Not so alone pt 6

Story by KrazyKit on SoFurry

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#5 of Not so alone series

I really appreciate the comments I've recieved and the ratings my stories have been given. The fact people like my stories at all makes me happy.

For Adult eyes only

Not so alone pt 6: Hunted

Luke has been distracted lately. Only a couple days have gone by since the yurling met up with thousands of volts of electricity. Luke seems far away in his thoughts. I know it's because he's thinking about me, about us, about what's going to happen in the future. I wonder if he thinks we can make it, if we can keep living together with that....thing after us. We're sitting outside by the pool. I'm in my white and blue swimming trunks sitting in a chair watching Luke as he sits at the edge of the pool, his legs in the water as he stares into the depths of the pool. I hate the fact that he worries so much, I know it's understandable, I worry too, as noted by the fact that I brought the shotguns outside with us, just in case. I just don't want him to be worried because I see no point in it, and I want him to be happy. More than he knows I want him to be happy.

I take the moment to drink in his image. The sun making the orange-red fur of his back glow. The way even his back has muscle definition, and his beautiful tail as it seems to be vibrating as the breeze makes the fur on it dance. He looks so cute it really is hard to believe he's real. Could you believe it? I know that never in a million years could I have expected to be where I am today, with who I was with. It seems that fate had finally gotten around to making living worthwhile when it gave me Luke, but now it seems determined to rip us apart. I know that I could never leave him, that I'd much rather die than to see him go. I decide that he's had enough time to think and now is the time to relax. I get out of my chair and take a seat next to him. I scoot close and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I ask softly.

"Just about us, about our future." He replies slowly, as though every word is a new thought. I knew that's what he was thinking about, I just wanted to hear his voice. I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him into me.

"Thinking about our future huh? Why would you think about that when you can think about us right now." I say.

I don't let him reply, because at that moment I give him a big kiss.

"Don't be so serious cutie." I say "if you take life too seriously you'll never get out alive." I try to joke. I can tell he doesn't think it's funny. "Hey, we're going to be ok I just know it" I say changing tactics. "As long as we're together we're going to be ok."

"You think so?" Luke asks

"I know so." I reply "now lets go swimming!"

I shifty my body and pull Luke into the water with me. The cool clear blue water swallows us. We spend the rest of the afternoon swimming, letting our worries be lost while we play and splash. Luke has gotten pretty adept at swimming and so we race. By the time we're done we're both tired. We get out of the pool and I can't help but admire how sexy Luke looks even sopping wet, the water running down his fur, it's quite a provacative image. I don't think I could ever have had the guts to actually court and date a guy like him if he were a guy I met rather than the fox he is. Really quite a catch, I bet he could have anyone he wanted, but he chose me to bond with and he's all mine. The thought makes me smile. We lay out in the sun and let its warm rays dry us.

We go inside and have a light snack, neither of us particularly hungry. I follow Luke as he goes into the bedroom to change out of our swim suits into more comfortable clothes. I can't help but watch as Luke slides his swim trunks off, my eyes following the top of them as they go lower, they stop at his groin. I look back up to see Luke looking at me. I blush and take off my swimming trunks. Luke heads to the dresser to put on some boxer briefs when I stop him.

"lets take a nap naked." I blurt out. Luke turns around, a small smile on his face and his eyebrows are arched.

"Ok, but are you sure it's going to end up as a nap?" He taunts. I can't help but blush even deeper.

"probably not" I admit, but I can't help but give a little shiver of excitement as he turns around and I follow him to bed, his fluffy tail swishing slowly. We climb into bed and I snuggle real close. His soft fur warms my body, I turn on my side so we're spooning. I can feel his sheath as it brushes just above my rear. I can feel goosebumps raise on my body. I hear Luke yawn and then realize how heavy my own eyelids are feeling before I push back and snuggle in closer with Luke.

"looks like a nap is all we're going to get." I say somewhat sleepily. I let Luke put his arm around me, and I rest the back of my head against him. I feel so safe and comfortable in his arms, and so loved. I feel the warmth of his body, and the warmth inside me grow. I'm almost asleep when Luke gives my ear a nip. I giggle and wiggle in his grasp. I close my eyes again when I feel another nip. Again I giggle.

"Looks like it's not going to be my idea we dont' nap this time huh?" I say.

