
Story by Wyatt on SoFurry

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#2 of Two Halves of a Whole

So...I managed to finish this nice and quick. It's part two, so enjoy. xD Been having problems with submissions, etc, so I'm hoping I can get it all sorted out soon. (By resending my stories about five times -_-) * * *

Leon Leon awoke. Fucking dreams, keep teasing me with what I can't have! Those were his first thoughts, or something similar. His second thought related to why he was sleeping on the sofa, sitting upright rather than laying down. And why were his pants undone? It all came back to him in an instant, and his eyelids snapped open. To his relief, Mikey's was peacefully sleeping on his lap, his mouth slightly ajar, and his tail loosely wrapped around his own. So it hadn't been a dream after That was almost hard to believe. Leon hadn't intended to fall asleep, as he had wanted to stay up all night as the two usually did when the slept over one another's. But he had found relaxing with Mikey too tempting to resist, and sleep had gotten the better of him. Trying his best not to wake his friend up, he shifted his paw around to glance at his watch, and was surprised to see that it was only 1:42AM. One eyebrow raised, he glanced out the window, which revealed a completely pitch black setting. So, he had only been asleep for a matter of hours, it would seem. But why had he woken up? As he cast his eyes around the room he began to realize that, despite the hours that has passed, he wasn't quite sober yet. His vision was still blurry, and he was having trouble taking in his surroundings, even though he was in his own home. But no matter how drunk he was, nothing could have prepared him for what he saw next. The room had only two windows in it, one that lead out to the garden and the other that lead next door. Originally, he had glanced to next's doors window to see it was still dark. This time however, he glanced at the other window. And someone was staring in at him. Horrorstruck, he blinked as he felt his heat beat twice as fast. But the silhouetted face had gone before he could have identified it. Wondering if he had just had an odd illusion, he gently slid out from underneath Mikey's form, careful not to wake the tiger up. As he did, he re-buttoned his pants, and grabbed his shirt off of the ground. Trying to control himself, and tell himself that he hadn't seen anything, he made his way slowly to the window, muscles ever so tense. He had to make sure...or else he would never feel easy again. Eyes shut; he pressed his own face against the windows. God, he didn't want to open them! He knew he would only see some bodiless face staring back at him through the window! With a deep breath, and a shaking paw, he opened his eyes. Nothing. The front garden was slightly lit in the moonlight, but nobody was there. Leon breathed his largest breath, instantly turning away from the window. So he could had been nothing. Most likely just some animal, or a figment of his imagination. Yeah, that was it! But now he was hungry. Ever so careful not to wake Mikey up, he tiptoed his way into the kitchen, intent on hunting the cupboards for something to eat. Something to distract him from the moment of panic he had just gone through. He opened the overhead cupboards, only to find half a loaf of bread remaining, along with a few cereal boxes and three eggs. Randomly snatching a box of cereal, he noticed something else. Curiously, he picked up the white piece of paper and turned it over. There was a note, written in such a small font it was difficult to read. His fathers. "Hey sport, sorry we don't have much food available. Feel free to order pizza or something if you'd like, just so long as you don't invite random girlfriends over! Just kidding! Lots of love, Pa." It was the irony of the final few words of the note that made Leon snigger to himself, wondering how his parents would react if he told them that he and Mikey were no longer 'Just friends'. It would be stupid to really tell, as they were natural homophobes. Both religious, he had long since making a point of avoiding them as much as possible, since they never really got on. He had been about to slice a small section of bread off when he felt two familiar and highly welcome paws wrapping themselves around his waist. Grinning, he leant back into Mikey's arms, who greeted him with a warm lick on the neck. "Didn't mean to fall asleep, sorry about that." Leon muttered, turned around to face his newfound lover, no longer feeling that odd sense of embarrassment around him. "It's ok, I'm still pretty tired here, and I needed to be with you again..." Mikey's words caused Leon to blush, yet again, underneath his fur. "Well I love you too." Leon giggled, returning his concentration back to cutting the slice of bread, intent on food. He was in silence, and his paw was still slightly shaky from what he thought he had seen earlier. "Hey, are you ok?" Mikey asked, a strong ounce of concern detectable in his voice. Leon looked at him, slightly lost for words. Would it be worth telling him about what he thought he had seen? No, it would only spark even more concern and worry. Not worth bothering about, in his opinion. "No, I'm fine, just a little tired that's all. I need some real sleep." He lied, finally managing to cut an extraordinarily large slice out of the loaf of bread. "If your sure...Cos' I don't think I'm gonna' be able to keep my paws off you for long!" Mikey giggled, making grabbing motions at Leon's form, who returned the compassion by pulling Mikey into his grasp. "Not when I bite them off you won't!" He chuckled, sliding his hands around his friend's waist and trying to grab hold of his tail. Realizing