GinxKurohabaki Masamune AU: playful romp

Story by Johnxgin3 on SoFurry

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#1 of Ginga Series

a little something i wrote last night.

characters© yoshihiro takahashi

GinxKurohabaki Masamune AU: playful romp

Gin and his mate, Kurohabaki, decided to take a walk through the woods together, like any couple should. The brown Akita with the black scarf couldn't help but notice that gin looked so handsome in the Autumn colours. "The trees look so lovely at this time of year." He said as he nuzzled the silver Akita. "Mmm. They do honey." Said gin.

After they met last year, they both soon became mates. After that, they were both inseparable.

Kurohabaki decided to have fun with gin and walked forward a bit. "Say gin, want to have a race to catch me? The one who wins gets to have fun with the loser, especially with a loser like me." Kurohabaki cheekily taunted while shaking his butt at gin. Gin licked his lips at kurohabaki's sexy ass. "It's on, cutey." Said gin. Soon gin and kurohabaki were running through the woods throughout the afternoon, laughing and chasing each other. Gin couldn't help but playfully grab Kurohabaki's leg with his jaws. He let go though, but he also playfully bit down on his mate's butt. "Oh! You saucy devil gin!" Teased kurohabaki. However he accidentally ran into a branch which lightly hit gin on the head. "Ow!" Gin exclaimed, letting go of his mate's rump. Kurohabaki couldn't help but laugh like mad. "Oh that is it!" Exclaimed gin and jumped at kurohabaki. Both laughed as they both rolled down the hill before landing at the bottom, gin on top. The laughter subsided as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Gin-sama...'' Said kurohabaki, blushing at seeing gin, the shooting star silver fang, on top of him, in the slowing dusk. Gin smiled as he lowered his face to kurohabaki's own. Slowly they both locked muzzles in a deep and passionate kiss, which went for sometime. After their mouths parted, kurohabaki got up and walked forward, lifting up his tail, showing his anus and balls. "I'm ready, my lord." Gin felt so sexually aroused at seeing his mate's ass and balls that he felt his member start to slowly come out of his pouch. He soon mounted kurohabaki, carefully. "Are you ready honey?" He asked. "As ready as I'll ever be." Said kurohabaki. "Just go slowly." With that, gin slowly pushed his cock into kurohabaki's anus, then out, slowly at first, so that gin could hear the pleasurable moans of his mate, then faster and faster, causing kurohabaki to wail for his mate to push more and more. Gin banged Kurohabaki's ass as hard as he could, until they both came. Semen spurted out of kurohabaki's cock and onto the grass. Gin got off of kurohabaki but turned away. "Gin? What's wrong?" Kurohabaki asked. "The knot. It's stuck." Said gin. "We'll have to wait until it's out." After they stood still for a short time, they heard a pop, and gin's cock came out of kurohabaki's anus. Both dogs laid together in the stillness of twilight, fireflies lighting the night sky. Gin and kurohabaki looked at each other as the fireflies flew past, creating a romantic atmosphere. "I love you gin." Said kurohabaki as he nuzzled gin on the cheek. "I love you too honey." Said gin, nuzzling his mate in return.


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