"I love the feel of you against me, the way you look at me when you think I'm not paying attention, it makes me feel like I'm the only thing in your world and I love that." Luke whispers into my neck.

"You are my world Luke" I tell him, and I mean it. This seems to motivate Luke. He turns me around so I'm facing him. He gives my face a lick, his warm tongue leaving half my face all wet. I giggle and give him a "good boy" pat on the head before kissing his nose. Luke begins to muzzle my neck. He nips it softly before going down further to my chest. I feel his warm breath as he nips my pecs, making me shudder. He slowly moves down and gives my belly button a lick. Goose bumps appear all over as excitement shoots through me. By the time he reaches my groin I'm flying at full mast. He looks up at me and our eyes meet. I give a slight shiver. He grasps my throbbing member in his warm paw and gives it a slight tug. I gasp. He lowers his head and gives the tip a lick. His tongue sends electricity through my body. "stop...please." I manage to say

"whats wrong?" Luke asks

"Nothing, I just didn't want to come so soon." I reply as I pull him back up into a kiss "and I want it to be your turn" I say a bit lustily. I flip him over so I'm on top. Looking down at his naked body gives me pause. Its a lot to take in, and I savor the moment.

"God your so hot" I say, talking more to myself than to Luke. I swear I can see him blush.

"Thanks, you're quite a looker yourself." Luke replies, and at that I know I blush. He can make me blush at almost any comment, I love it.

I pulled him in for a kiss. I took my time letting my tongue explore his mouth,soon though his tongue was pushing into mine. His tongue was a lot longer than mine and seemed to fill up my mouth. I began a tongue battle with him, as I always do. I could get him to stalemate,but never win. That was ok though, I was going to claim a prize anyway... I pulled out of the kiss and began to rub his chest, I decided to return the favor earlier and began to nip at him, starting on his defined pecs and working my way to his washboard abs. The soft fur tickling my face as I worked lower. I heard Luke murr, and I knew I was doing a good job. I worked my way down to his furry sheath.

"Hello little friend, time to come out and play" I say, trying my turn at a little bit of dirty talk. As though it heard me Luke's lupine member began to poke out. I helped it along with a hand and sooner than later his full length was out. It quickly swelled. Up so close to it, I'm impressed as always. I kiss his fat balls, and begin to lick my way up his shaft. I take my time, knowing it teases Luke. I hear him whine. I make my way to the tip and give it a kiss. The taste of Luke in my mouth sets me into overdrive. I take him into my mouth and tease the tip with my tongue. Luke whines a bit more, I feel his hand on the back of my head as he lightly pushes on it. I know what he wants but I'm going to make him wait.

I wash his foxhood with my tongue, savoring the feel and taste as I go lower. Once again I feel the tip press against the back of my throat. I pull off of him and I begin to lap at his heavy balls. He moans softly, I know he's loving it, and I love doing it for him. I pull one in my mouth and begin to suck, teasing it with my tongue. I do this only for a few moments before going to the other one and doing the same. I'm not satisfied, I put one in my mouth, and open wide. Somehow I manage to fit the other in without hurting Luke. His moan becomes louder as I suck on his ample balls rolling them around with my tongue. I know he wants release, but I'm enjoying this too much to give it to him just yet.

I pull his furry orbs out of my mouth, deciding that I've let him wait long enough. I go to his throbbing member and take him in my mouth. My mouth is coated with his pre, as I bob up and down his shaft. I decide to take him

deep and feel his tip hit my throat. "You're so good at this..." Luke breathes, his body gives a slight shudder. I'd smile if it weren't for a large fox member in my mouth. I feel his shaft slide down my throat and I can feel copious hot pre squirt down it. He gives a slight hump. I begin to hum and he moans even loader, his hands running all over me. I begin to swallow and hum, his hands leave my head to grib the sheets tightly. My lips are down at his knot, and I've taken him as deep as I can. I can tell he is about to release. I'm filled with desire I can't get enough of Luke, enough of knowing that he's in pleasure because of me. I have an ideaI pull off.

"Please don't stop" Luke whines.

"I was just wondering....if you'd maybe...if we could....make love.?" I ask, I can feel my face burning red, as I look up at him a look of surprise is on his face.

"Really? You'd want to...? Well...yea!" Luke replies, I can tell he's excited in more ways than one.