this, Mikey sent his extra limb into random spasms of movement, making it difficult for Leon to get a firm grip. "Gotcha!" He finally yelled, having grasped the end of Mikey's boney tail between his thumb and his index finger. Among the silence, the tiger's eyes met. I'm so glad we got drunk and confessed everything... That moment could have become a romantic make-out session from a movie scene, had it not been for the ring tone erupting from Mikey's back pocket. "Ah, sorry...forgot about that." He apologized, breaking himself away from Leon's grip, and pressing his phone against his ear. "Hello? Oh, hey Kat..." Leon's ears flipped up, and he listened intently to Mikey's words. "What do you mean?...Well...I'm at Leon's house, if you must know. No, just hanging out, nothing else to it...Of course I'm still single, why?...What do you mean you do don't believe me?...Why would I lie to you, you my mate! I'm serious...Look, I'll ring you back, ok? Bye." With what sounded like a growl, Mikey switched his phone off and thrust it back into his pocket. Leon, however, raised an eyebrow. "What the hell was that?" "It was Kat...she sounded really angry about something too. I'm not sure what, but I don't wanna' ask why. Right now, I just wanna' be with you..." The two of them grinned, letting themselves fall into one another embrace warmly. It was hard to believe, how quickly the two had gone from best friends to lovers with just one hour of drunkenness. Leon didn't think anything of it, but part of him wondered if this was all happening a little too fast to believe. In fact, he was doubting this whole relationship was even real. But what was he saying? Of course it was real! "So, any plans for tomorrow?" Mikey piped up, his arm curled around his lovers waist, their tails curling into each other. "Not really, something in mind?" "Well yeah, but we can do that tonight." Leon blushed, yet again. Much as he anticipated whatever Mikey would be suggesting, he was still slightly nervous. This simple nervousness was more obvious than he thought, as he suddenly found himself facing away from Mikey's face, as soon as he had tried to kiss him. "What's wrong?" He asked, with a strong sense of concern. "It's...nothing." "No, come on. You were fine earlier, and now you're avoiding it?" Leon sighed, having found himself backed into a corner he was unable to escape from. "I'm just get the feeling we're being watched ok?" He almost yelled, whilst casting his eyes around the kitchen, as if expecting to see someone spying in at them. Mikey, on the other hand, raised his second eyebrow. "That's...kinda' weird. What do you mean, being watched?" Leon snapped. "I just don't want my parents to find out about me! They'll freak!" There was a long pause. Neither of the couple moved, apart from the odd flinch from their now separate tails. Mikey growled to himself. He just knew it would be weird, trying to start a relationship with his best friend, and already he had hit an emotional borderline. Mikey wasn't easily fooled, and knew that there was more behind Leon's sudden outburst than was obvious. "What's going on?" He persisted, slowly sliding his paw around Leon's neck, mostly to check that he was still allowed too. If Leon was too paranoid to kiss him, would he even Mikey to be near him? "Well, when I woke up I thought I saw someone staring at me in the window, and I didn't tell you cos' you'd think I'm crazy. I'm just...not sure about telling anybody about us yet, in case word reaches my parents." Leon confessed, leaning closer and closer to Mikey with ever word. "I don't think you're crazy, why would I? I see things like that all the time, it's annoying. Nobody needs to know about us apart from you and me...I promise." Mikey soothed, cautiously sliding his arms around his friends waist, pulling them together. "I love you man, more than you think. I wouldn't wanna' hurt you or anything. And, just out of curiosity, why would your parents freak out?" Leon shrugged, as if he had been asked a complicated math's equation. "There're religious for a start, which makes them natural homophobes. Plus..." He gulped. "Plus my Dad was raped when he was about my age, so he's really dodgy about this kind of thing." Mikey nodded with every word, his chin coming to rest on Leon's shoulder, a barely audible purring just detectable from his chest. "Fair enough then, I swear I won't tell anybody. If it makes you feel better, we could go to your room. Unless they have stilts, no freakish pervs can stare at us through the window that way." Leon grinned. He had forgotten how good a friend Mikey had been in the past. Slowly at first, although he picked up speed as the two of them reached the top of the staircase, they made there way towards Leon's bedroom. It had to be the smallest room in the house. Half of it was taken up by Leon's drum kit (Which Mikey managed to stub his toe on as they entered) and his bed. It was almost pitch black, the only light coming from the 'Standby' display on Leon's stereo, which hung loosely from his wall. Mikey had somehow managed to take off his shirt and throw it in Leon's direction with one paw, while massaging his toe with the other. "Why don't you move this thing..." He half growled, only to have Leon's shirt thrown over his face. "So...your sure nobody would find out about us?" Leon asked, half way between a yawn. Mikey's response was to grab Leon's entire form and pull it towards him. "I swear, cross my heart and hope to have it pecked to death by angry vultures, screaming 'Lyer Lyer' at my departed soul, ok?" Leon grinned, whilst feeling a familiar paw tugging at the back of his jeans. "Ok, I believe you." Leon let himself fall backwards onto the bed sheets, no longer feeling