he could not help but chuckled at the sight as the fox turned blushing, and pulling the end of his shirt down lower to cover the belt line.

"Now that's something a happy fox wears!" Shon chuckled.

"I-I..." Kitsune's embarrassment already ran through him, but Shon smiled at him "Do they look good?"

"Of course they do" Shon smiled "I'm just glad to see your feeling better".

"Well...it's thanks to you" Kitsune looked at the ground "I've been so caught up in the thought he might not come back...that I forgot that...that's not who he is...he will come back".

"Heh, wearing this in case he returns eh?"

"No...wearing this because It's comfortable" Kitsune giggled. They walked down the steps together, sun blazing through the dorm building.

"I got an E-mail from you, by the way...I didn't get time to read it though" Shon spoke.

"Oh yeah, It's about GLS, I...well I've finally got my tail in gear and though up the fund raiser having a meeting tonight, and talking about the new meeting place AND were the fund raiser will take place"

"What's the fundraiser"

"Well since you handle the finances you should be first to know" Kitsune giggled "We're having a drag show"

"Didn't know you like cars" Shon chuckled. Kitsune smiled and put a paw on Shon's left shoulder, leaning his head on the right still walking along.

"You silly...you know what I mean, Boys dressing in girls clothes, and girls dressing in guys clothes" Kitsune smiled.

"Oh? So are you gonna be in it?"

"Of course, I haven't been in drag in forever...I was hoping maybe you could drive me around town as I got the outfit together, I got some money still left over and I really wanted to get something nice...I already have a wig, and some other useful things, but I wanted a nice dress" Kitsune giggled.

"Okay...alright...I'll drive you, you haven't been in my car anyways"

"Is it nice?"

"...if you're into fixing it every five minutes sure" Shon chuckled. Leo was standing near the tree one of his wings on his left size as he itched at it. He turned and saw Kitsune, looked back the turned again and moved over.

"Hey Kit!" he greeted.

"Hi hi Leo" Kitsune smiled.

"Hey do you know what happened here in the tree" Leo moved to the large tree and pointed towards a dented area in it, with bark smashed in. Kitsune stared at it, and shook his head.

"I have no idea" Kitsune shrugged.

"This tree is oak...and pretty thick too...you've gotta be a pretty big bull or somethin' to smash into it like this...someone must have wrecked a motorcycle or something" Leo scratched at his ear and gave a breath "I've gotta all the work on the grass done, but the gardener is out and they said they'd pay me some extra to water them...and plant some new ones near the freshman dorm building...what do you think Kitsune, what's your favorite flower".

Kitsune smiled and clapped his paws together simply saying "Red Roses"

"ah...okay I'll see if we have a pack of those seeds in the shed...Oh when Oz get's back you think you can tell him to go see the office...they're probably mad that he hasn't been here for so long...I'm sure they'll be lenient...I mean it's not under his control if his family gets sick...and he has to be there for his mom after all...anyways I'm sure you have to get to class right?"

Kitsune nodded and Shon began to walk Kitsune waved to Leo and followed behind. Ryan sat at the benches near the building writing in his notebook as Shon and Kitsune approached.

"Hey!" Ryan called out to Kitsune waving his paw. Kitsune moved to him and sat down on the bench beside him.

"I wanted to make sure you got in alright, after the episode you had four weeks ago or so...I figured you're always coming in alone so it'd be safer if someone walked with you" The rabbit smiled at Kitsune "since you don't have Oz around...and I can't trust none of those straight people with you". Ryan laughed and then put his notebook in his bag.

"You know I'm joking, but still, I'm gonna wait right here on Monday for you until Oz gets back, Okay?"

Kitsune nodded, and looked at Shon, who walked towards him.

"So you'll be okay getting to class with him kit?" Shon asked somewhat protectively.

"Yes" Kitsune said, looking up at Shon who nodded and began to walk into the building. Kitsune and Ryan did not talk long to follow his foot steps as they saw people begin to frantically move through the halls, as they peered through the glass entrance doors. Kitsune and Ryan walked along the halls, until they came to the Anthropology class room, where they walked into the room, being somewhat late comparative to Ryu and the others. The fox and the rabbit squeezed into there row and sat down at there desks pulling out the things they would need. Ryu raised an eyebrow as he looked at Kitsune.

"Ya' look different today kit" Ryu said. Kitsune nodded and gave a yawn.

"I'm feeling....much better" Kitsune said softly.

"No more episodes then?"