"How should we do this?" I ask, not exactly sure what to do.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything." Luke replies "Just lay down on your stomach" I do so. He straddles my back, and leans down and gives my ear a nip. He kisses my neck, then down my back. He reaches my rear and begins to lick. I feel his tongue reach my hole and give a slight jump as I feel his hot tongue slide across it. He continues to lick for a bit, it feels so good, the stimulation is intense and my throbbing member is pushing into the bed. I moan as he continues for awhile. He stops, and I feel a wet finger press into my hole. I relax and feel it go in. A soft moan escapes my lips as he slides it in and out. After a few minutes of this he stops.

I feel the tip of his member press against me. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I hear Luke say.

"Yes...I want this, I want you inside me." I reply.

I feel pressure build as he pushes, and soon I feel the tip slide into me. I feel a slight pain, and it's a bit uncomfortable, but that feeling passes. Luke pushes in slowly, I feel his tapered cock get thicker as it slowly slides in me. I whimper a little as the deeper he goes the more pain I feel. Eventually he stops and pauses, waiting for me to adjust to the feeling.

"Let me know if I should stop, or if you are in any pain." Luke says a bit concerned. I don't reply, instead I push back slightly. Luke continues pushing in for what seems like an eternity before I feel his knot hit my ring. I can feel his thighs against the back of my legs, and he grabs my hands, we interlock fingers. The feeling of him in me is intense. The tightness, the fullness, the heat of his member is all too much. I can feel hot squirts of pre deep in me. I feel more than just that though, I feel satisfaction, that he's inside me. He slowly pulls back for again what seems like ages until just the tip is in. He pushes back in, slowly.

"Lets change this up." Luke grunts, he pulls out and picks me up then pulls me to the edge of the bed laying me on my back. He stands up so that his hip is level with me. He lines up his malehood and pushes back in slowly, then just as slowly pulls out. He repeats this over the course of several minutes, getting faster each time. I love the feeling of him sliding in and out of me, the feeling of fullness when his knot pushes against my ring. His breathing is getting faster with his pace as he begins to grunt. Soon his heavy balls are slapping mine as he pushes in and out. I begin to moan with each thrust, accompanies by a grunt from Luke. The bed makes a pounding noise as the frame hits the wall with each pounding thrust. I wrap my legs around his waist, he leans down and begins to kiss me.

My hole feels like it's on fire as his cock pounds into me. I begin to push back against him, meeting each thrust. The pleasure in me is mounting. I moan into his mouth. His thrusts become very fast, the sound of his balls slapping my ass, of my moans into him, and of the bed pounding into the wall are all testement to this moment. I'm loving every second of it, feeling so complete. His defined frame above me, the heat of him in me, and the feeling of his fur rubbing against me, all of it almost too much to comprehend. He is practically laying on me, each thrust is rubbing my hard member against the soft fur of his stomach. The stimulation is too much, I groan loudly as an orgasm rocks my body. I can feel my rectum squeeze Luke's hot shaft as I cum. Luke pulls out of the kiss, and his moan turns into a howl as he gives a final thrust, his knot pushing hard into my hole as he unloads in me. I feel his hot seed spray into me, multiple jets one after another. I don't even bother to count, I can feel the pressure in me build as he fills me up. He collapeses on top of me, his hard member still throbbing deep inside me. We just lay there, him on top of me for a long time. Eventually he pulls out, and I feel a bit empty as his now softening member leaves me. I can feel his hot cum dripping from me.

"I've never felt anything so incredible" Luke says, his bright blue eyes peering into mine. I know what he means, I've never felt anything like it, it was almost indescribable. I was just made love to by a sexy strapping young fox and the whole experience only cemented my love for Luke.

"I love you so much" I tell Luke "more than I can ever say"

"You don't have to say anything, I can feel it." Luke says.

I get up and grab a towel to clean myself off. Luke and I head to the shower to wash the sweat and smell of sex off of us. The shower is short, neither of us have much energy left after our lovemaking to do much. Luke picks me up as I go to walk out of the bathroom and carries me to bed.

"I just want you to know that I've never loved you as much as I do right now because every moment with you is like falling in love all over except that love keeps getting stronger each time." Luke says as he sets me down on the bed.