any sense of hesitation or regret as Mikey began unzipping his pants for the second time in one night. This time, however, Leon did the same, with one shaking paw. It was a rather embarrassing moment in the zip on Mikey's leggings got stuck half way down, causing Leon to growl under his breath. "These pants are broken anyway; I'll get some more tomorrow." He was reassured, as Mikey yanked his own pants down to his ankles, revealing a very obvious bulge underneath his black, linen boxers, which were surprisingly tight on him. Leon wasn't going to build the tension any longer, and finally tugged at his friend's boxers down to his knees, revealing the hard length underneath. By far longer than his own, Leon quickly found his paw wrapped firmly around its width, completely mesmerized as he began pumping up and down, in rapid motions. "You're bigger than me..." Mikey giggled, as he knew it was true. Obviously quite proud of his own length, which had to reach seven and a half inches at least. Only slightly longer than Leon's, but still. Mikey shifted his feet slightly, so that he could throw his pants and boxers off his legs completely. Leon, who was slightly breath taken by his friend's fully naked form, was hurriedly trying to even the playing fields and remove the rest of his own clothes. "In a hurry or something?" Mikey giggled, his paw gently dancing up and down Leon's chest. "No, I just want you in me before I finish off just looking at you..." The two of them snorted, as Leon reached for the side of his bed. What he produced from was draw was the smallest packet of lube you could imagine. "Wasn't that the stuff we got for free at sex education last year?" Mikey chuckled, grabbing hold of the small packet and ripping it open, carefully sniffing it. "Yeah...I just thought I'd keep it, just in case..." Mikey squeezed the odd the smelling gel onto his paw, before rubbing it up and down his own length, moaning slightly as he felt his skin becoming like silk. For the size of the packet, there was a lot in there. "So you're sure about this? I don't wanna' hurt you too bad." Mikey checked with Leon, before lowering himself down and licking at his friend's chest. Leon pushed himself upright, nodding. Flicking his tail behind him, he arched his back slightly, and faced away from his friend, tail wrapped around his own waist. "Just be easy at first time, remember?" Mikey nodded. Taking things ever so slowly, he lightly pressed the tip of his member against Leon's tailhole, who growled even at the light touch. Tracing one paw around his friend's shoulder, Mikey slowly began to push himself into Leon, breathing increasing to heavy pants even as he did so. Had he ever suspected that it would feel so good, he would have come out to Leon long ago. Having just received at least five inches of tiger dick inside him, Leon couldn't stop himself growling louder than he had intended to. Sure, it hurt, but he was enjoying the pain more than he thought. And even that was ebbing away now. "Come on, I can't hug you down there..." Mikey whispered, lightly pulling Leon up to his level, whilst still remaining inside him. Leon did so, which meant the two of them were know on their knees, tails and paws entwined. From a distance, it would be hard to tell whose paws were whose. Confident that Leon had adjusted, Mikey began pushing himself in and out. Every second he got slightly faster, his pants and growls increasing in volume. Leon, who was no better, was already feeling a climax coming from this, and actually lost balance. As a result of this, both of them toppled backwards onto the bed, trying hard to contain their girlish giggles. Regardless of the change in position, Mikey kept pumping himself into Leon, now softly biting on his shoulder to prevent himself from roaring out loud. "Dude...I'm...I'm gonna'..." "Me too..." Mikey let go of Leon's shoulder as he felt the lower half of his body explode. Gasping for breath, he wrapped his paws so tightly around Leon's form that he wondered if he was crushing him or not. Leon, however, couldn't be happier to have those arms tightened around his chest. The feeling of his inside filling with tiger cum caused him to spray his own load of the bed sheets. The result of all this? Two panting, purring, fairly sweaty teenaged tigers lying on top of a bed, in almost pitch black darkness. Since this was one of Leon's oldest fantasies, his heart was racing. "I guess this makes us mates then..." Leon reminded himself. "Yeah...I love you man." There was a verbal silence between them, although the sound of exhausted panting could have been heard from the opposite end of the house. Within a few minutes, however, this died down. "So what are we doing tomorrow?" Mikey finally piped up, playfully tugging his new mate closer into his arms. "Going to town, remember? Provided I can walk straight..." "Oh come on, it wasn't that painful was it?" Mikey giggled, lightly licking at Leon's neck. "No! It was great, you're just pretty big." "Oh, sorry. Well, if I do ever really hurt you, tell me ok?" Mikey blabbered, but was quickly silence as Leon rolled over and pressed his lips against his friend's. "Oh stop worrying, it was great, ok? I promise ya'." * * * To be continued... Yup, I finished that part quicker than I thought I would. xD Part three might take a little longer to make, but it's coming! And it's bringing a better plot! I swear! xD

Drunken Confessions

So...hi. This is my first punch at a story, so be nice! xD.You know the rules, this story contains loadsa' sex and dirty stuff, enjoy or look away. I warned ya... (Kind of). Also I fixed the Italics thing, so it makes more sense no :P Another...

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