"Huh? Oh...I sure hope not" Kitsune shook his head. A bell set off and the entire class went silent, as Mr. Jefferies footsteps echoed around the class room, as he walked down the steps. He tapped at a book in his hand with one of his fingers, smiling as he neared his desk.

"Well class, I suppose you have all been paying attention....because the first big test will be next week...for the rest of the week you should study your tails off...this is a new subject added, and that means you're the first to take the tests, that also means it's the hardest test of this class so far" He chuckles as the other furs seem to miss the joke. He pauses and gives a breath looking over the class.

*** (2 hours passed by, as Jefferies explained human birth and its similarities to most mammilla of the furry world, and then spoke about how in comparison humans evolutionary cycle was much slower to the furries cycle in most cases)

Kitsune walked through the halls, following behind Ryu, Ryan beside him, as they moved for Japanese language class. Kitsune looked out the window that looked into the courtyard, he saw a black blur go by, in a rush and then disappear as if it had flown upwards. Kitsune's ear tilted and twitched, but he ignored it and continued walking.

Inside the class now the group sat down in there seats, Ms. Gray sitting at her desk her tail wagging happily. Her eyes seemed to be lost in some thought as she twisted her glasses about looking at the wall. The bell rang and shave gave a slight jump putting her glasses on and standing up.

"Today is test day!" she exclaimed but still had that happy smile on her face "But...I figured every other teacher seems to be giving tests, next week...so I though since you have all been working...I'd say hard but some of you seem to be slouching, So I have decided to give you today to study silently in class on any material you are having trouble with, we will go over greetings, questions, subjects, and honorifics on this test, I suggest you study as hard as you possibly can". She walks back to her desk leaving the students confused at the words and then points at Kitsune. He stands up and walks to her desk a confused look on his face.

"Professor Heenie wanted to speak to you after class, but since we're not having a test I decided I'd send you to her room....and give her this as well" Ms. Gray held out a letter, which seemed to be covered in a perfume musk which made Kitsune's nose twitch "Come right back once she is done, you are not doing so good on questions I'd focus on that for you". Kitsune nodded itched his ear and walked up the steps. Leaving the class room, the hall was horribly empty, not a sound could be heard other than the steps of the fox through the white corridor. He stopped in his foot steps as he heard a near whisper, looking around for the source he found the hall empty, then the whisper came again.

"I can't believe you" the whisper said in a dark misty voice. Kitsune stopped and his ears twitched as his body froze.

"I can't believe that you believe Shon!" The voice exclaimed in its whisper.

"Not now" Kitsune shook his head and continued walking trying to ignore it.

"you really think he cares about you!" its voice began to shout.

"..." Kitsune continued to ignore it as he turned down the hall for Heenie's room.

"He just wants you to shut up!" the voice screamed "He just wants you to stop whining to him! He doesn't care"

"Shut up" Kitsune gritted his teeth his ear twitching.

"and once more, you feel a joy in your ignorance!" The voices scream echoed in his mind.

"I said....SHUT UP!" Kitsune shouted falling to his knees and covering his ears, his eyes clenched shut. Suddenly everything became quiet. Kitsune looked around, he found that a professor looked through their class room door towards him. Kitsune quickly stood and began to walk towards Heenie's room, clasping the pendant around his neck to his chest.

He came into Heenie's room and shut the door exhaling heavily and then breathing in and rubbing the back of his head. Allison sat at the desk writing in some papers, the room was empty other than a student in the back who seemed to be taking a test.

"Ummm...Ms. Gray said you wanted to see me" Kitsune placed the letter on the desk and looked at the professor.

"Yes" She nodded looking up "I wanted you to tell me how that group you made is doing". Kitsune paused and sat down in a chair near the desk.

"It's fine" Kitsune said feeling slightly odd talking to a teacher about it.

"Uh huh, and how would one go about joining in it?" she looked at him with a stare.

"...just talk to me" Kitsune answered "I...just have to write your name on this members list I have and add you to the registry".

"Alright....and I'd like to join please. Allison Heenie, don't need professor or anything" She nodded. Kitsune nodded and then sat back in the chair placing his paws on his lap.

"There is a meeting tonight" Kitsune abruptly said "it's about where the next meetings will take place and the fund raiser".

"I see" Allison looked at the note and opened it. Kitsune went to leave but she held a finger up motioning him to sit back down.

"Wait...lemme read this first" she leaned back in her chair crossing her legs. She looked through the slip of paper, the musk making Kitsune's nose twitch, somewhat strong for him, as it began to make his head ache.