"I was just thinking the same thing." I reply, honestly because I was thinking that exact thought.

We lay snuggle close and let the feeling of each others prescence carry us off to sleep.

I wake up to a horrible screaming noise. Luke is gone and there's a commotion in the hallway. I hear a high picted, tortured scream from the hallway.

"LUKE!" I yell, jumping out of bed.

"Run Kyle! Get out while you can." I hear Luke shout back, his voice sounded strained and scared from the hallway. I sprint into the hallway and see the shadowy yurling as it releases another unsettling scream. Luke charges at it with lamp in hand. The monster swats the lamp away and in one fell swoop slashes Luke with its razor sharp claws. Luke spins around, his white chest and stomach turning scarlet as blood runs from his wounds. A look of shock and terror on his face as he falls to the floor, a moment later I see the life leave his eyes. The monster gives another scream before retreating and dissolving in a smokey haze its work at destroying our bond, on destroying my life is complete.

I wake up screaming shaking and crying. The room dark is still dark. Luke is squeezing me tight.

"Kyle! Kyle! Everything is ok." Luke trys to reassure me.

I just had a nightmare, the worst one I've had, it felt so real, the pain felt so intense from losing Luke. I begin to sob. I know it wasn't real, but I can't it.

"Shh shh it's going to be ok" Luke coos, nuzzling my face. "I'm right here buddy and I'm not going to let you go" this helps calm me a little. I bury my face in his chest, it feels safer there. My body still shaking from the experience. "that must've been some nightmare, I've never seen you like that." Luke says, concern in every word. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I just shake my head, my face still buried in his soft fur. I don't come up for a few minutes, letting the steady beat of his heart reminding me that he's still there. Luke's hands stroke my head. Finally I come from the safety of his chest.

"I just had the worst nightmare, you were....the yurling it....worse than anything I've.....I was so scared." I say weakly, not yet able to say a coherent sentence. "I thought I lost you" I say. Luke scoots back against the headboard so he's sitting up and pulls me into his lap both arms reach around and pull me into him. I grab one of his paws and give it a kiss before tilting my head up and kissing the bottom of his chin.

"I'm not going anywhere Kyle" Luke says reassuringly. I just nod. I can't believe I was tricked by a dream. It was no flashback turned into nightmare like before, so I wasn't prepared. Luke begins to rub all over my body. I close my eyes and revel in the feeling of his soft paws as they travel over my smooth skin. It has a soothing effect and I calm down completely.

Luke begins to nuzzle my neck as he rubs me down, I'm in heaven.

At that moment the shriek of the alarm goes of. Its back. We both jump out of bed and go to the computer. We watch as it appears in the bright harsh light shone by the spotlots set up all around the fence. It appears more solid than last time. It's black, and though it's still surrounded by a smokey haze I think I can make out its eyes as they glow a dark red. It makes its way to the fence. I hold my breath as I hope it makes the same mistake twice. It stops and stares at the fence.

"Come on, come on, grab it you piece of shit!" Luke mutters, I'm a bit shocked as I've never heard Luke curse before, though it's understandable because I was thinking the exact think. The yurling moves, it reaches out and touches the fence. I hear the whine of the fence as electricity rushes through it to the yurling. The now familiar blue arc of electricity and the dim of the lights. I feel oddly comforted knowing that it can't get past, that is until I hear a pop and the floodlights go out.

"Oh no!" I say, knowing that the breaker has been blown, too much current was passing through for too long, the circuit was overloaded. The lights are back on in a few moments as the secondary breaker comes on line. My heart sinks "'s over the fence..." I say softly, not quite believing it. I'm frozen, as though this is a nightmare though I know it's not. Luke moves, he's grabbing clothes. A shirt hits and covers my face.

"Get dressed now!" Luke somewhat shouts. That gets me moving. I dress super fast. I run to the dresser where the shotguns are. I grab mine and throw the other to Luke, along with a box of shells. "Put some in your pockets, in case this gets drawn out." Luke says.

I grab a handheld tablet and turn it on and press the security app, it goes to the camera viewing of the yurling as it makes its slow way through the lawn.

"We can run you know." I tell Luke, as I feel a bit of fear run through me, though the fear isn't for myself.

"No, we have to fight it out now." Luke replies sharply. I know what he says is true, I just wish it wasn't.

I hand him a bracelet to put on, and put an identical one on me. It's a sensor to tell the security system to ignore us to show we're not intruders.

"Lets go." I say grimly, Luke nods, his face serious. We briskly trot down the hall and to the front yard.

"How do we want to do this?" I ask

"I'm not sure." Luke replies

"We have to let it get close, we didn't grab any slug shells and the buckshot won't do much at a distance." I reply, my mind replaying it making it over the fence. If electricity can't stop it, can we?

We wait. It comes within range. I take aim ready to fire.

"Wait" Luke orders. I hesitate.

"Why?" I ask.

"I wanna see it, I wanna see its face." Luke replies "Don't worry, it can't move very fast, I think the electricity took a toll on it, we'll be able to get away if we can't stop it."

I'm not so sure it's worth the risk. I take a few steps ahead of Luke, though I'm off to the left several feet, determined that if the thing were to get close, that if we couldn't get away, that Luke could. My body seems to buzz as adrenaline surges through my veins. Everything seems to move extra slow as I get a natural high from it, my senses seem heightened, and I feel as though I've drank a dozen cups of coffee as energy courses through me.

I stare at the yurling, wondering what kind of lives it led that would turn it into such a twisted monster. It draws within 20 yards. Through the haze I can see that it looks like a werewolf if a werewolf came from the depths of hell. It slowly lumbers towards us. The thing was massive, it must've been over 7 fet tall. It's fur is black and oily looking. Its eyes are red, it's mouth slightly open and I can make out wicked looking teach, not just sharp and pointy but serrated. It looks right at me, those glowing red eyes seem to look into my soul. My body turns cold as though I was doused in ice. I shudder at the sight of it.

I line up my shot. I steady myself.

"Ready?" I ask, not looking away from the yurling.

"Ready" Luke replies

"On my mark" I say, and aim for it's center mass.

My body is jerked back from the shot. My ears ring from the report. Luke fired almost the same time I did, seeing my body tense up. The Yurling jerks back, then takes a step forward. I don't wait, I unload. I rack shell after shell in until the shotgun is unloaded, all in a matter of seconds.

I don't have to reach for more rounds, as I notice the yurling on the ground in a heap. A black liquid seeps from the body. The haze seems to have gotten thicker, then I realize it is getting thicker, soon the body is obscured by dark smoke and all of a sudden it clears. The body is gone, all that remains is the black liquid staining the green grass.

I give a deep sigh "thank god that's over." I look at Luke. He's still gribbing his shotgun tightly, staring at where the beast was slain.

"Hey..are you ok?" I ask Luke concerned.

"What? Oh... I'm fine lets go inside." We do. I don't even bother cleaning the gun, my adrenaline high is gone and I feel as though it was replaced with lead. I make my way to the bedroom, and strip out of my clothes. Luke does the same.

"Lets shower in the moring." I say

"Kyle..I really think..." Luke starts, and I know what he's going to say before he says it. He's going to suggest we leave, go somewhere else, but it will only follow, at least here we have the comfort and safety of the security system, and the privacy from what I can only imagine if people saw Luke. It'd be a different kind of horror, people would demand he be researched, he would be taken and we wouldn't be any more safe from the Yurling.

"Luke, lets just go to bed, we can talk it over in the morning...I'm so drained, I just want to lay down next to you." I say.

Luke stops, he looks like he's about to continue but then a look of resignation takes over.

"ok" is all he says.

We crawl into bed, I can't believe the days events, going from complete joy, satisfaction, intense feelings of love and pleasure, to fear and exhaustion.

I snuggle in close, and this time I wrap my arms around him and pull him into me. I don't want to let him go. It's my way of telling him he can't leave, because I won't let him, because I need him and I know he needs me.

I wait until I hear his breathing get slow and even, so that he's asleep before I close my eyes. I breathe in deep and take in his scent. I can't help but feel content, on top of all the other emotions that ran through me today, because I get to sleep next to my fox and that is a feeling I never want to give up.

End of pt 6

Please leave a rating and comment, they motivate me to write and I really appreciate them.

Important : Part 7 will be the last story in the series. It will answer a lot of questions (I hope) so if you have any please ask them so I know to address them, and also please leave your opinions as it may help me decide some key elements in the story.

Thanks for reading :)