"Okay...when you go back tell Ms. Gray that I said "Yes, and that I.L.U"

Kitsune nodded, shaking his head as he left the room, feeling awkward having to tell a teacher from another teacher "I L U".

*** (6 hours passed)

Aide sat on the stage in the Gym, as Kitsune leaned back in a chair rubbing his forehead, Inali was sipping from a cup as the rest of the group sat around talking.

"What's-a-matter?" Aide called to kit.

"hmmm?" Kitsune shook his head "oh...nothing really just waiting for everyone to get here".

"Who comes to these things?"

"Every person with a position must come, but anyone who wants to can as well. I send out an email about this stuff but if the other people with positions have things to add it's useful to me"

"Oh" Aide said laying down on the stage.

Slowly moments passed and people began to move in they all sat down in chairs, Kitsune noticed the faces of Ryan, Rodgers, Kagome, Sakura, Yoshikuni, Shadow, Leo, and his wife. They all sat in the front row, most of them having some position in the group. Kitsune sat in front of the stage propping the microphone in front of him.

"Hello everyone" Kitsune greeted. Most the crowd waved or said "hello" back to the fox who seemed to blush at everyone's gaze.

"Okay today, we're here to talk about the new meeting place which I've found" Kitsune smiled and closed his eyes breathing in "The new meeting place is also where our first fund raiser will be".

"What is the fund raiser" Yoshikuni raised her paw "you haven't told anyone of us I believe"

"I have been discussing it" Kitsune giggled into the microphone "and I've decided we will have a Drag show....not cars, but men wearing girl clothes, and girls wearing man clothes".

The crowd chuckled at the idea.

"So where is this place the new meetings will happen?" Rodgers raised his paw next.

"It's an old Dojo my father had when he used to teach, but he doesn't anymore but he doesn't have to pay for it...no electricity is there, but he used candle light and natural light in the first place...I think once we get some funds we may pay for electricity, I'm not sure yet" Kitsune nodded "I'll send an E-mail with the exact address but it does stand out, since it's a traditionally styled Chinese dojo".

"Will you be in it!?" Raised the paw of a person in the back, which Kitsune could not make out. Kitsune giggled and blushed at the question.

"Yes I will be in it" Kitsune nodded.

"How will this make money?" Shon asked raising his paw.

"Ah! Yes umm well I figured we could take tickets at the door, for anyone who wanted to come, we'll put up fliers about it and such...also I figured we could sell refreshments and that sort" Kitsune answered.

"So we finally won't have to sit in this droll Gym!?" Kagome raised her paw.

"Exactly" Kitsune answered simply then a paw behind Ryu was Raised Kitsune leaned up to see professor Heenie .

"Where do you sign up to be in it?" She asked putting her paw down.

"Oh, thank you, I almost forgot, if you want to be in it, you have to supply your own clothes and they have to be of the opposite sex of yourself...and if you want to be in it just email me, I'll put that in the email I send though, for the furs who are not here tonight" Kitsune breathed out.

"When is it!?" asked one of the members in the back raising a paw.

"Umm...It will be in December, sorry it will take so long but not everyone can afford there outfits they want yet and I think it gives us time to setup lights and such,".

"Well that's it" Kitsune put the microphone up "That's all this meeting was about".

The crowd piled out with a commotion and Kitsune yawned. Shon came up behind him and placed a paw on his shoulder.

"You seem tired" Shon said softly into the fox's ear.

"Yeah...but I wanna go get myself a dress" Kitsune whined like a child.

"I know, how about tomorrow I take you right after classes?" Shon asked "you'd never be able to walk through the mall". Kitsune gave a sigh and nodded.

*** (December 6th 2019 A.D. -Saturday 8:30 PM)

Kitsune took a breath as he saw furs start to pile into the quaint little dojo. Decorations where set up so the only thing that gave away that it was a dojo was the Japanese mat which went over the entire floor. A few boxes lined up with a nice red rug over them had been made into a cat walk for the cross dressers who would soon walk down it. Kitsune walked out onto the cat walk as people sat down, legs crossed. Some of the people Kitsune spotted were not members but the support was still nice. Rogers sat taking tickets and putting the money in a small cash box looking at Kitsune with a smile.

The turn out was nice so far, plenty of people were coming to watch, even more than Kitsune had expected. Looking about suddenly, a cat boy ran up to him and squeezed him tight. He was wearing a ringer tee with long cargo pants, both were white, the shirt had a red trim as well as a black cap spun backwards. Kitsune gave a yelp as he was taken by surprise the cat pulled back and Kitsune looked into its eyes.

"Aide!" He gave a surprised tone "Oh wowie, I knew you were coming but you did good"

"Oh really?" She quickly clapped her paws "you really think I'm good?"

"Of course I do" Kitsune smiled "Don't suppose Ryu is here Cross dressing?"

"You know him"

"It's called fear of femininity" Kitsune giggled.

"Well you know how it is...I'm sure your boyfriend wouldn't Cross dress" Aide laughed.

"Well.....guess not" Kitsune laughed and breathed in.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I've never done this in public" Kitsune exhaled.

"Oh...little scared?"

"Just worried I won't look good".

Kitsune gave a jump as a paw was placed on his shoulder.

"he's crazy" Shon's voice came from behind Kitsune "He practiced the walk and everything in that mirror, and he looked fine".

"Not using socks for boobs anymore" Aide giggled.

"Nope, I figured I'd just be flat chested" Kitsune smiled "don't need boobs falling out on stage".

"Smart idea, lil' Miss Smarty pants"

"Not Miss yet, still haven't put on my dress"

"Oh I wanna see it!"

"No way, I want to surprise people with it"

"hmm where'd you buy it!?"

"I didn't find one I liked so actually I looked about and got one custom made" Kitsune smiled clapping his paws "It's got a modern feel with old time look".

"Oh yeah you like those old dresses"

"Of course they were always nice looking, but this one has modern look as well, it's like a mesh"

"Hmmm....oh my it's close to show time!" Aide gave a shout "Hmmm here Kit lemme do your make up...what color is your outfit!?"

Before Kitsune could answer aide had grabbed his wrist and led him into a small room off with mirrors and sat him in a chair. He blinked and she pushed a make up set near him and stared at the reflection of the fox.

"White, and pink with a blonde wig" Kitsune answered now.

"Hmmm okie dokie, I have an idea" She quickly puts a stick of lipstick in Kitsune's hand "Put that on, I'll apply blush and eye liner".

Kitsune smiled and started to press the lipstick against his black lips, slowly as he moved the stick, white lay behind. He smiled, the color was nice. Aide began to rub a brush over his white cheeks and she quickly started to take the eyeliner over his eyes, he blushed, though it wasn't perceivable over the make up blush. The eye liner was white as well matching quite well. He smiled and stood up as he heard the crowd. Aide Grabbed both his paws and he looked into her eyes with a smile.

"You look so pretty" she said.

"Thanks to you" Kitsune smiled hugging aide close "Now get out I have to dress".

"Like you have something I haven't seen" Aide rolled her eyes.

"You've never seen my penis, and you never will, now get out hun" Kitsune shooed her off and she laughed.

"Wait!" she screamed as the door shut "When do I go out!?"

"It's a volunteer thing...wait for me you can go in front of me" Kitsune giggled.

*** (fifty minutes pass)

Aide walked out and looked through the side where the audience lay, the lights were dim and on the cat walk that was made, a few bright garden lights made a towering stream over it as furs walked out. The show had already started when aide and Kitsune went into the other room. A female horse walked out, wearing a heavy duster coat in cow boy boots and leather chaps, with a lasso by her hips. Though she was very masculine looking Aide noticed she still had lipstick on. Aide began to walk over and sat in a chair. Many of the furs in the audience were giving "Woos, and yips" as most would say, and taking pictures of the transvestites who walked across the cat walk. Professor Allison looked at aide and smiled before walking onto the cat walk. She gave a very strong stride, she was dressed in a loose white shirt, long baggy jeans on, boxers underneath as she sagged only so slightly shades over her eyes, and a black jacket atop of her shirt her hair in a messy way but still tied in a pony tail.

After Ryan began to walk down the walk now, a tight orange skirt over his legs very short and showing off the bottoms of the white panties underneath, a very tight white top flowing about with no sleeves as he walked by red lip stick on, at the end of the walk he blew a kiss three times and continued his stride back blushing.

Suddenly Aide felt herself get pushed forward as Ryan came back in, she looked back to see Kitsune smiling. She rolled her eyes and began to walk trying to keep as masculine as she could she spread her legs and tried to hold back her own laughter as she walked by hearing a "woohoo" from a woman at front, aide couldn't help but stop at the front of the cat walk and grope the sock made package at her crotch and smile to the people. She came back with a happy stride but didn't notice Kitsune had already begun to set off for the cat walk. He walked down the carpet swinging his hips, a long eloquent pink dress over his body, at the end of the skirt it frilled and over the chest was white with the pink running down the short sleeves, his paws were covered by white slippers, long white gloves going up from his paws to his elbow, and a blonde long curly haired wig over his head as he walked bag, his tail swaying with his hips.

The lights shined in his eyes as he walked by, but ignored them. Coming to the end of the cat walk he gave a spin so softly and slowly before stopping softly his paws straight in front of his crotch holding into each other and he smiled to the crowd.

"I love you all" He blushed and giggled before turning and walking down the stage. At the end he found everyone waiting for him, transvestites and friends alike. Aide had a somewhat annoyed look on her face but couldn't help but smile at Kitsune's outfit.

"My my!" Shon gave a happy reply pulling Kitsune into a hug "You look amazing...except I like your normal hair". Shon pulled off Kitsune's wig and kissed his cheek. Kitsune giggled and looked to ever one.

"You really think I looked good" he looked to everyone.

"Uh what about me!?" Allie butted in.

"I thought you looked great" Kitsune gave a reply sadly I didn't get to see everyone, go on". Kitsune looked down sadly.

"It's okay" Yoshi approached "Me and shadow made sure to take pictures of everyone's outfits from every angle".

Aide approached Allison and Ryan and began to whisper into there ears pointing at Kitsune. Kitsune gave a silent whimper and tilted his head.

"Why are you talking about me?" Kitsune question. All of them shook there heads and began to whistle. The lights turned on and the runway lights went out.

Kitsune paused for a moment then his tail wagged.

"Everyone who was in the show get into a position on the run way I think we should bow" Kitsune smiled.

"Bow?" asked Aide.

"Queens curtsy, kings bow" Kitsune giggled walking back onto the stage followed by Ryan, Allison, and Aide, then the rest of the furs in the show. The stage held all forty two members of the show as they all stood there and Kitsune picked up a microphone from the stage, giving a giggle.

"Well, did everyone enjoy the show?" Kitsune asked the crowd. The crowd gave a cheer, people still taking pictures.

"Good because now I'm announcing, from now on this is annual, Every year at this time we will have a drag show!" Kitsune shouted to the crowd who immediately responded with another cheer.

"And now, there were a lot of people who entered with amazing outfits, Now no voting on who was the best this isn't a contest...you can vote amongst yourselves" Kitsune giggled "that's the show, and now I'm hoping this will suffice until next year". Kitsune began to drop to curtsy followed by the others in the show. They stayed for a moment as the crowd clapped. Then as Kitsune lifted up Aide, Ryan, and Allison winked to each other. They quickly moved forward Kitsune gave a surprised gasp as Allison and Ryan took hold of his arms, and quickly aide went to the front side bent down and lifted up Kitsune's skirt, the entire crowd burst out into flashes as they saw underneath the vulpine's skirt.

Around his crotch was a tight pair of pink panties, with frills on the bottom and top side a little ribbon placed on the top part, and an impression of his sheath and balls could be made out. Kitsune quickly broke free and blushed as Aide, Ryan, and Allison all gave another bow. Kitsune curtsied as the crowd cheered. Kitsune smiled to himself as he realized how well the event really went. He could see Rodgers smiling from the crowd with a camera and a smirk on his face looking towards the fox. Though he knew he would see a picture of his undies later on he still loved that so many furs had come to see this, his heart fluttered happily as he thought about how amazing it truly was. He couldn't help but smile at his fortune. He happily rejoiced in mind about how well this day of transvestites truly went.

Furries University Chapter 28: Merry X-mas

Chapter 28: Merry X-mas. (December 25th 2019 A.D. - Friday 5:30 AM) Kitsune awoke, alone in the room, a dense air about it. The days were growing longer and longer it seemed to him. He was studying, playing, doing whatever he could to keep his...

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Furries University Chapter 26: Wondering the Abyss

Chapter 26: Wondering the Abyss (November 11th 2019 A.D. - Monday 10:30 AM) Kitsune awoke on the medical bed, Ryu, Shon, Yoshi, Shadow, Rodgers and the fox were all around him. Kitsune shook awoke, looking around. He saw most of their faces smile...

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Furries University chapter 25: Dissonance

Chapter 25: Dissonance (November 11th 2019 A.D. - Monday 6 AM) Shon awoke, to find a young fox nuzzling against his stomach, Kitsune's arms wrapped around him. The folf smiled down at Kitsune. Placing a paw on the back of Kitsune's head, Shon...

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